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Crash Course Kids: Molecules to Organisms - Quiz & Worksheets

Crash Course Kids, Grade 5 Science
From Molecules to Organisms
YouTube, Kahoot! and Quizizz Links
& printable worksheets
2 Episodes
23 Questions
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IQ - Interactive Quizzes, 2017
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To aid in time management, each of the IQ episodes includes details on the video length and
number of quiz questions. Brief details are included in the description, with further details
available on the YouTube site.
Each quiz is available using two separate platforms, Kahoot and Quizizz, and every multiplechoice question includes a related screenshot from the video.
Kahoot is a game-based classroom response system, best played in a group
setting, with the questions displayed on a shared screen (such as a whiteboard
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This format is ideal for early-arrivers, for use in learning stations and for
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On signing up for free accounts, both of these platforms provide further benefits for tracking
and analyzing player results. Links for effective use of these platforms are provided at the end
of this document.
I hope you enjoy playing these Interactive Quizzes with your students as much as I do.
Kind Regards,
Ron F.
IQ - Interactive Quizzes, 2017
Crash Course Kids
#1 - Who Needs Dirt?
Video Duration: 4:16
13 Questions
Sabrina talks about dirt, and how plants get energy and how
that energy is transported around them.
Click the icon to play:
Crash Course Kids
#2 - Look Who's Talking
Video Duration: 4:33
10 Questions
Plants! We absolutely depend on them. Oxygen, food, and
looking super nice to boot!
Click the icon to play:
IQ - Interactive Quizzes, 2017
Next Generation
Science Standards*
Life Science (LS)
Topic Arrangement:
5-LS1 From Molecules to Organisms: Structures and Processes
The Crash Course videos and Interactive Quizzes in this series directly relate, and/or provide supporting
concepts, to the following Grade 5 Performance Expectations and Disciplinary Core Ideas:
5-LS1-1: From Molecules to Organisms: Structures and Processes
Support an argument that plants get the materials they need for growth chiefly from air and water.
LS1.C: Organization for Matter and Energy Flow in Organisms
Plants acquire their material for growth chiefly from air and water. (5-LS1-1)
* Next Generation Science Standards (“NGSS”) is a registered trademark of Achieve. Neither Achieve nor
the lead states and partners that developed the Next Generation Science Standards were involved in the
production of this product, and do not endorse it.
Printable Checklist
Crash Course Kids
Life Science - LS1
From Molecules to Organisms
Who Needs Dirt?
Look Who's Talking
Date, Notes
 ________  ________  ________ _________
 ________  ________  ________ _________
IQ - Interactive Quizzes, 2017
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IQ - Interactive Quizzes, 2017
Printable - Video Worksheet, From Molecules to Organisms
Crash Course Kids
Name _________________
Date _________________
#1 - Who Needs Dirt?
Before you begin ...
List one thing you know and one thing you want to
know about how plants get energy.
1. How much dirt is in a hole that's 2 meters long, 1 meter wide, and 2 meters deep? ________
2. If we ranked all of the things that plants need in order to survive, dirt would be ___________
3. A useful material that can be drawn from when needed is called ___________
4. Special body parts that perform a specific function are called ___________
5. Our stomach and intestines are examples of ___________
6. List the three main organs of a plant.
7. The process that plants use to turn light energy into chemical energy is called ___________
8. Plants use nutrients to make the chlorophyll in their leaves that they use for ___________
9. Which organ is mostly involved in photosynthesis and the exchange of gases? ___________
10. The leaf is the plant organ where the exchange of _____ takes place. ___________
11. Which organ is mostly involved in the transport of materials? ___________
12. Which organ holds the plant in place and absorbs water and minerals? ___________
13. The method of growing plants without soil is called ___________
List two things that you learned.
IQ - Interactive Quizzes, 2017
Printable - Answer Key, From Molecules to Organisms
Crash Course Kids
Name _________________
Date _________________
#1 - Who Needs Dirt?
Before you begin ...
List one thing you know and one thing you want to
know about how plants get energy.
