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12 Week Transformation Plan: Fitness & Nutrition Guide

Courtney Black 12 Week Transformation
12 Week Transformation Plan
Courtney Black 12 Week Transformation
Thanks for purchasing this plan, this is a plan
like no other I have done before. It’s a 12 week
program that will completely transform your
body. If you are looking for a serious change,
this is the plan for you.
The plan is split into four phases, with every
three weeks being the start of a new phase.
For best results, you must complete each
phase before moving onto the next one.
Please read the entire guide before starting
as I promise I have covered everything in
great detail.
Please make sure you tag me in any Instagram
stories or posts! And, please feel free to email
me with any questions - I am always happy
to help!
Email: courtneydblack@yahoo.co.uk
Instagram: @courtneydblack
Courtney Black 12 Week Transformation
Progress pictures
and measurements
Both progress pictures and measurements are so
important when tracking progress. To be able to track
your own progress you will need to take pictures the
day you start the guide of front side and back, as well as
measurements of yor back, waist, hips, one leg and one
arm. Do weigh yourself at the start also, as you can also
use this as a way of tracking.
Please feel free to keep me updated, I always love seeing
your progress!
How to take the perfect progress picture
– Stand against a solid wall
– Good lighting in both images is key
– Wipe your lens before taking a picture
– Wear an outfit you look and feel great in
– Smile!
Courtney Black 12 Week Transformation
Top tips and goal setting
Make sure you set GOALS
Goals are to be smart, achievable, measurable and with
a set time frame. Make sure you set both short-term and
long-term goals, as well as physical and mental ones.
Shuffle the sessions around if you need to/ want
to change what days you train certain body parts.
– Take the given rest days on a day that suits you.
– If you cannot do the five sessions per week then
I would suggest cutting out the session you feel
you need the least.
Do not focus on the scales too much, if you look and
feel slimmer and happier then you may have gained
lean muscle mass. Don’t get upset if the scales aren’t
shifting loads.
Courtney Black 12 Week Transformation
Include low calorie
veggies to bulk up
your meals
Do not weigh
yourself every day
Include lean
proteins in most
of your meals
6 rules for
fat loss
Enjoy your
training sessions
and lift some
heavy weights
Limit snacking
to 1 per day
Stay active even if
it means going for a
brisk walk every day
Courtney Black 12 Week Transformation
Reasons you’re falling
off the wagon
Expecting a quick fix
Unrealistic expectations
Restrictive dieting
Focusing solely on
All or nothing approach
Vague goals
A routine you don’t enjoy
Beating yourself up
Waiting for the ‘right time’
rather than starting today
Courtney Black 12 Week Transformation
Tips for staying on track
Don’t expect it to be easy
Be flexible
Set sustainable,
relative goals
Remember why
you started
Pick an enjoyable approach Schedule your workouts
Celebrate achievements
Plan nutrition ahead
Make yourself a priority
Courtney Black 12 Week Transformation
Main meals
1. Nutrition
10 Working out your calories
12 Working out your macros
13 How to create your own meal plan
15 Easy way to reduce calories
16 Dieting styles
18 Meal timing and meal prepping
19 Why you could be bloating
20 Artificial sweeteners
21 Supplements
22 Recipes
2. Training
70 Why lift weights?
72 Choosing a rep range to suit your goal
73 Advanced training techniques
74 Benefits of cardio
75 Types of cardio
76 Workout tips
3. Workouts
78 Week 1, 2 & 3
84 Week 4, 5 & 6
90 Week 7, 8 & 9
96 Week 10, 11 & 12
4. Glossary
103 Lower body
112 Upper body
120 Abs
127 HIIT
133 Full body
Courtney Black 12 Week Transformation
Section one
This is not a personalised nutrition
plan, just nutritional advice.
Courtney Black 12 Week Transformation
Working out your calories
Nobody needs the same amount of calories or will have
the same macros. You need to tailor your daily food plan
to suit your requirements in order to see results. Reading
food labels can give you the impression that everybody
needs the same calories to be healthy… this is not the
case! We all have different bodies, goals, lifestyles and
the way we eat should reflect that.
How to calculate your calories
You need to know your height in inches and your weight
in pounds.
655 + (4.35 x weight) + (4.7 x height)–(4.7 x age in years)
You then need to multiply this by your activity level.
Little 1.2
2–3 sessions per week 1.375
3–5 sessions per week 1.55
6–7 sessions per week 1.725
You can also go online and find a really easy calorie
calculator to work out your calories. For weight loss you
need to be up to 500 calories in deficit which means
eating less than you are burning. You need to slowly do
this so your weight loss doesn’t plateau. I am going to
break this down into four phases for you in this plan.
Courtney Black 12 Week Transformation
Working out your calories
Phase 1 (Week 1–3)
Reduce calories 150 from original calculation
Phase 2 (Week 4–6)
Reduce calories 150 from the calories in phase 1
Phase 3 (Week 7–9)
Reduce calories 150 from the calories in phase 2
Phase 4 (Week 10­–12)
Reduce calories 150 from the calories in phase 3
Lose fatCalorific deficit
You want to make sure you are
eating less than your body is
burning. You can work out your
maintenance calories using
many simple calculators online.
I can also work this out for you
in my basic personalised plan,
which can be found on my
Tone up / Lean muscle
aintenance calories but
following a cleaner diet
Eating the same as you are
Build muscleCalorific surplus
Making sure you are eating
more calories than your body
is burning.
DISCLAIMER–This is not a personalised nutrition plan, just nutritional advice.
Courtney Black 12 Week Transformation
Working out your macros
Macros (short for macro-nutrients) is short for proteins,
fats and carbs. The macros make up all of the calories
you consume. You firstly need to know your TDEE (total
daily energy expenditure) which in short means the total
amount of calories your body burns throughout the day.
To make this nice and simple, I would suggest using an
online calculator.
Each macro-nutrient has calorific values:
Protein 4 calories per gram.
Fat 9 calories per gram
Carbohydrate 4 calories per gram
Protein is the most important in my opinion when getting
into shape. You need to be eating around 1g protein per
pound of bodyweight (e.g. a 100-pound girl should be
aiming for 100 protein per day) then split the rest of your
macros over fats and carbs (find out which works better
for you).
Getting fit while staying lean macros I would recommend
would be 40/30/30 (protein, fats, carbs) this will allow
you to fuel your workouts and repair your muscles and
maintain optimal hormone production which is optimal
for staying lean.
To track your macros and calories easily I suggest using
the ‘My Fitness Pal’ app, it allows you to enter all food you
have eaten throughout the day and even suggests calorie
amounts for you. Or as I have said before my basic diet
plan can do that for you which you can purchase on my
Courtney Black 12 Week Transformation
How to create your
own meal plan
1. Find your targets
Calories = Goal body weight (lbs) x ***
Protein = Goal body weight (lbs) x ***
2. Split those targets into meals
E.g. 3 meals per day
Meal 1
600 calories
40g protein
65g carbs
20g fat
Meal 2
600 calories
40g protein
65g carbs
20g fat
Meal 3
600 calories
40g protein
65g carbs
20g fat
3. List your favourite foods
Lean protein
Chicken breast
Turkey breast
Egg white
Greek yoghurt
Lean steak
Wholewheat bread
Whole fruit
Coconut oil
Olive oil
Nut butter
Egg yolk
4. Build your meals
Courtney Black 12 Week Transformation
I recommend you purchase a food scale, so you can see how
much you are eating, you will be shocked by portion sizes!
Choose foods that you
enjoy but are wholesome
and nutritious
Try and include
protein and veggies
in most meals
Start with your
set calories
How to
create your
own meal
Place your carbohydrates
around your workouts
(If training mid-morning have
a high carb meal for breakfast
and again for lunch)
Choose voluminous foods
(rice over pasta, broccoli over
carrots, egg whites over eggs if
running low on calories)
Courtney Black 12 Week Transformation
Easy ways to reduce calories
– Count your calories–I recommend my fitness pal
– Use less sauce
Cook your own food rather than eating out
or purchasing
– Use smaller plates
– Bulk meals up with low calorie vegetables
When eating out, order dressings on the side (add a
smaller amount or none at all)
– Eat mini versions of sweets or deserts as a ‘treat’
Take your food home when eating out, you won’t feel
like you’ve wasted food but also won’t eat just for the
sake of it
– Chose low calorie alcoholic drinks such as gin and soda
– Change cooking methods (grill over frying for example)
– Don’t drink your calories (protein shakes, sugary drinks,
juices, coffees etc.)
– Don’t add sugar to tea and coffee
– Don’t keep junk and unhealthy snacks in the house
Courtney Black 12 Week Transformation
Dieting styles
1. Intermittent fasting
Going a certain set time eating zero calories (including
from drinks) and eating for a set amount of time.
Generally fasting for 16 hours and eating for 8 hours.
The hours people normally use are 12pm-8pm eating
time. During the fasting time you can drink herbal teas,
water etc. but no milk in coffee etc.. You do not cram
in all your food in 8 hours, the purpose of intermittent
fasting is for fat loss, so it will help you if you are in
a calorific deficit, however you do not want to under
eat during the fasting window. Normally people have
2 meals and 1-2 snacks. You cannot consume BCAAs
when in fasting period.
Greater fat burning
Easy to stick to and has no bad health effects etc..
Eat larger meals
Fits around a lot of peoples work and daily schedules.
2.Small and regular meals
This is my go-to diet (I swear by it!), I wake up as early
as 5am so intermittent fasting doesn’t work well for
me. I stick to having 4-5 smaller meals per day to keep
my metabolism running and working. I follow a clean
and balanced diet where I aim to have 20-30g protein
in every meal. I put my carbs around my workouts (if I
am training in the morning my first 2-3 meals will have
carbs and then decrease after. If I am training later my
last 2 meals will have carbs).
Courtney Black 12 Week Transformation
Dieting styles
3.Ketogenic diet
This is a very low carb (normally maximum 50g carbs
per day), high fat diet. You reduce your carb intake
drastically and replace with fats which puts your body
into a metabolic state of ketosis. Please note, fruit, veg
etc. all have carbohydrate content, so you will need to
do a lot of label reading and research!
