Age Piaget Erickson 1m 0-12m 0-6w Sensorinewborn motor 0-1 Trust/mistrust 2m 6w-1 yr infant 3m reflexive If reliable care 4m Simple repeat imitate 6m Reflexes gone by Palmer Rooting Gone by 12m stepping Physical Growth/sleep G: Head lag Wt – 10% 0-6m 14-18 hours HC = +2cm month Always meas 2X 2-3 closed post font G: Head off mat Acoustic blink Tonic neck (fencer) 4-8m separation anxiety 6-8m stranger anxiety Moro startle Language/teeth/ toys Cry coo food vaccine Milk domin food to 12m Restrict fluids exc milk 0 – HepB1 D = DTaP I = IPV R = rotavirus P = PCV (Prevnar) H = Hib Infants Mobile Large blocks Push pull toys F: Grasp both hands G: sit w/out support F: Holds bottle Nitetime sleep estab laugh 2 * Wt 6-12m 12-14 hrs 3 naps Single vowel 1st tooth HepB2 DIRPH Intro foods Veg – fruit meat DIRPH HepB3 DIRPH (I up to 18m) FLU (up 12m then Q12) 8m 9m 11m 1yr 1-3yr Toddler 15m 18m 24m Plantar – toe curl Object perm Mental representati on EGOCENTRIC Object permanence Cause/effect 1-3yr Autonomy v shame Want to be independent routine F: Pincer - cheerio consonant G: Pull to stand G: Cruises/walks dada - mama Sucking Babinski – foot fan G: Walks by self G: Throw ball overhead F: 3-4 block tower F: 6-7 block tower 3 * Wt 1.5 * Ht 11-12 hrs naps elim dentist Protruding abd 5 words 2 word sent 6-8 teeth 12-18m closed ant font HC – no longer measure P 24m Toddler Puzzle – big pc Crayons balls 24 oz milk Choking hazards Whole milk 12-15m MVPH 12-23m HepA *2 6m bet M = MMR V = Varicella Lowfat milk 30m 3-6 yr PreSchool 2-7yr Pre Operationa F: good hand/finger coord 3yr G: stands 1 ft/trike 4yr G: skip/hop catch ball 5yr G: jump rope/throw-catch Initiative v Guilt If no init then exp guilt Magical thinkinganimismcentration -time (beg understd) 6-12yr Schoolage 7-12 yr Concrete Op Industry v inferiority Cause/effect – others perspective – conservation = ice=water Take pride in what they do – if not good reduce self esteem 2 yr - 4 * Wt Grow 3”/yr +5lb yr wt +3” yr ht 11-12 hrs sleep Night terrors Upright post no belly +5lb yr wt +2” yr ht Sleep variable – 9hr 8/9 girls pub B/Pub/Ax/Mens 9/10 boys Test/Pub/Ax-face/voice 12-20 yr 12+ adolesce Formal Op Logic to make nt decisions – Identity v Role Confusion Girl = stop grow 22.5yr p menses Boy = stop grow 1820 yr Figuring out who they are – intimate relationships consider alternatives Age Respiratory Rate Decreases Newborn 30-55 1yr 25-40 2yr 3yr 20-30 6yr 16-22 10yr 16-20 17yr 12-20 Heart Rate Decreases 100-170 80-130 10-120 70-110 60-100 Avg HR 120 110 100 90 85 BP Increases 65-78/41-52 80-115/34-67 86-120/44-76 91-125/54-84 98-130/58-90 108-145/63-94 By 8-10 same as adult 2yr – 2-3 word sent 3-4 3-4 word sent 5-6 5-6 word sent Imaginative play Trike– swim paint Fruit/ve g 4-6 yr DIMmr Perm teeth Scoliosis screen Talk about drugs Booster 4’9” 8-12 yrs Team sports instrument art/craft games 11-12y acne 16-18y TMen-HPV*3 Men Team sports reading PEERS