ICSV BIOLOGY NOTES Chapter 1 1.1: SCIENCE: The study of and the gathering of evidence and information that explains the natural world around us. GOALS OF SCIENCE: 1. To investigate and explain the natural world around us. 2. To explain events in the natural world. 3. To use these explanations to make useful predictions. 1.2 SCIENTIFIC PROCESS: 1. Observation: Observe and gather data. (Quantitative - # - more reliable) (Qualitative - qualities and non # data - less reliable) 2. Inference: Interpret the situation and the data. 3. Hypothesis: One “if… then” sentence that predicts the outcome of the experiment. The sentence does not have to be true, just testable. 4. Controlled experiment: Design an experiment in which all but one variable is controlled. Independent variable: The variable that is manipulated in the experiment. Dependent variable: The variable that reacts in the experiment. 5. Collect data: Collect data from the controlled experiment and insert it into a graph, table, or other means of displaying the results. 6. Conclusion: Explain what the experiment has shown and refer back to the hypothesis. SPONTANEOUS GENERATION: The belief (now disproven) that bacteria or organisms would generate from non-living matter, due to the matter becoming aged. 1.3 MAJOR THEORIES IN BIOLOGY: 1. Germ theory 2. Evolutionary their 3. Cell theory 4. Gene theory THEORY VS. LAW: Theory: Evolves. A collection of hypotheses from multiple scientists. Law: No exceptions. Absolute fact. Has been tested many times and proven to be true. LIVING ORGANISMS: All living organisms have the following characteristics: 1. Are made of cells. 2. Reproduce. 3. Grow and develop. 4. Require energy and matter. 5. Respond to the environment. 6. Change over time. (Evolve) 7. Have a genetic code. 8. Homeostasis Order of biosphere contents growing from left to right: Molecules - Cells - Cell Tissues - Organs - Organ systems Organisms - Populations - Communities - Ecosystems Biosphere. ICSV BIOLOGY NOTES Chapter 2 2.1 THE ATOM: Atoms are made of electrons(-), protons(+), and neutrons(no charge). The middle of the atom is called the nucleus, which is composed of protons and neutrons. The nucleus is orbited by the electrons, with valence electrons on the very edges. The mass number of the element is the # of protons plus the # of neutrons. ELEMENT: A pure substance that consists entirely of one type of atom. ISOTOPES: When atoms of the same element differ in the # of neutrons that they contain. Isotopes still contain the same amount of protons. ION: An atom or molecule with a net electric charge due to the loss or gain of one or more electrons. CHEMICAL COMPOUNDS: A combination of two or more elements. (H2O) These compounds are held together by valence electrons, which are on the outer edge of each atom. These electrons form the bonds between atoms. A reactive isotope, unlike an unreactive isotope, wants more electrons. In other words, it wants to form new bonds. CHEMICAL BONDS: Ionic: Stronger than covalent bonds. Instead of sharing electrons, electrons are taken to form ions. Covalent: Weaker than ionic bonds. Instead of taking electrons, these bonds are made by sharing electrons. Covalent bonds are always formed between nonmetals. VAN DER WAALS: Van der Waals' forces are the weakest type of intermolecular force. ... Negatively charged electrons orbit molecules or ions. The electrons create slightly different charges from one end of the molecule to the other. 2.2 WATER: Water has the following properties: 1. Is odorless and tasteless when pure. 2. Has a melting point of 0°C. 3. Has a boiling point of 100°C. 4. Has a very high heat capacity. 5. Has three states: solid, gas, and liquid. 6. Is a universal solvent, which means it dissolves almost anything. H2O is a polar molecule, while the molecules in substances like oils are non polar. 7. Is cohesive and adhesive. Cohesive means that due to hydrogen bonds, the water molecules stick to each other. A hydrogen bond is when the hydrogen parts of the water molecule stick to the oxygen parts of the molecules. Adhesive means that water molecules stick to other surfaces. An example of this is capillary action. Capillary action is the force that draws water up through the roots of plants. Capillary action is caused by the adhesive properties of water molecules. 8. Is neutral on the Ph scale. THE PH SCALE: The Ph scale measures the concentration of H+ ions in a solution (acidity). The scale is numbered from 1 to 14. Each number on the scale increases the concentration by 10x. The closer you get to 1 on the scale, the more acidic and more concentrated the solution is. The closer you get to 14, the more basic (alkaline) and less concentrated. The very middle (7) is neutral. MIXTURES: A mixture is composed of two or more elements or compounds. The elements are physically mixed but not chemically combined. An example of this is a salad or lego box. SOLUTION: When all of the components in a mixture are evenly distributed. An example of this would be salt in water. SUSPENSION: When materials in the mixture do not fully dissolve but instead separate into pieces so small that they do not settle out. An example of this is the pulp in orange juice. BASE: A compound that has more Hydroxide ions (OH-) than Hydrogen ions (H+) in a solution. (OH- is basic) BUFFER: Weak acids or bases that react with strong acids to prevent sharp changes in a substance's Ph scale. An example of this can be found in our digestive system. Without buffers, when we ate acidic foods, our system would be thrown off balance. 