High-Efficiency Fully- and Highly-Integrated SwitchedCapacitor DC-DC Converters by Junmin JIANG A Thesis Submitted to The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering August 2017, Hong Kong HKUST Library Reproduction is prohibited without the author’s prior written consent To my parents and my wife Xun LIU iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The four-year Ph.D. study at in HKUST is really a wonderful experience. First of all, I would like to express my thanks to my supervisor, Professor Wing-Hung Ki. Without his encouragement, I could not even imagine that I could survive from the Ph.D. study with so much tension and stress. His valuable spirits deeply influenced my attitudes to my work and life. He has told us more than once his philosophy is to educate independent and dedicated researchers. Although the integrated circuit design is full of risk and uncertainty, he never restricts my imagination and always gives me his full support to explore all the possibilities. When submitting a paper, I can always get his help. I will never forget every night when he worked so hard to help me revise the paper and polish the vocabulary in such a detailed way. He always checks everything to make sure every submitted paper is perfect. All of these make me believe that joining integrated power electronics laboratory (IPEL) is the best choice for me to explore my research and the biggest honor of my career life. I must thank Prof. Yan Lu as well. He is a senior labmate when I first joining IPEL. He generous gives a lot of help to adapt the new environment so quickly and smoothly. Without his help, I could never finish my first design in my first-year study. We fight together day and night to catch to the deadline. He told me many useful design techniques that I cannot learn from the textbooks. After he joined the University of Macau, we also have a lot of connections. He provides me a treasure opportunity to visit his lab and use the advanced process. His guidelines also help quite a lot. I am sincerely grateful to Prof. Jinyu He, Prof. Philip K. T. Mok, Prof. C. Y. Tsui, Prof. Lilong Cai serving as my thesis examination committee, and Professor Henry S. H. Chung for serving as my thesis external examiner, sparing their invaluable time to read my thesis in details, and giving insightful comments for me to improve my thesis. I would also thank my former colleagues, Ms. Jie Fu and Prof. Shu Xu. Remember four years ago, when I was an intern in Philips Research, they encouraged me to work on switchediv capacitors converters. Without their help and fundamental works, I could initiate my research topic so quickly. It was an unforgettable experience. I am also grateful to my pervious supervisor Prof. Lenian He, who bring me into the circuit design area and teach me so much fundamental knowledge. I would like to thank IPEL members. We helped each other and shared happiness. They are Dr. Vincent Chan, Dr. Cheng Huang, Dr. Yonggen Liu, Mr. Xiaohao Hu, Prof. Y. K. Teh, Dr. Lin Cheng, Dr. Fan Yang, Dr. Min Tan, Dr. Xing Li, Jiawei Zheng, Yuan Gao, Lisong Li, Langyu Hu, Xiaodong Meng, Yuen Shing Hin, Liusheng Sun, Sijie Pan, Yasu Lu, Qiping Wan, Xinyuan Ge, Feng Chen, Qin Kuai, Soumitra Pal, Ziang Chen, Dipyaman Modak, Darwin Yim, and Kwun Hok Chong. Meanwhile, without the technical support from Mr. S. F. Luk, Dr. L. K. Wong, and Dr. J. C. C. Lo, the ideas can never become be released. I appreciate their help very much. I would also like to thank all the IPEL alumnus, who built so good reputation over the world. They are Prof. Dongsheng Ma, Prof. Alex Leung, Prof. Hoi Lee, Dr. Hylas Lam, Dr. Scottie Man, and Dr. Feng Su, Dr. Xiaocheng Jing, Prof. Chenchang Zhan, Dr. Edward Ho. I would like to express my thanks to Dr. Hylas Lam and Mr. Xugang Ke, who recommended me and brought me the job interview opportunities. At last, I must express my special thanks to my parents and wife Xun Liu for their endless love and unconditional supports. Spending Ph.D. life together with my wife is a tremendous happiness. She is always considerate, and help me release the pressure. Her advice on writing improved my writing skills. Looking back to the past, I have met so many crossroads. I appreciate I met so many mentors and friends who help me point out the right direction, so I can keep moving on without fear and hesitation. I will never forget their help and will do my best to my future work and life. v TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS Authorization Page ...................................................................................................................... i Signature Page ............................................................................................................................ ii Acknowledgements ................................................................................................................... iv Table of Contents ...................................................................................................................... vi List of Figures ........................................................................................................................... ix List of Tables ............................................................................................................................ xii Abstract ...................................................................................................................................... 1 Chapter 1 Introduction .............................................................................................................. 3 1.1 Fully-Integrated Power Converters ............................................................................. 3 1.2 Challenges and Motivations ........................................................................................ 5 1.2.1 Topology Generation............................................................................................ 5 1.2.2 Tradeoff between Power Density and Efficiency ................................................ 7 1.2.3 Voltage Ripple and Full Integration ..................................................................... 8 1.3 Thesis Contribution ..................................................................................................... 8 1.3.1 Topology Generation............................................................................................ 9 1.3.2 Efficiency Improvement ....................................................................................... 9 1.3.3 Ripple Reduction ................................................................................................ 10 1.4 Thesis Organization ................................................................................................... 11 1.5 Reference ................................................................................................................... 12 Chapter 2 Review of State-of-The-Art Switched-Capacitor Converters ................................ 14 2.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................... 14 2.2 Capacitors in Special Processes ................................................................................. 14 2.3 Topological Exploration ............................................................................................ 15 2.4 Ripple Reduction ....................................................................................................... 15 2.5 Hybrid Converters ..................................................................................................... 16 2.6 Reference ................................................................................................................... 17 Chapter 3 Analysis of Switched-Capacitor Converters .......................................................... 21 3.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................... 21 3.2 Analysis of Output Voltage and Voltage Ripple ....................................................... 22 vi 3.3 Efficiency of SC Converter ....................................................................................... 26 3.4 Verification By Simulation........................................................................................ 28 3.5 Conclusions ............................................................................................................... 29 3.6 Reference ................................................................................................................... 29 Chapter 4 Fully Integrated 2-/3-Phase SC Converter With Efficiency Improvement ............ 31 4.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................... 31 4.2 Proposed 2-/3-Phase Operation ................................................................................. 32 4.3 Parasitic Insensitive Topology................................................................................... 34 4.4 Measurement Results ................................................................................................. 35 4.5 Conclusions ............................................................................................................... 36 4.6 References ................................................................................................................. 38 Chapter 5 Digital 2-/3-Phase SC Converter With Ripple Reduction ..................................... 40 5.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................... 40 5.2 Topological Analysis ................................................................................................. 42 5.2.1 Theoretical Limit of 2-Phase Operation ............................................................. 42 5.2.2 3-Phase Operation Using Two Flying Capacitors .............................................. 44 5.2.3 Output Impedance Analysis ............................................................................... 46 5.3 Digital Adaptive Ripple Reduction ........................................................................... 49 5.4 Converter Design and Implementation ...................................................................... 53 5.4.1 System Architecture ........................................................................................... 53 5.4.2 Power Stage ........................................................................................................ 54 5.4.3 Adaptive Power Cells for Ripple Reduction ...................................................... 56 5.4.4 Digital Controller ............................................................................................... 58 5.5 Measurement Results ................................................................................................. 59 5.6 Conclusions ............................................................................................................... 64 5.7 References ................................................................................................................. 65 Chapter 6 Dual-Output SC Converter For Multi-Core Application Processor ...................... 69 6.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................... 69 6.2 Dynamic Power-Cell Allocation ............................................................................... 70 6.3 Measurement Results ................................................................................................. 73 6.4 Conclusions ............................................................................................................... 75 6.5 Reference ................................................................................................................... 76 Chapter 7 A Hybrid SC Converter For AMLED Display System ......................................... 77 7.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................... 77 vii 7.2 System Architecture and Design Consideration ........................................................ 78 7.3 Hybrid Voltage Regulator ......................................................................................... 80 7.4 Display Control.......................................................................................................... 82 7.5 AMLED Array and System Integration..................................................................... 83 7.6 Measurement Results ................................................................................................. 85 7.7 Conclusions ............................................................................................................... 86 7.8 Reference ................................................................................................................... 87 Chapter 8 Conclusions And Future Works ............................................................................. 89 8.1 Thesis Conclusions .................................................................................................... 89 8.2 Future Works ............................................................................................................. 91 Appendix List of Publications .................................................................................................. 92 viii LIST OF FIGURES LIST OF FIGURES Fig. 1.1. Operating Example of VCR = 2×. ............................................................................... 6 Fig. 1.2. Output voltage under zero and non-zero loading condition......................................... 6 Fig. 1.3. Circuit model of SC converter. .................................................................................... 6 Fig. 3.1. Step-down SC converter with (N-1)/N configurations: (a) 1/2×, (b) 2/3×, and (c) 3/4×. .................................................................................................................................................. 22 Fig. 3.2. Dual-branch step-down series-parallel SC converter with voltage conversion ratio (N1)/N........................................................................................................................................... 23 Fig. 3.3. Connection of capacitors in phase 1 and the output voltage waveform. ................... 24 Fig. 3.4. Approximation for capacitors in series. ..................................................................... 24 Fig. 3.5. Simulated and calculated VO vs. IO for different topologies: (a) 1/2×, (b) 2/3×, (c) 3/4× and, (d) 4/5×. ............................................................................................................................ 28 Fig. 3.6. Simulated and calculated efficiency vs. IO for different topologies: (a) 1/2×, (b) 2/3×, (c) 3/4× and, (d) 4/5×. .............................................................................................................. 28 Fig. 4.1. Application of wireless powered implantable devices............................................... 31 Fig. 4.2. The architecture of proposed SC converter. .............................................................. 32 Fig. 4.3. Transistor implementation of power stage. ................................................................ 33 Fig. 4.4. P-type MOS capacitors and its equivalent circuit. ..................................................... 33 Fig. 4.5. Operation principles of the summation and subtraction modes. ................................ 34 Fig. 4.6. Measured efficiency at 100MHz and 60MHz of the summation and subtraction modes. .................................................................................................................................................. 35 Fig. 4.7. Chip micrograph of the 2-/3-phase fully integrated SC converter. ............................ 36 Fig. 4.8. Measured efficiency vs. current loads, input and output voltages. ............................ 37 Fig. 4.9. Measured efficiency versus reverse biased voltages. ................................................ 37 Fig. 5.1. Theoretical efficiency comparison of SC converter with 4 VCRs and 6 VCRs vs. ideal low dropout regulator. .............................................................................................................. 40 Fig. 5.2. Operating principle of 6-ratio configurations (a) topologies operating in 3-phase mode; (b) topologies operating in 2-phase mode. ............................................................................... 43 ix Fig. 5.3 Detailed operation principles of the 3-phase (a) 1/4x mode and (b) 3/4x mode......... 44 Fig. 5.4. Simulated steady state waveforms of output voltage VO and top and bottom plates of flying capacitors (C1 and C2) with IO = 10mA. ........................................................................ 45 Fig. 5.5. Simulated and calculated output resistance versus frequency and unit width of transistor under 6 VCRs. .......................................................................................................... 48 Fig. 5.6. Concept of proposed ripple reduction scheme. .......................................................... 49 Fig. 5.7. Timing diagram of operation procedure. ................................................................... 50 Fig. 5.8. The digital logic flow of adaptive ripple reduction. .................................................. 51 Fig. 5.9. The mechanism to respond the transient current. ...................................................... 52 Fig. 5.10. The timing diagram of the design for test (DFT) module. ....................................... 53 Fig. 5.11 System architecture of proposed 2-/3-phase SC converter. ...................................... 54 Fig. 5.12. Configuration of switches and flying capacitors of (a) conventional 2-phase SC converter; (b) proposed switch reduction scheme for 2-/3-phase SC converter. ..................... 55 Fig. 5.13. Power stage implementation of proposed 2-/3-phase SC converter. ....................... 55 Fig. 5.14. (a) Layout floorplan of power cells and clock buses; (b) Switch logics. ................. 56 Fig. 5.15. Timing diagram of synchronized hysteretic control by using (a) dynamic comparator, (b) static comparator, and (c) status of each phase. ................................................................. 57 Fig. 5.16. (a) Chip micrograph; (b) layout of synthesized digital controller; and (c) top and bottom view of PCB for measurement with capacitor array in 0612 packing. ........................ 59 Fig. 5.17. Measured efficiency of the proposed SC converter versus loading current. ........... 60 Fig. 5.18. Measured efficiency of the proposed SC converter versus output voltages. ........... 60 Fig. 5.19. Measured power efficiency versus input voltage..................................................... 61 Fig. 5.20. Measured steady-state waveform of output ripple voltage. ..................................... 62 Fig. 5.21. Measured waveforms of light load ripple reduction under difference VCRs. ......... 