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Game Design Report: MDA Framework & Platform Mechanics

Favorable Competition
Eagle Gaming
Kyrill Oosterveen 1GD2
Who are you:
Hello, my name is Kyrill Oosterveen, and I am in the class 1GD2. I am 17 years old, and I am pursuing
Game development as of now.
What was your task:
When this project began, I wasn’t present at that time, so I did not get assigned a task.
The games you have reviewed, what types of platforms have you found in those games?
I have found normal platforms in the game Super Crate Box. You can’t jump through the platforms
from the bottom, and you can’t fall through the platforms.
Explain in your own words what the MDA framework is.
The MDA framework stands for Mechanics-Dynamics-Aesthetics-framework.
The framework splits game making into 3 parts: Mechanics-Dynamics-Aesthetics.
(The videos are rendered in fake slow-motion excuses for the blurry footage)
Mechanics stand for the movements of the game
Dynamics stand for context, Consequences and for the actions performed in the game
Aesthetics stand for the Challenge of the game and the Creativity of the game.
(ctrl + click to click on link)
Explain a bit about game feel in connection to Aesthetics
The game I played was not playable because I had too much fps which sped up the game so much
that I jumped at least 40-50 times a second when I held in the arrow up key.
I did see that when you hit the super crate box in the game that other characters spawned in and did
some of the work for you like completing the tutorial.
Describe three mechanics or dynamics that you would use if you made a platform game.
1. Jumping
2. Bouncing of the walls
3. falling to the ground after hitting the ceiling of a platform
4. Being able to pick up the super box crate
5. Shooting bullets at the enemies
1. Hitting the box
2. Dying when hit by an enemy
3. Respawning after dying
4. the enemies dying to your bullets
Describe what you have discovered from this course.
I have discovered that Game Design is very important when trying to make a game and essential
when programming. Finding out what you want certain object or functions in your game to do is not
only fun to do but also very important to make a good game. Without game design the game making
process would not be the same and some of the greatest game titles of this decade would have
turned out way differently.