2.3 CARBON: Carbon atoms always contain exactly four valence electrons, which allows them to make covalent bonds with elements like hydrogen or oxygen. Macromolecules make chains or rings of carbon. CARBOHYDRATES: Carbohydrates are used for short term energy in our bodies. They also help create structure. The elements that carbohydrates consist of are carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. The monomers that they are made from are called monosaccharides (simple sugars). Examples of carbohydrates would be noodles. PROTEIN: Proteins are the building blocks of our different body parts. The elements that make up proteins are carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and sometimes nitrogen and sulfur. Protein’s monomers are called amino acids. There are about 20 kinds of amino acids found in nature, but we only need to eat nine because our bodies can’t produce them. Amino acids are chains of the different elements of proteins. These chains are held together by peptide bonds. A peptide bond is formed through a process called dehydration. Below is a diagram of the typical amino acid structure. Proteins have four levels of structure: 1. Primary structure: amino acid chain. 2. Second structure: Coils of polypeptide chains. 3. Tertiary structure: A 3D polypeptide shape. 4. Fourth quarterly structure: four combined subunits. An example of protein is meat. LIPIDS: Lipids are the macromolecule that store up long term energy for our bodies. They also are a building block for our cells. The elements that make up lipids are carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. The monomers that make them up are glycerol and fatty acids. There are two kinds of lipid structures: saturated and unsaturated. Saturated is when all of the bonds between the carbon atoms are as broken down as possible (C-C). Unsaturated is when a certain # of the bonds are not fully broken down (C-C=C-C). It does not matter if some of the bonds between the carbon and the hydrogen are not fully broken down (C=H). Below is an example. Examples of lipids are fats, oils, and waxes. NUCLEIC ACIDS: Nucleic acids store genetic information and genetic code. The elements that make them up are carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and phosphorus. Their monomers are called nucleotides. These nucleotides are made of three parts: the nitrogenous base, the 5-carbon sugar, and the phosphate group. Below is a diagram of the typical nucleotide structure. Examples of nucleic acids are RNA and DNA. 2.4 REACTANT: The element or compound that enters into a reaction. PRODUCT: The element or compound that is produced by a chemical reaction. ACTIVATION ENERGY: The energy needed to start a chemical reaction. CATALYST: A substance that speeds up the rate of a chemical reaction. SUBSTRATE: The reactant in an enzyme-catalyzed-reaction. ENZYMES: An enzyme is a protein that acts as a biological catalyst. The following properties describe enzymes and what they do: 1. Enzymes are a protein. 2. Our digestive systems are full of them and use them to break down foods. 3. Enzymes speed up chemical reactions. 4. Enzymes break down chemicals using a lock and key system. As specific chemicals(lock) enter the active site of an enzyme(key), the enzyme “unlocks” the chemical and alters it. This process is displayed below. 5. Enzymes affect how much activation energy is needed to start a chemical reaction. Below is a graph that displays two different reactions: One without enzyme interference, and one with it. ICSV BIOLOGY NOTES Chapter 7 7.1 DISCOVERY OF CELLS: 1. R. Hooke - Discovered the cell. 2. Schwann and Schleiden - Discovered that everything is made of cells. 3. Virchow - Discovered that cells come from cells. MICROSCOPES: Most microscopes use lenses to magnify the image of an object by focusing light or electrons. There are two types of microscopes: 1. Compound light microscope: This is the most common of the two. This microscope is made of two sets of magnifying lenses. These are called the ocular lenses and the objective lenses. This kind of microscope works by a beam of light to magnify the object. Below is a diagram of this kind of microscope: 2. Electron microscope: This microscope magnifies objects by focusing beams of electrons and passing them through the object. There are two types of electron microscopes: a. Transmission electron microscope: Runs electrons through the cells. b. Scanning electron microscope: Scans the cells using electron beams. CELL THEORY: 1. All organisms are composed of one or more cells. 2. The cell is the basic unit of structure and function. 3. All cells come from preexisting cells. PROKARYOTIC VS. EUKARYOTIC CELLS: - Eukaryotic: These cells have a membrane-bound nucleus. They range from 10-100 μm and can be found in plants, animals, fungi, and protists. - Prokaryotic: These cells do not have a membrane-bound nucleus. They range from 0.1-5.0 μm and can be found in algae and bacterias. 