Green veg
(low carb)
Olive / coconut /
avocado oil
Fatty nuts
and seeds
Foods that
are good to
include on a
keto diet
(low carb)
Chicken thighs
Cream cheese
Salmon / fatty fish
Courtney Black 12 Week Transformation
Meal timing and meal prepping
1.Place your main portion of carbohydrates pre and
post workout
Make sure both meals have carbohydrates and protein
in. This is a very essential tip. Great carbohydrates for
pre-workout meals are rice, oats, sweet potato etc.. For
post workout a banana is a great form of carbohydrate
as it is fast absorbing.
2.Prep your food for 3 days at a time
Meal prep for Monday- Wednesday on a Sunday
evening. Meal prep for Thursday–Friday on a
Wednesday evening. You can also meal prep for
weekends too!
3.Season your food well
Do not use sauces - they add so many unnecessary
calories. You can buy ready prepared seasoning jars
at all supermarkets (I love using Cajun!)
4.Leave your veggies uncooked
Such as broccoli, green beans–anything that can be
steamed. This way when you reheat your meal prep
your vegetables will cook in the microwave and will
taste a lot fresher (also saves on cooking time).
5.Weigh out all of your snacks
Such as nuts etc. to make sure you don’t over snack.
6.Prep smoothie bags
Put ready prepped smoothie bags (frozen spinach,
berries, banana) in the freezer so all you need to do
when you make a protein smoothie is add the water
or almond milk and ice–saves so much time!
Courtney Black 12 Week Transformation
Why you could be bloating
Sodium and bloating
Having too much sodium in your diet can cause bloating
/ water retention, especially around your lower stomach.
This can be from using too much seasoning, salt, sauces
etc.. I have become more conscious of my sodium intake
and it has made a massive difference and I have felt a
lot better from being aware of how much sodium I am
consuming. You can also reduce bloating by finding out
what foods make you bloated… for me gluten, dairy and
leafy vegetables such as broccoli make me bloated, but
everyone differs so see what works best for you.
Looking leaner in
the morning when
your stomach is empty
– Painful distension
Bad reaction to
certain foods
Mild distension after
eating or drinking
– Persistent appetite loss
Gas formation as a result
of carbs being broken
down (higher fibre)
Unusual rapid weight
loss even though you
aren’t trying
Courtney Black 12 Week Transformation
Artificial sweeteners
Please try and cut these down as much as possible.
Replacing sugar with sugar free drinks, sweeteners in
coffees etc. is not the best solution. I personally find they
make you crave sugar more (but that is my own personal
opinion). You may have them from time to time, but I
recommend you cut them out as much as possible.
Courtney Black 12 Week Transformation
I recommend you purchase the following supplements
to aid your journey (however they are not necessary).
These are the best suited for the 12 week transformation
Take during your workout to aid recover
If you need an extra kick (do not take at evening)
Protein powder
Take post workout if you cannot get in a proper meal
Great for fat loss
Courtney Black 12 Week Transformation
23Bruschetta with Smashed Avocado & Broad
Bean, topped with Salsa & Smoked Salmon
25 Banana Pancakes
27 Mixed Berry Smoothie Bowl
29 Overnight Oats 4 ways
31 Spicy Omelette
Main meals
33 Aubergine Shakshuka
36 Chicken Taco Lettuce Wrap
38High Protein Noodles with Broccoli
40 Salmon with Sweet Potato Mash
43 Almond Coated Cod Loin with Lemon & Garlic
45 Spicy Wholesome Tagine
48 Miso Aubergine
50 Tarka Dal
53Chocolate-Dipped Watermelon with
Chopped Hazelnuts
55 Ryvita with Soft White Cheese
57 Berry Almond Smoothie
59 Oatmeal Energy Protein Balls 4 ways
61 Mojito Blueberry Lime BCAA Lollies
63 Blueberry Bakewell Oats
65 Green Smoothie
67 Celery Juice
Photography by @rahimagoga
Courtney Black 12 Week Transformation
Bruschetta with Smashed
Avocado & Broad Bean, topped
with Salsa & Smoked Salmon
Courtney Black 12 Week Transformation
125g Shelled broad beans
50g Smoked salmon
½ Ripe avocado, stoned and
1 Red chilli, de-seeded and thinly
sliced (optional)
2 Large sweet vine tomatoes,
1 tsp Olive oil
5g Fresh coriander, chopped
5g Parsley, chopped
½ Lime, juiced
1 Slice sour dough or ciabatta
Sea salt & pepper (to taste)
1. B
lanch the broad beans in boiling water for
2-3mins. Drain and refresh under cold water,
then squeeze to remove the outer skins.
2. P
ut the beans, avocado, chilli, coriander and
most of the lime juice in a bowl. Mash until
3. In a separate bowl, combine tomatoes (remove
seeds), parsley, olive oil, salt, pepper and
balsamic vinegar.
Brush the bread with olive oil and sprinkle with
sea salt. Grill for 2mins each side until lightly
charred. Gently spread the avocado bean mash
on top, followed by the salsa mix above.
Pile the mixture on top and add smoked
salmon. Finish with the remaining lime juice
and black pepper.
Courtney Black 12 Week Transformation
Banana Pancakes
Pancakes you can whip up in 10 mins (gluten free option
available). Scatter with a topping of your choice.
Serves approx. 4 pancakes depending on size
Courtney Black 12 Week Transformation
1 small-medium (ripe) banana
2 large eggs
1 cup oats or 1 tbsp almond flour
(gluten free option)
½ tsp baking powder (optional
2 tbsp sugar free maple syrup/
manuka honey
1 tsp cinnamon powder
Optional (add 1 scoop protein
powder for higher protein)
Mash banana with a fork in a bowl and mix in 1
cup of oats. Alternatively, you could replace the
oats for almond flour and baking powder for a
gluten free option.
Add in 2 whisked eggs.
Pan fry on a non-stick pan at medium heat with
½ tsp oil. Spoon the pancake into the pan,
cook for 1-2 mins each side. Cook until some
bubbles appear on top and the underside is
golden brown and crisp. Repeat the process
with ½ tsp oil and the remaining batter.
4. T
op the pancakes with strawberries, raspberries,
blueberries, banana and roasted hazelnuts. Use
toppings of your choice.
5. Drizzle 30ml sugar free maple syrup/honey
If using oats blend the batter thoroughly until
completely smooth, do not whisk!
Courtney Black 12 Week Transformation
Mixed Berry Smoothie Bowl
It’s a great healthy breakfast full of nutrients and
antioxidants. Berry-licious way to start your day!
Serves 2 people
Courtney Black 12 Week Transformation
1 ½ Cup Frozen mixed berries
½ frozen ripe Banana (sliced and
¾ cup unsweetened coconut/
almond milk
1 scoop Vanilla Protein Powder
Organic Honey (optional)
Toppings optional
– Sliced almonds
– Pistachios
– Blueberries
– Raspberries
– Strawberries
–Unsweetened desiccated
Place the frozen berries, banana, protein
powder or honey (optional) and milk in the
blender and blend on low until a thick and
smooth mixture forms. You may need too add
more milk if the consistency is to thick.
2. D
ivide the smoothie evenly between two bowls
and top with fresh berries, desiccated coconut,
pistachios, chia seeds or any other healthy
toppings as desired.
Adjust if altering batch size
Use avocado for a thicker and smoother smoothie.
Other ingredients that would be great to use to
thicken your smoothie are oats, ice, whey protein,
pumpkin puree, nut butter and yoghurt.
– Flex Seeds
– Chia Seeds
– Cocoa Nibs
Courtney Black 12 Week Transformation
Overnight Oats 4 Ways
Giving you an instant healthy breakfast the next morning.
Breakfast will never be boring again! So simple to make
ahead of time, a great way to start your day.
Courtney Black 12 Week Transformation
Jars (airtight glass jars)
Add 1 cup organic rolled oats
1 scoop Protein Powder
1 tsp Cinnamon Powder
1 tbs Chia seeds
½ cup low fat Greek yogurt
1 cup unsweetened almond milk
1 tbs sugar free maple syrup/
honey (optional)
Place all the ingredients into a bowl. Evenly
distribute the mixture into the jars. Use one of
options below, drizzle sugar free maple syrup
and enjoy!
For a vegan option, you can substitute out the
Greek yoghurt for a plant-based yoghurt. Or no use
any yoghurt. If you find the consistency too thick in
the morning, add a little more milk.
–Strawberries, Raspberries
mashed and puréed
–Blueberries, cocoa nibs with
desiccated coconut
–Cinnamon, diced apples, crushed
walnuts and raisins
–Banana sliced, cinnamon,
crushed pecans, peanut butter
and dark chocolate chip
Courtney Black 12 Week Transformation
Spicy Omelette
Courtney Black 12 Week Transformation
1 tbsp Coconut Oil
2 garlic clove finely chopped
or grated
1 small red onion, finely chopped
¼ peppers diced
1 medium tomato chopped
½ green chilli (remove seeds),
finely chopped
1tsp Cumin seeds
1tsp Turmeric Powder
1tsp Coriander powder
2 eggs
1tsp salt
1tsp ground pepper
1. H
eat oil in a non-stick frying pan add cumin
seeds, garlic, red onions, tomato, green chilli.
Cook for 2-3mins until soft. Add you spices
and cook for a further minute.
2. W
hisk 2 eggs and spinach together in a small
bowl and season with salt and pepper. Add the
egg mixture to the pan and swirl the pan to let
the raw mixture flow to the edges, as it starts
to set.
Once the omelette mixture is cooked
underneath. Carefully flip the omelette over
or transfer the pan under the grill and cook for
a couple of minutes; until the top is just starting
to set and looks golden. Lastly garnish with
1 small bunch spinach,
roughly chopped
1 small bunch coriander,
roughly chopped
Courtney Black 12 Week Transformation
Aubergine Shakshuka
The classic traditional shakshuka recipe for breakfast or any meal of the day. A
delicious Middle Eastern egg dish, full of herbs and spices. Vegetarian, gluten
free, healthy and nutritional. Great to share with the family.
Serves 2-4 people
Courtney Black 12 Week Transformation
2 small aubergine
Garlic olive oil to brush
2 tsp garlic powder
Small bunch chopped parsley
Small bunch chopped coriander
1 tablespoon paprika
1 red chilli, finely chopped
Pinch of salt
Sauce Mixture
1 tbsp olive oil
1/2 red onion, peeled and diced
1 tsp cumin seeds
2 clove garlic, finely chopped
1 Green Chilli, chopped (optional,
careful it’s spicy!)
