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SNHU Commencement Program 2022

Paul LeBlanc
University President and CEO
Southern New Hampshire University
Dear graduates, family, and friends,
We are thrilled to be celebrating our 90th Commencement and recognizing the Spring Class
of 2022 this weekend.
To our graduates; Congratulations! We watched you exhibit tremendous grit and dedication
to accomplish this goal. There’s a reason we say you earned your degree—because it takes
hard work to do what you’ve done and you have certainly earned that diploma and your
moment to shine at a ceremony. We are incredibly proud of each of you.
To the families and friends cheering on our graduates today and celebrating this important
milestone; Thank you. The phrase “it takes a village” is often used about raising a child,
but we know it applies at SNHU too. No graduate got here alone. It was because of your
encouragement, and in many cases the sacrifices you made, that your loved one was able
to put in the work necessary to finish their degree. Without a doubt, your support made this
journey possible.
Enjoy the celebration, and congratulations to the Class of 2022!
Tradition............................................................................................................... 4-7
Dignitaries ...............................................................................................................9
Order of Exercises................................................................................................... 10
Student Speaker.................................................................................................... 11
Dignitaries ............................................................................................................ 13
Order of Exercises................................................................................................... 14
Student Speaker.................................................................................................... 15
Dignitaries ............................................................................................................ 17
Order of Exercises................................................................................................... 18
Student Speaker.................................................................................................... 19
Faculty and Advising Awards..............................................................................20-23
Posthumous Degrees............................................................................................. 24
Honor Societies.................................................................................................25-27
Presentation of Degree Candidates......................................................................... 28
Business Programs......................................................................................... 29
Counseling Programs...................................................................................... 67
Education Programs........................................................................................ 69
Healthcare Programs...................................................................................... 72
Liberal Arts Programs...................................................................................... 81
Nursing Programs........................................................................................... 98
Social Science Programs............................................................................... 102
Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics (STEM) Programs............... 120
Alumni Welcome.................................................................................................. 132
A procession of the various participants begins and ends our
formal commencement ceremony. Individuals are arranged
to reflect the order of academic rank in the hierarchy of the
traditional European university.
At SNHU, the Mace Bearer leads the procession. He or she
is followed by the Faculty Marshals, the Platform Party,
and then the Faculty of the schools arranged in order of
seniority, beginning with the senior faculty. The procession
is concluded by the degree candidates. They enter in groups
representing their schools/units, led by a gonfalon (flag) and
walking in rank.
The mace was first used as a weapon. The word comes from
the Latin ‘mateola,’ meaning mallet or staff. It consisted of
a long club with a ball of steel or brass at one end. As newer
weapons came into use, the mace lost its prime purpose as
an instrument of war; however, it had become a symbol of
authority and power. Universities in Europe with roots in the
Middle Ages adopted maces as symbols of authority and unity.
Since then, other institutions of higher learning have come to
use the mace in their ceremonies.
Southern New Hampshire University commissioned
David Elwell, a New Hampshire silversmith, to create a
mace to commemorate the university’s 50th anniversary
commencement. This mace is made of brass, aluminum,
copper, and bronze, with a staff of ebony and African padauk.
The Presidential Medallion, worn by the president with
academic regalia, is a symbolic representation of the authority
and responsibility vested by the university in the president.
It is a symbol of office that dates from medieval times and is
worn by the president at all ceremonial occasions.
The Presidential Medallion is a permanent possession of
the university and is presented to successive presidents at
their inaugurations by the chairman of the Board of Trustees.
The chain and medallion are fabricated from sterling silver.
The university emblem, in relief, is the central design on the
medallion. It is surrounded by a border of entwined wires,
similar in texture to the chain links, and finished with a square
raised edge. The heavy, twisted links of the chain bear four
oval plates on each side. The background of the entire piece is
oxidized to highlight the relief design and textures. The names
of those who have held the office are engraved on the reverse
side of the medallion.
The Presidential Medallion was designed and fabricated
in 1987 by award-winning New Hampshire metalsmith
Jacquelyn Ferrency of Milford.
The academic costume worn today originated in the universities
of the Middle Ages, when a warm gown and hood were useful for
scholars and clerics in unheated buildings. The distinctive gowns
served to set students apart from their fellow citizens, hence
the perennial controversy between ‘town and gown.’
Until after the Civil War, students at most American universities
wore caps and gowns daily while in residence. These varied
in design until they were standardized by the American
Intercollegiate Commission in 1894. At that time it was decided
that all robes would be black; bachelor’s gowns would have long,
pointed sleeves; master’s gowns would have long, closed sleeves
with slits for the arms at the elbows; and doctor’s gowns would
have very full, bell-shaped sleeves, each with three velvet bands
matching the velvet facing of the gown opening.
The length of hoods varies with the degree. The lining of the hood
indicates the university by the colors. The border of the hood
indicates the academic discipline in which the degree was earned.
Students who have studied abroad for one or more semesters will
be wearing a sash with the colors of the flag of the country where
they studied. The sashes are issued to signify the university’s
commitment to provide students with opportunities for acquiring
international and cross-cultural experience.
Undergraduate learners that have received ceremonial and/or
Latin honors will be wearing a gold cord.
Graduates that are serving in the military or are veterans will
be wearing red, white and blue woven cords in recognition and
appreciation of their service.
Participants in campus Undergraduate Research Day will be
wearing a light blue cord.
Many cords are representative of membership in a recognized
National Honor Society; a full list is found on subsequent pages.
The colors for academic fields established by
the American Council on Education include:
Arts, Letters and Humanities
Business, Commerce and Accounting
Fine Arts
Library Science
Physical Education
Public Administration
Science golden
Social Work
Veterinary Science
light brown
light blue
silver gray
olive green
dark blue
sage green
peacock blue
(Caps and gowns representing degrees from foreign universities
may be quite different from those described. The most obvious
difference may be in the cap, which is often a soft, round hat of
the style worn by medieval scholars.)
Dr. Paul. J LeBlanc
Jan Wyatt
Metoka Welch, Director of Counseling Programs
Graduate Business Programs,
Presented By Dr. Kimberly Blanchette
Graduate Counseling Programs,
Presented By Dr. Ruth Lahti
Graduate Education Programs,
Presented By Dr. Danny Tanguay
Graduate Healthcare Programs,
Presented By Dr. Toni Clayton
Graduate Liberal Arts Programs,
Presented By Dr. Carole Beauchemin
Graduate Nursing Programs,
Presented By Dr. Peggy Moriarty-Litz
Graduate Social Science Programs,
Presented By Dr. Ruth Lahti
Graduate STEM Programs,
Presented By Dr. Cheryl Fredrick
Dr. Jennifer Batchelor, Senior Vice President
New Hampshire Pipes and Drums, Mace Bearer,
Faculty Marshal, Trustees and the President’s Party,
Faculty, and Administration
Dr. Jennifer Batchelor, Senior Vice President
Dr. Paul J. LeBlanc, President,
Southern New Hampshire University
Dr. Jennifer Batchelor, Senior Vice President
Brandi Baker, Master of Business Administration
Dr. Paul J. LeBlanc, President,
Southern New Hampshire University
Dr. Paul J. LeBlanc, President,
Southern New Hampshire University
Vanessa Vidal-Ramharrack, Master of Science
John ‘JR’ Ristaino ‘82,
President of SNHU Alumni Association
Rising Star Award
Distinguished Online Teaching
Excellence in Teaching
Excellence in Advising
Master of Science
President LeBlanc, Distinguished Deans, Board of
Trustees, Faculty, Staff, Families, Friends, and my
fellow graduates, a wonderful morning to you all.
On January 1st, 2020, I started my year like many
of you: no new year resolution but excited for the
year to come. It began with a quote that spoke to
my past, present, and future. “Talent is equally
distributed; opportunity is not.” While this quote
is credited to Leila Janah, it was the context used
by President LeBlanc that I credit to its impact on
my life. His words led me to an experience like no
other. Like many of you with desires to reset a career
to better support our family or to just kick start
adulthood: metaphorically wounded and battered,
I started a journey that would propel my growth and
development to new heights.
Working ten-hour shifts with one-hour commute each
way, I felt, did not allow time to stop and smell the
roses, let alone attend university. Being constantly
exhausted from my day in the office, commuting,
and attending university was a recipe I did not want
to taste. But I knew, like many of you here today in
similar situations, something had to change. Amelia
Earhart, an American aviation pioneer and author,
wrote that the most difficult thing is the decision to
act. Acting on the desire to change the trajectory of
my life was difficult.
As a first-generation immigrant and university
graduate, my experience and educational
achievements at SNHU have allowed me to reinvent
myself. With new knowledge and enhanced skills,
I have a heightened desire to lead. This experience
has taught me to fully utilize the tools available and
to lean on the right support to accomplish my goals.
A fellow Jamaican,the great Bob Marley, has a very
inspiring quote on resilience. He said, “You never
know how strong you are until being strong is the
only choice you have. ”I never knew how strong and
resourceful I was before embarking on this journey.
I am sure many of you can relate.
Today, my advice to you: apply all that you have
learned throughout this journey to your personal and
professional growth. Apply yourself and keep moving
forward. It is not a sprint; it is a marathon. Also, take
a moment to enjoy this accomplishment with your
fellow graduates from all walks of life. Embrace every
emotion you are feeling right now. This moment will
never happen again. Take a moment to thank your
support system, they took this journey with you and
will continue as you soldier on to the next chapter of
your education and career.
Congratulations Class of 2022. Welcome to the
new world. With commitment, perseverance, and
tenacity, we did it!
SUNDAY // MAY 1 // 9:30 AM
SUNDAY // MAY 1 // 9:30 AM
Dr. Paul. J LeBlanc
David Numme, Senior Associate Dean, STEM
Dr. Susan Mckenzie, Senior Associate Dean, STEM
College For America Programs,
Presented By Dr. Danny Tanguay
Business Programs,
Presented By Dr. Kimberly Blanchette
STEM Programs,
Presented By Dr. Cheryl Fredrick
Dr. Jennifer Batchelor, Senior Vice President
SUNDAY // MAY 1 // 9:30 AM
New Hampshire Pipes and Drums, Mace Bearer,
Faculty Marshal, Trustees and the President’s
Party, Faculty, and Administration
Dr. Jennifer Batchelor, Senior Vice President
Michelle Palmieri, Academic Advisor
Dr. Paul J. LeBlanc, President,
Southern New Hampshire University
DeMeeta Hulett, Bachelor of Science,
Summa Cum Laude
Rising Star Award
Distinguished Online Teaching
Excellence in Teaching
Excellence in Advising
Dr. Paul J. LeBlanc, President,
Southern New Hampshire University
Dr. Jennifer Batchelor, Senior Vice President
Dr. Paul J. LeBlanc, President,
Southern New Hampshire University
Samantha Colby ‘13 ‘15G,
Vice President of SNHU Alumni Association
Bachelor of Science, Summa Cum Laude
Greetings President LeBlanc, Board of Trustees,
Distinguished Deans, Faculty, Staff, Family, Friends,
and Fellow Graduates. Wow! I’m grateful to have
realized my dream that started 42 years ago. As I
reflect on graduating at age 15, missing my senior
year activities, missing my high school and technical
college graduation ceremonies due to circumstances
beyond my control, standing before you today carries
a personal significance beyond measure. Thank you,
God, for making today possible.
I’m grateful that SNHU stands as a bridge that I’ve
crossed with pride as a first-generation graduate, like
many of my fellow graduates in the audience. Despite
COVID-19 affecting all of us directly, including losses
of our loved ones, it was by grace and support from
family, friends, my outstanding academic advisor,
Rebecca James, and SNHU faculty that supplied gale
force winds for my sail and my employer that provided
financial support. I pause to say thank you!
The great Nelson Mandela tells us, “Education is the
most powerful weapon which you can use to change
the world,” and I’m confident you agree with my belief
that SNHU provides solid academia that will open
doors. The class of 2022 is expansive in every aspect
of diversity. Some of us took a traditional route,
some held down careers and families, and it was a
formidable expedition for all.
Regarding my 42-year-old dream, thank you to my
family and friends for being here today and the
catalyst two years ago to encourage me to construct
a period where many commas had been placed.
However, I quickly realized it was not as easy as I
thought. Last year my plans to prepare our traditional
Easter Sunday feast were overshadowed by an
all-nighter to meet a Sunday 11:59 pm deadline.
My daughters rose to the occasion. Easter Sunday
2021 Subway sandwiches will forever be etched
in my memory as the most fantastic meal ever. My
daughters, Angela, Tiffany, & Lauren, set an example,
and encouraged me not to give up on my dream that
was realized as I finished SNHU with a 4.0 GPA.
To my fellow graduates, our dreams led us along
unique highways that converged. Congratulations,
we made it! Research, scholarly references, APA
citations, and practical application assignments have
filled our toolboxes in overflow. We are now prepared
for the next mission. The world’s weight might slow us
down but let’s remember it is not speed or strength
but starting with a dream and remaining focused to
the end. After SNHU, continue the pursuit of being
intentional despite challenges.
Whether you are a Gen Z, a Boomer, or anywhere in
between, remember to “Dream.” While “Dream” has
been modeled abundantly as an anthem, the 1st
letter D stands for the dedication that I charge you
with embracing. In your next endeavor, use that same
dedication that got you here today. Congratulations,
SNHU class of 2022!
SUNDAY // MAY 1 // 2 PM
SUNDAY // MAY 1 // 2 PM
Dr. Paul. J LeBlanc
Jaymes Walker-Myers, Associate Vice President
Pamela Varhol, Associate Dean
College For America Programs,
Presented By Dr. Danny Tanguay
Healthcare Programs,
Presented By Dr. Toni Clayton
Liberal Arts Programs,
Presented By Dr. Carole Beauchemin
Nursing Programs,
Presented By Dr. Peggy Moriarty-Litz
Social Science Programs,
Presented By Dr. Ruth Lahti
STEM Programs,
Presented By Dr. Cheryl Fredrick
Dr. Jennifer Batchelor, Senior Vice President
SUNDAY // MAY 1 // 2 PM
New Hampshire Pipes and Drums, Mace Bearer,
Faculty Marshal, Trustees and the President’s
Party, Faculty, and Administration
Dr. Jennifer Batchelor, Senior Vice President
Dr. Jennifer Batchelor, Senior Vice President
Dr. Paul J. LeBlanc, President,
Southern New Hampshire University
Emily Walton, Bachelor of Arts,
Summa Cum Laude
Dr. Paul J. LeBlanc, President,
Southern New Hampshire University
Sgt. Derek Cataldo, Bachelor of Science,
Summa Cum Laude
Excellence in Advising
Dr. Paul J. LeBlanc, President,
Southern New Hampshire University
Samantha Colby ‘13 ‘15G,
Vice President of SNHU Alumni Association
Bachelor of Science, Summa Cum Laude
Good afternoon,
Thank you to President LeBlanc, board of trustees,
distinguished deans, staff, faculty, family, friends,
and my fellow graduates. I began my journey to the
stage today almost 18 years ago, I took my first
college courses way back in September of 2004.
For reference, Usher was topping the charts, Finding
Nemo was #1 at the box office....and I had a full
head of hair.
During those 18 years, I’ve had many experiences and
met people from all over the world. I was fortunate
enough to serve in the United States Marine Corps
and was deployed to Iraq in 2008 and Afghanistan in
2010. I also began a career in law enforcement right
here in the city of Manchester in 2007. I still proudly
serve with the Manchester Police Department today.
As I was writing this speech, I kept coming back
to a common thread I’ve seen throughout my
interactions with people regardless of background,
class, culture, or locale. That common thread has
been the way I have seen people value education.
Whether it was the desert of Iraq, a village in
Afghanistan, a military base in Kyrgyzstan or right
here in Manchester NH, it was seemingly universal.
I thought about a group of children I encountered
in Iraq, crowded into a school house in the heat of
summer to receive their lessons. A young woman
I saw working at an American base in Kyrgyzstan,
intently reading a text book before her shift began.
A small child from an underprivileged home right
here in Manchester, who took me by the hand and
insisted on showing me the new backpack he just
got for school.
These three very different people, from very different
parts of the world were all connected through how
they valued education. It’s something that also
connects each one of us here today. I point this all
out because I want to use this time not to try and
motivate or inspire but to reflect on the significance
of what we all have accomplished.
The former secretary general of the United Nations,
Kofi Anan, once said, “Education is the premise
of progress, in every society, in every family.”
Our degrees conferred to us today represent that
progress. They represent a goal people across the
world are working towards every day. Whether it be
a class full of children in Iraq, a young woman in
Kyrgyzstan or that little boy who lives not far from
where we are sitting right now. We are all where they
and people all over the world hope to be someday. We
should be both grateful for and proud of that.
Class of 2022 thank you so much for your time
today. Congratulations and good luck!
Southern New Hampshire University recognizes the
exemplary efforts of our adjunct faculty in promoting
teaching and learning within its online programs. After
an extensive review of student feedback and academic
evaluations, nominations are submitted by Associate
Deans of Faculty within their curricular units. Award
recipients are selected by committee according to the
following criteria:
• Demonstrate SNHU’s commitment to quality
instruction and an exceptional student
• Support students by acknowledging their prior
learning and experience, addressing concerns
through care and effective communication, and
exemplifying an encouraging disposition;
• Acknowledge students’ prior learning and
experience while engaging them proactively and
consistently to foster academic growth;
• Utilize expertise in one’s discipline to create
connections between course content and
current developments in the corresponding field,
maximizing student achievement in the online
learning environment.
Out of over 7,000 faculty teaching online with us this
year, only one instructor from each of the curricular
units is honored with this achievement.
SNHU is proud to have these rising stars as a part
of our faculty team:
Robert Shindell, Ph.D, Business
Sarah Campbell, Ph.D, Counseling
Stephanie Sanzo, Ed.D, Education
Erik Swanson, MS Ed, First Year Experience
Michael Salem, MS, General Education
Ernest J. Conforti, MS, MBS,
Health Professions
Maria Volynsky, Liberal Arts
Candida E. Constantine-Castillo, MBA, MSN, Nursing
Susan Wind, MS (Criminal Justice),
Social Sciences
Earl Steven “Steve” Villone, MBAM, STEM
Elizabeth Babskie, Team Leads
Southern New Hampshire University recognizes the
exemplary efforts of our adjunct faculty in promoting
teaching and learning within its online programs. After
an extensive review of student feedback and academic
evaluations, nominations are submitted by Associate
Deans of Faculty within their curricular units. Award
recipients are selected by committee according to the
following criteria:
• Demonstrate SNHU’s commitment to quality
instruction and an exceptional student
• Support students by acknowledging their prior
learning and experience, addressing concerns
through care and effective communication, and
exemplifying an encouraging disposition;
• Acknowledge students’ prior learning and
experience while engaging them proactively and
consistently to foster academic growth;
• Utilize expertise in one’s discipline to create
connections between course content and
current developments in the corresponding field,
maximizing student achievement in the online
learning environment.
Out of over 7,000 faculty teaching online with us this
year, only one instructor from each of the curricular
units is honored with this achievement.
The recipients for the 2022
Distinguished Online Teaching Award are:
Dr. Dale Deardorff, Business
Dr. Luvon Hudson, College for America
Dr. Zaduka Thomas, Counseling
Dr. Jaclyn Scotto Siano, Education
Melanie Beck, MEd, First Year Experience
Naomi Latini, MS, General Education
Dr. Leeza Struwe, Health Professions
Matthew Shandler, Liberal Arts
Wendy Hannon, DNP, RN, Nursing
Dr. Josh Garrin, Social Siences
Mridula Matthew, MFA, BA, STEM
Greg Lucas, Team Lead
Southern New Hampshire University traditionally has
recognized outstanding teaching in its many degree
programs. Following an extensive selection process,
full-time faculty members and an adjunct faculty
member are honored with the annual “Excellence in
Teaching Award” each year. The process is student
driven with all nominations coming from the student
body. A committee of faculty, administrators, and
students used the nomination information and the
following criteria to select the winners:
The finalists for the 2022 Excellence in Teaching
Award for online lead faculty are:
Dr. Cheyenne Carter, Counseling
Dr. Matthew Glowiak, Counseling
The finalists for the 2022 Excellence in Teaching
Award for online adjunct faculty are:
Dr. Mark Bound,
GenEd/First Year Experience
• Effectiveness as a classroom teacher;
• Commitment to advising and/or tutoring students
beyond what might be expected;
• Professional development to remain current in the
discipline and teaching;
• Contributions toward building the reputation or
image of the university; and
• A general attitude toward students that
demonstrates a concern for their welfare.
Stephen Schroeder, BA, Business
Dr. Lisa Speropolous,
Assistant Professor
Dr. Colleen Tapley,
Assistant Professor
In order to recognize and reward the significant
impact that advising has on our students’ success,
an “Excellence in Advising” award is awarded to one
deserving faculty advisor, one deserving professional
advisor, and two academic advisors each year.
The process is student driven, with all nominations
coming from the student body. A committee of faculty,
administrators, and students used the nomination
information and the following criteria to select the
• Understands and effectively communicates
the curriculum, graduation requirements, and
university policies and procedures.
In early 2022, the Academic Advising team received a
record 13,000 student nominations for the Excellence
in Advising Award.
We are pleased to honor the following 2022
Excellence in Advising Award Recipients:
Evan Bodi, Academic Advisor
• Encourages and guides students as they define
and develop realistic academic goals.
• Encourages and supports students as they
gain the skills to develop clear and attainable
educational plans.
• Encourages students to use appropriate
resources and services available to them as
SNHU students.
• Guides students to understand the purpose of
higher education and its effects on their lives.
Alison Ganon, Academic Advisor
• Assists students in gaining decision making skills
and assuming responsibility for their educational
• Monitors and accurately documents student
progress toward meeting individual goals.
• Is accessible to students during office hours or
by appointment and responds in a timely manner
when communicating with students by telephone
or email.
Jennifer Langley, Academic Advisor
• Maintains confidentiality.
Jackie Trexler, Academic Advisor
Anthony Barnett, Sr.
Eric Frierson Jr.
Maria Mayer
Solomon Belle, Cum Laude
SNHU is home to the Epsilon Chapter of Alpha Chi, the National Honor Society for liberal arts
majors, which recognizes outstanding scholastic achievement, service, and character. Membership
is open to liberal arts majors who have completed at least one half of the work required for a
baccalaureate degree, rank in the top 10% of the class, and have earned cumulative GPA of 3.85
or above. Graduates wear blue and green cords. (Symbol: AC)
Alpha Phi Sigma is the National Criminal Justice Honor Society, offering membership to qualifying
SNHU students with a GPA of 3.2 or higher within the Justice Studies, Policing and Law Enforcement,
Crime and Criminology, Terrorism and Homeland Security, or Law and Legal Process programs.
Members of SNHU’s Nu Iota Chapter wear blue and yellow cords at graduation, while executive board
members don yellow and blue stoles. (Symbol: APS)
Founded with the goal of helping non-traditional students connect and further their academic
and career goals, Alpha Sigma Lambda is a national honor society recognizing adult learners who
display outstanding academic achievement. Students must have completed a minimum of 24
graded semester hour credits at SNHU (with at least 12 in Liberal Arts/Sciences courses) and have a
minimum 3.2 GPA. Graduates wear gold and burgundy cords. (Symbol: ASL)
Delta Mu Delta is an international honor society recognizing outstanding scholastic achievement
among both undergraduate and graduate students pursuing business degree programs. To qualify for
membership, students must display good character, have completed more than half of their degree
program, achieve a GPA of at least 3.6, and be in the top 20% of their class. Members of SNHU’s
Gamma Nu chapter wear gold and purple cords at graduation. (Symbol: DMD)
An international hospitality management honor society, Eta Sigma Delta recognizes the academic
and professional achievements of students pursuing hospitality management, tourism, and culinary
arts degrees. Undergraduate students must achieve a cumulative GPA of at least 3.2, while graduate
students must maintain a GPA of at least 3.5 to be eligible for membership. (Symbol: ESD)
The National Society of Collegiate Scholars (NSCS) is a non-profit honor society established to
encourage and recognize academic achievement. Emphasizing scholarship, leadership, and service,
NSCS accepts members who rank in the top 20% of their class, achieve a cumulative GPA of at least
3.4, and attend a college or university with an active NSCS chapter on campus. Membership is for life
and is by invitation only. Graduates wear gold cords. (Symbol: CS)
The nation’s largest leadership honor society, the National Society of Leadership and Success
(NSL, S) provides a step-by-step program to help build leadership skills among its members. To be
nominated for membership, undergraduate students must have a minimum 3.0 GPA, while graduate
students must have a GPA of 3.5 and have completed nine credits. NSL, S members wear gray and
black cords at graduation. (Symbol: LS)
The Order of Omega is an honor society exclusively for Greek Letter Organizations, and students who
display strong leadership, character, and academic achievement. To be eligible for membership,
students must be a junior or senior enrolled in a full-time undergraduate program, actively participate
in a Greek organization on campus, maintain a GPA above the average Greek GPA, and display good
character. Order of Omega members wear white and yellow cords at graduation, while executive board
members wear white stoles with gold lettering. (Symbol: OO)
Phi Theta Kappa is an international honor society that recognizes and encourages scholarship among
students in two-year associate degree programs. Dedicated to developing leadership, fellowship,
and service opportunities, Phi Theta Kappa members must have completed at least 30 credits (15
at SNHU) as part of a two-year program and maintain a 3.5 GPA or higher. Members wear blue and
yellow cords or a gold stole at graduation. (Symbol: PTK)
The most selective honor society for educators, Pi Lambda Theta recognizes the academic
achievement and outstanding disposition of education students. Undergraduate students must
achieve at least a 3.5 GPA to earn membership, while graduate students must achieve a GPA of 3.9.
All members must demonstrate exceptional disposition throughout their academic program. Upon
graduation, members wear gold cords. (Symbol: PLT)
Psi Chi is an international honor society for psychology students and is designed to encourage,
stimulate, and maintain excellence in the pursuit of academic achievement. Membership is open to
undergraduate students enrolled in a psychology programs (major or minor) who have completed at
least 45 credits (nine in psychology courses), have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.2, and have a
minimum GPA of 3.2 in psychology courses. Graduates wear blue and gray cords. (Symbol: PC)
Sigma Gamma Tau (SGT) is a national honor society for Aeronautical Engineering. It was founded
at Purdue University in 1953 to offer appropriate recognition to persons of superior scholarship,
outstanding character, and professional achievement in the field of Aeronautical Engineering. Today
the society has about 50 chapters and 29,000 members. Undergraduate students who are in the
upper third of the senior class, upper quarter of the junior class, or upper fifth of the sophomore class
are eligible for membership. The society’s constitution allows chapters to be established only at
universities which have ABET-accredited programs in Aerospace or Aeronautical Engineering.
(Symbol: SGT)
Sigma Tau Delta is an international English honor society, recognizing academic achievement among
students enrolled in English Language and Literature and Creative Writing programs. To be eligible,
undergraduate students must have completed at least three semesters at SNHU, have completed
two or more literature courses beyond General Education requirements, and have maintained a GPA
of at least 3.3. Graduate students must maintain a 3.3 GPA and have completed at least 6 semester
hours at SNHU. Members wear red and black cords at graduation. (Symbol: S)
Ceremonial and Latin Honors
Associate in Science or Associate in Arts
With Honors (GPA 3.500-3.699)
With High Honors (GPA 3.700-3.849)
With Highest Honors (GPA 3.850-4.000)
Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Arts
C um Laude (GPA 3.500-3.699)
Magna Cum Laude (GPA 3.700-3.849)
Summa Cum Laude (GPA 3.850-4.000)
Southern New Hampshire University’s Global Campus Business Programs
develop business-minded professionals prepared to lead with an eye toward
people and society, profit and financial health, and our planet. Global Campus
Business Programs are centered on a commitment toward relevant education
and employable skills that foster learner and career success. Students experience
rigorous learning outcomes, real-world scenarios, and the latest technologies
relevant to the field of professional practice. Global Campus Business Programs
strive to increase access to affordable higher education, outcomes attainment,
and learning pathways providing various opportunities to achieve educational and
professional goals.
Marcello Alves
Colin L. Dougherty
Zena Carletta Dunn
Victorienne H. Kim
Rashida Raza
Phillip Thomas Tripodakis
Jeffrey Vogt
Carlos Maurice Wilsont
Sarah Abdallah
Jasmine Ackbar LS
Meghan Acosta LS
Dominique Kalea Addison-West
Nana Addo
Oladipupo "Dipo" Afolabi
Bunatimiebi Sydney Akinaka LS
Katherine Wagner Akinnagbe
Maria R. Albarez
Blondine Alexandre LS
Rebekah Aliberti
Bridget Allen
Ibraheem Alrawi
Emily Marie Altiery LS
Miranda Altman
Danielle Ashton Alvis
Fabian Amador
Ugonna D Amah
Morrie Amodu LS
Basharat Anis
Giselle Antoine
Taryn Therese Anton
Elizabeth Rydell Bejarano
Christopher Boulmetis
Desprince Applewhite
Belinda Demmings
William Raymond Bourassa Jr. LS
Timothy T Arai
Melinda Benaissa
David Leo Bouthillier
Quirina Arana
Christine Beninato
Catherine Boutwell
Fernando Javier Arroyo-Lopez LS
Ezry Bennett
Leanna Bowman
Jessica Arsenault
Heather Nichole Bennett LS
Aunnakalia Boyce
Paula Asencio Gonzalez
Joshua Kyle Bennett
Kareem Naguia Boyce LS
Seth Michael Aster
Shawn Thomas Benton Sr. LS
Menyon Boyd
Claudia Mae Atkinson
Jessica Lynn Benvenuto
Chanel Maelia Bradden DMD LS
Kellee Marie Aubin
Jonathan Berg
Stephen Andrew Bradley
Audrea Avalos
Chris Anne Bergeron
Ikimb'a Sarafina Brandon
Madison Lynn Avinger
Liticia Bernard
Alana Rosemarie Bravo
Eduardo Ayala
Nicholas Besler LS
Kelcie N. Bregenzer
Vanessa Brasil Silveira Azevedo
Elaine Best
Jennah D. Brennan
Chinenye Azubike-Okoro
Nina-Marie Bethel
Olivia Diane Brent
Tanya Lyn Baceski LS
Vincent Bezecourt
Nicholas Alexander Brizes
Jaylon Bailey
Andi Bezhani
Jessica Looper
LaTefia Monique Bailey
Prativa Bhatta LS
Jason Brooks
Brandi Donyel Baker LS
Rachel Bibeau
LaQuonda Monique Brooks LS
Gregory Baker
Derek Bice
Shari M Brooks LS
Heather Baker
Candace Bisdorf
Alicia L. Brown
Christina Leigh Ball LS
Jamieson Bishop
Breana N Brown LS
Jamar Banks LS
Jefferey Lee Bishop
Danielle C Brown LS
Charles Barden LS
Bianca Blair S
Rebecca Kate Brown LS
Christopher Barker
Angie Lynn Blake
Tameka Brown LS
Todd Barker LS
Maya Blake
Taylor Brown
Rylee Sarah Barney
Antonino Blum
Marissa Brunell LS
Mario Barrios
Rachel Blum
Emma Ann Stephenson
Asley Fabricio Barrios Navarro
Robert Allen Boger, Jr. LS
Paul Buckley
DeLunzo Montavis Bartee
Christina Suzanne Boilard LS
Dalton Buffenbarger
Eric Bartgis
Jesse Boles
Antonia Marche Bunn LS
John Bartosiewicz
Isaiah Bomar
Anthony Buonopane
Bastos Butoto Basabose
Ryan Bonneau
Lauren Burczyk
Elizabeth Bates LS
Matthew Edward Bortolino
William Christopher Burge LS
Emily Elizabeth Beaulieu LS
Calley Jones Bortz
Logan Burrows
Kimberly Beck LS
Melissa D Botello
Michelle Bushee
Jacinda Becker
Lilly Bothwell
Daniel Bustos
Julia Becker LS
Briana Kristine Bouchard
Arielle Buswell
Sean Bedard
Joanne Boucher
Jamie Ann Butler
John William Behringer
Alexis Boulanger
Holly Buttrick LS
Michelle Joy Byrnes
Christine Coco
Sloan Craven DMD
Janahit Liliana Diaz
Hailey Calhoun
Ryan Coco
Mackenzie Crawford
Samantha Dickens
Tonya T Calhoun
Jonquiel T'chad Coffie LS
Tyler Cristy
Martina Dickerson
Darryl W. Calicchio
Erica Cole LS
Zachariah Thomas Crompton LS
Julian Javier Dieppa
Alessandro Calzone
Cassandra Coleman
Nicole Marie Cross LS
Adam Dietzman
Javier Campos-Canales LS
Jeremy Coleman
Jenna Crouch LS
Charles Joseph DiMaria
Luiggi Canessa
Kelsey Coleman
Amanda Lea Cruz LS
Nicole DiMeglio
John M Cantone III
Mackenzie Coleman
Yasmelia Cruz
Leonard John Dionne
Brittany Alyce Card
Cody Lavele Collins LS
Rosangel Cruz Cabrera
Alexander DiPesa
Jaclyn Cardona
Cydney Collins
Alyshya Cubean
Jennifer Sue DiSalle LS
Brian Carlson
Kara Lynn Hager
Lisandra Elsaida Cuevas
Jenica Lynn Dismuke
Kelsi Carlson
Taryn Colon
Bruce Cummins
Jessica Dobson LS
Michael Carpentier
Roman Darryl Colter LS
Kyle Cunningham
Debra Hanggeli Doda
Lindsey Carter LS
Austin William Conery LS
Ramon Curtis
Marisa Rory Dole
Bryan Casey
Ryan Conner
Samuel Bankole Dada
Amanda Domier LS
Antonio Castillo LS
Megan Connor LS
Shannon Delaney Dale LS DMD
Henry Dong LS
Rebecca Elizabeth Castro
Joann Conte
Laura H Daley
David Donohue
Michael Catino
Alexandra Cook LS
Althea Daniel
Leez-Bruna Dorce
Oriyan T. Ceaser
Seth Cook LS
Lennette Daniels ASL S LS
Heather Anne Downey
Jane Ashley Dolor Celera
Britney M. Cooke
Athena Marie Dattory
Casandra Dowsland
Michael Shawn Cervone
Joan Cooke LS
Philip Davanzo III
Rebecca Doyon LS
Brian Chambers II
Megan D. Cooney DMD
Angela Davenport
Emily Driscoll
Lai Nung Chan
Sarah Harris Cope LS
Kirstyn Stull LS
Alexandra Drolette
Nathaniel Chaput
Marie Copeland
Seth Davis
Kelsi Drummer DMD LS
Michelle Charles
Bryan Copher
Arielle M Davison LS
Amelia Duane AC PC
Sreejith Chelanchery
Daniel Russell Corbin
Danniel A. Day LS
Matthew Duclos
Stephanie Christina Chicchetti LS
Eric Cordell ASL LS
James F. De Castro LS
Nora Katherine Dukowitz
Diana Stephanie Cordova
Raymond DeAguila
Lillie Aileen Durnan
Gail Irene Chin
Fred M. Corey
Kristen DeArmond
Christopher D Duvall
Catherine Choo
Sarah Jane Cormier LS
Allison Decoff
Ashley Dziadyk
Heidi Chunji
Diana Marie Corrigan
Nicolas W. DeFrancisco
Michael K. East
Shardina Church
Jose Luis Cortes
Lucas DeGraca
Joyceln Edwards
Angelina Ciotti
Nicholas Joseph Coscia
Alexander DeJohn
Tiffany Ehrenfried LS
Heidi Elaine Clark LS
Naomi Cossack
Lora Meghan DeLoach
Sierra R Elbert
Krystal Clayton LS
Sean Steven Coughlin
Chelsea M Demers
Aaron Ray Elias CS
Ashley Cleary
Stephany Coursey
Theresa L Denette LS
Joshua E. Eller LS
Charles W Cliff
Juliane Cox LS
Chanel Derr
Alba Elmokri
KaCee Cline
Matthew Cox
April Desroche
Bianca Du'Shaye Embers
Justin W Clough LS
Nicholas Stephen Cox LS
Danielle DeWitt
Nicole Epps LS
Danielle Lynn Cobleigh
Kevin Craig
Alba Aliana Diaz LS
Adrian Esparza LS
Georjeana Espinales
Tanya Romanie Freeman LS
Jodie E Gonzalez
Sarah Elizabeth Heald
Grant Evans
Shayna Freudiger
Glorimar Gonzalez-Alamo LS
Chamyra M Hearns
Nancy Everardo Soto
Danielle Nicole Friason
Christopher Goodin
Thomas Heath
Samuel Fabre
Jacob Scott Fuller
Enten Goodin
Autumn Hebert
Beth Faircloth
Karrilee Irene Fulmer LS
Bradley Lawrence Goodwin
Vicki Hedges
Felicia Faison
Tyler Anthony Fulmer LS
Stephanie Goodwin
Kasie J. Heimer
Arian Farmer LS
Marie Sharon Furaha LS
Antricia Gordon
William J Herlicka LS
Ross Farneth
Makia Gaddis LS
Harold Gordon II LS
Nicholas Martin Leon Hermsen
Nicole M. Fay
Trebor Gainwell
Haylee Danielle Gordon
Brandon Hernandez LS
Dakotah Federowicz
Maegan A. Gallotello
Kimberly Gray
Chantal R Hernandez DMD LS
Gracie Feraios
Karen Garcia-Vasquez
Mary Margaret Greco
Pamela Hernandez
Gwenn P Ferdinando DMD
Laura Garrigan
Brandon Tyrone Green
Boris Herrera
Alissa Ferguson LS
Katherine Garst
Charles N. Greer III LS
James Hessen LS
Judith Antonia Ferguson
Johari Garvey
Anna Maria Groenewal
Ashley A. Hesteness
Cathryn Fernandes
Brian J Gass
Vlad Stefan Grosu LS
Ashley Hicks
Michelle Frances Ferola LS
Patricia M Gately
Ellen Rebecca Gruschow LS
Elizabeth Hill
Devin Field
Logan Danielle Gatton
Kayleigh Guerrera
Jeremy Andrew Hill LS
Holly Fields
Sherry Gaudreau LS
Shawn Robert Guinan
Terrence D. Hill
Kristie Figueroa
Justin Allen Gause Sr. LS
Taylor Hannah Elizabeth Gundy
Ebony Hinkson
Andrew Alexander Fiorenza LS
Dustin Gautney
Natasha Gunn
Jeffrey Hladek
Garrett Fitzgerald
Meera Gayle LS
Daniel Joseph Habib
Loc Bao Hoang
James Flaherty
Kitton Gaynor
Melina Evelyn Hadstock
Louann Hodge
Susan Flammia LS
Samantha Geltz
James Garson Hagerman Jr.
Jennifer Hodges
Bianca Lynn Flegler LS
Steven Geltz
Tara Haines
Tracy Sherea Hodges-McCollin
Danielle Alexandra Fleming LS
Lee Heidi Gentry DMD
Steven Glenn Hall
Amy Rebecca Hoffman
Wesley Florez ASL LS
Matthew Gergeni
Christine Cynthia Halloran
Trent Holden LS
Javon Fluker
Nicholas B. Germain
Curtis Halstead
Ashley R Holler
Kristen Nicole Fogarty LS
Alexis Gerst LS
Brook Hamilton
Deborah J. Hollifield
Michael Foley
Amanda M. Ghali LS DMD
Cherylee J Hamilton
Savannah Seay Morgan Hondel
Roger E. Fonteneau
Ursula Ann Giannusa LS
Brendan Hamm
Danielle Hoopes LS
Daniel Lee Ford LS
Dana K Gibbs
Erin L. Hanley
Alicia M Hopkins
Paula Forest LS
Brittnee Gilbert
Angela Marie Hardy LS
Tara M. Hopkins
Kendall Jerrell Foster LS
Danae Gilbert
Kristopher Phillip Harper DMD LS
Nicole Sandra Horgan LS
Kanisha D Fowlin
Gurmon Gill LS
Patricia Louise Harper
Eric Horne
Courtney Fox
Evelyn Giordano
Austin Harris
Melanie Paige Horton
Valrie Marcia Francis-Gayle
Raymond Michael Giordano
Brittany Harris
Justin Eduard Houts
Dino Frangiamone
Kristina Giovanetti
Jasmine Harrison
Nicole Victoria Howard LS
Kasey Frazier
Nadia Girsang LS
Steven Rhea Hart LS
Mallory Hubbard LS
Steven Derek Frazier LS
Brandon Alex Glover LS
Robert Hawlk LS
Michelle Hudson LS
Jenna Frederiks
Cole Alexander Gonchar
Christena Adela Haynes
Nicole Hudson
Christopher Huepers LS
Korreena Goldie Kamps LS
Chauntel Leshay Latimore LS
Cassandra Victoria Maddox
Tricia Vanessa Huggins LS
Alliyah Kaneza
Andrew Lazarich
Porfirio Antonio Magana Jr.
James Carl Hunt III
Joseph Karcher
Jeffrey W. Leavitt
Annesia Maharaj-Nesbit LS
Kristina Irene Hunter
Nicole Karinchak LS
Adina Lebovits
Gabrielle Mahoney
William Hutchinson
Gregory Paul Kedinger
Derek R Leclerc
Nicholas Maida LS
Jessica Iacovelli
Cailte W Kelley LS
Aimee Lee
Jessena Maish
Claudio Francis Ibarra
Danielle Nicole Kelly
Kyra Monique Lee
Csaba Mak
Brad Irving
Michael Kelly
Delceida Damone Leggette
Golbou Makki
Christelle Asare LS
Jerome Rashah Kennedy
Adam Thomas Lehmacher
Joseph Malady
Markeeta Jackson
Peyton Kent
Vanessa Lemire
Viviana Estefania Maldonado-Vera
Michelle Jackson
Kendra Kerr
Abigail Rose Lennon
Angela Malec
Monique R Jackson LS
Inderpreet Khangura
Heather Lentz
Waheed Malik
Monique Brittany Jackson
Jessica Khuu
Jenniffer Leonhardt
Blanche S Mapesa
Paige C. Jacobs LS
Joyce N. Kim
Kerensa Lester
Dana Marcel LS
Lauren Gail Jagla
Dominoe Chanel King
Adriana Budzinski Levesque LS
Maya Mariable LS
Melody Jahnke LS
Patience Kinyanjui LS
Allison Levesque LS
Nickolas Marley
Nicholas Jasman LS
Holly Renee Knepp LS
Margaux Levesque
Lyndsay Jean Marques LS
Fresnel Jean-Francois LS
Jordyn Alton Knipp LS
Kaylee Shoshana Levine LS
Ivan Marrero Lespier
Melissa Jenkins LS
Justyna Kobus
Trevor Leviner
Derek E. Martin DMD ASL
Jessica Johns
Kassandra A Konuch
Jamie Jessica-Marie Lewis
Amanda Johnson
Nicole Koulouris LS
Russell D Lewis
Christina Elizabeth Martinelli LS
Andrew Bradford Johnson
Kori Krasin- Hermsdorf LS
Richard Ley
Grace Ann Martinez
Anna Montgomery Johnson LS
Kaitlyn Rose Krebs LS
Teresa Ley DMD ASL LS
Steven Frank Masi
Victoria Yvonne Krebsbach
Sandra Elizabeth Liebl
Scott Maskell
Austin Johnson ASL LS
Caitlin Krier
Joseph Peter Limback
Meagan Ann Mattil LS
Christopher Johnson LS
Jacqueline La Bau LS
David H Lindsay
Alison Jeanine Mausser LS
Derrina Zoranda Johnson LS
Stephanie M. Lafitte
Monica Lynn Lindsay
Elizabeth May
Sean Robert Johnson
Celina Michelle Laframboise
Anthony Lisske
Cheryl Lynne Mayberry
Samantha Johnston
Megan Katherine LaMacchia
Steven Liu
Amanda Lee Mazzarino
Abionca Artelia Jones LS
Alexandria Dynite Lamar
Kyrstin Kathaleen Long
Peter E. Mbome
Brandon Grant Jones
Edward Lamb
Julie Looney LS
Christopher McCarthy LS
Cory Jones
Joshua Lambert
Kimberly Jett
John Michael McClafferty
Dayshawn Jones
Nathan A Langone LS
Halei Loya
Chanel Averi McCollough
Jamie Jones
Charles Lanier III LS
Dustin Jean Lubinger
Deirdre Jade McCormick
Kelly M. Jones
Rob Lanigan-Potter
Stephanie Marie Lucius
RonKisha D. McCree LS
Latrice D. Jones-Bey LS
Ryan Paul Lanning
Christina Marie Lundstrom
Dawn McCullen LS DMD
Charles A Joseph
Tiffany Lanouette
Francesca Marie Lynch
Javonte Shane McDonald
Justin M Julian CS LS
Shawn P. Lappen
Kelly Lynch-Montemerlo
Jasman McDowell
Stephen Kamertz
Joey Larder LS
Robert Lynch
Walter McElrath LS
Sarah E Kampel DMD
Titus Terrill Latham LS
Dannelle Margaret Lyttle
Reilley Alexandra McGee
Christopher Mark McGuire LS
Martha Munhall
Erin Susan O'Shea LS
Christopher Pester
John McGuire
Anmol Tabassum Munshi LS
Samantha O'Shea
Tamara Peterkin LS
Caitlin McKenna
Aidan Murphy
Edith Ojo
Ronald Peterson
Shantevia Lanett McKenzie LS
Andrew John Murphy
Peter Okereke
Thuymy Pham LS
Audra L McKinnon
Vianney Musango Mayanja
Lamia Gennive Okirie LS
Justin Matson Pierce
James J. McLaughlin III DMD LS
Leela Sai Bharath Nama
Oladotun Opeyemi Obisesan
Ashanti Pierce-Barber LS
Justine Ponciano Medeiros LS
Mathias Dario Nana
Iman Omar
Skylar T Pietroske
Maurice Melton
Kyle Anthony Naples
Roland Patrick Ortega
Katherine Marcella Pigsley
Nicole Katherine Menard LS
Anthony Nasta
Danielle Orth LS
Jason Pinney LS
Devin James Mendelson
Marla Peony Nazario DMD CS LS
Christy Nneka Osakwe LS
Michael Christian Pitzer
Joshua Mercado
Ezechiel Ndayisaba
Milly Ouellette
Priscilla E Plange
Kate Lynn Merrill DMD
Mary Wamaitha Nderitu
Jennifer Ovalle
Treva T. Polk
Cassandra Micucci
Ruth Ann Nelson
Lisa Overman
Lauren Jamille Pollard
Alexa Therese Middleton LS
Tyler Wade Newcombe
Stephanie Ann Ovitt
Michele Popovich
Christopher M Miller LS
Sara Elizabeth Newell DMD LS
Benjamin Jeffrey Padellaro
Reed Porter
Michael Miller
Millie Ann West Newton LS
Tatia'Anna Padgett
Derrick D. Posey
Shannon Miller LS
Jean Monet Ngenzi
Priscilla Padilla
Kellie Post LS
Victoria Mitchell
Anna Nguyen
Cole Anthony Padula
Jonathan Prater LS
Aaron Shamir Mohammed LS
Tuyen Nguyen LS
Nathan Panek LS
Christopher Palmer Pratt
Marta Momot LS
Tuyen Nguyen
Joseph R Panganiban
Nicole Lynn Prucnal
Jessica Lynne Monahan
Viet Nguyen
Rachel Pantzlaff LS
Krzysztof J Przywara
Katrina Monteiro
Aaron Nikles LS
Molly Papson
Charles Reginald Pulley Jr. LS
Nicholas Montero
Hillary Marguerite Nix LS
Ashley Parenteau
Marissa Ann Purificato CS LS
Cheyenne Danielle Moody
Emmanuel Chigbo Nliam
James Park LS
Bess A Quint DMD ASL LS
Shelly Mooneyhan
Sarah Nordstrom
Maeghan Parker
Anthony Racciatti LS
Hannah Elizabeth Moore DMD
Cheryl Norville LS
Lashachiah Parks
Naima Rainey LS
Tia Moore LS
Nikki J Norwine LS
Amit Patel
Nora Ramey
Ariane Moorer LS
Jessica Novak
Donna Patterson-Skinner
Ronald Ramirez
Alexander Morales
Stephanie Anne Novak
Kimberly Paul
Veronica I. Ramos
Brendan Morgan
Anthony Nunez
Taylor Pearsall
Monica L Raposo
Christopher Steffon Morgan LS
Anthony Nunez
Brett Pearson
Dominick Ray
Nicholas Morrisohn
Tiara Zekaya Nurse
Jack Thomas Pearsons
Wareen Razooqy
Hicham Mortada
Jude N. Nwachukwu
Jasmine M. Peinado LS
Colleen M. Reddy
Rodney Mosher
Jesus Marie Nzoyihaya
David Pekala
Sage Redwind LS
Dawn Florence Theresa Mott LS
Amy Lynn O'Brien LS
Elizabeth Pelczar LS
Stephanie Reese
Jordan Danielle Moyer
Dennis O'Brien
Christian J. Perez
Leila Rekic
Travis J Moyer
Michelle O'Brien LS
Nicholas Perez DMD LS
Sheena Devine-Remitz DMD LS
Jonathan Mrenna
Sean James O'Connor
Ozzy James Perez DMD ASL LS
Christopher Renshaw
Alaiza Muise LS
Matthew R. O'Day
Brooke Emily Perna
Strahinja Resanovic
Madeline Mullett
Sarah O'Regan LS
Carolyn Anne Perry
Holden Reed Reyes
Elizabeth Reyno LS
Marco Saint-Louis
Sara Soprano LS
Mary Tassone Kaizer
Daniel Armin Rezaee LS
Maryam Saleh LS
Kaylee Sorensen-Johnson
Alexandria Nicole Taylor
Christopher Thomas Ricard LS
Radeth Lynnda Santiago
Alejandra Soto
Andrea Nicole Taylor
Aliana Lynn Richards LS
Shaina Santos
Sherman Carlton Spears
John Taylor
Jarrett Todd Rickerds LS DMD
Julie Anne Savage
Nicole Spratlin LS
Lauren Taylor LS
Andrea Rigsby LS
Gianna Marie Scalzo DMD
Westley James St. Pierre
Ryan Simone Taylor
Michael Riley LS
Patricia Snyder LS
Kenneth I St Vincent
LaToya Teel
Patrick Ring
Matthew Schaffer
Nicole St. Hilaire
Reginald Edward Temple LS
Gabrielle M Rivera
Jeffrey Tyler Schalk
Virginia Stablein
Kathleen Terry LS
Nicole Rixon
Andrew Scheibe LS
Melanie Lynn Stackhouse
Rina T Thach LS
Joseph Louis Rizzo
LeeAnn Christine Schloff LS DMD
Christopher Stafford
Raychel Marie Thibeau
Maria Regina Robbins LS
Brennan Scott LS DMD
Chrishawna Stamm
David Thomas
Rosheika Robertson LS
Ravi Seeraj
Melissa Stanley
Shelly Arpel Thomas LS
Matthew J. Robins
Andrew Serrato
Kristin Staub LS
Kylie Thompson LS
Quanishe Shavon Robinson
Tyler Sevigny
Andrew J. Stauble
Jennifer Lynne Thrush
Gary Rodriguez DMD
Cory R. Shaffer DMD ASL LS
Michael Paul Steckevicz LS
Katrice Tolbert
Marcoantonio Rodriguez
Jenna Sheehy
Ryan Steiner
Anshin Morkel Torres LS
Zuheily Rodriguez
Tanya L. Shenk
Marcos Stella
Jacqueline Torres
Justine Rolava
Mariam Maged Shenouda LS
Brad Stender
Mark Toussaint
Alexander Roldan
Kirsten Anne Shilling
Otice Charles Stephens IV LS
Lindsey Michelle Towles
Kelly Lanier Rollins
Madison Shirley
Tyler Jon Steppe
Vu Tran
Erik Romero
Juliana Silvagni
Andrew Thomas Stevenson
Laura Trapletti LS
Karli Romero
Jessica Simpson LS
Kenneth G Stevenson III DMD LS
Donovan A. Travis LS
Jonathan Miguel Rosado
Sophia Singer
James Stewart
Jeffrey Trevillian
Veronica Cera Rosalies CS
Kenneth M Skeen
Brittany Stewart-Snodgrass
Mark Steven Trout Jr. ASL LS
David M. Ross
Brittney Slaughter LS
Jonathan M Stock
Christopher Turner
Harrison Roughton
Francesca Lynette Sloan LS
Benjamin Stone
Nichole Ashley Turner
Jonathan Roughton
Jennifer Alease Smiley-Gill
Matthew T Stonebridge LS
Lauren Allene Tuttlebee
Genevieve Rowell
Brooke Lynne Smith LS
Joshua C. Storey
Hannah Tweit
Crystal Leigh Rowland
George Raymond Smith Jr. LS
Sean D. Stratton
Margaret Tyson
Emily Rowles
Jazmyne Smith
Zane Robert Strawser-Picado
Emmanuel Uche
Daneene Amber Royal
Minx Marie Smith
Isaac J. Strother
Emily Christine Umanzor LS
Adam Rumburg
Nikolas Smith
Caitlin Sullivan LS
Christopher Unger
Michael Rupert LS
Symone Dede Smith
Krystin Sullivan
Scott Uttaro
Jessica Rusch
Wendy Smith LS
Amy Lynne Sumsion DMD CS
Fernando Valencia
Michael Russo
Kassidy Taylor Snair
Zhong Wu Sun LS
Miriam Reyes Vallado
Derek Loring Rust LS
Michelle Snyder
Peter Francis Sweeney
Lize van Niekerk
Gertrude W Sackor
Brandon Sojka LS
Christine Anne Sykes
Jennifer VanderNoot
Diana Sadowski
Cristhal Lénny Solano
Benjamin Sylvain
Tong Tony Vang LS ASL
Suwaibou Saidy LS
Nicole C. Solano
Sally Huong Ta
Darcina R. Varney
Daisy Vasquez
Joseph Coalter Williams II
Calvert Alexander
Victoria Bevan
Lenin Vasquez LS
O'Neil Williams
Aris H. Alpian LS
Maria Jose Biong Bill
Sarah D. Vavzincak LS
Raneka Williams DMD ASL LS
Karen Alstrup LS
Eliza Bird
Emily Noelle Veele
Xavier L. Alvarez LS DMD
Steven Blackwell LS
Tyler Jacob Verbeke
David Wilson Jr.