7.2 - Our bodies are made of cells, and cells are made of organelles. The next page displays names and definitions of a lot of the key organelles in plant and animal cells. More detailed descriptions and pictures will follow. CELL WALL: The cell wall of a cell, which can only be found in plant cells, helps to maintain the shape of the cell. It also acts as a layer of protection for the cell. CHLOROPLAST: Chloroplasts only appear in plant cells. They are what conduct the process of photosynthesis, which captures energy from the sun and converts it into food for the plant. This energy is then stored in the chloroplasts. NUCLEUS: The nucleus of a cell controls most of the cell processes and is a protective envelope that contains DNA and nucleolus. The part of the nucleus called the nuclear envelope has small pores that allow RNA to enter and exit the nucleus. Below is a diagram of the nucleus. NUCLEOLUS: This part of the cell is located in the middle of the DNA and nuclear envelope of the nucleus. Like the nucleus, the nucleolus has small pores which allow the entry and exit of RNA. The nucleolus’s main job is to create ribosomes, which are then transported throughout the cell. RIBOSOMES: Ribosomes, which can be found floating in the cytoplasm or attached to the endoplasmic reticulum of a cell are composed of RNA and proteins. Ribosomes help to decode peptide bonds and link amino acid chains (protein creation). MITOCHONDRIA: The mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell. It works to convert chemical energy from food into compounds that the cell can use. This process is also called cellular respiration. CELL MEMBRANE: The cell membrane of a cell is kind of like a protective layer for the cell. It also provides a fixed environment for the cell and helps to transport nutrients into the cell and toxins out of the cell. The cell membrane is flexible and semi-fluid. It is made out of two layers of phospholipids. Below is a diagram of the membrane: As you can see, the cell membrane consists of two layers of lipids. The lipids themselves consist of two parts: the hydrophilic head, which loves water, and the hydrophobic tail, which repels water. Since the cell membrane is semi permeable (let’s things through) water is able to be drawn into one side of the membrane by the head, and then pushed out the other side by the tail. CYTOPLASM: The cytoplasm of a cell is the gel-like substance that fills a cell. The cytoplasm helps to protect the cell and its different organelles and also houses many proteins and is involved in cell reactions. VACUOLE: The vacuole is a storage organelle. Although in both plant and animal cells, a plant cell’s vacuole is much much bigger than an animal cell’s. In plants, the vacuole actually also helps to maintain the cell’s rigidity. The vacuole itself is a sack-like structure that stores any nutrients that a cell might need to survive, such as water. VESICLES: Vesicle is another name for different membrane-bound organelles in a cell. The vesicles are often part of the process of transporting proteins within a cell and releasing substances from the cell. GOLGI BODY: The golgi body in a cell is the last stop of any products from the endoplasmic reticulums. It modifies them, sorts them, and then transports them to wherever their end destination is. LYSOSOMES: Lysosomes are similar to vacuoles in that they act as storage, but they also serve as the digestive system of the cell. Lysosomes take large molecules or cell parts and recycle them for the cell to use again. ROUGH ENDOPLASMIC RETICULUM: The rough reticulum of a cell creates and modifies proteins. Unlike the smooth reticulum, the rough reticulum has hundreds of ribosomes on its outer surface. These ribosomes help to create the proteins, and the rough reticulum helps to modify and fold them. SMOOTH ENDOPLASMIC RETICULUM: The smooth reticulum of a cell serves to produce and export lipids and proteins, to detox the cell of harmful substances, and to store certain ions. The smooth endoplasmic reticulum is also important in creating new cell membranes. DNA DEOXYRIBONUCLEIC ACID: Found between the nuclear envelope of the nucleus and the nucleolus, the DNA of a cell holds all of the genetic information for the cell. This DNA almost never leaves its place in the cell and is protected by the nuclear envelope. CYTOSKELETON: A network of protein filaments that help the cell maintain its shape and also helps with movement of the cell. The cytoskeleton is made of microtubules and microfilaments. Their traits are listed below. 1. Microtubules - Are hollow tubes of proteins. - Help in the process of cell division. - Help maintain the cell’s shape and serve as “tracks” on which organelles move. - Help build cilia and flagella. a. Cilia: Tiny hairs or “eyelashes” within the lungs that catch dust. Cilia are found on the outside surface of the cells. b. Flagella: A small tail-like appendage of sperm or certain bacterias. Flagella helps the sperm or bacteria to move. - Is about 25 nm. 2. Microfilaments: - Are long thin hairs. - Help with the movement and support of the cell. - Are a tough and flexible framework for the cell. - Are about 7 nm. CONTRACTILE VACUOLE: This is a type of vacuole that absorbs water and then releases it, which allows the protists (eukaryotic organisms) to move. If a plant is wilting, then it means that the contractile vacuoles are not getting enough water. On the next page is a picture of a contractile vacuole and a diagram of the water absorption and release process: PROTEIN BUILDING PROCESS WITHIN CELL: 1. Proteins are assembled in ribosomes. 2. Some proteins complete assembly in rough endoplasmic reticulum. 3. Proteins are carried to the golgi apparatus in vesicles. 4. The golgi apparatus sorts and packages proteins. 5. Vesicles are shipped to their final destination. 