1/2 bell pepper, de-seeded and
4 cups ripe diced tomatoes, or 1
can (400g) diced/plum tomatoes
1. S
lice the aubergine into 1cm discs. Brush each
side with olive oil and place in a single layer on
the baking tray.
2. B
ake for 25 minutes, 180 degrees/gas mark
4, turning over after 15 minutes so both sides
cook evenly.
3. M
eanwhile, combine the garlic powder, parsley,
coriander and chilli in a medium bowl.
When the aubergine is cooked, remove from
the oven. Chop into smaller pieces (usually
quarters works well) and add to the spice mix.
Stir to combine.
5. H
eat a deep, large skillet or large pan on
medium. Slowly warm olive oil in the pan.
Add chopped onion, sauté for a few minutes
until the onion begins to soften. Add garlic with
green chilli (optional) and sprinkle cumin seeds
and continue to sauté till mixture is fragrant. 4-6 eggs
Continued on next page
Courtney Black 12 Week Transformation
1 tsp cayenne pepper
1 tsp paprika
1 tsp turmeric
1 tsp coriander powder
Sea salt and freshly ground
black pepper, to taste
Herbs for garnish
Small bunch of coriander,
roughly chopped
Small bunch of parsley,
roughly chopped
7.Add the diced bell pepper, sauté for 5 minutes
over medium until softened.
8. A
dd tomatoes blended or diced. Add spices
and stir and allow mixture to simmer over
medium heat for 5-7 minutes until it starts to
reduce. Make sure the sauce is not too runny,
but it mustn’t be too dry, either. If it does look
dry, add another splash of water. When the
sauce is reduced add the aubergine spice
mixture to the tomatoes in the pan. Stir to
combine and bring to a simmer.
Taste the mixture and spice it according to your
preferences. Add salt and pepper to season.
10.Make 4-6 little wells in the sauce. One at a
time, break the eggs into a cup and drop them
carefully into the wells. Making sure to space
them evenly over the sauce. Cover and cook for
a few more minutes until the whites are just set
and the yolks are still runny.
11.Use the other half of the herbs to garnish on
Scatter crumbled feta on top and serve with crusty
ciabatta bread and spinach.
Courtney Black 12 Week Transformation
Chicken Taco Lettuce Wrap
Lettuce wraps filled with spicy chicken, avocado, tomato and
topped with cilantro lime sauce. This is a delicious and a healthy
nutritious low-carb meal.
Serves 2 people
Courtney Black 12 Week Transformation
Taco Seasoning
1 tsp chilli powder
1 tsp turmeric powder
1 tsp coriander powder
1 tsp paprika
1 tsp salt
1 tsp garlic powder
1 tsp dried onion
1 tsp oregano
1 tsp black pepper
Marinade Chicken Breast
450g chicken breast
1 tbsp olive oil
1 tbsp ginger, garlic paste
1 tsp lime juice
Add Taco seasoning
Cilantro Sauce
1 small bunch cilantro
3 mint leaves
The key is to let the chicken marinate for at
least 30 minutes. Pierce the chicken breasts
with a knife all over to ensure the marinade can
seep into the chicken to make it juicy. An ideal
marinating time is 4 – 5 hours or up to 24 hours.
2. P
lace the chicken under the grill, set your grill
at medium heat. Allow it to preheat before
adding the chicken. To keep the chicken from
sticking, brush a bit of oil on the grill. Cook for
about 5 – 8 minutes per side, depending on
the thickness of the chicken breast. The chicken
needs to reach 165 degrees to ensure that it is
completely cooked through. Let chicken rest for
few minutes and dice in cubes.
3. T
o make the cilantro sauce, combine all
ingredients in a blender for 1 minute and blend
until smooth and creamy.
4. P
lace about 3 tablespoons chicken mixture in
each lettuce leaf, top evenly with cucumber,
pomegranate, tomatoes, onions, and avocado.
Drizzle evenly with cilantro sauce or your
favourite taco sauce.
1/2 cup Greek Yogurt
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 clove garlic minced
¼ fresh green chilli
Juice of 1/2 lime
Pinch of salt
4 Lettuce leaves
½ Avocado
2 tbsp Pomegranate
2 small cucumbers
½ small red onion diced
1 small bunch coriander,
roughly chopped
Courtney Black 12 Week Transformation
High Protein Noodles with
Broccoli Tender-stem
Serves 2 people
Courtney Black 12 Week Transformation
2 eggs
125g High Protein Noodles
2 tbs Dark Soya Sauce
1 tbsp rice wine vinegar
1 tsp Natural Honey
2 tsp toasted sesame oil
220g tender-stem broccoli, ends
2 garlic cloves, thinly sliced
1 tsp sesame seeds
1.Put a large pot of water to boil. Once the
water’s boiling, use a large spoon to gently
lower the eggs into the water. Turn the heat off
and let eggs cook for 9-15 minutes, depending
on the size. (Note: For soft-boiled eggs, cook
for 6-8 minutes)
2. A
dd the noodles to a saucepan, cover with
boiling water and place on medium-high
heat. Simmer for four minutes, then drain in a
colander, drizzle with oil and set aside.
3. M
eanwhile, make the dressing by mixing the
soya sauce, vinegar, ginger and honey in a
bowl; set aside.
3. T
ransfer the eggs to a bowl of cold water. Drain
the noodles, toss with 1 tsp sesame oil, then
divide between 2 bowls.
4. S
et a wok over high heat. Add 3 tbsp water and
the broccoli and stir-fry for 3 mins. Add 1 tsp
sesame oil and the garlic and stir-fry for another
1-2 mins until the garlic is just turning golden.
Place on top of the noodles and spoon over the
dressing. Peel and halve the eggs and add to
the bowls. Scatter with toasted sesame seeds.
Courtney Black 12 Week Transformation
Salmon with Sweet Potato Mash
This healthy lemon garlic salmon has a unique twang and taste
great with sweet potatoes mash, it’s easy to make and ready in
under 15 mins. Only a handful of ingredients!
Courtney Black 12 Week Transformation
2 salmon portions skin-on
½ tsp Himalayan salt
½ ground black pepper
2 tbsp sugar free maple syrup/
honey (optional)
1 tbsp soya sauce
3 tbsp fresh lemon juice
4 cherry tomatoes
4 asparagus spears
4 tender broccoli stems
4 garlic cloves crushed
Ginger small chunk, grated
2 tsp mixed herbs
½ tsp sesame seeds
½ tsp chilli flakes
3 leaves Choi Sum
Sweet Potato Mash
1 unpeeled medium sweet potato
(cut into wedges)
1.Marinate salmon portions with salt, pepper,
maple syrup/honey and soya sauce.
2. C
ut the sweet potato in to wedges with skin
on. Put potato wedges, into a glass bowl with
the lime wedges. Cover with cling film and
microwave on high for 2-4 mins until completely
3. R
emove the lime wedges and roughly mash
the sweet potato with the skin on, using a fork.
Season with salt & pepper, to taste and garnish
with fresh thyme, if desired.
4. H
eat a large heavy skillet or frying pan over
medium-high heat. Add in olive oil and heat
for 30 seconds. Place salmon portions into the
skillet, starting with the skin side up. Sear 3 to 4
minutes, then flip over and sear the other side
for a further 3 minutes. Adding cherry tomatoes
and asparagus at this point. Move salmon and
veg towards the edges of the pan. Leave space
in the middle for the following steps.
1 lime
Salt & pepper (to taste)
Fresh Thyme (optional)
Continued on next page
Courtney Black 12 Week Transformation
5.Pour lemon juice into empty area of skillet add
in garlic cloves and ginger sauté for 60 seconds.
Spoon garlic lemon juice over salmon and cook
until fish is cooked through and flakes easily
with a fork.
6.Sprinkle mixed herbs, sesame seeds and chilli
flakes on top of salmon fillets.
7.Meanwhile steam the Choi Sum and dress with
sesame oil.
8. A
ssemble. First place the mash in a round
shape cutter, which holds its shape. Followed
by Choi Sum, then slowly sit the fish on top and
serve immediately with vegetables.
Eating the skin will add more nutrition to your plate
such as fibre and potassium.
Courtney Black 12 Week Transformation
Almond Coated Cod Loin
with Lemon and Garlic
I love crumbed fish and using ground almonds alongside lemon zest
is a beautiful, fresh, healthy and tasty alternative to breadcrumbs. It is
wheat free, gluten free, sugar free, low carb and high in nutrients.
Courtney Black 12 Week Transformation
1. Pre-heat oven to 200 degrees/ gas mark 6.
280g Cod Loin
Marinade the fish with the ingredients listed.
Marinade Fish
1 tsp Garlic Paste
1 tbs Lemon Juice
1 tbs Mixed Herbs
1/3 cup Almond Flour
1 tsp mixed herbs
1 tsp sweet paprika
1 tsp salt
½ tsp ground pepper
Small bunch finely chopped
½ lemon, zested
Lemon Juice Mixture
5 tbsp fresh lemon juice
5 tbsp olive oil
1 tbsp melted butter
5 garlic cloves
1 ginger grated
3. In a separate bowl, mix the coating ingredients
4. P
at the fish fillet dry. Dip fish in the lemon juice
mixture then dip in the flour mixture and coat
well. Shake off excess flour.
5.Heat 2 tbsp olive oil in a cast iron skillet over
medium heat (watch the oil doesn’t burn). Add
fish and sear for 1-2 mins on each side, only
turning once, give it colour but not cooked
6.Reduce the heat, gently move the fish to the
edge of the skillet or remove fish from skillet.
Add the lemon juice mixture to the middle.
Cook for 30 seconds, stirring until fragrant but
not brown. Spoon the mixture over the fish
7. B
ake in heated oven, until it begins to flake
easily with a fork. Depending on the size of the
fish ensure you check your fish regularly approx.
10 mins. Remove from heat and garnish with
chopped parsley.