Andrea Amadei
Diana Blanco Pacheco
Michael A. Viglione
Veronica Cassondra Wilson
Rachel Ames
Jada Blanco
Vanessa Anne Vigue LS
Christine Louise Wise
Carol J. Amolsch LS
Tier J Blanco
Maria Vila LS
Samuel Thomas Witts LS
Brittney Jaleesea Anderson
Teisha Blonvia
Lilyan Patricia Villarreal
Mark Wlazlak LS
Lauren Anderson
Ram John B. Bo
Kaitlyn Visconti
Philip Woodward
Michael Anuszkiewicz
Paula Boger LS
Lyndsie Kyoko Vissers
Dontario Jerome Wooten
Edgar Arambula
David Ira Bohmiller LS
Michael Vitale
Justin Yohannan
Jo Anne Archer LS
Jeffrey Alan Bolduc
Matthew Vlahos LS
Cornelia York
Alexander Ariagno
Colin Bonar
Sabrin Reginald Edouard Vorbe LS
Emily Michele York
Amy Aristo
Eranika Bonds
Danielle Katrina Vousboukis
Felicia Young LS
Eric Artman
Marc Bonfiglio
Chad Waite
Vian Yousif LS
Dawn M. Auerbach
Dominique Bookwalter
Mark A. Wakeman Jr. LS
Stacy Zaleski
Tyler J Augster
Diana Booth LS
Gary Walker
Jeevan Johnson Zambre
Marcus Backlin
Robert F Bordieri Jr
Rameshia Walker
Princewill Zeblon
David Bahinga
Gregory Borsari
Robert Walker
Molly Ziells DMD
Krista Bailey LS
Priscilla Rose Bort DMD LS
ShuCora Cecily Walker
Tinashe Zimbandu
Lara Tiffany Bailey DMD ASL LS
Dani Bosse
Jenny J Wallace
Marissa Zink CS LS
Morgan Taylor Bailey
Aaron J Bourget
Margaret Ann Walters
Piro Zisi
Brian Patrick Barnes
Elijah Boyd
Emmanuel Wameni Tchamakam LS
Kyle Edward Zobeck
Mario V.P. Barone
Bianca Braga
Shannan Watkins
Michael Andrew Zombory
Melanie Elaine Batey
Destiny Eyacia Breanna Brewton
Fathom Anastasia Watson DMD LS
Kalain J. Zorda
Gabrielle Marie Kitch LS
Hope Cassia Becker LS
Derek Shaun Bridenstine-McTurnal
Heidi Delcambre Beckham
Nadine Brisson
Erin Beene
Jamie Alexis Britto
Anne Begley
Stacey Alexandra Brodeur
Tracy Adewusi LS
Bryan Brodniak
Estefany Benedith
Krystal Brooks
Giovanni Beneduci LS
Enea Brotzman Yard
Darius Javar Brown LS
Soniya Adhikari
Ann-Marie Kristina Benjamin
Richardson LS
Sattam Fahad Alaskar
Benjamin C. Benoit
Stacie C. Brownrigg
Jaclyn A. Albers LS
Nicole Berkebile
Madeline Grace Broz
Vanessa Marie Alcala LS
Alejandro Bernal LS
Olivia Buccheri
Irma Gloria Aldape LS
Shelby Danielle Best LS
Logan Buckner
Benjamin Alexander
Sara Bester
Michael Buelna Jr LS
Danielle Marie Weaver LS
Kirsten Webb LS
David Keith Webster
Kevin Matthew Weckworth
Jennifer Welcher
Cheryl Lynn Wendt LS
Jacqueline A. West LS DMD
Kimberly C Weston
Jennifer Leigh White
Treshawn Malcolm White
Daniel Francis Wholey
Michael Wholley
Lauren Elizabeth Wilkes
Brittney Asia Williams LS
Brandy Nicole Adams
Sierra Adams
Teneisha Adams
Irish Adams-Johnson LS
Kelly Brown
Emily M Burgess LS
Kerry Margaret Conway LS
Kelsey L Diaz
Opeyemi E. Famakinwa
Faith Whitney Burke
Albert Cooper
Jacqueline Susan Dickinson LS
Terrian Fench
Alicia Burnham
Patrick Corcoran
Scott Diggle
Asia Ferguson
Hallie Burns
Maryrose Cordero LS
Madison Lorraine Dionne
Marlon Ferguson LS
Benjamin Emerson Bush
Anna May Corey
Amy Ditter
Mica Persephone Ferguson LS
Katelyn Buzzerio
Tamara Lashell Cornell
Kelly CK Divito LS
Shenell Ferguson
Jannette Cabanita LS
William James Covell III
Kiara Alexus Dixon
Lindsey Taylor Ferraro LS
Megan Nicole Cabelus
Kasie Cox
Jennifer Dodson LS
Jordan Grant Fewkes
January B Cadotte
Sandra Marie Crawford
Ragen Dodson
Thomas Fiala
Shannan M. Cahill
Erin Reilly Crosman
Cameron Lee Downing
Kate Lyn Filipidis
Roxanne Calzolano
William Curtis Cross
Colleen Megan Doyle
Samantha Fisher
Charles Camacho
Sofia M Crouse
Sara Drouse
Amanda Marie Fiske LS
Nathan Cameron
Giovanna Cruz
Zachary E. DuBois
Corenia Flores
Julia Canton LS DMD
Nicole Danyell Cruz LS
Erica Lynn Dubuque
Emiley Foss
Jason Cantwell
Tyesha M. Cruz
Jessica Mary Ducrow
Manson Fowler LS
Laura Cappelli
Mariana Cruz-Uribe
Christine Marie Dugan LS DMD
Amy Pendleton Fox CS
Patrice Carey LS
Saterra N. Cumberbatch
Benjamin D. Duke
Haley Foxworth LS
Demetrius D. Carr
Jessica M. Cunitin
Sakinah Duncan LS
Rocquel S Francis
Servando Carrasco
Nicole Therese Curran
Lauren Mariah Dunn LS
Jeanelle Alethea Frank
Jessica Carrillo LS
Christina Curry
Mollie Grace Dunn
Sean Franklin
Kimberly Ann Cartier DMD LS
Michael Anthony DaCampo Jr.
Zenith J Duplessis LS
Mark Fraser Jr
James Casley
Christina Dailey LS
Lori Marie Duxbury
Chad Frazier
Rebecca Castle
Mark Dakhis
Eugene Dziedzina
Lorie Freeman
Megan V Castleberry
Linda A. Daley LS
Cameron Eagleston
Brett Woodman French
Michael Caywood
Zachary Danowski
Cindi G Earls LS
Lindsey Frizzell LS
Emily Marie Cecchini
Leslie Elizabeth David LS
Ashley Ebanks LS
Danielle Gabelli
Miguel A. Chandler
Danielle M. Davis
Joshua Edwards
Jeffrey Leo Gagne DMD
Arthur Charles
Nicholaus R Davis LS
Brian Egan
Angelica Gamboa
Darren Cherry
Timothy Davis
Inna Egnozzi
Alexis Michele Garcia
Norma Jean Christ
Leland Dawson
Cassidy Joy Elgeness LS
Kaitlynn Gardner
Peter Christofanelli
Javier De Alejandro
Cynthia Elliott
Brittney Nichelle Garr
Jamila L. Miller-Christopher LS
Kailey Deason
Nicholas W Ellis
Brigette A. Gary
Julissa Clark
Kara DeBaene LS
Jamie Epstein
Amanda E Gauthier
Sara Clarke
Cynthia Ruiz Dela Pena LS
Olga Ermakova LS
Joan Marie Gavini-Campbell
Olivia Marie Cobbins LS
Kristin Delahoussaye
Ralynn Ernest
Camille Ashley Gayden
Tatiana Colmenares Leguizamo
Juan Antonio DeLeon, JR LS
Sheri Escobedo
Brianna Geary
Cherise Tisha Comma
Jenelle Dennis
Cira M Esposito LS
Dwayne Devin Georges LS
Melissa Conley
Nathan Deno
Ellery Ewing
Ivy Joan Gephart
Rachel Lynn Considder
Courtney Detlef
Ebony Ezekiel LS
Sierra Gerena
Marie J Constant
Clouya Ismael Diao
Alura Faavae
Brandon Joseph Gerrish LS
Ellen Gibbs
Joshua Thomas Heald
Robert Isme
Jackie Kidder LS
Deborah Rena Gilbert
Katharine Hegidio
Shamekia Jackson
Jamie Kidder
Zachary Carl Gilbert
Amanda Height
Dorothy Jackson-Bush LS
Bailey Kielek
Jamie Giles
Kelvin Hemingway
Regina Jacobs LS
Lamar Kimble III
Brian Ginisi
Blair Elizabeth Henderson
Jeremy C. Jacques DMD CS LS
Natika Kimbrough
Jilian Godin LS
Monique Henderson LS
Olivia Jaindl
John Knappe
Brianni Lizvette Gonzalez
Sonniqua Henry
Dwayne Charles Alexander James
Janie Knell
Jessica Delphine Gonzalez
Brianna G. Herchen LS
Bernard Jean Baptiste
Nicole Knight-Hudson LS
Jayla Diane Goodwin
Jennifer Hickmott
Jade Jefferson
George Kohrmann
Robin H. Grady
Joshua Allen High
Nicholas Jenkins
Bianca Koth
John Graning LS
Braeden Burgener Sparks LS
Kacha Deneen Jennings
Elizabeth Koziol
Timothy Graves
Charles Foster Hill
Kitxandra Luna O'Brien Jennings
Amy Kuhn
Nicholas Raymond Graziano
Nicholas Hill LS
Stefany Jevtic
Marisa P Kulis
Benjamin Belknap West Green
Olivia Hill LS DMD
Jose Alejandro Jimenez
Jade Kwan
Marissa Grella
William Hodge III
Darius J Joell
Christine Josephine LaBruna
Tyler Luc Griffin LS DMD
Nina Hodgson
Angela Marie Johnson LS
Olivia Marie Labs
Cyntrell Gross
Jannah Hoetger
Dionnia Kristine Johnson LS
Jonathan LaCroix
Joseph M Grosso Jr
Heather Hoke
Jorel M. Johnson
Daria S. LaFave LS
Rebecca Guilbert ASL LS
Lauren Holland
Anita Joka
Nancy A LaFave
Ashley Guillen
Matthew Hollen LS
Chantelle Jones DMD LS
Chanel Mae Laffin
Ivanna Gutierrez LS
Gema Gabriela Hong
Kateland Jones
Dax Frederick LaFleur LS
Monique Guyse
Robert Horn
Kimberly Jones DMD LS
Dane Lamond
Kaelagh A Haley
Roger Tyrone Horne
Natasha Latrice Jones
David J. Langerud
Julie Ann Hall LS
Diana Hossein
Steven Jones
Kristi Lap LS
Karen Hall
Sabrina M Houghton
Alysia Hayley Joppas
Sandra Larbi
Storm Jasmin Hall LS
Elisabeth House LS
Zachary Joseph
Nathan J Lasky LS
Tricia Ann Hall LS
John W. Howard
Marissa Joynt
William J Laux
Elizabeth Ham
Liam Hudson LS
A. Juarez LS
Erin Laviolette
Shawn M. Hammonds
Timothy Huggins
Marisa N. Kail-Kirk
James T Lawhorn Jr. LS
Laura Hanning
Emily Hunt
Kutelleugo Bala Kakwi
Alyssa Brittany Lawrence
Katelyn Hanscom
Scott Hunter
Nicholas Kandrac LS
Quyen Le
Jennifer Hargreaves LS
Hannah Elizabeth Hurd Hardiman
Matilde G Kantor
Michael L. Lee
Kristie LeAnn Harris LS
Swank Hurst
Blaine Delano Kaplan
Dawn M Lemasa
Douglas Harrison
Corissa Hutchinson LS
Julia Ann Kehr
Danielle Lemire
Alex Michael Hart
Sandra L. Hutchison
Spencer Kelly
Adriana Lemon
Lauren Hawk
Evon Winslade Hyles LS
Brian Kennedy
Brenda Leon LS
Shase Hawkins
Renee P Iezzi
Kimberly Rowe Kennedy
Carol F Lewis
Jessica Hawley
Renee Illerbrun
Meghan Kathryn Kennelly
Kevin Lewis
Dana Nicole Hayden
Danielle Ilsley
Marybeth Kenny
Paul L. Lindley
Wesleigh S Hayes
Danielle Inman LS
Melissa Prudence Kesil
Devin Lintao LS
Darlysha Liriano
Moira McDonough
Jennifer Lee Moquin
Malory Parker
Carnell Livingston
Richard Ryan McGee
Florence Morales
Mitchell Edward Parkhill LS
Kathleen Lochner LS
Elizabeth Mcketty
Winfred Morfe
Bhavik Patel
Jeffrey L Loftin
Cassiopeia McMillan
Amy L Morris
Nisha Patel-Abraham LS
Sarah Loken
Gwenivere McNamara LS
Christopher Edward Morris
Carolina B. Patente
Adam Felix Lopez
Colin McNulty CS LS
Kisha Rene Morris LS
Janet Patton
Amy W Lorenz LS
Katherine Mcpherson
Cherylyn Taylor Groh Morrow
Gianna Pendleton LS
Matthew D. Loy
Cynthia McQuarrie
Ilyse Moyer
Derek Pennington
James Luraghi LS
Maureen Meggers
Jailyn Munroe
Melissa A. Pennington
Tiffani Alana Luster LS
Bianca S. Melendez Pellot
Liliam Murillo Cordoba LS
Saudia Persaud DMD LS
Colleen E Lyden
Shari Melissa Melville DMD
Megan Myers LS
Alexis Kimberly Pevear
Frances R Lyons
Christina Mendoza
Brianna Nazarenus
Nathan Alan Phelps
Elizabeth MacDonald
Kathryn A. Mercer
Judy Christine Kirigo Ndegwa LS
Somphanat Phengphanh LS
Kerri Makekau LS
Eddie Mireles Mesa
Saly Ndiaye
Corinne Elizabeth Philips
Robert Manning
Ashlee Mestel
Miracle Nichols LS
Erin Philipson
Steven Paul Manning
Gavin Mestel
Morgan Nichols
Akeem Hanson Phillip DMD
Katherine Venardi
Margaret C Metcalf
Orbrey Nilon
DaMani Phillips LS
Anthony Manzo
Melissa Metcalf
Katherine Rae Noonan DMD
Lisa Phillips DMD ASL
Shanequa D Marcelle-Boyd
Kaitlyn Meurin
Hannah Norden LS
Tanya Pierce LS
Steven Marchegiani
Carole Meyer
Rebecca Jean Norman
Jada Pierre
Ryan Marczinkowski
Jodi Meyer
Brittany Null
Jean-Paul Pierre
Ervin Marion
Lilly Meyer
Vivian Allison Nurse
Katherine Pietras
Wendy Marquis
Sasha Mighty
Kirra O'Brien
Tommi Pogue LS
Cassandra Faith Martin
Rachel A Milan
David Odonkor LS
Kevin W. Poland LS
Ryan Patrick Martin
Larry W Miller Jr LS DMD
Keyvette Danielle Oliver
Leo F. Politz
Melvin Martinez
Suzanne Miller
Tarryn Tane Orial
Alyssa Poole
Aimal Massoudy
Shawn Mills LS
Nicole Andrea Ortiz DMD
Hayley Potts di Gregorio
Evan Mathewson
Marcy A Mills-Matthews
Shayla Renee Osborne LS DMD
Julianna Poutry
Amy Marie Matthew LS
Alexandra Milne LS
Chloe Osgood
Alexandra Susan Powell
Kaitlyn Matthews LS
Wesley Minor
Jessica Osorio Lleras
Danielle Madeleine Prentice
LaRicha C Matthews
Kenneth Roy Minshew
Vera Ossenih
Nathaniel J Procek DMD
Tiffanie Matthews
Amy Mitchell
Carl Allen Otto
Josef Tadd B Provido
Ashlee Maunz LS
Brandy Mitchell LS
Jordan Ouellette LS
Ciara Chanel Purviance
Michelle Lynn Maurer LS
Jason Jamall Mitchell LS
Molly Leeann Owen LS
Nicholas Pyzocha
Heather McBrierty LS
Tracy Mizsak
William Caperton Owen II LS
Emmanuel D. Quainoo
Megan King
Kenneth Moffett
Emil A. Pando
Brittany Quintana
Kathleen Kerry McCarthy
Bradley Eugene Molnar
Arianna Papathanasiou
Leslie A. Rader
Margo R McClintock
Erica L Mongeon LS
Katy Paradise LS
Antonio Raimato LS
Katelyn Noel McCoole
Ciara Renee Monroe
Ryan Paris
Richard Ramey
Alyx Nicole McCullough
Alia Kimberly Montgomery LS
Bethany Rose Lavoie LS
Jesus Ramirez Jr
Kenneth Ramirez
Janet Elizabeth Rosson LS DMD
Virginia Kern Shank
Trisha Summa
Douglas K. Ramones LS
Alex Roth
Robert S. Shatney
Jared Suruki
Risa Manuela Lopes Oliveira Ramos
Rebecca Rouleau LS
Brooke Irene Shaw
Jessica Noelle Sweetser
Adam Joseph Rousseau
Deborah Ann Shea
Olivia Szabo
Shanta Jagdeo
Jaydin Laine Rowbotham
Daniel Sheedy LS
Marlaina Nicole Taback
Jessica Loren Rauwolf LS
Angela Roy
Dalia Shehata
Nicole Tacchite
Jennifer Rearick LS
Dawn Roy
Nicole Sheppard
Shayna Elizabeth Talarico DMD
Shane Rebele
Daniel Ruggiero
Ryan Roger Shippy
Jeannine Taylor
Francesco Recchia LS
Cheyenne Ruggles LS
Areej Shoaib
Kevin Timmy Te
Sarah Reed
Jenifer A. Rukstela CS
Mohamed M Shoair LS
Tiffany Telford
Matthew Douglas Reilly DMD
Stevina Rumao
Jennifer Leigh Shue LS
Ossmar Aarón Tellez Ceja
Todd Remus LS
Nicole Julia Ruscillo
Angela Siciliano
Caroline Templer
Mariana Del Rocio Reyes Mora
Travis Centell Russell LS
Robin Sikes
Munyaradzi Tendayi
Gabrielle Chantelle Reynolds
Anthony M. Ruvolo
Yolimar Silva
Noelle Thelen
Holly Reynolds LS DMD
Klodina Sadiku
Kiara Silver
James D Thomas Jr.
Ieshia Michele Pugh
Andrew James Saenz LS
Jacob Abraham Simpson
Shana Thompson LS
Cynthia M Ricci LS
Lizeth Saenz
Mirunalini Sivarasa
Shavana Thompson
Dale Rice
Joseph Thomas Salamone III LS
Sarah Skafidas
Ethan Thomson
Tamara Michelle Richard LS
Xally Ixchel Salgado DMD
Casey L Skoglund DMD LS
Leanna Thorpe
Cheryl A. Richards
Jacqueline Sam
Rhona LeCha Smalley LS
Cindy Maria Thottam DMD LS
Jaclyn Parkhurst Richardson
Ashley Sarvi
Deborah G Smith DMD LS
Andrew W. Tingley
Vic C Richardson LS
Robert L Saucier DMD LS
Kelly Snow DMD
Carmen Tirella
Quinn Richardson-Newton
Veronica Savoy
Ashley Nicole Snyder LS
McCullough Ansley Tirrell
Drew E Richmond
Hollie F Sayer DMD
Daniella Sokolovsky
Sherwyn M. Tolentino
Jennifer A Riddle LS
Quintin G. Scavella Jr.
Karen Solomon
Samantha Tomasula LS
Madison Rae Rioux
Geraldine Schafran
Heather Spitzer LS DMD
Shelby A Trocki LS
Cole Rittenhouse
Samantha Jean Schechter
Rebecca Ann Sprague
Heather Nicole Truesdale
Annette Milagros Rivera LS
Gregory Schlossinger
Mallorie Renae Stafford
Anita P. Tucker-Langellier
Orlando Josue Rivera Alfonso
Tim Schmidlin
Katherine Stark
Jonathan Turek
Joshua A. Roberge
Meagan Caroline Schmidt LS
Charlie Frank Stembridge Jr. LS
Lillian JoLee Tyson
Gebrina B. Roberts
Kathryn Schneider
Andrea Marie Stern LS
Nancy Umanzor
Reginald Roberts LS
Petra Schult
Derek Stevens
Elizabeth Rose Valade
Jessica Danielle Rock
Ty Schwab
Dianna Stoltz
Yesenia Valoy
Rebeca Rodriguez
Ann Schwieger
Nicholas James Strausbaugh
Felicia Van Rader LS
Mariah Rogers
Lauren Ashley Scimmons
Deanna J. Streeter
Gracienne C. Vasquez DMD LS
Michelle A Foster
Patrick Seagrist
Luis Suero LS
Marcia Elaine Vassell LS
Leah Rolle
Jordan Michelle See
Phillip Sugg LS
Kianay Marie Vaughn
Yohana Maribel Romero Lopez LS
Grady A. Sessoms, Jr.
Jacob Giovani Sulhoff
Nicholas Kristopher Vaughn-Rucker
Joao Vitor Rosa
Debra Shackett
Emily Sullivan
Robert E. Vaughn III LS
Andrew Rose
Stephanie B. Shahan DMD
Paige Marie Sullivan LS
Toni Velez
Michael Velsor
Jessica Anne Wynns LS
Muhire Claude
Keily Lizbeth Hernandez Rodriguez
Amy B Vetrano-Palmer
Diana Yeung
Griselda Cortez
Jacqueline Hodge
Cody Victor
Landon York
Kayla Lynn Crim
Julie Marie Hurley
Jamie Villastrigo
Cameron L Yotch
Sally Suzette Brown LS
Dylan Christopher Hyland
Michelle Thao Vo-Huynh LS
Lillian M. Young
Michelle Althea Cutting
Kettlaine Innocent
Lucinda Walker
Seth Minor Donald Young
Dieudonne Cyuzuzo
Christopher James
Allison Walsh
Stephanie Young
Bryan DeAngelo
Edouard Jean-Marie
Richard Walter
Amber Yurecko
Judith Decker
Laura M. Johnston
Elizabeth A Walters DMD LS
Clifford Alex Zabkar
Linda Desmond
Oussama Kanane
Joshlyn M Walton
Emily Marie Zalewski LS
Joanne Dexter
Joshua Kirej
Doc Ward
Katarzyna B. Zarzycka
Mara Domingues DosSantos
Kristopher Michael Klemick
Tiffanie Warrick
Jean Frances Callahan LS
Josephine E Douyon
Tina J Lawrence
Erick Martin Duran
Roy Travis Lee
Ella Christ Dusabe
Josium Lopez
Kimberly Ann Dyl
Natividad O Lozada
Lou Bertha Edwards
Kyla Rose MacKenzie
Raghad Allah Moufaq Al Fayssal
Desirae Shauna Mason
Kagiraneza Emmy
Rachel E Matta
Youness Es Sraoui
Celine Joyeuse Mbabazi
Eric R Evans Jr
James M McClure
Codie R Fagan
Kristen Leigh McKenzie
Paul J. Fernandez
Andrea Michelle McLean
Jean Carlos Ferreiro
John McSweeney
Stephanie Lindsey Fouts
Timothy Joseph Merski
Paula Alaniz Galvan
Bruce Arthur Miller
Dramane Ganou
Andre Stephen Morrison Jr. LS
Jessie Genie
Kazungu Muhabwazina
Kristina Gibson
Daniel Muhire
Marvin L Gilbertson
Patrick Muhire
JoAnn Lea Goddeau
Clarisse Mukamusoni
GaryDale Quintero Gregory
Karin Murphy **
Gloria Laine Gross
Yvan Steven Mutabazi
Eric Joseph Guitierrez
Augustin Ndayisaba Ndahiriwe
William Sheridan Gwilt
Honore Ndayizeye
Elyse Habimana
Emmanuel Ndongereye
Mark Edwin Hadix
Jean Paul Niyongabo
Gerrard Hakizimana
Jean Claude Niyongana
Robert Reed Benz Harvey
Emmanuel Nsabimana
Kimberly A Henderson
Thierry Ntirandekura
Anna Kristine Heran
Chantal Nyiramajana
Latoya S. Watts
Brandice Webb-Pondexter
Justin Weber
Ashley Weihe
Lisa Naji
Cassidy Jo Werner
Madison Whaley
Ashley White LS
Brittany White
Tanya White
Danielle Wickersham
Christopher David Wiedenfeld
Katie Michelle Wieser
Erin Wilborn
Casey D Wilder
Ashley M. Wilhite LS
Brooke Wilkinson
Jason E. Williams
Joanne Williams
Richard James Williams
Stephany Williams
Dustin Wingett
Casey Wise
Kelsey Wisser
Kallie Wolseth
Shiann Wood DMD
Gina M. Woodward
Pei Jing Wu LS
Agyeman Tuffour Ababio
Rawan Fouad Abedalazeez
Gaspard Fidele Abimana
Severiano Acosta
Kalulo Anuna
Miriam Garza Aranda
Jonathan Arias
Mary Elizabeth Armstrong
Nanci Shna Arrington
Chace Kay Asher
Diecline Dorvil
James Bell * LS
Sylvia Bello
Lyle Travis Bennett
Venuste Bibakumana
Randi Leigh Bobb
Damian Brizuela
Asia Reyna Brown
Ashley Sue Burdette
Bryant Baltazar Cardenas
Bibiana Cardoso
Stembile Chinjonjo
Katherine Christopher
Van M Christopher
Rhonda Nyman ***
Rukundo Jean Marie Vianney
Marla Ailor ***
Briana F. Angelone ***
Donna E Owen
Sherley Lee Victor
Kimberly Aitken **
Jody-Ann Anglin
Sohanny Ozuna De Perez
Fadua Marileiny Villar
Courtney E Akers
Adam Angus ***
Rene A Padilla
Anthony Vu
Suzan Akers **
Adediwura Anifalaje *
Shawna Pearson
Kathleen S. Wahl
Kierstin Marie Aksz
Trisha Annis
Liane Peck ***
Kimberly Wakefield-Frierson
Julia Delores Alcantar LS
Nathan Ansel ***
Shane K. Peeples ***
Henry Whitehead
Tanya Aldape
Jocelyn Estefania Antillon *** LS
Geneses Nohemi Perez
Ashli Rebekah Willis
Alex Alden *** LS
William Isaac Anyane *
Javier Perez
Ebony Windy
Justin Alderman **
Natalie Anne Anzini ***
Brian Thomas Piekut
Jia Wen Yang
Colleen Alexander
Selenia Apodaca ***
Earthwind Gabriel Presas de la Cruz
Wycliff Mogaka Yiemi
Kayla Alexander
Grant Fulton Applegate ***
Emmanuelle S. Reveil
Islam Zinxhirija
Nicole Marie Ali ***
Jennifer Araujo
Syed Ali ***
Sarah Arce *
Violeta Alijaj
Shelby Rose Aretz *
Danielle Iva Allan *
Brooke Argeny **
Kathleen Allard ** LS
Georgy Ardzhevnishvili
Ashley Allen **
Kaylee Renee Armstead ***
Donzella Allen
Lourdes Arnillas ***
Linda Allen *** DMD ASL LS
Jacqueline Lanai Arnold ***
Norma Jean Allen *** LS
Jessica Vann Arnold *** LS
Teresa Allen *** DMD ASL LS
Yvonne Arredondo
Lena Marie Allison *
Jorge A Arreola ***
Jamie Alongi *
Natalie Ivette Arroyo *
Danielle Alston ***
Bernat Arumí Navés *
Kirsy Alvarado *** LS
Ebony Arvin
Jocelyn Arriaga *
Ashim Aryal ** LS
Giovanni Ambrosio
Danielle Asbury
Brian R. Ames Jr *** LS
Joseph Aschenbrenner ***
Heather Ames ** LS
Jacqueline Ash *
Tara Ames **
Letricia Tylaine Ashley LS
Adam Amos
Dyllon Ashton *** LS
Andre Michael Anderson
Jordan Lynn Ashworth **
Brodee Anderson ***
Joel Asobo * LS
Michael Anderson **
Marissa Atherton **
Shane M. Anderson * LS
Carissa Atwood * LS
Kristen Andreozzi LS
Brandon Aube ***
Thomas Howard Andrews **
Tiffany Aukes
Alvarez Ruz Angel
Christina Austin LS
Frank Angelico ***
David Austin
Chad Angell *** DMD ASL LS
Dawn M. Austin ***
Clay Veil Rivers III
Eduardo Ernesto Rodriguez
Elena Rodriguez
Fred Rubagenga
Jean Claude Rurinda
Gapira Sadiki
Heather Marie Sageser
Eirena Adjovi Salako-Tohouo
Matthew Santizo
Nichole L Sardinha
Robyn Shwedo
Rafiki Shyaka
Bethany Arin Smith
Janella Smith
Nichole Smith
Aissata Soulama
Angela Lea Starks
Safiya Stewart-Sagoua
Gervais Teholo Youlou
Yhemmy K Tejeda
David Keith Thomas
Kimberly Maria Tomasi
Adama Tou
Beatrice Tuyishimire
Lucia Ugbesia
Christian Umuhire
Aline Uwase
Juan Ramon Vallejo
Adham Abdelrahman
Jamil Abdulai *
Bahar Abullarade *** LS
Juan Carlos Achi ***
Adam Michael Acker ***
Hiram A. AcostaGamboa
Rachel Adair ***
Jerry W Adamick Jr *
Antrece B. Adams ***
Carrie Adams ***
Jason Adams * LS
Kyle Adams *** LS DMD
Robert Lincoln Adams **
Ronald E Adams *
Sherri Adams ***
Joseph Aderman *
Rahman Aftab *** LS
Kalee Aguilar
Melissa G Aguilar ***
Sarah Jane Aguilar
Sana Ahmad *
Peter Marshall Aho ** LS
Mary Aiello ***
Nina Aiello
Kyra Kathyrine-Judith Austin ***
Samantha Barlow ***
Shawn Patrick Bellamy
Lynn A. Biesiadecki ***
Giovanna Barnes
Kristin Bellemore ***
Justin J. Bigler *** LS DMD
Donald Autieri ***
Keyon R Barnes
Nancy Belli ***
Tara Nicole Bilecki *** LS
Kyle V. Avantagiato *** LS ASL
Leann Barnett
Marcy Elaine Belliveau ***
Rachel Billetter *
Israel Avendano ** LS
Anthony Barnhart ** LS
Bonnie Belot ***
Devin Bilyeu-Lowery LS
Kristina Avery *
Matthew Barnhart ***
Kimberly Barone *
Robert Sean Belzer *** DMD ASL
Sarah Elizabeth Birdwell *
Tracy Ayala
Mariangely Figueroa Barone *
Robin Benard *** LS
Elizabeth Black
Erin Ann Barraza *** LS
Christina Benavides Shay
Jessica Black
Ronald A. Barraza *** LS
Garrett Bender ***
Timothy Aaron Black *
Edith Barrios
Beatrice Benedict
Kari Blackheart *** LS
William Bartolini
Amber Benge ***
Caitlyn Blake ***
Audaysha Shalae' Baskerville **
Beatriz Benigno * LS
Brandon Blanchard LS
Kathleen M. Bastarache ***
Claudia Benitez ***
John Cameron Blank * LS
Jessica Bates ***
Trichell Benitez
Megan Blatsioris *** LS
Melvin Bates Jr.
Kevin Benner ***
Audrey C Blonk LS
Pamela Dawn Baumbach *** LS
Haley Bennett
Siedah Blount
Victoria Grace Bavington ***
Katheryn Bennett ** LS
Leeann Bly *** LS
Stacie Baxter **
Trey Bennett *
William Blythe
Brittany Bayarsky
Danielle Benson ***
Joshua Boardwine ***
David Bayles **
Patrice Benson **
Lilly Boback
Aislyn Ryan Beachum *** DMD
Susan C. Bobb *** DMD LS
Joseph Baldwin **
Christopher Charles Bentley ***
Robert Henry Baldwin Jr. ***
Marretha Beal ***
MaKena Bodine ***
Shelina Bali ***
Andrea Bean ***
Demetree Hattiel Benton-Sullivan
* LS
Brittani Ball ***
John Limar Beard
Sara A Balsitis *** LS DMD ASL
Samuel Buford Bearden ** LS
Jessica E. Banahene ** LS
Christopher Jay Banks *** LS
Evan Andrew Beaton *** DMD
James Banks ***
Kyle Kenneth Back **
Sarah Bade *** LS DMD ASL
Hayley Riddle Badillo **
Cassidy Bahadori
Carissa L Bailon
Michelle Bailye **
Paramvir Bains
Brianna Baker LS
Jazel Jamie Baker ***
Nicole Ann Baker * LS
Rachael Baker-Cole
Emily Elizabeth Bakken
Cody Bala ***
Leana Balasco *
Rudy Balderrama
Leeroy Daniel Bodden *
Chelsey Bentz
Junior K Boley
Matthew Bergamo ***
Natalie S. Bolling * LS
John Bergeron *
Amy B. Bond *** LS
Mekkah Bergeron * LS
Amber Bonesteel ***
John C. Beck ***
Steven Berglund
Carmen H Banner **
Ahren Becker
Taylore Bergquist *
Lynne Bonitatibus *** LS DMD
Donna Baptist *** DMD LS
Henry Beckford
Ryan William Berthiaume *** LS
Kasia Baran
Genevieve Becksted Muske ***
Jodi Bertrand ***
Kevin Bedard ***
Nicole BetanCourt LS
Cullen Jason Behling
Sabrina Beverly
Ryan J Behm * LS
Stephanie Ann Bewley ***
Anne K Beidler ***
Tina Marie Bianchi ***
Rachel Belisle ***
Krista L. Biehl
Jonathan Belk ***
Elizabeth Bieler *
Tania Barbosa Medina
Jennifer Lee Barclay
Gustavo A Barillas ** LS
Christi Ovchinnikov Barker ** CS
Sarah Barker
Natalia Bisneto
Kimberly J Bertrand ***
Laken Bonjour
Sully Bonnelly
Angela Bontempi ** LS
Jade Booker ***
Jacob Boone
Bonnie Alice Potter Boop
Tara Booth *
Jennifer Ann Boren *** LS
Elizabeth Boring ***
Marie Borjon
Danielle Brochu ***
Steven Lee Bullock
Lisa Cannavino
Michael Bosselman ***
Tiffany Brock
Ryan Michael Buotte
Mallory Renee Cannon LS
Chelsea Bottiglio
Cara Brocx ***
Branton Burd
Sarah N. Cantrell *
Kaitlin Bottoms
Shannon Brookhart ***
Michelle Burgess ** LS
Betty Capers Doss
Nicholas Bouchard LS
Adam Brooks
Myles Elliott Burgess ** LS
Holly Ann Capobianco **
Jordan Boucher
Omeka Brooks * LS
Meagan Burks ***
Domenico Caragiulo
Toni-Marie Boucher
Ada Mary Brown ***
Kevin Wayne Burnett ***
Helen Carbajal **
Tanya Bourassa **
Akili B Brown LS
RayChelle Burns *** DMD ASL
Christina Ann Carbaugh *
Natasha Bourgo *
Andrea Brown
Miriam Burrow ** CS
Nicholas Carbaugh
Dalton S. Bouvier ***
Andrew Austin Brown ***
Sabrina Karen Burt CS LS
Kasey Carberry
Christina Bowen * LS
Brittany Victoria Brown **
Shane Burton **
Hayley Carbone **
Kimberly Bowen *
Cameron Brown
Phillip N. Buser
Jessica Miranda Cardenas LS
April Bowers
China Brown
Michelle Bush
John A Cardillo III
Hunter Bowman
Connie Brown *** CS
Anthony Carey
James Bown LS
Danielle Brown **
Victor Manuel Bustamante-Morales
DeMia Brown *
Christina Ariel Buster LS
Jamie F Carleton
Jasmine Michele Brown
William Butts **
Anthony Carlino ** LS
Jessica Brown **
Kim Buzzendore ** LS
Branden Carlson **
Joseph A Brown ***
Katrina Byers ***
Dylan Roger Carlson ***
Katelyn Reid Brown
April Byfield * LS
Jessica Carlson *
Mariah Brown **
Nicole Kennedy Byington *** LS
Kathleen Brandao
Nicholas Brown **
Breanna Bynum **
Leslie Elizabeth Turner Carlson **
Jeremy Brannon
Nicole D. Brown *** DMD ASL CS
Brenda Michelle Byrd *** CS
Marilyn Carlson *
Timothy Russell Brannon *
Otis Brown
Karen C. Bywaters ***
Jame Carlton LS
Jonathan S Braught ***
Salisa Brown *** DMD ASL LS
Jesus E Cabrera Jr * LS
Tania Talavera ***
Daniel Chad Brazier *** LS
Vicola Letitia Brown
R. Raymond Cabrera
Elizabeth Carmignani ***
Izabela M. Brazinsky **
Carolann Nicole Browning ***
Tracy Cade
Noah Carmon
Ronald D Bremer ** LS
Kristina C. Brunette ***
Caprice Marie Scott *** LS
Kelsey Ann Carney
Jamie Bresee *
Marisa Bruno ***
Bryan Joseph Caisse **
Brandon Carpenter ***
Jodi Brett ***
Tiffany Brustowicz ***
Laurick Calanno
Kimberly Ann Carpenter *
Jessica D Brewer
Ann Marie Bryant **
Bethany Haley Calderon *** LS
Aaron Carr
Shanna Brewer ** LS
Joel Christopher Bryant **
Isaiah Lee Callands *** LS
Anna Carr **
Susan M Brewer *** LS
Keonna Willia Mae Bryant *
Brianna Callery * LS
Jacqueline Carrillo ***
Eleanor Bricker **
Tyler Brydon ***
John Robert Calloway Jr *
Elizabeth Carroll ***
Therisamarie Bridges *** LS
Kelli Marie Buckley ***
Cristy M Camacho
Lorealle Jane Carroll ***
Maline Brijpaul ** LS
Tanya Buckley **
Lara Jean Camberg *
Christopher O'bryant Carter
Sarah Bringhurst
Amber Buckner
Kathleen Campbell
Keyana O Carter LS
Hector Briones-Pena **
Chantel Buckner LS
Nicole Canaday *
Mary Carter ** LS
Matthew Richard Briscoe *
Luis Daniel Buezo
Nicholas Ferguson Candage **
Michelle Carter
Taylor Bristow ***
Heather Buffa LS
Justin Canion *
Sandra Marie Carter
Heather Boyce ***
Nicholas Gary Boyd LS
Tiffany Boyd-Holley
Jasmine S Boyer ** LS
Melissa Ann Bozeman *
Marion Bracely
Kacy Carlberg ***
Shae Louise Carter
Tasha Chapman *** LS DMD ASL
Melissa Alma Rae Clay ***
Sarah Ann Coonan **
Jeremy S Caruso
Bryan Chappell *** DMD ASL
Zane Clayburn ***
Heather Colette Cooper * LS
Mark David Caruso *
Joshua Chappell LS
Stephanie Cleaver ***
Rachel Gabrielle Cooper LS
Cassandra Carvo
Nathan Charais ***
Joanne Cline ** LS
Shernitta Cooper **
Jeffrey Cascio ***
Victoria Elena Charbonneau ***
Marieanne Line Close ***
Amber Dale Copeland **
Clayton David Case
Micalla Charles ** LS
Nathaniel Clouser-Simerlink ***
Shaun Copeland ***
Leidy Casella ***
Michael Chase ** LS
Ravan Tierra Clowers *
Nikki Cordosi *** LS
Alexandria Evelyn Cash ** LS
Anish Chauhan ***
Sean M Coburn
Wesley Cornelius ***
Richard Ray Casler ***
Gaurav Chavda ***
Jerilynn Cochran
Brandi Cota
Clayton Scott Cason ***
William E. Cherin ***
Elizabeth Cogliano ***
Alexander E. Coté *
Sarah Dawn Casper
Cheruiyot Clarence Kigen
Darci JoHanna Cohen
Carl Glen Cotter Jr.
Kimberly Castellini ***
Kiana T Chiarulli *** DMD LS
Ezra Cohen
Trent Cottingham
Jaime Castillo LS
Candace M. Chicko
Jessica Cole ***
Hannah Rose Cotton **
Victoria Castillo **
Krista Lynn Chmielewski
Paula Cole ***
Lisa Marie Cottone *** LS
Kahel Gavin Castleman
Rachal Christensen
Shadia Marie Coley *
Tamara Jean Couch *** DMD
Carson Nathaniel Casto ***
Olivia Christman
Garrett Colfer *
Haley Counts ** LS
Rosemarie Castore ***
Demis E Christodlous ***
Tatiana A. Coll LS
Aimee Cournoyer ***
David Castro *** LS
Zachery Dylan Christopher ** LS
Alexander O'Neal Collins
Dave Coutard *** LS
Ashley Hope Catalano
Ha Na Chun **
Catherine Collins
Cody Covert *
Jared Catalano ***
Corynne Church
Soleil Collins *
Mark Coviello **
Stephanie Ann Catanach *** ASL
Chandler Churchill *
Wendy Collins *
Brian Keith Cox Jr. ***
Frankie Ciaramella
Katie Colon ***
Christalle Cox LS
Bridget Cashman - Cates
Vanessa Cicchiani
Andrew Colquitt
Holland Cox
Chelsey Caulfield *** ASL
Ashley Cifrodello
John Salvatore Colquitt
Jon Carl Cox ***
Thomas Cawley *
Jacqueline Cisneros
Joseph Columbro Jr. ***
Kenneth Dwayne Cox
Floyd Caywood
Jacob Clack ***
Christopher Comer
Brandon Coy **
Michael Charles Cedotal Jr. ***
Rachel Claflin **
Matteo Comparini **
Denise Craver
Angeline Clapper
Spencer Compton *** LS
Christopher A. Crayton ***
Amanda Clark ***
Joseph Condon **
Tiffany J Creasey * LS
Amy Michele Clark * LS
Kathryn Conkle ***
Morgan Creasy
Jessie Elizabeth Clark *
Jennifer Conley
Whitney Dawn Cremeens ***
Lance Frederick Clark
Shayna Leigh Connelly
Darrel Crenshaw **
Nicholas Peter Clark **
Courtney Leigh Connor ***
Alan Creson **
Ryan Joseph Clark ***
Ariel Conrad
Lauriana A. Crespo *
Ryan Lee Clark
Jonathan Conry
Tracy Ann Crestani LS
Shadonna O. Clark ***
Cristhian Contreras *
Cheryl Crevier ***
Thadeus Clark LS
Cinthya Contreras **
Carrie Crim * DMD LS
Donna Jehri Maytubby Clarke **
Michael W. Cook Jr.
