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Pinecrest Elementary Welcome Back Orientation 2021-2022

Ms. Lynn Zaldua
Welcome Back Orientation | 2021-2022
The ONLY “A” School since the Inception of the State’s School Grading System!
Accolades from 2020-2021:
• Gold STEAM School Designation
• Fairchild Challenge Recognitions
• Dream in Green Recognitions
• Numerous Art Awards and Exhibitions
• Individual students and group performances selected for
Superintendent’s Chorus
• Social Studies Essay Contest Winners
• Spelling Bee District Participant
Staying Informed
• Parent Portal (for student grades push notification)
• Contact Main Office to obtain PIN to set
up account
• Dadeschools Mobile App
• Pinecrest PTA Mobile App
• School Website https://pinecrestelem.net/
• Join the PTA https://pinecrestpta.com/
• Social Media
• Pinecrest Twitter @PESParrots
• Pinecrest Facebook search for
“Pinecrest Elementary School Official”
President, Jen Sturges
Meet the
1st VP Administrative Affairs, Jessica Lissauer
2nd VP Fundraising, Aleesa Adams
3rd VP Programming & Events, Sara Dajer
4th VP Communication, Christine Jenkins
Treasurer, Maritza Shapiro
Corresponding Secretary, Carli Hoppe
Recording Secretary, Maritza Shapiro
Parliamentarian, Christine Jurado
How does PTA support our school?
Did you know our PTA assists with …
• School upgrades: recess area, PE shelter,
playground, landscaping, technology, etc.
• School programs: AR, Reading Plus, Wordly
Wise, IXL, Science Fusion, Brain Pop, DARE, etc.
• Teacher/Staff Support: room parent program,
art appreciation program, safety committee,
teacher appreciation week, etc.
• School Marketing/Recruitment: secure
corporate sponsors, Dream in Green & Fairchild
Community Challenges, new marquee coming
this year, and more!
Additional PTA school sponsored activities:
Carnival / Fun Fest
Boosterthon Dance Party
Memory Book
After-School Clubs
Primary Art Class Support
Paint Night
5 Grade Promotion Events
Field Day
Teacher Appreciation
Scholastic Book Fair
Volunteer Program
Teacher Mini-Grants
Technology Initiative
Meet the Pinecrest PTO / PEP Fund!
President, Christine Jurado (Parent)
VP, Lisa Gomez (Library Media Specialist)
Stakeholder, Marilyn Morrison (5th Grade Teacher)
Stakeholder, Crystal Tejera (1st Grade Teacher)
Stakeholder, Jennifer McCafferty (Parent)
How does PTO/PEP
Fund assist?
• Our PTO is also known as the PEP (Pinecrest Enrichment
Programs) Fund.
• Our goal is to raise funds to hire classroom aides (ACT),
support our school clubs (Robotics, Chorus, History &
Geography) and address the students’ needs.
• Benefits of ACT Aides include:
• Assist teacher during classroom learning
• Provide temporary coverage for teachers during
emergencies & staffings/meetings
• Help to reduce student/teacher ratio when beneficial
• Assist children in the cafeteria during lunch time.
• Goal is to hire six (6) ACT Aides each school year.
• Fundraising Events include:
• Movie Night
• Direct Capital Campaign
• Other exciting events
Important Dates
• Wednesday, August 18th, 2:30 PM: PreK in person tour of the school
• Thursday, August 19th, between 4:00-5:30 PM: PTA school store drive-by to collect
online purchases on 57th avenue circular driveway.
• Friday, August 20th
9:00 AM: Kindergarten (last names A-L) in person tour of the school
10:00 AM: Kindergarten (last names M-Z) in person tour of the school
11:00 AM: PreK class orientation via ZOOM
11:30 AM: Kindergarten class orientation via ZOOM
12:00 PM: 1st grade class orientation via ZOOM
12:30 PM: 2nd grade class orientation via ZOOM
1:00 PM: 3rd grade class orientation via ZOOM
1:30 PM: 4TH grade class orientation via ZOOM
2:00 PM: 5TH grade class orientation via ZOOM
zoom link will be sent to registering parent’s email
• Friday, August 20th, between 4:00-5:30 PM: PTA school store
drive by to collect online purchases on 57th avenue circular driveway.
Week of Welcome
Links will be available
on registering parent’s
email on the day of
the zoom meeting.
-see flyer for more details-
school safety is a
shared responsibility
Covid-19: Parent Responsibility for Safety
• Daily health screening:
• Temperature check
• Look for signs & symptoms:
• i.e: persistent cough, difficulty breathing, chills, sore throat, loss of taste or
smell, muscle pain, fever (100.4 or higher), runny nose, diarrhea, nauseous,
vomiting, feeling tired, headache, and/or poor appetite.
• Awaiting direction regarding face coverings from District.
** If a student presents any of the above symptoms and will be absent, please
email 4421attendance@dadeschools.net and copy your child’s HR teacher.**
Classroom Layout & Usage
• Classroom space will be organized so that students
are seated at 3ft apart from each other.
• Each classroom will have a disinfecting station to
include hand sanitizer and/or soap, and paper
• Non-essential furniture has been removed to
accommodate spacing for social distancing.
• Wiping down of desks and high traffic areas will
take place throughout the day, daily.
• Frequent hand washing is encouraged, and
students are encouraged to utilize the hand
sanitizers located in key areas throughout the
• Electrostatic sprayers will be used to disinfect the
Classroom Assignments
• Classrooms will be departmentalized this year
in grades 2 through 5.
• Students will have assigned seating to reduce
contamination, including in special area
• Student seating charts will be kept to identify
students in a possible quarantine.