Courtney Black 12 Week Transformation
Spicy Wholesome Tagine
Courtney Black 12 Week Transformation
1 tbs olive oil
1 onion, peeled and diced
1 cinnamon stick
1 fresh green chilli de-seeded and
chopped (optional)
8 garlic cloves, minced
20g fresh ginger, grated
2 carrots diced
1 parsnip diced
1 small sweet potato peeled and
100g russet potato (1 medium
size) peeled and diced
100g butternut squash peeled and
2 tbsp harissa paste
1 tin of chickpeas, liquid drained
1 tsp ground coriander
In a large deep heavy-duty pot or casserole
dish, heat olive oil over medium heat. Add
cinnamon stick and onions -sauté for 5 minutes,
tossing regularly. Add ground spices, ginger,
garlic and green chilli and cook for another
couple of minutes.
Add the harissa paste, stir for another few
minutes until aromatic, then add the potatoes,
squash, parsnip and carrots. Add tomato
passata, turn the heat down and cook, stirring
frequently for 5-10 mins.
Add the chickpeas, stock and season. Bring
to a boil and add the apricots. Place the lid
and leave to simmer on a low heat for 50
mins. Optional - cover and transfer to the
oven (Preheat the oven to 190 degrees/Gas
5). Cook for 30 mins, then stir and cook for a
further 20 mins; until the tagine is thick and the
vegetables are tender.
1 tsp ground cinnamon
Continued on next page
Courtney Black 12 Week Transformation
1/2 tsp ground turmeric
Pinch of saffron threads
Squeeze of lemon
500g tomato passata
1 litre vegetable stock
40g dried apricot chopped
Salt & pepper to taste
1 Small bunch of coriander,
roughly chopped
4. G
arnish the tagine with the chopped coriander
and saffron threads and serve with freshly
cooked couscous or rice. Add a squeeze of
lemon over the dish, to give it an extra citrus
Test if the vegetables are tender by piercing the
vegetables with the tip of a knife, if it goes in easily,
they’re ready. This dish is suitable for freezing; in
fact, ideal for meal prepping, freezing will intensify
its flavour.
Courtney Black 12 Week Transformation
Miso Aubergine
Japanese flavours are often deep, salty, sweet and hot but always
balanced. This dish elevates aubergine to the next level. Once scored, its’
flesh absorbs the miso marinade and caramelises when baked.
Courtney Black 12 Week Transformation
2 large aubergines
4 tsp white miso paste
2 tsp runny honey
1 tbsp Soya Sauce
1 tsp toasted sesame oil
1-inch piece root ginger, peeled
and grated
1 clove garlic, peeled and crushed
1 tbsp chilli garlic flakes
5 tbsp boiling water
To serve
Sweet Ramiro pointed peppers
(roasted – optional)
2 tsp sesame seeds
1 Spring Onion, finely chopped
Sweet peppers feta
1. M
ake a paste, in a shallow dish, stir together
the ingredients above for the marinade. Add
just enough boiling water to loosen the miso
and honey.
Slice the aubergine in half lengthwise, then
score the flesh with a knife, cutting deep into
the flesh without piercing the skin. Make a
diagonal cut about an inch apart and then
repeat in the other direction.
3. P
lace the aubergine in a dish, cut side down.
Make sure the flesh of the slits is smeared with
half the marinade. Leave to marinade for at
least 20-30 mins.
4. M
eanwhile preheat the oven to 200°C/gas mark
6, prior when ready to roast.
Remove the aubergine from the marinade and
place cut-side on a baking tray aligned with
baking paper. Making sure the baking paper is
large enough to wrap the aubergine. Bring the
edges of the baking paper together, make a
little parcel. Place in the oven and roast for 20
6. A
fter 20 mins open the parcel. Smear the
aubergines with the other half of the miso
mixture and drizzle with a little sesame oil.
Return to oven and roast uncovered for another
20-30mins or until the flesh is very tender and
the tops are caramelised.
Remove from oven and add scattered sesame
seeds and spring onions. Allow this to cool
before digging in.
Courtney Black 12 Week Transformation
Tarka Dal
Tarka Dhal is creamy lentil dish known for its aromatic Indian flavours. Low
in calories, basically fat free, high in fibre, full of good protein. This hearty
dal is a meal in itself but can be served with a little rice or warm naan.
Courtney Black 12 Week Transformation
Boil lentils
1 & 1/2 cups mung dal (lentils)
1 tsp turmeric
2 tsp salt
1 small tomato chopped
2 tsp coriander & cumin powder
¾ tsp garam masala
2 tbs ghee (clarified butter)
1 small onion chopped
5 garlic cloves chopped
2-3 fresh green chillies
5 fresh curry leaves
Wash the lentils, drain the water, place the
lentils and a litre of water into a pan, add
turmeric and salt. Stir well and bring to the boil.
Skim off any froth that forms on the surface of
the water with a spoon. Cover the pan with a
lid and reduce the heat to a simmer. Simmer,
stirring regularly, for 20-30 minutes or until the
lentils are just tender, adding more water if
Once the lentils are cooked add in fresh
tomatoes, garam masala and coriander powder.
Set the mixture aside to thicken and cool.
3. M
eanwhile, heat the ghee in a pan over a
medium heat. Add spices (listed above) and
cook for 20-30 seconds, until fragrant. You will
find the cumin seeds and mustard seeds will
begin to pop. Add onions, garlic, green chillies
and curry leaves and fry for 4-5 minutes or until
Continued on next page
Courtney Black 12 Week Transformation
2 tsp cumin seeds
1 tbsp mustard seeds
1 cinnamon stick
1 cardamom
1 black cardamom
1 star anise
Once golden brown, pour ghee mixture (tarka)
over the lentils and stir well. Combine the
mixture and add salt to taste, if required and stir
in chopped coriander leaves including stem for
extra fragrance.
5. S
erve hot and squeeze a lemon just before
2 peppercorns
2 cloves
1 handful chopped fresh coriander
A squeeze of lemon
Serve with (optional)
Bulgur Wheat
Brown Rice/white rice
Coriander and garlic naan
Courtney Black 12 Week Transformation
Chocolate-Dipped Watermelon
with Chopped Hazelnuts
Courtney Black 12 Week Transformation
1/2 small watermelon
(approx. 1kg)
Peeled and cut onto cubes
125g dark chocolate
50g hazelnuts, very finely
Spread the watermelon in a single layer on a
baking try lined with non-stick baking paper
and freeze for 3-4 hours until almost fully frozen.
Melt the chocolate in a small heatproof bowl
set over (but not touching) a pan of simmering
water. Put the chopped almonds in a shallow
Piece a watermelon with a fork, then dip half
into melted chocolate and coat with hazelnuts
and to return to baking paper, chocolate side
up; repeat with the remaining watermelon.
Keep in the freezer for up to 1 week. Serve
frozen or defrost for 5mins before serving.
Try dark chocolate with other fruits e.g.
strawberries and bananas.
Courtney Black 12 Week Transformation
Ryvita with Soft White Cheese
Courtney Black 12 Week Transformation
2 Ryvita Red Quinoa and Sesame
Protein Crispbreads
3tbs Lactofree Soft White Cream
¼ Ripe Avocado (chopped)
¼ beetroot (chopped)
A Handful Mixed Salad
1tbs Balsamic Vinegar
75g Smoked Salmon
1tbs Olive Oil
½ cup Cherry Tomatoes
3 spear Asparagus
3 Tender stem Broccoli
1tsp Cayenne Pepper
1 Kiwi
½ cup Blueberries
1tsp Salt & Pepper
1. C
oat the asparagus, cherry tomatoes and
broccoli in little olive oil.
Put you griddle pan over a high heat. When
it’s heated through, add the ingredients above
and season with cayenne pepper, salt and black
Cook for 1-2mins, tuning occasional until tender
Check if the asparagus is done by lifting a spear
out of the griddle pan with tongs. If it bends
slightly, it’s ready.
5. S
pread the Lactofree Soft White Cheese on the
crispbreads and topped with roasted tomatoes,
avocado and Smoked salmon.
6. P
ile handful of mixed salad onto your plate and
dot over the kiwi, blueberries and beetroot.
Drizzle lightly with Balsamic Vinegar.
Courtney Black 12 Week Transformation
Berry Almond Smoothie
Courtney Black 12 Week Transformation
40g Strawberries
Combine all the ingredients in a blender
and mix until smooth.
40g Blueberries
40g Raspberries
10g Almonds
1tsp Chia Seeds
1.5g Basil
200ml Unsweetened Almond Milk
½ Cup ice
1 scoop strawberry/vanilla
Protein Powder
Courtney Black 12 Week Transformation
Oatmeal Energy
Protein Balls 4 ways
Each combination brimming with Omega 3, loaded
with iron & zinc and rich in magnesium & fibre
Serves approx. 20- 24
balls depending on size
Courtney Black 12 Week Transformation
1 1/2 cups rolled oats
2 Scoops vanilla whey protein
½ tsp cinnamon powder
1 tsp chia seeds
½ cup crunchy natural peanut
3 tbs natural organic honey
1/3 cup dark chocolate chips,
raisins, cocoa nibs, desiccated
coconut or add (preferred
2-4 tbs unsweetened almond milk
– 2 tbs desiccated coconut, 2
tsp hazelnuts and 2 tbs dark
chocolate chip
– 1 tbsp gojis, 1 tbsp Cocoa nibs,
1 tsp hemp and 1 tsp mulberries
– 2 tbs raisins and 1 tbsp pecans
– 1 tbsp milled flaxseed and 2
tbsp dark chocolate
1. In a large bowl combine oats, protein powder,
cinnamon and chia seeds using a spatula.
2. A
dd in peanut butter, honey and vanilla extract.
Stir to combine.
3. S
lowly add in almond milk 1 tablespoon at a
time with your hands (don’t be afraid to get
dirty!) Combine until it comes together in a
sticky ball that holds together.
4. M
ixture should be slightly sticky but still
crumbly batter. If mixture is too dry, add in more
liquid or a bit more peanut butter and honey. If
the mixture is too sticky, add a bit more oats.
Divide the batter in 4 equal part using a
weighing scale. Approx. 95g each.
6. F
or each batter combine your preferred addin (view below). Mix well until everything is
combined. Cover and refrigerate for 10 mins.
This will make it easier to bind.
Roll into balls with your hands. Place in a
container to set in the fridge for at least 30
minutes. Store in fridge until ready to eat.