7.3 PASSIVE AND ACTIVE TRANSPORTATION: 1. PASSIVE TRANSPORT: Particles and molecules moving from high concentration to low concentration without the use of energy. (Can be related to swimming downstream.) a. OSMOSIS: The facilitated diffusion of water through a selectively permeable membrane. - Aquaporins: Water channel proteins that allow water molecules to pass through cell membranes. - Osmotic Pressure: The force caused by the net movement of water by osmosis. b. OSMOSIS IN CELLS: Diffusion of H2O molecules. (All to maintain a balanced concentration in the cell.) - Hypotonic solution: Cell absorbs too much liquid and therefore has an unbalanced concentration. The cell reacts by bursting, which releases the liquid to balance the concentration. - Isotonic solution: H2O flows into and out of the cell to maintain the cell’s homeostasis and to keep the concentration balanced. - Hypertonic solution: Due to a salty substance surrounding the cell, all of the H2O within the cell is released, which results in the cell shriveling. For example, when we eat salty chips, we end up being thirsty because our cells have shriveled and are running out of H2O. c. DIFFUSION: The process by which particles move across the cell membrane from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration. d. FACILITATED DIFFUSION: The process by which molecules that cannot directly diffuse across the membrane pass through special protein channels. 2. ACTIVE TRANSPORT: Movement of particles and molecules from low concentration to high concentration with the use of energy. (Can be related to swimming upstream.) a. Protein pumps/carriers: Sodium potassium pumps that change the concentration of elements in and around cells. These are mainly used to send signals in the nerve system and in the brain. People who are drunk respond to things slower, because of the fact that alcohol slows down these pumps which in turn slows down brain signals. b. Leakage channels: An ion channel in a cell membrane that is always open, making the membrane permeable to ions. 3. BULK TRANSPORT: A process in which the entire cell works to move large molecules and clumps of materials into or out of the cell. c. Endocytosis and Exocytosis: Large particles, molecules, or even liquids are moved into or out of the cell by endocytosis (in) or exocytosis (out). When these movements happen, the entire cell is used to complete the process. d. Phagocytosis: Type of endocytosis that envelopes large solids (Ex: White blood cell eating bacteria) ATP (Adenosine 5'-triphosphate): The principal molecule for storing and transferring energy in cells. It is often referred to as the energy currency of the cell and can be compared to storing money in a bank. ATP supplies transport proteins with energy, so that they can catch particles on one side of the membrane and then release them on another. 7.4 HOMEOSTASIS AND CELLS: 1. UNICELLULAR ORGANISMS: - Also known as a single-celled organism. - Is an organism that consists of a single cell. - Every cell has many important functions in their environments. - Maintain homeostasis by growing, responding to the environment, transforming energy, and reproducing. - Include prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. - Examples include bacteria, protists, and yeast. 2. MULTICELLULAR ORGANISMS: - We are multicellular organisms - Are interdependent (depend on each other) and specialized. - Each cell has one specific task. - Maintain homeostasis by communicating with one another and carrying out their tasks. - Are organized into groups: a. Specialized cells: Cells that have one specific task. (E.g. muscle cells) b. Tissue: A group of similar cells that perform a particular function. (E.g. muscle tissue) c. Organ: A group of tissues working together to perform a specific function. (E.g. stomach) d. Organ system: A group of organs that work together to perform a specific function. (E.g. digestive system) - Multicellular organisms communicate with chemical signals, which are passed from one cell to another. a. Certain cells form cellular junctions (connections) which hold cells firmly together and allow them to communicate. b. To receive and respond to a chemical signal, a cell must have a receptor to which the signaling molecule can bind. . ICSV BIOLOGY NOTES Chapter 8 8.1 ENERGY AND LIFE: Energy: The ability to do work. Adenosine triphosphate(ATP): ATP is a chemical compound that cells use to store and release energy. This energy is used to contract muscles, to make proteins, and in active transport. The way that ATP stores and releases energy is through adding and subtracting phosphate groups from itself. The ATP works somewhat like a battery. When the molecule has three phosphate groups, it is fully charged. But when this battery is half used up, it loses a phosphate group and becomes what is called ADP (adenosine diphosphate). Below are two diagrams. One of ATP (fully charged battery), and one of ADP (half charged battery). This diagram also shows the process of ADP becoming ATP through adding a phosphate group. Below is another diagram, displaying the different parts of the ADP/ATP molecule: The energy for the creation of ATP from ADP comes from the sun, through the process of photosynthesis, which will be talked about later. HETEROTROPHS VS. AUTOTROPHS: Heterotrophs: Organisms that consume other living things to obtain food. Examples: Humans, cheetahs, and sharks. Autotrophs: Organisms that make their own food. Our world depends on autotrophs to get energy through photosynthesis. Examples: sunflowers and trees. 