• Each cohort will be kept together to minimize
Health Screening Area
• Staff will be vigilant of students with signs of illness
throughout the day.
• A sick child will be escorted to the Health Screening
Area to be assessed by medical staff.
• School staff will contact the parent of any student
visiting the Health Screening Area. Sick students
will require early student sign-out. Please keep
contact information current and have someone
available in the event your child needs to be picked up
early from school.
• Students will be need to wear a facial covering while
in the Health Screening area.
On Campus Activities
• At this time, in-person assemblies will
not be taking place.
• Open-house events will be
• Until further notice, parent
conferences are to be held remotely.
• After-school care and activities will
continue implementing the same
protocols as during the school day.
Off Campus Activities
• In-person, off-campus field trips are
only permitted if approved by the
Region Office.
• Student participation in academic
contests (STEM events, science fair,
etc.) will only be attended if the
organizing entity provides clear
guidance regarding health and
safety measures aligned with
District guidance and protocols with
the approval of the Principal.
• Virtual field trips remain an option.
• Only two students will be allowed in the group restrooms at a time.
• Students in the lower grades, as well as ESE students, have been
prioritized for having restrooms inside the classrooms.
• Students without restrooms inside the classrooms will use the group
restrooms by obtaining a sticky note from their teacher to be used
as a hall pass and posting the sticky note on the bathroom door to
advise that the bathroom is in use.
• If there are already two sticky notes posted, the student is to wait
until the restroom has become unoccupied by a student, who will
take their sticky note from the door and throw it away in front of
the teacher upon returning to class.
• Indoor/outdoor seating will be available to
accommodate the social distancing needed.
• Classes that are assigned to eat inside the
cafeteria will keep a social distance of 3ft
within each cohort, and 6ft between cohorts.
• In outdoor eating situations, there is not a
minimum social distancing
requirement, however we will only allow 3
students per picnic table to maintain an
acceptable distance in an abundance of
School Safety
• Raptor machine
• All gates and points of entry
remain locked during school
• Emergency Drills
• Code Yellow Lock Down
• Code Red Lock Down
• Fire Drill Evacuations
• Daily school attendance will be taken every scheduled
school day.
• PK – 1st grade: 8:20 AM
• 2nd – 5th grade: 8:35 AM
• A student is considered tardy to school if the student
arrives after these times. At 8:35 AM gates on 102
street and 104 street will close and all tardy students
after this time must enter through 57th avenue.
Parents must sign-in tardy students at the welcome
center after this time.
• Detailed information on our attendance policy is
included in the Parent Handbook.
Arrival & Dismissal
Pre-K through 1st Grade
School Hours:
8:20 – 1:50 PM
School Days:
Daily (M-F)
2nd through 5th Grade
8:35 AM – 3:05 PM
8:35 AM – 1:50 PM
Mondays, Tuesday, Thursdays, Fridays
Wednesdays only
• Buses will arrive on SW 104 Street & school
personnel will be available to receive students
at arrival and assist with dismissal.
• Transportation is eligible for students who
reside outside of the 2-mile radius of the
school but live within the boundaries assigned
to Pinecrest Elementary.
• Students riding a M-DCPS school bus are
required to wear a mask.
safety is a collaborative effort
SW 102 Street (North Side)
SW 104 Street (South Side)
SW 57 Avenue (East Side)
Pinecrest School
Prep Start - PK, K
Global Tech
EFL (Extended Foreign Language)
ELL (English Language Learners)
ESE (Exceptional Student Education)
Parental Involvement
Monitor student engagement and grades on Parent Portal
Attend PTA Meetings
Become involved in PTA Committees
Support school events
Reinforcing the Core Values, from the Superintendent’s Values Matter Initiative
• Citizenship
• Cooperation
• Fairness
• Honesty
• Integrity
• Kindness
• Pursuit of Excellence
• Respect
• Responsibility
Support our environmental conservation efforts. Go Green at home!
Student Awards and Recognitions
• Principal’s Honor Roll Breakfast
• Quarterly recognition for students earning all A’s in all academic areas as
well as 1’s in effort and conduct.
• Parrot Club
• Recognizes one student that exemplifies the core value of each month,
celebrating SEL (Social Emotional Learning).
• Birthday Book Club
• Students are highlighted on WPEN with a small
donation to the Media Center through the PTA
• End of the Year Promotion Ceremony
Supporting our
• For information on textbooks,
devices, etc., contact M-DCPS at
• M-DCPS Mental Health
Assistance Line 305-995-7100
(M-F, 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM)
• Contact your child’s teacher or
the school’s counselor if you are
in need of academic or
social-emotional support
SEL (Social Emotional Learning)
• Through our Social Emotional Program, students will
acquire knowledge, attitudes and skills they need to:
Recognize and manage their emotions
Demonstrate caring and concern for others
Establish positive relationships
Make responsible decisions
• Opportunities for Social Emotional Learning and
Mindfulness Practices will be supported through WPEN
morning announcements.
Communication System
• Teacher
• Ms. Terri Vega, Counselor
• Terrific@dadeschools.net
• Ms. Maria Mayo, Assistant Principal (PreK-2nd grade)
• MariaLMayo@dadeschools.net
• Ms. Yamberli Cruz, Assistant Principal (3rd - 5th grade)
• MrsCruz@dadeschools.net
• Ms. Lynn Zaldua, Principal
• LynnZaldua@dadeschools.net
Please allow 48 hours for school personnel to reply to
your request
happen every day!”
Should you require additional
information, you can contact:
Questions will be compiled
and addressed during the
Principal’s Report at the first
PTA General Meeting on
September 1st
at 6:00 PM via Zoom.
Thank you for joining us today.
We look forward to a stellar year!