Samantha Crise **
Jacqueline A. Clausnitzer *** DMD
Phillip L Cook *** DMD ASL
Karli Kay Crosser **
Benjamin Cool
Jaelynn Croteau ***
Camila Fernanda Celis
Geneva R Cephus
Angelica Samantha Cerda
Megan Cereceres ***
Santino John Cerino ***
Tyler N. Chaisson
Kevin Chambers ***
Christopher Chaney **
Jessica Chapin
Amber Chaplin
John Patrick Chapman *** DMD
Lerald Chapman ***
Ryan Crovetto **
Andreal Davis
Christopher Joseph DeSilvio
Amani Douglas **
Shirley Crown LS
Jennifer Davis *
Mark Desjardins ** LS
Kayla Aidrean Crumpton ***
John L. Davis
Adam DeToma ***
Kamron James Harrison Douglas
Holly Cruz ***
Meghan Mary Davis
Ashley Devine *
Andrew Madison Dow
Jacqueline Flohr Cruz
Tiyana Lakenya Davis ***
Joseph Robert Devine Jr. ** LS
Stacy Dowling ***
Megan Cruz ***
Kallie Daviscourt
Mikayla Irene Devlin *** LS
Krystal Downs *
Neysha Marie Cruz *** LS
Christopher Davison **
Troy Dewald ***
Lee Downs ***
Alex J Cseh ***
Miranda Davison
Nara Rubia Deyton *** LS
Bryan Doxsee ***
Ivy M. Cuevas
Narek Davoodian LS
Tracy Anne Diamantoplos *** LS
Amanda Doyle **
Megan Culver
Danielle Dawes LS
Brenda Diaz
Julie A. Drainville ***
Marylou Cummings ***
Brooks Dawson
Edward Diaz **
Jada Drake
Natalie Cummings
Michael Dawson ** LS
Yu Lia Diaz ***
Larry Drake
Joshua M Cunha
Isaiah De La Cruz
Nicholas Diazdeleon
Vida C. Drake ** LS
Levi Cunningham LS
Saul David-Nicholas De La Paz
Brittney DiBartolo
Soumaiya Drame ** LS
Jo Cupplo
Shelby Dean
George Dibert **
Stephen Drexler ***
Kilie Cusick
Steven Dean *** LS
Chase Devin Didricksen *** LS
Patrick Driscoll *
Mariah Cusson *** LS DMD
Jeanette Camilla DeChiara
Stephanie DiGregorio ***
Michelle Christine Drolette ***
Amy Cyr *
Eric Decker
Daryl Enyinnaya Dike ***
Isabella Thonie Droll *
Jessica Odette Cyr
Victoria Decosta
Jerald Dilley *
Yanni Drougas
Kayla Nicole Cyrus ** LS
Alaina Deffely *** DMD CS LS
Jason Andrew DiMauro *
Tessa Marie D'Souza ***
Sandra D'Alessandro **
Jeffrey M. De Groff ***
Daniel Disanto *
Maalani Du Plessis ***
Ariodante W D'Antilio ***
Blake Geoffrey DeHart ***
Elaine A. DiScuillo *** LS
Tiffany Duane * LS
Dominic D'Antilio ***
Anthony J. Dehner ***
Christine S DiStefano
Paulo Duarte ***
Vanessa Leigh Dadurian ***
Natalie Del Valle **
Kayla Marie Dixon **
Casey Ellen Ducharme
Ryan Dahlberg
Kristi DeLabio *
Jacob Daniel Dmyterko ***
Michelle Duchene
Kaylie Dake
Juanita M. Delacruz *
Becky M Dobbratz
Megan Marie Duck LS
Sandra Lisa Dalomba *** LS
Estefane Souza Delfino
Christopher A Dodge ***
Kristin Duffey ***
Micah J Dalton **
Adrian J. Delgado **
Michael James Dodge *** LS
Debora Dufour ** LS
Julian Dan *
Karmen Flores Delgado **
Jessica Dollahon *** LS
James Duhigg ***
Arica Dancy LS
Nicholyeliz Delgado Reyes
Jacob Domingue
Shawn L Duhon LS
Roger L Daniel LS
Fernand A Delisle IV ***
Kendall Dommel
Matthew DuMont **
Neetu Daniels ***
Scott Delmont ***
Joel B. M. Dunbar ** CS LS
Rebecca Daniels
Amanda Delpidio LS
Heather Glenne Donaldson ***
Viorica V Darii ***
Sherry-Lynn Demelo ***
Caitlin Donnally
Jennifer R. Duncan
Kenan Das *
Cassandra Denetchee LS
Adam Donnelly *
Shantrelle Duncan *
Patricia Dates *** ASL LS
Michael Denis LS
Christopher Joseph Dorin ** LS
Edward Dunn Jr. ***
Brittany Margaret Dauglash *** LS
Kimberly Smiley Densley CS
Kelly Page Dorman
Laura Dunsmore
Allyson Davies ** LS
Amber Derosier ***
Stephen Vincent Dorn ***
Ashley Dupre ***
Christina Davila LS
Alyssa Joy Derr **
Joselyn Marie Doss LS
Kristi Michelle Dupuy
Abigail P Davis
Holly Derr * LS
Kimberly M Doughty
Sara Duquette **
Tucker Nathaniel Dunbar **
Robert Durazo
Desiree C Enman
Kylee Farris ***
William P Flanders * LS
Jennifer N. Durfee *
Alyssa Marie Enriquez
Michael T. Farthing *** DMD LS
Rebecca Flanigan **
Tiffany Sherie Durham CS LS
Jasmine Enriquez
British H. Fate
Sean Flavin ***
Heather A. Dussack *** DMD ASL
Camille Epps LS
Derek Faul
Skyler Florence **
Jonathan Epstein
Thomas Donovan Faunce
Elisabeth Flores **
Susan Dussault
Ellen J Erickson ***
Geovanny Febus Marin LS
Emily Griffin-Flores
Dawn Krista Medalla Duterte ***
Jared Ernst ***
Amber Fecteau ***
Gabriel M Flugrad ***
Danielle CoriAnna Ervin *** LS
Kevin Feldman
Kaitlyn Elizabeth Flynn **
Matthew David Esancy ***
Hailey Feldt
Morgan McKinley Flynn
Nikki Escobar ***
Robert Kole Feltman *
Scott Fodrocy LS
David Espindola ***
Matthew Fenrick
Aimee Foley * LS
Arthur R Espinosa III **
Maranda Fenton **
Sarah K. Foley
Susan Yvonne Espinoza LS
Alexandria Rhinehart
Kyra Fong ** LS
Mickel Jude Pascal Estime *
Maria E. Ferguson *
David J Forbes ***
Rafael Estrada Jr
Mercedez Ferguson ** LS
Rhea Ford
Catarino Estradasanchez *
Skylar Ferguson
Patrick J. Forman ***
Jael Estrella **
Elizabeth Ferland
Alyssa Fornelli ***
Wilda Etana ***
Chasity Marie Fetters
Lisa Fortier ***
Lucterson Etienne LS
Ashley Fortin * CS LS
Joseph Etri ***
Brandon Andrew Fichera *** DMD
Kimberly Eubanks **
Brandon Fields
Todd Forward *** LS
Amanda Evans *
Andre G Figueroa LS
Frankie Fosdick ***
Gwendolyn Nannette Evans ** LS
Noel Figueroa
Donald Foster *** LS
Jamela Evans * LS
Alicia Fikes **
Kaci Evans *
Lesly Filien **
Frances Katrina Foster ** DMD ASL
Tafauwn Evans LS
Cory Findlay *** ASL
Tyler Foster *** LS
Xavier Evans *
Dilandrea Finley ***
Ashley Evins **
Nicole Finnerty
Mckenzie Karla Foust *** DMD
Broghan Eyer *
Jason Fiorentino *
Andrea Fowler
Jason Faatz
David Joel Fischbein *
Belinda Fowler ***
Chelsea Fabrizzio
Casey Fischer
Crystal D Fowler
Brenda Fair *** LS
Michael Fischer ***
Matthew Fowler * LS
Tyler-James Fairall
David Fisher *** DMD
Melissa Fowler **
Christopher Fall ***
James Fisher ***
Michelle Fowlston **
Jacob Fant ***
Joshua Fisher ***
Courtney Foxworth ** LS
Anthony Farber ***
Brandon FitzGerald * LS
Bertide Francois ***
Gustavo Lopes Faria Jr. *** ASL
Kaitlyn Ann Fitzgerald ***
Kyle Frane *** LS
Christine Farner LS
Jeremy Flagg ***
Jared Franklin *
Suzanne Farrelly *
James Flaherty **
Michelle Denise Franklin
Catherine E Farrington
Nicole L Flaherty
Shannon Marie Freda
Michelle Dwyer *** DMD ASL LS
Lisa Dymond *** LS
Felicia Dzialo
Jaclyn Earabino ***
Linda Marie Earle LS
Ashley N. Easley
Tanekai D. Echols
Shauna Edmonson *** LS
Joshua Edwards
Nicholas L. Edwards *** LS
Dana Eisemann ***
Mercedes Eising
Mohamed Eissa
Naomi Elam ***
Carla Elboustani LS
Jenan Elcheikhali **
Bryan R. Elford **
Omnia Elgoodah *** LS
Ashley S. Elijah
Ryan Elliott
William Elliott *** LS DMD
Billie Ellis
Kevin T. Ellis ***
Patrick Ellis ***
Shelly Ellis
Ayoub ElMekaoui ***
Gina Elton ***
Melanie Emerick
Jahreem Andrew Encarnacion ***
Melissa Endicott ***
Gold Eneyo **
Jacqueline English
Jason Fortune **
Wesley Freeman
Rebecca Geller
Christopher Goglia *** LS
LaTonia Nicole Gray *
Christopher Adam Freitag ***
Shaundra Generalao
Jake Gomes **
Andrea A Grayer ** LS
Stefanie Friedman ***
Russell Genet *** LS
Melissa Dorothy Gomez *** LS
Neffertari Kenyatta Grayton *** LS
Emilee Beth Frost *** DMD
Paul Genord
Narolin Gomez
Amanda Neal
Liberty Frost **
Annika Gentry ***
Dyami Gonsalves ***
David Green
Jaclyn Elizabeth Fruci ***
Ashlee Gentry Smith ***
Jessica Green ***
Robert Luis Fulkerson
Liby Jojy George ***
Koryn A. Gontarek *** DMD ASL
Dillon Geradine **
Adam D Gonzales ***
Mark Green **
Mathew Gerdes ***
Angelica Louise Gonzales ***
Shellie Green ** LS
Kevin Armand Germain
Jessica Gonzales **
Yolanda Ann Green **
Melissa German ***
Christine Julia Gonzalez * LS
Augustus Byron Greene, IV ***
Brittany Gervais ***
Daniel Gonzalez
Connor Greene
Jacinda Irene Gessel
Fran Gonzalez **
Jennifer Greene ***
Melissa E Getchell ** LS
Ivan Gonzalez *
Jennifer Lynn Greene *
Briana Marie Giancola *
Nilda Lee Gonzalez ***
Madison P Greenhalgh **
Tempprince Gibbons ***
Robin Gonzalez *** LS
Chad A. Gregg
Timothy Giblin *
Stephanie Gonzalez *** LS
William Lee Gregg *
Alexis Elizabeth Gibson *
Elena Goode *
Jeremy Grenier
Nephertira Nicole Gibson
Elizabeth Goodwin LS
Jessica R Griffin *** DMD
Jennifer Gilbert *** DMD ASL
Kara-Leah Kris Goodwin *** ASL
John Wesley Griffin *** LS
Crystal Lynn Gillespie
Ranita Goodwin
Christine Grinley ***
Dustin Gillespie **
Sydney Rose Goodwin **
Travis Groce **
Kelly Charlene Gilmore
Carey Gordy ***
Taylor Grondin
Kevin Gilmore
Scott Edward Gormley **
Nicholas Gross ***
Beth Akemi Gilson ***
Kyle Gorr **
Freddy P. Gschwend II ** LS
Kevin Gilson **
Mysti Goss * LS
Michael Guerin *** DMD LS
Melissa Dawn Ginter *
Brendyn Michel Gosselin * LS
Shelby Guerrero
Courtney N Giordano ***
Kenneth Gossett **
Patricia Guerrier
Michelle Giorgio
Diane Louise Graca ***
Courtney Marie Guers ***
Megan May Giovannoni LS
Kristie Graciano LS
Harlee Lynn Guggisberg
Michael Gippert **
Justin J. Graffam *
Samantha C Guida ***
Ashley Girouard * LS
Corinne Andrea Graham ***
Vilner Guillaume * LS
Nicholas Girouard *
Paula Diane Graham ***
Tara Leigh Guillemette ***
Joshua Giuliano
Vicki Lynn Graham *** LS
Christian Kim David Gungon
Janessa Givens **
Noble J Graham-Lattin
Jordan Mathew Gupp ***
Elona Gjoni ***
Crystal L. Grant *** LS ASL
Garoshnie Gurcharan-Deen **
Torreco Glover *
Omar Grant Sr.
Victoria Evelyn Gush **
Serena Godek ***
Tanisha Grant ***
Carrie Camille Alejo *
Kenneth Brian Godwin *
Erik Gray **
Omar Gutierrez
Obarijima Godwin-Chu
Justin Gray
Paula C Gutierrez *** LS DMD ASL
Kimberly Ann Fuller * LS
Stephen Mackay Fuller LS
Sandy Furtado-Nardozza ***
Tina L. Gajda **
Wojciech Gajda
Samantha Valerie Galbreath ***
Bridget Emily Gallagher LS
Patrick J Gallaher *
Devin Gallegos ** LS
Timothy James Galvin *
Xander Gamble ** CS
Chastity Gammon ***
Matthew Gamory
Miguel R Garate *
Heather A. Garay *** LS DMD
Sarah Elizabeth Garber ***
Alyssa Renee Garcia **
Brianna Mary Garcia *
Dulce Maria Garcia *
Joshua Garcia
Kameron J. Garcia *** DMD ASL
Karen Yvette Garcia ***
James Robert Gardner Jr. ***
Wendy Garlock **
Casey Garrett
Miranda Gasior * LS
Emily Gaudinier
Sally Jane Gausman *** LS
Laura Adele Gauthier
Sahva G Gebrehiwet ***
Samuel Scott Gelber *
Luke Anthony Green ***
Ashley Gutshall
Bridget Harbes *
Nafeez Hassan Hill ** LS
Ladona Nishel Guy * LS
Timothy Hardiman **
Kevin Shea Healy Jr ***
Penny Hill *** LS DMD ASL
Jose Guzman ***
Alexis Harkness *
Susan Lee Hearn ***
Randy Hill
Marissa Guzman
Tyler Harley *
Tracy Heath *** LS DMD
William Hill ***
Jenice Guzman-Campbell
Amanda Cheryl Harlow *
Jonathan Wayne Hilliard ***
Altaaf Habibulla ***
John Harlow LS
Thomas Joseph Heben *** DMD
Krystal Harmon *
Kailin Heckert *
James Michael Hinch ***
Liliana Lizeth Haro **
Cole Jackson Hedrick LS
Mutsumi Yamagata Hackworth ***
Jason Harp ***
Sandra Hee ***
Jairzinho Stephen Hinds *** LS
Michelle Hadley
Baso Harper *** DMD LS
Te'Vawnn Hefflefinger *
Melissa Hines ***
Megan Hafler *** LS
Christopher L Harper
Ryan Helmer **
Alexis Lauren Hinson ***
Jacquelyn Hagelgans * LS
Jonathan Harper
Stephanie Helwig *** LS DMD ASL
Devin Hinson ***
Christopher Shane Hair
Roslyn Harrell
Andrea J. Henault *** LS
Hussein Hired
Jackie Hale **
Erica Harrington *** ASL
Tamisha Henderson *** LS
Karli Hirko
Anjali Naveena Haley **
Mackenzie Harrington
Thomas Kenneth Henderson ***
Curtistine Hite **
Gregory Haley *** DMD
Donna Elizabeth Harris ***
Trina Henderson *
Curtis Hitzeman
Alexandor Hall **
Marc Wendell Harris *
Thomas Hobart
Alisha Hall ***
Tina L. Harris
Ryan Lucas Hendricks *** DMD
Christopher Hall
Michael Harrison ***
Heather Hendrickson
Adam Hodge ***
Dominique Hall *
Melinda Harriss **
Nicholas Owen Henke **
Cristina Hodson * LS
Elizabeth Hall ***
Joshua Harsh ***
Jeanette Henley * LS
Beth Ann Hoenig LS
Krisanna Hall *** LS DMD ASL
Michael James Hartford ***
Greg Henrichs ***
Brayden Hoffman ***
Michelle Hall ***
Jason Hartley
Brian Henry LS
Tom Hoffman
Danielle Elaine Halpin-Moon ***
Kalene Hartman
Tracy Henry *** LS
Laura Hogan
Wafrika Shelvin Henry **
Maggie Hogan * LS
Christie Hensley
Jessica Holbrook *** LS ASL
Matthew Hensley *** DMD
Candie Holland *** LS DMD ASL
Willie B. Hentz **
Trevor Holland *** ASL
Roderick I. Hepburn * LS
Carleton L. Hollander ***
Erica Lynn Herald
John Hollcraft *** LS
Alexandra Hernandez Rosado ***
Drew Hollen *
Devin Herrick ***
Jennifer L. Hollingshead ***
Bryan Lee Herron
Crystal Elizabeth Say Holly **
Jennifer Hesse ***
Chauncy J Holmes *
David Hester II
Robert Holmes ** LS
Samantha Lynn Heth LS
Kayleen Renee Holmstrom
Susanne Maria Hayes *** LS
Monica Ann Hickel *** DMD ASL
Amanda Terese Holverson ***
Anthony Jerod Haygood
Warren S. L. Hicks ***
Jami Hayhurst *** LS
Leilanie Hidalgo ** LS
Hilary Hays Greenhalgh *** DMD
Stephanie Hilburn ***
Zalina Habj-Bik
Alex Myer Hackel *
Gregg Edward Halstead **
Katie Colleen Hamann
Annalie Hamilton *
Kailynn Hammond LS
Meaghan Hampton ***
Michelle Andrea Hampton ***
Erica Hancock *** DMD
Rachel Handy *
Deanna R. Hanke ***
John Hanna ** LS
Ryan Hanna *
Scott Robert Hanneman **
Kyle Hansen
Sarah Arleen Happe *
Samantha Marie Harty *
Melissa Harvey
Joseph Harvick
Anthony D Harwell Jr ***
Jessica Hastings-Johnson ***
Katherine A. Hatch *** DMD
Jon Havner * LS
Megan Hawkins
Peter Hawkins ***
Yalanda Hawkins
Ryan Hawley **
Jason Hayden ***
Amanda Marie Hilligan ** CS LS
Alex Hobbs
Jessica Holzbaur
Jared Hood **
Kristin Hood *
Rebecca Hooker
Aliza Rose Hunter ***
Tasha Jenkins
Crista Jones *
Shameca Hooper
Sharon Hunter ***
Trey Collins Jenkins CS
Diane Jones ** LS
Seth Hoover
Shauna Madeline Hunterton ***
Tyler Jenkins
Hope Jones
Amanda Hopkins *
Lacey Hunton
Ericah Jeter
Jacob Jones
Felicia Hopkins *
Dana Hurst ** LS
Sean M Jette ***
Kelli Jones
Hunter Hordusky
Tobey Hurtado ***
Maley Jewell ***
Kolton Sammuel Jones
Marla Horne ***
Britney Hutton *
Joshua Joel Jimenez ***
Kory Jones
Casey L Hoskins
Chad Hybarger **
Kailey Jimenez ***
Lena Mae Jones ***
Kayla Housel
Krystle L Hyde LS
Tiffany Jimenez
Nancy Jones ***
Connor Houser *
Danielle Iannelli ***
Ames Marie Jimmerson ***
Priscilla Jones ***
Ashley Hovey
Maite Ibanez
Janine V Jiron
Ricky B. Jones ***
Jennifer Rose Howard
Monica R. Ibarra
Danita A. Jno Baptiste *** ASL
Samuel B Jones II * LS
Yvonne Victoria Howard LS
Redzo Ibisevic
Christopher Jochims **
Shamonica Jones
Douglas R Howe
Jennifer Ijames
Katelyn Johns *** LS DMD
Vernon Paul Jones III *** DMD LS
Jena Howell ***
MaKenna Iller ** DMD CS
Alston K Johnson * LS
Nima Jooyandeh *
John Howell ***
Christal Joy Ingerman ***
Aresha Johnson *
Hannaan Joplin
Kimberly Howell **
Brian D. Inman *** CS LS
Benjamin Johnson ***
Adam Seth Jordan
Brittany N. Howellel *** LS
Dylan M. Isabelle
Brook Tana Johnson ***
LaTeya Rhiann Jordan
Colin Hubbard
Makhfuza Islomova **
Cassandra Johnson * LS
Kylie Jorgensen
Kyle Hubbard *
Jayson Israel
David Johnson ***
Emma Joseph ***
James G. Huber
Erica Josephine Ivancic
Derrick L. Johnson * LS
Ronald-Alexander Burton Joseph *
Abigail Hubler ***
Michael D. Ives *** LS
Heather Johnson
Marides Menager *** LS
Shane Hucker
Guy Jackson *** LS
Joe N Johnson III
Latoya Josey
Megan Elizabeth Hufferd *** LS
Joshua Jackson ***
Kathleen Johnson
Royce D Josey **
Mark Hugelmaier
Ola Jackson **
Kathryn Johnson ***
Jenna Pierre Joyner
Alexander Peter Hughes LS
Onika Alecia Jackson **
Olivia Johnson * LS
Francisco J. Juarez
Bernice Hughes *** LS
Edwina Jacobs
Paul Johnson ***
Gabriela Juarez *
Brittany Lee Gavitt
Kirstin Jamerson ***
Sean Johnson **
Kaley Julian *
Brooke Hughes ***
Tonio James *
Shannon Johnson ***
Alan W Jump **
Bryan N Hughes ***
Erica Jangula
Sherita M Johnson
Olivia Jurek
Dennis Hughes *** LS
Brianna Jaramillo LS
Star Lynette Johnson **
Sarah E. Slater Jury ***
Jake Hughes
Robinson Jaramillo ***
Thomas Johnson LS
Claudia P. Juskalian **
Azucena Huish *
Carole Jean-Francois ***
Zachary Johnson **
Joelle Kabongo
DeMeeta Hulett *** DMD
Lindsay Jeff ***
Chelsey Elizabeth Johnstad
Matthew A. Kaczkowski *** LS
Megan Huling
Jeremy Jeffers *** DMD ASL
Rebekah Johnstone ***
Taylor Kais ***
Summer Faith Hull
Barbara Jean Jellerson **
John Joiner
Kerrigan Kaiser
Victoria Renee Humann ***
Edward Randy Jenkins LS
Arden Jolley LS
Jessica Kamae **
Cassie Humes **
Jennifer Jenkins ***
Robert Jomisko ***
Ryan Kaminsky *
Araceli Hunt
Lynn M. Jenkins ***
Anita Jones **
Juliet Kampmeier
John Hunt *** LS
Ricky Jenkins * LS
Christine Jones
Kristen Marie Kandefer * LS
Patrick Kaniff *
Kerri Kerichenko
Teresa Kaniho
Arthur Kapera
Justin Kapinos *** LS
Ayla Karasahin
John Kassekert *** LS
James Katsoff
Ramneet Kaur
Kenneth Kayes
Tyler Kearn
Lindsy Kearney **
Sierra Skye Kearse *** LS ASL
Roberta F Keast ***
Caleb Keay
Jessica Keck **
Antonetta Marie Keevan ***
Miriam Danita Keeve
Laura Xuan Kegley
Eric Keigher **
Jessica Nicole Keim **
Jordan Scott Keith **
Shayla Lee Kelleher ** LS
Brian Kelley
Katie Kelley **
Rebecca Forbus Kelley *** CS LS
Joshua Kelly LS
Michelle Elizabeth Kelly
Rochelle Kelly
Michelle Lynn Kelly-Deschenes
*** LS
Andrew Kempf ***
Cooper Anthony Carsten Kenck **
Jonathan Patrick Kennedy
Samantha Kennedy *
Zachary Kennedy ***
Sarah Lamb ***
Alyssa Kerr *** LS
Michael Benjamin Knight *** LS
Nicole Keskula ** LS
Frederick Knospe *
Chelsea Jonas Lamond **
Stacey Elizabeth Kessler LS
Courtney Kocheran
Cari Lamontagne
Khajik Khajadourian *
Michael J. Kochersperger
Heather Dawn Lampley-Jones **
Aneela Khan
Sarah Koellisch *** DMD
Jennifer L. Landaeta
Brian Khoo *
Shannon Kolb ***
Corey Landante **
Elisha Kidd *
Kerri Kolenbrander ***
Carrie Landers ***
Laurie Kidston
Nathan Scott Korenak LS
Tina Lane ** LS
Krysten Kiefer
Jarrett Korn **
Jessica P. Lanfranco
Nicholas Brian Kiel
Ashley Koski
Joseph Lang **
Kelly Kilpatrick LS
Ashley Morgan Koslosky LS
Jennifer Langlais *** LS
Amanda Christine Kim
Victoria Kostrzynski *
Emily Langton LS
Dong Kim *
Talent Danice Kotee
Jennifer A Langton
Monirina Kim *** DMD
Samira Kottat ***
Karen Lantigua LS
Noah Kim
Lauren Ashley Krasinski
Nicholas LaPaglia
Lacey Leigh Kincaid *** LS
Elizabeth Krause ***
Mykle J Lape Jr. ***
Morgan Kincaid ** LS
Jami Krayeski ** ASL
Rebecca Marie LaPierre *
Alec Kinder
Victoria Krehl
Keith Marc Lapointe ***
Alexa King ***
Brandy Kress **
Fernando Javier Lara ***
David King * LS
James Garo Krikorian **
Jacqueline Lara-Johnson ***
Joshua King **
Sara Kroening ***
Jordan A. Lareau
MacKenzie King
Ryan Marshall Krum *
Taryn Larkin
Maxwell Butler King
Edward W Kubic III *
Catherine Joan Larochelle
Micah Meshach King
Laura Lee Kubulins ***
Gregory LaRock
Robert King ***
Isabel Kudlinski ***
Erik Larsen ***
Ryan Kinne
Eli Joseph Kugler ***
Ann Laskowski ***
Daniel Kinnibrugh **
Sherry Kuhns *
Bryan Lathrop **
Kimberly Kirby LS
Lynda Kullman ***
Amy L. Latinka *
Stacy Kirby LS
Matthew Kuntz * LS
Zachary M. Laudati
Brian Kishimoto
Rachel Labouef ***
Richard Joseph Lauer ***
Kyle Klein *
Samantha C LaCounte
Jessica Michelle Laureano ***
Cassandra Kleinsorgen-Lalos ***
Alyssa Lacourse ***
Kerrol F. Laurent
Amanda Klicka ***
Nicole Irene Ladue
Katelyn Lavoie
David Lambert ***
Shanley Kline
Darryl K Lafleur *** CS LS
Michael Raymond Kennelly ** LS
Jenna Knapp
Geanna M. LaFleur LS
Steven Edward Lavoie *** DMD
Cassandra C. Kenney *
Zachary Martin Knebel **
Jamie Lynn Lafo ** CS LS
Brandy Lawrence **
Rebecca Kenney
Heather Knichel **
Ann Marie Lallier *** CS
Angela Louise Lawton **
Zachary Kerby *
Adrienne Marie Knight ***
Steve Edward Lamar, Jr LS
Anna Lawton **
Boyd Robert Kerbyson ***
Jairus A Knight
Stevie Nichole Lamas **
Erin Suzanne Layne ***
Ernie Lazos LS
Kailah Lewis
Florence Lowe ***
Eduardo Mamut ***
Vincent Thomas Leadley
Stephanie Lewis **
Lisa Celeste Lowe
Stephanie Leary ***
Tremayne J. Lewis
Lane Lucas *
Anthony Robert Manderichio ***
Tammie Lynn Leavitt DMD ASL LS
Felicitas Janeth Liclan ***
Michael Luce
Amber Lynn Manix *
Michael LeBoeuf
Joan Marie Light **
Stacey Lucerini ** LS
Alicia Mann
Curtis A. Lebron **
Christina Ligon
Michael Ray Lucero **
Samantha Mann
Ivelisse Lebron *
Kurry C. Ligons
Sandra Lucia ***
Ashley Mannisto *
Matthew Edward Ritter LeClere CS
Nicholas Liliedahl **
Skyler Ludgate
Becky Manrodt * LS
Daniel R Leduc *
Kathy Lilly
Jinelle Lugo
Rita Lynn Manser *
Brenda Ledvina ***
Brittney Lim
Roselee Lugo ***
Lauren Lynn Mansfield **
Alexis Lee
William Lince * LS
Roxanna Maria Lugo Manon
Nadeem Mansouri ***
Debra Lee
Melissa A. Lincoln ** LS
Yvonne Luna CS LS
Thomas Mantia
Jasmine Lee
Michael Lindsey
Brian Robert Lund
Adrian Cesar Ceralde Manuel *
Junwing Lee *
Edward Linehan *** LS
Samantha Renee Weight
Paija Manzo *** LS
Rachel Lee *** DMD
Megan Linehan
Sean Lupo **
Yuliya Marchak
Rebecca Lee ***
Samantha Lino
Carrie Elizabeth Lussier ***
Christopher Marchant *
Tanya Lefebvre ***
German Lira **
Jacob Lylis
Paul Marinaccio
Shanquitta Leflore
Chell Antoinette Little
Ashlie Lynch ***
Raymond A Marineau *
Justin Robert Legere *
Lauren Liu
Jacob Remington Lynch *
Christopher Marion *** LS
Bradley Lehman **
Joshua D. Livezey *** DMD
Rachel Lyons
Kelcey Markel *
Trisha Leichty
Keola R. Longo *** LS DMD
Michael Maagero *** LS ASL
Tina J. Marlnee *** LS
Jerry Leite *** LS
Ashley M. Longobardo
Bethlehem Leah Abad Macias ***
Devon Marotta * LS
Brandon Jose Lemus *** LS
Virginia Gutierrez-Longoria ** LS
Kyle MacKay **
Sharion Marotta ***
Keilyn Lemus *
Alyssa June Longworth LS
William Mackay *** LS DMD
Jennifer Marquez
Lyon Leonard *
Ayla Lopez ***
Joshua J Mackey
Jason Marr ***
Ashlee Paige LePage * LS
Erika Lopez **
Lindsey Mackey **
Ryan Adam Marrero ***
Reese G. LePard
Jaime Lopez **
Sean Mackey
Gary Marrs ***
Sharon Lepein
Jennifer S. Lopez ***
Vicki Lynn Macklin ***
Amber Marshall **
Heath Leroue LS
Joaquin E Lopez **
Lauren Ashley MacPherson *
Ashlynn Marshall
Joseph Lesko ***
Miguel Angel Lopez, Jr ***
Lindsay MacTavish ***
Danielle Marshall ***
Nina Lester ***
Suni Lopez
Rachel R Maddox LS
Rebecca Marshall ***
Robin Lester * LS
Mario Lopez-Mata LS
Keri Madensky
Ellis Marte **
Daniel Levesque ***
Jenny Lopez-Ogle * LS
Alexa Magoc **
Felicia Lagasse-Marte
Megan Levesque *
Stephanie Ann Lorenzo
Samuel Mainini *** LS
Ann Lovig Martell *** LS
David Levian ***
Justin M. Loreti ***
Ashlee Rae Majeski ***
Alyssa Marie Martin *
Ryan Jeffrey Levie *
Haley Nicole Lott *
Kyle Nicholas Makris *** LS
Amber Marie Martin ***
Alyssa Ann Lewis ***
Myisha Leanza Louis LS
Alexis Esther Dahan **
Ellen Martin ***
Debra Lewis
Tremaine V Louis *
Jacob Mallard
Jocelynn Arianna Martin LS
Erika Lewis * LS
Amanda L. Loveless *** CS
Sada Mallory * LS
Megan Martin
Jake Maxwell Lewis **
Christina Lovell *
Aylessa Malone
Robert Martin *
Stacy Martin ***
Lauren Patricia McCarthy ***
Pia-Aurora McLaughlin *** DMD
Paxton Edward Mena
Elizabeth Martinez ***
Darryl McCauley ** LS
James McLeod III *
Marisa Louise Menchaca ***
Izhra Martinez Fernandez ***
Jamie McClatchie ***
William Greg McMahan ***
Nicole Mendes *** DMD ASL
Jesse Martinez Jr *** LS
Savanah McClemons ***
Emily Angel McMahon **
Charlotte Irene Mendez
Josue Martinez
Michael McCollum *** LS
Traci McManus LS
Rafael Mendez
Mallory Martinez ** CS
Jared McConnell *** LS
Kara McMillan
Mario Javier Mendoza **
Mayra A. Martinez **
Lisa Lanette McConnell *** LS
Alfred Monteris McMillian *
Keelee Menina
Olga Martinez
Shavonda Monae' McCray
Dion Demetrius McNair
Silvia E Menjivar-Barahona * LS
Regan A. Martinez
Wilbur Clay McCullars Jr. *** LS
Ryan McNair *** LS
Sherry Meno **
Rochelle Sacora Martinez
Stephanie McCummings
Danny Mensah *
Stephanie Martinez *** LS
Kirsten McCurdy *** DMD ASL
Joshua Daniel McNicol *** DMD
Chiquita McCurry
Alan Adam McParland *
Amanda J. Mercado
Maureen Elizabeth McDaniel **
Laren McPhail *
Jennifer Mercier
Gerald F. McDermott ***
Waleska McQuarters ***
Lori B. Merkel
Adam Merriam *
Travis Mason **
Cynthia McDonald *** DMD ASL
Joseph McWilliams
Andrew Mead ***
Brenda Merriman ***
Timothy Massey
Corey Elizabeth McDuffie *
Sara Mead ** LS
Elizabeth Mersereau
Justin Masters *
Hope Monique McElroy ***
James Meadows ***
Beverley Mesquita *** LS
Rebecca Lauren Masters
Krista McEntire
Cameron Allen Medeiros
Adelita Messick **
Paul Matachun ***
Gregory McFarland ***
Joy Medeiros ***
Tonya R. Metatos ** LS
Tendai Matambo
Dwaine Damian McFarlane
Pamela Jean Medeiros *** LS
Nicole Marie Metzger
Louis K. Mathes III
Dwayne McFarlane
Jean-Marie Medina *
Carlee Meyer
Ludwin O Matias **
Carolyn A. McGee ***
Miguel Angel Medina **
Edward Alexander Meza *
Emily Matson *** LS
Emily McGee
Kylee Cowart ***
Benjamin Mattiello
Willie G. McGee Jr.
Anthony Lee Meeks ***
William Scott Michaelis *** DMD
Manuel J. Mattz * LS
Marc McGeever *** LS DMD
Megan Meeks
Cassandra Beth Michaels **
Jennifer Lynn Matushak ***
Natasha Leanne McGhee ***
Barrett Meigs *
Vaughn Evan Michaud
AiLeysha K. Maxwell
Sarah A. Sheehan *
Scott Meisler ***
Diego Michel *
Kyle Maxwell *
Julie McGraw
Katharine Meissner
Marc Andrew May *** LS
Christine McGuire **
Joey Lee Meixel Jr
Jennifer Lynn Middleton *** DMD
James Michael Maynard-Cabrera
Luke J McHugh *** DMD ASL
Kelly Meixner ***
Giovanni Migliazza ***
Jasmari Ynez McIntosh *** LS ASL
Francis Mejia
Allyson Mignone *
Leslie Maynor
Tanice McIntosh **
Scott Melatti
Linda Marie Mikel ***
Lisamarie Mayo *** DMD
Rachel McIntyre *** LS
Tabatha Melendez ***
Leshawnda Milburn ** LS
Lindsey Mayorga ***
Heather McKeever ***
Zachary Leo Mello ***
John Charles Miley ***
Ian Mays ***
Eric Bruce McKenna ***
Nicholas Mellon
Amy Miller
Gabrielle Mbodji ***
Logan McKenzie
Alexandra Melo ***
Caitlyn Miller ***
Ethan McAtee **
Casim Joganya McKnight *** LS
Rhondda Melton ***
Denise Miller
Bevelyn McCall *
Theresa McKnight *** DMD ASL LS
Dakota Melvin **
Heather B Miller ***
Kyle Mccargo
John Patrick McLaughlin
Katherine Memic ***
Ian Lee Miller ***
Keishla J. Martinez Soto ***
Valada Jones Martino LS
Mark Marturano *** CS LS
Kelly Ashley Mason * LS
Reina Dolores Meraz ***
Jacquelyn M Miller **
Samantha Moorehead ***
Gladys Jennifer Murcia
Tammy Nester *** LS
Kara Miller **
Joseph Morales ***
Erin Murdock **
Kelsey Nethaway
Keri A. Miller ***
Julio Morales
Cassie Murphy
Amy R. Newman *** LS
Mai Miller
Donovin Jake Moran *
Danielle Marie Murphy
Karie-Ann Newsome ***
Patrick Milligan *** LS
Jennifer Moran LS
Kasey Murphy ***
Alex C. Ng ***
Levi Chance Mills LS
Jessica Marie Moran ***
Kaylyn Murphy LS
Samuel R. Nicely
Alexander James Milne
Shellea Moreland
Markette L. Murphy ** LS
Dolores Nichols LS
Kaitlyn Mims LS
Avery Morgan
Victoria G. Murphy **
Domonique Nichols * LS
Hephemie Cathianie Minasian ***
Matthew Augustus Morgan
Peter Murr ***
Anthony Scott Nicholson *** LS
Ronique Morgan
Rusheka Murray
Erika Nickerson *** LS
Brian Donald Miner *** LS
Steven Michael Morgan ***
Alesia Ann Mustico ** LS
Stephanie Nickerson ***
Garrett C. Miner **
Tyler Harston Morgan ***
Amanda Virginia Myers *** DMD
Daniel Nicolar
Anthony Minnucci ** LS
Robert Morgenweck ***
Samantha Myers
Christopher Nieland * LS
Dominic Anthony Miritello *** LS
Alexander Morin **
Timothy Myers
Demerry Nielson *
Dinkham Misay-Goodman **
Brittany Morin *
George Christopher Nadian *
Kathy Nieto
Yuri Missenheim *
Brittany Morris **
Joshua Nail *
Mayra Alejandra Nieto
Amber Mistisshen LS
Lacy Morris
Natalie Najavian *** LS
Oksana Nikitina *** LS
Clarissa Mitchell * LS
Michael Damien Morris **
Sonia Najdzien *** LS
Erniesha Casey LS
Felicia Mitchell
Patience Morris **
Keyla L Najera LS
Rebecca Nixon **
Pleshette Janet Mitchell *
Shannon Morrissette
Amira Sophia Nakib
Tiffanie Nixon **
Scott Mitchell
Chelsey Morrow *** LS DMD ASL
Beverly Nanney ***
Staci Noble *** LS
Steven Mogelinski ***
Melissa Mosher **
Cassandra Michelle Napoli
Tanja Noga ***
Aasim Moledina ***
Zachary Mostad
Kaitlin Kristine Nappa
Kara Nolting
Katty Molina **
Jared Mota *
Robert L Nardone Jr. ***
Chinenye M Nonyelu
Gary Jason Monches *** LS
Andrew Paul Moulton
Sharadamani Nataraj *
Christian Hughes Nooney
Rebecca Renee Monroe *** LS
Sara Moulton
Jonathan Richard Nause **
Elizabeth Norris *
Haley Lynn Mowrey
Amadi Sabrina Ndon
Kayla Marie Norton *
Andrew Mueller ***
Robert Scott Neal ***
Sumbal Nousheen
Candace J Mueller
Todd Neall *
Cristina Nunn Galloway **
David Joseph Muenkel ***
Kathryn Nebeker ***
Rhys Nyanfor *
Radiya Muhammed **
Lady Astrea Neequaye
Shelly Nyanfor
Deborah Mujing A Tshipeng **
Nicholas Neil LS
Angela Lynn O'Brien ** LS
Robert Mulcahy *
Andrew Scott Neilson IV ***
Edward O'Brien **
Skylar Muller ***
Chad Nelson
Cassie Lynn O'Clair *** CS LS
Valerie Muniz ***
Cheyenne Nelson *** ASL LS
Brian O'Dell **
Grant Munn **
Cynthia Nelson **
Kayleigh O'Leary
Angela Munoz LS
Larry Nelson *
Emily Faith O'Mara ***
Deborah Munoz-Chacon *** LS
Patrick Nelson **
Hiedi Steele O'Neal *** LS
Janice L. Munroe **
Akeem Nesbeth **
William O'Neil
Brian Munson *
Kathryn Ann Nesbitt ***
Katherine Grace O'Shaughnessy **
Robert Monroe ***
Jennifer Montano **
Ramon Niko Montenegro LS
Lauren Montgomery ***
Michael N. Montgomery ***
Tausha Montgomery
MacKenzie Ellington Moody
Christina Stollenwerck Mooney **
Ashley V Moore
Kassondrah Moore ***
Ryan Moore
Thomas Moore **
Patricia Moorehead *** CS LS
Connor Jeffrey Oakley ***
Tynesha Papino ***
Angeli Perez *** LS ASL
Adrian Elise Pierson
Sidney Alexandra O'Brien * LS
McKenzie Paquin
Carmen Perez LS
Veronica Ann Pierson ***
Jeffrey Ochse *** CS
Stephanie Lynn Milonas
Isaias Perez
Christina Pimentel LS
Maureen O'Connor
Karyn Bearden Paradis **
Juan Carlos Perez LS
Alexander Michael Pineda *
Cheyenne Rose Odenthal
Dailey Parish *
Kevin Perez ***
Maria Pinto **
Erin Marie Oelker ***
Rory Parker ** LS
Marcia Perez **
Andre Piper
Jeremy Ogden
Sharon Parker
Matthew Perez ***
Joey Pipes LS
Sarah Ogden ***
William Parker
Mayreliz Perez
Michael Pires **
Christina Ogle
Zach Parmley
Nicholas Perez ** LS
Alexandra Pires-Michals ** CS LS
Adetomiwa Abegunde Ojo LS
Amanda Parrish ***
Tia E Perez
Amanda Pisano *
Juan Olivares
Stephen Todd Parrish ***
Nathan Perrow *
Tylar Pittman
Samantha Olivares LS
Ursula Parshley LS
Debra Perry ***
Lisa Pizzi ***
Felipe Olivarez ***
Melissa M Parton ***
Jordan A. Perry **
Rebecca A. Pleune *** DMD ASL
Benjamin Perry Oliver *
Julius Paster **
Jordan Perry
Jeffrey Pogrant **
Samantha Olson *** DMD
Neelam Patel LS
Joseph Perry *
Angela Denise Poindexter ***
Gregory Ryan Olwynne
Rebecca Teresa Patlan ***
Humaira Pervaiz
Victoria Poindexter ***
Connor Thomas Openlander *
Keyur Patni *
Megan Rhae Peterman * LS
Nathan Poirier **
Lina Orlando ***
Angela M Patruno *** DMD ASL
Marta Zofia Peters *** DMD CS
Kendra Polinsky
Maria L. Ornelas LS
Joseph M Patterson
Kellie Lynn Petersen ***
Russell Politi Jr
Michael Orr **
Angela Patton ** LS
Brianna Nicole Peterson LS
De'Edric Shavon Pomerlee LS
Desiree Diandra Ortiz
Jennifer Paul *** LS
Shalaner Pompey ** LS
Robin Nicole Orzo ***
Marie E. Pauleus *
Joshua Warren Peterson *** DMD
Nicholas Paulsen ***
Katherine Peterson ***
Ashley Ponder *** DMD ASL
Cassandra Nicole Pavlick
Trisha Peterson *
Cuinn Poole ***
David Pavlos ***
Lauren Kelly Petrello *
Shannan Poole
Chance McCall Pearson ***
Julie Ann Petty * CS
Gary Fu-Ho Poon ***
Cody Eugene Pearson
Ryan Pfenning
Alissa Pope ***
Malorie Pelletier LS
Adam Phanthanivong
Nicholas Porretta
Lauren Alexandra Pemberton * LS
Jared James Phearsome ***
Christopher Porter ***
Trudy H. Pemberton **
Amanda Lynn Philbrick ***
Matthew Stephen Porter
Clara Pena
Dannielle Phillips ***
Miciel Porto LS
Emily Rose Pence
Elisabeth Brooke Phillips * ASL CS
Gwen Marie Post ** LS
Allison Pennell *** LS DMD ASL
Shane Michael Phillips **
Jared Potter **
Branden Michael Powers ***
Cody M Painter LS
Mariana Chiconelli Penner ***
Tyler Phillips
William B. Phillips
Richard Powers ***
Rehan Pallithotungal
Jordan Craig Penninger
Brandon Phillis
Corey T. Prather
Alesia M. Palmer
Andrew Pentico **
Daniel Alexander Phipps
Deana Pratt
Allan Palmer
Stephanie Robin Penticoff
Olivia Pichette
Shawna Pratt LS
Asia Panessidi-Shafiroff
Brandon Pereira * LS
Wendy M. Piermarini *** LS
Cassandra L. Prebis *** LS
Kaitlin Papineau
Alejandro Perez ***
Robendjy Pierre-Louis ***
Elsie Prespolis
Dylan Osborne ***
Tara Osgood
Nathalia Ossa Carvajal **
Kurstin Ostermayer
Lisa Ott ***
Cory Steven Ouellette **
Rebecca Ouellette ***
Cole Owens
Eric Pacheco
Amir Padilla
Jamie Page
Terri Amanda Page ***
Chelsea Anne Pond
Cassandra Ann Preston *** LS
Meri Rantamaeki ***
Adrienne Rhodes ***
Orrin Robinson **
Elizabeth Prewitt
Mieko Raphael LS
M'caiah Rebecca Ladonn Rice
Travon Robinson
Shaun Aaron Price ***
Charles Edwin Ratazak ***
Kaye Rich
Megan Robison
William Austin Price ***
Derek Rauh
Katelyn Jayne Richard
Elisa Ann Robledo ***
Toni Price-Sharp
Michael Ravenwynd **
Matthew T.K. Richard * S LS
Humberto Aguilar Robles
Cameron Joseph Priest
Tristan Robert Ray ***
Demion Richards *
Patricia P. Robles ** LS
Dale Prior ***
Bonnie Ray-Pollard
Scott Richards *
Tracey Rock CS LS
Courtney Constantino **
Issa Rayyan *** CS
William Richards *
Ryan J Rodgers ** LS
Beth Proulx *
Catherine Read LS
Daniel Richardson ***
Leslie Ann Rodrigo ***
Brianna Megan Provencher ***
Kamille Reaves ***
Emily Kathleen Richardson ***
Alexia Rodriguez
Joyce Prowell LS
Felicia Rebelo *
Kevin J. Richardson
Gretchen Rodriguez *** LS
Ashley M Pruitt * CS LS
Ellen Rebne ***
Sydney Richardson
Joshua Jesus Rodriguez *
Christina Rose Prunier *** DMD LS
Gloria Reboyras ***
Danielle Richter ***
Melissa Rodriguez *
Doreen Marie Puller *** DMD ASL
Brian Reckers *
John Dietrich Richter
Steven Rodriguez * LS
Brieanna Reed *** LS
David George Riddle Jr. ***
Tara Rodriguez *** LS
Bridget Purcell ** LS
Kassandra Reed *** LS
Rachel Reese ***
Kenneth William Rider Jr *** DMD
Taylor Virginia Rodriguez ** LS
Lauren Purtell *** DMD LS
Lawrence Reeve * LS
Karen Dawn Rieth ***
Cheryl Ann Rogers *** DMD
Winston Corey Regnier
Rodney Rigsby *
Christopher Rogers
Lauren Gardner Reif
Connor Riley
Jenniffer Marie Rogers LS
Michael Tyler Reifeis
Justin Riley
Jonathan Myles Rogers
Dave Reilly-Madan ***
Marlene Riley *** DMD LS
Keryon Rogers Jr
Kelly Reily
Matthew Riley **
Michael L. Rogers Jr. ***
Carrie Reisenauer **
Michael Rineer ***
Stephanie Jean Marie Rogers ***
Joshua Remerowski **
Nicholle E. Risch
Julio C Roman
Norman Remillard * LS
Nicole Rittenhouse *
Sarah Roman *** DMD
Jessica Remy
MacNellie Rivera
Alex Romanov ***
Kristi Rendo ***
Monica Rivera *** LS
Stacey Romero *** DMD ASL
Nicholas Onelio Renedo
Tiana Rivers *
Rebecca Romine
Patricia Kirstien Renna
Anthony L Rizzo
Paul Rondem Jr
Kylie Reno **
Maureen Robbins * CS
Scott Thomas Friedman Roos
Norlisha Revan **
La Tasha R Roberts
Sarah C. Ros *
Rachel Reyes ***
Rhythm Roberts **
Robert Rosa ***
David Reynolds
Sonja Elaine Roberts ** LS
Magdaly Rosado
Leslie Reynolds ***
Linda Ariana Robertson
Ruth Rosado ** LS
Tyler Issac Reynolds ***
Janice Robinson ***
Anthony J. Rosati ***
Kourtney Reynoso **
La'Toya Sh'errie Robinson **
Paige Roschmann ***
Sandra Reynoso
LaToya Robinson **
Cristy Rose
Justin Rheaume
Matthew Robinson **
Kenneth Rose
Dana Lyn Rhoads
Melisha L. Allen **
Patrick Rose
Samantha Purvis ***
Christopher Navindra Pustam
Peter J Pytka III ***
Justine Quackenbush *
Andrew Quarnstrom *
Charles Quartey **
Michael William Queen
Keanu A Quinn **
Roman Keith Quinn *** LS
Casey Rachinsky
Alicia L Radcliffe *** DMD ASL
Kolby Wayne Radford **
Rickey D. Ragins ** LS
Taylor Raikes ***
Donald Rakes **
Tiam Ramezanipour *
Oneil Ramirez LS
Yvette Ramirez **
Jonathan Jose Ramos ***
Marcos Ramos
Andrea Ramos-Diaz *
Joseph Raney
Bindra Aswin Rogers ***
Amy Roseboom *** DMD
Abigail Sanabria ***
Thomas Schwinn ***
Keith Sharron ***
Coryon Rosemond ***
Tammy Sanabria *** ASL CS LS
Christina Sciortino **
Samantha Shaver
Ryan Rosenthal
Jose Manuel Sanchez ***
Anthony Scopteuolo *** LS DMD
Amanda Leigh Shaw *** LS
Ashley Rosick ***
Maria De Los Angeles Sanchez *
Patricia A Scott
Jonathan Richard Shaw
Diana Rosina *** DMD LS
Samantha Angela Sanchez * LS
Vanessa Scott LS
Paul Anthony Shaw ***
William Ryan Ross * LS
Allison Leigh Sanders *
Brittiney Bliss Scott Liddelow ***
Stephanie Shaw
Jacqueline M Rossi ***
Anita Sanders-Meadows *
Ian Mitchell Scrimsher *** ASL
Brittany Shearer
Joseph Rossi
Isaiah Sanders
Jassiman J. Seals ***
Aaron Sheehan *** LS
Jason Rossler **
Nache Sanders
Damian Searles ** LS
Brooke Elizabeth Sheeler
Abigail Roth ***
Carley Sanderson **
Kai Sears ***
Debra Shelfo *** CS LS
Erika Roth ***
Jamie Leilani Sandor **
Gabriel Seaver *
Brooklyn Sheppard *** LS
Erin Rowland *
Mariah Sandoval ***
Nafisatu D Sebba ** LS
Thomas Sherbondy * DMD
Jennifer Roy
Justin Sanker * LS
Emily Seddon ***
Bettina N. Sherman ** CS LS
Kristofer Roy ***
Stacey Sano ***
Jacob Seeley
Sean L. Shield
Rheana Royer ***
Lyzamarie Santello LS
Matthew Seelig ***
Rodrigue Shimwe
Scott Ruane
Alejandro Manuel Santiago Alvarez
Michelle Seguin *** LS
Zachary Shinall **
Joe Rubarts CS
Myrna E Santiago *
Anthony Seiter ***
Katherine Shine
Richard Anthony Rubi
Ingrid Santucci *
Joseph Stephen Selmer *
Megan Justine Shingler LS
Joseph Rudy ***
Joseph Sapp
Mutinta Selmi *** DMD CS
Felicia Shingles ** LS
Theresa L Ruel *** LS
Kara Renee Sarasty **
Jason Selwitschka
Angela Shirley
Dominic Andres Ruiz *
Amanda L. Sarbacker
John Serino
Madilyn Joy Brown Shirley ***
Andrew Julian Rumsey ***
Kristen Sargeant ***
Hailey Sermon *** S LS
Shawn Shockler ** CS LS
Brianne Ruoss ***
Christine Sarkissian
Matthew Serowka **
Ginger Shoopman *** LS
Regina Russell *** LS
Brenon Kristofer Sarratori *
Brandyn Sethman
Justine Short LS
Crystal M Russell-Howes LS
Jennifer Sayre
Kylie Sevenski
Zachary Short *
Gabriela Nina Russo **
Melissa Sayre
Harris Grant Severs * DMD
Emily Shortle
Joshua Ruzinsky
Joseph Schmidt *** LS
Maximillion Severson * LS
Amanda Shufelt ***
Jamie Nicole Ryan **
Margret A Schmidt * CS LS
Madison Severtsgaard
Corinne Shultis * LS
Megan Ryan
Emily Schmidt-Peterson ** LS
Barbara E. Sexton
Colleen Shultz
Leland Ryea III ***
Hayley Schnall *** LS
Nikki Shackleton **
Aleksy Sienkowski *** LS
Richard Martin Sacks ***
Emily Schnebel
Alexandria Shadwell
Isabel Silva **
Taopheeq A. Saheed
Paul Schnizler ***
Kyle Shaffstall **
Jason Silva LS
Armando Salazar ***
Angela Schreiber ***
Michael C Shank *
Jonathan Silva **
Joie B Salazar ** LS
Stephanie Schreiner *** CS LS
Brandon Martin Sharer *** LS
Kayla Silva ***
Melissa Salcedo * LS
Cameron Mitchell Schrope **
Bailey Christine Sharp LS
Luiz Orlando Silva **
Gilbert Salinas ***
Lynan Schueler
Julie Lynn Sharp *** DMD ASL LS
Doris Simard ***
Maria A. Sambone *
Linda Josephine Schultz
Logan Sharp
Katherine Brittany Simmerman **
Jennifer Samf *** ASL LS
Shalie Darlene Schwab
Matthew Sharpe
Lisa Joy Simmonds
Samantha Sammartino ***
Joel Michael Schwartz *** ASL LS
Michael Sharpes **
Phillip Simmons *
Woneita Samuels *
Amena Abdulwasa Schwierking ***
Darwin Sharrah *
Luressa Dominique Simon *
Darren Simonelli
Manilyn Smith
Nichole Speck ***
Kellie Simonini LS
Marion Smith ***
John Speer
Rebecca Sims *** CS
Meranda Smith
Elizabeth Spencer ***
Elisha Singer **
Monica J Smith *** LS DMD ASL
Krystal Spinks
Karanjit Singh **
Rashad Jamal Smith * LS
Madison Lynn Sprouse
Sukhwinder Singh **
Robert Smith
Joshua Squiers ***
Gregory Singleton ***
Shellian Smith
Paravee Srijinda *
Michelle Siria **
Tawain Jeanette Smith ***
Rami E. Srour *** DMD
Sylvia Siu ***
Teresa Smith ** CS
Kiley St Francis
Charles C Skelton II ***
Thomas V. Smith *** LS
Jared Leigh St. Peter
Angela Skidmore ***
Wendy M Smith LS
Erica St Pierre ***
Danielle J. Skinner
Vannequa Smith *
Charles Johnathan St. Cin **
Letonya Slack
Michele Stach * LS
Robert Eugene Slack
Shanae Angel Marie Smith-Jackson
Erin Sladek *** ASL LS
Ariel Smithers
Jason Stafinsky *
Christine Slauter **
Taylor Smythe
Lori Stahlberg ***
Hannah Marie Slone *** LS DMD
Amy N Snader
Keith Stahr **
Kristen Smerlas **
Stephanie Snapp ***
Michelle Stamper ***
Allyson Faith Smith ***
Candace M. Snavely ***
Deborah A. Stroble *** DMD ASL
Justin Stanley ***
Nicholas Stroh ***
Andrel Javon Smith **
Daniel Snell Jr. ***
Dakotah Stanton
Benjamin P. Snyder
Patresha Strom *** LS
Anna Smith ***
Ashley Stark *** LS
Inge Stroud *** DMD
Anthony Smith
David Snyder ***
Annabelle Bassett Starosta *** LS
Makayla Struyk **
April Smith
Michael Snyder ***
Dawn Stealy **
Ty Benry Stubbs * LS
Avery Smith
Isabel Soileau *
Katelyn Stecker
Dale W. Sublett II
Brandon J. Smith ***
Taghrid Soliman LS
Vanessa Steffel * CS LS
Ryan Soliz
Gillian Marie Sudak
Brian R. Smith
Elizabeth Steinhauer-Murray
Kirk Soltau *** LS
Leanne Privara Suesse **
Brianna Michelle Smith * LS
Eric Michael Steinlicht *** LS ASL
Luke James Soltesz ***
Lisa Sullens *
David A Smith *
Roseline Stennett
Haley Marie Somers ***
Jennifer Sullivan ***
Donna Marie Smith *
James O'Neal Stephens
Jennifer Sullivan LS
Gabrielle Smith
Michael Sorensen *
Misty L Stephens LS
Kyle Sullivan *** LS
Jason Matthew Smith ** LS
Benjamin D Sorgi
Tara Stephens **
Nicholas Suprise **
Jennifer Smith LS
Sheyla Raquel Sosa * LS
Sarah J. Sterling ***
Jaime Tomas Surun Polanco *
Jered Smith *** LS
Gustavo Soto **
Shelley Steuwe *** LS
Quinn Soucy ***
Quentasia Suttles
Jordan Smith ***
Jonathan Stevens ***
Ricardo Sousa
Calvin Sutton
Katie Smith *
Joshua Stevens ***
Carmela Noela Souza *** DMD
Melissa Sutton ***
Kim Eva Smith ***
Sandra Stevens ***
Tammy Stevens **
Hannah Louise-Mable Swank ***
Abigail Stewart LS
Kimberly Swanson ***
Trevor Stewart **
Michelle Swartout
Kaylan Stilkey LS
Bradley Haydon Swartz **
Krystal Smith * LS
Laurie B. Smith ***
Lavonte Smith **
Lindsey Smith *
Joseff A Souza
Justine Spadea ***
Tina LaSharne Spears ** LS
Emily Stacks
Tyler Hunter Stivers-Spitz *** DMD
Michelle Lafond Stock *** DMD
Colette Donna Stoflet ***
Lukes Stogsdill
Kelsey Stone ***
Margaret A. Stone *** LS
Mallory Elise Stonehouse ***
Rebecca Stopyra ** LS
Matthew Thomas William Story
Brenda Lee Strawbridge LS
Amaris Savannah Strayhorn **
Edward C. Streeto Jr. *** LS
Emma Leeila Streich
Joseph Strigle
Rhonda Stringer *
Christopher Swartz ***
Haley Thibault
Gabriela Topete Gonzalez
Christopher Turner *** DMD ASL
Daphine Sweet ** LS
James P. Thivierge ***
Jennifer Topping ***
Derrick D. Turner *** DMD ASL LS
Randi Christina Sweet **
Jasmine Brittany Thomas ***
Bryan Torres *
Jeremy Turner **
James Sweetman **
Jessica Thomas LS
Edward Torres, Jr.