Courtney Black 12 Week Transformation
Mojito Blueberry Lime
BCAA Lollies
Making lollies with BCAA powder is a great way to stay cool on a hot
summer’s day. Staying hydrated, whilst providing you with some added
protein. Incredibly simple to make.
Courtney Black 12 Week Transformation
1 scoops BCAA (Lime flavour)
1 cup water
35 mint leaves
¾ cup lime juice
6oz Blueberries
Lolly Pop Moulds
1. P
our into 10 popsicle moulds, filling a ¾ of the
way up. Toss one fresh mint leaf and around 5
blueberries into each mould (depending on size
of mould). Fit with lolly pop stick and freeze for
at least 4 hours, preferably overnight.
Change it up! Alternatively use a different flavour
BCAA and fruits. Why not try with protein powder
for a heavier, creamier texture? For a more intense
taste add an extra scoop of BCAA powder.
Courtney Black 12 Week Transformation
Blueberry Bakewell Oats
This recipe for Blueberry Bakewell is the perfect excuse to whip
out the baking dish in the morning. You could even have these
Bakewell Baked Oats for dinner or dessert!
Courtney Black 12 Week Transformation
80g Porridge oat
2 tbsp Milled Seeds with
Flax & Chia
20g Ground Almonds
Preheat the oven to 180C/ gas mark 4.
Mix together all the ingredients except the
blueberries until well combined and spoon into
two small shallow baking dishes.
Dot with the blueberries pushing them into the
170ml Almond Unsweetened drink
70g Plain Unsweetened yoghurt
½ tsp Almond Extract (optional)
100g Frozen Blueberries
2 tbsp. Maple Syrup sugar free,
plus extra to serve
Bake in the oven for 20 minutes or until set with
a lightly coloured crust on top.
5. Drizzle with a little extra maple syrup and serve!
Courtney Black 12 Week Transformation
Green Smoothie
This green smoothie is a great way to get some health and goodness
into your body. Packed full of healthy ingredients. It’s filling enough for
breakfast or great as an afternoon pick-me-up.
Courtney Black 12 Week Transformation
1 medium banana (previously
peeled, frozen and quartered)
1/2 cup mixed frozen berries
1 tbsp flaxseed
Place all ingredients in a blender and blend
until creamy, adding more almond milk or
frozen berries (or bananas) to thin/thicken,
respectively. Serve immediately or freeze to
enjoy later. Although it is best when fresh.
1 tbsp natural peanut butter
1/2 - 3/4 cup unsweetened vanilla
almond milk
2 cups fresh spinach
Courtney Black 12 Week Transformation
Celery Juice
Celery juice is very high in vitamin K which promotes general bone and
heart health. It is high in vitamin C which is critical for your immune system.
It also contains anti-inflammatory properties.
Courtney Black 12 Week Transformation
4 whole celery stalks
1 bunch curly kale roughly
1 large cucumber
1 large granny smith green apple
1/2 lemon
1 -inch of ginger
1tsp cinnamon powder
1.If your juicer has a “high” and “low” setting,
run the celery, kale and cucumber through first
on the LOW setting.
Then switch it to HIGH and run the apple,
lemon, cinnamon powder and ginger through
the juicer.
Drink the juice right away or save it in an airtight
mason jar for up to 24 hours in the fridge.
Courtney Black 12 Week Transformation
Section two
Courtney Black 12 Week Transformation
Creates curves
Growing muscle on your
legs and back will create
the illusion of a smaller
and more feminine waist
W h y li f t w
Burns calories
A weight session with the
correct intensity can burn
more calories than a cardio
session! You also burn more
calories at rest when you
have greater muscle mass
Adds routine and gives
you a plan of what to do
when you are in the gym.
Relieves stress
Courtney Black 12 Week Transformation
Why lift weights?
60% Quick fixes
40% Cardio
What most
people do
25% Lifting
60% Nutrition
What you
should do
10% Stress/sleep
5% Cardio
Courtney Black 12 Week Transformation
Choosing a rep range
to suit your goal
6–8 repsLow rep/heavy weight
This is also known as ‘strength training’.
This is performed to increase muscle mass
to recruit muscle fibres to grow the muscles.
Good for muscle growth.
8–12 repsModerate reps
Time under tension increases, keeping
tension on the muscle for a longer period
of time. This is the most common rep
range used.
15–20 reps High reps
This is great for leaning out. One of my
favourite rep ranges. Great for fat loss due
to the increased glycogen in the muscles.
Using this rep range will make your workouts
very intense.
These are the two rep ranges we are going to focus on in
this plan. We will mix the two for the best effective results.
Courtney Black 12 Week Transformation
Advanced training techniques
These are amazing for increasing the intensity of your
weight sessions and increasing the number of calories
burned. They will also recruit more muscle fibres and are
essential for gaining muscle mass.
Super sets
Two exercises performed back to back with no rest.
Perfect way to add cardio into your weight session if you
are running low on time, or great for tiring the muscle as
you can perform two exercises on the same muscle group.
Can also be performed on alternate body parts.
Drop sets
A drop set is the same exercise twice, no resting in
between but lowering the weight. In simple terms, start
on a heavier weight and max out how many reps you can,
then drop the weight to around 1/3 and perform as many
reps as you can. This is really hard if you do to failure (keep
dropping until you cannot perform any more reps)–This
will not really be possible at home as you need a varied
range of weights.
Pyramid sets
This can be done either descending or full. Performing
the same exercise increasing the weight and decreasing
the reps each set. If you then do a full pyramid, you would
decrease the weight and increase the reps to get back to
your starting weight. This is amazing for building strength
in compound lifts. Again, will be difficult to do at home
using a limited range of weights.
Courtney Black 12 Week Transformation
Burning extra
calories and
using cardio as
a great warm
up tool
Increased metabolism
The higher the intensity of the
cardio session, the higher your
heart rate (increased metabolic
rate). HIIT training in particular will
increase the metabolism due to the
EPOC effect
of cardio
Better recovery
Reduces DOMs and
muscle soreness
Health benefits
Reduces the rate
of diabetes and
heart disease
Courtney Black 12 Week Transformation
Types of cardio
HIIT Cardio
HIIT training is the perfect cardio for fat burning. It causes
your body to burn fat throughout the day even after
exercise. My favourite way to do this is by doing sprints.
HIIT is any workout that alternates between intense bursts
of activity followed by a less intense burst or rest. (E.g.
sprint to walk or sprint to rest). The aim is to reach 80-95%
maximum heart rate when performing the intense burst.
LIIS Cardio
These are my preferred cardio methods. I like the way
they make me feel after finishing. Low intensity steady
state cardio is a longer duration of steady less intense
cardio. You should hit 45-60% maximum heart rate.
My favourite methods are Incline walk
Stepper machine
Cross trainer
Both are very effective for fat loss, HIIT has been proven
to have more benefits than LIIS for fat loss due to EPOC
and how it continues to burn fat after being performed,
however it’s not for everyone. There will be HIIT cardio
throughout this guide as you do not need any gym
equipment to do HIIT.
Courtney Black 12 Week Transformation
Workout tips
Know what you
need to do
Caffeine 20
minutes before
Be prepared
(sleep and nutrition)
Don’t gossip
in the gym
Listen to music or
motivational stuff
Get in. Get it done.
Get out.
Courtney Black 12 Week Transformation
Section three
Courtney Black 12 Week Transformation
Week 1, 2 & 3
Day 1
Lower body
Day 2
HIIT abs
Day 3
Upper body
Day 4
Day 5
HIIT abs
Courtney Black 12 Week Transformation
Week 1, 2 & 3
Day 1 / Lower body
Warm up
Incline walk (min incline 8)
10–15 min
Banded activation
Donkey kick
15 p/ leg
45 sec
Fire hydrant
15 p/ leg
45 sec
Hip thrust
15 p/ leg
45 sec
Monster walk
15 p/ leg
45 sec
Barbell squat
45 sec
Barbell straight leg deadlift
45 sec
Leg press
Squat Jump
45 sec
Plate glute bridge
45 sec
Courtney Black 12 Week Transformation
Week 1, 2 & 3
Day 2 / HIIT abs
Warm up
Incline walk
5 min
30 sec on / 10 sec off
Do 1 complete round then rest for 30 seconds before moving on to
the next set
2 rounds
2 rounds
Plank jacks
Mountain climber
Lateral plank walk
Military plank
Mountain climber
Squat jump
Knee crunches
2 rounds
2 rounds
Squat jump
Lateral plank walk
Ski lunge
Mountain climber
Butt kicks
Ski lunge
Toes under bar sit up
Leg raises
30 sec
Knee / ankle crunch
Ankle touches
30 sec
Reverse crunch
Knee crunches
30 sec
Courtney Black 12 Week Transformation
Week 1, 2 & 3
Day 3 / Upper body
Warm up
Incline walk (min incline 8)
10–15 min
Conventional deadlift
1 min
Bent over row
Side lateral raise
45 sec
Lat pull down
Bicep curl
45 sec
Shoulder press
Tricep push down
45 sec
Squat press
45 sec
Cool down
Incline walk (min incline 8)
10 min
Courtney Black 12 Week Transformation
Week 1, 2 & 3
Day 4 / Circuit
Complete all exercises back to back
Reps Rest
1st round
10 p/ exercise
30 sec rest
2nd round
15 p/ exercise
1 min
3rd round
20 p/ exercise
2 min
4th round
15 p/ exercise
Dumbbell squat press
High knees
Mountain climber
Press ups
Toes under bar sit ups / crunches
Plate glute bridge
Courtney Black 12 Week Transformation
Week 1, 2 & 3
Day 5 / HIIT abs
Warm up
Incline walk (min incline 8)
5 min
45 sec on / 15 sec off
Do 1 complete round then rest
for 30 seconds before moving
on to the next set.
2 rounds
40 sec on / 20 sec active recovery
Do 1 complete round then rest
for 30 seconds before moving on
to the next set. Active recovery is
holding a plank for 20 seconds.