62 Fig. 5.22. Measured waveforms of ripple reduction procedure and the outputs of testing data. .................................................................................................................................................. 63 Fig. 5.23. Measured waveforms of transient response. ............................................................ 63 Fig. 6.1. Strategy of dynamic power-cell allocation and system architecture of proposed dualoutput SC converter. ................................................................................................................. 70 Fig. 6.2. Circuit implementation of dual-path VCO, delay cell of dual-path VCO and power stage. ......................................................................................................................................... 71 Fig. 6.3. Circuit implementation of frequency comparator, bidirectional shift register and the timing diagram of frequency comparison. ............................................................................... 72 x Fig. 6.4. Chip micrograph. ....................................................................................................... 73 Fig. 6.5. Measured waveforms of steady state output voltages, reference tracking and loading transient response. .................................................................................................................... 74 Fig. 6.6. Measured efficiency versus loading currents with and without dynamic power allocation. ................................................................................................................................. 75 Fig. 7.1. System architecture of proposed micro display system. ............................................ 79 Fig. 7.2. Schematic of the hybrid voltage regulator. ................................................................ 79 Fig. 7.3. Circuit implementation of power stage in SC converter. ........................................... 80 Fig. 7.4. Floorplan of voltage regulator. .................................................................................. 81 Fig. 7.5. Structure of Pixel Drivers. ......................................................................................... 82 Fig. 7.6. (a) Cross sectional diagram of the LED µ-array with indium bumps; and (b) IV characteristic of LED pixels. .................................................................................................... 83 Fig. 7.7. (a) SEM of LED µ-array with indium bumps after reflow process; and (b) alignment of AMLED array and silicon substrate. ................................................................................... 83 Fig. 7.8. Chip micrographs of (a) AMLED array; (b) pixel driver and PMU and (c) integrated system. ...................................................................................................................................... 84 Fig. 7.9. Measured waveforms of steady-state output voltages. .............................................. 85 Fig. 7.10. Measured efficiency of voltage regulator vs. input voltage. .................................... 85 Fig. 7.11. Source files (top) and its corresponding display images (bottom) shown in the blue micro display system. ............................................................................................................... 86 xi LIST OF TABLES LIST OF TABLES TABLE 1.1 COMPARISON OF THREE TYPES OF POWER CONVERTERS ............................................ 4 TABLE 3.1 COMPARISON OF SIMULATION AND CALCULATION RESULTS .................................... 29 TABLE 4.1 COMPARISON WITH PRIOR ART. ................................................................................ 38 TABLE 5.1 SUMMARY OF EQUIVALENT OUTPUT IMPEDANCE OF 6 VCRS.................................. 48 TABLE 5.2 CLOCK SELECTION OF THE SWITCH LOGICS WITH VCRS ......................................... 57 TABLE 5.3 PERFORMANCE COMPARISON WITH STATE-OF-THE-ART SC CONVERTER WORKS .. 64 TABLE 6.1 PERFORMANCE COMPARISON WITH START-OF-THE-ART WORKS ............................ 75 xii ABSTRACT High-Efficiency Fully- and Highly-Integrated Switched-Capacitor DC-DC Converters by Junmin JIANG Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Abstract Fully-integrated DC-DC power converters are in great demand for implantable, wearable and portable devices. Switched-capacitor (SC) converters are good candidates as they only use capacitors that can be easily built on-chip. However, designing SC converters with high power density, high efficiency and low voltage ripple is challenging. In this research, a systematic study of SC DC-DC converters is presented. Design techniques are proposed and applied to various applications to tackle practical issues. First, a 2-/3-phase fully-integrated SC DC-DC converter in 65nm bulk-CMOS is designed for low-power implantable devices. By using 3-phase operation, an additional voltage conversion ratio (VCR) of 1/4× is realized and improves the efficiency by 14%. A parasitic insensitive topology is proposed and achieves an efficiency improvement of 11%. Besides, a charge pump is used to provide high-voltage bias for integrated capacitor that reduces parasitic and further improves the efficiency by 3%. Second, to further take advantages of 3-phase topologies, a 2-/3-phase 6-ratio switchedcapacitor DC-DC converter in 0.13 µm bulk CMOS technology is designed. In total, there are four 2-phase VCRs and two 3-phase VCRs (1/4× and 3/4×). The power efficiency was improved by as much as 20% compared to 2-phase only topologies. The input voltage range is 1.6 V to 3.3 V, while the output voltage range is 0.5 V to 3 V. A digital ripple reduction scheme 1 is also introduced to reduce the output voltage ripple up to 4 times of the original value at light load. The converter delivers a maximum power of 250 mW and achieves a peak efficiency of 91%. Third, a fully integrated dual-output SC converter with dynamic power allocation for application processors is presented. The power cells can be dynamically allocated according to the loads, and improves the efficiency by 4.8% than without power-cell allocation. A dual-path voltage-control oscillator (VCO) that works independently of the power-cell allocation is proposed to achieve a fast and stable regulation loop. The converter achieved peak efficiency of 83.3% and maximum combined load-currents of 100mA while maintaining minimized cross regulation. Finally, a fully-integrated active matrix light-emitting diode (AMLED) micro display system is presented. The system consists of 36×64 pixel-drivers encompassed by a fully onchip hybrid voltage regulator built on the same silicon chip, then integrated with the AMLED array by using the flip-chip bonding technology. No external passive component is needed. The hybrid voltage regulator consists of a step-up switched-capacitor converter cascaded by a stepdown linear regulator. The hybrid voltage regulator can handle the wide input range of the lithium-ion battery, and delivers a maximum power of 216 mW with 91% peak efficiency and 78% average efficiency. 2 Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Fully-Integrated Power Converters With the increasing demand for wearable and implantable devices, system- miniaturization is now pressing issue. Therefore, in system-level design, fully integrated power converters are highly desirable because of two main advantages. First, with all the passive and active components built on silicon chip, a smaller PCB area and footprint can be achieved, and the complexity system assembly can be reduced. Second, in most cases, a high-quality power inductor is more expensive than equivalent capacitors when handling the same level of power. Therefore, if power inductors could be replaced by capacitors, the system cost could be much reduced. Besides, integrating power converters together with the loads on the same chip can also improve circuit performance such as load transient responses and dynamic voltage frequency scaling (DVFS) responses. As the power converter could be placed closer to the load, the current could be delivered to the loads with lower parasitic resistance, capacitance and inductance [Lu 2017]. Thus, fully-integrated power converters are attracting more and more attention in recent years, both in the academia and the industry [Pique 2013], [Sanders 2013]. Many research works have been published on fully-integrated power converters. They are mostly focusing on three types: linear regulators, switching converters and switchedcapacitor (SC) converters. Linear regulators are the most convenient solution as they only need transistors, resistors and a few capacitors. They use the power transistor as a tunable resistor to regulate the output voltage, thus, the power efficiency may be low when the output voltage VO is much lower than the input voltage VIN. Nowadays, in advanced CMOS technology, the operating voltage of the core transistors has scaled down to lower than 1V, but the voltage of a battery (e.g. Lithium-ion battery) still remains higher than 3V. Hence, a high-efficiency DCDC converter has to step down the battery voltage first before using a linear regulator to drive the load. 3 Switching converters use power inductors and capacitors to transfer power so that the ideal efficiency can be 100%. This could be a benefit when the power level is high. However, as a key component, the power inductor is difficult to be implemented on silicon chip. Moreover, inductors need a magnetic core if high power efficiency and high density are required, and they could be very bulky and costly. Some fully-integrated buck converters were reported to use bond-wire based inductors to achieve full integration [Huang 2013 I], [Huang 2013 II]. However, in low-voltage applications, low VO results in low efficiency as the conduction loss through the resistive current path becomes important. Meanwhile, more and more products prefer to use advanced packaging techniques such as flip-chip bonding rather than bond-wire packaging, limiting the applications of bond-wire based inductors. The switched-capacitor (SC) DC-DC converters rule out the power inductor, and they only use flying capacitors to transfer power. By using on-chip capacitors, SC converters can be built fully on-chip for low-power applications. It should also be noted that SC converters can attain good efficiencies if VOUT is kept close to the predefined ideal output voltages M×VIN, where M is the voltage conversion ratio (VCR) at zero load current. For many applications, such as driving a light-emitting-diode (LED) display and powering up the backlight of a liquid-crystal display (LCD) [Su 2008], a step-up power converter is needed to provide a voltage higher than the input voltage. Linear regulators cannot be used, and a boost switching converter requires a power inductor. Alternatively, a step-up SC converter, often known as a charge pump, is more suitable because step-up function is easily achieved by re-arranging the flying capacitors with appropriate switches. The aforementioned advantages and drawbacks of the three power converters are summarized in Table 1.1. In summary, in low and moderate power level applications, switchedcapacitor (SC) converter is a good candidate due to its feasibility of on-chip integration, TABLE 1.1 COMPARISON OF THREE TYPES OF POWER CONVERTERS Power Converters Integration Efficiency Step-up Function Linear Regulators √ × × Switching Converters × √ √ Switched Capacitor (SC) Converters √ – √ 4 capability of step-up conversion and moderate to good power efficiency. 1.2 Challenges and Motivations Although SC converters have a lot of advantages, designing fully- or highly-integrated SC converters still faces many challenges. First, the power efficiency of an SC converter with only a few VCRs is not high over wide input- and output-voltage ranges. Second, an SC converter has finite output impedance and its maximum deliverable power is determined by the on-chip capacitance density, and increase in power density will always sacrifice power efficiency. Hence, in a standard CMOS process of which the capacitance density is low, there is tradeoff between power density and efficiency, and optimizing this tradeoff could be a challenge. Third, the output voltage ripple is harmful for noise sensitive devices, and lowering voltage ripple requires higher switching frequency and larger capacitance. Hence, minimizing voltage ripple using minimum system resources and cost is also a stringent problem to solve. 1.2.1 Topology Generation For an SC converter, the VCR is determined by the charging and discharging operations of the flying capacitors. Fig. 1.1 shows one example. Consider there is one flying capacitor Cf1 and one loading capacitor CL. A 2-phase clock is used to drive the switches. In Π€1, Cf1 is connected in parallel with the input voltage VIN, and with complete charge transfer, Cf1 will be charged to VIN. In Π€2, Cf1 is put on top of VIN. The top-plate voltage of Cf1 is then 2VIN. If Cf1 is connected to CL, charge sharing will take place, Cf1 will be partially discharged with that charge transferred to CL. In every Π€1, Cf1 is replenished by VIN, and in the steady state, CL is charged to 2VIN. For this topology, the ideal VCR is 2×, meaning that VO=2VIN under the noload condition. If there is a load current IO at the output, IO will consume the charge stored in CL, so the average output voltage VO will be lower than the ideal converted voltage M×VIN, where M is the ideal VCR. Fig. 1.2 shows that when IO is not zero, the actual VO will be lower than M×VIN by ΔVO. The voltage drop ΔVO can be modeled by an equivalent output impedance RO that drives the load current IO. Hence, an SC converter can be modeled as an ideal transformer with turns ratio of 1:M, generating an ideal voltage source of M×VIN that is in series with a finite output resistance RO, as shown in Fig. 1.3. 5 Fig. 1.1. Operating Example of VCR = 2×. Fig. 1.2. Output voltage under zero and non-zero loading condition. RO 1:M IO VO RL VIN Fig. 1.3. Circuit model of SC converter. The output voltage VO can be written as ππππ = πππππΌπΌπΌπΌ − π π ππ πΌπΌππ , (1.1) and the efficiency could be obtained as, ππ ππ = ππππππ . πΌπΌπΌπΌ (1.2) With only one VCR (=M), the power efficiency will decrease monotonically when VO moves away from M×VIN. Therefore, to achieve a high efficiency over wide ranges of input and/or output voltages, the SC converter should have many VCRs that could be reconfigured according to the VO/VIN range, so that is always operates with the proper VCR that achieves the maximum efficiency. However, as presented in [Makowski 1995], more topologies need 6 more flying capacitors and transistors, and combining multiple topologies in one power stage also increases circuit complexity. To conclude, it is very challenging to attain more VCRs with fewer flying capacitors and power transistors. 1.2.2 Tradeoff between Power Density and Efficiency In the previous section, we learn that constructing multiple VCRs (=M) is an effective method to cater for a smooth averaged efficiency over a range of the input voltage. But at certain operating point, the equivalent output resistance RO restricts the maximum current that SC converter could be delivered to the load, and a low RO is preferred to achieve a large power density. There are three ways to reduce RO, as shown in Fig. 1.2. One factor that affects ΔVO is the loading current IO. Intuitively, if the flying capacitors and the loading capacitor could be charged more frequently or have large values, ΔVO and RO can be reduced. The on-resistance RON of the non-ideal switches also result in conduction loss and voltage drop at VO. In terms of modeling, RON can be incorporated into RO. Hence, RO is inversely proportional to the capacitor value CFLY and the switching frequency fSW, and is proportional to the on-resistance of the switches RON: 1 (1.3) π π ππ ∝ π π ππππ (1.4) π π ππ ∝ πΆπΆ πΉπΉπΉπΉπΉπΉ ππππππ Achieving a low RO is not free: large CFLY and low RON need large silicon area; and careful tradeoff and optimization have to be considered in practical implementation. Besides charge redistribution loss and conduction loss, parasitic loss and switching loss become significant when on-chip capacitors are used. There are three types of on-chip capacitors that can be used: metal-insulator-metal (MIM) capacitor, metal-oxide-semiconductor (MOS) capacitor and metal-oxide-metal (MOM) capacitor. The densities of these capacitors are determined by the process. In general, the MOS capacitor has much higher density than the other two types of capacitors, and is a good candidate for realizing large CFLY. However, the MOS capacitor has a larger parasitic capacitance with reference to the substrate (up to 5%), and results in large parasitic loss. Reducing RON means that power transistors have to be larger and would occupy more silicon area and increase the switching loss. Switching at a higher fSW also leads to a larger switching loss. 7 Due to the reasons mentioned above, increasing power density (smaller RO) is always at the cost of a larger silicon area and/or extra power losses, instigating a tradeoff between power efficiency and density. Hence, in practical CMOS implementation, optimizing the design parameters to achieve a maximum product of power density and efficiency is very challenging. 1.2.3 Voltage Ripple and Full Integration In noise sensitive applications, large ripple voltages on the power rails in general degrade the performance of the loads. Although this side effect could be tolerated in particular when the loading is digital circuit and its operation could be programmed to adapt to the ripple voltage [Zimmer 2015], it may not be feasible for applications other than digital however. In general, large voltage ripple is caused by excessive charging and discharging of the loading capacitor. The conventional ways to reduce the voltage ripple are to increase the switching frequency and the value of the loading capacitor. But both methods will increase the switching loss and system cost. Multi-phase interleaving is verified to effectively reduce the output voltage ripple [Le 2011], and a lower voltage ripple requires a larger number of power cells. However, ripple cancellation needs an accurate clock with no phase mismatch. When the phase number exceeds 40, clock distribution to each phase may consume large amount of power and the layout floor-plan becomes complicated. Therefore, one target is to design an interleaving scheme that could generate power cells as many as possible while keeping a flexible layout floor-plan as well. Voltage ripple may also be due to the control method. For a hysteretic controlled SC converter, because of the intrinsic loop delay, the converter may suffer from large voltage ripples if the charge delivered to the output is not well controlled. Suppressing this voltage ripple needs a more intelligent control scheme that requires less system resource such as input and output capacitance (CIN and COUT), and is challenging. 