8.2 PHOTOSYNTHESIS - AND OVERVIEW: LIGHT: Photosynthesis depends on the energy from the sun that arrives in the form of sunlight. This light can be different colors based on the wavelength of the light. PIGMENTS: The way that plants gather the sun’s energy from this light is through using light-absorbing molecules called pigments. Chlorophyll is the principal pigment that is used in the process of photosynthesis. This pigment is found in the thylakoids of chloroplasts, which will be talked about later. This pigment is extremely important for photosynthesis as it is so good at gathering energy from the sun. This energy is then directly transferred to electrons in the molecule. This process raises the energy-level of the electrons, which produces a steady stream of high-energy electrons to fuel the process of photosynthesis. CHLOROPLASTS: Chloroplasts are the organelles within the cell that conduct the process of photosynthesis. There are many parts to the chloroplast, however, that have different roles in photosynthesis. Below is a diagram of a chloroplast, as well as several of its different parts: The three key parts are the stroma, the thylakoids, and the granum. Stroma: The stroma is the gel-like substance that fills the inside of the chloroplast and surrounds the thylakoid stacks. The stroma is in charge of light-independent reactions in photosynthesis, which will be talked about later. Thylakoids: Thylakoids are extremely important in the process of photosynthesis. Thylakoids are sac-like structures that hold pigments such as chlorophyll. These are in charge of the light-dependent reactions in photosynthesis, which create products to be used in the light-independent reactions later on. Thylakoids are also where oxygen is created in the process of photosynthesis. Granum: Granum are simply stacks of thylakoids within the chloroplast. ELECTRON CARRIERS: As said earlier, when light from the sun is absorbed by the pigment chlorophyll, the energy from the light excites electrons in the chlorophyll. When these electrons become excited (convert to high energy electrons), they require electron carriers. These carriers, which consist of protein, carry the high energy electrons from the chlorophyll to other molecules during the process of photosynthesis. One of these carriers is called NADP+, which can accept and hold 2 high energy electrons and one hydrogen ion. Holding these two things turns the NADP+ into NADPH. (This will be discussed in detail later) SIMPLE EXPLANATION OF LIGHT DEPENDENT/INDEPENDENT REACTIONS: Photosynthesis involves two sets of reactions: Light-dependent-reactions: A reaction in which H2O and light-energy enter the thylakoids, and ATP, O2, and NADPH are produced. This is a light-dependent reaction because it requires direct involvement of light. Light-independent-reactions: In this reaction, which does not require direct involvement of light, CO2, ATP, and NADPH are all used to produce high-energy sugars such as glucose. This reaction takes place in the stroma of the chloroplast. The connection: Below is a diagram showing the reactants and products of both reactions, and the connection between them: (Calvin cycle = light-independent-reactions) 8.3 THE PROCESS OF PHOTOSYNTHESIS: Summary: Photosynthesis consists of two reactions: light-dependent reactions and light-independent reactions. This is the main topic of this section. LIGHT-DEPENDENT-REACTIONS: These reactions, which occur in the membrane of Thylakoids, consist of several steps that each have to do with different parts of the membrane. Below is a picture of the process to help you make sense of the steps. STEP 1: In this step, light and H2O enter photosystem II. The energy from the light then splits the H2O into two parts: Oxygen and hydrogen ions. The oxygen immediately leaves the whole system, but the hydrogen ions remain in the system to be used later. In this process, electrons in photosystem II are excited and become highly-energized. These electrons are the main part of the next step. STEP 2: The electrons that were charged in photosystem II are transferred by means of electrons carriers in electron-transport-chains to photosystem 1. Here they are recharged and used in a reaction. This reaction produces NADPH. The reactants are 2 hydrogen ions from photosystem II, 2 NADP+ molecules, and 4 highly charged electrons, also from photosystem II. As said before, this reaction produces NADPH, which is taken to the stroma to be used in the light-independent reactions. STEP 3: The hydrogen ions from photosystem II are key here. These ions are taken to the ATP synthase, where they travel through the middle of the synthase to the outer stroma. This movement of hydrogen ions through the ATP synthase causes the synthase to rotate. This rotation powers the conversion of ADP to ATP through the process of adding a phosphate group to the ADP. The ATP is then transferred to the stroma to be used in the light-independent-reactions. Photosystem II: Light energy + 2H2O → O2 + 4H+ + 4 charged electrons. Electron-carrier-chains: Strings of electron carriers that transfer highly-charged electrons. Photosystem 1: Electrons are reenergized/4H+ + 2 charged electrons + 2 NADP+ molecules = NADPH ATP synthase: ADP + energy + phosphate group = ATP THE CALVIN CYCLE/LIGHT-INDEPENDENT-REACTIONS: The calvin cycle uses CO2, ATP, and NADPH to create high-energy sugars such as glucose. This is called a cycle because some of its different elements are reused over and over again. Like the light-dependent-reactions, this cycle has several steps. Again, below is a picture to help you understand the steps: STEP 1 (Carbon Fixation): (Note: the following numbers of molecules are equal to the amount that would be used if the cycle ran 6 times. Example: 6 CO2 is really only 1 for one turn of the cycle.) 