3 rounds
Mountain climber
Plank jacks
High knees
Lateral plank walk
Squat jump
Military plank
Butt kicks
Ski lunge
Bicycle crunch
Flutter kick
30 sec
Leg raise
Knee crunches
30 sec
Twist plank
Military plank
30 sec
Courtney Black 12 Week Transformation
Week 4, 5 & 6
Day 1
Barbell full body
Day 2
HIIT abs
Day 3
Full body fitness
Day 4
HIIT abs
Day 5
Compound full body
Courtney Black 12 Week Transformation
Week 4, 5 & 6
Day 1 / Barbell full body
Warm up
Incline walk (min incline 8)
10–15 min
Squat press
45 sec
Burpee with 2 lunges
45 sec
Burpee over the bar, stand up and lunge twice
Deadlift / bent over
row / shoulder press
Curtsey lunge
with bicep curls
Squat jumps
45 sec
10 p/ side
45 sec
45 sec
Courtney Black 12 Week Transformation
Week 4, 5 & 6
Day 2 / HIIT abs
Warm up
Incline walk (min incline 8)
5 min
20 sec on / 10 sec off
8 rounds
Burpee knee tuck
Military plank
Butterfly sit up
Chest to floor burpee
Spider climber
Plank jacks
Cross climber
After all 8 exercises, rest 1 min in between rounds
10 reps p/ exercise
2 rounds
Toes under bar sit up
Bicycle crunch
Football throw
Reverse crunch
Knee crunch
Twist plank
After all 6 exercises, rest 1 min in between rounds
Courtney Black 12 Week Transformation
Week 4, 5 & 6
Day 3 / Full body fitness
Warm up
Incline walk (min incline 8)
10–15 min
Burpee / renegade
row / shoulder press
45 sec
Burpee over barbell
45 sec
Conventional deadlift
Press up
45 sec
Plate squat w/ halo
45 sec
Pulsing barbell squat
45 sec
Cool down
Incline walk (min incline 8)
10 min
Courtney Black 12 Week Transformation
Week 4, 5 & 6
Day 4 / HIIT abs
Warm up
Incline walk (min incline 8)
5 min
20 sec on / 10 sec off
8 rounds
Chest to floor burpee
Lunge jumps
Squat drops
Military plank
Cross climber
Squat hold
Butt kicks
Plank lateral walk
After all 8 exercises, rest 1 min in between rounds
10 reps p/ exercise
2 rounds
Leg raises
Ankle touches
Full weight plate crunch
Flutter kick
Knee crunch
Ankle crunches
After all 6 exercises, rest 1 min in between rounds
Courtney Black 12 Week Transformation
Week 4, 5 & 6
Day 5 / Compound full body
Warm up
Incline walk (min incline 8)
10–15 min
Barbell squat
45 sec
Conventional deadlift
45 sec
Bent over barbell row
45 sec
Shoulder press
45 sec
Barbell hip thrust
45 sec
Cool down
Incline walk (min incline 8)
10 min
Courtney Black 12 Week Transformation
Week 7, 8 & 9
Day 1
Quads and hamstrings
Day 2
Upper body circuits
Day 3
HIIT glutes
Day 4
Cardio abs
Day 5
Hamstrings and glues
Courtney Black 12 Week Transformation
Week 7, 8 & 9
Day 1 / Quads and hamstrings
Warm up
Incline walk (min incline 8)
10–15 min
Barbell squat
45 sec
Straight leg deadlifts
45 sec
Barbell reverse lunges
Jump lunges
45 sec
Leg press
Good morning
45 sec
Leg extension
Jump squat
45 sec
Courtney Black 12 Week Transformation
Week 7, 8 & 9
Day 2 / Upper body circuits
Warm up
Cross trainer
10 min
Complete all 3 exercises in the circuit then rest. This will be a set.
Cable lat pull
Shoulder press
Cable tricep push down
45 sec
Lat pull down
Side lateral raise
Bicep curl
45 sec
Push press
Bent over row
Toes under bar sit up
45 sec
Arnold press
Dumbbell flies
Leg raises
45 sec
Reverse crunch
Cross full sit up
Leg raises
45 sec
Courtney Black 12 Week Transformation
Week 7, 8 & 9
Day 3 / HIIT glutes
Warm up
Incline walk (min incline 8)
5 min
Hill sprints (incline 5-10)
30 sec on / 30 sec off
45 sec
45 sec
Weighted glute bridge
w/ abductor
Banded donkey kick pulse 6 p/ leg
Every 3rd kick, pulse at the top
3 times. This is 1 rep.
Banded fire hydrants
20 p/ leg
45 sec
Monster walks
50 p/ leg
45 sec
Cable kick back
15 p/ leg
45 sec
Cable side raise
15 p/ leg
45 sec
Goblet squat
Cable pull through
45 sec
Curtsey lunge
45 sec
Courtney Black 12 Week Transformation
Week 7, 8 & 9
Day 4 / Cardio abs
LISS cardio
Steady state incline walk (incline 10-15 speed 4.5-6)
30 min
10 reps p/ exercise
2 rounds
Toes under bar sit up
Knee touch crunch
Football throw (10 p/ side)
Military plank
Twisting plank
After all 6 exercises, rest 30 sec in between rounds
10 reps p/ exercise
2 rounds
Side crunch (10 p/side)
Ankle touch crunch
Knee crunches
Plank jacks
Lying leg raises
Toes under bar sit up
After all 6 exercises, rest 30 sec in between rounds
Courtney Black 12 Week Transformation
Week 7, 8 & 9
Day 5 / Hamstrings and glutes
Warm up
Incline walk (min incline 8)
10-15 min
Donkey kick (20 full reps / 20 pulses)
45 sec
Fire hydrant
20 p/ leg
45 sec
Monster walk
20 p/ leg
20 p/ leg
45 sec
Barbell hip thrust
45 sec
Barbell pulse squat
Jump squat
45 sec
Good morning
45 sec
Single leg straight deadlift
45 sec
Plate glute bridge
45 sec
Courtney Black 12 Week Transformation
Week 10, 11 & 12
Day 1
Full leg day
Day 2
Upper body
Day 3
Glutes and hamstrings
Day 4
Upper body
(I advise to take a rest day between 4 and 5)
Day 5
Full body volune
Courtney Black 12 Week Transformation
Week 10, 11 & 12
Day 1 / Full leg day
Warm up
Bike (high resistance)
10-15 min
45 sec
Reverse barbell lunge
12 p/ leg
45 sec
Narrow/wide leg press
10 p/ stance
45 sec
Step ups
12 p/ leg
Jump lunges
12 p/leg
45 sec
Jump squats
45 sec
Barbell squat
Courtney Black 12 Week Transformation
Week 10, 11 & 12
Day 2 / Upper body
Warm up
Incline walk (min incline 8)
5 min
Sprints (30 sec on/30 sec off)
Push press
45 sec
Side lateral raise
Front lateral raise
45 sec
Shoulder press
Press up
45 sec
Single arm dumbbell snatch
45 sec
Straight bar push down
Skull crusher
45 sec
Courtney Black 12 Week Transformation
Week 10, 11 & 12
Day 3 / Glutes and hamstrings
Warm up
Incline walk (min incline 8)
10-15 min
Donkey kick (20 full reps / 20 pulses)
45 sec
Fire hydrant
20 p/ leg
45 sec
Hip elevated clam shell
20 p/ leg
45 sec
Barbell hip thrust
45 sec
Barbell straight leg deadlift
Jump squat
45 sec
Barbell squat
45 sec
Goblet squat
Good morning
45 sec
Curtsey lunge
Monster walks
45 sec
Courtney Black 12 Week Transformation
Week 10, 11 & 12
Day 4 / Upper body
Warm up
Incline walk (min incline 8)
10-15 min
Lat pull down
Barbell curl
45 sec
Conventional deadlift
45 sec
Cable flies
45 sec
Seated row
Hammer curl
45 sec
Cable crunch
45 sec
Cable oblique twist
45 sec
Weight plate full crunch
45 sec
Courtney Black 12 Week Transformation
Week 10, 11 & 12
Day 5 / Full body volume
Warm up
Incline walk (min incline 8)
5 min
Sprints (30 sec on / 30 sec off)
Barbell squat
1 min
Conventional deadlift
1 min
Push press
1 min
Bent over row
1 min
Strict press
1 min
Courtney Black 12 Week Transformation
Section four
Lower body
Donkey kick
Fire hydrant
Hip thrust
Monster walk
Hip elevated clam shell
Barbell squat
Barbell straight leg deadlift
Plate glute bridge
Curtsey lunge
Good morning
Single leg straight leg deadlift
Weighted glute bridge with abductor
Cable kick back
Cable side raise
Goblet squat
Cable pull through
Barbell reverse lunge
Leg extension
Narrow / wide leg press
Step ups
Pulse squat
Barbell hip thrust
Courtney Black 12 Week Transformation
Courtney Black 12 Week Transformation
Banded donkey kick
On your hands and knees on a matt
with the resistance band around your
legs just above your knee. You need
to keep your arms straight during this
movement to make sure you are not
using your upper body. Lift your knee
to a 90-degree position and hold the
contraction for 2 seconds every rep.
Slowly lower the leg. Complete all
reps on one leg and then move onto
the other.
Banded fire hydrant
On your hands and knees on a matt
with the resistance band around your
legs just above your knee. You need
to keep your arms straight during
this movement to make sure you are
not using your upper body. Lift your
knee up to the side as high as you can
(make sure your knee is bent).
Banded hip thrust
Lying flat on your back, knees bent
and the resistance band placed just
above your knees. Thrust your hips up
so your body is all in line and squeeze
your glutes at the top. Slowly lower
your hips down so your back is flat on
the mat.
Courtney Black 12 Week Transformation
Banded monster walk
Start in a squat position with the
resistance band around the top of
your knees. Stay in a squat and step
side to side making sure you keep
your knees out.
Banded abductor
Sitting on the floor with your hands
slightly behind you. Your feet should
be together and try to move your
feet as little as possible throughout
the movement. The resistance band
should be just above your knee. Open
your knees and slowly close them
Banded hip elevated clam shell
Lying on your side but make a triangle
with your elbow and hip so your body
is slightly elevated off the floor. Bend
your knees and have the resistance
band above your knee. Open your
knees and as you do so slightly lift
your hip off the ground. While doing
so make sure the shin of the leg
nearest to the floor stays on the floor.
Courtney Black 12 Week Transformation
Barbell squat
begin with the barbell supported
in between your traps (upper back).
Your feet should be shoulder width
(or wider for greater glute activation)
and your toes slightly turned out.