Johnny B Turner Jr. ***
Katelyn Swett *
Kaelin Thomas
Lisette Julia Torres **
Malika Imani Turner **
Brian Swietlik *
Kalyn Thomas **
Vanessa Torres Castro * CS
Perry Turner ***
Samantha Kelly Swire *
Mary Jill Thomas ** LS
Kathy Lorraine Tortoledo
Shawn T. Tuthill
Samantha Kim Swisher *** LS
Mychal Dalante Thomas **
Danielle Lynn Tovar LS
Cathy Patrice Tyler **
Tamra Elizabeth Switzer
Anthony Thompson **
August Aslan Townsend **
Ryan Uhl ***
Isaiah Swoke ** LS
Benjamin Thompson **
Candice Ann Townsend LS
Wilma Unciano-Romena **
Collin Swords
Ericka Thompson
Norma Solis Townsend LS
LaTrecie Underwood * CS
Emily Szokol
Gina Thompson
Jordan Thomas Joseph Tracey ***
Frederic M Urena Santos *
Kyler Tabor **
John Robert Thompson *** LS
Valencia De'sha Trawick * LS
Brandi Urquhart
Eoi Takagi ***
Kristopher Thompson
Jeffrey Tremain *** CS
Davone Usher LS
Kaitlyn Marie Taylor Talavera **
Mark D Thompson LS
Jessica Lyn Tremblay *** ASL LS
Alexandra Gilbert *
Paul Talbert *** LS
Lynn Thongkham *
William Trescott *** ASL
Nicholas Vaile
Tracie Talbert *** LS DMD
Jason Thorn
Patricia Trevino ***
Lorraine Valdez *
Hannah Talcott **
Tiontae Thornton
Sarah Trevino
Tiffany Valdez *
Joshua Talys *
Melanie Tibbetts *** LS
Andrew Triche ***
Virginia Valencia
Daisy Marily Tapia *** LS
Stefan Cristian Tihenea **
Jennifer Anne Trickett ***
Jennifer Valente ***
Nicholas Tarbotton
Kristen D. Timmins ***
Diana L. Tringl ** CS
Cristina Valerio
Amy Tardiff *** DMD LS
Colleen Tinch S LS
Hanna Kim Trinh ***
Tami Lynn Van Ert ***
Stella Rae Tate ***
Mary Tincher ***
Gina Troiano ***
Jennifer Van Pelt
Melissa Jeanne Tavallai LS
Damon Tinsley *** DMD
Matthew Trombley *** LS
Bryan Vandegrift LS
Anthony Tavella
Chelsea Tipton
Timothy Trudrung ***
Christina Vanderburgh ***
Amy Taylor *** LS ASL
Richard Tipton **
Julissa Truesdale
William Vanderhoff
Ashely Nicole Taylor-Ybarra
Stephanie Tirado ** LS
Jessica Truong ***
Megan Vanschindel **
Donald Taylor ***
Juan Facundo Tisera **
Auston Trusty
Guillermina Vargas Garcia ** LS
Portia Taylor LS
Nicholas Tissandier *
Eric Aaron Truver ***
Victor Vargas * LS
Sara Lynn Taylor *
Jennifer Tittes **
Christopher Mark Vargo
Travis Scott Teigen *** ASL LS
Sergey Tkachenko ***
Jeanne Marie Tsekrekas *** DMD
Elizabeth Tello-Llerena **
Johnny Tobar Jr. ** LS
Politimi Tsoleridis **
Kelsey Christine Varron *** DMD
Tatiana Tenner LS
Hailey Todis ** LS
Stephanie Marie Tsouprakos **
Joseph Varvir
Terry Terrell
Paul Jahena Togbor
Makenna Dawn Tucci *** DMD
Crimson Vasquez ***
Chase Wayne Terry
Tristan Tolentino ***
Jamie Lynnette Tucker
Andrew Vaughn *
Deonna M Tesla LS
Christopher Tompkins ***
David Robert Tulloch ***
Terra Dawn Vaughn *** LS
Frank Joseph Tesla III *
Vinh Ton
Jared Michael Turacy **
Catherine Vaughn-Hetzel
Sandhya Thapa **
Cortlin Tonn ***
Nicole Paige Turcotte
Jessie Veach ***
Richard Thayer **
Faithe Toomy ***
Brittany Turner
Jessica Lynn Vecchio ** LS
Anthony Theriault *
Michael L. Toone II ***
Christian Ruben Turner
Emily Vega **
Jerre Vega
Julie Dawn Walker Young
Ines Wehling *
Bradley Williams
Cayla Velander *
Christian James Walsh
Angela Weibel ***
Brandon Nathaniel Williams *** LS
Maryandrea Velasquez Olavarria
Renee Lyn Walsh **
Tiffany A. Weinberg ** LS
Brien Williams
Alejita Velez
Chloe Shea Walters **
Sara Carter Weinstein **
Chasity Williams
Brittani Velez
Margie Walters *** LS
Conner Welch
Cicely C. Williams
Meranda Ventura
Jordan Walther *** LS
Royce Welchman
Cynthia Williams **
Yan Ventura **
Courtney Walton **
Erin Lynn Welshans ***
Donald Williams
Ramon K Verdugo
Sabrina Walton **
Stephanie Ann Wenkhous *
Earl Williams *
Madelyn Vergos ***
Caitlin Pamela Wambold **
Matthew P. Wenzlaff ***
Eric Williams
Cory Verkuylen ***
Sherry Y. Wang
Michael Christian Werner *
James Andrew Williams *
Gabriella Vidaurri *** LS DMD
Amanda Ward ***
Nicholas Werthessen
Jerry Rohstell Williams Jr ***
Luis Carlos Vielman *
Caitlin A Ward
Kristina Wertz *** LS
Joy L. Williams
Melissa Villada ***
Jonathan Ward *
Glenda Dee West **
Matthew Williams ** LS
Adriana Villalobos *** ASL LS
Nakiah A. Warner *
Justin West **
Melissa Williams **
Kimberly Vincent LS
Shannon Warner *** LS
Ryan Westbrook
Jillian T. Vinci ***
Timothy Warner ***
Teresa E. Whalen LS
Niressa Natasha Williams *** DMD
Jennifer Lynn Viola *
Phillip Warren * LS
Johnathan A Whaley ***
Pamela Williams **
Omega Viola-King *** LS
Brittney S. Washington
Brittany Makaila Wheeler ***
Romario Garfield Williams ***
Diana Virmani ***
Cherilyn Washington *** LS
Tracy Wheeler
Sarah Williams ***
Tami Vitales
Jawana Washington
Aurora White **
Tiffany Williams *
Caroline Marie Vogt ***
Malik Washington *
Kelina White
Patrick Ryan Williford ** LS
Jennifer Vogt ***
Ashley Washock *** DMD
Matthew White ***
Denise Howard Willig **
Justin Andrew Volciak ***
Megan Waterman
Rachel White ***
Eric Willis *
Igor Voloshin
Brian Waters ***
Robert White ***
Joseph Wills
Calla Von Hoene
Sydny Lyn White **
Andrea Wilson *** LS
Jonathan Von Moltke LS
Darryka Latrice Underwood-Waters
** LS
Tara White ***
Antonio Wilson
Paige Vosburgh *** LS
Karen Waters CS LS
James Whitehead
David Wilson *** LS
Christopher Vuksanaj
Jeannine E. Watling ***
Adam Christopher Whitehill
Emily Jordan Wilson *
Samuel Peter Wackett *** DMD
David Michael Watson Jr.
Gunnar Logan Whiting
Erica Wilson *
Jared Lee Wagner * CS LS
Georgette Nicole Watson
Cally Whitmore *
Mark Wilson
Kallie Wagner ***
Lisa Ann Watson *** CS
Travis John Wickenden
Mark Wilson
Taylor Tesmer
Brandy Kaye Watts ***
Logan Otto Wicki **
Patricia Louise Wilson **
Andrew Waite
Shelby Wayland ***
Courtney Wiemert
Sonia Wilson *** LS
Johnathan Wakelin ***
Brandon Noel Weaver ***
Jasmine Ariel Wiggins
Kyle Winfrey **
Jessica Marie Waldo
Cody Webb *
Katherine Maurer Wigley ***
Camron Eli Winger LS
Kyle Waldrop
Evan Webb *
Kevin David Wigley ***
Lynda Winslett
David Walker *** LS
Damian Mathis Weber *
Sylvia Wiley
Gailia Louise Winters * LS
Gregory Ray Walker II **
Blake Webster *
Dawana Betty Wilhite LS
Dean Wirth
Shawn Michael Walker *
Libby Lee Webster *
Ashley Willcox ***
Jayda Wise * LS
Tammy Walker *** LS
Bawala Kibanza Wechsler
Audrey Williams
Anthony Wissell * CS
** LS
Julie Marie Wissell ** CS LS
Michael T. Zanetti ***
Andrew Boon
Francine Izabayo
April Wolfe *
Jay Zannini
Nancilyn Brino
Tamra Johnson
Rose Wolfendale
Laura Zarro LS
Anthony Lee Brown
Malori Jorgensen
Jessica Wolfram
Caitlyn A. Zautner *** ASL LS
Donna Jean Burns
Iman Faysal Karkouz
Ryan Bo Wong ***
Vincente Antonio Zazueta ***
Elyse Giannelli Cady
Benito Kese
Alisa Wood ***
Marial Zeigler ** LS
Mayela Calderon
Ruth Keza
Emily Wood *
Jessica Zerba ***
Esmeralda Carrizales
Manahil Eskandar Kodi
James Wood *
Jacob Zimmer **
Adam Centerbar
Turabi Said Kondali
LaDel Wood ***
Bonnie Zinck
Jessica Ann Chiappalone
Matthew John Krawczyk
Stacy Woodcock **
Artiola Hoxha *** LS ASL
Diane Davis
McKenzie Ann Nancy LaBrecque
Beverly Woodhouse ***
Lindsay Zook *
Lauren Marie Dekowski
Sinnah Samuella Lamin
Diana Woodman
Sarah Zuidema ***
Andy Buiphamduy Do
Fredrick D. Lamph
LeeAnn Woodmancy
Justin Zulli
Alison E Doheny
Erick M Linares Pacheco
Catherine Woods
Jose Ramiro Zuniga ***
Joao Vitor Dos Santos Mendes
Gina L Lippens
Jodi C. Woodside *
Anna Zuray ***
Eric Richard Dunlap
Christine L Lucio
Caleb Worrell **
Matthew Zyroll *** LS DMD
Alexandre Limbaya Etsoa
Chi-Bunn Alexander Ma
Laila Farhi
Jacob Michael MacKeigan
Nathan Nikita Ferebee
Mahmuud Husen Mahamad
Johnson Figo
Eva Martinez
Rostow Franklin
Norma Martinez
Teresa Garcia
Samar Nour Alddin Masri
Nisha Graine Gasaro
Wilkin I. Matos Diaz
Maria A. Gentry
Kenzi R. McKeon
Jean Norbert Gihozo
Sydni L. McKeon
Matthew Peter Gira
Shawn S McNulty
Matthew Parker Gorrell
Kristy Denise Meeks
Isimbi Grace
Heather D Mefford
Tricia Lynne Grant
Andrea Rebecca Mendoza
Juletta Grigsby
Donald Bryant Michel
Shannon Marie Grimmett
Bryan E Mora Gonzalez
Irma Hadzajlic
Melissa S. Morin
Hortense Gihozo Hakizimana
Olivier Mugabe
Ross A. Harper
Daniella Mugisha
Evode Hategekimana
Drocelle Mukamashyaka
Katia Nayeli Hernandez Mendoza
Leah Munezero
Samantha Rae Hester
Manahil Yagoub Musa
Kevin Thomas Hightower
Emmanuel Aime Musabyimana
Michael J. Hilt
Victor Musabyimana
Karasira Hitimana
Roderick J Nash
Denis Oketo Irebere
Thembani Ndlovu
Amanda Wray-Phillips
Cherelle Wright *
Patricia Elizabeth Wright
Shaun S. Wright
Heather Wuellner
Nicholas Wunsch **
Kameesha Woods ** LS ASL
Samantha Yates
Thea Yatras *** LS ASL
Jennifer Theresa Ybarra ***
Tyler Yeakel
Henok Yemane
Jessica Marie Yepez **
Carla Yeremian
Julianna M. Collins *** DMD
Pierre Alfredo Yohann Huapalla
Alisa Young ***
Hunter Bernard Young
Kisha Nicole Young * LS
Neil Young *
Samuel Young
Christopher Ytreoy *
Manal Yusef ***
Daniel Zaccagnini
Mohannad Samer Abdulraheem
Khyiah Banks
Alissa G Adams
Hassan Mohamed Al-Haloush
Ranim Sawah Alabed
Assmaa Bashir Alkhatib
Fardous Mahmoud Alrifai
Ghazal Bahjat Alturun
Louvensky Aly
Michelle Anne Anderson
Abisai Andrade
Selena Maria Araujo
Gerardo Cruz Arredondo
Gabriel Arvizu Rangel
Giovanni Azzarelli Jr
William Marshal Badgley
Tanja Yvette Banks
Cindy A Beaulieu
Olanrewaju Adedeji Beyioku
Connor Dain Bohn
Melvis A Ngenang
Yidnekachew K Tafese
Jillian Anding ***
Deborah Benn **
Brian Michael Nicolois
Anas Hisham Tarabein
Rosalia Aniano **
Joseph Benson
Marcel Ntwali
Vivienne Thomas
Jared R. Aponte *
Brandon Beranek ***
Edward Nunez
Kelly Umugwaneza
Katerina Araujo ***
William S Bernardo *** LS
Kampire Nyiramutuzo
Feza Umulisa
Brandon Marquise Armstrong
Gabriel Berrios Jr.
Lucy Ann Ochoa
Chance Utkin
Jessica S Arneil
Ashely Brooke Bigley ***
Kortny Lorin Oliekan
Eunice Uwineza
Jill Marie Arnold
Patricia Lynn Billman
Raquel Ortiz
Volha Valuiskova
Braiden Arsenault *
Coty Bishop ***
Kaylla Twilight Maxine Osborn
Niyongabo Vincent
Tyler Keith Ashe *** LS
Brandon Bittles ***
McKenna Elise Paulsen
Undra Viverette II
Gregory Askins Jr
Brenda Althia Black
Victoria Perez
Patricia Kianza Vuvu
Michelle Grace Askins *** LS
Donald C Black **
Sarah Elizabeth Pierce
Amanda Marie Wagner
William Atchison
Sean Black
Ihimbazwe Princia
Joseph T. Williams
Joseph Augustin
Denise Blanding *
Ranim Mohammad Walid Raed
Jorden Daniel Young
Preslee Austin
Kristie Boe **
Ashley Elizabeth Babich-Zacharias
Amanda Bogard **
Kramer Baethke
Juliette Bombardier *** LS
Titilayo Burke Bailey ** LS
Lesbia Judith Bonilla *** LS
Kaylenn Baker ***
Aaron Bousquet
Jennifer Baldwin *** LS
Melissa Bowen
Dawn Kathleen Balint **
Kelse Bowers *
Colin Ball *
Krystle Bowler
De Anna Lee Barber *** CS LS
Jennifer Bowling LS
Andrea Barnes * LS
Andrew Christopher Bowman
Lisa Barnes ***
Elizabeth Bradley ***
Sheayanna Barr
Amanda Bradshaw **
Nataly M. Bartels **
Padraic Brady
Laurie Ann Bartley ***
Jennifer Brann ***
Bradley Bastow
Alyson R Brannan ***
Mayara Batista
Thomas M Braun *** LS
Allona Bauer *** LS
Evan Brazell
Rebekah Lynn Bauer
Lydia Brecheen *** LS
Tristan Baus ***
Nicole Breunig
Shailyn Esperanza Bautista Delisle
Nicole Brianas **
Kenika Beard
Jake Brigman
Fany M Beauchamp **
Maurice Lenell Brooks Sr. * LS
Junior Belfort
Betty Brown *** LS
Debra A B Bell
Isaiah Nathaniel Brown ***
Anthony Joseph Bellville II ***
Renee Brown *
Divine Beng ***
Zachary Nicholas Brown
Mauricio Benitez-Fuentes
Paula Browning ***
Asia Waleed Rahma
Alaa Ahmad Rajoub
Selenne Ramos Montemayor
Christopher Recupero
William Wood Richards III
Yesenia Rincon
Justina Leigh Riopelle
Amy Jailine Rivas Jr.
Stephanie Michelle Rockall
Elicia Christine Rodriguez
Hazel Kassandra Rodriguez
Lorena C Rodriguez
Dianetzy Rojas
Moses Rugira
Dawn Lynn Sanborn
Alicia Scott
Dallon S. Searle
George Joseph Seigel
Leandro A Sgarioni
Diana Anatolievna Shchepina
Pedro Lucio Souza De Brito Silva
Doris L Smith
Mitchell Lynn Smith
Matthew Staton
Tyler Matthew Stewart
Cj Allen Stoll
Frank Abdullovski Jr. ***
Carlos Yariel Abreu LS
Yvette M Gonzalez Acosta
Dennis Adams ***
Matthew William Adams ***
Mija Adams LS
Carla Aguilar-Valles ** LS
Rasha Mohammad Al Khatib
Lesley Ann Albright * LS
William Tracy Alder *** CS
Emily Alicea
Leandra Alicea
Sarah Allen ***
Michele Lee Almeida *** LS
Jenna Alvarez-Cilenti
Anthony Ambrose ***
Barbara Louise Amergian *** ASL
Diana Andersen Blackburn
Daisy Anderson
Justin W. Anderson ***
Samantha Anderson ***
Victoria Browning
Eugene Harlan James Cordwell ***
Sabrina Douglas
Melissa Fortini *
Kayla L. Bruce *** LS
Antonio J Correa Jr
Angela J. Drake **
Isaiah Vashawn Michael Fortune LS
Antoinette Buckner
Morgan Covert * LS
Sharaea Drake LS
Chelsea Foster
John Richard Bulger IV ***
Stacia Morris
AJ DuChene ***
Todd Foster **
Gavin Jon Burns **
Emely M Crispin-Diaz
Pamela Dulmage ***
Octavia Fox
Jennifer Ann Burns *
Mindy Cromwell ** LS
Cynthia P Duncan **
Elena Hope Frame
Voronica Daiyale Butler LS
Kayla Faye Cross ***
James Duncan
Junior Francois ** LS
Nicholas Cain
Madison Cummings
Samantha Dunker
Darlena Franklin
Vanessa Calderon LS
Shawn P. Curran ***
Ashley Kim Durand *
Ronnie Freeman *
McKensey N Cameron LS
Dawn Currie *** LS
Katie Dye
Cadie L. Garcia **
Catherine Camizzi
Corey Edward Daniel
Anthony East *** LS ASL
Ryan Garcia
Linda Campbell
Lacey Daum ***
Selina Eaton *
Sara Garcia
Scott R. Canavan
Anasia Davis * LS
James Egues
Jerrod Garduno LS
Katherine Capas ***
Azalea Monae Davis LS
Aubrey Eisel ***
Leigh Garner ***
Racheal Clarice Carles ** LS
Erin Davis
Melody Elder *
Steven Gass
Cheryl Carmichael * LS
Jafan Inaya Davis *** LS
Sharon Elliott *
Dimitri Gerard *
Sharon Carson
Scott Davis
Cindi Endter **
Brian Gisa
Samantha Lee Cashdollar **
Stephanie Jeanette Davis *** CS
Jenny Alexandria Esquilin *** LS
Matthew Godfrey
Rachel Castillo *
Maria Lorena De La Cruz
Shonta Evans
Isabelle Goldsack *
Amanda L Catteau
Leslie De La Rosa
Ericka Louise Evans-Bayer **
Kimberly S Gomez LS
Henry Chaney ***
Melissa De Leon *
Patricia Everly *
Alexandra Groccia
Jessica Marie Chaney
Linda Dedvukaj *
Daniel J. Everson *** LS
Anthony Gonzalez **
Jerry Lee Chase **
Ashley Delatte
Samantha Evertson ***
Belen Gonzalez
Michael Chase ** LS
Jasmine Delos Reyes *
Kamala Faulder *
Eliseo Gonzalez **
Joseph Chavez
Tabitha Delossantos ***
Chester Fausnaugh *
Patria Gonzalez
Tiffani Chavez
Robert Denny ***
BobbieSue Fay ** LS
Victoria K. Gonzalez *
Christian Lloyd Chenet LS
Anthony Richard Derr *** LS ASL
Amanda Feise
Melissa Gowitzke **
Victoria Ciesielski ***
Vidhya Devadas ***
Wade Fennell
Abigail Graham *
Tina Cinko **
Ryan DeVinny
Christopher Feraios *** LS
Colette M Grant *** LS
Diana M Cisilski **
Natalie DeVolder *** DMD LS
Kelly Fickle
Mary Grant *** LS
Lynsie Clink *
Mark J Dial *** LS
Rebecca Fidler
Mikayla Grant ***
Bethany Clothier *
Sofia Diaz * LS
Aldo Figueroa * LS
See Graul **
Jennifer Cocorochio *
Taylor Alexandra DiCiolla
Jenna Finch ***
Cemarcia Racquel Green LS
Nicole K. Cohn
Britainie Kay Dill
Carole Fisher DMD CS LS
Jessica Greene *** LS
Leslie Dawn Coleman *
Stephanie Ditto *** LS
Jodi D Flanagan * LS
Tucker Stone Greene
Danielle Comeau ***
Kari Dixon
Alyssa Fleener ***
Amanda Greenland ***
Jennifer Comparda *** LS
Carrie M Doggett
Courtney Fish Flewelling *
Jamel Grier
Kevin Condardo ***
Destany Flowers
Ashlyn Griffin *
Crystal Consylman * LS
Ashley Nicole Smith Dominguez
Dylan Foltz ***
Marcia Raelynn Griffin
Sebrina Michele Coon * S LS
Tracie L Donaghy LS
Jesse Austin Forsythe *
Megan M Grinnell *** LS
Eleanor A Grootfaam
Kira M Houlihan ***
Hannah M. Kennedy-Parker ***
Carla Michelle Lostraglio
Sierra Marie Grose **
Leighanna Michel House *
Amara Kennett *
Bradley Alan Lowery
Ashley Guenther *** LS
Tyerra LaMartinique Howard ***
Erica Kerlin
Nicole Lunsford **
Shannon Guerrero ** CS
Danielle Hubbard
Hannah Rose Kibler
Breanna Mikaylie Maggart
Christopher Gunnuscio *** DMD
Alisha Huffman
Megan Kilzer *
Brookelee Wilson
Muwanda Humphrey-Luswa LS
Danielle Kimble-Pirner ***
Troy Jordan Mansfield ***
Charles Guy
Brian Hunt **
Meagan D. Kiser CS LS
BreAnna Maples ***
Katherine Hachfeld *** LS
Poppy Hyre
Megan J. Kisluk ***
Katherine Martin **
Jenaya N. Hall
Emily Alleyne Irish
Daniel Klasen ***
Robert Martin *** LS
Traci Hallett
Nia Isaac
Joshua Klett **
Jarrod Martinez *** LS
Jennifer M Hamlin **
Richard C. Ivy **
Karrie L. Kneale *
Randy Matthews *** LS ASL
Jeanie Hardy
Laura Jackson
Donald Koch ***
Jessica Mattox ***
Hannah Harness ***
Trynice Jackson
Danika Mariah Kolesar
Anthony McClelland LS
Jennifer Harpe
Melissa Jangrow LS
Vasileios Korsavvas
Kevin M. McComish *
Jennifer Harrington
Samantha Jellison ***
Christine Marie Kruppa
Bianca S. McCrory
Amanda Harris
Keturah Jenkins *
Floyd Tead Lancaster, Jr.
Melissa McDonald
Austen Harris *
April R Jennings ***
Naomi Landwehr ***
Steven McEvoy ***
Maxwell Harris
Norma G. Jimenez
Dakota Lane
Malisa McGary *
Haywood Harrison Jr. ***
Chandra Janine Johnson *
Louise Lange * LS
Merrissa McGraw
Madison Harry
Daesha Johnson
Zachary David Lanier **
Reginald McGregor *
Kimberly Hart ***
Emily Johnson ***
Quenton Lawton *
Andrea McKenna **
Ayanna Havard **
Samantha Johnson *** LS
Melissa S Lee ***
Steven James McKinney Jr. *
Agnes Hayes *
Victoria Johnson
Shelbi Nicole Lee
Tonya McKinney ** LS
Brittany Hazelton *** LS
Jacob Johnston **
Mary Kate Legac
Jenna Rose McLaughlin
Luke Allen Hebert ***
Krystal Johnston *** LS
Rachael Leialoha * LS
Daniel Ryan McLoughlin *
Kayla Hedinger * LS
Antwan Jones *
Ashley Leland *
Whitney McMullen
Cole Hedrick LS
Brooks Henderson Jones II *
Mary K Lennon CS
Kendra Lynn McNeely *
Crystal Deanne Herman
Rebekah Jones *
Domenique Leon
Shannon O'Brien McPhee *
Katelyn Ann Hernandez * LS
Shelby Jordan
Jacquelynn Leone
Katina A. Melebeck **
Makayla Hernandez
Damon Joseph
Brittney N Leopard ** LS
Amelia Mendes ***
James Hewell ***
Andréa R. Joyce
Noanoa-Kehaulani Toalima Lesa
LaNessa C Merritt *
Jesse Heydorn ***
Mbuyi Noela Kalala
Maria Levato
Nicole Merron ***
Rena' Lashawn Hildreth
Sara Musawu Kalao
Tanya Lynn Libby
Samuel Milfort LS
Daniel Albert Hinkle **
Ghofran Mohamed Karim
Victoria Heather Lind
Cody Alan Miller ***
Jessica Hogan
Caroline Kay ***
Angela R Livingston
Danzell Jordan Miller * LS
Jacki Holland ***
Rebecca Keenan *
Brian C Lombardi ** LS
Jeremy Joseph Miller
Edgar Horta LS
Patrick Michael Keith
Arthur J Long II *** ASL
Nicholas Miller
Erma Kelley Horton
Sean Kelleher
Morgan Long *** LS
Ashley Mims
James A. Horton LS
Meghan L Kelley
Kayla Lopez
Emily Miner *** ASL LS
Clarissa Hotsinpiller ***
Jenna Kennedy
Rosalba Lopez
Jeffrey D Mitchell *
Kimberly Mofford ***
Melinda Pare ** LS
Melissa Reynolds ** LS
Muholeza Rukumeta
Jeremy Montgomery ***
Jason Thomas Parks *** LS DMD
Rachel Rezak LS
Elizabeth Marie Rupp
Kayla Moore
Weston H Parks ***
Desiree Richardson *** LS
Jacob Rush
Lincoln A Moore LS
Anjal Paresh Patel
Chelsea Dawn Riffe
Augustin Rutledge
Meghan Moore ***
Veronica Patino
Joseph Norman Rinaldi
Gina E. Ruttman ***
Paula Moore *** LS
Sheneva Paz *** LS ASL
Patrick Ring
Lisa Ann Ryan **
Rebecca Morais ***
Sonnet Peabody *
Carissa Ritchie ***
Jamie Rydzik *** LS
Alyssa A. Morales **
Anthony Penington II **
Stephanie Ritter *
Mindie Saatela *** DMD LS
Alberta Morris
Chase Penner * LS
Karina Rivas
Emma Sahlberg *
Ivan Morteo
Steven Michael Peoples ***
Erin Rivera
Rosena Octobre Saintilma
Lauren Jane Mulholland LS
Carla Perdomo *
Jennifer Marie Rivera **
Xiomara Sambolin *** LS
John Murdock
Alesha Robbins * LS
Gabriela Santos *** LS
Alex Murphy ***
Alex D Perea-Angles *** LS DMD
Vanessa Dormer
Thea Saunders
Amecia Murphy
Enid Perez *** LS ASL
Mia Robertson **
Kayla Nicole Savage ** LS
Deven Murray *
Dorothy Pero *
Aundrea Lynn Robinson ***
John Matthew Savelsberg *** LS
Kathleen Bridget Murray ***
Sarah Perry
Deidre Robinson LS
Jaimie Verbonitz Scarberry
Patricia I. Murray *** ASL CS LS
Ashley Nicole Pezzella
Kellie Robinson *
Carol Schedlbauer
Catherine Myrga ** LS
Carson Pforsich ***
Lecarra Robinson
Kayla Scheidemantle *
Latovia Myrick LS
Stephanie Pierret
Renea Robinson
Tosha Schmidt
Emily Najera ***
Jessica Carrie Pines
Jacob Rock ** LS
Brian Scott *** LS
Vangela Naputi ***
Charmaine Plunkett ***
Angel Rodriguez * LS
Daneisha Lashawn Scott
Sean Neide
Roy Joseph Russi ** LS
Dana Rodriguez * LS
Kristy Nicole Scott
Shelly Renee Newman ***
Andrew Poe ***
Eric Jonathan Rodriguez ***
Tami Scott *
Jasper Benedict Alviola Ng LS
Tyeka Polanco **
Julie Rodriguez *** LS
Tyanna Scott
Thanh Nguyen LS
Israel Porras *
Martha D Rodriguez ***
Kevin Cloud Sczech ***
Anndromedia Nichols *
Maria Vanessa Porto Mollinedo ***
Stephanie Rodriguez ***
Christopher Seymore *
Nowa Yvanka Nicolas *
Katherine Lenette Postma ***
Victor Rodriguez *
Chasity Renee Shull
Richard Noel
Tracy Lynn Powers
Valentina Rojas * LS
Elizabeth Silva
Erick Nunez *
Brittney Premo
Kathleen Boyle Roman ***
Alicia N. Sims ** LS
Meghan Mae O'Neill *
Taleah Prince Williams * LS
Amanda Romero ***
Linda Sinn ** LS
Casey W. Oden **
Syed Sulaiman Qadri *** LS
Cecilia Rosario *
Charles C. Skelton II ***
Nicole Marie Oquendo *** LS
Jewel Queen
Jacqueline E. Rosario ***
Candace La' Tayne Smith LS
Rebecca J. Ormiston ***
Joel Ramos * LS
Jared Rose ***
Dale Smith III ***
Donald Orr *
Ruth Rangel
Kristie Bradshaw Roskop *
Kaitlyn Smith ***
Jesse Orr LS
Eliezer Rappoport *** LS
Mitchell Ross
Kima Smith
Kristi Ortiz *** LS
Kiera Rausch ***
Natalie Elizabeth Rossi ***
Matthew Smith
Jesse Padilla *** LS ASL
Ciera Rawls **
Kimberly Rowlan **
Michelle Marie Smith *** LS
Aimee Paprotny *** ASL LS
Kimberly L. Reeves ***
Kelly A. Royal
Stacey Lynn Smith ***
Kelly Paranich * LS
Jennifer Rentz LS
Jared William Rufo
Voltra Smith *
Dustin A Paraskeva *** ASL LS
Lindsey Rey **
Elizabeth Ruiz DeFalco *** LS
Safa Daaibis Sobeh
Paula R. Sproston ***
Zachary Voigt ***
Erica Woolheater
Elizabeth St. Pierre *** LS
Michelle Lauren Wade
Anthony Robert Worcester
Jacob Stallsmith *
Paige Waleryszak *
Sandra Lynne Worley
Jacob R Stamps
Deleshea Walker *** LS
Amber Wren *** LS
Jocelyn Statia
Hilda Walker ** LS
Tracy N. Wyatt ** LS
Justin Christopher Stayton ***
James D. Walker ** LS
Amanda Renee Yoder * LS
Lisa Lynn Stiles
Jayson Wallace ***
Alisa Young ***
Sheri Stoddard ***
Emily Ward ***
Raquel Young **
Kristina Marie Stokes
Ashley Shenelle Warren *
Teanna Jayle Young *
Megan Stokes *** LS
Kathleen Corryn Wayts
Brittney Yoxall
Nicholas Street
Ava Welborn ***
Fachri H. Zagr *** LS
Rhonda J Strong *** ASL LS
Patricia Jean Welker
Jorge Benjamin Zeledon ***
Kristi Stuckey *** CS
Paul S. Wesay LS
Jazzlynn Zellers
Medris Supreme LS
Dayla Weskamp ** LS
Bethany Zinzilieta
Jonathan James Sutherland
Jacob Allen West ***
Zachary Zuzak ***
Shamekia Lishay Swanson
Alaycia White ** LS
Randi Christina Sweet **
Cassidy White *
Madison Tarolli **
Christian White *
Rebecca Whitney Tateosian ** LS
Joleen White ***
Anthony Marvin Taylor
Katelyn Marie White ***
Timika Taylor
April Teixeira ***
Briann Jacquie Matanice Whitfield
Colby D. Thomas *
Jennie Whitten * LS
Laurie Thomas *
Adriane Wiles ** LS
Alicia R Todaro *
Michelle Wiles *** LS
Annemarie Torres
Sylvia Wiley ** LS
Danielle trageser *
Caitlin Wilkins ***
Anna J. Treybich ***
Jonathan Wilkins ***
Savannah Julia Tutt
Cassie Summer Williams *** LS
Susan Ulezelski **
Jennifer Michelle Williams
Emily Vail *
Tanika M Williams
Shauna Valencia
Jourdahn Williamson ***
Rebekah E. Van Vlack *** LS
Crystal Willis *** LS
Jaymie Marie VanSchindel *** LS
Autumn Winkler *
Denisse S. Vega ***
Thomas Wisniewski ***
Aaron Venable ** LS
Rose-Marie Janae Witter ***
Carmel Vericain LS
Laurence Wold III LS
Jordan Vest
Karolina Maria Wolowski *
Edwin Vilaro
Sophia Wood ***
Najeylla Viruet Gonzalez LS
Vonnetta Woodley *** LS
The mission of the Clinical Mental Health Counseling Program is to empower
new generations of counselors by transforming the lives of our students, and
through them, the lives of the clients and communities they will serve. To
achieve this, we deliver innovative, experiential counselor education, create an
inclusive environment, and nurture authentic relationships. We recognize that
earning a degree in counseling is more than just acquiring a base of knowledge
and theories; it is about developing an identity as a healer. The journey from
novice to expert counselor takes many years. The completion of a master’s
degree is just one step in that journey; yet today, the faculty and staff of the
Counseling program at SNHU are proud to present these students who have,
by their hard work and perseverance, demonstrated they are ready to take the
next step in their journeys, well prepared to have a positive impact on the lives
of others, and are grounded in ethical practice that promotes unconditional
positive regard and cultural humility towards themselves and their clients.
Naya Indira
Charles Steven Sizemore LS
Eva McCoy Jefferson LS
Carly Snodgrass AC ASL LS
Lisa Jones LS
Miranda J Snyder
Jessica Anthony LS
Lauren Michelle Joyce LS
Heidi Souza LS
Pamela Krist Atwood LS
Erin Elizabeth Kelley
Sydney Storey
Jessica Rebecca Austin LS
Mikayla Marie Kenneway
Kristina Rankovic Toro-Quinones LS
Allyson Barnes
Olivia Rose Lapointe LS
Cynthia Walker LS
Katelyn Lena Barrett
Sarah Lewis LS
Ashley Nicole Warren Harris LS
Joshua Lee Baum
Katie E Lyman-Maynard
Jennifer Weadock
Patrick Benini
Michelle Maldonado
Melannie White
Hannah Benson
Sophia Marchant LS
Amanda L. Whitten LS
Kelsey Elizabeth Biros
Nicole Frances McCourt
Kerri A. Wike LS
Cadricia Jocelyn Blair LS
Bronson McKinney
Requita Willis
Brogan James Carson
Angela McLaughlin LS
Caitlin Wilson LS
Jaclyn Victoria Casassa
Zariia Monque McRae LS
Kelsey Davis Zopp
Christine Coenen LS
Allison Danielle Renee Miller
Dina Coutu
Brittannia Shawle Demoey Norward
Sandra Coyner
Jennifer O'Gorman LS
Kendrick Cronin
Annamarie Obaya
Justine Crossett LS
Savannah Ornt
Bryttany C. Cunningham
Louise Pacheco
Santa Daletto
Denise Papay
Mackenzie Davis
Lauren Parham LS
Laura W Dickinson
Dawn Pess
Hunter L. DiGangi
Kelly Pimentel LS
Stephanie Lyn Downing LS
Megan Marie Poirier-Westman
Taylor Christine Dube LS
Crystal Ralston LS
Megan J. Dunn
Kayla Raneri
Naje Julia Edgerton
Lauren Elizabeth Rexford
Tiffany Michelle Edwards LS
Devin Ritenour
Andrea Lynn Flannery
Stephanie Robens
Courtney L. Gilkison
Regina Darrielle Rosario
Navreet Gill
Delaney Victoria Row
KariAnna Guarnere ASL
Kyle Vincent Russo LS
Kimberly Halfacre LS
Tamika Catrece Harrison-Sancho
Erin Harvey
Kyle Stanley Helwig LS
Patricia Hodges LS
Analysia Breanna Holguin
Morgan Hurlburt
Michaela Schandelmayer-Davis
Ayla Sharp
Narell Sheets
Allyson Simon
Within SNHU’s Global Campus General Education and First Year Experience
program, students demonstrate mastery of enduring skills embedded across
the curriculum while investigating professionally relevant topics and authentic
learning experiences through the lenses of humanistic, historical, social
scientific, and empirical ways of knowing. By asking our students to study
these worldviews, we intend to equip them with lifelong skills that enable them
to interact through these lenses, make sense of the world and information
around them, and analyze interdisciplinary connections within different modes
of thought. This work is crucial in order for students to have a transformative
college experience that fosters personal growth, encourages proactive
engagement in their academic studies, allows for planning for their professional
careers, and promotes individuals to give back to their communities.
Gianna M. DeMedeiros
Alexandra Keiller McHenry PLT
Jinna Torres
Crystal Anne Dereli
Ricky McLamb
Alysia P. Vance PLT
Brittany Nicole DiBuono
Chelsea A McNamara
Kristen Vomacka
Jennifer A Acuna
Shawn Marie Dimmock
Alicia Montague
Ashannah Grace Watson
Grace Ziskhar Alfred PLT
Maria Del Socorro Dominguez Diaz
Kaylyn Hope Monty
Allison Weiss
Naomi Armstrong
Heather N. Dube
Paige Victoria Moran LS
Karen Elizabeth White LS PLT
Veronica Arneson
Stacey A Elliott-Westfall LS
Sarah Morgan
Brianna Williams
Qumesha Artis
Brittany Ellis LS
Kaitlyn Murphy
Najzma M. Williams
Sherry Elizabeth Artruc
Jennifer Elzholz
Jamie Newell
Sarah Williams
Ashlea Babcock
Maxwell Folkman
Jeanette Newsome LS
Joshua Lloyd Barnes
Mollie Davis Fortin
Freddy B. Nunez
Andrea J Bennett
Samuel S Fowler
Tracy O'Connor
Bo Binas
Shawna Franzek
Christine O'Sullivan
Colleen Bouquot
Cara Elizabeth Freitas
Colleen Toomy
Ashley Bourdeau LS
Paul Garmirian
Kati-Lynn Orlando
Kelsey Alissa Breslin
Bailee K Garside PLT
Jaci Lynn Patterson
Ashley Bruton
Christopher D Goldsack
Alexa Porter
Danitra D. Calderon LS
Abigail Gonzo
Christianne Ragar LS
Lisa R. Callahan
Siobhan Greene
Jamie Reynolds
Christina L Carias
Gunnessa Griebe
Karla Sophia Ricano
Natalie Carpenter
Monica Hall
Michelle Betzabe Rivera
Anetrice Carroll
Christine Hammon LS
Michelle Rose Rivera LS
Donald E Cavallo
Alysia J. Harris
Karen Roberts PLT LS
Kerry Chema
Shannon Hernandez PLT
Shandre Robinson
Kelly Carolyn Clanton PLT
Emily Herrera
Cheryl C. Rodgers LS
Sean Clarke
Brittnae Jacobs
Andria LeeAnn Rogers
Morgan Clawson LS
Priscilla James
Margarita A. Santiago
Shelby Clements
Danielle Jesmonth LS
Ashlee R Sarnie
Drew Cope
Alexus Agape Kalampalikis LS
Adrienne Shilling
Kaycee Correia
Rachel Knuese
Matthew Shock
Serena Cover
Sarah Landers
Shannon Slattery LS
Stefanie Thurgood Cragun
Shaun Langevin
Elizabeth Solis
Brittany Cross
Stephanie Lanoie PLT LS
Shannon Rose Sullivan
Nicole Curci
Taylor Lawson
Kelly Sutherland
Tara Czaplicki LS
Benjamin A. Liberatore LS
Amy W. Taft
Jaclyn Dalziel
Karen Macks
Mackenzie Talley
Jade David
Marybeth Mahoney LS PLT
Erik D. Teemer
Julie Ann Davis
Jason D. Malbon
Jenna Rae Tennessen
Edgar Dawson II
Ashley Marchand
Danielle F Thibodeau LS
Sarah Delamar
Sarah M. McCrabb PLT
Lauren Torregrosa
Jessica Barnes
Michael A. Bowers
Jennifer A. Brown
Davann Chhem
Katherine Marie Chylack LS
Sam Clifford
Christopher Michael Craycraft
Bridgett Curtis Lindsey
Adrian Jerel DeBose
Giselle Melissa Gomez
Carla Ivon Gonzalez Hidalgo LS
Jessica Hardy LS
Stephanie L. Hesman
Kyliann C Hines
Agnes Querida Indalecio LS
Corey Jean LaMalva
Jumala C. Lloyd
Iris Luna
Taneshia Danielle McMillan
Michael Noel
Brittni Morgan Packard
Courtney Nicole Pettiford
Anthony V. Reid LS
Zachary A. Richards
Sharon Riley Ordu S LS
Kristen Rodick
Mark Warren Ruff Jr.
Ismaelle Salomon
Victor R Santiago Catala
Emerald Jade Smith
Akilah Spencer
Joseph P Spencer LS
Tywone Sugick Jr.
