,(((,QWHUQDWLRQDO&RQIHUHQFHRQ,QIRUPDWLRQ&RPPXQLFDWLRQ,QVWUXPHQWDWLRQDQG&RQWURO ,&,&,&ದ 3DSHU,G Speed Control of Electric Vehicle Using Fuzzy Logic Controller Surabhi Agrawal Dr. Vivek Shrivastava Electrical Engineering Department Rajasthan Technical University Kota Rajasthan, India surabhi.agrawal93@gmail.com Electrical Engineering Department Rajasthan Technical University Kota Rajasthan, India shvivek@gmail.com Abstract— In this paper, the utilization of regenerative braking energy to control the speed of electric vehicle based on fuzzy logic controller is discussed. A fuzzy logic controller established is sugeno type. The output of motor controller of electric vehicle with fuzzy logic controller is acting as feedback to motor and improvement in speed of vehicle is observed. Under condition of stability and braking safety, the proposed strategy includes two types of braking force, one is regenerative and another one is frictional. So that a large amount of kinetic energy can be converted into electrical energy form and this electrical energy can be stored in the storage device like battery. This strategy is used to use the motor’s regenerative braking characteristics. Modeling of FLC (fuzzy logic controller) is done under the MATLAB/Simulink software. Simulation was done with different cycles and FLC is examined with SOC (state of charge) of a battery, speed of motor and required force to drive vehicle. Keywords—Fuzzy Logic Controller; Battery; Brushless DC Motor; SOC; Regenerative braking; FPGA. I. INTRODUCTION In recent time, Government agencies are following standard strategies for fuel consumption and emission against hazardous environmental conditions, specially those are related to fossil fuel vehicle emissions [1]. Electric vehicles are considered as the best solution for energy problems in individual transportation system [2]. Energy efficiency is an important factor for battery electric vehicle. But there is still a gap of carrying into execution between conventional fossil fuel vehicle and electric vehicles. This gap exists with respect to energy saving, safety, power train efficiency and driving range [3]. To overwhelm the shortcomings of electric vehicle, the application of regenerative braking method is an operative way. In case of a conventional fossil fuel vehicle, a considerable amount of energy is consumed in braking [4,5], But in electric vehicle this braking energy can be utilized. In regenerative braking energy method, electrical motors can be operated as generators in order to convert the potential energy and kinetic energy in electrical energy form and can be stored in a storage device [6]. This unique method assures the braking safety. It extends the driving range and improves economic performance of electric vehicle. However, this method is an uncertain method with external disturbances and non-linear parameter perturbation. Therefore, a regenerative braking force controller is designed. This controller is based on fuzzy logic consisting of three inputs i.e. vehicle’s speed, braking force applied by driver and battery’s %SOC and one output i.e. the ratio between regenerative braking force and total braking force [7]. A MATLAB/ Simulink environment is developed for FLC model. A simulation result shows the effective and feasible control strategy of FLC. Then FLC is implemented with electric vehicle model and output speed of motor controller is observed. II. PRINCIPLE OF REGENRATIVE BRAKING ENERGY When vehicle gets start, the driving motor utilizes the electrical energy stored in storage device (like battery) to get the speed [8-10] and when driver applies brakes, the motor starts working as a generator. It converts a large amount of mechanical energy into electrical energy and this can be saved in storage device and again this energy can be utilized to drive a driving motor. This is the basic principle of regenerative braking energy. The schematic block diagram of behavior of regenerative braking between parts of vehicle is shown in Fig.1. Driven shaft Motor Energy storage device Fig.1 The regenerative Braking Method III. DESIGN OF FLC Due to some effective advantages like employs adaptive technique, high operational efficiency and co-ordination with ,(((,QWHUQDWLRQDO&RQIHUHQFHRQ,QIRUPDWLRQ&RPPXQLFDWLRQ,QVWUXPHQWDWLRQDQG&RQWURO ,&,&,&ದ 3DSHU,G linear control theory, a sugeno fuzzy controller is selected here. FLC system basically consists of input fuzzy membership function, output fuzzy membership function and fuzzy rules. In this FLC, the input variables are braking force, battery’s SOC and vehicle speed. The output variable is ratio of regenerative energy braking force to total braking force [11]. The FLC structure designed is shown in Fig.2. . Fig.4: Input variable ‘speed’ Fig. 2 The structure design of FLC A. Relationship Between Applied Braking Force and Regenrative Braking Force: If the braking force command given by driver is small, then a large amount of regenerative braking force to the vehicle can be provided. If the braking force applied by driver is large, it means we should reduce the part of regenerative braking force and braking force command should be kept at medium, proportion of regenerative braking force will be enhanced. The linguistic variables of driver’s braking force are expressed as High, Medium, Low and universe of discourse are [0, 2000]. Its membership functions are shown are shown in Fig.3. C. Relationship Between Battery’s % SOC and Regenrative Braking Force: When battery’s SOC is below 10%, then battery is unsuitable for charging and part of regenerative braking force should be low and when SOC is between 10% and 90%, then charging of battery can be done with large amount. When SOC is more than 90% [12], the proportion of regenerative braking force should be improved. The SOC is set at very high, high, medium, low, very low and the universe of discourse is [0,1]. Its membership functions are in Fig.5. Fig.5 Input variable ‘SOC’ D. Output: We favor the concourse of the ratio as: Mf = {Mf0, Mf1, Mf2, Mf3, Mf4, Mf5, Mf6, Mf7, Mf8, Mf9, Mf10} = (0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, and 1.0). Fig.3 Input variable ‘force’ B. Relationship Between Vehicle’s Speed and Regenrative Braking Force: When the speed of vehicle is low, the regenerative braking force proportion should have low value. When speed is high, the ratio of generative braking force should be increased to very high value. The linguistic variables of vehicle speed are High, Medium, Low. The universe of discourse is [0,100] and membership functions are shown in Fig.4. E. Rules: The execution of FLC depends on fuzzy rules. Here fuzzy rules are built by co-relating the three inputs and one output factor. The conditional sentence used to build the fuzzy rules is: IfġĩS is SiĪ,ġ F is Fi炸and炷SOC is SOCi炸then 炷ratio is Mfi. The fuzzy rules are shown in Table I. ,(((,QWHUQDWLRQDO&RQIHUHQFHRQ,QIRUPDWLRQ&RPPXQLFDWLRQ,QVWUXPHQWDWLRQDQG&RQWURO ,&,&,&ದ 3DSHU,G S. No. TABLE I. S. No. Si THE FUZZY RULE Fi SOCi Ratio Si Fi SOCi Ratio 37. High High Very Low Mf0 38. High Medium Very Low Mf1 1. High High Very High Mf0 39. High Low Very Low Mf1 2. High Medium Very High Mf1 40. Medium High Very Low Mf1 3. High Low Very High Mf1 41. Medium Medium Very Low Mf1 4. Medium High Very High Mf1 42. Medium Low Very Low Mf2 5. Medium Medium Very High Mf1 43. Low High Very Low Mf1 6. Medium Low Very High Mf2 44. Low Medium Very Low Mf2 7. Low High Very High Mf1 45. Low Low Very Low Mf2 8. Low Medium Very High Mf2 9. Low Low Very High Mf2 10. High High High Mf5 11. High Medium High Mf8 12. High Low High Mf10 13. Medium High High Mf5 14. Medium Medium High Mf7 15. Medium Low High Mf9 16. Low High High Mf1 17. Low Medium High Mf2 18. Low Low High Mf3 19. High High Medium Mf6 20. High Medium Medium Mf8 21. High Low Medium Mf10 22. Medium High Medium Mf5 23. Medium Medium Medium Mf7 24. Medium Low Medium Mf9 25. Low High Medium Mf1 26. Low Medium Medium Mf2 27. Low Low Medium Mf3 28. High High Low Mf9 29. High Medium Low Mf8 30. High Low Low Mf10 31. Medium High Low Mf5 32. Medium Medium Low Mf7 33. Medium Low Low Mf9 34. Low High Low Mf1 35. Low Medium Low Mf2 36. Low Low Low Mf1 The output surfaces based on fuzzy rules are shown in Fig. 6, 7 and 8: Fig.6: The relation between vehicle’ speed, battery’s SOC and output ratio Fig. 7: The relation between braking force, battery’s SOC and output ratio ,(((,QWHUQDWLRQDO&RQIHUHQFHRQ,QIRUPDWLRQ&RPPXQLFDWLRQ,QVWUXPHQWDWLRQDQG&RQWURO ,&,&,&ದ 3DSHU,G Fig.8: The relation between braking