1. How much dirt is in a hole that's 2 meters long, 1 meter wide, and 2 meters deep?
A. none
2. If we ranked all of the things that plants need in order to survive, dirt would be _____
A. at the bottom
3. A useful material that can be drawn from when needed is called A. a resource
4. Special body parts that perform a specific function are called
A. organs
5. Our stomach and intestines are examples of
A. organs
6. List the three main organs of a plant.
7. The process that plants use to turn light energy into chemical energy is called _____
A. photosynthesis
8. Plants use nutrients to make the chlorophyll in their leaves that they use for _____
A. photosynthesis
9. Which organ is mostly involved in photosynthesis and the exchange of gases? A. the leaves
10. The leaf is the plant organ where the exchange of _____ takes place. A. gases
11. Which organ is mostly involved in the transport of materials? A. the stem
12. Which organ holds the plant in place and absorbs water and minerals? A. the roots
13. The method of growing plants without soil is called A. hydroponics
IQ - Interactive Quizzes, 2017
Printable - Video Worksheet, From Molecules to Organisms
Crash Course Kids
Name _________________
Date _________________
#2 - Look Who's Talking
Before you begin ...
List one thing you know and one thing you want to
know about investigations and experiments.
1. Plants store energy from the sun as sugar through a process called ___________
2. An action that tries to answer a question is called ___________
3. When differences are noticed between characteristics of an object, it's called ___________
4. The leaves of a Venus flytrap close when ______________________
5. Who discovered how the Venus flytrap is able to feel insects on its leaves? ______________
6. The leaves of the Venus flytrap will close when the hairs inside it __________________
7. Which scientist investigated how plants sense the direction of light? ___________
8. In Darwin's experiment on plants, what variable did he change? ____________________
9. Through investigation, what did Darwin conclude about his plants? ____________________
10. Scientists do activities called ________________ that try to answer questions.
List two things that you learned.
IQ - Interactive Quizzes, 2017
Name _________________
Date _________________
Printable - Answer Key, From Molecules to Organisms
Crash Course Kids
#2 - Look Who's Talking
Before you begin ...
List one thing you know and one thing you want to
know about investigations and experiments.
1. Plants store energy from the sun as sugar through a process called A. photosynthesis
2. An action that tries to answer a question is called
A. an investigation
3. When differences are noticed between characteristics of an object, it's called
A. an observation
4. The leaves of a Venus flytrap close when
A. an insect walks over them
5. Who discovered how the Venus flytrap is able to feel insects on its leaves?
A. scientists working together
6. The leaves of the Venus flytrap will close when the hairs inside it _____
A. are jiggled a few times in a row
7. Which scientist investigated how plants sense the direction of light? A. Charles Darwin
8. In Darwin's experiment on plants, what variable did he change? A. exposure of the stem
9. Through investigation, what did Darwin conclude about his plants?
A. the stem tip senses light
10. Scientists do activities called investigations that try to answer questions.
List two things that you learned.
IQ - Interactive Quizzes, 2017
If you enjoyed these Interactive Quizzes, you can find more at
If you have any comments, suggestions or constructive
feedback, please contact me at:
The IQ Logo, this document and the written content of the quizzes were created and compiled
by Ron F. at IQ-Interactive Quizzes.
Crash Course images and references to the content are used with permission from Hank Green,
executive producer of the "Crash Course" and "SciShow" channels on YouTube (Permission
obtained May 21, 2016).
Thumbnail logos, used to represent a clear link to the content hosted on YouTube, Kahoot! and
Quizizz, provide hyperlinked references to their owner and are used in a limited form for
identification purposes under the Nominative Fair Use doctrine and/or Fair Use (U.S.) and Fair
Dealing (Canada, UK). Any substitute that is not a derivative work would fail to convey the
meaning intended, would tarnish or misrepresent its image, or would fail its purpose of
About the Author:
Ron has been teaching math, science and computer science in Ontario
public schools since 1997. He enjoys implementing educational
technology in the classroom, learning along with students and sharing
resources with colleagues.
About Crash Course:
Tons of awesome courses in one awesome YouTube channel: Hank Green
teaches you Anatomy & Physiology; Phil Plait teaches you Astronomy;
Craig Benzine teaches you U.S. Government and Politics; Adriene Hill and
Jacob Clifford teach you Economics. Check out the playlists for past courses in
World History, Biology, Literature, Ecology, Chemistry, Psychology, and US
History. Help support Crash Course at Patreon.com/CrashCourse.
IQ - Interactive Quizzes, 2017