Jacqueline Tucciarone
Allyson Elaine Wallace
Jonathan Wells
Pamela Wirth
SNHU’s Global Campus Nursing and Health Professions department provides
high quality undergraduate and graduate education with distinction in
scholarship, service, and practice for nurses and health professionals seeking
to maximize their personal and professional potential. This mission is fulfilled
through innovative programs and by meeting the needs of adult learners in an
online environment. Graduates are prepared to promote a culture of health
within a diverse society in order to meet the challenges of an ever-evolving
healthcare system.
Bonita Akudo Abanulo
Anita Achiaa
Sara Akramy LS
Carl Henry Allien
Sharihan T. Ashkar
Caitlin Badger LS
Jennifer Batlemente
Kendall Deron Bedford
Parfait Belem LS
Sarah Benmir
Shanita LaTrice Binyard
Enoch Biswa
Gazyaomar Boushartila
Shallyn Carreiro
Danielle Carter LS
Valbona Cela
Luissa C. Chevere
Christine Childers
Chelsea Chotkowski
Lakin Clements LS
Caleigh Coers
Janet Conneely LS
Deanna Cheree Daniel
Jacobina Darku
Antoinette Davies
Lakisha Regina Davison LS
Ariana Diaz LS
Gloriana Estrella Diaz De La Cruz
Brittany Lorraine Dupchak
Yasmine Elhelaly LS
Anne Ruth Elistin
Dorian Elswick ASL CS LS
Ann Margaret Falco LS
Maria Fernanda Falcon LS
Uriah Ngum Fofuh-Fru
Megan Forstburg LS
Kimberly Parma LS
Nakaye Allen
Amber Frazier
Ebony Marceen Kuu'ipo Patterson LS
Michelle Anderson-Johnson LS
Brianna Rose Gratta LS
Andi Pauley
Bethany Elise Angel
Sean Matthew Gurdak LS
Maria Lucia Petagna
Cori Lynn Arena LS
Kristin Haley
Angela Ann Phengsavatdy
Anabella Armas LS
Megan Nicole Hendrick
Derrick P. Pruitt
LaVonda Armstrong LS
Arlene Nichole Higgins LS
Douglas Pryor Jr.
Christina Sophea Augustine
Annette Hill
Dominique Raymond
Alison Ayer
Kennedy Houze
Derthley Roseau LS
Kelly E Azarian
Melanie Suzanne Howe
Alexis Ross LS
Tyasia Sharnese Bagwell
Danyelle Barber
Kelly Elizabeth Rutkowski
Kathleen Margaret Baker
Obumneme Iloeje
Chloe Rychcik
Brittney Baptista
Kazeem Olubunmi Isolagbenla
William Sackey
Giscard Raymond Barbier
Kendra A. Jenkins
Kyle Sahli
Madison Delaney Bauer LS
Francis Kakaire
Giselle Santos Bedua Correia LS
Stephanie Ann Beck LS
Charles Kemakolam
Chad Edward Singleton
Kamaria C. Beckley
Kathleen Frances Kersey
Deryn Paula Smith LS
Russell Alexander Dionne Besmond
Andrew J. Kouassi Jr.
Jillian Steph
Hannah Bianchi
Ondrea S. Kramer
Krystle Nicole Stone LS
Elizabeth Black
Brook Emilee Lasater
Julie Sundquist LS
Erika Carmen Bonilla LS
Megan Lenane
Reichley Albert Tambi Mokom
Charlotte Brayman
Vanessa Lupo LS
Kathleen M Tassy LS
Destiny Breen
Destiny Marie Setsuko Mabalot
Grace Kennedy Tomlinson
Kristie Lyn Brock
Pratiksha Malbari
Danielle Townsend
Esther Brogna LS
Anne Malloy
Lauren Turnamian Edwards
Frances Sennatta Buckner
Rukiyar Marty LS
Dan Jackson Twizelimana LS
Cheryl Burkett LS
Kathryn McCabe
Eric Loid Vaughn
Kandice Keen Byrd LS
Mary McNamara-Cullinane
Freddy Alfonso Velasquez
Rachel Elizabeth Cade LS
Peace Michaels LS
Allison Denice von Horn
Joshua A Calderon II
Judith Monroe
Douglas Kesler Wandke
Taysa Moore
Michael R. Wieczerzak
Damien Alejandro Camacho
Marisa Petraglia Morello LS
Francisca Shantera Wilson LS
Andrew T. Cammilleri
Kaitlin Moriarty
Bo Zheng
Brittney Canady LS
Bertha Dadirai Musoni
Amanda Lou Zwart
Caitlin Cannavaro LS
Jennifer Desire Nesbitt
Mahrobert M Nimely Jr. LS
Brianne Noel LS
Stacey Rose Oliveira LS
Acacia A Palmer
Emily Pandzik LS
Nicholas Steven Capobianco
Nancy Marie Castro
Evan Boyd Allen
Sashanna Thompson LS
Matthew C Allen
Courtney Daisy Conyers
Dana M Ciallela-Kahn
Donna Coleman
Carmela C. Corpuz
Shannon Lea Hudson LS
Tiffini Myers LS
Amanda Smith
Natasha Graves Covington
Patricia Marie Hunter LS
Veena V Nair
Tasha Danielle Smith DMD ASL LS
Deborah Cowles LS
Nkemjika Ibeh
Amy Nassif LS
Marie St. Louis-Hidalgo
Angela Crawford
Jill Ilie
Kindell C. Newberry
Eric Albin Stanulis
Sarah Curtin
Andrew Stanley Jablonski
Elizabeth O'Rourke
Kami Stufflebeam
Julie Dale
Kennedy Nicolle Jackson LS
Eric Oickle
Nicole Tassello
Victoria Dawson
Janette James
Yashera Ivelisse Ortiz Santiago LS
Sidika Tavernier
Carrie De Swarte LS
Jephtee Jn Louis LS
Russell Ozmon LS
Jamie Lynell Taylor
Lyzah Rose Dones
Janet Louise Johnson LS
Deidre-Ann Latoya Parker
Andrea Denise Teran LS
Marcus Lamar Dukes
Jillian M. Johnson
Erin Pascoe
Amanda Tori Thomas
Zana Samih El-Ghandour
Renita Lashae Johnson
Durrel Patterson
Joseph Thompson
Kerry Enokian
Reagan Jones
Elisabeth Pérez
Ashley Tinkham ASL
Carissa Erickson
Christen Karch
Aruna Persaud LS
Jordan Titus LS
Lacy Eynon
Ashley May Kennedy LS
Tara Pettigrew LS
Cassandra Towner LS
Valerie Rania De Claro Felix LS
Jacqueline Kimball LS
Nicole Melissa Philibert
Janell Townes
Melanie Grace Fenton LS
Megan Anne Klemanchuck
Akeba Philip-Watkins
Antoinette Tuddles LS
Katie Flood
Stephanie Knaus-Tucker
Margalite Pierre LS
Jamie Jo Turnbull
Krystina Forbes LS
Marianne Louise Knight
Jillian Joannice Pinnock LS
Antonio Urbano-Spencer LS
Mario J. Forestier
Alfiya Mohmed Faruk Kothawala
Teresa Marie Plascencia
Alexis K. Valeri
Carolyn S Gillispie LS
Brittany L Krebbs
Shruti Punj LS
Ember Marie Vargas LS
Alexis Autry Gillus
Joseph Kreeb
Brijesh Rajpara
Mayte Vargas
Brianna L. Giorgi
Steven Brian LaBadie
Tori Miquelle Rea LS
Vanessa P. Vidal LS
Bridget Glazier
Hannah Elizabeth Ladeau Rudolph
Kaitlyn Nicole Reel
Prashanti Vijay
Laura A Gleaton
Kendra Lagerborg
Naba Rehman
Jordan Ashleigh Wade
Bonnie Gonzalez
Gisela Lalin
Kaley Janee' Rendleman
Pauline Wanjiku
Linda Gonzalez
Luz Leal
Barbara Jean Resua
Charles Warnecke LS
Chelsea Gordon
Cynthia C. Lebron LS
Linda Rogers
Bethany Rachel Warren LS
Larry G. Gordon LS
Jennifer M. Leighton LS
Giselle Romero
Joanna Warren
Lindsey M. Gurganious
Jillian Lombard
Sheila Anne Roucher
Nisa Leona Wilhelm
Kripa Gurung
Cazette Mack
Janice Rowlands
Jordan Craig Williams
Shashi Gurung
Stacey Michelle Marrazo LS
Jessica Marie Ruch
Paris Asha Larelle Williams
Alesha Hall LS
Grace Maxwell
Haily Sanders
Shannon Blakely
Ashley Marie Harris LS
Tameshia Mayfield
Khadejah Sangare LS
Andreka Wood
Jerri Yvette Harris
Amanda McCarthy LS
Nihar Satsangi LS
Kimberley Woodward
Tammy Ann Hasemann
Ja'Mara La'Sasha McDuffie
Jennifer Schuck
DeArtura Young
Kristen L Heuvel
Jamila Rosalind McGee
April Serakowski
Karam S Youssef
Kim Hoang
Melody R McLeland
Irina Sillanpaa LS
Brittany Zaring
Kristie Vickers Holtz
Lauren Melski
Tania Singh
Maqsood Hoosein
Relinka Rosha Miller LS
Evan M Sinrich
Bridget Hoye LS
Jessica Moyer
Celeste Porter Slade
Tanya Kaye Malette
Kristian Renee Zack
Elizabeth S. Batsinelas LS
Amy Martinez
Pascal Bahati Zigashane
Erin Baughman ***
EvaFatina Aman Abu Gheitha
Victoria M. Mejia
Lul H Abukar
Andrea Michelle Mitchell
Bernadette Araiza
Donna Centavia Moore
Bianna Esther Bautista
Desiree Marie Morrison
Niketa Evette Bell
Esperance Mukiza
Sulia Boatwright
Lucie Isingizwe Mwezi
Christine M. Bohlmann
Jeanne Confiance Ndahiro Umutoni
Bertrand Byishimo
Claude Ndayisaba
Megan Brent Bywaters-Penree
Jean Ndutiye
Luis Cancinos
Moses Nkurunziza
Sebastian Cardozo-Valencia
Cindy Ortiz
Marisela Renee Casarez
Amanda Lynn Ploskonka
Suzanne M Dodson
Laquiesha Rainey
Althe G. S. Duberry-Cabey
Shashalee Reid
Joanna Lynn Frank Dumont
Alicia Ann Reynolds
Sara Josephine Erickson
Latonae Auirielle Richmond
Nicole Feliciano
Keri Ladd Rickenbaugh
Luz Enith Flores
Floy Louise Riley-Sidibe
Ketleine Francois
Teia Ann Sallee
Victoria Galyen
Virginia M Shaw
Sofia Guevara
Gretchen Skwera
Yoslin Guevara
Debara Marie Smith
Jean Marie Habarugira
Arla M Stadden
Faustin Hakizimana
Monica Sofia Stanley
Shelby Lynne Henderson
Deborah F Steinberg
Maranda Hoskins
Veronica Beatriz Torres
Justine Iradukunda
Nicole Trippier
Claude Irumva
Admira Tufekcic
Chianti Shante Johnson
Eboni Turner
Kiswania Cyrelle Jones
Rosine Uwineza
Triphonia Julius
Francoise Uwizeye
Carly Ann Kasmer
Cristina Vasquez-Ortiz
Zorica Krsmanovic
Karisa Marie Washington
Tammie Marie Leisgang
Rebecca Anne Wells
Melissa Loomis
Tracia Jenea Williams
Amy Marie Luna
Donald Addis Witmer-Kean
Maher A. Mahmood
Barbara Carlene Womack
Maximilien Mbite Musaka
Ashley Abrahams *** LS
Emily Ann Adams ***
Jacquelyn Adams **
Mark Adrian ***
Alfonzo Agnew **
Cynthia Ahmad * LS
Quakina Ahweyevu *
Melanie Airoso ***
Folasade O. Akindejoye *** ASL LS
Lynn A Albert ***
Alyssa Albrecht **
Sterling D Alexander
Morgan Alizzi
Danielle C Allen **
Christopher Altman *** LS
Alexia Michele Amador
Katie Anderson *
Delilah R. Arenas ***
Sara Arida ***
Florence Arrington * LS
Julie Auld *
Rebecca Axen ***
Ashley Aytek
Tiffany Baca *** LS
Ashley Marie Badgley
Assiatu Bah ***
Anika Yolanda Baker *** LS
rosheen baker
Amanda Balasco ***
Shandora Banks
Lashema Barnes
Michele Barraco ***
Jasmine Barth ***
Leetta Bateman
Jacquelyn Marie Bayer
Shanell Mariah Becenti *
Kathleen J Beck
Rylee Beck *
Brandi Becker ***
Wendy Bedard ***
David Belden **
Tracy C. Bellomo *** LS
Katie Belski
Alan R. Bennett ***
Ricus Bennett * LS
Amanda Berger ***
Daniela Berlanga *
Samantha Bernaldo *** LS
Rebecca Best *** LS
Holly Bicknell **
Yevgeniya Bisnette ***
Courtney Black * LS
Jeanne-Claire K. Black
Victoria Mariah Blodgett *
Rachel Boehnke ***
Ciara Bombaci
Charea' Yvonne Borner
Dawn Bowles **
Stevi Bowman ** LS
Tonya Boyce * LS
Karen Kristina Boyd *** LS
Sarah Beth Boyers ** LS
Heather Brady ***
Debra Branch-Solomon *** LS
Lisa D Brathwaite
Jourden Briggs LS
Jill Brink ***
Kelly Tiernney Brister ***
Octavia Sheree Bristow
Carrie Brock ***
Desiree Brooks
Jasmine A Brown **
Danika Kylie Bruce ***
Corrina Connolly **
Sierra Duenas ***
Melissa Ford
Dawn Brumley **
Kristie Cook ***
Richelle Mary Dupont ** CS LS
Paige Nichole Ford
Jamie L. Bruno ***
DaQuan Cooper LS
Celica Eagleson ***
Britney Fowler
Rose Amelia Buckley LS
Melissa Jean Cordova ***
Kenya Carmetris Edmonson *
Alisha Frazier ***
Alexander Donald Budge *** LS
Ashley Nicole Corolis
Christina R. Edwards ***
Teresa Maria Pinco Freeman ***
Belia R. Burnett *
Charleston Coryea *
Leilani Edwards *** LS
Jonalynn Fuller
Alycia Burnham **
Charra Cosby
Shatina Edwards ** LS
Kyley Rae Fusiara *** ASL LS
Dawn Burton *
Amber Cote **
Cariann Edwards-Turner **
Chantell Gardener
Gloria N Bwenge
Melissa Ruth Cresta ***
Rachel Ann Elgert *** LS
Eva Alesia Gatewood * LS
Cacey Cafua
Valerie Cruz
Sarah Ann Ellis
Priscilla Marie Gavilanes
Luz Calle **
Elizabeth Cullers *
Ashley Elzinga ***
Sarah George **
Melissa Camp ***
Aaliyah Monique Curry
Merideth Emery
Richard Jermaine Germany ** CS
Sydney Campbell **
Lauren Daniels
Monisola Adeola Eniolorunda **
Mikayla Gerow ***
Jennifer Canfield *** LS
Dara Marie Darbyshire **
Joann Escobar ** LS
Amanda Marie Gibson
Mary Cangello ***
Hoda Darraj ** LS
Michael Alexander Estwan ***
Robin Gilland
Jennifer Canipe ***
Phillippe Dashnaw **
Dawn DeAnne Allen Evans ***
Anna Beth Girard ***
Preston Caparanis
Misty Davidson ***
Hayley Evans *
Paige Lorraine Gladysz
Elisandra Caraballo
Katherine Davis *** ASL
Phillip R Evans LS
Rebecca Gleason ***
Heather Carpenter
Kevin Jay Davis II
Sheray N. Ewald ***
Savanna Gohlke *
Janisha Renea Love Carter
Sieylamuni E. Davis *
Henry Ewelukwa
Sergio Gomez ***
Jared Carter **
Stephanie Davis-Clark *** ASL LS
Rachel Faber
Emily Goncalves *** LS
Sharon Carter *
Alexandra Dean ***
Omolara N Falade
Veronica Goncalves
Christina Casamassa *** LS
Jessica Delcourt ***
Bethany Falu **
Kiara Gonzalez *
Theresa S. Case ***
Aravella Dennis
Laura Fanning
Chelsey Gosselin *
Katelyn Jee Eun Cassidy
Sharon Denson * LS
David Paul Faridi *** LS
Brittany L. Govindasamy ** LS
Jessica Castaneda ***
Danielle DeSantis *
Kristen L. Farmer *** LS
Alysia Graham ** LS
Mara Centeno
Darbi Desch ***
Comfort Tosin Farohun ***
Jacqueline Graham * LS
Michelle Edith Centifonti *** LS
Erika DeVincent *** LS
Jennifer Fehrenbach LS
Reginald Green
Courtney Brooke Chadwick *
Sonya A Dewberry LS
Courtney D Feliciano LS
Melissa Greenblatt **
April C. Chartrand ***
Junior Diaz
Melissa Fieck *** ASL
Danielle Esther Grey ** CS
Chynna Chatman Jones
Marc DiCamillo ***
Justin Andrew Fields *
Alycia Griffin ***
Maria Teresa Chavez-Bravo ** LS
Allie Dicken **
Jennifer Filby LS
Theresa Griffin **
Markiya Cheatham
Kasey G Dillard ***
Sunni M. Fisher
Matia Grochowiak-Williams
Caroline Chepkwony ***
Patrick Dixon *
Yvonne Flemister ***
Tracie Gruening ***
Kerri Cisney *
Marissa Domenech **
Dina Ann Guarino **
April Clark *
Jazmine Dorsey
Adrieana Mignonette Rowana
Fleurmond ** LS
Tamara Dorvilmar **
Mayra Flores
Cristina Gullo ***
Katherine E Coble ***
Angela Dotson * CS LS
Elleni Guzman ***
Zachary Benjamin Cohen ***
Lauren Downing ** LS
Shareina Margarita Flowers ***
Viktoriya Connally ***
Emilie Dudley
Maya Cobb LS
Brandy Floyd
Daisy Guijarro
Dhondup Gyatso ***
Ashley Haley LS
Destini Hall
Elaine Ruth A. Jimenez ***
Jody May Leopardi *** LS
Cosena McFadden ** LS
LaTangelia K. Hall *
Carmen Denise Johnson
Ericka Liebherr
Elizabeth McKee
Latia Shawne Hall ** LS
Julie Gayle Johnson ***
Sonya Y. Liedke ***
Giovanni A. McKenzie **
Donald Hanaj ***
LaTonya Johnson
Kyle Lindsey *
Tiffani Katelyn McLain **
Shanna Larae Hansen *** LS
Michele Claudia Johnson *
Rachel Marion Lisi ***
Jenna Meek ***
Rachel Alyce Hanson *** LS
Artia Jones **
Michael Litchfield * LS
Jennifer Melendez *** LS
Tavita Harlan *
Ashley Jones ***
Cassandra Little ***
Broderick Harper **
Demetria Nicole Jones **
Reanna Liversage ***
Sylvia Odessa Mendoza *** LS
Katwana Roshawn Harris *
Joy Jordan ***
Emily Lloyd *
Cynthia Marie Mercado-Reyes
Mindy Joann Harris *
Terry Kabue *
Gina Rose LoConto **
Amy Messaros **
Jena Harten LS
Rex J. Kantatan *** LS
Aixa Mailyn Lopez **
Charmaine Miller
LaKendria Tenee' Harvey
Toumaj Kassaii ***
Andrea Danielle Love **
Diaminique Miller-Watson *** LS
Cyerra Honinicole Hawkins LS
Heather Keeley ** LS
Nicole Lowe **
Joseph Anthony Milone **
Angel Hayes *** LS ASL
Candyce Keener LS
Belissa A Lucius ***
Michelle Miner
Thomas Patrick Hayes *
Samantha Keihl *
Aida Lugo Ballester *
Antique Minnix
Donna Hernandez LS
Stephanie Aracely Keyes ***
Chelsea Lumpkin LS
Miriam Moise **
Ashley Hobbs ***
Paul Mwaniki Kimani LS
Cameron R. Lynch
Katherine Monroy
Chandra E. Holbrook *
Minghui Kirby ** LS
Wanda Adorno *
Austin Tyler Montalvo ***
Natasha Hope *** LS
Wanda Kirker
Kathleen MacLane ***
Marquita Montgomery LS
Victoria Denise Howard *** LS ASL
Donna Marie Kirn ***
Esele Gift Madojemu ***
Jessica Lynn Moore *** LS
Nichol Avery Hughes **
Kathryn Elaine Knezevich-Myers
Megan Maguire ***
Brielle Nicole Moorhead ***
Ashley Nacole Mahaffey *** LS
Ricardo Moran *
Samantha Alicia Hunter-Hall ***
Colleen Knight
Aimee Malcom
Brazille R. L. Morgan *** ASL CS
Khevin Koch *
Farrah M R Mann * LS
Thomas Morgan
Lindsey Hurley
Ina Koritari *
Sorie Mansaray
Kimberly LaKaral Morris
Marilynn Lelia Hymon-Williams ***
Lillian A Kosome *** LS
News-Johanne Marcellus
Mignon Morrison **
Beneditte Domche Kouetcha Dassi
Vernetta Mariello ***
Anthony J Mottola
Ashley Ingram *** LS
Teresa Pauline Kurjiaka
Kimberly Marotta ***
Amanda Kaye Booth ***
Bryce Irwin * LS
Ali Jennifer Lamoureux LS
Kristy Marquez **
Steven Munson
Kimberly Isla ** LS
Jamie Langa ** LS
Stephanie Marie Martin ***
Jessica Rose Murawski LS
Teresa Ives ***
Tania Maria Lara **
Aubrey Martinez
Bonnie Murray
Ashley Izzard
Christiana Larned *
Sarah Marie Mason *
Brooke J. Naatz ***
Lora Stephana Jackson
Eva Laroya ***
Ashley James ***
Stephanie Glorivette Mata *** LS
Kailee Latimer *** LS
Jennifer James
Elizabeth Mathis *** LS
Adrineh Cassandra Nalbandian
Emma Grace Latimore *
Shelby Dorton Jaros **
Joanne Maurice LS
Madeson Lavigne LS
Eynas Muhammad Amin Jarrar * LS
Jerri Cannon May
Quyen Le ***
Danielle L. Jenkins ***
Joan Maynard ***
Ella K. Leach
Nicole Renee Jenney *
Carissa Nicole McCann LS
Mark Lecher *** LS
Kevin Charles Jennings ***
Melina McCoy ***
Elizabeth M. Leggett ***
Danielle Marie McCrossin ***
Shmel Hughes LS
Nzaih Bweh Namuene *
Amanda Narine LS
Becky Lynn Nelson
Sarah Nesbitt ***
Tiffany Renee Newell * LS
Stefanie Lynn Nichols *
Jalisse Nieves * LS
Ana Mercedes Pierre
Laura Riess ***
Mark Joseph Shelgosh *
Katherine Normandin ***
Jessica Pineda Cortez *
Nadine Riley ***
Shannon Joan Sheltra *** LS
Christine Nugent ***
Darnella Jean Piper ** LS
Jon Rivera ***
Holli Sue Shipp ***
Morgan Nugent ***
Alexandra N. Pittman * LS
Rochelle Robinson
Sabra Shoemaker *** ASL LS
Olivia Claire Oballe **
Tamika Plummer
Brigette M. Roche ***
Samantha Short *
Asha Okojie *
Latisha Marie Porter *** ASL
Sarah Rodrigues ***
Kathi Sideikas-Elser
Oyebolanle Olaluwoye * LS
Danyelle Poulin *** LS
Allison Elizabeth Rohe ***
Ashley Silva
Barbara Oliver *** LS
Jessica Pounders **
Samantha Lea Rojas *
Megan Elizabeth Silva ***
Shanna Oliver
Sarah Powell
Anna Romeo *
Raquel Silveira
Amanda Olivier
Ashley Predmore **
Monica Rosco ***
Megan Sima ***
Adekemi Adetutu Olufemi **
Michelle Primofiore **
Katie N. Rose
Regina Simmons ***
Natalie Orlando ** LS
Abraham Pritzker
Heather Rosenbrook ***
Tameka Sims
Ramesha Ormand
Joshua Pruitt ***
Eloise Barbara Rossiter
Reena Renuka Singh ***
Katie Ann Ormond ***
Lakendra Y Pruitt LS
Rebecca Rothrock ***
Trista Slauf
Ashleigh Ortiz *** LS ASL
Melissa Puga ***
Jessica Rowekamp ***
Michelle Lynn Hargis Slichter
Kristina Martelle Oubre *
Michal Pullman *** LS
Lacey Roy **
Jennifer Slivka ***
Devon Outlaw ***
Jocelle M. Quinn ***
Rosa Maria Lee Rubio *** LS
Matthew Slosman ** LS
Chanel Owens LS
Charlotte Rackard-James
Kenia Ruiz-Vazquez ***
Chelsie Smith
Christopher SaintClair Owens *
Samantha Jean Rafo ***
Michelle Hutton Rullo *** LS ASL
Chicary Lola Smith **
Isiah Dwight Paige
Mary Elizabeth Ragona
Randa Ruth ***
Joniece Marie Smith * LS
Grace Jiyoung Park *
Babatunde Raji
Kelly Ann Ryan ***
Ryan Smith
LaTasha Parker
Mary Ramirez *
Elliot Ryerson
Shandrika Smith
Deanna Parks *
Jennyfer Ramirez-Jimenez *
Chrystal Saccavino ***
Sherine Smith
Alexis Parsons *** LS
Kevin Ramoutar *
Stacy Saephanh **
Keely Snyder ***
Melissa Partridge ** LS
Katurah L. Randall **
Marsea Salvatierra **
Monica P Solano ***
Josie Ann Marie Paschke ***
Desirea Marie Raumaker * LS
Cynthia Sambo
Mengkhu Sopa ***
Alexis Rose Pascoe
Patricia Rebello ***
Hawa Sankoh *
Breonna Sowell
Kunjan Patel
Josefina Brenda Santana
Kari Spennato *
Teresa Paul **
Cynthia Lorraine Redmond *** LS
Nicole Santana
Nicole St Jean ***
Claudia Peach ***
Crystal Reed
Janet M Saran ** LS
Crystal Stayner **
Salina Marie Pearson **
Dominik Sharray Reed *
Samantha Wyne Saxon **
Katheryn Stearns *** LS
Dawn Marie Pepper *** ASL
Kerianne Zarriello Reilly
Rachel Schindorff ** LS
Samantha Steele ***
Amanda Perello LS
Shelley Relling **
Sandra M. Schultz *
Sarah Bethanie Stinnett ***
Lizette Perez **
Daniel James Remsen *** LS
Camille Symone Scott LS
Bethany Stokes
Mariana Perez *** LS
Pieter C. Reukema *** ASL
Erica Scott
Sarah Stoltenkamp ***
Polly Perez
Shirley Revell ***
Sharon M Scott *** LS
Kristin N. Stover
Jemma Marie Perry
Justin Todd Reyes *
Laura Cynthia Serapiglia *** LS
Jalessa Streeter
Olivia M Perry
Savannah Kay Reyna ***
JoAnn M Serrano ***
Aryn B Strickland *
Sandra Ling Perry ***
Meghan Richard ***
Shannon Shaver **
Shameeza Khan ***
Alexis Pezzelle *
Cindy Richey *
Sarah Shaw ***
Briona Glenna Mae Sullivan *
Michael Susi ***
Donna Velasquez ***
Alesandra Winnett *** LS
Yaneli Galloway
Breelyn Sustrik **
Jennifer Vickers *** LS
Jennifer Witt
Angela Michelle Garay
Sharon Sweet LS
Shannon Vickers **
Roxanne B. Wong ***
Jimmy Joel Garcia
Melissa Szemeredy ***
Brittany Vining
Sara Wooley *** ASL
Sherl Lynne George
Shakia Taft
Jennifer Wages ***
Brook Elizabeth Workman *
Erica R Giannoccaro
Rae Ann Tavares ***
Hayley Wahl *** LS
Alyssa N Worstall
Daniella E Gillis
Anita Taylor ***
Hayley Walch *
Ashley Wright ***
Kevonyia Gooding
Bethany Roychell Taylor *
Maugha Hope Walker
Katherine Wright *
Lisa Anne Green
Elana Taylor *
Sabrina Walker ***
Sherell L. Wright
James Elmo Griffin
Heather Michelle Taylor
Olivia Wall *** LS
Lucy Xayavong LS
Safura Hajera
Kailey R. Taylor ***
Hannah McCartney Walsh
Anam Yasin
Cassidy A Howard
Tia N. Taggart
Owen Walter *** LS
Harli Young
Kim Antionette Howard
Gayle A Tebeau **
Barbara Ward ***
Keyaira Young
Stanley Jackson
Chasidy Tenison ***
Heather Noelle Ward ***
Aimee Jermyn Zabinski **
Maya Jacob
Angela Terry *** LS
Dayne Warner
Jack Zastowny *
Masiah Jones
Kaitlin Terry * LS
Duncan Warner ***
Rhonda Zbikowski *
Carolann Joseph
Adam Thayer
Kellie Watson ***
Jennifer Zurcher ***
Afraa Ahmad Khouly
Alexia Thieret LS
Delitha Watts ***
Afrinda Lorvna Thomas
Amber Webb ***
Antoinette Thomas
Anna Marie Webb LS
Ashley Kionna Thomas **
LeeAnn Webster
Qiana L Thomas *
Ingrid C. Welch
Emerald Thompson **
Rachelle Welch
Timothy Thrash *
Reagan Wells **
Demetrius Tingle
Jessica Wendt ***
Rebekah Ann Tonkin ** LS
Erica Wennerberg **
Noelle Torres ***
Kimberly Werkmeister *
Umit Torun **
Brooke Wethington ***
Melissa Tourney *** ASL
Nancy A Wheeler *** LS
Joseph Trabucco ***
Dion M. White
Cindy Tran **
Angela Nicole Traub **
Traci Le'Andra Whitehead Knight
Selina Tremmel
Stevan Alison Whitehurst * LS
Tammie Carignan
Melissa Tucker ***
Chimera Williams **
Gina Nicole Criswell
Dolapo Uthman LS
Corissa Williams
Olanda Ann Dameron White
Olivia Vaca **
Emiillii Kathrina Williams *
Nirva Debrosse Sajous
Carmina Rae'nel Vance LS
Kristyn Williams *
Evy A Dixon
James Vance *** LS
Renata Poet Williams ***
Tyrinthia Jean Douglas
Erica Vasquez
Christopher Wills **
Carmelle R Eliscar
Miguel Vasquez
Alicia Winchester ***
Kevin Tylor Feutz
Anna Adams
Eduar Neptali Aguilar
Cindy Daily Alcantara
Chelcie Machelle Badgley
Sabrena Chantal Bailey
Danielle Aguiar Beadles
Leandro Begorre
Natasha Bell
Danielle Nicole Brewer
Mainor Giovany Burgos
Kendra E Cacho
Diana Renee Krauser
Saphira Lasseur
Vanessa Lizette Leal
Monique Marie Lewis
Belinda Kay Lowe
Rosalee Ann Lynch-Prince
Sandra R. Marquez
Lisa Marie Mathia
Denise Marie McGovern
Sherae Nelson
Meleody Dawn Norman
Simon Luboya Ntampila
Rachelle Pavilus
Jaime Aisha Peller
Fadia Petit-Homme
Amy R Richey
Marva L Robinson
Marfa Sabeqoon
Gabriela Sanchez
Youssif Omar Shaaban
Christa R Shetron
Debra Joyce Spiller
Roberta Leigh Stevens
Cheryl Rebecca Stodgell
Shamil Mardan Thapa
Amanda Jean Turigliatto
Ornela Vera
Lizabeth Page Weidman
Kimberly Lynn Wiggins
Michael Jason Wilkins
Danielle Evelyn Willeby
Minnie M Woods
SNHU’s Global Campus Liberal Arts department at embraces both passion and
practicality within our many diverse undergraduate and graduate programs,
such as Communication, Creative Writing, Digital Photography, English, General
Studies, Graphic Design, History, and Liberal Arts. Our mission is to guide
our students’ exploration of the human experience to enrich their journeys as
dynamic global citizens. In doing this, we foster the development of practical
skills, leading to success in their chosen professional paths. We cultivate
a passionate community that practices respect, collaboration, creativity,
leadership, and communication. Regardless of discipline area, a Liberal
Arts education challenges students to expand their minds while encouraging
empathy and self-reflection. Liberal Arts promotes objective examination of new
ideas and thoughts and helps incite creativity and the development of critical
problem-solving skills. Liberal arts students sharpen their communication skills
for different audiences in a variety of contexts and formats. Students learn to
question assumptions in the search for truth. Emboldened by their liberal arts
education, our students have a meaningful impact on their local and global
communities, as they imagine and bring about a better future.
Amy Canapa S
Lindsey Dingler
DelSheree Gladden
Ryan Capalbo
Judith A Dionne ASL S
Samantha Gomes LS S
Amanda Cardoza LS
Mark Zinoviy Dmitriev S
Gustavo Gonzalez
Lucas Erik Adams
Ryne Carlson S
Richard Kyle Dorris
Melissa Isabel Gonzalez S LS
Brittany Lynn Ahearn LS S
Liz Angely Carrasquillo LS
Jeniffer J Downey
Cesar Gonzalez-Garcia
Safiya Adel Al Aali
Rebecca Ane Carter
Jennifer Alissa Doyel
Courtney Graham
Ishraq Alazem S
William Catyb
Danielle Kathryn Driscoll
Jessica Graham LS S
Camryn Layne Albaugh
Cameron Cehula LS
Elizabeth Duarte
Ryan S. Graybill
Brian Albrecht
Coral J Chambers
Gennyth Elaine Hunt Dugo
Roslyn Green
Gina Alexander S
Peter Chan
Rachel Helen Duke
Caleb Greenough
Christopher Amick
David John Chávez
James Dumke
Carl Wesley Gregory LS
Yvonne C Anaya
Shawn Chesley
Morgan Dunsfield S
Clinton Gregory
Emily Nicol Anderson
Siera Eklund Chin
Candelaria Duran LS
Christina Guillory S
Carol Angell LS
Cassie Clark
Russell K Dutcher III
Paul Edward Hanlon
Rita Mae Augustine
Hailey Nicole Clark
Paul Robert Dwigans
LaShonda N Hardeman
Kaitlyn Badger-Turner S
Emily Ruth Clause
John Thomas Dyevich
Hannah Kaelin Hargrove
Alyssa Ball
Adam Claybaugh
Benjamin Eaton
Elizabeth Harward
Anneka Beasley
Anita M. Cline S
Robert Lee Edwards III LS
Taylor Mechelle Hathcock
Tiiloni Menola Beavers
Kyrie Collins
Russell Egan LS
Grace Hazzard
Esmeralda Belen LS
Kerry N Conlin
Ryan M. Faille S
Meryl Fawn Healy
Adrianna Benavides S
Briana Trini Contreras
Jeffrey Faulkner
Shawn Michael Henry
Alfred John Bennett LS
Kyle Conway
Stephanie Anne Fearn LS
Janie Lorraine Hernandez
Kaylin N Bever LS
Jessica J. Cooke
David Heath Ferreira
Samuel Anthony Hernandez S
Patrick Bisaillon
Stephanie Corrigan
Kiaundra Few
Jacob Heroux LS
Jazmyn Bishop
Catherine Alise Cosgriff LS
Christine Flessner
Megan Danielle Hespen S
Justine Bishop
Brandon Countee
Monica Flores
Lyn Hillman
Hannah Marie Blandini S
Eileen R. Courtney
Mark Foley LS
Patricia Himmel
Molly Breitbach
Roberto Cruz S LS
Noel Louvera Ford S
Sarah Louise Hoefner
Katherine E Broome S LS
Allison E. Cullen LS
Lianne Frame
Hilary Hoffman
Michael Brown
Katie Cusson S
Langdon Franz
Kelsey Leigh Hoge
Norman Brown, Jr.
Leila Dalton
Jennifer Franze LS
Jonathan Holland
Monika Buckley
Hannah Danaher
Melanie Lynn Funka
Alana Hollenbaugh LS
Christine Burke
Misty Davis LS
Rebecca Galib
Dylan Holm LS
Sarah Elizabeth Burke LS S
Kassandra Day LS
Lisa Jane Gardner-Currie S
Joshua Hook LS
Victoria Roberta Krites Burton S
Kelsey Dean LS
Olivia F. Gavriel
Patrick E Hoose-Saukas
Garrett Robert Butler S
Arlyn Cirene Delgadillo S
Kathleen Gemmell
Jacob Hufstader
Sydney Yvonne Byers LS
Kaitlyn DeMarco
Fallon Gero S LS
Lisa Hughes S
Morgan Cain LS
Matthew DeRiggi
Deena Gilbert S
Annette Hutchings
Crista Cristella Camacho LS
Brent Devine
Christina Gioia S
Kate Elizabeth Jackimowicz
Justin Ross Cameron
Jennifer DiGiovanni
Courtney Lynn Girgis
Keiyanni Angelique Jackson S
Islande Jacques LS
Meagan Kathleen MacArthur
Betty Jean Nobles
Nicole Reid
Karla Jimenez Gomez
Chad MacPherson S LS
Charity Ann Norton LS S
Alexandria Riker
Yanexis Barbara Jimenez
Jessy Malave Ortiz S
Katherine O'Neil S
Leslie Rilloraza
Amy Johnson
Daniel William Maleika
Amanda O'Neill Reid S
Roger Rios
JoAnna G Johnston
Vanessa Mares
Shonda Rene Oakley
Erica Victoria Rivera
Samantha Danielle Jones S LS
Victoria Markellos
Justin M Ober
Joyce Rivera
Tricia M Jordan
Marisol Marrero LS S
Michael Leonard Oliver S
Kevin Robertson
Misti Jorges S
Araceli Martinez
Alexander Olson
Patrick Roden
Roberta Kahl LS
Joseph Martino LS S
Susan Ort S LS
Angel Rodriguez
Thomas Kevin Keenan
Jasmine Nicole Mathis
Kacie Emiko Oshiro
Sierra Rosa
Shantel Keesler LS
Anna Nicole McElreath
Darin Pall
Douglas Rosien LS
Gabrielle Amanda Keller
Donna Cahoon McGee LS S
Megan Eileen Palomo S
La Vergne Rosow S LS
Mackenzie Kelley S LS
Timeka Hyicinth Stuart S
Michael D. Panken
Angela N. Russell
Sara J Kenney
Alexis G McKenna S
Jonathan Papanikolaou
Chauntel Marie Ruvalcaba S LS
Briana Nicole Kramer
Molly Catherine McManus
Kimberly Parrott
Janicia Sago LS
Beth Kromka
Typhany Lee McNeill-Sellers
Susan Elizabeth Pattishall S
Kimberly Sago LS
Samantha Jin Martinez Ladha
Cassidy Melczak
Jonathan T Pavlik LS
Matthew Sandmeier
Paule Nejtha Lafortune
Viola Kann Melvin S
Joanna G Perez
Maxx N. Sandoval
Elizabeth Genesis Lagunas S
Rachel Merkley
Justine Petralli
Alexandria Margaret Mary Sauer
Lynette Lamb
Jeffrey A Messick LS
Kayla Renee Pettingill
Jon A. Sawyer
Reginald K Lane II
Claire Metheny
Melissa R. Phillips
Bethany Schmidt LS
Kristen Lanerie
Kimberly Miller
Amanda Placa S
Devon Schneider S
David Langston
Liesl Miller S
Kathleen L Podraza S
Nicole Katherine Schreiber LS
Alexander LaPenta
Daniel Philip Mingle
Tanner Price Port
Anthony Mark Scine S
Mackenzie Leach
Juliana Mingle
Hannah Mary Postma S
Andre Scott
Sean Robert Orin Lee
Regina Mitchell S
Deborah Ariel Poulson S
Tara Lexandra Seagal
Paola Liberman
Steven Wayne Mitchell
Analee Scott LS S
Diane Jean Seewald
Christina Lilly S
Amy Mitiguy
Joel C. Prescott LS
Kristina Marie Seidel
Brianne Linn S
Cinthya Jennifer Molina Castillo S
Chad Pribyl S LS
Ashley Sepulveda
Lisa Pruitt S
Shahada Atamai Shabazz
Ronnie Molina S
Deanna Renee Puksta S LS
Jaime Lynn Sharon S
Terrance M Little
Laura D. Montalvo Rios
Joselin Faith Pulliam
Kathleen Anne Shaw S
Sarahfina LoFaso
Samantha Montes
Doashea Qualls
Kelly Shearing
Alexis Jaramillo Lopez
Susan P Morton AC ASL S LS
Melita Quinonez LS S
Huey Sheffler
Patricia Elizabeth Lowery
Kassidy Marie Munson S
Allison Leigh Raines
Sarah Shibles
Vicki Lowery S
Janet A. Nash S LS
James L. Ramge
Samantha Silver
Danielle Rose Lucas LS
Judith Netherland LS
Megan A Rattley
Eric Allen Simcox S
Eric Lucero
Stephanie L. Nevin LS
Sandra Raynard
Kyle Simcox S
Natasha Lumsden S LS
Cassandra New
Robyn Kay Reaves S LS
Fantisha Singletary
Harris Lee Lunt S LS
Joseph Leo Niesen S LS
Rebecca Louise Reese S LS
Emily Anne Siniard
Breann Elizabeth Linstromberg
Laura Skeith S
Charlzie Tramontano S
Liam Smyth Ayres S
Andrea Schuster
Tucker Bradley Sloan S
Brendan Trump
Nicole Beckley
Donald Sewall S
Susan Smeal
Christina Tsobanakis
Clare Quigley Brown S LS
Kanietahawi Sharrow S LS
Clarence Smith Jr.
Michael Upchurch S
Luke Chapdelaine S LS
Raven Slater
Laura Smith
Amberley Marie Eileen Van S LS
Jenna Jacqueline Cornell S
Lindsey Souza
Nicole Christina Smith
Cynthia Vasquez S LS
Charles David Cousins
Ruth Spickelmire S LS
Felicia Anna Marie Soskin LS S
Bethany Veith S
Amanda Lyn Creek
Elizabeth Spinazola LS
Miranda Gwen Sprinkle S
Dawn Marie Venne LS
Bluedolphin Crow S LS
Shirleen Tarangle S LS
Hailey R. Staker
Averie Lynne Vines S
Eric Crumrine
Jerome Tripp Jr
Patricia Stanganelli
Anna Beard Walker
Jennifer Lee Carruthers Dockstader
Diana Walcott S
Scott Wolf Stanton
Jennifer Walker
Robert Dunham S
Nancy Catherine Walker ASL S LS
Sean Patrick O'Malley Stanton
Nicole Annette Walters LS
Saword B. Eller S
Christopher Stevens
Allison Wasinger
Tara Figg S
Tabitha Strickland LS
Shawn R Watkins-Yates
Jamilla Geter S LS
Tanya Leigh Strom S
Kathleen Wendell
Dominique Gibson S
Laura Ann Supinger S
Frederick Joseph Wheeler IV
Coyote Gunnyon S LS
Audrey Swain S
Katherine Whitcomb
Donn Hess S LS
Robyn Salazar Swain
Christina Williams
Kareem D. James
Megan H. Swanson LS
Jocelyn Williams
Lorinda Kalajian
Ashley Swords S
Jonathan Adron Williams LS S
Michael R. Kane S
Malcolm Howard Tabor
Krystal Ann Willis S LS
George Talboys
Xavier Willis
Alexandra Zofia Lazar AC ASL S
Harold Tapia
Carla N Wilson
Adam Nathan Leonard S
Alexander Emerson Acuff ***
Joe Tarzaiski
Donald Wayne Wilson
Sarah Ann Lewis S LS
Brooke Adams
Sandra Nicole Taunton
Joyce Wilson S
Pilar Aloya Lightfoot LS S
Holly Meghan Adams ***
Victoria Tauzin
Juliane Wilson
Danielle MacDonald S LS
Jessica Dawn Adams *** LS
Zachary Avraham Tayler
Sarah Wilson
Alexandra Martinez
Keith William Adams
Amanda L. Taylor S
Elaine Kay Wix
Patricia Estelle Maxey S LS
Chandra P Adhikari ***
Kaylee Taylor S LS
Amanda Rose Wolf S LS
Brittany Lynne McCann S
Jessica Lauren Agius **
Ekaterine Tchelidze S
Darren Wright
Desiree McCracken
Dianna Agosto ***
Byron Welby Teater
Christopher Wyman
James Moore
Phyllis Lola Aho
Madison Thomer LS
Joshua Skye Yarbrough S
Joseph Morice
Jasmin Ajkic **
Erin Thompson
Octavia M Yates S LS
Sarah O'Neil
Ashley B Alabo
Jennifer Leah Thompson
Eric Stephen Yunker S
Christian Alexis Olmeda
Fathiyah Alalawi *** S CS LS
Jessica Marie Thompson S
Sarah Yunus
Samantha Osborn LS S
Austin Albright *
Kristen M Petty S
Erin Alder *** S
Kiera Louise Polzin
Corey Alderman *
Christina Riddle
Jeanine Alessandro
DeAngelica Rose LS
Paris Alexander *
Matthew Ashby LS
Alisha Sackett
Joseph J Alfonso
Clinton Thornton
John Tobin LS
Stephanie Todd LS
Nicole Bridget Tolentino LS
Allyn Toth
Hasan Mohamad Abbas
Elizabeth Elaine Abbott ***
Melanie Abrams
Scott G. Abrams **
Hamza Abushawriyeh
Joanne Acosta Acevedo *** LS
Julio C Acosta ***
Kristin Alit ***
Quanash Arroyo * LS
Sara Baumgartner ** LS
Taishon S. Black
Kirstyn Pauline Allen ***
Jonah Shoshana Asher LS
Kyle Baus *
Sarah Blackaby *** LS
Shawn Lynn Allen *** ASL S
Lazarica Ashley **
Diana Bean
Rebecca Blackard
Jason W Allred Jr **
Danielle Atmore **
Christopher Beard
Jonathan Ross Bladen *** LS ASL
Brecia J Alston
Tyler P Augbon
Malina Revett
Sarah Blaikie ***
Adnan Musaed Alsubari *** LS
Ryan Aulbach
Shaneenah Monique Beau LS
Royce Blair ***
Aidan Altamirano ***
Emma Katherine Austin
Todd Beckey
Timothy David Blaisdell *** LS
Pedro Alvarado Jr
Adrian Azbill **
Nathen Scott Beckley **
Jared Blank
Robert Andrew Alvarez Jr.
Estevan Azocar *
Terrence Patrick Bedell II ***
Taylor Blissett ***
Badrya I Alzamel
Jordan William Bacon ** S
Natalie Beerman ***
Mark A. Blocker
Kakra Amanor * LS
Sara Ann Badgett ** LS
Frances Behagg *
Samantha Bloink ***
Shilpa Ambadipudi *** S
Sean Baek
Sarah Ashley Beisel **
Amanda Blount ***
Konstantin Ammossow **
Sienna Bahr *
Shaina Beksinski *** S LS
Madeline Blue ***
Robin Amstutz *** ASL S LS
Krystal Lena Bailey **
Jennifer Lynn Belgin
Nicole A. Bock ***
Anne Campbell Ancona LS
Julia Marie Bailinson **
Aliyah Ashley Bell
Amanda Nicole Bohannan ***
Samantha Andersen *** S
Joshua Brooks Baker
Johnathan Bellair ***
Mellarie Bolanos * LS
Thomasina Andersen ***
Keirsten Baker
Samantha Bellis ***
Gemini Willow Tuesday Bolland ***
Brittani K Anderson *
Shane Bennet Baker **
Lisa Belviso ***
Mariana Bolzani Greub
Cory Elizabeth Anderson *
Lindsay Elaine Balaka ***
Shaun Bemis ***
Tammy Bonnice
David Cody Anderson *** S
Kaitlyn Rae Balk ***
Jason Bennett *** S
Alexandra Boodram
Justin Randall Anderson
Terry L. Ball Jr. ***
Gregory Philip Bensen * LS
Randy Boodram *** S
Andrea Andrews ***
Jonathan Marshall Ballard LS
Andrias Bentley *
Donata Bora
Johnnie Ja'Quan Andrews V
Carolyn Jamie Ballou *
Suzette Marie Bentley **
Bridgett A. M. Borelli *** S
Lauren Andrews
Safi Anatolia Bamurange
Tayler Berning
Kayla Borror **
Madison J Andrews *
Kiel Renne Banks *
Megan Bernotsky
Matthieu George Bouchard ***
Shawn E. Andrews *** ASL
Jacqueline Baran *
Madeline Ray Berry ***
Renee Bouchard
Stephanie Marie Andrews *** LS S
Chasity Ann Barber *** LS
Kuldipbhushan Bhatt *
Timothy John Bowler *** LS
Logan Anthony *** S
Denise Barbuto ** LS
Eric David Bickle Jr *
Cathy Bown *** ASL S CS LS
Tywana Anthony ***
Heather Barden ***
Chera Bickmore
Jamie Boyd
Candice Antosca *** LS S
Michelle Renee Barita ***
Casey Biggs *** ASL CS LS
Thomas Michael Boyett II ***
Laurie Antunez ***
Emylee Barjuca
Oren Ripley Bilky
Anne M. Bradley *** LS S
Catherine Ann Aplin ***
Willow Barnes **
Amy Bilson **
Tiffany Brice
Russell Applegate
Zachary Barnett
Derek Bird ***
Brittany Susanna Bright *** S LS
Lorenzo Antonio Araujo
Vanessa Renee Barrera
John Currier Bird *
Cassandra Brigman **
Kaitlyn D. Arcand ** S LS
David A. Barrett
Brian Bishop *
Kaylena Brock *
Dorielle E. Ard
Mark Barrieault * LS
Julius Bishop
Ashley Brockman LS
Cesar Arizmendi
Christopher Barron *
Krista Bishop
Allison Rachel Brown *** LS
Gerald Armstrong III ***
Steven Bartley *** LS
Nicholas A. Bishop ***
Benjamin Paul Brown
Abigail Arnold ***
Gerald B Barton *** LS
Kimberly Black
Chanette Brown *** LS
Sydney Maya Cyvier Arnold ** LS
Marjorie Ann Baum S
Laura Kilgannon Black ***
Dustin L Brown **
Haylee Brown **
Gabriela Camero ***
Gabriel Theodore Chambers ** LS
Robert Connors
Jamar Levern Brown
Jayson Camp LS
Michael Charles
Shelby Connors LS
Laura Brown *** S LS
Jeff Camp ***
Mykala Marie Charron ** LS
Brendamarie Contreras *
Linda Brown
Eric Campbell *** S
Shane Chartier ***
Karla C. Contreras Ocampo
Lisa Brown LS
Haydee Campbell ***
Iliana Chavez **
Alan A Cook III ***
Monique Brown LS
Samuel Campbell *
Kevin Chilton ** LS
Heather Cook
Zachary Brown
Faith Campbelljones
Patrice Chimento **
Charisse B. Corbin S LS
Jourdyn Mackenzie Browning
Christopher Campo LS
Kathleen Chladek *** LS
Christopher Duane Cooper
Jessica Brun
Chelsea Marie Canaday ***
Charles Christ *** ASL
Cleda Cooper
Shane Brunelle **
Alice Cantrell *** LS
Le'Anne Shavon Christian *** ASL
Edward Matthew Cooper II ***
Deborah Bryant * LS
Karen Adriana Cantu
Mahima Chukkala ***
Nicole Cooper *
Kristen Bub *
Derek Daniel Capers *
Anabela Carolyn Cieslicki
Preston Cooper ***
Elijah S Buckhold
Frank Capozzi Jr.