Bend at the knees moving the hips
back (ensure your knees stay in line
with your toes). At the bottom of the
squat, squeeze your glutes and drive
through your heel to ensure you pull
the weight from your glutes.
Barbell straight leg deadlift
Hold the bar with an overhand or
switch grip. Stand upright holding
the bar with your chest up and feet
shoulder width apart. Lower the bar
by bending at the waist and pushing
your hips back. Return upright by
lifting your chest and pushing through
your glutes and heels.
Plate glute bridge
Lie on the floor with a weight
plate across your hips, your spine in
a neutral position and take a wide
stance with your feet. Face your toes
outwards and bring your legs up to a
45 degree angle. Squeeze your hips at
the top for a few second before slowly
lowering your hips back down.
Courtney Black 12 Week Transformation
Curtsey lunge
Start with your feet shoulder width
apart with a barbell on your back. Shift
your weight onto your stationary foot
and then move the moving leg back
and across behind your stationary leg.
Bend from your knees as you lunge
down. Push through your heel on the
front foot to return the weight back.
Switch legs each time you lunge.
Good morning
Begin with a barbell or a bar on a
squat rack if you are going heavier.
The bar should be on your back the
same as if you were performing a
squat. Begin by bending the hips
moving them back while keeping
your chest up and legs as straight as
possible but a slight bend is fine. Pull
up through your glutes and squeeze
(do not thrust your hips forward)
Single leg straight leg deadlift
I use a bench and a dumbbell when
performing this. Place the bottom half
of the non working leg on a bench
and the working leg will be holding
the dumbbell. Push your hips back
while keeping your working leg as
straight as possible. Pull up through
your glute and complete all reps on
each leg before moving on.
Courtney Black 12 Week Transformation
Weighted glute bridge with abductor
Lie on your back with your knees bent
and a weight plate on your hips. You
can either do this flat or with your feet
elevated for greater range of motion.
Engage your core and squeeze your
glutes as you lift your hips up and as
you get to the top of the movement
while keeping your hips up abduct
your knees out, lower slowly
Cable kick back
Using an ankle strap and a low cable.
Face the cable and hold onto the
cable machine, bend down so your
back is flat (preventing any back
pain) and bend the moving leg so its
slightly off the floor before beginning.
Kick the moving leg back so it’s in
line with your body and squeeze at
the top of the contraction. Bend and
replace the moving leg and repeat
until you have finished the entire set
Cable side raise
Using a low cable and an ankle strap.
Attach the ankle strap and stand
next to the smith machine. You will
be using your leg furthest away from
the smith machine and then switch to
the other leg by facing the opposite
direction. Keeping your leg as straight
as possible, lift it up to the side and
slowly lower it back down.
Courtney Black 12 Week Transformation
Goblet squat
Hold a dumbbell to your chest (you
can also use a kettle-bell). Position
your feet so the stance is wider than
shoulder width and turn your toes out.
Squat down making sure you keep
your chest up. As you stand, drive
through your heels and squeeze your
butt at the top.
Cable pull through
Attach a rope to the cable machine
and have it on the lowest pulley. Face
away from the cable and have the
rope attachment in between your
legs. Step away from the cable to give
you a better range of motion, Hinge
your hips back keeping your legs
and arm straight and chest up. Pull
up through your hips and glutes and
squeeze your glutes at the top.
Barbell reverse lunge
Begin in a standing position with the
barbell on your back. Take a step back
on one leg and only touching the floor
with the ball of your foot. Bend at the
knees with most of the weight on your
front leg. Return to the start position
by driving through your heel and
squeezing your glute.
Courtney Black 12 Week Transformation
Leg extension
Using the machine at the gym,
adjust the machine so you are sitting
comfortably, and the feet positioning
is just above your ankles. Extend
your legs to full extension and
squeeze your quads at the top of the
movement. Slowly lower your legs
back down again.
Narrow / wide leg press
This means taking a different foot
position each time on the leg press,
narrow would be shoulder width and
wide you need to take a wide stance
turning your toes slightly out and
keeping your knees in line. When leg
pressing its important to not lock your
knees out and get a good depth.
(Old image for this one, I’ve recently
had surgery so can’t perform this at
the moment!)
Step ups
You need a bench or some sort of
platform Make sure it isn’t too high;
just under knee height is about right.
Stand tall facing the bench with your
arms by your sides. Put the whole of
your right foot on the bench, then
drive up through your right leg and
stand on the bench with both feet.
Lead with your left leg as you step
back down and return to the starting
Courtney Black 12 Week Transformation
Pulse squats
Have your feet shoulder width (or wider for greater glute activation), your
chest up and engage your core. Squat
down by slightly pushing your hips
back, do not arch your back or bring
your knees in. Try get as low as possible, pulse (come up and back down
slightly) at the bottom of the squat
before driving up to finish the squat.
Barbell hip thrust
Begin seated on the ground with a
bench or platform behind you (I use
a smaller than bench platform as
it allows me to go heavier without
pancaking of getting the weight
up to begin). Use a pad to ensure
the barbell doesn’t cause bruising
on your hips. The bar should be
placed directly on your hips and your
shoulder blades on the bench. Drive
through your heels and push your
glutes up, squeeze at the top for at
least 2 seconds. (Make sure you give
momentum to lift the barbell or it will
not move!)
Upper body
Conventional deadlift
Bent over row
Side lateral raise
Lat pull down
Bicep curl
Shoulder press
Tricep push down
Press up
Cable lat pull
Push press
Arnold press
Dumbbell flies
Front lateral raise
Single arm dumbbell snatch
Skull crusher
Cable flies
Seated row
Hammer curl
Strict press
Courtney Black 12 Week Transformation
Courtney Black 12 Week Transformation
Conventional deadlift
Load a bar with weight, then stand with
your feet about hip-width apart, shins
nearly touching the bar. Bend at your
knees and hips and grasp the bar with
your hands, which should be about
shoulder-width apart. Keeping your chest
above your hips the whole time, lift the
bar, standing straight up. Keeping your
chest up and not rounding it off is very
important or you can really injure your
Bent over row
Using a barbell. Feet should be placed
shoulder width apart and the bar should
also be held shoulder width. Bend your
knees and also bend your torso so your
back is flat. You can either hold the bar
with under hand or over hand grip. Pull
the bar up to your stomach by tucking
your elbows in and squeezing your lats.
Side lateral raise
Using two dumbbells. Start with the
dumbbells either side of your body. Raise
the dumbbells up to the side of your
body (slightly bending at the elbows)
with your palms facing the floor.
Courtney Black 12 Week Transformation
Lat pull down
Using the lat pull down machine, take a
wide grip (palms facing away from you).
Pull down using your lats (think about
pulling from your elbows to help do this).
Pull the bar to your collar bone (try and
copy the picture for correct placement)
Bicep curl
Palms facing away from your body. Start
with straight arms either side of your
body, bend from the elbows and keeping
your elbows tucked into your torso, curl
your arms into a bicep curl. Squeeze your
bicep as you perform this and keep your
body, legs and torso still.
Shoulder press
Start with the weights at shoulder level
with your palms facing away from you.
Press the weights up and slowly lower
them back down. Aim to press the
weights above your head rather than out
to the side.
Courtney Black 12 Week Transformation
Tricep push down
Using a straight bar on the cable
attachment. Start with your arms bent
90 degrees from your torso. Using your
triceps, push the bar down to leg level
and squeeze your triceps at the bottom.
Make sure you keep your elbows tucked
in throughout.
Press up
Your hands should be shoulder width
with your elbows tucked into your torso,
you can either perform these press ups
on your knees or toes. Make sure your
hips are tucked under during the press
Cable lat pull
You can either use a straight bar or a
rope attachment on the cable. Start with
your knees slightly bended and slightly
leaning in towards the cable. Keep your
chest up. Pull the cable keeping your
arms as straight as possible by pulling
from your lats. Squeeze your lats at the
bottom of the movement.
Courtney Black 12 Week Transformation
Push press
Grab the bar overhand, with your hands
about shoulder-width apart and your
thumbs wrapped around the bar. Pull
your body beneath the bar so it’s below
your chin and resting on your shoulders.
Tighten your upper back to push your
chest out and create a strong platform to
lift from. Slightly bend your knees before
you press and use the momentum from
your knees straightening to push the bar
up above your head
Arnold press
Start with your arms and hands tucked
into your body with your palms facing
your face. Twist your arms out into a
shoulder press position and press up.
Dumbbell flies
Start position is with your back parallel
to the floor, keep your core engaged
and your chest up. Your arms should be
facing each other and in front of you,
with a slight bend in your elbow pull your
arms back as if you are squeezing your
elbows together. Squeeze your lats.
Courtney Black 12 Week Transformation
Front lateral raise
Using two dumbbells. Start with the
dumbbells either side of your body.
Raise the dumbbells up in front of you
(shoulder level) hold for 2 seconds
before bringing back down.
Single arm dumbbell snatch
Using an overhand grip, grab
a dumbbell in one hand and stand with
the feet slightly wider than shoulderwidth apart. Pull the dumbbell toward
the ceiling while simultaneously
extending your knees and hips and
raising your body on the balls of your
feet. Keep the dumbbell close to your
Skull crusher
You can either do these laying flat on a bench or standing as shown in the
images. Using a barbell hold it above
your head with your arms straight your
palms facing away from your body.
Keeping your elbows tucked in, bend
only your forearms backwards and back
up again. Only the forearm should be
moving in this exercise.
Courtney Black 12 Week Transformation
Cable flies
Adjust the cable so they are above your
head. Grab the left with your right hand
and the right with your left hand so they
are crossing over in front of you. Start the
movement by moving your arms back
and outwards and squeeze your lats at
the end of the motion
Seated row
Sit with your feet on the feet placements.
Hold the attachment sitting up right
with your knees slightly bent. Start with
straight arms with your chest up. Pull the
weight using your lats, keep your elbows
tucked in and squeeze your lats.
Hammer curl
Palms facing in towards your body. Start
with straight arms either side of your
body, bend from the elbows and keeping
your elbows tucked into your torso, curl
your arms into a bicep curl. Squeeze your
bicep as you perform this and keep your
body, legs and torso still.