1.3 Thesis Contribution The goal of this research is to design and implement high performance switched- capacitor converters to tackle the practical issues of a variety of applications. Design examples 8 to be employed by implantable devices, energy harvesting sources, application processors in smart phones and watches, and micro LED display systems are presented. New design methodology, topologies and control techniques are proposed to improve the performance. The key research contributions are highlighted below. 1.3.1 Topology Generation (A) 3-Phase Topologies for Low Voltage Application A 3-phase SC converter is proposed to generate a VCR of 1/4× by using only two flying capacitors. Compared with 2-phase operation, one more VCR is generated without using one more flying capacitor. Higher efficiency can thus be achieved for the low-VCR (VOUT/VIN) region. Together with the VCR of 1/3x, the proposed SC converter could cover an input voltage range of 2 V to 2.5 V and a low output voltage range of 0.4 V to 0.7 V. The 3-phase step-down SC converter was fabricated and measured with good performance. (B) Digital 2-/3-Phase 6-Ratio SC Converter To explore all the possible VCRs of 2-/3-phase operation with only 2 flying capacitors, a digital 2-/3-phase SC converter is proposed. 6 VCRs are generated and could cover wide input and output voltage ranges. This technique is especially suitable for SC converters of which volume is limited by packaging and external components. The existing commercial products can easily employ this technique without changing any system resources such as packaging and numbers of pins and external capacitors. Moreover, a full digital design methodology is employed to enhance compatibility with CMOS processes and reduce design time complexity. 1.3.2 Efficiency Improvement (A) Parasitic Insensitive Topology To minimize the effects on efficiency due to parasitic capacitors of on-chip flying capacitors, a parasitic insensitive topology is proposed. It operates in a subtraction mode and is generated by simply changing the polarity of one flying capacitor. Compared with summation mode topologies, subtraction mode topologies reduce the voltage swing of the bottom-plate parasitic capacitors, which help reducing the power loss and enhancing overall efficiency. SC converters with subtraction mode use the same number of flying capacitors and power 9 transistors as those with summation mode, and could provide the same VCR and the same output resistance as those with summation mode. So it is a very effective method to improve the efficiency with a minimum system cost. (B) High Bias Voltage A technique of biasing the substrate using high voltage is also proposed to reduce the parasitic capacitance in the device level. Consider using a P-type MOS capacitor as an on-chip flying capacitor. The junction capacitance CJ of the body-well diode is the major parasitic capacitance, and the value of CJ is reversely proportionally to its bias voltage. Now, the body terminal of this capacitor could be isolated and individually biased by other voltages, and hence we propose to use a high voltage as the bias to reduce CJ. The measurement results show a 5% efficiency improvement is achieved. (C) Power Resources Allocation In smart-phone and smart-watch applications, the multi-core application processor needs many voltage rails for each core and these rails are usually provided by individual power converters. When the loads of the cores are not balanced, the power efficiency and capacitor utilization would be low. To increase the utilization of on-chip power resource and the overall efficiency of all power converters, a single-input dual-output SC converter is proposed. The onchip power resources are merged together and could be dynamically allocated according to the loading conditions. By doing so, the power and area overhead are reduced. The prototype shows that the efficiency is improved by 4.8% and the two output voltages could operate with a minimized cross regulation. 1.3.3 Ripple Reduction (A) Digital Ripple Reduction A digitally controlled ripple reduction scheme is proposed to reduce the output voltage ripple. As the ripple voltage is caused by intrinsic loop delay and this delay is hard to be eliminated, modulating the output resistance is an alternative method to suppress over-charging of the output voltage. The concept of this digital controller is to modulate the output resistance by monitoring the duration of the discharging phase, so that it could be used under all loading conditions. The measurement results show an up to 4 times ripple reduction at light loads. 10 (B) Multiphase Interleaving for AMLED display Multiphase interleaving is an effective technique to reduce the output voltage ripple and smooth out the input current. To install multiphase power cells, a converter-ring structure is analyzed. A distributed ring oscillator is designed not only to reduce the power of the clock tree but also to increase the flexibility of the layout floor-plan. This structure could find a good application in an AMLED display system where the micro display panel occupies a large area in the center. The converter-ring encompasses the micro LED planer array so as to provide the shortest path to each pixel. 1.4 Thesis Organization The reset of the thesis is organized as follows. In Chapter 2, a review of state-of-the-art SC converters on topology, implementation and design methodology is presented. The advantages and disadvantages of existing published works are compared. In Chapter 3, an analysis of step-down SC converters is presented and a mathematical model that calculates the output voltage and the power efficiency is proposed. This model takes the top- and bottom-plate parasitic capacitance into consideration and is more suitable for onchip SC converter design. The simulation results corroborate with the calculation results very well. In Chapter 4, a 2-/3-phase fully-integrated SC DC-DC converter in a 65nm bulk-CMOS process with 14% efficiency improvement is proposed. 3-phase operation is utilized for the 1/4× VCR. A parasitic insensitive topology is proposed that achieves 11% efficiency improvement. Besides, a voltage doubler providing high voltage bias for the integrated capacitors is implemented to reduce the parasitic and improves the efficiency by 3%. The input voltage could range from 1.5V to 2.5V, and the output voltage could range from 0.5V t 0.7V, to cater for energy-efficient digital circuits, and a peak efficiency of 79.5% is achieved. In Chapter 5, a 2-/3-phase 6-ratio switched-capacitor DC-DC converter is proposed. 11 Two more VCRs are obtained using 3-phase operation than using only the conventional 2-phase operation. The achieved maximum output voltage range over the input voltage range is up to 75.8%, and the power conversion efficiency was improved by as much as 20% compared to 2phase SC converters. A digital adaptive ripple reduction scheme is also introduced to reduce the output voltage ripple by as much as 4 times at light load. This converter is implemented in a 0.13 µm bulk CMOS technology and is capable of operating at a wide input range of 1.6 V to 3.3 V and a wide output range of 0.5 V to 3 V with 91% peak efficiency and delivers a maximum power of 250 mW. In Chapter 6, a fully integrated dual-output SC converter with dynamic power-cell allocation for application processors is presented. The power cells can be dynamically allocated according to load demands, and improves the efficiency by 4.8% than without allocation. A dual-path voltage controlled oscillator (VCO) that works independently of power-cell allocation is proposed to achieve a fast and stable regulation loop. The converter achieves 83.3% peak efficiency and drives a maximum 100mA load while maintaining minimized cross regulation. In Chapter 7, a fully-integrated active matrix light-emitting diode (AMLED) micro display system is presented. The system consists of a 36 × 64 pixel-drivers encompassed by a fully on-chip hybrid voltage regulator built on the same silicon chip, then integrated with the AMLED array by using the flip-chip bonding technology. As such, no external passive component is needed. The hybrid voltage regulator consists of a step-up switched-capacitor converter cascaded by a step-down linear regulator. Operating with a wide input range of the lithium-ion battery (2.7V-4.2V), the voltage regulator delivers a maximum power of 216mW with 91% peak efficiency and 78% average efficiency. Finally, in Chapter 8 concluding remarks are drawn and future works are discussed. 1.5 Reference [Su 2008] F. Su and W.-H. Ki, “Component-efficient multiphase switched-capacitor DC-DC converter with configurable conversion ratios for LCD driver applications,” IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. II, Exp. Briefs, vol. 55, no. 8, pp. 12 753–757, Aug. 2008. [Le 2011] H.-P. Le, S. R. Sanders and E. Alon, “Design techniques for fully integrated switched-capacitor DC-DC converters,” IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol. 46, no. 9, pp. 2120–2131, Sep. 2011. [Sanders 2013] S. R. Sanders, et al., “The road to fully integrated DC-DC conversion via the switched-capacitor approach,” IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 28, no. 9, pp. 4146–4155, Sep. 2013. [Pique 2013] G. V. Pique, H. J. Bergveld, and E. Alarcon, “Survey and benchmark of fully integrated switching power converters: switched-capacitor versus inductive approach,” IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 28, no. 9, pp. 4156–4167, Sep. 2013. [Huang 2013 I] C. Huang and P. K. T. Mok, “An 84.7% efficiency 100-MHz package bondwire-based fully integrated buck converter with precise DCM operation and enhanced light-load efficiency,” IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol. 48, no. 11, pp. 2595–2607, Nov. 2013. [Huang 2013 II] C. Huang and P. K. T. Mok, “A 100 MHz 82.4% efficiency packagebondwire based four-phase fully-integrated buck converter with flying capacitor for area reduction,” IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol. 48, no. 12, pp. 2977–2988, Dec. 2013. [Zimmer 2015] B. Zimmer et al., “A RISC-V vector processor with tightly-integrated switched-capacitor DC-DC converters in 28nm FDSOI,” in Proc. IEEE Symp. VLSI Circuits, Jun. 2015, pp. 316–317. [Lu 2017] Y. Lu, J. Jiang, and W. H. Ki, “A multiphase switched-capacitor DC–DC converter ring with fast transient response and small ripple,” IEEE J. SolidState Circuits, vol. 52, no. 2, pp. 579–591, Feb. 2017. 13 Chapter 2 REVIEW OF STATE-OF-THE-ART SWITCHED-CAPACITOR CONVERTERS 2.1 Introduction Switched-capacitor (SC) converters are gaining much popularity in recent years, and numerous papers have been published. In this chapter, review of the start-of-the-art SC converters will be presented, and the focus is on solving the challenges mentioned in Section 1.2. The techniques that try to improve the efficiency, power density and reduce voltage ripple will be introduced. 2.2 Capacitors in Special Processes Flying capacitors are the key components of on-chip SC converters. In standard bulk- CMOS processes, capacitors such as MOS, MOM and MIM capacitors have low capacitance density that leads to low power density. Therefore, increasing capacitance density is the most straightforward way to improve both power density and efficiency. Instead of using standard CMOS processes, recent works use special processes to implement high-density capacitors. In [Chang 2010], [Andersen 2014] and [Andersen 2015], deep-trench capacitors in 45nm SOI and 32nm SOI processes are used. The density of deep-trench capacitors are reported to be extraordinary high of 200nF/mm2, and it is 10 times higher than that of the MIM capacitor in bulk CMOS. Hence, peak efficiency of higher than 90% and power density higher than 1W/mm2 are achieved by these works. Charging and discharging of bottom-plate parasitic capacitance will degrade the power efficiency. To minimize this parasitic, [El-Damak 2013] used ferro-electric capacitors as flying capacitors that were built at the very top of the chip. As a consequence, the bottom-plate parasitic capacitance is much lower than that of the MOS capacitor, and 93% peak efficiency was reported. [Jain 2014] used high-density MIM capacitors and achieved 84% peak efficiency at 1.1V output voltage. 14 However, all these methods are very costly and not compatible with bulk-CMOS processes. They may face difficulties when integrating power converters together with other circuit blocks of a system-on-chip (SoC). 2.3 Topological Exploration Commercial products [TI 2002], [LTC 2007] and [TI 2013] with two off-chip flying capacitors can only realize two to three voltage conversion ratios (VCRs) such as 2/3×, 1/2× and 1/3×. Restricted VCRs means limited efficiency over a wide range of input and output voltages and loading currents. The efficiency could be improved by introducing more VCRs. One concept is cascading many power stages to achieve many finer VCRs. In [Bang 2016 I], a SAR-like SC converter with 7-bit resolution was presented and six sub-SC converters were cascaded. The arrangement of capacitors was improved by a recursive method in [Salem 2014]. In [Salem 2015], a gearboxing technique was introduced and five off-chip capacitors were used to construct four stacked power stages that realized 24 VCRs. However, due to the theoretical limitation of 2phase operation, increasing VCRs needs more flying capacitors and leads to higher system cost. Thus, the common drawback of these works is low power density, because too many transistors are stacked in series that gives a large output resistance. To deliver even medium power, they usually occupied a large silicon area. An alternative method to realize more VCRs using the same number of flying capacitors is to use multi-phase operation, such as 3-phase operation. It has been employed in realizing step-up VCRs in [Su 2008] and [Karadi 2014] to generate a high output voltage with a very high VCR. For these designs, many auxiliary bias voltages are required to avoid over-voltage breakdown. Only one VCR (=6x) is realized in [Karadi 2014], and both the input voltage range and the output voltage range are limited. 2.4 Ripple Reduction Large ripple voltages on the power rails in general degrade the performance of noise15 sensitive loads. To reduce the output voltage ripple, multi-phase interleaving techniques have been investigated [Breussegem 2009], [Somasekhar 2010], [Le 2011] and commonly used in both step-up and step-down SC converters [Pique 2012], [Bang 2016 II], [Lu 2017]. However, high-power applications use discrete capacitors, and they cannot be split into smaller capacitors to realize multi-phase interleaving. Modulating the capacitance [Kudva 2013] could reduce the ripple voltage by suppressing extra charge being delivered to the outputs, but again this method is not feasible for discrete capacitors. Analog approaches that tune the on-resistance of switches [Lee 2007], [Jain 2014] are not preferred for a digitally controlled SC converter. Cascading a post regulator [Lu 2016], on the other hand, would degrade the overall efficiency. 2.5 Hybrid Converters Recently, hybrid converters are becoming popular research topics, because they have a high potential to provide a larger product of power density and conversion efficiency. 3-level converters employ a flying capacitor to generate three voltage levels for one of the inductor terminals while the other terminal is fixed at VOUT. Therefore, the voltage across the inductor is reduced and consequently the inductor current ripple is reduced by a factor of two for the same switching frequency [Kim 2012], [Liu 2016 I], [Liu 2016 II]. With the same output voltage ripple requirement of the conventional buck converter, the multi-level converters could use much smaller passive components such that higher loop bandwidth can be achieved. Thus, with the advantages of both high loop bandwidth and high power efficiency, multi-level converters found a very suitable application of envelope-tracking for the supply modulation of the RF power amplifier [Yousefzadeh 2006], [Liu 2017]. Resonant switched-capacitor converters can also be considered as hybrid converters. The resonant converter switches at the resonant frequency of the LC resonance tank to generate a sinusoidal conducting current, which has the smallest root-mean-square (RMS) value compared with any current with the same average current, and thus increase the efficiency by reducing the conduction loss of the power switches [Stauth 2012], [Kesarwani 2014], [Schaef 2015]. However, resonant converters suffer from slow transient responses, and have restricted topologies as each flying capacitor needs one inductor to realize soft switching. More importantly, the use of inductor increases the difficulty to be fully integrated on silicon, especially when the topology becomes more complicated and needs more flying components. 16 2.6 Reference [TI 2002] “High efficiency, 250mA step-down charge pump,” TPS60500 datasheet, Taxes Instruments, Feb. 2002. [Yousefzadeh 2006] V. Yousefzadeh, E. Alarcon, and D. Maksimovic, “Three-level buck converter for envelope tracking applications,” IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 21, no. 2, pp. 549–552, Mar. 2006. [Lee 2007] H. Lee and P. K. T. Mok, “An SC voltage doubler with pseudo-continuous output regulation using a three-stage switchable opamp,” IEEE J. SolidState Circuits, vol. 42, no. 6, pp. 1216–1229, Jun. 2007. [LTC 2007] “High efficiency inductorless step-down DC/DC converters,” LTC15031.8/LTC1503-2 datasheet, Linear Technology, Aug. 2007. [Su 2008] F. Su and W.-H. Ki, "Component-efficient multi-phase switched capacitor DC-DC converter with configurable conversion ratios for LCD driver applications," IEEE Trans. Circuit Syst. II, Exp. Briefs, vol. 55, no. 8, pp. 753-757, Aug. 2008. [Breussegem 2009] T. Breussegem and M. Steyaert, “A 82% efficiency 0.5% ripple 16-phase fully integrated capacitive voltage doubler,” in Proc. IEEE Symp. VLSI Circuits, Jun. 2009, pp. 198–199. [Somasekhar 2010] D. Somasekhar, et al., “Multiphase 1 GHz voltage doubler charge-pump in 32 nm logic process,” IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol. 45, no. 4, pp. 751–758, Apr. 2010. [Chang 2010] L. Chang, et al., “A fully-integrated switched-capacitor 2:1 voltage converter with regulation capability and 90% efficiency at 2.3A/mm2,” in Proc. IEEE Symp. VLSI Circuits, Jun. 2010, pp. 55–56. [Le 2011] H.-P. Le, S. R. Sanders and E. Alon, “Design techniques for fully integrated switched-capacitor DC-DC converters,” IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol. 46, no. 9, pp. 2120–2131, Sep. 2011. [Kim 2012] W. Kim, D. Brooks, and G.-Y. Wei, “A fully-integrated 3-level DC-DC converter for nanosecond-scale DVFS,” IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol. 47, no. 1, pp. 206–219, Jan. 2012. 