Vincent Cirigliano *** LS
Laura May Coplai ***
Benjamin D Bucklin **
Patrick Carlisle
Miguel Angel Cisneros
Rhonda Coppola ***
Angelina Buendia
Deanna Lyne Carlson
Matthew J Clark ***
Christopher R Corbett *
Rosemary Buffington
Jordan Carlson *
Tichina Kiondria Clark
Alexandra Corbin
Elizabeth Hinton Bullard ***
Faith Mishael Carmichael *** S
Garrett Russell Claunch *
Anastasia Corbin
Vernillia Burgher **
Ryan Carney
Austin Lee Claxton
Robyn Corbin
Justin Stephen Burke * LS
Janice Clement ***
Bethany Cordle ***
Jason M. Burns ***
Karisten Marjorie Carpenter ***
Sarah Jane Clements *** LS S
Chase Robert Cornell
Maurice Burrell III ** LS
Catherine Carr *** S
Shema Cochrane *
Andre Lamont Cornwell
Kristopher Burrill *
Mandy Carr S LS
Barbara Cody **
Renee Myrna Waugaman *
Sierra Burrous
Megan Nicole Carr **
Angelina Coelho **
Elizabeth Correale *** LS
Robyn G Burt LS S
Ruth Carrion-Febo LS
Carrie Coffey ***
Hannah Corrigan **
Christine Burton
Michael Carroll
John William Coffield Jr. ***
Joshua Corse
Stacy Bush *** LS
Jessica Elizabeth Carter
Steven Coffin ***
Princess Costello
Adrienne Butera
TaiJuan V. Carter *** S
Cindy Colbert *** LS ASL
Alexander Cote **
James Rolandees Butler *** LS
George Cartrette *** LS S
Amanda Leah Cole *** ASL S
Alix Elizabeth Cote **
Jean Paul Butoyi
Kira Carusone
Andrea Cole *
Dana Caballero
Krista Nicole Cashner
Cassidy Lynn Oates
Kevin Patrick Cothrun-Castaneda
Rosemary J. Cabrera *
Ebony Elisa Casley
Diana Claydon Coleman
Amy Chiara Cotter *
Martine Cadostin-Toussaint
Felix J. Castillo **
Courtney Simone Collins
Charles J. Cotto
Jonathon Cain *
Janet Elizabeth Castro
Haylee Faith Collins ***
Lauren C. Cournoyer
Roshelle Tofila Caldeira Pacheco
Dave Caswell ***
Kyndra Collins *
Jewell Covey
Richard Charles Caudill ***
Lewis B Collins ***
Alexander Cowan *** LS
Cody Calfee ***
Gaspar Macedonio Cavazos
Carmen Jean Colvin *
Audrey Morgan Cox **
Ariel Call * S
James Cavenagh ***
Melissa Comer ***
Le'Shauna Cox *
Courtney Callagan ***
Adriana Cazares *
Jake Tyler Comeyn ***
Caitlynn Crace
Cristina Camacho
Tanaya Ceniceros
Tallery Conarty LS
Kyle Crawford
Garrett K. Camarano
Taylor L Cervantes LS
Kate Conley *** S
Kathleen Gail Creighton ***
Margaret Mary Cremer
Jessica De Jesus *
James Diefendorf *
Chantae Eaton ***
Treesa Creps ***
Daniel De Luna ** LS
Megan Lynette Diestler * LS
Jennifer Eaton ***
Zachary Creps
Luis Angel De Luna
Jonathan Di Mauro *
Bryce Edminister **
Kevin T. Crespo
Noella De Abreu
Luanne Elizabeth DiMizio ** S LS
Jeff Edwards
Amanda Cribb * LS
Shelby K Deal *** ASL S LS
Lisa Dingle *** LS
Nicholas Edwards ***
Austen C Crim ***
Alena Dean ***
Leigh Candace DiRenzo-Thacker
Mark Eichhammer
Camille Crisostomo *** LS
Jennifer Marie Dean *** LS S
Timothy Ditto ***
Leena Ektare ***
Daniel Crocker
Elaina Deans
Stephan Bernard DiTullio
Michael Elam **
Christopher J Crosby ***
Jeffrey DeArruda * S
Chantel Dixon *
Hulda Hassela Elias ***
Jamie L Cross
Crisilee DeBacker ***
Shaunte Dobbins
Donte Ellington ***
Samantha Violeta Cruywells
Aaron DeBellis S
Adam Michael Dodds-Wade ***
Zachary Allen Ellis S
Iris F. Cruz
Elan-Paolo DeCarlo **
Cameron Dodge *
Crystal Ellsworth ***
Rachel Nadine Cissy Cruz *** S LS
Sheila Deese
Jeffrey Doggett **
Raelle Elsen
Vera Cruz
Lilliam E. DeJesus *
James P. Doherty ***
Tracie Emerick
Ashley Cudney *
Jazmin Del Rio Valencia
Carrie Lynn Dolishny ***
Hannah English *** LS ASL
Nichole L. Cull ** LS
Rafael Del Rosario ***
Julie B. Donaghey-Perkins *** LS
Molly Oexmann English ***
Elizabeth Aifantis
Jessica Dellinger
Avery Engstrom
Myles Cunningham **
Danyel N. Demane
Christopher-Lawrence Anthony
Julia Demarquez *
Philip J Donovan *
Barbara Epps LS
Caterina Dematteis *
Bruno Dos Santos **
Terrence Trenton Erickson
Patrick Kevin Demers
Colin Dowdy ***
Martha Escoto ** S
Taylor DeMonte ***
Michael Downard **
Michael Escott *
Anthony Joseph Liburdi DeNardis
Sarah-Cait Downing ***
Amanda Estes *** S LS
Tandra Dennis *
Bryson Drake *
James Estes **
Alexander J. Depew
Elizabeth Dries
Brittany Evans **
Nina Ellen Dever
Jeremy Paul Dubach ***
Carla P. Evans ***
Rebeca DeVictoria
Patricia Marie Dubois
Dana Lee Evans *** S LS
Tilar A'lon DeVine
Daniel Dubuc
Jesse Masters Evans
Charles Dewey ***
Thomas J Duddy
Kelsey Maria Evans
Kaydence DeWoody ***
Sarah Duffy **
Jeffery Exferd **
Jodi Deziel * S
Dwayne Andre' Duke Jr.
Samantha-Jo Faktor S
Brandon Dakota Dial *
Ashley Dunn
Augustine Farias **
Brandon Diaz ***
Kimberly Adilade Dunn
Isabella Farris
Nicole Diaz **
Christopher Robert Dunshee * S
Audriana Elizabeth Faustino *** LS
Stephanie Lynn Diaz *** LS ASL
Kassandra Lynn Duquette * S
Kevin Favela ***
Maria Milagros Diaz Roque **
Bryan Durancik ***
Jennifer Feeler *** LS
Mareshah Dickens *
Robert L. Durham ***
Max Feinberg
Lara Dickerson ***
David Dyson ***
Joseph Felt
Jamie Dickinson ***
Shawn K Eapen
Troy C Ferguson **
Sapphire Dickinson
Margaret Hope Eastman ***
Melinda Ficca *
Bobbie Curiel ***
Ashley Marie Hennings
Sky Curtis *** LS S
Dawn Marie Custer ***
Kendra Bell Czebotar
Helen Czepyha ** LS
Rachael Czepyha *** LS ASL
Brittany D'Alessandro ***
Neil Steven Damin ** LS
Rachael Damitio **
Tasha O. Dancy *** LS
Christopher M Darrah ***
Andrea Katherine Dase **
James Davidson *** LS
Colton Davis *
Hailey B. Davis ***
Heather Davis
Katherine Davis
Mariah Davis
Trisha Davis ***
Ashley Nicole Davison *
Jebraia Day
Jasmin Marie Enriquez **
Alethea Ficklin ***
John R. Freeland Jr. ***
Bridget Gless
Joseph Grimes ** S LS
Emily Fie **
Shawn Freeland ***
Zofia E. H. Glick *** LS
Jacob Gross *
Reginald Lee Figgs
Niklaus French LS
Elise Violet Goddard
Daley Grumman
Rebecca Figueroa *** S
Matthew David Friedman *** LS
Joseph Godino ***
Jennifer L. Gruslin **
Gregory Tyson Filgate ***
Jeremiah Fritsche ***
Crystal Goff LS
Miranda Joy Guerra *** LS S
William Fillingim
Ashley Fritsen
Kara Goff ** S LS
Krystal Guerrero
Michael Anthony Finazzo ***
Matthew Frosolone ***
Jessica R Gogarty
Allyson Guerron * S
Mackenzie Theiler Finn ***
Dominique Gadbois ***
Naomi Going ***
Alissia Guest
Cory Firestine *** ASL S LS
Dionetta Marie Gagnon ***
Kevin Gomez
Laura Guillera **
Natalie Fisher
Irene Aspasia Galatas
Benjamin O. Gonzales LS
Camille Devlaeminck
Tara Fisher ***
Ashley Gallant ***
Crystal Gonzales **
Ashley Gurrola
Kristine Fisher Boyce **
Janice Gallant
Christina Gonzalez
Kathy Gustafsson *** ASL S LS
Brittany Flanigan
Ronald Gallo ***
David Gonzalez ***
Wesley Guthridge *
Amy Fletcher *
Shaveta Galloway *
Ernesto Navarro Gonzalez Jr. *
Daniel Gutierrez *
Rachel Irene Fletcher LS
Marcelle Gamboa
Laura Milena Gonzalez
Love M. Guzman-Laporte
Jessica Flood *
Mirca Garcia CS
Ghada Goodwin LS
Scott Gwilt *** S
Dafne Flores ***
Victoria Sarahi Garcia
Arianne Goolsby S
Curtis Gwinn
Jenny Flores ***
Katelyn Gardella ***
Joseph Vincent Gora ***
Diem Phuong Le Ha *
Liana Andrea Flores
Jeanine Garr **
Karin LeAnn Gore *** LS
Maria L. Haberle **
Carolyn Holly Flynn ***
Patrick B. Garrett *
Shirley Gore **
Rebekah Leigh Habrial ***
Ashley Ford
Brandon Garrigues ***
Molly Brewster Gores ***
Meghan Elizabeth Hadley ***
Kathy Ford
Gene Garrote ***
Kristen Goscinski
James Charles Haggerty III ***
Latisa Monica Ford * LS
Patrick John Gartland
Lisa M. Gott ***
Morgan Hairfield
Phillip Colin Forehand
Jonas Gasore
Galechska Gradiz ***
Katie Hale ***
Jeremie Fortier ***
Lauren Elizabeth Gatzka * LS S
Avery Graham
Brandon Hall ***
Catina Foster **
Melody Gause S LS
Edward Grant
Deborah Hall *
Erica Foster *** LS
Ninoska Genao *** LS
Steven Grant ***
Erica N Hall
Sebastian Edwin Fotouhi
Caroline R. Genovese ***
Kenya Jane Grauberger ***
Max Hall
Samantha Fowler
Travis Gerhardt ***
Alden Grayson-Funk
Shaun William Hall
Bryanna Fox
David Gerhart ***
Nicholas Graziadei ** LS
Suzanne C. Casey Hall **
Aarin Jamell Foye
Kristina Geroux ***
Michelle Green
Brandon Halley **
Laurel Fraley ***
Rochelle Gibbon ***
Shirley Green ** S CS LS
Briton Ray Hamilton **
Lisa Frank **
Jason Gibbons
Amanda Greenfield
Hannah Hamilton
Nina Franklin ***
Kerry Gibbons *
William Gregg
Austin Christopher Hammett
Xavier Franklin
Melody Gillam
Madison Gregoire
Rundan Han
Chad Franz ***
Amanda Gilliam
Elizabeth Greiner * LS
Arianna Hancock ***
Danielle Frashure *
DeAngelo D. Gilliam Sr. ***
Kaylee Grey S LS
Haley Handlang ***
Danielle Nicole Murray Frazier * LS
Michael Campbell Girard ***
Audrei Kaii Grey-Rez * S LS
Jacqueline Hanna ***
Melissa Frechette
Kassandra Alexandria Girkin * S
Amy Griffith *** LS
Kaleigh Hanson
Heather Jean Regan ***
David Glenn ***
Deborah Grimes
Pamela S. Hanson *** ASL
Chance Mekhi Hanzy
Dimary Hernández Soto *** S LS
Matthew R. Hubbard
Brandon Johnson **
Lacy Dawn Hardin
Abinoam Herrera *
Dawn Huddleston *** S
Brian Marcell Johnson
Tia Hardin * LS
Erika Herrera ***
Corey LeRay Hudson LS
Christopher Johnson
Thomas Harding
Kristel Herring ***
Jennifer Hughes ***
Courtney Amber Johnson ** LS S
Tayla Harkness
Jenna Michelle Hertzman **
Shasta Hughes
Desirae Johnson
Lavern Harley *** S
Angela Hewlett ***
Brittany Hunt LS S
Dezirai Johnson **
Harleigh Harlow ***
Dianne Hiatt-Kramer
Brandon Hunter *** LS
Erin L Johnson
Jeremiah Shane Harman ***
Dennis Hibbs
Shoshana Jones-Hunter S
Hillary Johnson
Alyssa Harpin ***
Brianna Mone't Hickerson LS
Michelle Ann Husson
James F. Johnson III ***
Tabitha L. Harraman *** ASL LS
Kathryn Hickey *** LS
Margaret Iacovano ***
Jana Johnson ***
Antonio Harrell ***
Jesse Dale Hicks **
Barbara King Iliff ***
Jordon Johnson
Victoria Harrell
Amanda Higgins *** LS
Erica Jo Ingram * LS S
Ramos Johnson
Maudine Harrington LS
Alexandra Hill *** S
Chrischen Irvin ***
Rene Lynn Johnson
Brianna Harris ***
Ethan Chan Min Hilliard *
Alysa Isenhower Hill
Romas Johnson LS S
Christina Marie Harris **
Justin Hilton ***
Darlene T. Isom *** ASL S LS
Samuel Robert Johnson ***
VaLencia Harris
Natalie Hirschfield ***
Justin Ivey *
Suzette Barette Johnson
Alexandra Harrom *** LS
Alan Hockla ***
Sincere Izabayo
Victoria G. Johnson ***
Anthony Eugene Hartley ***
Raechel Lea Hogan ***
Beth Lucille Jabbour *** S
Wanda Haydee Johnson LS
Stacy Hartley
Michael Hogard ***
Austin Jackson ***
Ernest William Joiner *** LS
Kyle F. Hasselman
Katheryn Holland ***
Mark Jackson **
William Jolly *
Isaac Hunter Wayne Hatfield
Angela Holliday *** S LS
Robin D. Jackson LS
Joshua Jonas * LS
Vincent Hawkes *** LS
Katlyn Hollingsead ***
Shavvone Jackson
Alexander Jones
Colton Andrew Hawn
Mikayla Hollingsworth ***
Cheryl Jacobson ***
Jessica M Jones *
Lacey Hayward *** LS S
Crystal Hollis ** LS
Laurin Jahnke LS
Justin William Jones
Kaitlyn Haywood *** ASL S CS LS
Geena Hollis *** LS
Deron James ***
Kim Frances Jones
Edward Joseph Healey *
Catherine Holly ***
Khadijah L James
Lynn M. Jones *
Brittany Heath LS
Verlesha Holman
Megahn Ann Jamison *** S
Meghan Jones ***
Jonathan Norman Hejnal LS
Nelson Y Holmes **
Justin Jancsek
Patrice M. Jones *
Jillian Henderson **
Ararat Hoonanian ***
Aylin Marie Janssen *
Rebecca Jones **
Tammy Henderson *
Katelyn Hoover
Colin D. Jarrett **
Shane Jones **
Dennis P. Hengeveld ***
Jordan Hope
Heath Jarrett **
Skylar Jones *
Anita Henninger ***
Jonathon S. Hopkins **
Tiffany Anne Jenkins *** LS ASL
Jasmine Jones Griffin *
Barbara Kay Henrich ***
Sally Ann Hopkins
Emily Danielle Jepko * S
Beverly Ann Jordan ** LS
Michael Hensley Jr.
Terri Hopkins * S
Alexandra Jetter *** CS LS
Mary Jorgenson **
Alexie Adryanna Evon Herbert ***
Alicea Diane Hotchkiss
Jerika Jimenez
Emmanuel Nicolau Jose ***
Ian Heritier **
Robyn House
Sarah J. Jimenez *** S CS
Charlotte M Joseph * S LS
Jennifer Hernandez ***
Amanda Howard ***
Francisco L. Joa ***
Amanda Marie Judson
Jessica May Hernandez ***
Brad E Howard
Alaina Johnson **
Armelle Kaliza Kabera
Kris H. Hernandez **
Dedra Howard LS
Alyssa Johnson
Jessica Michelle Kallis *
Michael Hernandez *
Richard Howard **
Amanda Johnson **
Melissa H. Kampfer ***
Jack Brian Kang
Logan Knapp *** LS
Leia J. Layton
Kristy Loggins *** ASL S
Joshua D Kates ** LS
Caleb Joseph Kneuer ***
Lena M Leake *** LS ASL
Patrick Joseph Lonergan *** S LS
Samantha Anne Katilus *** LS
Holly Knickerbocker *
Meghan Leavitt LS
Evelyn R. Lopez
Steven Katz * S
Brenna Knight **
Michelle Lebel *
Gregory Lopez ***
Jamie Lynn Kayler *** LS
Amber Knowles CS LS
Sharrah LeClair **
Marlene Lopez Grijalva **
Jamie Kearns *
Tracy Ann Knowles ** S LS
Brian Leddon *** ASL
Mark LoProto ***
Johnathan Kearns ***
Jacob Kodros
Kari Joyce Ledoux
Dianna Love LS
Lakia Marie Keene
Emily Koetsier *** LS
Jerimie Lee **
Evey Lowrimore * LS
Rebekah Keim *** S LS
Farshad Tehranizadeh Kohan
Julianna Lee ***
Bernard Matius Luigi B Lubrido Jr.
Geneva Keinath *** S LS
Daniele Marie Kolletzki *
Tiffany Lee ***
Brittney Lucci *** LS
Donna Kelley *** S LS
Amy E. Komm ***
Ryan Alexander LeFebvre
Rose Lucero
Erin B Kelly *** LS
Donna Koontz ***
Alexander Lenarchyk *
Shuk Yin Lui ***
James Kelsey *** S
Katrina Kortman *
Tara Maria Lenihan
Bridget Lujan **
Mackenzie Kemp ***
Noah Koski
Reny Suwarna Lenzo ***
Emily Lupo *** S
Chelsea Quinn Kennedy ***
Jonathan Koucky **
Kristy Leon **
Julianna Lyon **
David Kennedy ** LS
Daniel Kracke
Maria C. Leon ***
Carolina Macdermid * S
Alexandria Kenney * S
LeAnn Bishop Kristjanson ***
Justin Leonard
Susan E MacDonald
Benita Kent
Jordan Richard Kroeze ***
Rebecca Ann Lesley
Elizabeth MacFarlane ***
Jennifer Kent
Ember Krohmer *** LS
Ian Letendre *** LS S
Esther Katherine WuJun Mack ***
Kaitlyn Kerby
Alexander Kurdoghlian
Darlene M Lewandowski
Angela Macneil
Crystal Kerr **
Nickole R Kuykendall
Andrew Lewis
Cynthia Madia *** LS
James Kerr *** LS
Sean Andrew Lackeyram-Owen
Angel Lewis ** LS
Juan Francisco Maestas *** S
Brittany Vanessa Kersey
Richard Lacy
Emily Lewis
Steven Maestas *** S LS
Jessika Khan
Véronique Marise Isabell LaFont
Jasmine Lewis ***
Juliana Delores Magana Zavala
Ashley Kiel
Keala L Lagunero *
Jeanni C. Lewis
Suzanne Magnin ***
Brent Kilgore
Sally Ann Lamarre
Jeffrey Lewis ***
Leslie Mahaffey
Stephanie Kilmer ***
Kristina Lamb *
Patrick Lewis ***
Amanda Mahaney
Katelyn Nichole Kimbrell
Amber Laine Lancaster *** LS
Tabitha Lewis
Abby Michelle Malkey ***
Earnest Lee King Jr. **
Stephanie Lancaster **
William E. Lewis III **
Gabriela Sophia Mallett * S
Jennifer Alexandria King ***
Ryan Clifford Lanctot
Ronald Arthur Libby ***
Laurita Malobabich ** LS
Samantha Marie King ***
Daniel Lanzarone *** ASL
Nicolas Lietzke
Maria Mancilla
Elizabeth Kinney ***
Daneka LaPoint
Benji Lilley ***
Darby Mandelin ***
Cassandra Rhea Kintzley ***
Daniella Lara **
Lacie Lima Da Silva
Timothy Mandeville **
Amy Kinyon ** LS
Kris Lara **
Joy Sheree Linch
Michael Manley *** LS
Clayton Wayne Kirkland ***
Morgan LaRock
Victoria Linvell LS
Jasmine Mann
Melissa Carroll Kirkland *
Elizabeth Lasheff *** S
Hilary Lisee **
Natalia Anne Manning *
Morgan Marie Kittelson *
Letitia Lasley
Ryan Little ***
Briana Manuel * S CS LS
Tonia Kleen
Lance T. Latimer *** ASL LS
Paul William Lockhart ** LS
Emily LaVaun Marasco *
Jonathan P. Klein ***
Jennifer K Lauben ***
Amanda Lofink LS S
Karriem Marius LS
Jacob E Kline **
Lisa Lavender **
Robert Lee Logan
David C. Marks
Marcia Marler
Darlene Lorette McCray
Wanda Miles
Melissa Moreland *** LS
Kristina Marlowe ** LS
Ashley McDaniel **
Caleb Millan ***
Heather Morello
Daniel Gilles Marquis Jr ***
Ashley McDonald **
Amanda Fuller Miller
Daniel Moreno *
Daniel B. Marshall **
Katelyn McDonnell * LS
Cullen Miller ***
Catherine Morgan *
Eric Martel
Pamela McElroy ***
Elizabeth Miller
Christine Sparks Morgan
Bianca Martin ***
Shayla Brién McFadden *
Faye Miller
Jake Diette Morgan
Juancarlos Martinez
Jordyn Richard *** LS
Jeremy Shane Miller ***
Allyson O. Morisset
Kristal Martinez ***
Tangela McFarlane *
Jonathan Grant Miller LS
Tobias Morrish
Sarah Martinez LS
Michaela Vera McFetridge
Joshua J Miller
Brett Alexander Morrison
Ventura Martinez *
Cailin Marie McGlory LS
Kenneth Miller ***
Micki Morrow *
Cody Marvin **
Shelby McGuinness
Michael Miller ***
Sean T. Morse
LaKeisha Mason
Brandi McIntosh *** S
Colby M. Millsaps ***
Annabelle Lynn Mortensen ***
Christie Massari **
James McKenzie
Kisha M Miner *** LS
Weylin John Morton *
Kacie Masten ***
Andrew R. McKinley
Kortni Mings ***
Vanessa Moses *** S LS
Julie Masters
Arthea A. Minns
Miranda J. Mosher *** LS
Barbara Matejka ***
Shannon Sharnel McLean *** S
Darkenley Minviel **
Robyn Mariah Mosley
Geemon Mathen ***
Moriah McLemore ***
Johnnyjoe Gabriel Mirabal
Donald Warren Mowrey ***
Brittney Mathews
Sisteria Mcleod
Alexis Mitchell ***
Joshua Moynan *** S
Courtney Jane Mathews ***
Joseph James McMahon ** LS
Cardelia Alexander Mitchell
Katrina Vaughn Mueller **
Nathan Mathews **
Molly McMillan ***
Michelle Mitchell ***
Hygrine Alix Muhimpundu
Kristin Mathis ***
Sean McNamara **
Tremia LaShonda Mitchell *** LS
Jordan Mui
Cheyenne Kay Mathison ***
Paul Kevin McRae II
Rebecca Lynn Mochak ***
Neil Mund *
Rebecca Matos ***
Gregory McWhirk
Rebecca Modrich ***
Dorcas Thabita Mungusa
Isaac Matson ***
Christopher Medina LS
Erin Monoceros *** LS ASL
Cynthia Murphy **
Oliver Matthews
Sonyia Melendez ***
Virginia Montanez ***
Kristina Murphy *** LS S
Ahblaza Mayes *** S LS
Camille Mellin
Marta Monteiro *
Stefano Musetti
Lewis Joseph Maynard
Gonzalo Fabian Mendez LS
Ana Montgomery
Corey Musial *
Claudia Mc Dowell S CS LS
Lianne Elizabeth Mendonca *
Matthew Montgomery
Ryan Nicholas Musto *** LS
Joshua Mcbeth
Tarin Mendoza *
Amanda Dianne Moore ***
Grace Mutoni
Meghan Ellice McCain ** LS
William Ovidio Menendez
Dallas Moore ** S LS
Amy Myers ***
Colleen Elyce McCan *
Jeffrey Mercado
Deonya Moore
Johnluke J. Nassar ** LS
Christopher M. McCaul ***
Cindy Kristen Mercedes LS
Donna Esther Moore
Nick Harry Nasse Jr. LS
Chelsea McCaw
Derek W. Meredith **
Kera Moore CS
Amanda Nations * LS
Karri Jacqueline McClure *** S
David Merryman *** S
Mary Catherine Moorehead ***
Dylan Nayavich
Jessica McCoin ***
Aynsley Meshanic * LS S
Daniel Morales ***
Shasta Neff * S
Kurtis Michael McConnell LS
Nikolay Edwin Michalowskij ***
Isabel A Morales *** LS ASL S
Brionie Nelson *
Rachael Lynnette McCormick ***
April Gaye Michalski ***
Jessica Lee Morales ***
Michael Laurence Nelson LS
Anna Micucci ***
Karen V Morales Pagan
Rebecca Nelson
Rayvin Christina McCowen LS
Caroline Mikes *** LS S
Austin Blake Moran *** LS
Stacey Nelson
Jerico Mccoy **
Danielle Miles *** LS
Michele Morehous LS
Haley Nemeth
Joshua Nestor ***
Tania Marie Ormsby * S
Alexa Renee Penney
Judith Pope ***
Jessica Newman
Julia Ornelas Glowacz ***
Joshua Lewis Penning
Daniel Portie LS
Landry Ngenzi
Maria Fernanda Orozco
Jeffrey Pereira ***
Breanna Potenza ***
PollyAne Nichols * S LS
J. Henry Orth ***
Oksana Webb **
Ingrid Potter ***
Sierra Layla Nichols
Brittany Osburn
Ana Lisa Perez * LS
Cassandra Potts *** LS
Matthew Clayton Nicholson Jr
Amber Marie Otto ***
Diana C Perez -Soto *** LS S
Mary Powell ***
Daniel Nielsen
Angela Outlaw *** LS
Heather Perez
TyAnna Powell *** LS
Ashley Michelle Nieto *** LS
Christopher Dana Owens **
Jann Carlos Perez ***
Gary Price ***
Julio Nieves ** S
Annette Pace
Hergil Perez *
Jill Elaine Prim **
Marissa Nieves
Bonnie Pacheco *** LS S
Brianna Florence Petersen
Patricia Jean Principato ***
Kimberly Nilsen LS S
Edward Manuel Pacheco *** LS
Carly Ann Petersen
Vincynthia Pristina
Olive Niyonsenga
Meredith Palmerlee **
Robert Peterson
Quinten Privott *** LS
Barbara Cosimati Noble ***
Andrea Parada Madrid
Timothy Prost ***
Megan Norris ** LS
Amanda Paradise
Stephanie Marie Peterson-Ferrel
*** LS ASL
Cameron Donzaleigh Parker
Jennifer Marie Petitpas ** LS S
Jacob Provost *
Jolette Davis- Parker
Andrea Petrey
Perla Garza Pruneda
Julian Quartiz Parker
James Petrik *** ASL LS
Marius Pusar *
Joshua Parks ***
Tracy Ilea Petroski Bryant *
Lorretta Ann Putnam
Susan Parmer *
Andrea J Petteruto **
Janeen Quashie
Thomas Glenwood Parr ***
Jillian M. Pettit *** LS S
Caitlin Leanne Quick
Marsha Ann Paskell *** LS
Dwayne Phelps
Gregory Quijano *
Israel Pastor
Elyse Philipak ***
Lorraine M. Quince
Kimberlee N. Pate *
Roy M. Philipose *
Karen Quinn
Shannon Patel ** S LS
Sharmeika T. Phillips
Alex Quinzon *** ASL
Ella Patrick ***
Kelsey Piccirillo **
Kameko Raap
Jessica Patrick * LS
Jace Pido ***
Monica Radtke * S LS
Jonathan Taylor Patrizio ***
Blake Ashley Pierce ***
Erika Anne Rael ***
Benjamin Patterson
Eric Pigram
Hadeel Ragab
Katrina Patterson *** ASL
Christopher Ryan Pinheiro
Sarah Raighn ***
Shannon Patterson ***
Alonzo L. Piper Jr
Samantha M Rajkowski *** ASL
Curtis Paulk ***
Daniel Pisko
Nicholas Alexander Ralli **
Kiersten Pavoncello *** LS ASL S
Rebecca Pituch LS
Jacqueline D. Ralston *
Enri Payne **
Jonathan M Piwonski *** LS
Patricia Jeanine Ramey
Julie Adrienne Peavy ***
Denisa Pizaño
Alena Ramic **
Justina M. Peck
Shane Placke *
Ana Ramirez * CS
Samantha Peck S
Emily Ann Plewes
Sara Ramirez ***
Mattie Peebles
Todd M Plourde
Yolanda Ramirez **
Catherine A. Pelletier ***
Sandy Pomales *** LS
Courtney Ramirez-Beck *** S
Shannon Penate *** LS
Allyson Anne Poole
Nirvana Ramos *** LS S
James Penderville *** S
DeBora Christina Renee Pope
Felicity Dawn Randol
Stephanie Norris **
Fay Saechao Nou
Agatha Noveille
AnnaMarie Lee Nowak LS
Luqmani Junior Ntwari
Marie Nurmi ***
Chantal Nyiratuza
Timothy O'Brien *** LS
Terrence Patrick O'Hara ***
Quinn O'Leary ***
Aidan O'Malley
Cynthia Oberle * LS
Leslie Jean Oblea
Tammy Obrien
Colleen Odden ***
Christienne Ogata
Chang W. Oh ***
Amber Elizabeth Okada
Jordan Leigh-Ann Oldham S LS
Julie D. Olearcek ***
Matthew Rogers Olesen ***
Marsha Olesky
Cindi Oliver **
Samuel Olsen ***
Matthew Olson ***
Christianne Orcutt * LS
Pamela Louise Provencher
Karie M. Rankine
Juvenal Rivera III
Ciera Elizabeth Roy **
Christina N. Scholfield
Reina Leslie Ratlif ***
Johnathan Vincent Rizzo *** LS
Tatiana Ruffin
Mary Schrick ***
Tera Ray *** LS
David Robbins ***
Patrick Rwirahira Rugema
Kyle Schroeder *** ASL LS
Allison N Raymond CS
Michael Adam Robert
Moline Rusere
Jacob Schuchart ** CS
Douglas Harrell Reagan LS
Adam Roberts ** LS
Angela Nicole Russell
Ryan Schulenburg
Billie Jo Rease
Judy Rhoda Roberts
Cris Rutter *
Amber Schuler
Crystal Reavis
Mary Roberts *** LS
Joshua L. Ryan
Brandy Schultz
Alfred Rebara *** LS
Aimee Robinson
Kelly Ryan LS
Gretchen K Schultz *** LS
John Michael Reck *** ASL
Almaretta Robinson
Amy Rybarczyk **
Amber Schupp *** ASL
Craig Lewis Redelsperger ***
Brandi Marshala Robinson * S
Felicia Renee Sabartinelli *** S
Caitlin Schwartz
Kayla Reed ***
Corinne Robinson **
Jessica Sadler
April Lee Scott * S
Ruth Ann Reger
Isaiah Robinson S
Juvenal Safari
Jennifer Clare Scott *** S
Mauricio A. Reid ***
Sarah Robledo
Abigail Saffron **
Heather Sego
Renée Antoinette Reid LS
Janet Roby *** S
Rene G Salinas **
Michael Leonard Setterberg
Allison Charmaine Reimer ***
Magaly Rodas **
Jeffrey Kerby Salomon
Mikhail Sevriuk **
Jerricka M Rencher
Kristi Rodgers *** ASL S LS
Nicholas M. Sammaritano
Harpreet Shahi **
David Chavez *
Aida Rodriguez ** LS
Teela Sammons * LS
Sylvia Shane ***
Aidan Rentz *
Cassandra Helen Rodriguez ***
Cody Samons
Robert Shank ***
Victorianna Retana *
Eric David Rodriguez **
Michael Abel Sanchez **
Alex Shanley ** S
Gabriel Reyes ***
Jose L. Rodriguez Jr *
Shawn Sandahl **
Chelby Jenna Sharpe
Herminio Reyes ***
Mara Aneth Rodriguez
Jasma Alese Sanders
Robert Shaw *** LS
Krisimarie Reyes *
Brittany Roehl ***
Latresha Sanders
Cynthia Lynn Sheeley *** LS
Pearlie Rhodes **
Lindsey Kristine Rogers ***
Shelly Wilde Sanders ***
Jonathan Shelton ***
Aleida Rice **
Paige Rogers **
Christopher Louis Sandoval *** LS
Kelli Shelton
Levi Richard Rice
Robert L. Roll
Francesca Santamaria ***
Lauren Blake Shepherd ***
Frank Daniel Rich ***
Dino Romeo LS
Giovanni Santillan
Peter Sheppard II
Alyssa Richards ***
Brandi Danielle Romero
Jamie Santos LS
Jalisa L Sherrod
Stacy Linette Richardson
RC Romero *** S
Bivasha Saroj ***
Judy J. Shipley S LS
William Riches
Tiffany Romine
Jessica Sasko LS
Vardhini K. Shipley
Jamie Lynn Richman
Isaac Rosa
Krista Saunders ***
Jesse Shippy
Jenna Riddensdale *** ASL S
Vanessa Rosado *** ASL S
Ryan Jerome Saunders
Dipak Shiwakoti ***
Christopher S Riddle *** LS
Jeffrey Adam Rose **
Alyssa Sayer *
Patrick Shoffner *
Jacquelyn Riel
Stephen Rose ***
Joshua D Scanlon ***
Bianca Sholar
Michael Riggins CS
Nickolas Sebastion Ross
Joseph Scardina **
Hope Sholes-Pinder *
Tina Rinaldi LS
Sharonda M. Ross
Nicole Theresa Scatina ***
Jena Short **
Perry Anthony Rinato
Shawntae Ross
Samantha Schade LS
Anna Sieracki ***
Christopher Ringo
Kaitlyn Eileen Rostron ***
Rebecca L. Schales
Madison Sietsema **
Ashley Riordan ***
Sierra Hope Roth
Danielle Schiermeyer
Andrew D. Simko Sr. LS
Alyn Rios *
Rachel Roth-Eldridge ** LS
Billie Jo Schmittel S LS
Marissa Simmons *
Alejandro Rivera ** LS
Michael Wesley Rowe ** LS
Patience Schoene *** LS
Natasha Nicole Simpson
Paul Singarella *** LS S
Kyle Spicer
John C. Sweeney **
Heather Toepfer *
Jonathan Singels
Annmarie Spinetti
Michael Sweeney *
Tammi Toland *
Derek Singh * LS
Charles Spratley ***
Kennedy Leigh Sweet
Victoria Tolle
Sydney Anne Singh
Gregory R. Spruston
Stacey Swinson
Mary Jane Tom *
Amy Marie Singstock
Olivia D St. Jean
Kelli Nicole Sylvester *** ASL S
Nicole Tomasic
Merika Brianne Skahill *
Jacob Stafford
Mary Szasz * LS
Emily Jean Torres ***
James Colby Skinner LS
Linda Susan Stahl *** LS ASL
Sienna Raine Taggart ***
Mathieu Tyson Torres
Claudine Jeannette Skucius
Amanda Stalder *** LS ASL
Jonathan Lance Taibel *
Brenda Torres Martinez
Sara Beth Sleboda
Lisa M. Stanchick ***
Micaela Breanne Talarico **
Cher-Marie Illiana Tourigny
Jessalyn Elliott Small * S
Christopher Stanfield *** S
Skyler Talbot *
Cyleste Townsend ***
Stacy Small ***
Daniel S Stansbury * LS
Julia Tannenbaum ***
Djinefa Townsend *** LS
Anthony Smith
David Stark ***
Calette Tarkos *
Lyndsay Trahan *** ASL LS
Ashley N Smith ***
Melissa Steed-Qualls ** S
Jason D. Tarr
Tara Traver ** S LS
Chrishel Smith *** S
Raymond Steib Jr. LS
Chasity Denea Tatum
Kathryn Amy Travis
Christopher Smith **
Corey Stein *
Denzel Taylor
Taylor Travis
Donald Smith ***
Carey-Ann Stewart ***
Jessica Taylor *** S
Amber Trebat *** S
Elena Smith ***
Kelly Stimson ***
Shawn Edward Taylor Jr
Chelsea Triola ** S LS
Kelly Smith
Samantha Stinar
Sherece C Taylor
Tron Triplett
Mekenzie Elizabeth Smith **
Keith Stokes *
Diana Tedjo Chen *
Sasha Trotman *
Paris Peterson *
Kristen Kae Storer LS
Charles Terrill
Grace Elaine Trotter
Pat Ashton Smith
Athena Storm ***
Elizabeth Thatcher-Adams
Shirley Trummell *** LS
Rachael Smith **
Melanie Stormm-David *** S
Sarah Thies ***
Sharon Tsadok **
Daria Smith Giraud * S CS LS
Taylor Emma Stout *** LS S
Heather M. Thiesing LS
Jessica Tuccinardi ***
Kourtney Ann Smus
Tiffani Stovall *
Morgan Joy Thomas *** LS
Ryan Terence Tuck *
Shinkona Sneed
Jordann Stover
Sydney Thomas ***
Shawn Tucker
Luke Sobiechowski
Rachel Stover *
Chava Thomashev *** S
George Anthony Turcic
Brian Soler **
Sarah Stover
Amber Thompson ***
Raymond Turilli ***
Ria Soler *
Lanetha Strahan LS
Devon Thompson ***
Adaryll Turner * LS
Isabel Solis ***
Danielle Brooke Strickland ** LS
Michael Thompson **
Savannah Turner ***
Joseph Sorci
Amy Struthers ** LS S
Cassandra A. Thomson ** S
Veda Tuscanes *** S
Kevin Soriano
Leigh C Strycharz **
Grace Thornton
Grace Marie Twitegure
Kristina Elizabeth Sosa *
Lori Suter **
Anthony Thurgood *
Brittany Rose Tyler *** LS
Chelsea Soto
Mark Anton Sutto
Meagen Ann Tidmore *** LS S
Saafi Sonia Tyler
Amaris Souchet
Jessica Lee Sutton
Stewart Wayne Tiernan ***
Matthew D. Ueltzen **
Rue Southall
Mark Suwinski
Brandon William Timko **
Blake Ulino *
Jason A Southard **
Dionna White
Colleen Tinch S LS
Ashleigh Underwood *
Eric Souza * LS
Henry Swanson
Billy Ray Tingle Jr
Melinda Unger * LS
Adam Bruce Speck ***
Tiffany Swartzentruber *
Philip Ajalon Tinsley **
Lydia Unruh *** S
Shandi Speedy ***
Angela Michelle Swearman S LS
David Lee Tisue ***
Frances Angie Urena *
Daniel Taylor Spence * LS
Bailey Sweatman ***
Abigail Grace Todesco ***
Skyleigh Ann Urrutia **
Angelique Utamuliza
Allison Walker *** LS
Bernina Marie Williams *
Yina Yoon ***
Jeffrey Uth *** LS
Cyrynda Walker
Clarence Frazier Williams Jr.
Kara Lynn York *** LS
Olivia Utley ***
Jennifer L Walker
Jordan Everett Williams ***
Joyce Marie Young ***
Dianah Uwantege
Ryan C Walker ***
Justin Williams *** LS
Leandra Joselyn Young
Sonia Uwimana
James M. Wallace ***
Keith A. Williams Sr.
Melissa Young *** S
Aaron Valenzuela *
Patricia D Wallace
Kiara Williams *
Melissa S. M. Young **
Linda Van Dyke ***
Amy Walsh
Krysta Williams
Tate Young ***
Brittney Dawn Van Norman LS
Victoria Lynn Walters *
Mark Williams ***
Tuesdae Ellen Young *** S
Courtney Van Order *** LS
Harlie Walton
Melanie Williams ***
Robert James Yuska *** ASL
Patrick Van Ostran
Keshia Walton
Orlando Williams *
Joseph Zacharia **
Molly Vandeveer *
Jakirra Ward
Sheri Lynn Williams * LS
James Zaffuto Jr. ***
Natalie Mae Vant Land * S LS
Jill Warner ***
Melinda Kay Willsey *** LS
William E Vargas *
Greggory Warren *** LS ASL
Nancy Wilmot *** S
Noble Dr. Aasim Tsephanyah Zaher
Miller El LS
Gloria Yolanda Vasquez **
Olivia Warren **
Melissa Leigh Wilson ***
Srra Zahid **
Imani Elizabeth Vaughn-Jones ***
Ervin S. Washington Jr.
Dorothee Grace Winder **
Petronil Zaina
Levina Veach LS
Tia Waters Martin *
Kenneth Kyle Wine **
Nathan Zapolski ***
Joshua Michael Vela ***
Michael Watson
Laurie Winn ***
Betty Zequeira * LS
Cynthia Veliz *** S
Troy Watson *
Jourdan Winterhof *** S
David Zetina *
Corie Venegas **
Marissa A. Watts *
Janine Renee Winters ***
Meredith Zettler ***
Cory Verschueren **
Martha R. Webb ***
Tonya Jean Witherell
Ge'Cobi Pittman **
Ezra Vervin ***
Samantha Alexandria Webb
Cara Witt **
Yael Zucker-Abudi ***
Marie-Claire Victoria ***
Shayla Webb **
Brittany Marie Woehl *
Elizabeth Zwiesler **
Adam Viers ***
Richard K Wegrzyn ASL CS LS
David Wohl *** S
Melissa Marapao Vignieri
Samantha K. Weiler
Destiny Vilchis Sanchez *
David Marshall Weiss ***
Mateusz Dominik Wojnarowicz ***
Jovidannia Villavicencio
Brock Wells * LS S
Cody Wolfe
Gwen Willow Virtue *** LS ASL
Jaime Wender
Jeremy Wolski ***
Alaine Anne James Voegle
David Walter Westerhold
Caden Womack ***
Emily J. Vogt
Cadelyn Wharrie
Jo M. Wood * ASL CS LS
Sara M Vogt *** ASL S
Dean Philip Wheeler ** ASL LS
Rachael Wood *
Stephanie Volpe ***
Kelley Wheeler ***
Samantha Wood ***
Christina Vorhies
Ashley White
Breanna Marie Woodall ** LS
Pamela Vreen *** LS
Ericka Janae White LS
Joshua Wren
Johnnie Wade Sr.
Evan White ***
David Wright Jr. **
Martin Waga **
Lillian Opal Whitley **
Ja-Wan L. Wright
Amy Sue Waggener ***
Raiven Whitmore
Aaryanna Yang *** LS
Rebekah Wagner
Emily Whitton **
MaryBeth Yates *** LS ASL S
Talladega S Thomas
Julissa Wick **
William Yates **
Travis Cole Waid *** LS
Desiree Widener ***
Sally Ann Yenolevich
Kaylen Waldrop
Amber Williams
Consuelo Yero-Jessie
David Abell
Julie Addams
Britany Rose Alaimo ***
Naeisha Ali
Apolonia M. Almanzar ***
Efrem B Anderson II *
Theresa Ashley Angel *
Jannette Marie Arison
Brittaney Atwood ***
Laura Audet **
Antoinette Bailie * S
Adrian Balderrama **
Courtney Balz
Chterry Banks
Raul Antonio Barcenas
Amanda Joy Conrad * LS
Chasity Marie Flores LS
Thomas Hubert LS
Kimberly Barchard
Anthony R. Conte
Patrick Flynn ***
Thomas J. Hudson ***
Christopher Lee Basinger CS LS
Stephanie Coonan
Troynesia Ford * LS
Sierra Coryn Huffmaster ***
Kyle Lee Bear
Brittany M Corbin **
Sabrina A Foster * LS
Darian Lamar Hughes
Keri Begin ***
Jacob Crane ***
Elizabeth Frakes **
Amanda Jackson *
Tillie Bellows
Shamieka Crawford-Oliver
Darrell Francis
Sasha-Lee James ***
Jonathan Benafield **
Nancy Crawford
Brendan Funnell *
Tonya James ***
Karina Lisseth Benitez **
Jennifer Croissant LS
Lenajah Gaither
Tomeakco Jenkins
Eric Berning *** LS
Amanda Cruz ***
Carlos Galarza ***
Angelina Johnson
Tabbitha May Berry
Lois Ann Cummisky
Kya Gann
Chantelle Diane Johnson LS
Megan Besson
Ariana DaCosta
Crystal Garman
John Johnson
Brian Bills
Jade M. Dalander *
Lynn Marie Garron ***
Megan Johnson LS
Julius Bishop
Brittney Davis
Richelle Gattis
Breck Kane ***
Madison Elizabeth Boudreau
Hanin Jasim Tahir Davis
Francine Gentile *** ASL CS
Alyssa Nicole Kavanagh **
Paige M. Bousquet ***
Kevin Davis
Anna Gerstenberg ***
Gabriella Kay ***
Patricia Brantner ***
Alecsandr De Armas LS
Brittany Lynn Gilbert * LS
Matrinia S Killebrew *
Williesha Brinson
Sara-Lee Debenedetto * LS
Lizette B Gonzalez **
Alice Yurim Kim ***
Ebony Broadbelt
Jaswantie Singh DeVine
Bonnie Michelle Goodwin **
Ashley Kippycash ***
Daniel M Brock *
Nanci Ann DiLiegro ***
Sabrina Goss * LS
Michael Klug II
Emma Brandt ***
Jared Dineen
Paolo koy Gowdy
Jason Thomas Kocke *** LS
Celita Brown * LS
Randy Dinkins
Ashley Diane Grace
Allison Ann Kovrig *** ASL LS
Sammuel Bryson
Blaise Dorsette
Jimmy S. Grandpierre
Eloise Krukoski ** LS
Mari Buitrago
Chandler Duhamel *
Charisma Toccana Gray * LS
Jennifer Labansky
Heather Bullock ***
Shaun Dyson
Jessica M. L. Greenwood ** LS
Sarah Lackey
Suzan Burkett *
Jeanne Eastwood
Brittany Gregory ***
Belinda Laine **
Austin Ryan Butler
David Robert Eggleston **
Madison Grondin
Robert James Lake **
Sheila Calhoun
Seth Christopher Eller
Talia Maria Guantero
Kari Lamkins *
Mario L Campbell
Nicole Ellis
Jacob Gurkin
Michaela Lamont LS
Shaneice Campbell
Katelyn Emerick
Katrina Michelle Gutierrez
Autumn Landon
Shanikqa Nicole Canty LS
Tari S. Fagert ***
Courtney Habedank *
Caylah Larsen
Ryan Carey
Courtney Falck
Tyler Brandon Hackenberg *** ASL
Hollie Lawing *
Karl Carpenter *** LS
Emmaline Farb **
Dominique M Hall
Dionysia Reneé Lawson
Cody Castellani
Jill Farrington LS
Travis Nile Harman
Pamela Laythe
Jessica Cate ***
Andrew Robert Felder *** LS
Willis Harold Harper III **
Elizabeth Cavinder *
Mara Fellows
Carrielee Harvey * LS
Veronica Leanos Nevarez *** LS
Demonte Chism
Olivia Ferguson
Matthew Helton
Ty Lester
Kenneth Cluck ***
Jack Conner Ferrara **
Shon Hensley **
Jacob Lipham ***
Rabeka Ralyn Coffland ** LS
Manuel Figueroa LS
Roger Hicks Jr.
