Sensor Network Pair-wise Wireless Communications Performance with Unsteady Node Orientation William A. Lintz, John C. McEachen, Member, IEEE, and David C. Jenn, Member, IEEE Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Naval Postgraduate School 1 University Circle, Monterey, CA 93943, USA E-mail: {walintz, mceachen, jenn} Abstract—A model is proposed to describe expected communications performance between two sensor network nodes where both are unsteady in physical orientation with respect to a specified reference. Model application enables determination of transmit power in terms of a preferred link performance probability. Increasing applications of wireless sensor networks has proportionally increased fielding ideas and platforms. The stability of a platform for a sensor network node cannot always be assumed stable due to physical variation from motion or surface conditions. This creates a time-varying random orientation between nodes in communication with an adjacent partner. A stochastic model is proposed connecting the physical random orientation of a pair of elements to their transmission components. The resulting performance of a link using the proposed model is then applied to achieve reliable communications performance. Analysis demonstrates improved use of network power compared to a method which assigns a blanket power margin across the network. I. INTRODUCTION A sensor network is composed of individual, spatiallyseparated sensor nodes connected through wireless communications. Since communication paths may require data route via adjacent nodes to reach the intended recipient, a network structure is used. The basics of this type of network are discussed in [1]. An overview on the state of past and current sensor network research and applications can be found in [2] and [3]. As they demonstrate, the initial vision of sensor networks as groups of limited capability nodes has evolved. As such, they are increasingly considered for deployment in greater numbers of applications and aboard diverse platforms. However, stable platform orientation is generally assumed. Defining orientation as the combination of antenna spatial pattern variation and polarization mismatch, the effect of antenna rotations in azimuth and elevation angles are well documented in texts under static conditions. Analysis in [4] and [5] discuss the assumption of stability in orientation as hindrances to accuracy and realistic modeling. As described in [6] and [7], the physical condition of an antenna transmission pattern and the associated effect on a communications link can be mathematically described in a two antenna situation. Specifically for sensor networks, [8-10] provide insight on measured sensor communications with various polarization properties. The end effect of these studies is insight on propagation loss under specific constraints including placement and frequency in static deployment. In more complex circumstances, like multiple antenna scenarios, research in [11] provided a baseline to understand combinatory effects caused by polarization differences, and the method proposed in [12] uses the active element pattern to address individual polarization and element patterns. However, these treatments are also primarily suited for static applications, where orientations remain fixed after initial setup. The increase of fielding scenarios and the physical reality of platform instability do not make this a realistic condition, necessitating analysis under random orientation. This paper proposes a model describing the effects orientation on communications in a dynamic situation where node orientation is defined under stochastic conditions. Orientation may be affected due to a variety of conditions including vibration, natural motion, material flexibility, surface consistency, or weather. A pair-wise relationship will be developed between potential communications partners in a sensor network using a three-node model, with the third node being a fictitious check node. The resultant stochastic association established in the proposed model is then available in designing efficient power transmission parameters in order to meet desired communications performance. This will be demonstrated using a link requirement tied to bit error rate. The power determination based on proposed model use will be shown to produce desired results with lower overhead than a blanket application of power margin across the network. This paper is organized as follows. The remainder of Section I reviews some basic communications and electromagnetic concepts. Section II describes the sensor network analyzed. The proposed model is presented in Section III. Section IV shows a comparative analysis of energy efficiency. Finally, conclusions are offered. A. Dipole Gain Pattern The gain pattern for a dipole antenna is reviewed for later use. At resonance, the gain of a half-wave dipole, G (θ ) , can be defined, from [8], as ⎛ ⎛π ⎞⎞ ⎜ cos ⎜ cos (θ ) ⎟ ⎟ 2 ⎝ ⎠⎟ G (θ ) ≈ 1.64Ω (θ ) = 1.64 ⎜ ⎜ ⎟ sin (θ ) ⎜ ⎟ ⎝ ⎠ forwarding. Both methods require the ability to pass signaling data to adjacent nodes, setting up pair-wise links. 