ratio, vehicle’s speed and output ratio Fig.9: The Basic Structure of Electirc Vehicle IV. IMPLIMENTATION OF ELECTRIC VEHICLE WITH FLC A model of electric vehicle mainly consists of BLDC (brushless DC motor), battery and an inverter. Inverters are fed by BLDC. Due the efficient characteristics of BLDC (such as wide speed range, high efficiency and good power densities), these motors are highly preferred for electric vehicles [13]. BLDC information expects six discrete rotor positions for operation of inverter. These are generated by Hall Effect sensors. These sensors provide the information of position, those are needed to synchronize the excitation of stator with position of rotor and this synchronization is done to produce constant torque [14, 15]. This sensor control is implemented by adopting the FPGA technique [16]. When a speed input is given to BLDC motor, BLDC motor starts working and provides input to universal bridge i.e. inverter. This inverter is gated by FPGA. FPGA is getting signal from motor output. The universal bridge provides its output voltage to vehicle battery and vehicle battery starts functioning by providing SOC of battery. The decision of selecting a battery should be used depends on the charging and discharging behavior of battery [17]. The battery SOC, speed of vehicle and braking force behaves as input to FLC. By following ranges of membership functions and fuzzy rules, FLC provides output. This output is ratio between regenerative braking force and total braking force. This ratio acts as feedback for BLDC at the torque input of motor and output speed of BLDC gets improved as it is using regenerative braking energy as well. In the Fig. 9 shown below, when speed as an input is given BLDC motor, it provides sensor signal to IGBT inverter using FPGI. Then inverter provide output signal to battery and battery produces SOC. This SOC is given to FLC as input along with braking force of vehicle and vehicle’ speed and FLC provide a ratio, which acts as feedback for BLDC and BLDC provide improved speed. V. SIMULATION RESULTS Fig. 10: The output speed of vehicle As shown in Fig.10 the waveform of vehicle’s speed. Before using the FLC, the speed obtained is negative, which is not the required result. But, when FLC is used, vehicle’s speed increases in positivce direction and shows the improved results. ,(((,QWHUQDWLRQDO&RQIHUHQFHRQ,QIRUPDWLRQ&RPPXQLFDWLRQ,QVWUXPHQWDWLRQDQG&RQWURO ,&,&,&ದ 3DSHU,G Fig.11: The output torque of BLDC Motor along with Error and Reference values As in the figure above shown, After using the FLC, output torque of BLDC is improved. Before using the FLC, the output torque was almost zero and error was very high. But, as we use FLC, the error is reduced to very less and acceptable Value. VI. CONCLUSION This paper presents the utilization of regenerative braking energy in improvement of vehicle speed, in improvement of output torque of BLDC motor, in reduction of error and in enhancment of efficiency of vehicle. The output of Motor with FLC acts as feedback for motor. Vehicle speed, SOC of battery and Braking force of vehicle acts as input for FLC and output of FLC is the ratio of regenrative braking force to total braking force of vehicle. Using a Sugeno type fuzzy logic controller, FLC structure is established. Before using the FLC, the speed of vehicle was in range of -3000 rad/sec and speed error was around 10,000. But after using FLC, the speed increased from zero and become constant at 120 rad/sec and speed error is reduced to 1200 from 10,000, which improves the overall effocoency of electric vehicle. Using this electric energy, a vehicle can be driven again. MATLAB/Simulink is used established the FLC and model of vehicle. References [1] David B. Richardson “Electric vehicles and the electric grid: A review of modeling approaches, Impacts, and renewable energy integration”, Elsevier Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 19 , pp. 247-254, 2013. [2] Adamantios Bampoulas, Andreas Giannakis, Sofia Tsaklidou and Athanasios Karlis, “Modeling, Simulation and Performance Evaluation of a Low-Speed Battery Electric Vehicle,” 2016, 11th Int. Conf. on Ecological Vehicles and Renewable Energies (EVER), pp. 1-8, 2016.. 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