17 [Pique 2012] G. V. Piqué, “A 41-phase switched-capacitor power converter with 3.8mV output ripple and 81% efficiency in baseline 90nm CMOS,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Solid-State Circuits Conf, Feb. 2012, pp. 98–100. [Stauth 2012] J. T. Stauth, M. D. Seeman, and K. Kesarwani, “A resonant switchedcapacitor IC and embedded system for sub-module photovoltaic power management,” IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol. 47, no. 12, pp. 3043–3054, Dec. 2012. [El-Damak 2013] D. El-Damak, S. Bandyopadhyay, and A. P. Chandrakasan, “A 93% efficiency reconfigurable switched-capacitor DC-DC converter using onchip ferroelectric capacitors,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Solid-State Circuits Conf, Feb. 2013, pp. 374–375. [TI 2013] “High efficiency switched capacitor step-down DC/DC regulator with sleep mode,” LM2770 datasheet, Texas Instrument, May. 2013. [Kudva 2013] S. S. Kudva and R. Harjani, “Fully integrated capacitive DC-DC converter with all-digital ripple mitigation technique,” IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol. 48, no. 8, pp. 1910–1920, Aug. 2013. [Andersen 2014] T. Andersen et al., “A sub-ns response on-chip switched-capacitor DC-DC voltage regulator delivering 3.7W/mm2 at 90% efficiency using deeptrench capacitors in 32nm SOI CMOS,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Solid- State Circuits Conf., Feb. 2014, pp. 90–91. [Karadi 2014] R. Karadi and G. V. Pique, “4.8 3-phase 6/1 switched-capacitor DC-DC boost converter providing 16V at 7mA and 70.3% efficiency in 1.1mm3,” in Proc. IEEE Solid-State Circuits Conf., Feb. 2014, pp. 92–93. [Kesarwani 2014] K. Kesarwani, R. Sangwan, and J. T. Stauth, “A 2-phase resonant switched-capacitor converter delivering 4.3W at 0.6W/mm2 with 85% efficiency,” in Proc. IEEE Intl. Solid-State Circuits Conf., Feb. 2014, pp. 86–87. [Jain 2014] R. Jain et al., “A 0.45-1 V fully-integrated distributed switched capacitor DC-DC converter with high density MIM capacitor in 22 nm tri-gate CMOS,” IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol. 49, no. 4, pp. 917–927, Apr. 2014. [Jain 2014] R. Jain, et al., “Conductance modulation techniques in switched-capacitor DC-DC converter for maximum-efficiency tracking and ripple mitigation 18 in 22nm Tri-gate CMOS,” in Proc. IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conf., Sep. 2014, pp. 1–4. [Salem 2014] L. G. Salem and P. P. Mercier, “A recursive switched-capacitor DC-DC converter achieving 2N-1 ratios with high efficiency over a wide output voltage range,” IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol. 49, no. 12, pp. 2773– 2787, Dec. 2014. [Andersen 2015] T. Andersen et al., “A feedforward controlled on-chip switched-capacitor voltage regulator delivering 10W in 32nm SOI CMOS,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Solid-State Circuits Conf., Feb. 2015, pp. 362–363. [Salem 2015] L. Salem and P. Mercier, “A battery-connected 24-ratio switched capacitor PMIC achieving 95.5%-efficiency,” in Proc. IEEE Symp. VLSI Circuits, Jun. 2015, pp. 340–341. [Schaef 2015] C. Schaef and J. T. Stauth, “A 3-phase resonant switched capacitor converter delivering 7.7 W at 85% efficiency using 1.1 nH PCB trace inductors,” IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol. 50, no. 12, pp. 2861–2869, Dec. 2015. [Lu 2016] Y. Lu, W.-H. Ki and C. P. Yue, “An NMOS-LDO regulated switchedcapacitor DC-DC converter with fast response adaptive phase digital control,” IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 31, no. 2, pp. 1294–1303, Feb. 2016. [Bang 2016 I] S. Bang, D. Blaauw, and D. Sylvester, “A successive-approximation switched-capacitor DC–DC converter with resolution of for a wide range of input and output voltages,” IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol. 51, no. 2, pp. 543–556, Feb. 2016. [Bang 2016 II] S. Bang, J. Seo, L. Chang, D. Blaauw and D. Sylvester, “A low ripple switched-capacitor voltage regulator using flying capacitance dithering,” IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol. 51, no. 4, pp. 919–929, Apr. 2016. [Liu 2016 I] X. Liu, P. K. T. Mok, J. Jiang, and W.-H. Ki, “Analysis and design considerations of integrated 3-level buck converters,” IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. I, vol. 63 no. 5, pp. 671-682, May 2016. [Liu 2016 II] X. Liu, C. Huang, P. K. T. Mok “A 50MHz 5V 3W 90% efficiency 3-level buck converter with real-time calibration and wide output range for fastDVS in 65nm CMOS,” IEEE Symp. VLSI Circuits, Jun. 2016, pp. 1-2. 19 [Liu 2017] X. Liu, et al., “A 2.4V 23.9dBm 35.7%-PAE -32.1dBc-ACLR LTE20MHz envelope-shaping-and-tracking system with a multiloopcontrolled AC-coupling supply modulator and a mode-switching PA”, in Proc. IEEE Intl. Solid-State Circuits Conf., Feb. 2017, pp. 38-39. [Lu 2017] Y. Lu, J. Jiang and W.-H. Ki, “A multiphase switched-capacitor DC-DC converter Ring with fast transient response and small ripple,” IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol. 52, no. 2, pp. 579–591, Feb. 2017. 20 Chapter 3 ANALYSIS OF SWITCHED-CAPACITOR CONVERTERS 3.1 Introduction Step-down switched-capacitor (SC) converters are gaining popularity because they can be built fully on-chip. In advanced CMOS technologies, switching at frequencies in the range of tens to hundreds of megahertz could achieve high power density and small output ripple. Some capacitors can be implemented using MOS capacitors that have large parasitic capacitance coupled to the substrate. As parasitic loss will reduce the overall efficiency, its effect has to be taken into account. There are only a handful of papers that analyze step-down SC converters. In [Seeman 2008] an analysis focusing on the output impedance is proposed to predict the current capability in terms of topology, switching frequency, values of flying capacitors, turn-on resistance of switches, etc. [Henry 2011] uses state-space modeling to predict the equivalent resistance. These methods precisely model the intrinsic loss of SC converters; however, effects of parasitic capacitors are not included, making these methods not adequate for fully on-chip implementation. In [Ki 2012], step-up SC converters are analyzed using charge balance law (QBL). The derivations are complicated, but they could be simplified by using first-order approximations while maintaining high accuracy. This method could be extended to analyze step-down SC converters as well. Among various step-down topologies, conversion ratios with (N-1)/N, such as 1/2×, 2/3×, 4/5× etc., are most common ones. SC converters with 1/2×, 2/3× [4] and 4/5× [5] are designed to cover a large input voltage range and enhance the overall efficiency. Fig. 3.1 shows 21 Fig. 3.1. Step-down SC converter with (N-1)/N configurations: (a) 1/2×, (b) 2/3×, and (c) 3/4×. some of the schemes of commonly used series-parallel (N-1)/N SC converters with voltage conversion ratios (a) 1/2×, (b) 2/3× and (c) 3/4×, respectively. In this chapter, a theoretical analysis of 2-phase step-down SC converters is presented, which is especially suitable for SC converters with voltage conversion ratios of (N-1)/N. For each flying capacitor, both the top-plate and bottom-plate parasitic capacitors are included. In Section 3.2, the analysis of dual-branch SC converters is conducted based on QBL. Derivations of the output voltage are presented. In Section 3.3, efficiencies of SC converters are calculated and the optimization points are identified. In Section 3.4, accuracy of the analysis is demonstrated by simulation results. Finally, concluding remarks are drawn in Section 3.5. 3.2 Analysis of Output Voltage and Voltage Ripple Fig. 3.2 shows a series-parallel step-down SC converter with the voltage conversion ratio (N-1)/N if the loading current IO is zero. The dual-branch configuration is considered to 22 Fig. 3.2. Dual-branch step-down series-parallel SC converter with voltage conversion ratio (N-1)/N. simplify the analysis, because the output voltage assumes only two values instead of four as in a single-branch one. This converter consists of 2(N-1) flying capacitors C1a, C1b to CN-1a, CN-1b, the loading capacitor CL and switches. Switches are turned on and off at the switching frequency fSW in two non-overlapping phases (Π€1 and Π€2). For on-chip implementation, each flying capacitor C has a top-plate parasitic capacitor αC and a bottom-plate parasitic capacitor βC coupled to ground. Calculation of the output voltage VO is based on QBL, which dictates that the sum of all charges leaving a node for any instance of charge transfer is equal to zero. Fig. 3.3 shows the connections of the capacitors and the voltage waveform of VO at the charging phase of Branch A (Π€1), which is the same as the discharging phase of Branch B. By assuming complete charge transfer [Ki 2012], at the beginning of Π€1, charge redistribution with ideal switches makes VO across CL jumps up to VO1 instantly, and CL is discharged by the load current IO towards VO2 in the rest of the half period (Π€1). Because of its symmetrical structure, the discharging phase of Branch A (Π€2) is the same as the charging phase of Branch B, and the whole process repeats. As shown in Fig. 3.3, the flying capacitors of Branch A are in parallel and those of Branch B are in series. For N capacitors connected in series to VO, there are N+1 QBL equations 23 Fig. 3.3. Connection of capacitors in phase 1 and the output voltage waveform. Fig. 3.4. Approximation for capacitors in series. to be solved to compute all node voltages. The equations become intractable and deem nonpractical. Hence, approximations should be made to reduce the complexity. Fig. 3.4 illustrates how the capacitors in series are approximated by an equivalent capacitor CSERIES. For simplicity, we assume that all flying capacitors are equal to C1. We further assume that all parasitic capacitors except the one connected to VO could be ignored, and this point will be justified by an equivalent capacitor CSERIES. For simplicity, we assume that all flying capacitors are equal to C1. We further assume that all parasitic capacitors except the one connected to VO could be ignored, and this point will be justified by simulation results 24 later. Therefore, we have 1 (3.1) πΆπΆππππππππππππ ≈ ππ−1 πΆπΆ1 If higher accuracy is needed, first-order approximation could be invoked, and πΆπΆππππππππππππ,1 ≈ (ππ−1)ππ (πΌπΌ+π½π½)+1 2 ππ(ππ−1)(ππ+1) (πΌπΌ+π½π½)+ππ 6 (3.2) πΆπΆ1 With reference to Fig. 3.3, the QBL equation at the output node VO is given by πΌπΌπΆπΆ1 πππ·π·π·π· + πΆπΆ1 (πππ·π·π·π· − ππππ2 ) + πΆπΆπΏπΏ ππππ2 − πΆπΆ1 ππππ2 + π½π½πΆπΆ1 πΆπΆ ππ − 2 ππππ2 2 1 = ππππ1 οΏ½πΌπΌπΆπΆ1 + ππ−1 + πΆπΆπΏπΏ + (ππ − 1)π½π½π½π½1 οΏ½ − (ππ − 1)πΆπΆ1 (πππ·π·π·π· − ππππ1 ) (3.3) In the discharging phase, all the capacitors directly connected to VO are discharged by the load current IO: πΌπΌ ππ ππ ππππ2 = ππππ1 − 2πΆπΆ (3.4) ππ where πΆπΆππ = (ππ − 1)(1 + π½π½)πΆπΆ1 + πΆπΆπΏπΏ + πΌπΌπΆπΆ1 + πΆπΆππππππππππππ (3.5) From (3.3) and (3.4), VO1 and VO2 could be calculated as ππππ1 = ππ × πππ·π·π·π· − π π ππ πΌπΌππ ππ−1 (3.6) ππππ2 = ππ × πππ·π·π·π· − 2ππ2 ππ × πΆπΆ Where 1+ (ππ−1) ππ−1 × οΏ½ 2 + πποΏ½ ππ = 1 − ππ × and ππ = 1 + π½π½ 2 1 ππ π½π½ ππ πΌπΌππ 1 ππππππ πΌπΌ (3.7) (3.8) (3.9) The parameter τ is a coefficient related to parasitic capacitors, and in the ideal case, α = β = 0, giving τ = 1, and M is the voltage conversion ratio that is ideally equal to (N-1)/N. If α and β are larger than 0, then τ > 1, and M is lower than (N-1)/N. With CL assigned as µC1, the output resistance of the SC converter is given by π π ππ1 = (ππ−1)(ππππ−2π½π½+2µ−4) 4ππ 2 πππΆπΆππ ππππππ 25 , πΆπΆπΏπΏ = µπΆπΆ1 (3.10) Thus, the output voltage is the average of (3.6) and (3.7) and yields (3.11) ππππ = ππ × πππ·π·π·π· − π π ππ πΌπΌππ with π π ππ = 2ππ 2 +(ππ−1)(2πΌπΌ−4π½π½+4µ+3π½π½π½π½−8) (3.12) 4ππ 2 πππΆπΆππ ππππππ The voltage ripple is Δππππ = 3.3 (ππ−1)(π½π½π½π½+2πΌπΌ)+2ππ 2 8ππ 2 ππ × πΆπΆ πΌπΌππ (3.13) ππ ππππππ Efficiency of SC Converter To calculate the efficiency of a step-down SC converter, we need to tabulate the total charge from the power supply. In half a cycle, the energy from the power supply is composed of two parts. (1) E1: The energy that is delivered to the positive plates of C1a and αC1a when they are charged. (2) E2: The energy supplied to C1a when its negative plate is discharged. Since the operation of the flying capacitors is complementary in the next half cycle, the total energy is double of E1 and E2: EIN = 2(E1 + E2 ) . (3.14) First, with reference to Fig. 3.3, C1a and αC1a are discharged to VO2. The positive plates of C1a and αC1a are charged to VDD, after charge redistribution, they are discharged to (VDD – VO1). The extra charge ΔQ1 supplied by the power supply is: ππ ∑ππ∈π π π π π π π π π π π π πΆπΆππ ππππ + αC1 VO2 + ΔQ1 2 = (N − 1)C1 (VDD − VO1 ) + (N − 1)αC1 VDD . (3.15) Using the approximation of (3.1) and that we have ππ (3.16) πΌπΌπΆπΆ1 ππππ2 ≈ πΌπΌπΆπΆ1 ππ−1 πππ·π·π·π· ππ Δππ1 ≈ (ππ − 1)πΆπΆ1 (πππ·π·π·π· − ππππ1 ) − πΆπΆ1 ππππ2 + ππ−1 πΌπΌπΆπΆ1 πππ·π·π·π· . 26 (3.17) In the discharging phase, the negative plates of C1 to CN-1 provide the output current. The charge ΔQ2 supplied by the power supply is: (ππ − 1)πΆπΆ1 (πππ·π·π·π· − ππππ1 ) + Δππ2 = (ππ − 1)πΆπΆ1 (πππ·π·π·π· − ππππ2 ). (3.18) The total charge in one switching cycle is thus Δπππ‘π‘π‘π‘π‘π‘ = 2(Δππ1 + Δππ2 ) = 2(ππ − 1)πΆπΆ1 (πππ·π·π·π· − ππππ2 ) − 2πΆπΆ1 ππππ2 + (ππ − 1)πΌπΌπΆπΆ1 πππ·π·π·π· . (3.19) From (3.7) and that E = VDDΔQtot we have πΈπΈπΌπΌπΌπΌ = 2πππ·π·π·π· πΆπΆ1 οΏ½(ππ − 1)(πππ·π·π·π· − ππππ2 ) − ππππ2 + (ππ − 1)πΌπΌ = 1 2 2 π½π½οΏ½ππ−2+ οΏ½+πΌπΌ(ππ−1− + 2 ) ππ ππ ππ 2 πΆπΆ1 πππ·π·π·π· ππ The efficiency η is given by ππ = ππππ πΌπΌππ ππ πΈπΈπΌπΌπΌπΌ ππ−1 πππ·π·π·π· πΌπΌππ + ππππ ππππππ . πππ·π·π·π· οΏ½ 2ππ . (3.20) (3.21) From (3.20), the efficiency could be derived as: ππππ πΌπΌππ ππ = ππ ππππ 2 (3.22) π·π·π·π· +ππ0 πππ·π·π·π· πΌπΌππ with 1 2 2 ππ = οΏ½π½π½ οΏ½ππ − 2 + πποΏ½ + πΌπΌ(ππ − 1 − ππ + ππ2 )οΏ½ ππππππ πΆπΆ1 ππ0 = ππ−1 ππ . The maximum efficiency is obtained by finding the point where dη/dδ = 0 (δ = VO / VDD). Eq. (3.22) could be rewritten as: ππ = ππ πΏπΏ (3.23) πππ π ππ +ππ0 ππ0 −πΏπΏ The optimized voltage conversion ratio Mopt is: δopt = And the maximum efficiency is ππππ,ππππππ πππ·π·π·π· πππ π ππ = ππ0 + ππ0 πΎπΎ = οΏ½ππ02 πππ π 0 + ππ2 π π 02. ππππππππ = ππ οΏ½1 − πππ π ππ The corresponding output voltage and current are − πΎπΎ ππππ,ππππππ = πππ·π·π·π· οΏ½ππ0 + πΌπΌππ,ππππππ = πππ·π·π·π· (πΎπΎ−πππ π ππ ) ππ0 π π ππ 27 . πΎπΎ − ππ 0 (πππ π ππ +πΎπΎ)2 πππ π ππ ππ0 ππ02 πΎπΎ πΎπΎ (3.24) οΏ½ − ππ οΏ½ 0 (3.25) (3.26) (3.27) 3.4 Verification By Simulation To verify the accuracy of the proposed model, we conduct simulations of four topologies (N=2, 3, 4 and 5) with flying capacitor C1 = 100pF, loading capacitor CL = 200pF and switching frequency fSW = 100MHz. The load current ranges from 1µA to 60mA. Fig. 3.5 shows the output voltages generated by the analysis and by simulation. The parasitic parameters are chosen as (α = 0; β = 0), (α = 1%; β = 3%) and (α = 1%; β = 5%). Simulation results show that the output voltage and the equivalent resistance match well with analysis results and the errors Fig. 3.5. Simulated and calculated VO vs. IO for different topologies: (a) 1/2×, (b) 2/3×, (c) 3/4× and, (d) 4/5×. Fig. 3.6. Simulated and calculated efficiency vs. IO for different topologies: (a) 1/2×, (b) 2/3×, (c) 3/4× and, (d) 4/5×. 28 TABLE 3.1 COMPARISON OF SIMULATION AND CALCULATION RESULTS are less than 0.7%. Fig. 3.6 shows the efficiencies by simulation and calculation. The predicted optimization points are close to the simulated ones. Table 3.1 summarizes the simulation result and the calculation result for the worst of the three cases (α = 1%; β = 5%). The errors of the output voltage and maximum efficiency are within 0.7% and 3%. The error of the efficiency is caused by over-counting the parasitic loss due to the series approximation. If the first-order approximation (3.2) is used, the accuracy of efficiency can be much higher. 3.5 Conclusions This chapter analyzes the behavior of 2-phase on-chip step down switched-capacitor DC-DC converters and presents a unified model that covers voltage conversion ratios of (N1)/N. Parasitic capacitors of both the top- and bottom-plate of each flying capacitor are considered for better accuracy. The simulation results match well with the analytic results from the model. 3.6 Reference [Seeman 2008] M. Seeman and S. Sanders, “Analysis and optimization of switched capacitor DC-DC converters,” IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 841–851, 2008. [Henry 2011] J. Henry and J. Kimball, “Practical performance analysis of complex switched-capacitor converters,” IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 26, no. 1, pp. 127–136, Jan. 2011. 29 [Ki 2012] W.-H. Ki, Y. Lu, F. Su, and C.-Y. Tsui, “Analysis and design strategy of on-chip charge pumps for micro-power energy harvesting applications,” in VLSI-SoC, Jan. 2012, no. 379, pp. 158–186. [Pique 2012] G. Pique, “A 41-phase switched-capacitor power converter with 3.8mV output ripple and 81% efficiency in baseline 90nm CMOS,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Solid-State Circuits Conf., Feb. 2012, pp. 98–100. [Jain 2014] R. Jain, et al., “A 0.45-1 V fully-integrated distributed switched capacitor DC–DC converter with high density MIM capacitor in 22 nm tri-gate CMOS,” IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol. 49, no. 4, pp. 917–927, Apr. 2014. 30 Chapter 4 FULLY INTEGRATED 2-/3-PHASE SC CONVERTER WITH EFFICIENCY IMPROVEMENT 4.1 Introduction For implantable devices, achieving fully integration and low power consumption are always highly desirable. Reducing the supply voltage of digital circuits to sub- or near-threshold region minimizes the dynamic power consumption and achieves a better efficiency [Wang 2005]. It is widely used in energy-efficient applications, and is especially beneficial for wirelessly powered devices such as wearable electronics, biomedical implants and smart sensor networks that have long standby times and going battery-less is highly desirable. As shown in Fig. 4.1, for a typical wireless power transmission system, there is a gap between the high voltage of the rectified VIN (> 2V) and the low supply voltage VDD (< 700 mV) for the energyefficient digital circuits. To bridge this voltage gap without sacrificing compact size, fully-integrated power converters with a low voltage conversion ratio (VCR = VOUT/VIN) and high efficiency are needed. For linear regulators, the efficiency decreases significantly when VCR is low. Fullyintegrated buck converters can achieve high current density [Huang 2013]. However, a low VCR results in low efficiency as the conduction loss through the resistive current path becomes important [Huang 2013]. Hence, in this low power application, fully-integrated switchedcapacitor (SC) power converters are good alternatives that can achieve high efficiency at low VCR. Fig. 4.1. Application of wireless powered implantable devices. 31 In this chapter, a fully-integrated 2-/3-phase reconfigurable step-down SC converter with an output voltage range of 0.4 V to 0.7 V and an input voltage range of 1.5 V to 2.5 V is proposed. The power stage only consists of 2 flying capacitors and 8 switches (Fig. 4.2). For VIN < 2 V, the converter operates in 2-phase mode (VCR=1/3×); for high VIN (2 – 2.5 V), it operates in 3-phase mode (VCR = 1/4x). The 1/4x topology is very similar to the 1/3 topology, and no additional flying capacitor is needed. Thus, the efficiency at low output voltage is improved. 4.2 Proposed 2-/3-Phase Operation For a bulk-CMOS process, MOS capacitors have the highest capacitance density but also have large parasitic that reduce the overall efficiency. Effective alternatives have been reported, such as using ferroelectric capacitors [El-Damak 2013] or high density MIM capacitors [Jain 2014]. However, special processes are required. In our proposed SC converter, two approaches are suggested to reduce parasitic loss: (1) a built-in voltage doubler that provides high N-well bias voltage for P-type MOS capacitors is used to reduce the N-well parasitic capacitance; and (2) a parasitic-insensitive connection of capacitors is adopted that could reduce the parasitic loss to one-fourth of conventional configuration. Consequently, this design shows a 14% improvement in the peak efficiency. The SC converter architecture is shown in Fig. 4.2. In order to reduce the output voltage ripple while maintaining high efficiency, 9 interleaving cells are connected in parallel. Each Fig. 4.2. The architecture of proposed SC converter. 32 Fig. 4.3. Transistor implementation of power stage. Fig. 4.4. P-type MOS capacitors and its equivalent circuit. cell is composed of a dual-branch power stage, 2-/3-phase clock generator, logic cells and local deadtime drivers. To avoid phase mismatches due to long-distance clock distribution and process variations, a local deadtime scheme is proposed to uphold the break-before-make mechanism even at very high switching frequency. This scheme is easily extended to have more interleaving cells without increasing the circuitry complexity. Two voltage domains, VL = 1.2 V and VH = VIN - 1.2 V, are used to tackle breakdown issue and to minimize the switching loss. In particular, a voltage doubler that uses thick-oxide transistors is built to provide higher voltage biases for integrated capacitors with reduced parasitic junction capacitances. Fig. 4.3 shows the transistor implementation of the power stage. Flying capacitors C1 and C2 are stacked with on-chip MIM, MOM and MOS capacitors in a vertical hierarchy, and 33 Fig. 4.5. Operation principles of the summation and subtraction modes. achieves a capacitance density of ~15fF/μm2. Parasitics of MOS capacitors are dominated by the channel capacitance CC and the well junction capacitance CW. They can be reduced by using P-type MOS capacitors with deep N-well isolation. As shown in the equivalent circuit in Fig. 4.4, CC is shorted by resistors RW and RC and is almost eliminated. As CW is inversely proportional to its bias voltage, the deep N-well is connected to the output of the built-in voltage doubler. The doubler does not need to provide current, and it is very low power and area efficient (50 μm × 100μm). 4.3 Parasitic Insensitive Topology Fig. 4.5 shows two 1/3x configurations. In the summation mode, C1 and C2 are connected in series in phase 1, the voltages VC1 (=1/3 VIN) and VC2 (=1/3 VIN) have the same polarity and summed. The negative-plate of C1 is charged to 2/3 VIN and discharged to ground in every cycle. The parasitic loss is significant especially when switching at high frequency. In the subtraction mode, C1 and C2 are first charged to 1/3 VIN and 2/3 VIN in phase 1, respectively; in phase 2, C1 reverses its polarity and connects to C2 in series, producing an output voltage of 1/3 VIN. Note that in every cycle, the negative-plate of C1 only switches between 1/3 VIN and ground. As switching loss is given by CV2f, this parasitic loss in Cp1 is reduced to 1/4 of that of the summation mode. To summarize, subtraction mode operation is more parasitic insensitive. To verify the above qualitative analysis, both the summation mode and the subtraction mode are implemented using the same circuit parameters for fair comparison. The measured efficiency at various current densities with 60MHz and 100MHz operations with VIN = 2 V, 34 Fig. 4.6. Measured efficiency at 100MHz and 60MHz of the summation and subtraction modes. VOUT ≈ 0.6 V are shown in Fig. 4.6. The enhancement in the peak efficiency is 11.8 % and it can even be larger in light load conditions. 4.4 Measurement Results The proposed 2-/3-phase SC converter was fabricated in a 65nm CMOS process to validate the above concepts, and it occupied an area of 500μm × 850μm (0.23mm2 active area). The chip micrograph is shown in Fig. 4.7, including the comparative work for two 1/3x topologies. Fig. 4.8 shows the measured efficiency in the 1/3x and 1/4x modes with respect to the current density, the input and the output voltages. The results with built-in doubler enabled (Vbias=5V) or disabled (Vbias=2V) are shown for comparison. The converter achieves peak power efficiencies of 79.5% in 1/3x mode and 69% in 1/4x mode at 56mA/mm2. In enabling the voltage doubler, the efficiency is increased by ~3%. Fig. 4.9 shows the conversion efficiency versus the reverse-bias voltage generated by the built-in voltage doubler for the integrated capacitors at current densities of 56 and 109mA/mm2, respectively. Compared to directly biasing the capacitors by VDD, the efficiency improvement is ~3% by using of 2.5V I/O devices. If 3.3V I/O devices are available, the enhancement could reach 4.5% at Vbias=6.6V. 35 Fig. 4.7. Chip micrograph of the 2-/3-phase fully integrated SC converter. Table 4.1 is the comparison of recent fully-integrated power management ICs in standard bulk-CMOS that have sub-/near-threshold output voltage range (VOUT < 700 mV). 4.5 Conclusions This chapter discusses the design of SC converters with low voltage conversion ratio (e.g. 2.5V to 0.5V). By introducing the 3-phase mode and the parasitic insensitive topology with built-in doubler for CW reduction, the proposed SC converter achieves an overall 14% efficiency improvement and shows the highest efficiency at the sub-/near-threshold region 36 Fig. 4.8. Measured efficiency vs. current loads, input and output voltages. Fig. 4.9. Measured efficiency versus reverse biased voltages. reported to date without using advanced processes or sacrificing the current density. 37 TABLE 4.1 COMPARISON WITH PRIOR ART. 4.6 References [Wang 2005] A. Wang and A. Chandrakasan, “A 180-mV subthreshold FFT processor using a minimum energy design methodology,” IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol. 40, no. 1, pp. 310–319, Jan. 2005. [El-Damak 2013] D. El-Damak, S. Bandyopadhyay, and A. P. Chandrakasan, “A 93% efficiency reconfigurable switched-capacitor DC-DC converter using onchip ferroelectric capacitors,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Solid-State Circuits Conf, Feb. 2013, pp. 374–375. [Kudva 2013] S. S. Kudva and R. Harjani, “Fully integrated capacitive DC-DC converter with all-digital ripple mitigation technique,” IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol. 48, no. 8, pp. 1910–1920, Aug. 2013. [Huang 2013] C. Huang and P. K. T. Mok, “An 84.7% efficiency 100-MHz package bondwire-based fully integrated buck converter with precise DCM operation and enhanced light-load efficiency,” IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol. 48, no. 11, pp. 2595–2607, Nov. 2013. [Jain 2014] R. Jain, et al., “A 0.45-1 V fully-integrated distributed switched capacitor DC-DC converter with high density MIM capacitor in 22 nm tri-gate 38 CMOS,” IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol. 49, no. 4, pp. 917–927, Apr. 2014. 39 Chapter 5 DIGITAL 2-/3-PHASE SC CONVERTER WITH RIPPLE REDUCTION 5.1 Introduction The rising market of internet-of-everything (IoE) and wearable devices has great demands for power management ICs. Some of the applications are powered by harvested energy such as photovoltaic, piezoelectric, thermoelectric and RF sources [Liu 2015]. A highefficiency power converter is usually needed to regulate the harvester’s source voltage. For low-power applications ranging from 10 mW to 250 mW, very small capacitors and integrated capacitor array of multi-layer ceramic capacitors with very small footprint can be used; and in handling the same power, the cost of ceramic capacitors is lower than a power inductor. Hence, switched-capacitor (SC) power converters are preferred over inductor-based switching converters as they do not need bulky and costly power inductors. Fig. 5.1. Theoretical efficiency comparison of SC converter with 4 VCRs and 6 VCRs vs. ideal low dropout regulator. 40 Fully-integrated SC converters with on-chip capacitors are becoming popular in recent years. However, SC converters using on-chip capacitors have two limitations. First, standard bulk CMOS processes have low capacitance density and hence low energy density, limiting the power density of SC converters [Le 2013], [Butzen 2016]. Special technologies and processing steps have been developed to increase the capacitance density by using exotic capacitor technologies such as deep-trench capacitors and ferro-electric capacitors [El-Damak 2013] at an increased processing cost. Second, the core transistors of an advanced process such as sub65nm CMOS cannot handle high input voltage directly, and stacking techniques with auxiliary rails [Meyvaert 2015], I/O devices [Sarafianos 2015], or some designated voltage conversion ratios (VCRs) [Le 2013], [Meyvaert 2015], [Ng 2012] may have to be used. For an energy harvesting system, the source voltage could vary drastically according to environmental conditions [Ramadass 2011], and a power converter with a wide source voltage range is needed. To address the above concerns, we proposed a switched-capacitor converter that uses an offchip integrated capacitor array that only requires small area and cost overhead to handle wide voltage range, deliver moderately high power and reduce the system cost [Jiang 2016]. The design of SC converters with off-chip capacitors faces two major challenges. Firstly, the power conversion efficiency (PCE) is related to the number of voltage conversion ratios (VCRs). Fig. 5.1 shows the theoretical efficiency of an SC converter with four or six VCRs versus that of an ideal low dropout regulator. With two extra VCRs (3/4x and 1/4x), the efficiency at certain VIN can be improved by around 20%. Thus, to obtain a high overall efficiency, many VCRs are needed. In [Salem 2015], a gear train topology was investigated and five off-chip capacitors were used to construct four stacked power stages that realize 24 VCRs. However, the increased output impedance due to stacking too many transistors in series limits the load current capability. Moreover, 2-phase operation restricts the number of VCRs that could be realized. Now, one off-chip flying capacitor needs two IC pins, and more VCRs need more flying capacitors that increase both the volume and the cost. Hence, commercial products usually use two flying capacitors to minimize the pin count and only have two to three VCRs such as 2/3x, 1/2x and 1/3x [LTC 2007], [TI 2013], [TI 2002]. Consequently, the challenge is to realize more VCRs with fewer flying capacitors. Secondly, large ripple voltages on the power rails in general degrade the performance 41 of noise-sensitive loads. Although this side effect could be cancelled in particular when the loading is digital circuit and its behavior could be programmed to adapt to the ripple voltage [Zimmer 2015], however, it may not be feasible for applications other than digital. To reduce the voltage ripple, multi-phase interleaving techniques have been investigated [Breussegem 2009], [Somasekhar 2010], [Le 2011] and commonly used in both step-up and step-down SC converters [Pique 2012], [Lu 2017], [Bang 2016]. However, high-power applications use discrete capacitors, and they cannot be split into smaller capacitors to realize multi-phase interleaving. Modulating the capacitance [Kudva 2013] could reduce the ripple voltage by suppressing extra charge being delivered to the outputs, but again this method is not feasible for discrete capacitors. Analog approaches that tune the on-resistance of switches [Lee 2007], [Jain 2014] are not preferred for a digitally controlled SC converter. Cascading a post regulator [Lu 2016], on the other hand would degrade the overall efficiency. To tackle the above two issues, this chapter proposes a digital 2-/3-phase SC converter with improved efficiency and reduced voltage ripple over wide input and output voltage ranges. The paper is organized as follows. Section 5.2 discusses the principle of 2-/3-phase operation and analyses the performance. Section 5.3 introduces the scheme of digital ripple voltage reduction. Section 5.4 presents the design of the proposed SC converter, including its architecture, design considerations and circuit implementation. Measurement results are shown in Section 5.5 and then followed by concluding remarks. 5.2 Topological Analysis 5.2.1 Theoretical Limit of 2-Phase Operation Most switched-capacitor converters use a 2-phase clock, and the number of VCRs is limited by the number of flying capacitors [Makowski 1995], [Pique 2013]. For example, with two flying capacitors the realizable step-down VCRs are only 1x, 2/3x, 1/2x and 1/3x only. More VCRs need more flying capacitors, at the cost of two pins per capacitor plus more complicated power-switch configurations, and thus a higher system cost. 42 Fig. 5.2. Operating principle of 6-ratio configurations (a) topologies operating in 3-phase mode; (b) topologies operating in 2-phase mode. An alternative method to realize more VCRs using the same number of flying capacitors is to use multi-phase operation, which has been employed in realizing step-up VCRs [Karadi 2014], [Su 2008] to extend the output voltage to a very high VCR. It was applied to step-down SC converter in [Jiang 2015] (the designs in Chapter 4) to generate a very low voltage to power up energy-efficient digital circuits in the sub-threshold region. To add no additional flying capacitors, 3-phase operation is especially suitable for SC converters whose volumes are limited by packaging and external components. In this work, we discover more 3-phase topologies and combine them with those in Chapter 4 to fully utilize the flying capacitors, and achieve a higher 43 Fig. 5.3 Detailed operation principles of the 3-phase (a) 1/4x mode and (b) 3/4x mode. average efficiency over the input and output voltage ranges. 5.2.2 3-Phase Operation Using Two Flying Capacitors We propose to use 2 flying capacitors C1 and C2 to generate 6 VCRs. Fig. 5.2 shows the phase-by-phase connections of C1 and C2 and the load capacitor CL (at VO) by the switches. Fig. 5.2(a) shows how 1/4x and 3/4x are realized using 3-phase operation, and Fig. 5.2(b) shows how 1/1x, 2/3x, 1/2x and 1/3x are realized using 2-phase operation. By monitoring VO/VIN the appropriate VCR in maximizing the theoretical PCE will be used. As 2-phase operations are well known, we mainly focus on 3-phase operations. The ideal VO/VIN at zero load current is considered. Fig. 5.3(a) shows the case of realizing VCR = 1/4x. In Π€1, C1 and C2 are connected in series between VIN and VO, and Π€1 : πππΌπΌπΌπΌ = πππΆπΆ2 + πππΆπΆ1 + ππππ (5. 1) In Π€2, C1 is connected to ground, and the positive nodes of C1 and C2 are connected together with C2 stacking on top of VO, yielding 44 Π€2 : πππΆπΆ1 − πππΆπΆ2 = ππππ . (5.2) Π€3 : πππΆπΆ2 = ππππ (5.3) In Π€3, C1 is left floating and C2 is discharged in parallel with CL, and obviously, By solving (5.1) to (5.3), we obtain that VO = 1/4VIN. For the 3/4x mode, Π€1 and Π€2 operations are identical to those of the 1/4x mode. In Π€3, C1 is left floating, and the positive node of C2 connects to VIN and the negative node to VO. Hence, we have Π€1 : πππΌπΌπΌπΌ = πππΆπΆ1 − πππΆπΆ2 + ππππ (5.4) Π€3 : πππΌπΌπΌπΌ − πππΆπΆ2 = ππππ . (5.6) Π€2 : πππΆπΆ2 + πππΆπΆ1 = ππππ (5.5) Solving (5. 4) to (5. 6) gives VO = 3/4VIN. Note that in Π€3, C1 is floating and does not engage in charge transfer. As large values can be used for the off-chip capacitors, the output impedance is low even for the floating phase of C1, which will be derived in the following sections. Charge transfer can be traced by using the charge balance law [Ki 2012]. Let the total charge delivered to CL (VO) in one cycle be q. In Π€1, C1 and C2 are charged up by VIN and 1/4q is delivered to VO. In Π€2, C1 discharges the charge of 1/4q to C2 which is then delivered to VO. In Π€3, C1 is floating with no charge transfer, but for C2, the accumulated 1/2q is discharged to VO. The ratios of the charge transferred in each element (capacitor or switch) to the total charge delivered to the output could be used to obtain the topological factors in Section 5.2.3. Fig. 5.4 Fig. 5.4. Simulated steady state waveforms of output voltage VO and top and bottom plates of flying capacitors (C1 and C2) with IO = 10mA. 45 shows the simulated steady state waveforms of the output voltage and the top- and bottomplate voltages of C1 and C2 when VIN = 3.3 V and IO = 10 mA. The voltage swings show that the DC voltages across C1 and C2 after balancing are 1/2 VIN and 1/4 VIN, respectively. As a summary, benefited by 3-phase operations, 6 VCRs are generated by using only 2 flying capacitors. 5.2.3 Output Impedance Analysis In order to explore the power losses of all VCRs, in this section we investigate the charge redistribution loss, the conduction loss and the equivalent output resistance of the 2-/3phase SC converter. In [Seemn 2008], the SC converter could be modeled as an ideal DC voltage source with a finite output resistance, and a more complete model with multiple operating phases could be found in [Seeman 2009]. The equivalent output resistance ROUT can be calculated by combining the slow-switching-limit (SSL) resistance RSSL due to charge redistribution and the fast-switching-limit (FSL) resistance RFSL due to the switch resistance, given by π π ππππππ ≈ οΏ½π π ππππππ 2 + π π πΉπΉπΉπΉπΉπΉ 2 (5.7) 1 (5.8) π π πΉπΉπΉπΉπΉπΉ = πΎπΎππ π π ππππ , (5.9) π π ππππππ = πΎπΎπΆπΆ πΆπΆ ππππππ ππππππ where KC and KS are topological factors determined by summing the charge vectors, Cfly is the value of the flying capacitor, fSW is the switching frequency and RON is the turn-on resistance of switches. The topological factors KC and KS can be calculated as [Seeman 2008]: πΎπΎπΆπΆ = ∑ππ∈πΆπΆπΆπΆπΆπΆπΆπΆ ∑ππππ=1 [ππππ,ππ (Π€ππ )]2 πΎπΎππ = ∑ππ∈π π π π π π π π π π βππππ ∑ππππ=1 2 [ππππ,ππ (Π€ππ )]2 π·π·ππ (5.10) , (5.11) where ac,i(Π€j) is the capacitor charge vector of capacitor Ci in phase Π€j, and ar,i(Π€j) is the switch charge vector of switch Ri in phase Π€j. Let the duration of each phase be equal, then (5.11) can be reduced to (5.12) for 2-phase 46 VCRs and (5.13) for 3-phase VCRs, respectively: πΎπΎππ,2−ππβππππππ = 2 ∑ππ∈π π π€π€π€π€π€π€π€π€βππππ[ππππ,ππ (Π€ππ )]2 (5.12) πΎπΎππ,3−ππβππππππ = 3 ∑ππ∈π π π π π π π π π π βππππ[ππππ,ππ (Π€ππ )]2. (5.13) Now, charge vectors can be determined by inspecting the charge flow in all the phases. For the 1/4x mode, the charge vectors of capacitors ac,i(Π€j) can be written below, and different from 2-phase operation, the calculation involves three vectors: 1 ππππ (Π€1 ) = [4 1 ππππ (Π€2 ) = [− 4 ππππ (Π€3 ) = [0 1 ] 4 (5.14) 1 (5.15) ]. (5.16) 1 2 ] 4 Referring to Fig. 5.3(a), the switch charge vector ar,i(Π€j) of transistors (S1 to S10) can be obtained as: 1 ππππ (Π€1 ) = [4 0 0 0 ππππ (Π€2 ) = [0 0 ππππ (Π€3 ) = [0 0 0 0 1 2 0 1 4 1 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 4 0 1 4 1 4 0 0 0 0] 0] 1 ]. 2 (5.17) (5.18) (5.19) By substituting (5.14) to (5.16) and (5.17) to (5.19) into (5.10) and (5.13), the topological factors can be calculated. After applying this method to all 6 VCRs, the impedance vectors can also be calculated. Table 5.1 summarizes the metrics of the 6 conversion ratios. An interesting observation is that RSSL and RFSL of the 1/4x mode are the same as those of the 3/4x mode, because the charge vectors of the two flying capacitors have the same values. After getting RSSL and RFSL, ROUT could be obtained by (5.7), and the power losses including charge redistribution loss and conduction loss can be calculated from πππΏπΏπΏπΏπΏπΏπΏπΏ = π π ππππππ πΌπΌππ2 . (5. 20) Fig. 5.5 shows the calculated and the simulated output impedance with respect to the frequency and the unit-size transistor (= 700 µm/0.33 µm), respectively. The simulated results fit the calculated results very well in general. The mismatch between calculated and simulated ROUT is due to the non-idealities in practical implementation. For example, the model is inaccurate when the output has ripples [Breussegem 2012]. Besides, ideal duty cycles of 50% and 33.3% are used in the calculation, but these values are smaller in simulations due to the 47 switching dead-times. From Table 5.1 and Fig. 5.5, we learn that ROUT of 3-phase modes are of the same range as those of the 2-phase modes, hence, both current driving capability and power conversion efficiency are not affected. ROUT of the 1/1x mode and the 3/4x mode are larger because equal sizing was adopted for an easy layout, and thus the PMOS switches have larger turn-on resistance than the NMOS switches. TABLE 5.1 SUMMARY OF EQUIVALENT OUTPUT IMPEDANCE OF 6 VCRS Fig. 5.5. Simulated and calculated output resistance versus frequency and unit width of transistor under 6 VCRs. 48 5.3 Digital Adaptive Ripple Reduction An SC converter may suffer from large voltage ripples if the charge delivered to the outputs is not well controlled. To reduce the ripple voltage of an SC converter multi-phase interleaving that results in ripple cancellation was investigated in [Breussegem 2009], [Somasekhar 2010], [Le 2011] and has been commonly used [Pique 2012], [Lu 2017], [Bang 2016]. Modulating the capacitance [Kudva 2013] reduces the ripple voltage by suppressing extra charge being delivered to the outputs. Both techniques rely on using on-chip capacitors that could be split into smaller capacitors. For large power applications that use discrete capacitors, tuning the on-resistance is easier to be realized. In [Lee 2007], a three-stage amplifier is used to drive the power transistors and the on-resistance is adjusted through changing the gate voltages. In [Jain 2014], both gate-voltage and transistor-size modulation were used. For a digital SC converter, tuning the gate voltage of transistors needs analog circuits and is not preferred. Hence, in our design, transistor-size modulation was used. The concept of the proposed light-load ripple reduction scheme is shown in Fig. 5.6. Basically, the charging and discharging phases of an SC converter are controlled by a hysteretic comparator. Ideally, when VO is larger than the reference voltage VREF, the comparator output should become high, and the SC converter should instantaneously change to the discharging phase. However, there is loop delay (td) due to the comparator and the power stage that would postpone the phase transition. In such case, an excess charge of qover will be overcharging the output capacitor, and results in a higher output voltage ripple that is derived as Fig. 5.6. Concept of proposed ripple reduction scheme. 49 π₯π₯ππππ ∝ ππππππππππ πΆπΆπΏπΏ ππ π‘π‘ ∝ (π π ππππ − πΌπΌππ ) πΆπΆππ , ππππ πΏπΏ (5.21) where VON is the averaged voltage across the turn-on resistors connecting the flying capacitors to CL, and is different for different VCRs. RON and CL are the turn-on resistance and loading capacitor, respectively. In the hysteretic control, (VON/RON - IO) is the charging slope and is always larger than zero. The charging slope is larger when IO is smaller, and the converter has larger ripple at light load. Based on (5.21), reducing the delay (td) or increasing RON and CL can help reducing the ripple voltage. Loop delay is inherent to the system and shortening it requires power. Moreover, it varies with process, voltage and temperature (PVT) conditions. Controlling the delay precisely by a digital compensation loop is complicated. Therefore, for a digital SC converter using discrete capacitors, tuning the size of power switches is a more feasible way to reduce ΔVO. In order to achieve ripple reduction under many conditions, our proposed method senses the loading condition and adjusts the output impedance to limit the extra charge. As shown in Fig. 5.6, a counter in the digital controller detects the duration of the discharging phase. If it is longer than the pre-set range, the controller will decrease the size of the power switches, and the rising slope in the next charging phase will be reduced. In this way, the portion of the output voltage that is higher than VREF will be smaller, yielding a suppressed overcharged ripple voltage. Fig. 5.7. Timing diagram of operation procedure. 50 Fig. 5.7 is a timing diagram example that illustrates the ripple reduction and the power stage adjustment process. Initially, the power switches have a full size of 8. Due to the intrinsic loop delay, the power stage cannot be changed to the discharging phase immediately, and the large charging slope results in a large output ripple voltage. The digital counter senses that the discharging period is 14 cycles of the system period, which is larger than the pre-set range. In the next step, the controller decrease the size of the power switches by 1 bit, resulting in a smaller charging slope. However, one step adjustment is not enough. The process will continue until the duration of the discharging duration is within the pre-set range. Size adjustment is activated only after the discharging duration has been out of range N times (N is chosen to be 26), as detected by a counter to avoid false triggering. Finally, the size of the power switches is locked when the discharging duration is within 5-7 cycles of the system clock period, which results in a higher switching frequency and smaller ripple for VO. The logic flow of adaptive ripple reduction is shown in Fig. 5.8. After initialization, a counter always keeps monitoring the duration of the discharging phase, and N cycles of the Fig. 5.8. The digital logic flow of adaptive ripple reduction. 51 system clock is set as a comparison duration. After one comparison period, the value of the counter will be compared with the pre-set threshold value. If the counter value is larger than the threshold value, the size of the power stage will be increased. On the contrary, if the counter value is smaller, the size of power stage will be decreased. The size will keep unchanged when the counter value is within the pre-set range. To avoid a large droop when light load changes to heavy load, especially when the size of the power stage is small due to the ripple reduction scheme, the following mechanism is installed. When light load suddenly changes to heavy load, the output voltage will drop because there is not enough current delivered to the output capacitor. This will result in a very short discharging phase and the counter will detect that the value is much shorter than the heavy load detection threshold value (1-2 cycles of system clock). In this case, the power-stage size will change to maximum to restore the output voltage. Fig. 5.9. The mechanism to respond the transient current. 52 Fig. 5.10. The timing diagram of the design for test (DFT) module. In the switch-reduction process, the size will be reduced by 1 bit each cycle. Once it detects a load-increase transient, full size will be used instantaneously to ensure full capacity in delivering the power. The mechanism to respond to the transient current is shown in Fig. 5.9. Initially, let us assume that the load is light and the power stage size is 2. When the load suddenly changes to a heavy load, the output voltage will drop due to incapability to deliver the large current. This will result in a very short discharging phase. The counter will detect that the value is much shorter than the heavy load detection threshold (1-2 cycles of system clock). In this case, the size of the power stage will be increased to the maximum to restore the output voltage. To have a better monitoring of the internal status of digital registers, a design-for-test (DFT) module is also designed to send the critical data out. The timing diagram of DFT module is shown in Fig. 5.10. The internal register values are transferred from parallel bits to 1-bit series output through TEST_BIT. The whole procedure needs 16 clock cycles, starting from prefix ‘0101’ and ending with the end-bit ‘1’. The values of the registers including the power stage size and VCR are updated at the start of the third cycle. When reading the TEST_BIT waveform, the power stage size will be updated within 1 to 2 sampling periods of the DFT module after the load edge. 5.4 Converter Design and Implementation 5.4.1 System Architecture Fig. 5.11 shows the overview of the system architecture. It consists of five ratio encoding comparators (CMP1-5), a hysteretic comparator (CMP6), a digital controller, level 53 Fig. 5.11 System architecture of proposed 2-/3-phase SC converter. shifters, gate drivers and power stages. To determine the VO/VIN ratio, VIN is compared to VREF by CMP1-5 and the code T2-0 indicating the VCR to be used is issued by the ratio encoder. The driver signal generator then issues the driving signals ck1-10 to provide on/off sequences for the power switches. Instead of manually designing the logic blocks, digital synthesis is adopted to reduce design complexity and to accelerate the design speed. The power stage is split into 8 cells and each cell can be adaptively enabled or disabled by the signal P7-0. In such a way, the size of the power switches is adjusted by the adaptive phase controller according to the load current, thus reducing the output voltage ripple especially at light load. The input, output and two flying capacitors are implemented by one 4 × 1 μF capacitor array [AVX 2003], and the volume is 40% smaller than using 4 discrete capacitors. 5.4.2 Power Stage The number of switches is optimized for achieving the six reconfigurable VCRs. Fig. 5.12(a) shows a conventional 2-phase implementation of the 6 VCRs using 3 flying capacitors and 14 switches. By using 3-phase operation, only 2 flying capacitors (C1 and C2) are needed. To reduce the number of power switches, a switch reduction scheme is proposed in Fig. 5.12(b): when connecting C1 to C2, only the positive plate of C2 is connected together with C1, and the negative plate of C2 is connected to VO, VIN and GND. In this way, only two switches (S5 and S6) are needed. Therefore, the power stage of the proposed SC converter only needs 2 flying 54 Fig. 5.12. Configuration of switches and flying capacitors of (a) conventional 2-phase SC converter; (b) proposed switch reduction scheme for 2-/3-phase SC converter. Fig. 5.13. Power stage implementation of proposed 2-/3-phase SC converter. capacitors and 10 power switches, and silicon area reduction of around 28.5% compared with the conventional 2-phase SC converter is achieved, if the size of the power transistors are the same. Fig. 5.13 shows the transistor-level implementation of the power stage. To cater for a wide output voltage range, the switches S2-3, S5-6 and S8-9 that connect to VO are implemented with complementary devices (C-switches). The switches that connect to VIN (S1 and S4) and GND (S7 and S10) are implemented by PMOS and NMOS transistors, respectively. The signals ck1-10 are generated by the digital controller and buffered by the level-shifters and pre-drivers. 55 Fig. 5.14. (a) Layout floorplan of power cells and clock buses; (b) Switch logics. To enable digital adaptive ripple reduction, the power stage is split into 8 power cells with the same configuration. The detail will be introduced in the following section. As the polarity of C2 may change in different configurations, therefore, C2 should not be an electrolytic capacitor but a non-polarized ceramic capacitor. Short bond-wires and small packages are preferred because the capacitors then have lower equivalent series resistance (ESR) and inductance (ESL) and the glitches could then be reduced. Moreover, the voltage coefficient has to be taken into account, such that a sufficiently large capacitance is ensured when a high DC voltage is applied. 5.4.3 Adaptive Power Cells for Ripple Reduction The layout configuration is shown in Fig. 5.14. All power cells are identical. The turn on/off signals of the power cells use thermometer code, and there is only 1-bit change of power cells during the transition. As such, potential glitches due to reconnecting the power cells are minimized. To eliminate phase mismatch during clock distribution, the H-tree structure is 56 TABLE 5.2 CLOCK SELECTION OF THE SWITCH LOGICS WITH VCRS Fig. 5.15. Timing diagram of synchronized hysteretic control by using (a) dynamic comparator, (b) static comparator, and (c) status of each phase. employed, as shown in Fig. 5.14(a). The three clock phases (Φ1, Φ2 and Φ3), the VCR selection signals and the enable signal EN are generated in the digital controller and then distributed by clock buses. The block diagram of switch logic is shown in Fig. 5.14(b). The logic that determines the clocks for each transistor is placed locally close to each power cell. The dead-time generation circuit is used to prevent shoot-through current and is placed locally at the power cell. Table 5.2 lists the clock phase selection of each transistor (S1 to S10) under different VCRs. For example, when VCR = 1/4x, transistors S1, S6 and S9 will be turned on in Φ1; S5, S7 and S9 will be turned on in Φ2 and S3, S7 and S10 will be turned on in Φ3; and S2, S4 and S8 will be kept off. The selection logic is synthesized by standard digital cells. 57 5.4.4 Digital Controller The digital controller consists of the adaptive ripple reduction circuit (discussed in Section 5.3) and the switching controller, to be discussed below. Fig. 5.15 shows the synchronized hysteretic control that is used to achieve voltage regulation and fast response. The single boundary is set to be equal to VREF, representing the designed output voltage level. In [Breussegem 2011], when the comparator detects that VO is lower than VREF, the SC converter will switch to the next clock phase to recharge the output capacitor. A dynamic comparator that consumes no quiescent current is used, and triggered by a high-frequency system clock. The power consumption is low but the drawback is that it needs system clock to trigger the boundary violation detection, meaning that the phase switching could not be triggered immediately when VO is lower than VREF (in Fig. 5.15(a)). When the system frequency is high, the delay could be small. However, our design uses a 10MHz system clock. In the worst case, a delay of 100ns is needed before the system clock could trigger to flip the dynamic comparator. Therefore, the delay may bring extra charge to the output and result in large voltage ripple. In this design, to avoid causing extra ripple voltage after VCMP turns high, synchronized hysteretic control is used. The system clock is set at 10 MHz, generated by an on-chip ring oscillator. At 10 MHz, the speed requirement of the comparator is not as critical as that in [Breussegem 2011], and a static comparator (CMP6) with 12 µA quiescent current is used instead of a dynamic one, as shown in Fig. 5.15(b). The turn-on of the charging phase is triggered by the system clock, while the turn-off is triggered by the comparator. Hence, the delay due to the mismatch of the system clock can be eliminated. Then, by employing the proposed adaptive ripple reduction technique described in Section 5.3, the undesired ripple voltage caused by loop delay due to the static comparator, digital logic, level shifters and power stages could be reduced. Fig. 5.15 also shows the status of each phase in the 2-/3-phase mode. For 2-phase mode VCRs, Π€1 and Π€2 are interchangeable. We may define the charging phase as Π€1, and the discharging phase as Π€2. For 3-phase mode VCRs, refer to the sequence in Fig. 5.3. In Π€3, the output capacitor receives more charge than in Π€1 and Π€2. From the perspective of the output capacitor, VO falls in Π€1 and Π€2, and rises in Π€3. Hence, Π€1 and Π€2 are defined as the discharging phases, and Π€3 is defined as the charging phase. For design simplicity, the transition between Π€1 and Π€2 is triggered by the system clock. 58 Fig. 5.16. (a) Chip micrograph; (b) layout of synthesized digital controller; and (c) top and bottom view of PCB for measurement with capacitor array in 0612 packing. 5.5 Measurement Results The proposed SC converter was fabricated in a 0.13 µm bulk CMOS process. Fig. 5.16(a) shows the chip micrograph with a total area of 750 µm × 1500 µm, including power switches, comparators, the digital controller and decoupling capacitors. The layout of the fully synthesized digital controller with an area of 80 µm × 80 µm is shown in Fig. 5.16(b), and the PCB setup with the 0612 capacitor array is shown in Fig. 5.16(c). The capacitor array is on the top of the PCB and the chip is bonded on the bottom, and they occupied almost the same PCB area. The 4 × 1 µF capacitor array is mounted on the top side of the PCB, and the test chip is wire-bonded on the bottom side. The four capacitors are the two flying capacitors and the input and output decoupling capacitors. Other capacitors are used for testing purposes. Fig. 5.17 shows the measured efficiency versus the load current. This design achieved a moderately high load current capability of 120 mA in all 6 modes. The measured peak efficiency was 91% when VIN = 3.3 V and IO = 30 mA. The results with and without the 359 Fig. 5.17. Measured efficiency of the proposed SC converter versus loading current. Fig. 5.18. Measured efficiency of the proposed SC converter versus output voltages. phase modes are shown for comparison. When VO = 2.3 V, by using the 3-phase 3/4x mode instead of the 2-phase 1/1x mode, the converter achieved up to 18% efficiency improvement. When VO = 0.8 V, it also achieved up to 8% efficiency improvement by using the 3-phase 1/4x mode rather than the 2-phase 1/3x mode. The measured efficiency with respect to the output voltage is shown in Fig. 5.18. It shows that efficiency improvements of 13% and 20% were obtained when the converter worked in the 1/4x mode and 3/4x mode, respectively. Fig. 5.19 plots the efficiency versus the input voltage, and shows efficiency improvement when the 3-phase modes were used instead of the 2-phase modes. Benefited from 3-phase modes, the average efficiency improvement over the entire input voltage range when VO = 1.8 V, 1.2V and 0.75V are 5.4%, 1.7% and 0.6%, 60 Fig. 5.19. Measured power efficiency versus input voltage. respectively. When VIN = 3.3V and 2.5V, the average efficiency improvement over the output range is 3.4%. Moreover, with two additional VCRs, the SC converter achieved a wide output voltage range of 0.5 V to 3 V with an input voltage of 1.6 V to 3.3 V. The measured output ripple voltage at different loading currents is shown in Fig. 5.20. By activating the ripple reduction scheme, the measured AC coupled voltage ripples were all lower than 50 mV for IO that ranged from 3 mA to 100 mA. Fig. 5.21 shows the effectiveness of the ripple reduction scheme, which is enabled by the adaptive-phase-enable signal AP_EN. Before AP_EN was enabled, large ripples and glitches around 100 mV can be observed due to the parasitic inductance of bond-wires and PCB traces. After AP_EN was enabled, the ripple voltage was significantly reduced. As high as 4 times ripple reduction was achieved from 90 mV to 20 mV for IO = 3 mA and VO = 1.95 V. The ripple reduction was also effective in other conditions, also listed in Fig. 5. 21. 61 Fig. 5.20. Measured steady-state waveform of output ripple voltage. Fig. 5.21. Measured waveforms of light load ripple reduction under difference VCRs. To observe the status of registers in the digital controller and help debugging during the measurement, a design-for-test (DFT) module was implemented. Parallel to series conversion was done to reduce the number of monitoring pins. The data of registers indicating the VCR used and the size of power stage (P[7:0]) were read out through the single TEST_BIT pin. The sequence of the testing output is initialized by the prefix bits 4b’0101, followed by the size of the power stage and the code of VCR, and terminated by the end bit 1b’1. Fig. 5.22 shows the 62 Fig. 5.22. Measured waveforms of ripple reduction procedure and the outputs of testing data. Fig. 5.23. Measured waveforms of transient response. measured procedure of ripple reduction. From period-A to period-C, the size of the power stage was decreased from 8b’11111100 to 8b’11100000 after (AP_EN) was triggered. The measured transient response waveforms of VO = 1.5 V (in 2-phase mode) and 2.3 V (in 3-phase mode) are shown in Fig. 5.23. Due to the hysteretic control, when the load current 63 switched from 1 mA to 90 mA and 1mA to 80 mA, ΔVOUT was around 50 mV and the recovery time was less than 500 ns. No obvious over-shoot or under-shoot was observed. To restore current deliverability, the power stage was fully turned on once a heavy load was detected. Table 5.3 summarizes the performance comparison with state-of-the-art works. Compared to commercial products with off-chip capacitors delivering similar output power with the same number of flying capacitors, this work achieved more VCRs and hence efficiency was improved. Moreover, this work delivered more power using fewer flying capacitors and achieved a wider VOUT/VIN range than the recursive SC converter of [Salem 2015]. Compared with integrated 2-phase [Lu 2017] or 3-phase [Karadi 2014], [Jiang 2015] SC converters, the proposed SC converter achieved a wider operating voltage range. As discrete flying capacitors with larger value were used, this work also achieved a higher output power with higher power conversion efficiency. 5.6 Conclusions In this chapter, a 2-/3-phase 6-ratio switched-capacitor DC-DC converter is proposed. TABLE 5.3 PERFORMANCE COMPARISON WITH STATE-OF-THE-ART SC CONVERTER WORKS 64 The 3-phase operation is proposed and analyzed to achieve two more VCRs than the conventional 2-phase SC converter. The achieved maximum available output voltage range over the input voltage range is up to 75.8%, and the power conversion efficiency was improved by as high as 20% compared to 2-phase SC converters. A digital adaptive ripple reduction scheme is also introduced to reduce the output voltage ripple by as much as 4 times at light load. 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In [Hua 2015], the two output voltages are fixed with voltage conversion ratios (VCRs) of 2x and 3x only. In [Jung 2016], the controller is integrated, but the three output voltages are still from three individual SC converters. Without reallocating the capacitors in the power stages, capacitor utilization is low as margins have to be reserved to cater for each peak output power. In this chapter, a fully integrated dual-output SC converter with dynamic power-cell allocation for application processors is proposed. The power cells are shared and can be dynamically allocated according to load demands. A dual-path VCO that works independently of power-cell allocation is proposed to achieve a fast and stable regulation loop. The converter can deliver a maximum current of 100mA: one output can be adjusted to deliver 100mA, while the other handles a very light load; or both outputs can be adjusted to deliver 50mA each with over 80% efficiency. 69 Fig. 6.1. Strategy of dynamic power-cell allocation and system architecture of proposed dualoutput SC converter. 6.2 Dynamic Power-Cell Allocation Fig. 6.1 shows the strategy of dynamic power-cell allocation. The converter consists of two channels CH1 and CH2 with output voltages VO1 and VO2, respectively. Each output is regulated through frequency modulation. The switching frequencies of the two channels are f1 and f2. The goal is to adjust them to be equal so that both channels have the same power density, and the converter achieves the best overall efficiency. Assume that the two channels start with the same number of power cells, but the load of CH1 is larger than that of CH2. To regulate the outputs properly, we should initially have f1 > f2, and more power cells will eventually be assigned to CH1. It means the physical boundary should go right, until f1 and f2 are approximately equal. By balancing the power densities of the two channels with an optimal switching frequency, both switching and parasitic losses are reduced. By dynamically adjusting both the numbers of power cells and the optimal switching frequencies, the channels are ensured 70 to provide sufficient power to the loads, and utilization of capacitors is maximized. The power cells are connected to either CH1 or CH2 by the channel selection switches. The boundary of the two channels are controlled by the outputs of the bi-directional shift register (SR) sel[1:m+n]. The direction of boundary shifting is determined by the frequency comparator. After each comparison, the boundary will only shift along adjacent power cells as sel[1:m+n] will only shift by 1 bit. As such, potential glitches due to reconnecting the power cell are minimized. There are a total of 82 power cells, and they work with interleaving phases to reduce the output ripple voltage. The VCRs of the two outputs (R1 and R2) are determined by the ratio selector that senses VREF/VIN. To enable the allocation while minimizing cross regulation, a dual-path voltage-controlled Fig. 6.2. Circuit implementation of dual-path VCO, delay cell of dual-path VCO and power stage. 71 oscillator (VCO) is proposed, as shown in Fig. 6.2. The VCO consists of 82 delay cells, generating the clock phases for each power cell. One delay cell in CH1 (DC1[n]) has a complementary delay cell in CH2 (DC2[n]). The phases φ1[n] and φ2[n] are chosen by the MUX and then distributed to the power cell. If sel[n] = 1, DC1[n] of VCO (CH1) is enabled. At the same time, DC2[n] will be shorted by the MUX and the clock phase is redirected to the next cell. In this way, the number of delay cells in each VCO is equal to the number of its power cells, and multi-phase interleaving can take effect to reduce the output ripple voltage. The frequency of VCO is controlled by the error amplifier, and the two outputs are separately regulated, regardless of the power-cell arrangement. As the speed of the regulation loop is much faster than that of power-cell allocation, stability is ensured. Each power cell consists of 2 flying capacitors and 8 power transistors and the VCR can be 2/3x or 1/2x. The configuration of each power cell is optimized to minimize the parasitic loss. The channel selection switches, controlled by sel[n], connect the local output VOL to VO1 or VO2. Fig. 6.3 shows the control logic that consists of the frequency comparator and the power- Fig. 6.3. Circuit implementation of frequency comparator, bidirectional shift register and the timing diagram of frequency comparison. 72 cell shift register. First, the one-shot signals (ck1os and ck2os) control P1 and P2 to charge CC1 and CC2 for one clock period only. The ready signals (ready1 and ready2) are activated after charging is finished, and trigger the comparison between VF1 and VF2. After a short delay CC1, CC2 and logic are reset. For the comparison, if VF1 < VF2, meaning that f1 > f2, the direction signal of the shift register is then set as direct = 0, and the selection signals will shift left by 1 bit. This frequency adjustment repeats until f1 and f2 are very close to each other. The frequency comparator will then issue stop = 1, and the shift register stops shifting. To ensure accurate charging, the current sources and capacitors (CC1 and CC2) are well matched. For robust control, offsets are added to the comparators to form the hysteresis window. The whole process is driven by ck1 and ck2 only, without an additional system clock. 6.3 Measurement Results The proposed dual-output SC converter was fabricated in a 28nm CMOS process. The active area is 1.2 × 0.5 mm2. The chip micrograph is shown in Fig. 6.4. Fig. 6.5 shows the measured waveforms of the steady-state outputs, reference tracking and load transient. The measured results verified that the two output voltages could be independently regulated and the two switching frequencies were adjusted to be very close. The measured reference up- and Fig. 6.4. Chip micrograph. 73 Fig. 6.5. Measured waveforms of steady state output voltages, reference tracking and loading transient response. down-tracking speeds were 500mV/µs and 334mV/µs, respectively. No obvious cross regulation was observed at VO2 while VO1 was undergoing reference tracking. With the load at VO1 switched from 4mA to 40mA, the settling time was within 500ns. The cross regulation at VO2 was less than 10mV at the rising edge and negligible at the falling edge, verifying that the dual-path VCO control could achieve minimized cross regulation. Fig. 6.6 plots the measured efficiencies versus the load currents IO1 and IO2. The peak efficiency was 83.3% and the split load currents were 50mA for both channels. Due to dynamic power-cell allocation, the converter achieved over 80% efficiency and it was quite constant when IO1 and IO2 were larger than 15mA. The efficiency with allocation is improved by 4.8% than without allocation. Table 6.1 shows the performance comparison. By using dynamic power-cell allocation, the proposed dual-output SC converter achieved high efficiency over a board load range for the two outputs with minimized cross regulation. 74 Fig. 6.6. Measured efficiency versus loading currents with and without dynamic power allocation. TABLE 6.1 PERFORMANCE COMPARISON WITH START-OF-THE-ART WORKS 6.4 Conclusions 75 A fully integrated dual-output SC converter with dynamic power-cell allocation for application processors is presented. The power cells can be dynamically allocated according to load demands, improving the efficiency by 4.8% than without allocation. A dual-path voltage controlled oscillator (VCO) that works independently of power-cell allocation is proposed to achieve a fast and stable regulation loop. The converter achieved 83.3% peak efficiency and a maximum 100mA while maintaining minimized cross regulation. 6.5 Reference [Wang 2014] A. Wang, “Heterogeneous multi-processing quad-core CPU and dualGPU design for optimal performance, power, and thermal tradeoffs in a 28nm mobile application processor,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Solid-State Circuits Conf., pp. 180-181, Feb. 2014. [Hua 2015] Z. Hua, et al., “A reconfigurable dual-output switched-capacitor DC-DC regulator with sub-harmonic adaptive-on-time control for low-power applications,” IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol. 50, no. 3, pp. 724-736, Mar. 2015. [Jung 2016] W. Jung, et al., “A 60%-efficiency 20nW-500µW tri-Output fully integrated power management unit with environmental adaptation and load-proportional biasing for IoT systems,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Solid-State Circuits Conf., pp. 154–155, Feb. 2016. [Teh 2016] C. K. Teh and A. Suzuki, “A 2-output step-up/step-down switchedcapacitor DC-DC converter with 95.8% peak efficiency and 0.85-to-3.6V input voltage range,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Solid-State Circuits Conf., pp. 222–223, Feb. 2016. 76 Chapter 7 A HYBRID SC CONVERTER FOR AMLED DISPLAY SYSTEM 7.1 Introduction There is a growing demand for micro display systems to be implemented in wearable devices and virtually reality (VR) applications. In recent years, active matrix light-emitting diode (AMLED) is gaining popularity [Zhang 2012], [Chong 2014], [Tsonev 2014], [Li 2016]. Compared with the liquid crystal display (LCD), a light-emitting diode (LED) based micro display is self-emissive that produces bright images without an external light source, and is thus thinner and smaller. Moreover, the semiconductor-based LED has longer lifetime and better robustness, and is produced with lower fabrication cost than technologies such as organic LED (OLED) [Chong 2014]. An AMLED array is usually implemented using a gallium nitride (GaN) process. The ON and OFF status of each LED pixel is controlled by a pixel driver, usually fabricated on silicon. In some designs, the AMLED array may be bonded on the pixel driver [Li 2016], but the power management unit (PMU) remains external [TI 2015]. Therefore, there is a strong motivation to merge the pixel driver and the PMU IC on the same silicon chip to reduce both the volume and the cost of the system. Integrating the PMU with a switching DC-DC converter is a major challenge as it is difficult to fabricate a good power inductor on-chip [Liu 2016 I], [Liu 2016 II]. By comparison, linear regulators only need transistors and switched-capacitor (SC) converters only need capacitors and switches that are readily available on-chip. In particular, the efficiency of an SC converter could be high when the ratio of the output voltage VO to the input voltage VIN is closed to the ideal voltage conversion ratio of the converter [Jiang 2015]. Another important requirement for the PMU is low output voltage ripple, especially for driving an AMLED display, as the current of a micro LED is very sensitive to its bias voltage. 77 A large voltage ripple may result in large variation of intensity, thus degrading the uniformity of the whole display. For an SC converter, reduced voltage ripple could be achieved by multiphase interleaving [Lu 2017] or modulating the turn-on resistance of the switches [Jiang 2017]. For a linear regulator, the ripple voltage is much reduced through the operation of the feedback circuit. In this chapter, we will detail the design of a fully integrated AMLED micro display system. From the discussion above, we propose to power up the display by a hybrid voltage regulator that eliminates external components and achieves low voltage ripple. It consists of a step-up switched-capacitor converter and a step-down linear regulator and covers the whole voltage range of a Li-ion battery, that is, from 2.7V to 4.2V. The pixel driver and the PMU are implemented on the same silicon chip, and together they are integrated with the AMLED array by using the flip-chip technology. This chapter is organized as follows. Section 7.2 introduces the system architecture and design considerations of the proposed micro display system. Section 7.3 presents the design of the hybrid voltage regulator. Section 7.4 discusses the digital control of the pixels, and Section 7.5 introduces the design of the AMLED and the method of system integration. Measurement results are shown in Section 7.6 and then followed by the conclusion. 7.2 System Architecture and Design Consideration Fig. 7.1 shows the architecture of the proposed micro display system. It consists of a hybrid voltage regulator, a pixel driver and an AMLED array. The AMLED array has 36 × 64 pixels that are built on a GaN substrate, and each pixel needs a silicon pixel driver that is flipbonded on the same location as the LED pixel. The pixel driver is powered up by a voltage regulator built on the same silicon that provides a stable internal voltage VO. The image data are sent from a digital controller and are received by I/O pins (CCK,D,EN, RCK,D,EN and RST) in a predetermined sequence. Row and column drivers are used to transfer the data to all the pixels. For the I/O pins to communicate with any off-chip voltage level up to 5V, high to low level shifters are used to convert the input signal to the internal voltage level. 78 Fig. 7.1. System architecture of proposed micro display system. Fig. 7.2. Schematic of the hybrid voltage regulator. 79 7.3 Hybrid Voltage Regulator The operating voltage of the LED and the pixel driver (VO) of our project is 3.6V. To cater for the Li-ion battery voltage that ranges from 2.7V to 4.2V, the voltage regulator should achieve both step-up and step-down voltage conversion. Fig. 7.2 shows the architecture of the hybrid voltage regulator. It can generate three voltage conversion ratios (VCRs). When the input voltage is lower than 3.6V, the SC converter is enabled and the VCR could be adjusted to 3/2x or 4/3x. When the input voltage is higher than 3.6V, the linear regulator is enabled and the VCR is 1/1x. Circuit implementation of the power stage of the SC converter is shown in Fig. 7.3. Each power cell has three flying capacitor (C1, C2 and C3) that are built from both MOS and MIM capacitors to maximize the power density. Each cell has 11 power transistors (S1 to S11), some of which are implemented by stacking two low-voltage transistors together to handle high voltages. The voltage conversion ratio (VCR) is determined by the VCR detection circuit that compares the input voltage VIN with the reference voltage VREF. When only the linear regulator is needed (VCR=1/1x), the SC converter is disabled, and Fig. 7.3. Circuit implementation of power stage in SC converter. 80 Fig. 7.4. Floorplan of voltage regulator. all the flying capacitors are connected between VO and ground, making them the load capacitor. This is particularly important for the linear regulator with the dominate pole set at the output node, such that the compensation scheme is much simpler than capacitor-free designs. To avoid forward conduction of the body diodes, a body-selection circuit (MP1 and MP2) is employed to ensure that the body of the PMOS transistor (ML) is always tied to the highest voltage in the system, especially when VO is higher than VIN. The layout floorplan is shown in Fig. 7.4. The AMLED array and the corresponding pixel drivers occupy the large central area. For efficient power distribution, the power stage is divided into cascading power cells that form a ring to encircle the pixel drivers, such that current can be delivered over the shortest path with the lowest resistance. Thick power rails are laid in between the pixel drivers to reduce the IR drop. For ripple reduction, the SC converter has a total of 87 interleaving phases. The number of phases and the aspect ratio of the power cell are defined by the perimeter of the AMLED array. The maximum output current is 60mA. 81 Fig. 7.5. Structure of Pixel Drivers. 7.4 Display Control Fig. 7.5 shows the transistor implementation of the pixel drivers. Each pixel driver measures 40µm × 40µm and consists of three transistors (M1, M2 and M3) and one capacitor (CST). The operating principle is as follows. A logic "0" enables the row RSEL, turning on the corresponding M1 and the display data is then written and stored in the capacitor CST. The voltage across CST controls the status of the driving transistor M2. M3 is controlled by the global enabled signal REN. The display data is updated through row-by-row progressive scanning. First, the 64-bit display information of the first row is written into the column driver serially and also loaded into the signal lines from CDATA[0] to CDATA[63]. Then, RSEL[0] is enabled, and each CST of the first row will store the display data from CDATA. After that, RSEL[0] is disabled and the scanning of the first row is finished. The same procedure is then repeated for the other rows. After all 82 pixels are loaded with the display information, REN is enabled to trigger and display the programmed image. 7.5 AMLED Array and System Integration The AMLED array consists of 36 × 64 pixels each measures 40µm × 40µm. The aerial view of the LED array is shown in Fig. 7.6(a). The pixels were isolated by ICP etching down to sapphire and the trench was filled by a black mixture of three kinds of color filter, which could suppress the crosstalk between the pixels. The array adopts a common-cathode design, and all the LED pixels were uniformly distributed in the central area with p-type electrodes covered on the top, while the n-type electrodes were connected to the circumference of the LED array. The measured I-V curve of one LED pixel is shown in Fig. 7.6(b). The forward voltage of the pixel is 2.85V at 30 µA. Fig. 7.6. (a) Cross sectional diagram of the LED µ-array with indium bumps; and (b) IV characteristic of LED pixels. Fig. 7.7. (a) SEM of LED µ-array with indium bumps after reflow process; and (b) alignment of AMLED array and silicon substrate. 83 Fig. 7.8. Chip micrographs of (a) AMLED array; (b) pixel driver and PMU and (c) integrated system. An Au-In metal bonding scheme is adopted to flip-chip bond together the AMLED array and the pixel driver. After the indium deposition on the pixels' p-electrodes, the indium bumps can be formed through a reflow process in a furnace at 170ºC for 1 second in a formic acid ambient. The scanning electron microscope (SEM) image of the indium bumps after the reflow process is shown in Fig. 7.7(a). The diameter of the indium bumps is around 15µm and the height is about 7.5µm. The AMLED array is then flip-chip bonded on the silicon IC by using Au-In metal bonding under a pressure of 10N at 170ºC for 1 minute. The two chips are aligned by reserved alignment marks. 84 7.6 Measurement Results The silicon IC with the pixel driver and the PMU was fabricated in a 0.18µm bulk CMOS process, and the AMLED array was fabricated in a GaN process with an area of 1.6mm × 2.72 mm area. Fig. 7.8(a) and Fig. 7.8 (b) show the micrographs of the two chips. After flipchip bonding, the power and I/O pins were connected to the PCB by wire-bonding. Fig. 7.9 shows the measured steady-state waveform of VO of the on-chip voltage regulator. The ripple voltage was lower than 50mV under the full-load condition (IO = 60mA) Fig. 7.9. Measured waveforms of steady-state output voltages. Fig. 7.10. Measured efficiency of voltage regulator vs. input voltage. 85 Fig. 7.11. Source files (top) and its corresponding display images (bottom) shown in the blue micro display system. and over different VIN. Fig. 7.10 shows the measured efficiency vs the input voltage under full and half brightness conditions. The peak efficiency was 91% when VIN = 3.7V and the SC converter was operating in the 1/1x mode. For the 3/2x and 4/3x modes, the efficiency over the whole range was higher than 70%. The averaged efficiency over the input range is 78%. The voltage regulator could deliver a maximum power of 216mW. An Arduino DUE board is used to control the display images. Four examples are shown in Fig. 7.11. With a 4-bit grayscale control, images can be clearly rendered. Only a few dead pixels were observed, and the bonding yield rate is higher than 99.7%. It demonstrated that the proposed micro display system has potentials for portable display applications which require high performance, compact size and low cost. 7.7 Conclusions A fully integrated AMLED micro display system is presented in this chapter. The on- chip hybrid voltage regulator consists of a step-up switched-capacitor converter and a stepdown linear regulator. It is capable of operating at a wide input range of 2.7V to 4.2V with peak efficiency of 91% average efficiency of higher than 78%, and the maximum output power is 216mW. An AMLED array with 36 × 64 pixels was fabricated and integrated with silicon chip by using the flip-chip bonding technique. Pixel divers are also designed to accomplish 4-bit grayscale control. By integrating the voltage regulator, the display system could be operated simply using a lithium-ion (Li-ion) battery without any external components. 86 7.8 Reference [Zhang 2012] S. Zhang et al., “Directly color-tunable smart display based on a CMOS controlled micro-LED array,” in Proc. IEEE Photon. Conf., Sep. 2012, pp. 435–436. [Tsonev 2014] D. Tsonev et al., “A 3-Gb/s single-LED OFDM-based wireless VLC link using a gallium nitride μLED,” IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett., vol. 26, no. 7, pp. 637–640, Jan. 2014. [Chong 2014] W. C. Chong, et al., “1700 pixels per inch (PPI) passive-matrix micro-LED display powered by ASIC,” in Proc. IEEE Compound Semicond. Integr. Circuit Symp., Oct. 2014, pp. 1–4. [Jiang 2015] J. Jiang, et al., “A 2-/3-phase fully integrated switched-capacitor DC-DC converter in bulk CMOS for energy-efficient digital circuits with 14% efficiency improvement,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Solid-State Circuits Conf., Feb. 2015, pp. 366-367. [TI 2015] “TPS65632: Triple-Output AMOLED Display Power Supply,” Texas Insturments Datasheet, Mar. 2015. [Li 2016] X. Li, et al., “Design and characterization of active matrix LED microdisplays with embedded visible light communication transmitter,” IEEE J. Lightw. Technol., vol. 34, no. 14, pp. 3449–3457, Jul. 2016. [Liu 2016 I] X. Liu et al., “Analysis and design considerations of integrated 3-level buck converters,” IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. I, vol. 63 no. 5, pp. 671-682, May 2016. [Liu 2016 II] X. Liu, C. Huang, P. K. T. Mok “A 50MHz 5V 3W 90% efficiency 3-level buck converter with real-time calibration and wide output range for fastDVS in 65nm CMOS,” IEEE Symp. VLSI Circuits, Jun. 2016, pp. 1-2. [Lu 2017] Y. Lu, J. Jiang, and W.-H. Ki, “A multiphase switched-capacitor DC–DC converter ring with fast transient response and small ripple,” IEEE J. SolidState Circuits, vol. 52, no. 2, pp. 579–591, Feb. 2017. [Jiang 2017] J. Jiang, W.-H. Ki, and Y. Lu, “Digital 2-/3-phase switched capacitor converter with ripple reduction and efficiency improvement”, IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol. 52, no. 7, July 2017. 87 88 Chapter 8 CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE WORKS 8.1 Thesis Conclusions In this thesis, several switched-capacitor converters designed for a variety of applications are presented. First, the design challenges and motivation are introduced. Then a literature review is given to provide an overview of many design techniques proposed in stateof-the-art works. In Chapter 3, a mathematical model that includes the parasitic capacitance is proposed to help predict the output voltage and power efficiency of step-down SC converters. The analytic results become more important when the converters are fully-integrated. The simulation results verified the correctness of the model. From Chapter 4 to Chapter 7, four SC converter designs that used in applications such as low-voltage implantable devices, energy harvesting sources, application processors and AMLED display systems, are presented. New topologies, design methodologies and control techniques are proposed to overcome the challenges and fulfill the requirements in each application. In Chapter 4, a fully-integrated SC converter is designed for low-voltage implantable devices. By introducing 3-phase operation, the very low voltage conversion ratio of 1/4x is realized with good efficiency. The parasitic insensitive topology with built-in doubler to reduce CW is also proposed, and parasitic loss is significantly reduced. The design is fabricated in a 65nm CMOS process, and the measurement results show an overall 14% efficiency improvement and a high efficiency at the sub-/near-threshold region are achieved without using advanced processes or sacrificing the current density. In Chapter 5, to further explore the topologies with 3-phase operation, an SC converter using 2 flying capacitors and 2-/3-phase operations is proposed. With two more VCRs, the achieved maximum output voltage range over the input voltage range is up to 75.8%, and the 89 power conversion efficiency was improved by as much as 20% compared to 2-phase SC converters. A digital adaptive ripple reduction scheme is also introduced to reduce the output voltage ripple by as much as 4 times at light load. This converter is implemented using a digital method, that is, by writing VHDL codes and then synthesizing the circuit automatically, so the design complexity is reduced. The converter was fabricated in a 0.13 µm bulk CMOS technology and was capable of operating at a wide input range of 1.6 V-3.3 V and a wide output range of 0.5 V-3 V with 91% peak efficiency and delivered a maximum power of 250 mW. In Chapter 6, a fully integrated dual-output SC converter with dynamic power-cell allocation for application processors is presented. To reduce the power and area overhead, due to the load imbalance, the power cells can be dynamically allocated to achieve the maximum power density and efficiency. This work was fabricated in a 28nm CMOS process. The converter achieved 83.3% peak efficiency and a maximum 100mA while maintaining minimized cross regulation. The overall efficiency was improved by 4.8% than that without allocation. In Chapter 7, a fully integrated AMLED micro display system is presented. The on-chip hybrid voltage regulator consists of a step-up switched-capacitor converter and a step-down linear regulator. It is capable of operating at a wide input range of 2.7V to 4.2V with peak efficiency of 91%, averaged efficiency of higher than 78%, and the maximum output power is 216mW. An AMLED array with 36 × 64 pixels was fabricated and integrated with silicon chip by using the flip-chip bonding technique. By integrating the voltage regulator on the same chip, the display system could be operated using a lithium-ion (Li-ion) battery without any external components. In general, this thesis proposed several methods to tackle the challenges of designing fully-integrated SC converters. To generate more VCRs with fewer flying capacitors, 3-phase operation is proposed and adopted to the designs in Chapter 4 and Chapter 5. Average efficiency is improved by having extra VCRs without consuming more system resources. To increase system efficiency, a parasitic insensitive topology and high-voltage biasing technique is proposed in Chapter 4. Parasitic loss is significantly reduced. An adaptive loading allocation is proposed to enhance the power efficiency, and the technique can be employed in multi-core processor applications (Chapter 6). To further reduce the voltage ripple, a distributed converter90 ring is built with cascading power cells to power up an AMLED display system. All the methods have been confirmed by measurement results, and the performance are comparable to and/or better than start-of-the-art SC converters in recent publications. 8.2 Future Works A regulated switched-capacitor converter is a closed-loop system, and frequency modulation is the most common method. To better control the converter, analysis of the loopgain frequency response should be performed. There are only a handful of papers that take up this research topic. The conventional wisdom is that the power stage has only one pole, and compensation methods could be used to improve the unity-gain bandwidth and thus the speed of the transient response. However, detailed derivations have not been easily available. Moreover, if a VCO is used in the loop, the frequency responses in the frequency domain and the phase domain should also be analyzed. The analytic results could impose a clearer design guideline for regulated SC converters. Improving the line and load regulation is also an important research direction. Due to the finite output resistance, SC converters usually have a poor load regulation. Similarly, because of poor line regulation, in changing the input voltage, the output voltage could hardly be equal to the ideally converted voltage. A conventional remedy is to switch to a higher VCR when the output voltage is detected to be too low, but then this would result in poor efficiency. A better solution would be to devise a method to achieve better line regulation. 91 APPENDIX LIST OF PUBLICATIONS Journal Publications 1. J. Jiang, X. Liu, W. H. Ki, P. K. T. Mok and Y. Lu, “Design of Switched-Capacitor Converter for Fully-Integrated AMLED Micro Display System”, IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. I: Regular Papers, to be submitted. 2. J. Jiang, Y. Lu, W. H. Ki, S. P. U and R. P. Martins, “A Dual-Symmetrical-Output Switched-Capacitor Converter With Dynamic Power Allocation”, in preparation. 3. J. Jiang, Y. Lu, C. Huang, W. H. Ki and P. K. T. Mok, “A Fully-Integrated 2-/3-Phase Switched-Capacitor Converter With Efficiency Improvement”, in preparation. 4. J. Jiang, W. H. Ki and Y. Lu, “Digital 2-/3-Phase Switched-Capacitor Converter With Ripple Reduction and Efficiency Improvement”, IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol. 52, no. 7, pp. 1836–1848, Jul 2017. 5. Z. Luo, Y. Lu, M. Huang, J. Jiang, S. W. Sin, S. P. U and R. P. Martins, “A Sub-1V 78nA Bandgap Reference with Curvature Compensation”, Microelectronics Journal, vol. 63, pp. 35-40, May 2017. 6. Y. Lu, J. Jiang and W. H. Ki, “A Multi-Phase Switched-Capacitor DC-DC Converter-Ring with Fast Transient Response and Small Ripple”, IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol. 52, no. 2, pp. 589-591, Feb 2017. 7. X. Liu, P. K. T. Mok, J. Jiang and W. H. Ki, “Analysis and Design Considerations of Integrated 3-Level Buck Converters”, IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. I: Regular Papers, vol. 63, no. 5, pp. 671-682, May 2016. Conference Publications 8. J. Jiang, L. Sun, X. Zhang, S. H. Yuen, X. Li, W.-H. Ki, C. P. Yue and K. M. Lau, “FullyIntegrated AMLED Micro Display System With a Hybrid Voltage Regulator”, in Proc. IEEE Asian Solid-State Circuits Conf. (A-SSCC), submitted. 9. J. Jiang, Y. Lu, W. H. Ki, S. P. U and R. P. Martins, “A Dual-Symmetrical-Output Switched-Capacitor Converter with Dynamic Power Cells and Minimized Cross 92 Regulation for Application Processors in 28nm CMOS”, in Proc. IEEE Intl. Solid-State Circuits Conf. (ISSCC), Feb. 2017, pp. 344-345. 10. J. Jiang, Y. Lu, C. Huang, W. H. Ki and P. K. T. Mok, “A 2-/3-Phase Fully-Integrated Switched-Capacitor DC-DC Converter in Bulk-CMOS for Energy-Efficient Digital Circuits With 14% Efficiency Improvement”, in Proc. IEEE Intl. Solid-State Circuits Conf. (ISSCC), Feb. 2015, pp. 366-367. 11. J. Jiang, Y. Lu and W. H. Ki, “A Digitally-Controlled 2-/3-Phase 6-Ratio SwitchedCapacitor DC-DC Converter with Adaptive Ripple Reduction and Efficiency Improvements”, in Proc. 42nd European Solid-State Circuits Conference (ESSCIRC), Sep. 2016, pp. 441-444. 12. Y. Lu, J. Jiang, W. H. Ki, C. P. Yue, S. W. Sin, S. P. U and R. P. Martins, “A 123-Phase DC-DC Converter-Ring with Fast-DVS for Microprocessors”, in Proc. IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC), Feb. 2015, pp. 364-365. 13. J. Jiang, Y. Lu and W. H. Ki, “Analysis of Two-Phase On-Chip Step-Down Switched Capacitor Power Converters”, in Proc IEEE Asia Pacific Conf. Circuits Syst. (APCCAS), Nov. 2014, pp. 575-578. 14. X. Liu, J. Jiang, P. K. T. Mok, W. H. Ki, “Methods for Measuring Loop-Gain Function of High-Frequency DC-DC Converters”, in Proc. IEEE Asia Pacific Conf. Circuits Syst. (APCCAS), Oct. 2016, pp. 247-249. 15. Y. Lu, R. Yao, D. Huang, J. Su, J. Jiang and W. H. Ki, “A Low-Dropout Regulator with Power Supply Rejection Improvement by Bandwidth-Zero Tracking”, in Proc. IEEE Asia Pacific Conf. Circuits Syst. (APCCAS), Japan, Nov. 2014, pp. 105-180. Patents 16. J. Jiang, et al., “Two-Phase, Three-Phase Reconfigurable Switched-Capacitor Power Converter”, PCT/CN2017/075412, application filed. 17. J. Jiang, et al., “Switched Capacitor Converter”, PCT/EP2015/068324 (WO2016026724), application filed. 18. J. Jiang, et al., “Driver Circuit with Extended Operation Range”, PCT/EP2015/053143, (WO2015124514, CN106063099A, EP3111726A1, US20170055322 A1), application filed. 93