Steve Lockard ***
Melissa Comer ***
Christine Finlayson ***
Eric Hondel *
Jacob Lockwood **
Rebekah Lynne Conard **
Audrey M Fletcher ***
Darius Hopkins
Mary Long
Samantha Lynch ***
Austin Nikonchuk **
Dalton Richens
Tammy W Tatman **
Tina MacKenzie
Nicholas Norton ***
Sara M Ricker
Lydia Thomas
Robert P Mangold
Hannah Nosalik * CS LS
Roshanda Riley **
Tenia Thomas
Christine Manzione **
Lori Ogden
Michelle Ring ***
Julie Anna Thorne LS
Jennifer Marchillo-Helmar **
Michael Olson **
Janelle Rivers-Koonce *** LS
Nicklaus A. Thrower *
Lisa Marks LS
Liam Mason Rhea Opie **
Scott D Roberts *** LS
Lori Thweatt-Brown
Justin Marshall *
Taylor Ouellette
Jesus Rocha Jr. **
Pearl Tijerina
Sherene Warburton Martensen **
Angelina Paglierani
Daniel Peter Rodriguez
Brittany Tomlin *
Zachary Martin ** ASL
Editha Paredes
Eric Roebuck *
Lenissa Toribio Alvarez LS
Kaily Maly Maria Martinez *
Kylee Jennay Parenteau
Joseph Marcel Rogers LS
Kathryn Amy Travis
Nancy Martinez ***
Denise Pavloff LS
Suzanne Lounette Rollins ***
Jonice Lynette Brown
Ilika Masam
Robert Payne ***
Shawn Rovaris
Katherine Tycenski ***
Amanda L. McCallar LS
Katherine Pedersen *
Ashley Rudd LS
Michael Lee Ujvari ***
Paul Jonah McClain LS
Alexis Pegram
Ronaye Sales
Margaret D. McCormick-Wade **
Paul M. Peraino *
Brittany Salisbury
Johnny Shane Urbanek Jr. *** LS
Monica McGowen
Amanda Jo Perera *
Tyler Salvato * LS
Feliciti Alize Valentin *
Lisa McLaughlin ** LS
Marisa Perilli ***
Corey Sanders
Alicia Valenzuela *
Tsahi McLeod
LanSharica Perry
Julie Anne Sanders **
Katherine Valiska
Marcia McMurray
Brandy Peyton ***
Brandon Sank
Julia Hannah Vassallo **
Alice McNally ** LS
Summer Picha
Yulymar Santiago **
David Velat *
Mercedes McNamara ***
Kaylee Kathleen Picone
Sarah Saylor
Melissa Verdejo **
Janasjha Amari McNeil *
Emily Rosie Pineda ***
Samantha Shaffer
Janelle Elizabeth Vitello
Bryan J. Medeiros Sr. * LS
John Simon Pitra ***
Faith E. Waldrup-Shearer *** CS
Ishmael Washington *
Casandra Shantel Mejia
Kaitlyn Nicole Pleasant
Damien Sheika *
Jayde Webster
Angela L. Mena LS
Justin Pontonio **
Evan Stephen Shick LS
Lois Weintraub
Aaron Michael Mercier *
Dalton Pooler
Maria C. Sigala
Dale R. Aso Welch **
Melissa Merritt ***
Bradley Price **
Ronald Simmons
Kendra Wentling ***
Jessica Milburn
Deonte Price *
Kiamesha Denise Sims
Chelsea Marie Wheelehan *** LS
Finlay Miller **
Jessica Price
Katelyn Slivka
Alandrea Whitaker
Erik Mitchell
Kandie Holliday Price
Courtney Elizabeth Smith ***
Robert V. White **
Helder Molina Cante **
Howard Prolo Jr. **
Gina Smith
Carol Wigant **
Dennis Montag * LS
Kya Evan Pulsipher
Kayla Soletto
Mindy Wilkinson *** ASL
Carla Montgomery **
Nalani Marie Newton Pynaert *** LS
Darcy Spring ***
Chanell Williams
Nicole Murphy
Babette Rakoczy ***
Sophia Stark ***
Fenicia M Williams *
Michelle M Mustard ***
Alexander Dominic Ramirez
D'Artagnan Stein *
Gladys Williams
Erislaine Neder ***
Kevin Randall ***
Angelica Nicole Sumter
Margaretta Collins Wilson
Courtney Neiner ***
India Reels ***
Jordyn Riley Suraci
Destiny Wood ***
Nichole Nelsen * LS
Andrea Mia Restrepo
Brandon Sutton
Logan Woodrum ***
Sadie Nelson * LS
Sandy Reyes *
Zsolt Szabo
Ekaterina Jade Yarley *** LS
Amber Nestved ***
Kristina Rice **
Tracy Elizabeth Tabar ***
Kelsey Young
SNHU’s Global Campus Nursing and Health Professions department provides
high quality undergraduate and graduate education with distinction in
scholarship, service, and practice for nurses and health professionals
seeking to maximize their personal and professional potential. This mission
is fulfilled through innovative programs and by meeting the needs of adult
learners in an online environment. Graduates are prepared to promote a
culture of health within a diverse society in order to meet the challenges of an
ever-evolving healthcare system.
Lauren Beckman
Tressy Bergeron
Amanda Borne
Diana Brickman
Bonnie Campbell
Bobbyjo Cartee
David M Carter
Matthew Chan
Merydeth Charlton
Michelle Dianne Chianca
Amanda Joy Colpitts
Lisa M Dalto
Stacey Damron Habermeier
Kaitlynn M. Daneau
Mary M. DeSeignora
Shakeela Ameena Dickerson LS
Joseph Andrew Doherty Jr LS
Brittany Pa'shay Edwards
Stephanie Diane Fallon LS
Erica Foley
Emma Furlone
Lemma Garoma
Diane Marie Gooden LS
April Antognoni ***
Kristin Carrillo ***
Rebeka J. Medina
Stacey Anzalone **
Jill D Catlett *** LS ASL
Zachary Carlton Missel
Ashley Marie Arce Ibanez ***
Maiza S.P. Cavalcanti ***
Nicole R Moody
Melissa Archer **
Lauren Elizabeth Cavanaugh **
Kathleen Elizabeth Moran
Andrew Asay *
Michela Cerasani
Gabrielle Yee Newton
Tanya Ann Bagnera ***
Lylienne Cesard **
Tamra Ouellette
Cheryl Baldwin **
Raquel Chase *
Nicole Parziale
Tanisha M. Barjon ***
Elizabeth Chuon ***
Bethany Patenaude LS
Kevin Barrett ***
Kristina Clement *
Anandanie Persaud
Sonia Barros
Janet Coates ***
Kelly Phillips LS
Indira Batista ***
Tiffany Cole
Spencer Plante
Katherine R Bauman ***
Victoria Collingwood ***
Catherine Amy Quill
Kayla Lisa Beaulieu ***
Loren Collins ***
Jerika Reed
Tracy Michelle Beers * LS
Jeanette Comire **
Katherine Rinnus LS
Melissa E. Belliza *
Kaitlin Condry ***
Torsten J. Rohde
Efomo Bello **
Melissa Cooke
Samarjit Kaur Singh LS
Lyndsay Bethoney **
Dakota M. Coons ***
Kayla Stewart
Monique Amanda Blair ***
Danilo Correa ***
Anita Stonebraker LS
Kerlaude Blaise *
Amanda Couture Paiva ** LS
Chaya Iyengar Swedberg
Lucas Bohn *
Jessica Cunningham * LS
Erica Thrailkill
Penny Bossom-Seeger ***
Sandra J. Cunningham ***
Kristen Mary Valinski
Kiara Marie Boucher
Sophia D'Ambrosio ***
Naoana Victor
Paulette Boudrot ***
Michele Darling ***
Zuri Charlotte Walker LS
David Bousquet ***
Charles Davis *
Stacey Ward
Paula Bousquet ***
Heather Elizabeth Day **
Nicole Young
Charlene Angella Bowen **
Emily Brashear ** LS
Jessamyn Sue Schaefer Delude
Erin Braun ***
Ashleigh Ann DeMaris
Jaime Breingan ***
Karina DeMeo ***
Chanon Brennan ***
Brittany Derrington ***
Katlyne Britner *
Charmaine Diaz ***
Danielle Britton-Barrows **
Elizabeth A Diodati **
Sierra Brown *
Mariana Dion ***
Trudi Buck ***
Shyeece N. Dixon
Chelsey Burns ***
Cynthia Djeumen ***
Penelope Butterbaugh ** LS
Justine Donley *
Shannon Buzzell ***
Marie Duhamel ***
Annette Lee Calder ***
Katherine Mary Dunn ***
Salomey O Campbell ** LS
Sandy L Dyche **
Sandi Campos
Kathleen Elizabeth Earley **
Christina Hale
Kasey Marie Harding
JAmanda Abell *
Julie Hart LS
Fernanda Abreu ***
Annette Hill
Dianne Adams **
Kate Hopper LS
Erica Albrecht *** LS
Lynne Allison Keller
Andrey Alcantara ***
Tammy Jo Ladd
Lauren Cecile Aldoupolis ***
Elizabeth Lapsley
Jessica Allen **
Nina Zoe Louison
Rebecca M Allen ***
Danielle Machado
Jennelle Anderson ***
Heather Margaret MacLeod
Melissa Fassbender ***
Cortney L Greene
Ashley Medas
Renee N. Ebere **
Adrienne Rose Goulette **
Katherine Joseph ***
DeAnn Marinelli ***
Renoldine Ange Lucie Elien
Chelsey Grandmaison ***
Kristin M. Karasek
Laura Marion-Hussey *
Carolina Eller ***
Princess Grear *
Joanna Kedzior *
Sarah Markham *** LS
AnnMarie Ellis LS
Brett Grosso ***
Lindsey Kenyon *** LS
Cindy Ann Marshall *
Jennifer Eriksen ***
Zachary Michael Guidaboni **
Tovah Kinderlehrer *** LS
Felisha Ann Martin ***
Mirline Estiverne
Ashley Gutkowski ***
Jenna Elizabeth Koch ***
Kayleen Martin
Grace E Ezan *
Jessica M. Haavisto ***
Michael Joseph Konetzny *
Janice S Martinez ***
Michele Lynn Fagnant *
Edyta Halastra ***
Clayton Kuusisto ***
Jeanette M. Martinez *** LS
Zoila Feliciano ***
Natalie Christine Hall *** LS
Andrea Lambert *
Charlene Hopkins Mayhew ***
Kimberly Rose Feole ***
Tonya Hall **
Michael D. Lanciani Jr ***
Paige Mayo ***
Christina P. Ferdinand ***
Alexandra Halle ***
Tori Landry ***
Jona McClain *** LS
Lourdes Fevrier ** LS
Katelyn Harth **
Carolyn Dawn Lanne *
Melanie S. McComb
Laurie Finta *** LS
Jesslynne Harvey **
Alisha Lasko **
Allison McDaniel *
Tanya Flagg ***
Kristine Ann Heap ***
Joanne Law
Doddjerry Jerome Mc Million ***
Marise C. Fleurissaint *
Kristin Heath ***
Oanh Thi Thuy Le ***
Alison McNally ***
Kaitlyn Samantha Flynn ***
Tiffany Hefty ***
Luke Leavitt
Emma Rose Merritt ***
Alissa Marie Fortier **
Denise Hendershot ***
Deborah Lee **
Kashontae M. Miles LS
Michaela Foster
Mirka Hernandez-Aquino ***
Sofia Lema ***
Breana Miller *
Brenna Christine Fournier ** LS
Alyssa Herrick
Leanne Lemery ***
Kyla Miller ***
Carissa Fox ***
Stacy Hess ***
Sheri Lynne Lemoine ***
Ana Miranda ***
Wilma Francis-Murray *** LS
Heidi White Hiltz **
Joan Marie Leombruno **
Dennis Mirugi **
Dina Francke
Aszhia Kyntrelle Hines * LS
Angela Leone ***
Shogofa Dadrass Mirzai ** LS
Kristy Fugere ***
Lori C. Hira ***
Brianna Lindsay *** LS
Meghan E Monahan **
Erin Funnell ***
Anna Holland ***
Tricia Lindsey ***
Megan Mongeau ***
Ryan Ian Gale ***
Karyn Lisoski
Venide Mongerard Jean Marie
Sydnee Gallup ***
Deanna McAlister Hosea *** LS
Olivia Littrell ***
Kaileigh Monk ***
Barbara Ganda *
Lisa Marie Hurteau ***
Renee Loiselle
Laura Alice Monroe ***
Nicholas M. Gardella ***
Jessica Irizarry **
Airton Pacheco Lonnstrom **
Stephanie Marie Montello ***
Dhacacherel J Garner ***
Henna Israni ***
Stephanie Lopes
Marie C Mota ***
Sarah Gaspar ***
Ashleigh Iuliucci ***
Cheryl Adams Lopez ***
Jamee Lauren Mynahan ***
Jessica Gatzke
Claudia Jackson ***
Tracie Loranger **
Angella Nanfuka *
Lauren D. Gaylord *** LS
Marisa Jackson *
Keith Lyttle ***
Gina Nicole Neville ***
Jacqueline Gentile ***
Hajar Fatimah Jalloh **
Darren Maggio
Mary Ngaruiya **
Hedwige Georges **
Michele B. Jean Baptiste **
Namita Maharjan ***
Carol Njeri Ngunjiri *
Suad Ghazi ***
Alena Jerusalemski **
Carla Maione ***
Charity Omondi Ngunu *
Joyce Gitanyu *** LS
Tinamarie Joaquin **
Maureen Malenchini ***
Robyn Nickerson ***
Amanda Gonzalez ***
Heather Ann Jones *** LS
Erin Maloney ***
Sarah Novak ***
Elyse Brittney Goodwin *
Melissa Ashley Jones **
Jennifer Lynn Manigat **
Chipo Nyamunda ***
Natalia Marie Gormley **
Julie Carolyn Jordan ***
Kayla M Mansfield
Paige Nye ***
Kathrine Gould *
Karen Jorstad ** LS
Evelyn Mantilla *** LS
Tanya O'Connell ***
Heather Lambert Ochs ***
Elizabeth Riendeau ***
Jeanne Thibeault ***
Molade Olusola ***
Brian Kenneth Robertson *
Sara Yvanne Torchon ***
Cristina Alejandra Ortiz ***
Kristen Robertson
Calvin Traffie *** ASL
Rachel Santos Ortiz ***
Jenny Rodgers **
Cynthia Mushira Traore ** LS
Nicole Anne Pacula ***
Alyssa Romano ***
Katharine Leigh Tricomi ***
Keri Paige ***
Lisa Marie Romanovitz ***
Morgan Elizabeth Turner ***
Clarence Parler *
Jacquelyn Rosa *
Paige Natalie Tuttle ***
Anu Parmar ***
Michany Rosado **
Kristin Valanzola ***
Kerri Pavao **
Gina Rossignol *** LS
Nancy Veiga *
Kaitlyn Paz ***
Katie Lynn Rudolph ***
Dana Ventetuolo ***
Bethany Ann Pellegrino ***
Gina Russell ***
Bethany M. Visgarda ***
Melanie-Jo Pelley ***
Juliette Saint Louis
Melissa E Warrington **
Kate Alyssa Penny ***
Lauren Santiago **
Isaiah Weeden
Lydia Perez *
Alicia Santos ***
Lee Weintraub ***
Deborah Perkins ***
Charlotte Savill *** LS
Sandra Welsh ***
Jillian Perry ***
Emily Anne Seebaugh **
Melinda L Wheeler ***
Raisa Perugino ***
Annette Send ***
Lorraine Willey ***
Julianne Petty *
Edwy Severe **
Jaynisha Shanell Williams ***
Nicole Pham *
Kimberly Sexton ***
Jessica Williams *
Jessica Philippon
Breondra Shacklewood ***
Shelbi M Williams *
Terra Jean Phillips ***
Jessica Ann Sherman * LS
Kaylee Wilson *
Judy Phothisen *
Lisa Shrestha ***
Julia Woytowicz ***
Marie Vivianne Pierre-Louis * LS
Tina Shymko *** ASL LS
Bridget Flynn Wragg
Ricky Plante ***
Kathryn Siegfried *
Sandy K. Yang **
Sophia Pompe *
Andre Skala ***
Barbara Yatzun Hartman ***
Brittany Pond
Tanya M. Smith ***
Jade Young
Sonia Ponte ***
Kristin Sogluizzo *** LS
Edele Zamar ***
Tamena Danielle Potts ***
Monika Solc **
Melissa Anne Zulon ***
Aaron Patrick Powers ***
Katherine Sorensen ***
Kayleigh Martin ***
Idelisse Sparks ** LS
Brooke Racicot ***
Erica Elizabeth Spell **
Sayra Y Ramirez **
Diana Stamatelatos ***
Kyarisha Rana Magar Rai **
Michelle Stark ***
Nancy Reed ***
Rachel Elizabeth Stewart ***
Jacinto C. Regalado Jr. *
Megan Strassner ***
Lindsey Renshaw **
Vonny Surjoto ** LS
Wendy Kathryn Repucci
Hayley Sweeney *
Sharon Rhoton ***
Valorie Tamang *
Tammy Ridner
Sara J Teal ***
Angalina Riek *
Karen Therrien **
SNHU’s Global Campus Social Sciences department empowers and supports
students to transform their lives and the lives of those around them through
high-quality and innovative educational practices that enrich their knowledge
and skills in the helping professions. Students apply their knowledge of
human behavior through our programs in Anthropology, Criminal Justice,
Human Services, Political Science, Psychology, and Sociology. Our programs
provide students with insights at the individual, societal, and global levels in
order to create a richer understanding of multiple perspectives and cultures.
Students also hone their skills in analysis, critical thinking, problem-solving,
communication, ethical reasoning, and professionalism.
Laura Berenyi LS
Napasawan Chanprapavut
Deborah Dempsey
Noelia Berrios LS
Ashley Chapman
Dana Derby
Amariyana Mae Berry
Edward Cheers
Heather Derby
Meaghann Ackerman
Craig John Bertani
Caitlin B Chiri LS
Katrina Lee Desroches LS
Jayme Acuna
Rachel Beshero
Angelene H. Chung
Destiny N Deterville
Sara Louise Adkins
Andrea Bessman LS
Annie Louise Clark
Mandy Catherine Digan
Michaela Albano LS
Kyle Betournay
MaryKate Clark
Sejla Dolic
Ashraf Basem Allan
Dovetta D'Yana Blair
Gabrielle Renee Cliff LS
Jennifer Jeanne Dostie-Stewart
Julio Allen
Natalie Blasco
Yvonne Anise Cohrs
Benjamin Douglas
Kevin McKenzie Allen
David Boardman
Casey Lynne Colbert
Ke-Via Sarah Dudley LS
Alexandra Alvarez
Sean Bogler
Tonya Lynn Cole LS
Shelise Susan Dutcher
Kristina Andrews
Robert Jakub Boguszewski
Aubrianna Kimberly Coleman
Kaitlyn Deveau
Sarah Elizabeth Andrews
Sarah Streitwieser Bohn LS
Carina Coleman
Keli Jo Easton
Elizabeth Anelli
Abigail Bolner
Karen Collins
DiAnna Michelle Edinger
Grace-Kelly Anoma
Dava Bonds
Natalie Colosimo
Kristin Edman LS
Karla Arambula LS
Chad Martin Booker LS
Kellianne Connolly
Tylyn Einhorn
Jeffrey Scott Ashworth
Allison Borchers
Courtney Renee Conrad
Khaled M ElDagany LS
Morgan Ashworth LS
Janet L Bouchard
Michael S. Contreras Jr.
Lauren Elliott
Courtney Aug
Kirstin Bounds
Lauren Ashlee Contrino
Jessica Naomi Emerson
Jessica B. Avelar
Andrea Boutiette
Laurie Cook
Toniann Erbe
Allison Bachelder
Heather Bova
Charlotte Cooper
Erica N. Erelli
Megan Baker
Sonha Chong Bowen ASL LS
Taylor Cheyenne Courtney
Rayon Everett
Krystal Dianne Baldwin
Monica Maria Lynn Bowers
Rena Coward
Kyle James Evers
Heather Banker LS
Amanda Braswell S LS
Alice Cregg LS
Anthony Vincent Fadul
Fatima Banks LS
Michaela Broadribb ASL LS
Cleo Selina Murrell Crews
Atlee Fallon
Amanda Lynn Barnhill LS
Zachariah Brock LS
Lakisha A. Croley LS
Samy Saber Farawlo
Katherine Francesca Barriga
Cassandra Brogdon
Alycia Cullen LS
Kasey Feaster
Broceny Anne Brown LS
Shantraice Cunningham
Desiree Fischer
Sadie Anna Ada Barton DMD
Jerry Browning
Gregory Curtis
Elizabeth Y. Ford
Katrice Orionte' Baughman LS
Gemma Bryant LS
Kimberly Erin Custodio
Kathryn Fox
Leah Baxendale
Shannon Buckley
Alexis Catherine Daglezt
Amy Francis DMD LS
Andrea L. Saunders
Lachera Burrowes El LS
Alissa Daglezt LS
Mercede Frias
Katherine Beckman
Normary Calabrese
Reynilda Dalembert
Rachel Friedman
Pedro Bee LS
Oraida Isabel Calderon
Shanna Marie Daniels
Esther Ruby Gallon LS
Sophia A Beltran LS
Melody Cameron
Carmalita C.A Davis
Alexandra Garcia
Benjamin S. Benedict
Lexi Campbell LS
Charlie Ulysses Davis
Alianna Aispuro Garcia
Samantha Beninati LS
Benjamin R Carter
Jenna Nicolle Davis
Rissia Di'Alma Garcia
Rebecca Ann Benoit
Alyssa Cates
Jake T Deedrick
Brianna Garrett
Denae Bentley
James Catyb
Ashley Delacruz LS
Tyeshai L Garrett
Kourtney Ann Bercheni
Amy Chaney
Brooke R Dempsey
Cassie Lynn Gass
Bradley Gee
Brittany Howze
Emily Kirwan
Melissa Martinez
Racquel Brandy Geisz
Kalyn Hudson LS
Jenna Alicia Kline
Michael Martyn LS
Vlada Georgieva
Kim Marie Hugle
Alyssa Kuhl
Graham Allyn Parker Masi
Nicole Lynn Getman LS
Shelby J. Hunsaker LS
Vincentia Kulakowski
Steeve L. Mathieu
John Gilleeny
Mary Hupfer
Carrie Ann Lair LS
Alexis Faith McCagh
Colleen Gillis LS
Delesha Marie Hutchen
Ashley Lambson
Jamie Elizabeth McCarney
James Paul Goebel III
Nicholas Inden LS
Suzanne Landin
Daniella Jean McCormick
Alba M. Gonzalez
James Ingalls
Nicole Diane Hoffman
Breanne McLernan LS
Kassandra Gonzalez
Aaliyah Isaac
Michael P. Laurion
Thomas Paige Meadows CS LS
Terrin Goodoien LS
Moses Issaka
Mauline Lawrence-Jackson
Francesca Maria Medellin
Armani Gordon
Charles Emmanuel Ivy
Michelle Elizabeth Layne
Bryan Patrick Meissner LS
Breanna Gowman
Jessica Jackson
Haley Ledford
Octavius Merricks
Matthew Donald Graef
Britney Jacobs
Nicole C. Ledoux LS
Tseyonawit Mesfin
Sheadrena T Green
Laura Jacobus
Jane Lemaux
Samuel Messina
Jasmine Olivia Grego CS LS
Shantinique James
Hayley Lenear LS
Kayla Miele LS
Jennifer Lynne Greiser
Katherine Jansen LS
Jasmine Nicole Leong LS
Kevin James Miller
Juan R Guillermo
Sydney Jarmon
Terrick Conway Levy LS
Hannah Kristine Mills-Fragione
Yongbin J. Ha
Emily Jeppesen
Cody J. Lindell LS
Kara Mincey
Lauren Elizabeth Hall
Autumn Rose Johnson LS
Zachary Matthew Little
Mildred Miranda LS
Nicole Hall LS
Gloria Del Carmelo Johnson
Tanya Janine Lobo
Aimee V. Mitchell
Rebecca Marie Halloran
Katherine Johnson LS
Bradford Ryan Lockridge
Kathleen Mitchell
Frederick Hamilton
Melissa Johnson
Michael Logan
Victoria Monahan
Ambert Jack Harris
Michael S. Johnson LS
Maria Long
Reginald M. Monteiro
James Harris
Zachary Johnson
Taylor Long
Janisha Moore
Aliyah Haughton
Aletra Jones LS
Roberto Ibar Lopez
Lindsay Moore LS
Pennell Eunice Mae Hayes LS
Cynthia Denise Jones LS
Alexandria Danielle Lord
Wydette Morales
Melinda Haynes
Umeca Jones DMD
Charity Michelle Lucas LS
Kaitlynn Moran
Elizabeth J. Henderson
Tanesha Joseph
Alexandra D Lugar
Misty Morrow
Kim Vanessa Herd
Melissa Kascsak ASL LS
Destiny Nicole Luttrell
Marcus Moss
Frances Hernandez
Shannon Kawa
Jordyn Macbeth LS
Heather A Muir LS
Juan Duenes Hernandez LS
Jacquelyn Keaney
Nadine Marie MacDonald LS
Barbara Sheets LS
Brian Heyward
Rebecca Keel
Liam Mahoney
Jodi Anne Sherika Nance LS
Nedea Hines
Elena Kelley LS
Jennifer Maillet
Darmishia Nash
Stephanie Marie Hodge
Molly Kent
Gianni Maldonado
Kellie Nelson LS
Alexander Hogan
Kiley Lyn Kettinger
Nicholas A. Mancuso ASL LS
Mark Christopher Nelson
Elizabeth S. Holloway
Cosette Khalife LS
Paul Marchand
Heather Newton
Summer Ellen Holmquist
Manal Khan
Gregory Martell
Leah Nicole Nicholson
Kwame Holt
Shamraz A. Khan
Fatina Marie Martidis LS
Sierra Christina Nobles
Amber Rena Holzhauer LS
Christopher Kirby
Acacia Marie Martin
Melisa Oates LS
Ashley Houston
Tonya Lynn Kirkpatrick
Mellisa Martin
Diana F. Oliveira
Dominique Patrice Irving
David Rose
Katarina Adele Storey
Sarah Rose Werner
Soromtochukwu Onaga
LaSuan D. Rose
Alyssa Stuart
Alexzandria Elizabeth Maria West
Nayadette Ortega Menendez
Kayla M. Rosenstiel
Claudia Stuart LS
Caroline Elizabeth White LS
Nancy K. Oxton
Najah A Ross-Green
David Paul Suarez
Kyana White
Racheal Pace
Ameera Saahir
John Suchy
Melisa White LS
Brianna Paglia
Jennifer Suzan Salazar LS
La Questa Charlene Summeour LS
Victoria DeNay White LS
Lauren Palumbo
Mario Saldana
Jill Sweatman
Shakayla Whitley
Stephen Brett Parlier
Eric Lee Salinis
Kateryna Szabo LS
Jessica Revay Wicks
Aubrey E. Parsons
Starr Angelique Sanchez
Robyn Tajzler LS
Frances Jaileen Williams LS
Cora E Pennell-Eckert LS
Rose Mary Sandoval
Kelsey Tascone
Khykisha Williams
Patrick James Pennie
Yasira Margarita Santos Medina
Bradley Tata
Maranda Williams
Jacquelyn Penrod
Harriet Sanya LS
Alisha Thomas LS
Tricia Williams LS
Melinda Perez LS
Alexus Marie Sarzo LS
Amber D. Thomas
Teneisha Wilson
Amanda Bakios Perry
Haley Schalk
Shannan M. Thomas
Kathleen Candace Wolf
Madelyn Perry LS
Michael J. Schlottke
Alexus Thompson
Tyler Wynn
Tavonte Artez Phillips LS
Chelsea Schultheis LS
Bradford Tierney
Amber Lynn Yahnian
Nicole Piercy
Bianca M. Schultz
Latresha Tillman
Sandra Young
Terrence Pittman
Michelle Schwartz LS
Rebekah Bellamy Tinsman LS
Genevieve Zeeck
Jaquira Pizarro
Brittany Ann Scott
Michael William Tischner Jr.
Ariel Portal
Sarah Geoghegan Sebat LS
Katie Alford Tomlinson
Cierra Sandtrice Bray Pressley
Melissa J. Seiber LS
Erica Marie Tramontano
Alexis Rose Procopio LS
Alyssa Sesterak
Keeley Tripp
Teresa Pryor LS
Daniel Parker Shifflett
Morgan Sisu Turnbull
Erin Pumphret
Alexis Shimko
Jordan Elizabeth Tweedie
Cassidy Sara Pyser
Brianna Marie Shutic
Ashley Ullom
Devon Rademacher
Nichelle Simmonds
Tanisha Urgent-Mitrano
Brandan Mitchell Rader
Gregory J. Simpson LS
Gina M Urso
Issam Ramey LS
Kelan Siner LS
Nicholas VanDusen LS
Arianna Irene Ravenelle
Courtney Smith LS
Brenda L Velasquez
Elizabeth Mary Reagan
Ethan William Smith LS
Amber Rochelle Vencill
Tyler P Reeves
Kirsten Holbrook LS
Daniel Lee Wadham LS
Arecia Reid LS
Mikayla Smith
Kevin Waite LS
John Reyes
Yvonne Renee Snider
Melanie Walker
Brian Rhodes
Mia Snow
Stephanie S. Walker
Benjamin Richardson
Kristina Snyder
Allen W. Ward
Kayla Tiana Richardson
Anabel Solis
Cara Waters
Kashima Riley LS
Shameeka Stephens-Jones LS
Lori Aileene Watson ASL LS
Thea-Marie Ritchie-Haughton
Jordan Alexander Steptoe
Jessica Rose Weiner
Eadrianna Edith Rivera Rodriguez
Nathaniel Christopher Stetz
Lexis Weitz
Ryan Rochford
Jade Renee Stewart-Martin
Andrea Werner LS
Fatima Abdi ***
Bridgette Abel ***
Olivia Lynn Aboshar LS
Jayme Abramofsky
Cassandra J Abrams ***
Jillian Acevedo
Michelle Ackerman
Amanda Acosta
Faith Ashley Adams LS
John Quincy Adams III ** LS
Kirsten April Adams ***
Melissa Mary Adams **
Sarah Adams
Victoria Adams ***
Kimberly Adelman
Emily Aguallo ***
Christopher Aguon ***
Kimberly Jean Airing *** ASL
Katrina Al-Jumaily ***
Lisa Azzara
Samantha Becker *
Jenna Blair *
Sara Albertson ***
Morgan Babb
Johnetta Beckham
Amanda Blakie
Angelena Alfonso ***
Lauren Bach *** LS ASL
Rebecca Jean Beers ***
Sierra Blanchard **
Jeremy Alich ***
Amanda Badger * LS
Jeremy Belanger
Suzanne M. Blazer *** LS ASL
Raja Qassim Alkhafaji ** LS
Dan Badgley Jr.
Adrienne Alexis Bell *** LS
Kimberly Ann Bluhm LS
Angelia Allen ** LS
Petra Baer *** LS ASL
Lawrence M. Bell ***
Andrea Bobier
Christopher Allen
Michael J Baez ** LS
Michael Bell
Adrian Lee Boggess *
Crystal Allen *** LS
Virginia Baez Martinez **
Sharon Elaine Bell *
Christina Bogojevic ***
Laura M. Allen *
Bethany Bailey
Angela Bellas LS
Roland Brian Boisvert III **
Gabriella M Almeida **
Maddison Bailey ***
Madison Bellot **
Autumn Jo Boiteau
Melissa Alvarez ***
Brittany Baker ** LS
Keltoum Belloula ** LS
Katie Bollinger *
Meredith Lee Anastasia LS
Desiree Angelique Baker ** LS
Brittany Danielle Bellucci *
Jaimie Boltz LS
Adasha Anaya *** LS
Justina Baklarz LS
Laura Beningo
Stephanie R. Boltz *** LS
Alicia Anderson **
Carrie Ball *** ASL LS
Ashley Bennett *
Marissa Nicole Bomboy *
Ashley Anderson ***
Lenora Ball ***
Beverly Benoit ***
Miranda Bonelli ***
Charity Anderson *
Stephanie Elizabeth Balynce
Krystal Benoit ***
Teresea Bongard ** LS
Rochelle Anderson *** LS
Elizabeth Banks **
Nicole Benson-Ambler
Antonio Bonilla **
Araceli Andrade
Felicia Banks
Bree Loriel Berger * LS
Jodi L Book
Jennifer Andrew ***
Nicole McCarthy Barbaro * LS
Jennifer Bergman
Lena Borror **
April Andrews ** LS
Janna Lynn Barcomb *
Alisha Bernadis
Ramona Botello
Keyata Andrews **
Marie-Theresa Fox Barnard *** LS
Makayla Bernard
Antonia Botticelli *** LS ASL
Gabrielle Linn Andrus ***
Linda Barnes
Wayne Berriault Jr.
Craig Bourassa **
Martina Angel *** LS
Rashida Barnes ** LS
Stephanie Ruth Berry ***
Katie L. Bourassa *** ASL LS
Natalie Anguiano ** LS
Ashleigh Barnett
Dominque Berube ***
Chelsea Bourque
Margaret B. Annutto ***
Jacob Barnett *** LS
Cassandra Virginia Bethea
Alyssa Kristy Bowden *** LS
Gina Antiquiera ***
Rachel M Barrett
Torianna Nickole Betzelberger **
Khadija Elysabeth Bowers * LS
Laurie Antonetti
Gabriel Barton **
Christina Lynn Bidinotto
Trisha Boyer
Terry Aperule *
Mary Bascue **
Heather Dawn Biegel *
Jaimie Boyle **
Hollis Archibold ***
Donna Bassett ***
Ernst Bien-Aime
Chelsea Bracknell
John Aristil *
Morgan Marie Bastarache **
Alyssa Nicole Bienus
Maria Bradley ** LS
Catherine Armstrong
Madison Jo Batchelder **
Catriona Billet ***
Yanlin Bradley ***
Tami Arnold ***
Jami-Lee Baumlin
Tiffany Billig *** ASL
Magdalene Brake
Sheena Arredondo LS
Heather Rose Baxter ***
Shelly Jean Billingsley
DeAnne Elizabeth Breckenridge LS
Sonya Arsenault *
Kristina Beam **
Denelle Bing *
Sheena Brehm
Courtney Ashley
Lisa Murphy Bean
Elaine Birdsley **
Shana Bremenour ***
Juaneshia Askew
Barrie Danielle Beasley *** ASL
Kyle Bishop
Boris Brezo *
Janina Aubrey **
Ciara Beattie ***
Lauralynn Bisson
Everest Brickhouse *
Morgan Austin **
Rachel Rose Beatty *
Morgan Blackburn
Jena Rose Bridges ***
Jessica Avila
Nicole Marie Beaulieu
Brianna Blair *
Rachel Bright
Brenda Ayala- Castillo ***
Sandra C Beaulieu
Crystal Blair LS
Agnes Marie Briski
Jessica Lashay Brito **
Anaja D. Caicedo * CS
Kayla Cervera ** LS
Ariana Contreras ** LS
Brittini Brockman * LS
Louise Caldwell ***
Jessica Chamberlain
Caitlyn Rose Cook ***
Jessica Lynn Brockway *
Tacarra Caldwell
Rebecca Marie Champion ** LS
Charmaine Cook *
Anthony Brooks **
Cynthia Calixte **
Ky Chapman ***
Kerry Cook *
Nicole Brooks
Shaquita Callier ** LS
Chasity Charette *** LS
Taylor Ann Cook **
Samantha J Brooks
Sade Rosetta Calvarese *
Cameron Chariton *** LS
Andrew Cookson *
Kristin Brophy
Harisis Camacho *
Ciarra Charles
Monica Diane Cooper *
Corinna Brown
Luis Camacho **
Cassandra Chatman ** LS
Amy Quoqueze Copeland
Damian T Brown LS
Steven Camire **
Beatriz G. Chavez
Bradquan Copeland
Jermal Brown
Jacklyn Dawn Campbell *** LS
Christopher L. Cheney * LS
Nathan Miguel Cordero * LS
Lindsey Rose Brown *** LS
Jazmyne Aliyah Campbell ** CS LS
Qima Chestnut *
Vanessa Rose Cordero ***
Logan Rigney
Maxwell Campeggi
Marissa Chiampi ** LS
Victoria E Corkery * LS
Marissa Brown
Abigail Campos *** LS
Justin Christian
Allison Cormier *** LS
Matthew Brown ***
Morgan Canavera * CS LS
Gregory King Churlik
Moya Brown *
Nicole Cantrell *
Andrew Phillip Cipriano ***
Jennifer Priscilla Cornejo-Paez ***
Sarah Brown ***
Stephen Cao ***
Amber Renee Clark
Karla Cortes ***
Kelly Morgan Bruce
Christine Capacchione ***
Lesa Michelle Clark ***
Amanda Jade Cortez
Christopher Buccieri ***
Abigale Ann Carlsen
Lindsay A Clark **
Matthew Joseph Costa ***
Anthony Buchanan LS
Alexandrea Carlson *
Talicia Clarke LS
Ian Costello ***
Morgan Buchholz LS
Cherilyn Clements
Angela Nicole Costo
Joshua Buck ***
Sarah Bellinger Carney-Sutton ***
Emma Cleveland *
Stacey Cotner LS
Ayla Buckley
Angela Caron *
Taariq Cleveland
Angela Cotter *** LS
Halle Buckley *
Jessica Carro
Andrea Clodfelter
Jeannine Cotter LS
Mary Thayer Buckley LS
Alexandrea Ellery Carroll ***
Megan Elizabeth Cloutier **
Alexis Couch *
Amanda Buller *
Karen Carson
Julianna Lee Cobb
Crystal Coughlin *
Kristin Burelle
Christian Cartin ***
Tiffany-Maria Rose Coble
Laura Coulombe ***
Candice M. Burgess ** LS
Mercedes Summers Casanova **
Erika Cochran-Williams
Tatiyanna Counts * LS
Ocean Colburn
Shannon Brinae Covington
Angelia Colden
Anna Cox *
Kelsey Cole
Nicole Cozzens
Sandra Lee Cole LS
Denne Craddock *** ASL
Sheena Cole
Alexandria Craig
Christopher David Coleman
Tiffany Craig LS
Roselynn Coleman LS
Cherelle Cramer *** LS
Shelley Collert ***
Elayna Cramer
Emma Collins *** LS
Leighanne Crawford *** LS
Jade Collins
Nyssa Crawford
Dillon O'Leary Collopy
Sofia Creamer *
Victoria Ann Compoccio * LS
Jessica Creller
Breanna Consentino LS
Angela Crews ** LS
Curt Burgess ***
Paul Jeffrey Burgess **
Phonecia Burgess
Mildred Burgos- Nwasah *
Shawna Burke ***
Krista-Lee Burnett ***
Tanya Shea Burnett *** LS
Aimee Lyn Burns ***
Shelby Burtscher ***
Nicole Burwell ***
Sheena Buteau ***
Jessica Michelle Byrd *
Diana Caballero *
Leigh Alexandra Cashman ***
Wyndi Cashman **
Jennifer Casillas ***
Marissa Leila-Rose Caskinette * LS
Gabrielle faith Casper *** LS
Lindsey Castagna
Esmeralda Varelas Castaneda
Kristyn Marlee Castaneda ** LS
Barbara Castro *** LS
Kendra Cazares ***
Michaela Cecala
Sara Cella *** ASL LS
Michelle L. Criss * LS
Malia Davis
Jeffrey Dionora **
Kendyl Nicole Elwell
Jarrod Cristina *
Melissa Davis
Nicole Diotte ** LS
Shondell Murray
Patricia Joan Crosby-White LS
DeMeishia E. Day ** LS
Darci Dipo **
Alan Landford English
Jessica N. Crowe ***
Angela Daynorowicz **
Jason Ditton
Amanda Enos ** LS
Autumn Crowthers ** LS
Hannah De Jesus *
Gabriel B. Dodenhoff
Rae Erdos-Steinberg **
Kimberly Cruickshanks LS
Ashley Rae de Wet *** ASL LS
Abby Dodge *
Cameron Erickson *
Sherri R Crum ***
Anthony Deamer **
Brittney Dono *
Cassidy Ertel
Yaniva Shaday Cruz
Melissa Defaria
Tricia Dookie-Shaw *** ASL CS LS
Jessica Erwin ***
Cory Cruzen
Samantha Jo Degen
Krista Doran ***
Rosabeth Escott
Ryan Joseph Culley
Alexis Nicole DeLeo
Milva Belen Espinoza *** LS
Emily Akers Cummings *
Patricia Delisca *** CS
Nina Elaine Valentine Dorman ***
James Delmedico * LS
Paige Lee Doty **
Nicole Estrada *
Stacy Delong LS
Christina H Doughty ***
Andrea Evans LS
Christina Ann DeLude **
Justice Dee Douglas ***
Brookney Evans *
Guetchine Delva-Augusma
Nicolette Douglas
Jennifer Pearl Evans ***
Brittany Mae Demers
Samantha Dovey * LS
Te'nera Charee Evans
Heather DeMont ** LS
Brandon Dow
Katie Anne Evers *** ASL LS
Sherry Dempsey ** LS
Jonshelle Downs
Nicole Lee Everton **
Loretta Denham *
Amara Dreher LS
Holley Ezzell ***
Lakendra Dently CS
Kenneth Ray Drew III
Vanessa Facio *
Michael DePalo ***
Taylor Drewes **
DeNickolis Faggart ***
Elyssa Arielle Derka LS
Cindy Lorraine Driscoll
Amber Faire LS
Timara Detwiler ***
Abigail Dubuque ***
Adriana Laura Falasca ***
Arissa DeVries ** LS
Kalli Duguay ** LS
Esther Faltz
Tiffany Ann DeWall
Jonathon Dunham ***
Genesis D. Farmer
Hope Alyssa Dewitt *
Jerome Dunn **
Julie Christine Farmer
Nicole Dewitt
Robert Durden ** LS
Samantha Farnum
Marcia Dias
Latoya Durham
Katera Lashay Farris
Giovanna E. Diaz
Parker Leroy Dusick *
Samantha Farris *** LS
Susie Diaz *
Kelly Dutkiewicz *** LS
Rachel Farrow *** ASL LS
Toni Annette Diaz *
Serena Duyck ** LS
Avery Faught LS
Diana Diaz de Leon ** LS
Amber Dykeman *
Talisa Faustin ***
Riley Dickerson
Serena Eastman
Adriana Favela *** LS
Lesley Diane Fearon **
Kevin Daniels **
Katherina Elizabeth Dicristina ***
Meghan Easton
Kimberly Brandina Ednie *** LS
Ashley Renee Feliciano ***
Krista Dart ***
Dean Dietrick *
Breanna Edwards
Brianna Fell ***
Jessica Daugherty ** CS LS
Katelynn Marie Diezel *
Mathew Ryan Edwards
Karen Felli
Tryna Davidson ***
Taylor Digby
Bridget Irene Eldridge ***
Mary Grace Fenhaus ***
Elizabeth Davis ***
Heather L. Diodato LS
Makeba Ellington
Dayna Fennimore ***
Jillian Davis ***
Kira Dionne ***
Carol Ellis ***
Allison Fernald ***
Sharkisha Cummins
Amber Cunningham
Curtis Cureton *
Danielle Curley *
Emily Curry
Hannah Curtiss ***
Heidi Cusack
Grace Marklyn Deslyn Abiola Cush
Elizabeth Custer *
Antonya Ednecia Ednate Dabbs
Lisagale Dacosta *
Jonathon Dean Dahlquist *** LS
Grace Dailing
Michele Daisey ***
Annika Dalbratt *
Jamie S Daley *
Keri Ann Daley Jr.
Cameron Damavandi ***
Savannah Damon
Amanda Damren ***
Adrienne Dancer
Kathleen Danielpour *** LS
Vincent A Espinoza II
Carlos Alberto Fernandez
Maci Furr *
Cheryl Anne Goldstein *** ASL LS
Bridgett Habich **
Jessica Ann Fernandez
Brianna Nicole Gagnon *
Noemi Gomez LS
Marcia Ayokaw Hackett ***
LaJuan Fernandez * LS
Dessari Lynn Gaines
Sieglinda Gomez **
Allison Haddad **
Melissa Ferrand
Abigail Louise Gallagher *
Jose F Gomez Liz *** CS
Tiffany Haines ***
James A. Fidelman ***
Elizabeth Gallant LS
Andrea Gonzales ***
Bernice Hairston
Edith M Figueroa
Veronica Rachel Gallegos ***
Marisol Gonzales * LS
Latasha Diane Hairston-Springs LS
Sierra Fink LS
Semeiko Gambrell
Blanca Gonzalez
Allison Hall **
Colleen Finn ***
Kasey Gannon ***
Joshua Gonzalez * LS
Melanie Hall
Rachael Finney *
Alixandria Garcia *** LS
Shantell Gonzalez **
Shanice Kristalen Hall * LS
Arnon Desiderio Fischer ***
Justin Garcia
Zania Goodman
Stephanie Hall *** LS
Amy Luanne Fish
Erika Gardner ***
Trina Michelle Goolsby *
Tiffany Hall
Amy Fitzgerald * LS
Angelina Sue Gargano-Hall
Shantane Gordon
Katie Hallstrom ** LS
Brittany Scarlett Fitzpatrick
Crystal Garland
Tracey Gorman ***
Morgan McKenna Halverson ***
Clarissa Maire Fitzpatrick ***
Cassidy Garnot ** LS
Rachel Gott *** LS
Amisha Hamann **
Molly Fitzpatrick ***
Sarah Gates ***
Stephen Goulakos
Intisar Najeh Hamdi * LS
Nicole Lauren Flatt ***
Milessa Gatheright * LS
John Harrison Gould * LS
Thomas Hamel *
Lyndsey Judith Fleming
Gary A Gatzke ***
Tonia Elisa Graham LS
Blayre Hamlet
Sydney Fletcher LS
Morgan Paige Gaudioso **
Holli Grams
Cheyenne Hammill *
Katie Anne Foley
Jennifer Gearty ***
Megan Granados
Courtney Brooke Hammond ***
Meredith Folks ***
Dalton Graves
Richard Hammond * LS
Alisha Ann Foor **
Rebecca Glori Gemuenden ***
Jessica Graves **
Trysten Robert Hanks
Wesley Andrew Griffin Ford
Katherine Gent **
Monique Gray *** LS ASL
Tamera Hanna
Caitlin Forrest ***
Joshua Aaron George
Felicia Green
Allison Harksen
Taylor Fortune ***
Nicole Ashton
Amanda Greene *
Hannah Harmon
Veronica Lynn Foster
Kristen Gettler **
Jacqueline Anne Gress * LS
Nounousha Harmon **
Barbara A. Fowle
Silveria Gettler *
Patricia Griffin
Raenell Harmsen ***
Amberli Fowler ***
Rocco J. Giampietro *** ASL LS
Abigail Gesumia Groppuso *** LS
Angela Harper CS
Chaquanda Foxx LS
Stacie Giannelli ** LS
Stephanie Marie Gross *** ASL
Ashley Harris
Jessika Fraga
Steven Giannotti ***
Jennifer Gruber ***
Brittany Harris
Lisa Susan Francis ***
Cherylynn Gibson *
Chloe Gruendeman ***
Jazzilyn Harris *** LS
Monique Fraser
Charles Gigantino * LS
Shalyn Guegel
Tiana Rose Harris ***
MeLinda Frederick
Kelsee Lynn Gilkison-Gallo ***
Shaylen Elizabeth Guerin *
Kristan Harrison *
Dariella Elizabeth Freed
Kolby Jez'Reel Gill ***
Samuel Guerrero * LS
Steve Germaine Harrison *** LS
Brenda J. Freeman
Christina Gillen
Louis Anthony Guglielmo *** LS
Mark Starr Hart Jr.