6 CO2 molecules enter the stroma and combine with six 5-carbon molecules called Rubisco. This combination produces twelve 3-carbon compounds. STEP 2.1 (Reduction Phase): In this step, ATP and NADPH from the light-dependent reactions are used to convert the twelve 3-carbon molecules to higher-energy forms. These forms are called G3P. The ATP and NADPH, which are now ADP and NADP+ are recycled and returned to the thylakoids to be used in the light-dependent-reactions. STEP 2.2: Now G3P, the molecules move on to the next part of the cycle. Two of the 3-carbon molecules leave the cycle and form glucose, as well as other compounds and carbs. (Note: with the numbers being used, the cycle only has to run once to form the 6 needed carbon molecules for glucose. In reality, however, quite a few less molecules enter the system at a time and the cycle has to run six times before the glucose is completed.) STEP 3 (Regeneration Phase): The remaining 3-carbon molecules left over after the reduction phase move on to the regeneration phase. In this last phase, Rubisco is regenerated and reformed by ATP and is used to begin the cycle again. Factors that influence photosynthesis: - Temperature - Light intensity - Availability of water. C4 and CAM Variations of Photosynthesis: When the affecting factors of photosynthesis listed above are too extreme, plants adapt by becoming C4 or CAM plants. Their qualities are listed below. C4 plants: - Mostly appear in tropical areas where there is high light intensity and high temperatures. - Have special pathways that allow them to capture very low levels of carbon for the calvin cycle. CAM plants: - Appear mostly in hot and dry areas like deserts. - Only allow air in at night, which helps them not dry up. This also helps them to be able to store as much water as possible. Photolysis: The process of light breaking down the molecules of water. This process happens in the granum of the chloroplast. Chemiosmosis: The osmosis of hydrogen. (Used to make ATP) ICSV BIOLOGY NOTES Chapter 9 9.1+9.2 CELLULAR RESPIRATION: AN OVERVIEW DEFINITION: The process of energy conversion that released energy from food in the presence of oxygen. EQUATION: C6H12O6 + 6O2 → 6CO2 + 6H2O. STAGES: Within cellular respiration, there are three stages of reactions. Below are some pictures to help illustrate these stages. STAGE 1: GLYCOLYSIS: This reaction, otherwise known as “sugar-breaking”, occurs within the cytoplasm of the cell. It is an anaerobic process, which means that it does not require oxygen. Reactants: 2ATP, 2NAD+, 2ADP, Glucose Products: 2 Pyruvic acid molecules, 4ATP, 2NADH Net ATP Produced: 2ATP STAGE 2: KREB’S CYCLE: This reaction occurs in the matrix of the mitochondria. It is considered an aerobic process, although oxygen is not directly involved. Reactants: 2 AcetylCOA enzymes (from Pyruvate), 4 carbon molecules (already in cycle), 2FAD+, 6NAD+, 2ADP Products: 6NADH, 2ATP, 2FADH2, 4CO2 Net ATP Produced: 2ATP STAGE 3: ELECTRON TRANSPORT CYCLE AND ATP SYNTHASE: This reaction occurs in the intermembrane space of the mitochondria. This stage is an aerobic process. Reactants: 8NADH, 2FADH2, O2 Products: H2O, ATP Net ATP Produced: 34ATP Like some ATP synthase within photosynthesis, in the ETC, there is also ATP synthase which creates ATP from ADP through the process of H+ ions flowing through the synthase. This flow creates rotation which gives the synthase energy to convert the ADP. NOTE: The heat in our bodies actually comes from the energy created when bonds are broken within these processes. CALORIE: A unit of energy. The calorie used on food labels is equal to 1,000 calories. The calorie is also referred to as a kilocalorie. 9.3 FERMENTATION: Fermentation releases energy from food molecules by producing ATP without oxygen. Cells convert NADH to NAD+. This allows glycolysis to produce a steady stream of ATP. There are two forms of fermentation. Both start with the reactants pyruvic acid and NADH. Below is a picture to help illustrate these two processes. NOTE: Glycolysis provides the pyruvic acid molecules that are used in fermentation. Both types of fermentation are anaerobic processes. ALCOHOLIC FERMENTATION: Alcoholic fermentation does not happen in animals, except for rare cases, and starts with yeast or other microorganisms. Once alcohol is created, energy is stored in it. Reactants: Pyruvic acid + NADH Products: Alcohol + CO2 + NAD+ Examples of use in Industry: Bread products, alcoholic beverages. LACTIC ACID FERMENTATION: This type of fermentation occurs in most organisms, specifically in muscle/animal cells. Reactants: Pyruvic acid + NADH Products: Lactic acid + NAD+ Examples of use in Industry: Buttermilk, cheese, yogurt IMPORTANT NOTE: For bursts of energy under 90 seconds, our bodies use ATP already in our muscles, as well as ATP from lactic acid fermentation. After 90 seconds of using ATP up, our bodies start burning built up glucose(fat) through cellular respiration for energy. (Aerobic) ICSV BIOLOGY NOTES Chapter 10 10.1 SEXUAL VS. ASEXUAL REPRODUCTION Asexual reproduction: - Single parent produces genetically identical offspring. - E.g. bacteria or prokaryotes - Offspring grow very quickly Sexual reproduction: - Fusion of two separate parent cells - E.g. humans, basically all animals - Offspring are very diverse - Offspring inherit genetics from both parents 10.2 CHROMOSOMES: In prokaryotic cells, DNA is packaged into a singular circular chromosome. In eukaryotic cells, DNA is packaged into multiple chromosomes. Below is a picture of the makeup of a single chromosome. THE CELL CYCLE: CELL CYCLE IN PROKARYOTIC CELLS: The cell cycle in prokaryotic cells is also referred to as binary fission. It’s quite a simple process. Below is a picture