Uploaded by Nathan Adler

Year 9 Science Lesson Plan: Field of View & Magnification

Science Lesson Plan Experience
Topic or Learning Experience Focus:
Year level: 9
Field of view and magnification calculations
Date: 30/08/22
Time: 11:25am
Students’ prior knowledge
From last weeks lessons students are aware of how to label
the parts of a microscope as well as its function. They are
also aware of the correct procedure when looking at cells
under a microscope from their “onion slides” prac.
Room location:
Science Understanding Learning
 Science
as a Human Endeavour
Learning Goal:
Science Inquiry Skills Learning Goal:
Cells are the basic units of living
things; they have specialised
structures and
functions (ACSSU149)
Lesson goals (Beginning with an action verb state the learning goals. These should be specific, measureable and attainable)
As a result of this lesson, students will be able to:
Understand and be able to calculate field of view
Complete magnification calculations
General capabilities (indicate how this lesson will specifically address the GC (it is not necessary to address all GC’s in one lesson)
Critical and
Personal and
Intercultural understanding
A high level of competence
Behaviour social competence
competence is
required when
thinking is
required when
field of view
attempting to
Science education template
Updated Jan 2016
and field of
view from our
Cross curriculum priorities (indicate how this lesson will address the CC’s (it is not necessary to address all CC’s in one lesson) highlight those
Aboriginal and Torres Strait
Asia and Australia’s
Islander histories and cultures
engagement with Asia
All worksheets will be collected at the end of the lesson for
formative feedback.
How will you monitor?
-Proximity and monitoring worksheet completion
-Collection and review at the end of the lesson.
Teacher’s prior preparation/ Lab Equipment Preparation:
30x worksheets
Safety considerations for this lesson:
As there are no experiments conducted in this class there are likely to be very little safety considerations.
All the normal considerations will still be in place such as keeping an eye on student physical and mental health.
Time: Teaching and Learning Strategies:
Teacher is to welcome the students as they enter the class, say
good afternoon to the students while they are still standing behind
their desks and tell the students to take their seat. Scan the room
and initiate a cue to start, prompting students to settle and switch
to a classroom mindset. Roll is marked.
To begin the lesson I will ask the students to think pair share what
they learnt during the investigation yesterday. Did the mass stay
the same after it reacted?
When the bicarbonate reacted with the vinegar what happened?
Was the mass the same?
Science education template
Focus Questions
SEQTA to mark role
Whiteboard markers
Whiteboard markers
Updated Jan 2016
To begin the body of the lesson students are to complete a 10
Question quiz on exothermic reactions and endothermic reactions
(8.3) as well as acid and base reactions (8.4), 8.5 and 8.6. The
quiz will be handed back to the teacher immediately after and
marked outside of school to determine where student weakness
Q1. What is an
endothermic reaction?
Q2. What is an
exothermic reaction? +
what is a sign that a
reaction was
30x Physics textbooks
Students will then be asked to read chapter 8.3 on exo and
endorthermic reactions individually and answer the questions at
the end of the chapter. The teacher will stop students and help
Q3. Can matter be
summarise what they have read once most students have finished created or destroyed?
After this a short youtube video will be shown which shows
sodium being thrown in water
I will explain to students that sodium chloride is safe to eat (salt),
but sodium by itself is very reactive. After seeing this reaction they
will be asked to show hands if they think it is a exothermic or
endothermic reaction? Why do you think this is the case? Select a
random student.
After students have begun to finish the questions, attention will be
brought back to the teacher by a loud clear cue for attention.
Students will be told once they are finished they are to work on
their lab report booklets from last lesson. I will quickly run through
exactly what they did in the investigation and get them to begin
thinking about what a potential conclusion could be.
Students are to work on this lab report for the remainder of the
lesson. If they have finished early and handed in their sheet they
can have some quiet time to study for another class or quietly use
their laptop provided they don’t disturb anyone else.
Youtube video:
Q4. What is the
conclusion of the
experiment yesterday?
30x Lab report booklets
Re cap: To finish the lesson after the lab reports are collected, the
Science education template
Updated Jan 2016
teacher will ask random students what they believe the conclusion
to the experiment was and why. The correct answer : My
conclusion after conducting the experiment was that if there is
more or less mass of reactants, the exact same amount of
products will occur after the reaction. This is due to the law of
conservation of mass.
Lesson Evaluation (The following sections are to be completed AFTER the learning experience)
Future Student Actions (assessment of lesson objectives)
Students will complete an investigation on Wednesday regarding some of the information learned today.
Self-Evaluation: I think my lesson went quite well, especially given the fact that it was a revision class.
Lesson plan was adequate, could have used slightly lighter colours on the board when describing things.
Also could have told the students some exam tips 10 mins before the end of class and not 4 mins before as their attention had reduced by
Science education template
Updated Jan 2016
Lesson plan structure:
Classroom management:
Future Action for Self:
Mentor Teacher feedback:
Attached on the back
Please sign to indicate you have reviewed this Learning
Experience Plan
Science education template
Updated Jan 2016
(Mentor Teacher)
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