Courtney Black 12 Week Transformation
Strict press
Grab the bar overhand, with your hands
about shoulder-width apart and your
thumbs wrapped around the bar. Pull
your body beneath the bar so it’s below
your chin and resting on your shoulders.
Tighten your upper back to push your
chest out and create a strong platform to
lift from. Lift it off the supports and step
back. Set your feet shoulder-width apart.
Push the bar straight overhead, moving
your chin out of the way.
Military plank
Weight plate full crunch
Knee crunches
Ankle crunches
Toes under bar sit up
Leg raise
Ankle touches
Reverse crunch
Flutter kicks
Bicycle crunch
Twist plank
Cable oblique twist
Football throw
Cross full sit up
Side crunch
Cable crunch
Courtney Black 12 Week Transformation
Courtney Black 12 Week Transformation
Military plank
Take a plank position (elbows on the
floor), keep your hips in line with your
shoulders and keep your entire body
tense and squeeze your abs. Come up
onto your hands and back down onto
your elbows continuously while keeping
your hips and body as in line and still as
Weight plate full crunch
You will need a weight plate id
recommend either 5 or 10kg. Start lying
flat on your back with legs extended
straight and arms above your head
holding the weight plate. Crunch up
while bending your knees into your torso
and bringing the weight plate over your
Knee crunches
Lie flat on your back on a mat, bend your
knees in towards your butt. Place your
hands on your knees the entire time.
Round of your shoulders and crunch, at
the top of the crunch squeeze your abs
for around 2 seconds.
Courtney Black 12 Week Transformation
Ankle crunches
Lie flat on your back on a mat, bend your
knees in towards your butt. Place your
arms down by your side with your hands
touching your ankles the entire time.
Round of your shoulders and crunch, at
the top of the crunch squeeze your abs
for around 2 seconds.
Toes under bar sit up
Grab a barbell (20kg is a good weight to
use to stop you lifting with your feet) Lay
flat on your back, knees bent into your
butt and feet under the barbell. Lift your
torso with your abs with your hands on
your head. Lower slowly squeezing your
abs and do not completely lay flat or
release your abs.
Leg raise
You can do these either laying on a
mat on the floor or using a bench (I
prefer a bench). Lay straight with your
legs straight (keep your back flat to the
surface, arching your back will cause
back pain). Lift your legs up 90 degrees
while keeping them straight (pull with
your abs)
Courtney Black 12 Week Transformation
Reverse crunch
Lie down with your legs fully extended
with your arms down by your side. Move
your legs up and inwards towards your
torso slightly lifting your butt off the
floor. Hold the contraction before going
back to the start position, do not over
extend your back keep it flat to the floor
Flutter kicks
Lay on your back and place both hands
under your butt with your legs straight.
Keep your lower back pressed to the
floor and alternate lifting each leg off the
floor. For more of a challenge lift your
head and neck and round your shoulders
Bicycle crunch
Lie down with your lower back pressed
flat to the floor. Put your hands behind
your head, then bring your knees in
towards your chest and lift your shoulder
blades off the ground, be sure not to
pull on your neck. Straighten your right
leg out to about a 45-degree angle while
turning your upper body to the left,
bringing your right elbow towards the
left knee. Make sure your rib cage
is moving - not just your elbows. Repeat
on the other side to complete one rep.
Courtney Black 12 Week Transformation
Twist plank
In a plank position squeezing your entire
body and core. Drop each side to the
floor hitting your oblique muscles but
keeping a tight position.
Cable oblique twist
Attach a single handle to the cable
machine. Set the cable machine to
shoulder level. Keeping your arms as
straight as possible, twist the machine
using your abs. Slowly twist back. Repeat
on both sides.
Football throw
Lying on your side with your knees bent
and in an open position. Crunch up to
the side of your oblique while moving
your arms in a throwing motion
Courtney Black 12 Week Transformation
Cross full sit up
Lie on your back with your knees bent.
Lift your torso up as close to your thighs
as possible (the dumbbell will prevent
you pulling with your neck) and twist
either side of your body each rep. Lower
down slowly
Side crunch
Lay flat on your back with your back
pressed into the floor and your knees
bent. Cross one leg over onto the other
knee. Start with your hands either side
of your head and as you crunch up twist
your torso so your elbow meets the
opposite knee.
V up
Lie on the ground with your legs straight
and feet together. Bring both arms
overhead and rest them beside your
ears. Simultaneously, lift your legs and
torso off the ground. Bring your arms
forward and reach for your ankles as you
balance on your hips.
Courtney Black 12 Week Transformation
Cable crunch
This can be difficult to get the hang of
but give it a good few attempts. Using
the cable machine, go on your knees and
hold the rope attachment on your head.
Crunch down pulling the rope using your
abs rather than your upper body just as
you would if you were laying on the matt.
Round off your shoulders and keep your
hips still as you crunch.
Squat jump
Mountain climber
Cross climber
Burpee over barbell
Butt kicks
Chest to floor burpee
Lateral plank walk
Ski lunge
High knees
Plank jacks
Lunge jumps
Squat drops
Courtney Black 12 Week Transformation
Courtney Black 12 Week Transformation
Squat jump
Starting in a squat position (only go
to parallel), bend and power up into a
jump. Try to make your jump as powerful
as possible. Keep your arms in a moving
pattern, as you squat put your arms in
front of you and as you jump, power your
arms backwards.
My tricks for burpees is to never try
jump your feet out until your hands are
firmly on the floor. Drop down onto the
floor, bending your knees and placing
your hands in front of you... Once your
bodyweight is in your hands mainly, jump
your legs back into a high plank position.
Jump your knees back in and jump up.
Mountain climber
Start in the position shown (upright plank
position). If you are doing a cardio based
mountain climber then run your knees
in and out changing legs to raise your
heart rate. If you’re doing an ab focused
exercise, then slowly bring your knees
into your chest (you can also add a twist
as shown) to feel the contraction in your
Courtney Black 12 Week Transformation
Cross climber
Start in the position shown (upright plank
position). Bring your knees side to side
towards the opposite hand each time.
Burpee over barbell
As on the normal burpee, just burpee
as normal and each time jump over the
barbell before completing the next rep.
Butt kicks
Start standing tall and bring one heel
off the floor towards your glutes, the
opposite hand comes up towards you
shoulder like running arms, then switch
to the other side.
Courtney Black 12 Week Transformation
Chest to floor burpee
As above on a regular burpee but this
time take your entire body on the floor
flat before pushing yourself back up.
Lateral plank walk
Begin in plank position with your hands
underneath your shoulders, and your
body in one straight line. Simultaneously
cross your right hand toward the left as
you step your left foot out to the left
before going in the other direction.
Ski lunge
With your knees bent and your back
leaning forward, leap on alternating feet
from side to side. Keep your back as
straight as possible and try not to hunch
your shoulders.
Courtney Black 12 Week Transformation
High knees
Stand with your feet hip-width apart.
Lift up your left knee to your chest.
Switch to lift your right knee to your
chest. Continue the movement,
alternating legs and moving at a
sprinting or running pace
Plank jacks
Begin in high plank position, with your
shoulders over your wrists, your body in
one straight line, and your feet together.
Like the motion of a jumping jack, jump
your legs wide and then back together.
Lunge jumps
Start standing with one leg forward
and one back. Hold your arms with your
elbows bent ready. Prepare to jump
by bending your knees and lunging
down (slightly leaning forward will
improve balance and core contraction).
Explosively launch your body up
extending your knees and hips as you
change legs and lower back down
into a lunge on the other leg.
Repeat alternating legs.
Courtney Black 12 Week Transformation
Squat drops
Start standing with your feet shoulder
width as if you was about to do body
weight squats. Squat down and touch
the floor with your finger tips, as you
jump up take your hands above your
head. Do not round off your shoulders
as you go down into the drop.
Full body
Squat press
Burpee with two lunges
Deadlift / bent over row / press
Curtsey lunge with bicep curl
Burpee / renegade row / press
Conventional deadlift
Plate squat with halo
Push press
Courtney Black 12 Week Transformation
Courtney Black 12 Week Transformation
Squat press
Hold two dumbbells on your shoulders
as you squat down. Keep your core tight
and your torso upright. As you come up
from the squat, keeping your core tight,
press the dumbbells above your head.
Burpee with two lunges
Holding two dumbbells either side of
you, lower the dumbbells onto the floor
and burpee back. As you come up from
the burpee, place the dumbbells on your
shoulders. Lunge back on each leg to
complete the movement.
Deadlift / bent over row / press
Perform a conventional deadlift (chose
a weight lighter than you normally
would, I recommend starting at 10/15kg
and building it up). When at the bottom
of the deadlift, keeping your chest
up perform a bent over row. Flick the
weight to your collar bone and perform
a shoulder press. Bend your elbows to
lower the weight back down.
Courtney Black 12 Week Transformation
Curtsey lunge with bicep curl
Perform your curtsey lunge and
each time you lunge backwards, curl
your biceps up. For the technique on
each look under the legs and upper
body section.
Burpee / renegade row / press
Holding two dumbbells either side of
you, lower the dumbbells onto the floor
and burpee back. Keep your core tight
and as you are in the plank position, one
arm at a time, row your arm up. As you
row your arm up, squeeze your lat. As
you lift the weights and stand up from
the plank position, squat down and press
the weights into a shoulder press.
Conventional deadlift
Load a bar with weight, then stand
with your feet about hip-width apart,
shins nearly touching the bar. Bend at
your knees and hips and grasp the bar
with your hands, which should be about
shoulder-width apart. Keeping your
chest above your hips the whole time,
lift the bar, standing straight up.
Keeping your chest up and not rounding
it off is very important or you can really
injure your back.
Courtney Black 12 Week Transformation
Plate squat with halo
Holding a weight plate of 5-15kg at
shoulder level. Keep your chest and the
weight plate up as you perform a squat.
As you come up from the squat perform
a full circle with the weight plate around
the back of your head. Alternate which
way you do it each rep.
Push press
Grab the bar overhand, with your hands
about shoulder-width apart and your
thumbs wrapped around the bar. Pull
your body beneath the bar so it’s below
your chin and resting on your shoulders.
Tighten your upper back to push your
chest out and create a strong platform to
lift from. Slightly bend your knees before
you press and use the momentum from
your knees straightening to push the bar
up above your head.
Courtney Black 12 Week Transformation