of it. CELL CYCLE IN EUKARYOTIC CELLS: The cell cycle in eukaryotic cells is much more complex than in prokaryotic cells. It consists of interphase and cell division. Both of these are separated into several different parts: INTERPHASE: The longest part of the cell cycle. G1 Phase: This is the longest phase within the interphase. In the G1 phase, the cells do most of their growing and synthesize new proteins and organelles. S Phase: In this phase, new DNA is synthesized when chromosomes are replicated. At the end of the S phase, the cell contains twice as much DNA as it did in the beginning. G2 Phase: This is the shortest phase within the interphase. During G2, organelles and molecules needed for cell division are created. Basically, G2 is in charge of preparing the cell for cell division. When G2 is complete and the cell’s DNA has been checked, the cell can move on to cell division. M PHASE: The shortest part of the cell cycle. Mitosis: Mitosis is the division of the nucleus of the cell, into two identical nuclei. It is divided into five parts. Below is a picture of all of them, as well as definitions further below of each stage. Mitosis is an asexual process. Prophase: Chromosomes condense and become visible, spindles form, and the nuclear envelope dissolves. Metaphase: Chromosomes line up at the center of the cell. The centrioles of the cell are connected to the centromere of the chromosomes through spindles. Anaphase: Chromosomes pulled apart into halves at the centromere by the centrioles. Then the halves are pulled towards opposite poles of the cell. Telophase: The cell begins to divide into daughter cells, the nuclei are formed, and the nuclear envelope starts to form. Cytokinesis: The cell membrane pinches in the middle to form to separate daughter cells. This is the end of mitosis. NOTE: Technically cytokinesis is it’s own part, but it is also considered part of mitosis. 10.3 REGULATING THE CELL CYCLE AND CELL REPAIR: Cyclins: Proteins that regulate the cell cycle. Cyclins or some other type of regulatory protein enter the cell and the cell starts to divide. Internal regulators: - Respond to events inside the cell. - Let the cell cycle proceed only when certain steps have already happened. External regulators: - Respond to events outside the cell. - Direct cells to speed up or slow down the cell cycle. - Affect the growth factor. Apoptosis: - A process of programmed cell death. - Important role in structuring tissues during growth and development. - Cell undergoes a series of controlled steps for self destruction. - Cell cycle regulators detect problems and start apoptosis. Cancer: - Cancer is uncontrolled cell growth. - Cancer cells don’t respond to normal regulatory signals that would normally control cell cycle. - Cell cycle is disrupted. - The process of cancer growing and spreading is that first, cells divide abnormally due to a mutation in their DNA. Then, the cells produce a tumor due to their uncontrolled growth. If the tumor is not discovered in time, the mutation spreads to other parts of the body. 10.5/11.4 CELL DIFFERENTIATION, STEM CELLS, AND MEIOSIS: During the development of an organism, cells differentiate, which means that they become specialized. The way they are able to do this is through what are called stem cells. Stem cells are basically non-specialized cells that can grow and undergo differentiation. They are mainly found in embryos, although a few types are found in adults. Below is a picture of what they can differentiate into: There are three main types of stem cells. Multipotent: These types of stem cells are found in adults, mainly in bone marrow or hair. They are only able to differentiate into a couple of other cells. They are important for cell regeneration in our bodies. When we get an injury such as breaking a bone, the cells at the edge of the injury are stimulated to divide rapidly, therefore making new healthy cells to fix the wound. Pluripotent: These stem cells are found in embryos. They are capable of turning into most, but not all types of cells. Totipotent: These stem cells can become any kind of cell. They are adaptive, which means they can be used to heal any part of the body or to grow new organs. Totipotent stem cells are found in embryos. MEIOSIS: Meiosis is a special type of cell division in which gametes, also known as sex cells, are created. Meiosis only occurs in the reproductive organs. Part of meiosis is chromosome crossing over, in which chromosomes trade DNA, which helps to create genetic variation in the product of sexual reproduction. Below are some very important terms for understanding the process of meiosis. Homologous: Chromosomes with the same genes, one from each parent. Diploid: Containing both sets of homologous chromosomes; 2N. Always an even number. Haploid: Containing only a single set of chromosomes; 1N. After the process of meiosis occurs, creating the sperm and egg cells, both of these cells have only 23 single chromosomes, aka they are both haploid. Then, when fertilization occurs and the sperm enters the egg, the chromosomes combine, creating a zygote. A zygote is the very first cell of an organism. Due to the combination of the sperm’s 23 chromosomes and the egg’s 23 chromosomes, the zygote is diploid and has 23 pairs, or 46 chromosomes in total. (Egg - 23 chromosomes + sperm - 23 chromosomes = zygote - 46 chromosomes.) Below is a diagram of the entire process of meiosis, as well as definitions of each stage: MEIOSIS l: Prophase l: Chromosomes condense, nuclear envelope dissolves, and crossing over of chromosomes