2 (1) where Ω is the squared pattern and θ is the polar angle from the dipole axis. An additional angle, φ , describes the azimuth angle of rotation from the x-axis in a standard spherical coordinate system where the dipole resides on the z-axis. As can be seen in (1), the gain pattern for a dipole is not dependent on the azimuth angle. B. Linear Polarization Mismatch Polarization mismatch is reviewed for later use. For cases of mismatched polarization, the fraction of power received, ρ , can be described, from [6], as ρ = eˆi • hˆ* 2 (2) where eˆ i represents the unit vector for the polarization of the incident wave and ĥ* represents the unit vector for the polarization of the receiving antenna. For a pair of dipoles, (2) simplifies, from [6] and [7], to ρ = cos2 ( χ ) (3) where, χ , is the angle between the dipole axes in common reference. C. Free-Space Transmission Free-space power transmission is reviewed for later use. As defined in [6] and [7], a mathematical model for power transferred over a free-space wireless channel can be described as Pr = PG t t (θt , φt ) Gr (θ r , φt ) 2 ⎛ 4π d ⎞ ⎜ λ ⎟ Lo ⎝ ⎠ ρ (χ ) (4) where P represents power with the subscripts r and t for received and transmitted respectively, G is antenna gain with the same subscript set, d is propagation distance, and λ is wavelength. The denominator represents loss due to propagation distance and is designated path loss. Additional loss factors, Lo , may also be included in the denominator. The polarization factor from (2) is represented by ρ , and the gain patterns for transmit and receive elements are functions of orientation. II. SENSOR NETWORK CONSTRUCT This section defines the parameters and assumptions applied to the network and nodes analyzed. A sensor network consists of a set of spatially separated sensor nodes that exchange information over a wireless path. Data forwarding methods, such as offered in [13], require nodes to form a coherent beam to pass data to a central processor. Alternatively, nodes may simply pass data to a relay node for Individual nodes will consist of a sensor assembly, a communications core for network participation, an on-board processor, and a battery. Although analysis will clearly be valid for any linear polarization producing element, each node’s communications antenna will be assumed as a dipole near resonance for purposes of modeling. Dipoles are chosen here as they represent a general case. Each node is a vital part of the sensor field for detection of activity and a necessary part of network connectivity, so the loss of a single node has an obvious ripple effect on system operations. Therefore, efficient power use is necessary. The deployment method used may result in a random or intended distribution across the target area. Following deployment, node positions may be found using self-location techniques, such as described in [14]. However, specific position knowledge will not be required in forming the general model. Communications between the nodes assumes freespace position and transmission. More complex propagation schemes may be considered after formation, but note that the model ignores the effects of shadowing, multi-path or polarization altering transmission factors. Most importantly, nodes are assumed to desire orientation matched to the adjacent elements as a specified reference; however, as each platform is unstable, orientation varies from the preferred in a random manner. So, the element may tip randomly in any direction, and the amount of tilt will be characterized as a Gaussian random variable with a mean of zero. An estimate of the tilt standard deviation can be made from physical conditions. This parameter is monikered the “wobble factor” for the element, w . Wobble factor can range 0o to 90o for a dipole in free-space. As noted, the motion of an unstable platform allows movement equally in the full range of the upper hemisphere. Therefore, a Uniform random variable is appropriate to represent tilt direction. III. MODEL FOR EFFECTIVE PAIR-WISE COMMUNICATIONS WITH UNSTABLE PLATFORMS Consider communications between nodes B and C of interest in the sensor network defined in Section II where the orientation of each element is off normal. Therefore, a tilt angle, (θ B , θ C ) , and an associated azimuth angle, (φ B , φC ) , exists in the system coordinate system, as shown in Figure 1, at a specific instant in time. In a static system, this state can be solved to determine the expected free-space power transfer between the two nodes when specific knowledge of all angles in the system coordinate system exists, allowing application of (1) and (3) to account for gain pattern and polarization. However, random dynamic orientation cases require further analysis. The establishment of a check node is necessary for the model. Continuing consideration of nodes B and C, establish node A as adjacent to nodes B and C. Node A, also included in Figure 1, is assumed fixed in the preferred reference orientation and is located at the origin of a coordinate system in the plane containing the three nodes. Angles of rotation from the x-axis to node B and node C, designated γ B and γ C respectively, can be found using a tangent function from the known geometry at a given time. Node A’s position and orientation of node B, rotated to the x-axis, are shown in Figure 2. This figure demonstrates the angle for polarization, χ , and introduces the angle, ψ , used for gain pattern which represents the elevation from the system transmission plane. Translating the angles ψ and χ to the orientation angles of θ and φ can be written for a node located on the x-axis, adjusting for required angle limitations, as ⎛ ⎜ χ φ = tan ⎜ ⎜⎜ π −ψ ⎝2 −1 ⎞ ⎟ ⎟ ⎟⎟ ⎠ (5) Fig. 3. – Magnitude of efficiency factors for gain pattern and polarization versus function angles ψ and χ respectively. and θ= χ sin φ (6) Fig. 4. – Example of potential function angles for pattern and polarization in a communications pair with a variety of drops from ideal. Fig. 1 – Arrangement of a pair of nodes plus a check node, node A. Fig. 2 – Check node A and node B with node B rotated to the x-axis. Axes y’ and z’ are parallel to the y and z and are shown for convenience. First considering paired communications between the check node A and node B, the ideal power transfer in signaling can be determined from (4) by neglecting orientation factors. Actual power transfer may be measurably less than the expected value, and this power difference may be attributed to orientation, demonstrated by Node B’s projected gain efficiency, Ω (π 2 − ψ ) from (1), or polarization, ρ ( χ ) from (3), where ψ and χ are as shown in Figure 2. A display of how the gain efficiency and polarization mismatch factor change by respective function angle can be seen in Figure 3. Conversely, a range of potential angles, ψ and χ , can be determined from the power difference when the orientation is unknown. Figure 4 shows the ranges of potential angles with a variety of magnitude drops. In the static case where the specific orientations for node B and node C are known in reference to node A, simple geometry may be used to determine their orientation to one another. A set of elevation and polarization angles for node B (ψ B , χ B ) and node C (ψ C , χ B ) can be translated back into the spherical system (θ B , φ B , θ C , φC ) with respect to node A, using (5) and (6). The azimuth angle for each can then be rotated by γ B and γ C respectively to reflect geometric position. The coordinates of node B and node C may then be rectified, placing node B at the center of the local coordinate system. Again, a tangent function may be used to determine the angle from the x-axis to node C, denoted as γ BC . Rotating azimuth angles for both nodes by γ BC to place node C on the x-axis, the angles (ψ BC , χ BC ) and (ψ CB , χCB ) are determined from (5) and (6). Based on these angles, a transmission factor, F , between node B and node C may be formed based on the gain pattern efficiency of the transmitting element, the gain pattern efficiency of the receiving element, and the crosspolarization of the pair. The transmission factor can be written using (1) and (3) as F = Ωt (ψ BC ) Ω r (ψ CB ) ρ ( χ BC − χ CB where (4) is re-written as ) (7) Pr = (1.64 )2 Pt 2 ⎛ 4π d ⎞ ⎜ λ ⎟ Lo ⎝ ⎠ F (ψ BC , χ BC ,ψ CB , χCB ) (8) Returning to an evaluation without known orientations for nodes B and C, the wobble factor and a stochastic distribution provide greater insight into the system. Assignment of respective wobble factors ( wB , wC ) for nodes B and C for a Gaussian distribution of tilt angle (θ B , θ C ) and designation of where Γ represents a gamma function and the parameters α and β are determined from the sample mean, x , and variance, Var ( x ) as ⎛ x (1 − x ) ⎞ − 1⎟ ⎟ ⎝ Var ( x ) ⎠ α = x⎜ ⎜ ⎛ x (1 − x ) ⎞ − 1⎟ ⎜ Var ( x ) ⎟ ⎝ ⎠ β = (1 − x ) ⎜ (10) (11) Using Chi-Squared test to determine goodness-of-fit from [15], the Beta distribution demonstrates a tight fit. Therefore, the derived Beta distribution is a suitable model for the transmission factor, F , in the pair-wise connection. Additionally, the physical distribution of the nodes is only used to determine rotation factors for the elements, and, since the azimuth angles of the respective elements are varied through a Uniform random variable, the specific positions have no-bearing on the resulting distribution. Further, the check node, node A, is only used to mathematically determine the Beta distribution. There is no need to physically realize the check node to implement. The result is a model distribution which may be implemented on any pair-wise communications involving unstable orientations without respect to position. C (9) 0 2 = β −1 and w xα −1 (1 − x ) o B Γ (α + β ) Γ (α ) Γ ( β ) where 5 1 = f x (α , β ) = Fig. 5. – Histogram of transmission factor compared with a Beta distribution, w azimuth angles (φ B , φC ) for nodes B and C with respect to node A for a Uniform distribution per Section II are accomplished. Using these definitions and the geometric three node process, the variation of the transmission factor to any assigned wobble factors can be observed. Figure 5 shows a resultant histogram distribution of the transmission factor with example wobble factors wB = 15o and wC = 20o . The red line indicates the progression of a normalized Beta stochastic distribution with mean and variance parameters matched to the collected data. From [15], the probability density function of a Beta distribution is described as o . IV. PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS The need to conserve power in the network demands a balance between transmission energy and bit errors allowed. The measure of energy per bit over noise, E b N o , is normally used to determine robustness, as it can be connected to bit error rate dependent on the modulation technique employed. From [7], it is known that E b N o is a function of Pr , where Pr is determined from (4). Additionally, from (8), received power is a function of F . Establishment of a blanket power increase in transmissions within a network due to orientation concerns is a general engineering response to managing the link budget across a connectionless network. This tactic provides a safe cushion to assure a desired signal quality to the receiver. However, application of the proposed model on a pair-wise basis offers the opportunity to tailor an individual transmission power for each link, maintaining a desired mean for E b N o at a power savings compared to the blanket margin method. Consider a sensor network containing of K sensors. A subset of k sensors may be required in a multi-hop scenario. Without regard to orientation, transmit power levels for each hop can be determined by distance between nodes using (4) to Total meet the Pr necessary for a desired E b N o . transmission power expended is determined by summing transmission power in each link as PTTOT = k −1 ∑P i =1 Ti (12) In a blanket increase scenario, the transmitted power for each link is increased by a uniform percentage, η , to address expected loss due to orientation mismatch. This percentage is generally chosen to address expected or measured worst case. The resulting total power due to transmission when using this blanket method, PTTOT , can be written as B PTTOT = η B k −1 ∑P i =1 Ti (13) Using the proposed model, a power increase, Φ , can be determined for each hop. Considering a simple increase to maintain the mean of received power, the power increase can be determined as Φ= 1 F ( pdf mean ) (14) where Φ must determined for each hop. Multiplication by this factor resets received power to a proper mean. Figure 6 demonstrates this shift of the histogram by subtracting the power associated with the uncorrected example shown in Figure 5 from a signal corrected using Φ . The resulting signal histogram has a mean approaching zero. technique effectively shifted the mean of the received signal back to the intended location. Direct comparison between this technique using the proposed model and the general case of a margin increase across the network demonstrated the power savings of the proposed technique while meeting mean performance goals. The result of this effort is a model which may be generally applied to meet physical layer requirements in a sensor network while preserving node energy – extending network life while meeting operational requirements. REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] Fig. 6. – Histogram of normalized signal magnitude distribution in a signal hop with the model based correction factor, Φ . Now considering the total power due to transmission using the proposed model and increase from (14), it may be written as PTTOT = P ∑Φ P i Ti k −1 ∑P i =1 Ti [8] (15) Since the blanket increase percentage, η , was determined to assure margin over the worst case, we know η ≥ Φ for all hops. So a power savings, ΔP , can be written directly as ΔP = [7] [9] k −1 i =1 [6] (η − Φ i ) (16) Therefore, the proposed method is preferable for meeting desired physical layer signaling goals in terms of power cost and moderating potential bit errors. [10] [11] [12] [13] V. CONCLUSION In this paper, we proposed a model to describe pair-wise link performance in a sensor network with unstable node orientation. The model was developed using a fictitious check node, and operating random variables with respect to the check node. The result introduced a predictable pattern that can be determined for any two nodes with knowledge only of the nature of the element instability in the form of a wobble factor. The proposed model was applied to multi-hop scenario in a sensor network where element locations are known. Using the model, a proposed technique to determine power increase by individual link was introduced. The proposed [14] [15] W. 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