Parmar Ravi N. G2 200220131043 Practical- 1 Aim: Introduction to Linux and Study basic commands of Linux. Theory: List of Commands: Sr Command Name, Description and Output No Command Name Clear Syntax: - clear 1. Description buffer. clear command clears your screen if this is possible, including its scroll back It ignores any command-line parameters that may be present. Output Command Name man Syntax: - man command name [options] Description 2. man command which is short for manual, provides in depth information about the requested c Output 01 Command Name Pwd == Syntax :- pwd [options] Description Displays path from root to currentdirectory Output 4. Command Name Cd Syntax: - cd [directory] Description It is used to change the directory 02 Command Name Exit Syntax: - exit Description It is used to terminate a program, shell or log you out of anetwork normally. Output 8. Command Name Echo Syntax: - echo string Description It prints the given input string to standard output. 9.command Name Whoami Syntax: - whoami Description Print the name of userid 03 10. command name rmdir for remove directories syntax..rmdir [die.. name] 11. Command Name Cat Syntax: - cat [options] [FILE]... Description It is used to create, display and concatenate file contents. Basically, three uses of the cat command. 1) 12.Command Name Mv Syntax: - mv [options] oldname newname Description It is used to move/rename file from one directory toanother which is short for move. 04 mv command