occurs. Metaphase l: Pairs of homologous chromosomes move to the center of the cell, pulled by the centrioles and spindles. Anaphase l: The pairs are pulled apart into singular chromosomes, and are pulled by the centrioles and spindles to opposite ends of the cell. Telophase l/cytokinesis: The cytoplasm divides, the membrane pinches in the center, the nuclear envelope reforms, and the dividing parent cell is split into two daughter cells. MEIOSIS ll: Prophase ll: In prophase ll, crossing over does not occur in the two cells from meiosis l. The only thing that really happens is that spindles form in both cells. Metaphase ll: Metaphase ll chromosomes line up in the centers of the two cells; not in homologous pairs, rather singular chromosomes. Anaphase ll: Chromosomes are divided into halves at the centromeres, and are pulled by the centrioles and spindles to opposite poles of the cells. Telophase ll/cytokinesis: Nuclear envelopes reform, the cells’ cytoplasms divide, and the four new haploid cells are created. At the end of meiosis, four genetically unique sex cells, either sperm or egg cells, have been created, each with only 23 singular chromosomes. ICSV BIOLOGY NOTES Chapter 11 11.1 GENETICS AND THE WORK OF G. MENDEL: GREGOR MENDEL: Gregor Mendel, now known as the father of genetics was born and raised in Austria. Eventually, he ended up in a monastery, working with pea plants in the monastery’s garden. Through his experiments with pea plants (using cross pollination and self pollination to create different variations and scenarios), we now know a huge amount of information about how the world of genetics works. Genetics: The study of genes and heredity. Cross-pollination: The pollination of a flower or plant with pollen from another flower or plant. Self-pollination: The pollination of a flower by pollen from the same flower or from another flower on the same plant. True-Breeding: The breeding of organisms with the same homologous genotype. (Example: TT with TT or tt with tt). Trait: Specific characteristic (e.g. seed color, plant height) of an individual. Hybrid: An organism created from the cross of true-breeding individuals. Genes: Genes are passed from one generation to the next and determine an individual’s characteristics. Alleles: The different forms of a gene. Principle of Dominance: ● Some alleles are dominant, some recessive. ● An organism with at least one dominant allele will exhibit that trait. ● An organism with a recessive allele will exhibit the trait only in the absence of a dominant allele. Segregation: The separation of alleles during gamete f ormation. 11.2 76uAPPLYING MENDEL’S PRINCIPLES: Probability: The likelihood an event will occur. If you flip a coin three times, each flip is an individual event. So if you flip it three times in a row, it has a ⅛ chance of landing on heads all three times. (½ x ½ x ½ = ⅛) Genotype: The genetic makeup of an organism. Phenotype: The physical traits of an organism. Note: Two organisms can have the same phenotype but have different genotypes at the same time. Homozygous: Organism has two identical alleles for a gene. (Example: TT or tt) Heterozygous: Organism has two different alleles for a gene. (Example: Tt) General info: Inheritance is determined by units called genes, which are passed from parent to offspring. When more than one form of gene for a single gene exists, some genes will be dominant and other recessive. Each offspring has two copies of each gene—one from each parent. These genes segregate from each other when gametes are formed. Alleles for different genes usually segregate independently of each other. Punnett Square: Below are pictures that show how to use the punnett square with monohybrid genotypes such as Bb + Bb, and dihybrid genotypes such as TtGg + TtGg. Monohybrid: Dihybrid: Independent Assortment: Genes for different traits can segregate (divide) during gamete formation. 11.3 OTHER PATTERNS OF INHERITANCE: MODES OF INHERITANCE: ● Complete dominance: In complete dominance, the dominant allele is completely dominant over the recessive allele. For example if dimples (capital D) is dominant over not having dimples (lowercase d), then any offspring with the genotype DD or Dd will have dimples. It’s never a mix. ● Incomplete dominance: With incomplete dominance, neither allele is completely dominant over each other or recessive. The result is a blend of the parent traits. Below is an example: (White + red = pink) ● Codominance: In codominance, both alleles are dominant and the phenotypes for both alleles are clearly expressed in the offspring. Examples: Feather color and blood groups (AB). Below is an image of codominance in chickens. ● Multiple Alleles: Many genes exist in more than two forms. Example: Blood types (three alleles - A, B, and O), and fur color in rabbits). In other words, three or more alleles are needed to express the trait. Below is an image to display this: (Specifically look at the genotypes such as Cchd ) ● Polygenic Traits: Many traits are produced by the interaction of several genes (lots of genes working together). Examples: Eye color in fruit flies, skin color in humans, or coat color in dogs. Due to the large amount of genes/alleles, there is a lot of variation. Below is an example of polygenic traits in human skin tones: ,Genes and the environment: The phenotype of an organism is only partly affected by the organism’s genotype. Environmental conditions, such as temperature, can greatly influence how genes are expressed and can influence genetically determined traits. Below is a simple illustration of this: