ENTREPRENEURSHIP Quarter 1- Module 1 INTRODUCTION TO BUSINESS PLAN PREPARATION RYAH LYN REVALE 12-STEM PASTEUR 09/23/2021 IV. PRE-TEST 1. B 2.D 3.B 4.A 5.C ACTIVITY 1:FOUR PICS, ONE WORD! 1. wRITTEN 3. OPEN 2. dOCUMENT 4. OPERATE ENTREPRENEURSHIP Quarter 1- Module 1 INTRODUCTION TO BUSINESS PLAN PREPARATION RYAH LYN REVALE 12-STEM PASTEUR 09/23/2021 6. pLAN 5.BUSINESS A BUSINESS PLAN IS AN IMPORTANT WRITTEN DOCUMENT THAT DESCRIBES YOUR COMPANY'S FUTURE. BEFORE OPENING A COMPANY, YOU MUST CREATE A BUSINESS PLAN. THE STRATEGY AND AIM OF THE BUSINESS ARE INCLUDED IN THE PLAN. GUIDED QUESTIONS TO ASSESS IF THE BUSINESS WILL EXPAND, A POSSIBILITY AND FEASIBILITY MUST BE CONDUCTED. TEST OF A BUSINESS PLAN IS A ROAD MAP CONSISTING MOSTLY OF STRATEGIES TO BE IMPLEMENTED IN ORDER TO HELP A COMPANY EXPAND, WHEREAS A FEASIBILITY STUDY CONCLUDES OR ASSISTS IN DETERMINING IF A CONCEPT OR BUSINESS IS A SUITABLE OPTION. THE BUSINESS ENTREPRENEUR. PLAN SHOULD BE PREPARED BY THE ENTREPRENEURSHIP Quarter 1- Module 1 INTRODUCTION TO BUSINESS PLAN PREPARATION RYAH LYN REVALE 12-STEM PASTEUR 09/23/2021 PRACTICE TASK 1 - WHO’S WHO? ENTREPRENEUR X OR Y? I WANTED TO BE ENTREPRENEUR Y BECAUSE I THINK THAT PLANNING IS ESSENTIAL BEFORE STARTING A BUSINESS. THE BUSINESS PLAN IS A ROAD MAP THAT INCLUDES STRATEGIC IDEAS THAT WILL AID IN THE GROWTH OF YOUR COMPANY. ENTREPRENEUR X OPENED A COFFEE SHOP RIGHT AWAY, WITHOUT FIRST PREPARING AND EVALUATING THE MARKETPLACE, THE POSSIBILITY OF THE BUSINESS GROWING REMAINS UNCERTAIN WHILE ENTREPRENEUR Y PLANNED BEFOREHAND AND GATHERED INFORMATION BEFORE STARTING A BUSINESS,THIS WILL ASSIST HIM IN DETERMINING WHICH STRATEGY PLAN WILL EFFECTIVELY HELP HIM EXPAND HIS BUSINESS. FOR ENTREPRENEURS, A BUSINESS PLAN IS AN ESSENTIAL BECAUSE IT IS A STRATEGIC TOOL THAT HELP THEM TO FOCUSE IN PARTICULAR PROCEDURE FOR THEIR BUSINESS AND ALSO THIS ASSIST THEM TO ACHIEVE THEIR GOALS FOR THEIR BUSINESS. PRACTICE TASK 2 - JUSTIFY ME. 1. True 2.False, a feasibility study must be conducted before a business plan can be prepared. 3.False, they are almost similar, but the business plan includes a more detailed discussion. ENTREPRENEURSHIP Quarter 1- Module 1 INTRODUCTION TO BUSINESS PLAN PREPARATION RYAH LYN REVALE 12-STEM PASTEUR 09/23/2021 4.False, a business plan contains discussion than a feasibility study. more detail 5.False, It is not one of the major parts 6.False, it is usually shown after the introduction in the plan 7.True 8.False, they are presented separately False, the name must include in the business plan 9. False, the name must include in the business plan 10.True PRACTICE TASK 3 – TELL ME A STORY My bestfriend wants to start a small business so that she can keep busy throughout the pandemic. She mentioned it in our group chat, and offer us to join her and we accepted it, so we created a plan for how we would conduct a business in this situation. The first thing we do is plan to create a Facebook page where we will sell handcrafted accessories, and then we think about possible business names. We name it after our group name, babes, and then add the craft, and we have babescraftph. ENTREPRENEURSHIP Quarter 1- Module 1 INTRODUCTION TO BUSINESS PLAN PREPARATION RYAH LYN REVALE 12-STEM PASTEUR 09/23/2021 Then we talk about it and plan what product we should sell first; we thought of handmade rings, necklaces, and bracelets. We plan for about 3 months because of the lockdown; in our gmeet, we talk about the materials we need for our product, what product will sell easily, the capital money we need, and also watch business advice on YouTube that will help us on how to run our business. There are five of us in the group, each with a particular job. I'm in charge of designing what will be be posted on our page as well as getting orders because I live in another municipality. I'm also the group's secretary. Our only boy in the group is in charge of product delivery, while the other three are in charge of production process, buying of materials, managing our social media accounts and packaging. We made a sample product and posted it on our page, but the number of customers didn't increase, so we thought about what product would be best to sell in these times of pandemic, and we came up with the idea of making a mask lanyard that would help people ensure and keep track of their mask, so we made a mask lanyard out of beads and posted it on our page, and the number of customers began to increase, So we decided that a product that would benefit a large number of people in this pandemic was the greatest option, and we've been operating and planning what strategic ideas will help our business to expand. ENTREPRENEURSHIP Quarter 1- Module 1 INTRODUCTION TO BUSINESS PLAN PREPARATION RYAH LYN REVALE 12-STEM PASTEUR 09/23/2021 POST TEST PROPOSED BUSINESS NAMES PROPOSED ADDRESS NAME OF OWNER/S Kyla Mae Euste Gwenn Zyrene Toldoya Delicasheesh Lanigay, Polangui, Albay Arianne Gwyneth Sanosa Eunice Aliyah Necio Ryah Lyn Revale Ronessa Balaguer BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE BUSINESS Our business focuses on making sweet and delightful delicacies that will surely satisfy anyone with a sweet tooth. We ensure to give the finest food and service at a very economical price. ‘’Every bite is a sweet delight’’ REASON/S FOR CHOOSING THE LOCATION Close to the production site. The place is peaceful and in order. INITIAL FUNDING REQUIREMENT Php 2,000.00 POSSIBLE SOURCE/S OF FUNDS Savings Parents Solicitation ENTREPRENEURSHIP Quarter 1- Module 1 INTRODUCTION TO BUSINESS PLAN PREPARATION RYAH LYN REVALE 12-STEM PASTEUR 09/23/2021 POST TEST PROPOSED BUSINESS NAMES PROPOSED ADDRESS NAME OF OWNER/S Kyla Mae Euste Gwenn Zyrene Toldoya Swirl & Splash Ubaliw, Polangui, Albay Arianne Gwyneth Sanosa Eunice Aliyah Necio Ryah Lyn Revale Ronessa Balaguer BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE BUSINESS With the resurfacing trend of the hippie street style of the 70's, our brand offers people classic tie dye clothing infused with the modern style of our generation. REASON/S FOR CHOOSING THE LOCATION ·The place is more convenient since it is near the sources of raw materials. Spacious INITIAL FUNDING REQUIREMENT Php 3,000.00 POSSIBLE SOURCE/S OF FUNDS Savings Parents Solicitation ENTREPRENEURSHIP Quarter 1- Module 1 INTRODUCTION TO BUSINESS PLAN PREPARATION RYAH LYN REVALE 12-STEM PASTEUR 09/23/2021 POST TEST PROPOSED BUSINESS NAMES PROPOSED ADDRESS NAME OF OWNER/S Kyla Mae Euste Gwenn Zyrene Toldoya Tote Of The Day Purok 4 Ilaorsur, Oas, Albay Arianne Gwyneth Sanosa Eunice Aliyah Necio Ryah Lyn Revale Ronessa Balaguer BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE BUSINESS REASON/S FOR CHOOSING THE LOCATION Just like how you choose your OOTD, grab your TOTD from our exceptional collections of tote bags. Our brand customizes totes with out-of-thisworld designs from us and your creative minds. Now, grab your tote of the day and walk confidently. Spacious INITIAL FUNDING REQUIREMENT Php 3,500.00 POSSIBLE SOURCE/S OF FUNDS Savings Parents Solicitation ENTREPRENEURSHIP Quarter 1- Module 1 INTRODUCTION TO BUSINESS PLAN PREPARATION RYAH LYN REVALE 12-STEM PASTEUR 09/23/2021 ASSIGNMENT BUSINESS PLAN DELICASHEESH ZONE 1 LANIGAY, POLANGUI, ALBAY WWW.DELICASHEESH@YAHOO.COM OWNED BY: ARIANNE GWYNETH SANOSA RONESSA BALAGUER GWENN ZYRENE TOLDOYA EUNICE ALIYAH NECIO RYAH LYN REVALE KYLA MAE EUSTE ENTREPRENEURSHIP Quarter 1- Module 1 INTRODUCTION TO BUSINESS PLAN PREPARATION RYAH LYN REVALE 12-STEM PASTEUR 09/23/2021 ASSIGNMENT INTRODUCTION DESCRIPTION OF THE BUSINESS OUR BUSINESS FOCUSES ON MAKING SWEET AND DELIGHTFUL DELICACIES THAT WILL SURELY SATISFY ANYONE WITH A SWEET TOOTH. WE ENSURE TO GIVE THE FINEST FOOD AND SERVICE AT A VERY ECONOMICAL PRICE. “EVERY BITE IS A SWEET DELIGHT’’ LOCATION OF THE BUSINESS THE BUSINESS IS LOCATED AT ZONE 1 LANIGAY, POLANGUI, ALBAY. THE PLACE WAS SELECTED SINCE IT IS CLOSE TO THE PRODUCTION SITE. FUNDING REQUIREMENT AND SOURCE OF FUNDS THE INITIAL FUNDING REQUIREMENT FOR THE ENTREPRENEURIAL VENTURE IS APPROXIMATELY PHP 2,000.00. THE FUND WILL COME FROM THE OWNERS’ SAVINGS, PARENTS, AND CAN ALSO BE PROVIDED THROUGH SOLICITATION.