Uploaded by Kermit Avera

Meetings - Google Docs

Squeeze pennies out of the local businesses
Meeting 7:
Food - Nick
Outreach - Scott, Anthony & Connie
Info Booths - Scott, Anthony & Connie
Prizes - Shirts and Card - Mike and Kami (Estes rockets?)(show me an example)
Parking(Only if not RSVP)
Gate attendant - Kermit (LV POA)
Catapults - Ari and Milo
Model Rockets Estes - Mike Hankins
Soda Rockets - Anthony and Teagan
Water Slide - Kami (COI & ADD INSUR)
Slip n Slide Kickball - Ari and Anthony
Chicken Run - Mike
Backyard Bass - Scott
Carnival Games - Milo
Biggest concerns for the park is how to control random non-members showing up to the event
and doing miscellaneous activities (teens doing teenager things)
Possible solution- piece of paper or some kind of demarcation to show that they are apart of
the festival
The time of the event/innocence of event should help to negate these concerns
Kami - (Event Brite) RSVP is something we should look into for the event “what’s your name,
how many kids are you bringing?”
Signing the pass that would allow the person to cross the gate and would therein be
responsible for any damages to the property
Will BSA Insurance cover us for liabilities? (Including property damage) Have to be registered
members? - Doug Cooper
Milo - Water slide COI
Deadline for Volunteers