Meagan Freeman *
Carly R. Glassbrenner *** CS
Hayden Douglass Guild ***
Amy Louise Hartman ***
Julia Klarissa Friedrich ***
Shera Denise Glenn
Derik Gulbro
Bryan Harvey ** LS
Michelle Friskey
Dustin Goard *
Dustry Arlene Gunderson ** LS
Esther Hauck **
Annette Fronczak *
Christian M Godswill * LS
Nicole Marie Gunderson ** LS
Ashlyn Benfield Hawkins ***
Melissa Fullam ***
Terrell Marquese Goforth ** LS
Jacob T Gutierrez ***
Katherine Anne Hawkins
Kenneth E. Furchner *** ASL
Jewel Tonette Gold
Leticia Agras Gutierrez ***
Christine Hayden ***
Jonathan Hayden ***
Morgan Hodge * LS
Dornita James
Victoria Lynn Judge
Sarah A Hayden **
Benjamin Hodges
Ingrid Italia James * LS
Braxton James Shatney Judkins **
Kristina Nicole Hayes * LS
Jacqueline Hodges **
Madeline Tamara James ***
Kamin Reece Jumara ***
Crystal Lynn Hays * LS
Claire A Hofeld *
Markita James LS
Danielle Jung **
Colleen Hayter LS
Elizabeth Hoffman ** LS
Tracey Jarmon-Woods
Raven Licete Kaczka *
Erin Hedgpeth
Taylor Holladay
Tami Jarvis *** LS
Andari Akira Kai * DMD ASL LS
Taylor Heeney
Hayli Cheyanne Holland ***
Stephanie Jean Jacques
Adria Kalla
Lexi Heidenreich *
Pearl Holland *
Justin Jensen ** LS
Brigid Foley Kalob *** LS
Rothana Helbig
Rose Holmes LS
Lauren Anne Jensen * LS
Ivy Kamau *
Gina Helcberger ***
Megan L Anderson
Nikita E. Jeter
Bobby D. Kapel *** LS
Lakesha Cheree Hemphill **
Jessica Hooper
Deja Jimenez
Caroline Karimi ***
Emma Taylor Henchey ***
Abigayle Jean Horrocks **
Victoria Jockel **
Kallyn Kasprzak ***
Ayda J Henriquez **
Sonya Horton *
Letitia N. John **
Elizabeth Kasser-Thomas ** LS
Joselyn Nicole Henry
Kathleen Houser
Abigail Johnson *
Tiffany Kasten ***
Kayla Henry
Ashley Howard ***
Amanda Johnson
Amanda Katzenberger **
Luticha Henry
Patricia M. Howard
Brian Johnson LS
Jessica M Kautter
Valerie Herbst ***
Anthony Salvador Howard-Ramon
Caitlin Johnson ***
Ashleigh Keir
Noah Hermanson-Stefanowicz ***
Kelley Hruskach **
Christina K. Johnson LS
Lauren Keith ***
Daniela Alin Hernandez ***
Kacee Huff
Courtney Ann Johnson * LS
Rhonda Lynn Keith *** CS LS
Samantha Hernandez
Anna Hughes ***
Jarielle Johnson
Caitlin Kelley LS
Jessica Hernandez-Jaimes ***
Taylor Hughes
Jayme Noel Johnson *** LS
Tiffany Kelley ** LS
Alexis Hernandez-Vasquez
Jessica Humphrey ***
Letiqua M. Johnson LS
Juanita Kelly *
Mary Ann Hess ASL
Mia Rose Hundtoft *
Megan Johnson LS
Taylor Kennedy ***
Krysti Hesse **
Dolores Marie Hunt ***
Nicholas Johnson *** LS ASL
Monica Kidd * LS
Amanda Hester **
Donte' Levon Hunt *
Shannon Renee Johnson
Cheryl L Kidder *
Jennifer Hickey ***
Kristian M Hunt
Valerie Johnson *
Lindsay Marie Kiesewetter ***
Hailey Hicks ***
Nicole Hunter ***
Alice Virginia Jones ***
Amy Kile *** LS
Marisa Dawn Hightower
Rachel Suzanne Hunter
Ashley Jones ***
Michelle Kinchen **
Tori Hilaire * LS
Amanda Hurst
Ashley Nichole Jones LS
Austin Trevor King ***
Amy Hill ***
Sharon Marie Huskey
Codi Jones *
Christopher King
Maria A. Hill ** LS
Elisabeth Ibsen ***
Giselle Jones ***
Melinda King LS
Briana Hilliard
Mickenze Illerbrun ***
Holly Jones **
Ryan Matthew King * LS
Casey W. Hills **
Jacob Anthony Iorfino *** LS ASL
Jelisha Jones
Taylor King ***
Katrena Elizabeth Hilzer
Antonio John Iovino ***
Latrice Jones
Jolene L Kingston
Micha Hinckley
Alexis Jack
Madison Lynese Jones *
Melissa Lee Ann Kirby
Stacy Hinojoza *
Adrienne Arlett Jackson LS
Nataleigh Jones ** LS
Christopher Kirksey
Angela Hinrichsen
Artus Jackson
Shimana Aki Jones
Belinda Kizer **
Christine Hoad
Samantha Jackson *
Denise Ann Jordan *** LS
Mackenzie Klay **
Christine Michelle Hobbs
Tracyann Jackson LS
Francis Joseph **
Mikala Klemm
Barbara Nichole Hobson LS
Victoria Elizabeth Jacobson *** LS
Miles Joyner
Kenneth A. Klimkiewicz *
Sarah Klomfas
Cristin Melissa Lee **
Melody Lugo *** LS
Leonor Martinez
Masen Knight *** ASL LS
Kimberly Lee ***
Cyndi Lundegreen *** LS
Patricia Martinez
Melissa Knight
Patricia Gail Lee
Ashley Lutteroty
Amy Knox ***
Starr Sevigny Lee *
Jasmine Lutzi *
Antonia Isobel Thomas Mascarenas
* LS
Michael Koban ***
Vanessa Legaspi-Henneman **
Alvin Lymas
Grace Mashaw ***
Alex Koble ***
Jeni Leivas *
Kerry MacDonald-Contrino *
Morgan Mason
Jennifer Koenig *** LS
Alexis Lepine *** LS
Chelsea MacLean
Cheryl Lynne Massie
Stephen Kossluk **
Jacob Lepley LS
Brittany Anne Macomber
Sabrina Mastin-Hill
Jensen Kowalski
Amanda Leung *** LS
Miranda Madore
Samantha Masucci ***
Kelli Krause ***
Jessica Elena Lewis *
Meagan Lysette Magallon LS
Scott Thomas Mathis
Chelsea Krecko *
Mystery Lewis
Katelyn Diane Magurany *** LS
Lindsay Mattson ***
Vanessa Kreis
Nathan S. Lewis ***
Mildred Adelaide Mahan
Sydney Margo Lorraine Mauritz *
Melissa Kristiansen *** LS
Tracee Lewis
Nadien Mahmoud * LS
Kaylen Mawdsley ***
Courtney Kruta *** LS
Vicki Leigh Lewis *
Elizabeth Ellen Mailhot *** PC
Pauly Christopher Mazzacaro ***
Joseph Martin Kulakowski **
Chamika Michelle Liggins LS
Madeline Maiorano *** ASL
Kathleen McAuliffe *** LS
Maria Kulick ***
Ashley Lind *** ASL LS
Irma Rose Maize
Colleen F. McCann ** LS
Rajneet Kumar
Sarah Lindsey ***
Brittany F McCarthy
Arlin Kurdoghlian
Julianna Brendan Lisak *
Ashley Victoria Grimaldi Majocha
Melissa Ann Kuskowski
Chloe Liston **
Ramona Maldonado *** CS
Crystal Shanae McCastle LS
Tabitha Kutscherenko
Rowan David Litsen
Richard Maldonado Rodriguez *
Nevada A. McCormack *** ASL
Jeanne Marie Kvam **
Jinyan Liu
Lia Malley
Sara Anne McCormick
Sebastian Çaddarik Thomas La
Chance CS
Debra D. Lively ***
Kaitlyn Maloney *
Tyler J McCoy ***
Johana Lizarraga *
Justin Manning **
Anna Marie Feller McCullough
Maria Fernanda Laceky Munoz ***
Paige Llamas **
Lindsay Maraglia *** LS
Patricia McCurdy
Grant Lloyd **
Ashley M Marconi * LS
Whitney McCusker ***
Avery Veronica Lokken LS
Alexis Ann Marfilius ***
Rochelle A. McDonald * LS
Annalise Lombardo
Melinda Elizabeth Maris ***
Emily Marie McFarland
Trisha Jo Long *** LS ASL
Jenna E. Markins ***
Samantha McGee
Morgan Taylor Lopes
Kerry Marie Markvenas ***
Tori McGeehan
Briana Lopez **
Lorelei Marler *** LS
Samantha McGill *** ASL LS
Jacqueline Lopez
Brandon Lee Marrero *** LS
Kristi Anne McGinnis *** LS
Lissette Lopez
Felicia Marrero *
Evelyn McGuire
Myesha A. Lopez *
Adrian Taylor Marshall **
Haley L. McGuire **
Karla Ann Lopresti **
Carrie Reed Marshall
Kevin Thomas McHugh
Jennifer Loran ***
Kristen Wayman Marshall
Skylar D. McKee
Brandi J. Lord
Jeremy Martin *
Melinda Sue McKellar LS
Henry Bernard Love LS
Meaghan Martin ***
Margaret K McKenna ***
Sarah Loy *** LS
Megan Martin *
Jordan Elizabeth McKiernan
Tara B Lucas *** LS
Brittni Elyse Martinez
Alexander Mckoy Jr.
Katie Luck ***
Kristina Martinez
Dalton James McLaughlin LS
Rhonda Lacy
Jacob D. LaFoille **
Shelbie Lynne Lakatos *** LS ASL
Aziza Lake LS
Jessica Laman LS
Davone Lancaster ** LS
Saber Lane
Emilee Lantz ***
Chandra M. LaSonde *
Esther A. Lavin **
Erin Nicole Lawrence *** LS
Sarah Christine Lawson *** LS
Courtney Dianne Lawton **
Porsha Danielle Leak
Mackenzie Leath *
Courtney Michelle McCarthy ** LS
Jessica McLaughlin ***
Alexis Moore *** LS
Carlton Nance ***
Jamie Osborn ***
Kesha L. McLean ***
Alicia Celeste Moore
Rebecca Marie Narushof *** LS
Samantha Osborn **
Nordia McLeod
Candyce C Moore
Everton Nash CS LS
Winona Osborne **
Sara Bridgette McNeese
Hailey Moore ***
LeiAna Naud *** LS
Deidre Lanesha Outen ** LS
Deana Howard McNeil ** LS
Hailey Nicole Moore ** LS
Akasia Navarrette
Samantha Oyer **
Roxanna McNeilan ***
Katherine Elizabeth Moore *** LS
Ignacio Nazarian *** LS
Danielle Pacheco ***
Chelsea McNulty ***
Lauren Alese Moore * ASL LS
Adriaunna Nedd
Amanda Padilla LS
Kelsey Brook McPhail ***
Linzy Moore
Megan Rae Needham **
Rachel Painter ***
Kelly McQuaid ***
Phillip Mark Moore *** LS ASL
Lena Neet-Marsh ** LS
Brandi Leigh Palmer
Jodi McRae ** LS
Nicole Moraitis-Brazil * LS
Alexa Neilson ***
Denasha Pandy *** LS
Taylor M. Meadows *
Danielle Marie Morales **
Lori Nelson *** ASL
Aquila Paolilli ***
Shaunacy Medeiros ***
Jennifer Moran ***
Morgan A. Nelson
Tammera Oplinger Papera **
Jillian Meisel **
Joseph E. Morell **
Natasha Roberts-Nelson ***
Kaylyn Jane Paquette *
Ruby Viktoria Melkonian **
Arthur C. Morgan ** LS
LyRae D. Nelson-Thompson *
Haylee Parent **
Sarah Mellon LS
Sharee Morgan LS
Julie Carolyn Neumann *** LS
Kathy Ann Parent ***
Yanitza Mendez
Tiffany Lenea Newby
Valentina Parente LS
Marisol Moreno Mendoza ***
Catheryne Morreau-Room *** LS
Taylor Lynn Nitti ** LS
Stacy Parisella ***
Teddi Jaye Mendoza * LS
April Morris LS
Ciarra Noel ***
Laurel Parrott ** LS
Rachael Meredith **
Ashley Morris *
Sarah Jessica Nostrand **
Jessica Maria Partin ***
Vanessa Merriweather **
Ryan Morse
Ashlyn Nuchols ** LS
Lauren Rita Pascucci ***
Heather Messinger ** ASL CS LS
Haygen Aliyx Morton * LS
Timothy Nydegger
Nilam Patel ***
Shannon M Metcalf * LS
Sophia Christine Mosca ***
Cassandra Marie O'Boyle *** LS
Kayleigh Patrick-Lambert
Victoria Meuse *** LS ASL
Kristina Elizabeth Moscoloni ***
Megan O'Brien
Amy Patterson ***
Sarah O'Brien **
Amanda Michelle Payne
Molly O'Connell ***
Myranda Peacock
Maria Moya **
Susan Jeralyn Leslie O'Connell **
Shannon L. Peacock
Brittany Mullen
Melissa O'Donovan ***
Grace Ella Mahan ***
Wilhelmina Gabriel Pellegrin ***
Megan Han O'Leary
Nichole Mumford *
Autumn Brooke Pelletier *** LS
Cynthia O'Malley *** ASL
Channtra Mun *
Aracely Pena
Lisa O'Sullivan *
Brittnee Muncey ** LS
Bryam Pena ***
Rebecca Joy Oates ***
Mary Munoz *** LS ASL
Holly Ann Ochoa
Mariesa Frances Pennine *** ASL
Morgan Leigh Collison *
Brianna Offutt **
Charles Jason Pentecost **
Nicole Marrie Mutter *** LS
Eric Boateng Okyere *
Maira Annette Peralta *
Lisa Myer
Stephanie V. Orestil
Madeline Perdue ***
Kenidee Myers *
Jordan Orlandi *
Elizabeth Perez ***
Wendy Groff Myers *** LS ASL
Crystal Lynn Orrison ***
Ina Perez ***
Yahaira Noheli Nadermann ***
Adelina S. Ortiz
Melanie Perez LS
Nida Najeeb *
Delaney Ortiz *** LS
Candace Drake Perkins ***
Zachery Michael John Meyer ***
Tracey Lynn Michalek
Deidre Milano ***
Erin Milichichi *
Ariel Miller
Jada Miller
Sabrina Lynn Miller
Teresa Miller
Rachel Hoover
Margaret Mistretta ***
Timothy Mitchell
Vanessa Mitchell ***
Taquoyah Mitchell-Orubele
Amber Monmaney ** LS
Tyshaun Jahlonie Monroe LS
Mike Montoya Jr. ***
Bridget D. Moody *** ASL LS
James Mosher **
Julie Mott * CS LS
Sara Pearson
Madeline Perkins
Gertrude M Poole ***
Kerry Rice ***
Samantha M. Roe LS
Naigea Perkins ***
Janaye Pope ***
Kathleen Richard *** LS
Monica Rogall LS
Shannon Inez Perkins
Shannon Leigh Post ***
Chevaun Calvin Richards ** LS
Ashley Rogers ** LS
Trisha Lynne Perkins ***
Christine Potter **
Jodi L. Richards-Auld ** LS
John R Rogers
Melinda Perla
Preston Antonio Pounds
Crisandra Richardson ** LS
Holly Roland LS
Jennifer Perlera * LS
Jennifer Powell
Shavonne Patriese Richardson LS
Samantha Carol Roll
Aysia Cheri' Perry
Sharon A. Powell * LS
Nicholas Rickerson
Bryce Alan Roller ** LS
Jaime Perry LS
Alaya Powell-Davis ** CS LS
Amber Ricketts
Kaitlyn Rollins ** LS
Katherine Courtney Perry
Candace Marie Price LS
Rachel Riddle ** LS
Anthony James Romano
Lidethra Perry
Mark Price
Heather Rieken **
Jessica A Rosales ***
Holly Person
Samantha Sarita Price-Smith
Ethan Rife
Summer Rosario *** ASL
Jenny Peters ***
Shenna Rochelle Proctor
Joanna Rigby-Jones *** LS
Emily Rose *
Katrina Peters **
Cierra Lynn Proffitt
Jennifer Riggins *** CS LS
Aracely Rosillo
Sophia Peters
Alexandria Jo Pryor LS
Trina Riggs **
Cheryl Ross Noble
Matthew Peterson ***
Patricia Quarles **
Cynthia Riley ***
Ann Rossi Woolworth
Kaitlin Petrille
Alexa E Quintal *
Alexandra LM Ritter *
Brittany Rounds
Tricia Petter
Kandi Monique Raby
Dawn Rivera LS
Brianna Roy *** ASL CS LS
Arianna Umarah Pettway
Brittny Rainey *** LS
Jeremy Rivera
Jeremy M Roy ** LS
Kimberley Phillips ***
Amber Rak *** LS
Alia Roark *
Angeliyah Rucker *
Nichole Phillips
Caroline Ramirez
Audrey Beth Roberts *** ASL
Lilianna Ruger *
Nicole Phillips LS
Lesley Xitlalic Ramirez **
Courtney Roberts
Leah Rushing *** LS
Anna Pidlypchak
Joseph Kyle Raymond Randolph *
Katherine Roberts LS
Chris Russell *
Amanda Jessica Pierce ***
Hannah Kathryn Rarick ***
Nicole Roberts *** ASL
Taylor Lynn Russell *** LS
Danielle E. Pierre-Antoine
Sydney Rashad
Nicole Roberts
Kimberly A. Ryan ***
Loriel Latoya Pinckney *
Eva Raszkiewicz ***
Christopher Robertson *
Steven Vincent Rybak *
Ceola Pinson **
Bobbie Denise Ratcliff
McKenna Robertson
Felicia Rzepczynski LS
Jasmine Pipkin
Cheryl Lorraine Ratcliffe
Samantha Marie Robertson ***
Abigail Saavedra *** LS
Mason Pippert
Arkaysha Ray **
Rebecca Robinette ***
Hannah Natalie Sadler
Niccol N. Pires ** LS
Megan E Rebele *** LS
April Robinson *
Shannon Sagendorf
Wade Pirie *** ASL LS
Mitchell Reed ***
Fara Robinson LS
Katherine Saguilla *
Caitlyn Pitz ***
Sonya Ema Reed
Jerry Lee Robinson Jr. ***
Talita Salles
Rebecca Playfair ***
Krista Lever Reep ***
Linda Robinson
Jennifer Ploss
Star Mikeal Reese
Stephanie Lynn Robinson **
Katrina Eliza Samonte Saludar ***
Julie Ann Plummer *** LS
Charley Reeves * LS
Cameron M. Rocha *
Danielle Nicole Sames
Samantha Marie Plutchok
Jacob Regan
Kimberlea Rocher *
Alyssa Aubrey Estrellado Sanborn
Nicole Gisela Pockrandt
Jaclyn Regnerus ***
Roxi Rodriguez LS
Ishayka Sanchez LS
Ashley Viviana Polanco ** LS
Pamela Rehal ***
Brisa Guadalupe Rodriguez
Soraya Irma Sanchez-Aponte ***
Theresa Polczynski
Tina Michelle Reina *
Christine Rodriguez * LS
Twila Cheri Sanders LS
Samantha Rose Cox *
Robert Michael Reutlinger **
Crystal Rodriguez ***
Sommer D'ann Sandquist *** LS
Sherie Pompey *
Julia Reynolds
Jocelyn Rodriguez
Amber Sanford ***
Shantel Sansone
Kasey Sheridan ** LS
Zuleika Solis
Ashley Stukey *** LS
Charisse Santiago ***
Courtney Sherman-Coke ** LS
Sabrina Solivan
Victoria Lynn Sturm ***
Chasity Mailene Santiago
Caitlyn Sherwood
Naomi Sosa ***
Matthew Sullivan *** ASL
David Santiago
Jillian Shoptaw **
Amanda Perfecta Soto *
Melissa Sullo LS
Brody Santini *** LS
Rebecca Showalter ***
Anny Soto ***
Brittany Sumner ***
Melissa Santucci *** LS ASL
Supriya Shrestha *** LS
Gretty L. Soto
Karla Sund ** LS
Jamie Lynn Saparito
Cory Martin Siegel
Luis Soto *
Shannon Sutton ***
Angelo Sapienza ***
Aleathia Simmonds ** LS
Heather Souza **
Bernadette Sweets ** LS
Jenna Sarno *
Joycelyn' Simmons
Zachary J. Souza ***
Molly AnneMarie Swenson
Kaitlyn Saulnier **
Pamela Yvonne Simmons * LS
Candice R. Spaid LS
Christina Marie Swift *
Sienna Saunders
Latoya Simons-Davies
Kamille Diane Sparks
Julia Gabriela Szczesna
Michele Savedge *** CS
Brenda Joyce Simpson
Jennifer Spence ***
Christine Tabias * CS LS
Gina Savela ***
Stephanie Simpson
Casey M Sperling *** LS
Teresa Talarico
Lucas Sawisch **
Heather Jean Sinclair *** LS
Elizabeth Spicer
Christopher Allen Talley Jr. ** CS LS
Nicole A Scally
Kailey Sindorf LS
Lisa Sroufe **
Alia Tallow Simpson
Jessica Schikore ***
Jonathan Singleton
Malinda St John *** LS
Keisha Tanguay LS
Jennifer Schlebusch * LS
Veneshae Singleton
Alexis Stanley
Jessica Tate * CS LS
Erin Schlumpf
Joseph Sistrunk
Rebecca Carol Stark *** LS
Patricia Lynn Tavares *** LS
Sara L Schmeling
Alka Anand Sivakumar *** LS
Chelsea Staup LS
Yvonne Taveras
Ann Schnorbus ***
David Sizemore *
Cassidy Renee Stebbins
Breona Amiga Taylor
Joshua Schoolcraft ***
Jenna Leigh Skeen ***
Christie Lynn Steel
Georgia Anne Taylor *** LS
Matthew Schrom
Kelsey Skinner *
Kemyra Steel
Heather Marie Taylor
Heidi Schuler **
Laci Rollins Skipper **
Sophia Steele
Kaitlin Louise Taylor *** LS
Shaye Schulte
Ashley Slavick *
Kierstie Renee Miller Steevens
Leticia Rosetta Taylor
Hannah Bannon Schultz
Teyonica Smalls
Morgan Steg
Matthew Arthur Taylor ***
Kristen N. Schwarzman *** LS
Alexa Jeanne Smith * LS
Necole Stephen *
Rosaura Taylor *
Sydney Scott
Amber-Leigh Smith
Arielle Stevens ***
Tracee Taylor * LS
MaryAnn Seavey ** LS
Amy Smith
Pamela Stevenson *** LS
Victoria D. Taylor *** LS
Samantha White Serapio *** LS
Caitlin Smith
Chelsea Stewart
Philesha Misti Teachey LS
Devinna Alexis Smith
Kayla Stewart
Lisa Teagler ***
Saidu Y Sesay
Erica Smith
Kimberly Stewart ***
Heather Telencio ***
Nathaniel R. Seymore **
Marquitta Seti Smith
Erin Lorraine Stimpson ***
Brooklynn Tennelle
Tamir Abdul Shabazz ***
Rachel E Smith ***
Gabrielle R Petersen *
Amber Tennis
Jennifer Shammas *** LS ASL
Valerie Amanda Smith *** LS
Christian Stuart Stone **
Tanae Terry ***
Kyle Coughlin Shanahan ***
Isabella Smits **
Kandral Stone LS
Abigail Jean Thalacker ***
Amy Sharp LS
Jill Smyth
Stephanie Ann Stone ***
Anju Thapa
Kaitlyn Sharp ***
Addie Rose Snyder
Alexandria R. Stonebridge
Janell Renee Theodoroy * LS
Mikayla Shave
Kristine Soares ***
Kassidy Tarynn Stopfer ***
Melissa Theriaque *** ASL
Victoria CS Shaw
Melisa Arpin
Elizabeth Stotts ** LS
Grace Therrien **
Zachary Sheeley *** LS
Isaac Solis * LS
Angela Zoe Stout *** CS
Gabriella E Thomas * LS
Jamie Thomas
Stephanie A Upham LS
Blake Walker ***
Jodie Lowe Wilfong *
Jenifer Thomas
Andrea Upton *** ASL LS
Carey Walker * LS
Paula Willette *** LS
Shariea Thomas **
Chelsea Urquhart ***
Darrisha Walker * LS
Alesia Williams *** LS ASL
Triniece Thomas
Carmen Militza Uzquiano ** LS
Deidre Dawn Walker ***
Antanett D Williams *
Davonne Thompson
Carina J Valdez
Jeffrey Walker
Dawn S. Williams
Judith Thompson
Andrew Gary Valle ***
Katerina Lee Walker ***
Janelle Williams LS
Relesha Keyunta Thompson *** LS
Tiana Vallejo ***
Leanna Marie Walker CS LS
Leslie L. Williams III *
Kassandra Thurmond
Emily Anne Vallescorbo LS
Andrea Lyn Wallace ***
Maria del Carmen Williams
Dorothy Thurston *
Meghan Walsh *
Shanell N Williams * LS
Abigail Timmons **
Karla-Jonelle van Huyssteen ***
Virginia Faulkner Walsh **
Tonnika Michelle Williams
Celena Kerns
Brittany Vanderhoef LS
Andrew Walter
Veronica Annette Williams *
Roy Henry Tinney Jr. ***
Monica VanHorn
Emily Walton ***
Siera Wilmot
Dpatrice Tomlin ** LS
Michele L. VanKeuren
Ashley Wam **
Amylea Wilson **
Melissa Tooker
Alec Vasconcelos **
Arlene Denise Ward *** LS
Geraldine Wilson LS
Albert Torres
Jennifer Vega ***
Dustin Ward ***
Joseph Wilson ***
Manuel Torres **
Vicki Veiga **
Leticia Marie Ward *
Mallory - Jo Wilson ***
Maria Del Carmen Torres
Bonnie Veilleux ***
LaDonna Wardlow
Sarah Wilson ***
Samantha Jean Torres *
D'Ann Vela * CS LS
Twilan Ware
Vicki Wilson
Gerardo Tovar **
Victoria Venditti ***
Jeanika LaRae Warren ***
Ashley Wilt LS
Katie Tovar Paciulan
Amanda Veneskey *** LS
Sherry Warren ***
Rebecca Aimee Dansie **
Cathy JoAnn Townsend *** LS
Amiee Ventura LS
Chanae Washington LS
Brittany Mexia-Wirth
Erica Townsend-Rodgers
Shannon L Vera *
Kimberly Washington
Justine Lea Wirtjes LS
Nicole Jacqueline Trahan
Bonnie Verges ***
Jennifer Watson ***
Branalyn Wiswell ***
Lisa Travis **
Jackie Lee Vetter * CS LS
Michelle Watson *
Courtney Witucki ***
Julianna Trejo * LS
Tyler Vignoe
Allyson Weatherby
William Wolf LS
Margaret Trendyk * LS
Valeria Yazmin Villa ***
Julia Weatherstine ***
Arielle Wolfe ***
Britanie A. Tretler ***
Brenaya Vincent **
Morgan Elisabeth Weaver *
Alexis Woo *** LS
Devon Trimble *** CS LS
Kalia Vincent
Reana Lynn Webb ** LS
Brandon Michael Woodhouse LS
Genita Trusclair **
Stephanie Vital *** LS
Shelby Weeks *** LS
Stephen D. Woodson
Colin Tucker
Jennifer Vogel
Micaela Weinzierl * LS
Emily Sue Woolf *** LS
Alice Turayishimye ** LS
Cassandra L. Waddell
Danielle Welch
Taylor Anne Worthington ***
Alicia E. Turner **
Eva Wadsager ** LS
Stormi Welch
Alanna Wright *** LS
Ashley Turner
Anna Nicole Wailes **
John Thomas Welle ***
Claudette Ann Wright ***
Kaylyn Turner **
Linda Suzanne Waite *** LS
Kathryn Elizabeth Wendling
Cynthia J. Wright ***
Meninda G. Turner LS
Brooke R Walbridge *
Rebecca Wensveen LS
Kiara Jeananna Nicole Wright **
Amber Ubovich ***
Lindsay Waldron
Quentinn Gregory Wertz ***
Quinn Wright * LS
Cheryl Frances Waite Uhl *** LS
Jennifer Walizer *** LS
Aiesha Whidby *** LS
Victoria Wright
Faith E Uicker *
Amanda Katlyn Jones LS
Myesha White
Ashley Wyatt
Macie Unkle
Alexis Walker
Ashley Whitmore ***
Simcha Yael **
Bailey Uonites
Alexus Walker
Madeline Whittemore *
Angela Yanagisawa **
Lacey Yastek **
Molly Bardini
Victoria Celazzianno LS
Corey Robert Descoteaux ***
Ashley W. Plummer ***
Alana Barnes ***
Amanda Ceriello LS
Elizabeth Diaz
Chealsey Yates ***
Peter James Beatrice Jr. ***
Bryonna Cerullo LS
Ryan Dickerson
Nana Akua Ayisiah Yeboa LS
Ashley Nicole Becerra LS
Michael Chabak **
Gregory Dobek
Hannah Yother ***
Barbara Belfon *** CS LS
Angelo Chacon
Brielle Donovan
Amy Young ***
Brianna Benson ***
Tanner Chaney * LS
Cassandra N. Dorer ***
Tameka Young **
Brittany Ann Berry *** LS
Marissa Chapkounian ***
Abigail Melise Doucet
Samantha Yessenia Zaldana ***
Jamie Besse **
Melissa Chari ***
Shawn Dougherty **
Natalie Zalewski
Stasia Marie Bierly ***
Josalyne Chavez ***
Ruby Downing *
Zoe Zalta ***
Michaela Biskner
Phillipe Chery Jr.
Jacob J Dumont
Elder Zamora ** LS
Jordan Blackburn ** LS
Michealar Chhat ** LS
Taylor N. Ecker *** LS
Christopher Lee Zarebi ***
Ronald Blume Jr.
Matthew Cianfichi *
Evester Eddings Jr ***
Juan Antonio Zermeno De Santos
Shannon Blunt
Rose Louise Clarke *** LS ASL
Rebecca A. Edwards *** LS
Matthew Ryan Zombek *
Ismith Bocaille ***
Salvatore R. Clemente ***
Daniel Eisenhard *
Grace Zona *** CS
Jonathan Boeri
John Cleverly ***
Shalonda Ellison
Kaycee Zona *** LS
Adelete Borges ***
Thomas Codey Coburn **
David Elthorp Jr. *
Cassandra Zwarts
Cherrelle Borrero
Lenore J Cochrane LS
Shyller Elusma
Holly Ann Bowman ***
Mackenzie Cohen
Ellison Epperson **
Alex Bradley *
Andrew Collins *
Nicholas A. Erskine ***
Nathaniel Osborne Brandon
Brian Collins **
John Fabiano III **
Joshua Broughton
Lisa Lynn Collins
Jason Thomas Fafard
Michael S. Brown *
Ryan Timothy Colson
Jordan Fair
Katherine Burks
Galen L. Conrad *
Victoria A Fandunyan ***
Erica W. Burrows ***
Christopher Thomas Cortese
Alexis Farmer ***
Matthew Byrd *
Bradley Curtis Cortez *
Alaura D. Farr LS
Shawntoya Byrd
Kerri J Costa ** LS
Shaun Felty * LS
Bianca C. Caballero ***
Jennifer Ferguson * LS
Patrick Cain
Melissa M. Courtney *** ASL CS
Stephanie Campbell ** LS
Cody Mark Cowan ***
Kristin Filipiak *
Laura Canavan ***
Brandon Crist ***
Nicole Flori
Amanda Renea Caparaz *** LS
Shaunda Crosby ***
Samuel Footer * LS
Edward John Carey II *
Virginia Crowder
Jamie Lynn Fowler ** LS
Heather Carioscia LS
Anna Cucinotta
Kyle Matthew Frandoni *** LS
Tyler Bryan Carlson ***
Carrie Cullivan
Damia Freehill ***
Melanie Carmack **
Megan Cushman *** LS
Jeremy Freeman ** LS
Amanda Carter
Jayson Davis ***
Donald Freise, Jr.
Angel Castillo-Pena **
Billy Eli Dawson Sr. *** LS
Anthonysha Fuller
Derek Cataldo ***
Madisyn Deitemeyer *
Matthew J. Fussell *** LS
Renee Caves * LS
David Delaney ***
Josie Hope Galindo
Raelene Ceja **
Micheal Delgado * LS
Cherry Ann P. Garcia
Hannah Katherine Abbott ***
Thomas Abruzzese
Wilfredo E. Acevedo
Tiffany Adams **
Andrew Jack Alarcon * LS
Robert R. Allard **
Robert Anthony Alston
James Carswell Andrew Jr. ***
Jacqueline R. Andrews ***
Zackquinlon L. Andrews
Rebecca Angelastro ** LS
Alison Antonacci **
Mariela Arias ** LS
Makayla-Anne Arquero
Kyra Atwell
Michelle M. Azzara-Warner *
Stephen Bair ***
Jessica Balser *** LS
Ryan Edward Barding
Cesar F. Fernandez *
Jennifer Ann-Marie Gard
Priscilla Horvath LS
Christina Lukasavage
Marie Lynn Garner
Bailey Erin Hunter ***
Alejandra Luna **
Matthew Stephen Passovoy ***
Selma Gary ***
Scott D. Hussey Jr.
Tyler Scott Lundy
Michael A. Patti * LS
Janese D Gates *
Haylei Rose Hynson **
Garrett MacDonald **
William G. Perkins, Jr. *** LS ASL
Philip Gavin ***
Linus E. Idemudia **
Anna Justine Madrid *** LS
Jadzia Perosi ** LS
Desiree DeVante Gentry
Isabella Igoe *
Megan Raye Manning **
Kateyah Perryman
Shalie Gerou *** LS
Brittany Ingledue
Paige Lee-Ann Maples **
Emmanuel Lloyd Peterson ** LS
Justin Giasson
Tracey Irwin **
LaKenya Tritia Denise Marshall LS
Willie D. Peterson Jr. *
Miranda Giglio * LS
Paul Miguel Jacques *** LS ASL
Terrell Martin
Danny Duy Phan **
Trey Jeffrey Gilles *
Ceisley Jefferson ***
Steven Noel Martinez *** LS ASL
Peter Photopoulos ***
Samantha Rose Gitschier **
Edward R. Jenkins * LS
Jason Peter Marzan * LS
Elena Pietrocco *** LS ASL
Victoria Lynn Gladney
Felix Johnson *
Kwia Bani Mason Sr.
Diana Plummer CS LS
Michael Godino * LS
Ashley N. Jones **
Katelyn Mayo ***
Sara Polakiewicz **
Anthony David Goldhammer **
Jay Taylor Jones
Brian McCarthy *
Carol Deshon Pool LS
Reve Christine Gonzales LS
Rebecca Charity Jones *** LS
Larry Alexander McClam
Kelsey Porter
Roberto Gonzalez *** LS
Sandra Jones
Sashalis Lenee McCutcheon ***
Theresa Portillo *
Donisha Gordon
Breana Marie Joyner ***
Linda McGuire
Donald Powell **
Joel Gott
Daniel T Jusko ***
Topacio McKenna ***
Samantha A. Prichard **
Kevin Paul Grant Jr ***
Gilbert K. Kalawe Jr. *
Trenten Mcpherson *
Valerie Renee Prottsman
Amanda L Hailson ***
Heather Kamal *** LS ASL
Stephanie Meadows *** LS
Matthew Quick
Shadrick A Hall *** LS
Mary Kasprzak *
Catheryn Moyne Miller LS
Madeline A. Quinn
Rebecca Haney
Brooke Keck
Kayla Miller ***
Diane H Randall *** ASL LS
Melissa Renee Jean Hannapel ***
Autumn Keener
Kelsie Miller
Linekie Chenell Redd **
John Michael Kinast
Taylor Marie Milliken *** LS
William Reilly
Robert Hanson *** LS
Nickolaus King **
Alisha Mitchell ** LS
Jose S. Reyes *** LS
Briana Hart ***
Phantayesia King
Karissa Moran *
Andrew Reynolds
Zachary Hassel ***
Scott Michael King ***
Allen Morris
Jack Kenneth Rhodes III *
Stephen J. Hathaway **
Nicholai Kropp ***
Corey Mosley *** LS
Jacquelyn Richmond ***
Ryan Hawes
Scott Lacerra ***
Edwin Murphy **
Gakayla Riley
Sabrina Ann Hawley LS
Corrine April Lawrence
Destiny Nance
Hailey Roberts *
Samantha Hemkin
Anita Laws-Hall
Jaclyn C. Nelson ** ASL LS
Michael L Robinson
Ciera Hess
Kevin LeBlanc *** ASL LS
Jayde Morgan Nelson-Sapp ***
Noelia Rodriguez
Brian Matthew Higginbottom
Alixandria Ellene Lee *** ASL
Alec John Nolan *** LS
Norma J Rodriguez
Gina Lynnette Hill *** ASL LS
Matteo Xavier Lentini ***
Jennifer Normand * LS
Thomas A. Rose ***
Myoshi Lee-Hill **
Yocelin Leon
Sean Michael O'Connell **
Sarah Ann Rucker
ShaFawn Marple Hodges *** LS
chelsey lindsey
Joey Alfaro Orta
Marisa Rutherford *** LS
Hope Holly Lloyd
Genesis Ortiz *** LS
Ramona Marvina Samaroo ** LS
Patricia Loop **
Sarah Renee Page ***
Miguel A Sanchez
Katlyn Lott *
Christina Danielle Palozzolo LS
Danfer Sanchez Yzu *** LS
Bryan L. Lozano
Cassandra Michelle Pasley ***
Meaghan Nichole Sandler ***
Brooke Hoey
Jennifer Hogan ***
Sean Hollins ** LS
Kenneth Church
Joshua Tobin LS
Latisha Schelhas *
Carlos Torres
Seth Abrams
Kasey Lee Collins
Michael Schilling **
Mechelle Townsend
Joshua Adam
Trevor Edward Conley
Arum Schut **
Rodshanda Trammel
Mohd Albourini
Kelly Cowan *** LS ASL
Rusty Paul Scopano ** LS
Kenny Tran **
Jessica Clerc Alfano *
Maria Cromwell
Stephone Scott
Leo Troy IV **
Michael Antonio Angilletta
Edward Cronin ** LS
Sierra Ann Seader *
Timothy Paul Trubiano *
James Artis II *
Monique J Crowder
Gabriel Serrano Perez
Jeffrey E Trudeau ***
Troy Ashmore
Ryan Thomas Curtin ** LS
Brandon Severson ***
Nathan Rohrig Tucker ***
Tyler Babbs ***
Patrick Daigle *
Christine Sharp LS
Amanda Katherine Turney **
Timothy Baldwin
Matthew A. Damatta
Tyanna Maria Shea ***
Shaketia Tyson
Corinne Louise Barbo ***
Joleen K. Davis ***
Maheshver Singh
Jill Unruh ***
Damien Barnes ***
Matthew Denning *
Raymond Singleton ***
Nichole E. Valdez ***
Stephen D Bastien ***
Mishael Deresky
Ashley Skodowski
Elisabeth Valencia
Johnetta Beauchamp *
Matthew M Diekmann
Brandon Stephen Smith ***
Selena Vargas
Andrew Joseph Bennett * LS
Matisse Dodaro-Mol
Kimone Smith
Heather Lauren Vicha ***
Samantha Nicole Blaschke
Morgan Lyn Doyle
Shelby N. Sonnenfeld LS
Jacob Walsh *
Christopher Boga
Tessa Duff
Christopher Sean Springer ** LS
Charles Oliver Watkins IV
Brittney Borgford *** LS ASL
Kimberly Duhon
Carline St-Brice
Ann-Jeanette Wcislek * CS LS
Erik Borkhuis *
Benjamin Eaton
Diane St. George
Kristian Welch
Mason Kyler Bozzo
Rachelle Lenise Edgington LS
Abigail Starnes ***
Nicholas Wells CS
Vevelyn L Bradley ***
Richard Thorne Eldredge Jr. ***
Ashley Stelloh **
Roane Wheeler LS
Ashley Brassard ***
Matthew Andrew Emmons *** LS
April Stepter
Lance Shannon White
Willie Joe Brogdon
Margaret P. Faustino *** LS
Morgan Stilton * LS
William Willis
John Brown *
LaTisha Fee LS
Kerry Piarraire Stinson Jr *
Samantha Wilson
Joshua Kaleb Bundy
Sherria Ferguson ** LS
Jill Allison Styra
Caeden Deekota Wolfe
Christopher Burks LS
Ambar Fernandez *
Hannah Elizabeth Sullivan *** ASL
Katasha Woods
Erin Burley *
Ryan Fitzgerald
James Steven Sullivan LS
Robert Lee Woods
Anastasia L. Butcher ***
Briona L Quinn
Amelia Summers
Desyre Alison Wrightington ** LS
Tammie Camden LS
Ronnie M Flores Jr
Kerri Megan Sweeney ***
Chee Ting Yap
Adalberto Cardoso Jr. **
Shehara Flowers
Christy Gaylen Tabb
Robert Yarber
Angela Chadwick *
Darian Fogelberg
Amanda Tabbita *** LS
James Ybarra ***
Michael Chalmers ***
Kari Freyenhagen *** LS
Brittani Tanis
Anna Young
Christa Faith Charles
Angelica Mychele Garcia
Brian Edward Tavares ***
Lane Zmijewski
Qishon Charles
Austin Garcia
Stephen Tavary ***
Joshua Zukoski
James Chavez LS
Matthew Gardner
Jay Taylor
Michael Cherry
Jacob William Gayne ***
Thomas Tenhagen *
Anthony Chism *
Michael Gianas
A'lyssia Latrice Thomas * LS
Kaitlin Marie Church LS
Catherine Gibson *
Jeniffer Santos Roman *
Andrea Thompson *** CS LS
Evan Scarborough ***
Brittany Chanel Thompson
Tanesha Schaffer LS
Sonya Ciulla ***
Laticia Cobb *
Kevin Gilbrech
Kenny Joel Joseph ***
Jozlyne Papenfuss ***
Stevie Stallbaum ***
Irvalene Gilson
Krystal Pedraza
Sharon Steckler ***
Michael Joseph Giorgio **
Veronica Nicole La Franks Grable
*** LS ASL
Danielle Pedro ***
Victoria N. Steptoe *** LS
Jonelle Patricia Gordon *
Jacob Lassiter
Ariel Penton
Kerry Piarraire Stinson Jr *
William Wayne Goree Jr
Benjamin A. Levy ***
Angela Perez
Brittany Rose Sullivan ***
Jamar Grant
Rebecca A Loabe ***
Joseph R. Perez, Jr. * LS
Trenesha Tatum
Valarie Marie Graves ***
Ashley Nichole Lohr ***
Anapaula Perez-Gaitan ***
Makeeda Tecle
Larry Green *** LS
Kyle Edward Lovell ***
Cecelia Pitts
Tawan Thomas
Magan Gregoire **
Jacob Lujan
Nicholas Potts *
Robin Trottier **
Phyllis Hagens
Miguel Estuardo Luna Reyes
Patronia Prince
Jessie Lee Tucker III **
Christopher Haimanchandra ***
Bradley William Edward Macdonald
Amanda Prouty
Bettye J LaHue *
Alisha Hall
Alejandro Macias
Jonathan Pyles
Vanessa Marie Velasquez
Cassandra Hall *** LS
Brian Thomas Markey ***
Sarina Race
Shanika Vickers
Demetric Hampton
Stephanie Marrero
AJ Rambone **
Carrie Vidas ** LS
Renee Hardy *** LS
Kevanna May
Norma Isela Regalado
John J. Vigne
Troy Hendren *
Kyle McCandless ***
Taylor Reiff *
Jazmine Votzmeyer
Shanon R. Herrick
Jasmine McDowell
Caleb Remion ** LS
Jesikah Waite **
Daniel Riley Herro ***
Kaya Mckinney
Travis Allen Renfro
Dewayne Watson
Williams Hidalgo II **
Marcus E. Mendez
Tori Rhoads LS
Brandi Michelle Weaver **
Felicia Hill
Samuel J Michaud
Brandon Richardson ** LS
Tiffany Wehrenberg
Albert D. Hingst
Rodolfo Ramon Mirabal *
Rebeca Rivera
Jessica Weiner
Jedidiah Leroy Hollifield *
Christopher Mitchell
Sergio Rodriguez
Grace Kathryn Weingartner ***
Matthew Howell ***
Jordan Mitchell
Soryia Rothman *
Samiuel Selay Welekidan **
Aaron Hughes
Kathryn Mitchell ***
Dennis Ruiz *** LS
Nicole Whitlock
Mazikeen Ryleigh Hyacinth
Gillian Moderow *** LS
Carl Runge
Deena J Ingram LS
Dawn Marie Morgan * LS
Evelyn Sanchez * LS
Nicholas Irons
Jason Craig Morris *** LS
Shelby Sandlin LS
Jessica Itzen
Tayler Morrison ***
Katarzyna Magdalena Santiago **
Thomas K Jacobs
Anthony Joseph Morrone * LS
Jakob T. Saucier ***
Khristian James *
Lola Mullikin LS
Stacy Schneeweis **
Craig T. Johnson *
Nathan Mullikin
Tasheema L Scott
Elizabeth Johnson
Miguel A Munoz *** LS
Kevin Howard Shanteler
Jabreil Imari Robert Anthony
Jerome David Munson Jr
Terrance Michael Shempert
Stacy Murphy
Terrell M. Sherels
Joseph Johnson **
Danny Nateras ***
Elizabeth Simmons * LS
Joshua Ahamad Johnson ** LS
Tiffany Neininger ** LS
Kevin Singer * LS
Robin Johnson LS
Madeline Margaret Nichols LS
Ashle Singleton
Samantha Nancy Johnson ***
Sara Osborne ***
Gabrielle L. Smith ***
Katrina Jones *
Maria Teresa Paige LS
Tasha Merceades Sparks **
Danielle Jordan *** LS ASL
Carlos Paniagua Jr. ***
Joshua Philip Spitaleri ***
The mission of SNHU’s Global Campus STEM Department is to serve as a
global leader in STEM education by providing learner-centric and cuttingedge opportunities focused on equitable access for all using innovative
technology and teaching practices. Our programs challenge students to think
critically, to grow as professionals, and become lifelong learners who possess
the interdisciplinary skills needed in a transformative society.
The STEM Department offers robust and challenging programs that engage
students’ diverse learning styles using projects, technology, industry tools,
experiential learning, and environments that both adhere to our rigorous
learning outcomes and are authentic to the relevant field of professional
practice. We take great pride in providing our students with a transformative
educational experience and enriching the world through the advancement of
science, technology, engineering, and mathematics one learner at a time.
Olivia Rose Cahill LS
Stacey Durham
Matthew Grossman LS
Sean Callahan
Kwabena Dwumfour Berchie
Anusha Guntaka LS
Arom Campbell LS
Chase Eby
Nicholas Joseph Hadstock
Akeem Adelabu
Jeremy Richard Carlson LS
Michelle A. Edwards
David Hair
Marty Shane Adkins LS
Allison Faith Chapman LS
Valerie Lorraine Ehrich
RaShawn Eugene Hairston
Uwa C. Aikpitanyi LS
Myranda Lynn Chapman
Francis Chinedu Elendu
Christopher Hall
Ryan Joseph Alfieri
Nicole Chastain
Loda Elkhalil LS
Arcrystal Hampton
Derrick Alston LS
James Dai-Jen Chen
Rhea Danielle Engstrom
Yan Hankin LS
Dioma Amadi
Brandi Cherair
William Andrew Eusini
John P Hanley
Ramakrishna Ambati
Kwan Yiu Cheung
Evan Adam Evans LS
Michael Hannah CS LS
Joshua Kyle Anderson LS
Jaba Chincharauli
Steven Fanis
Deonna Hardaway LS
Melissa Anderson
Nicholas Jay Chokas
John Stanton Feeney
Jonathan Hargett LS
Kelsey Alexandra Arthur
Kara Church
Jennifer Feldmann
Caleb Jansen Harris LS
Taylor James Ashcraft
Chad Clemency LS
Kyle Fix
Krystal Ayana Sylvia Harris
Paula Pauline Aulisi LS
Daniel Clemens
Frank Fluitt Jr LS
Ashleigh Hart
Zelalem Badasa LS
Elena Michelle Coba
Daron Fong DMD
Tanness Headrick
Brian Bailey
Deborah Cole
Michealla Ashley Fontaine LS
Elizabeth Herbert
Harry Alexander Bailey Jr
Chase Shelton Collins
Hassan Foreman
Triston Herron LS
Jeff Bajah
Robert Condon
James Forrest
Duane L. Hinkson LS
Matthew Baker
Brandon Conlon
Ayres Fortes DMD LS
Beverly Holcombe
David Barclay LS
Antonio Ramon Cooper LS
Maggie Francisco Rios LS
Samuel Holloway
Corey Barlow
Jonathan Andrew Cote
Kristina Lynne Gagne
Dustin Hughes
Itay Elie Baron
Scott Craven LS
Calvin Ganthier
Travis Ingerson
John Michael Beatty Jr
Veda P. Dagher
Ricardo Arturo Garcia
Victor Ore Ipinmoroti LS
Likhit Behere
Nutan Dahal
Jennifer Gardner LS
Mohammad Moinul Islam
Kenneth J Bell
Christopher M. David
David George
Katie Ivacic
Alexander Beltran LS
Joseph DeMarco
Gabriel Georges
Tonya Kay Ivie LS
Altin Bicaku
Parlad Dhungana LS
Chloe Mae Waddell Gesslein LS
Alexandria Jackson
Christopher Blumer
Moussoumakhan Diallo
Quanta Gibson
Jourdan Jeongco Jackson
Ernest Boateng
Luis D. Diaz LS
Kevin Michael Gill
Cody Jacobson
Brian Paul Bois
Kaaron-Marc Dick LS
Rachel J Giosta
Adam Frederick Jahn LS
Narmada Bollineni
Darrel Dietlein DMD LS
Nathan Goodman
Prinita Jaipersaud
Breandra Bowman
Diro Sarath Dim LS
Heather M. Goodwin
Shelia James LS
Marnetta Bradley
Christopher DiStefano
Erica Gorham
Brian Scott Jasper
Raymond Scott Brammer
Antonio J Dos Santos
Yogananda Govinda Gowda
Adam Gene Jennings
Shateia Bryan
Kyle Dostie LS
Kimberly Goyette
Hassan M Jibril
John Burris
Clifton Drake
Brian Vivian Grant
Andrew Jimenez
Paul Bussman LS
Brynne Elisabeth DuBois
Shawn C Gray
Christine Johnson
Nathan Byrd
Christopher Ralph Dumas
Trey Greer
Tyler Johnson
Jesus Manuel Caban LS
David Duncan
Jason A Greer
Crystal Johnston LS
Hollie Marie Jones
Kimberly Matthews
Antony Parker
Génesis Thays Santos Cotto
Maya Jones
William John Maxfeldt LS
Duncan Amit Samir Patel
Alexandra Schirano
Jonathan Jusczyk
Nadine A McCoy
Andrew Peed
Stacey Sebastian
Jimmy Tambwe Kalema
Kevin McLoughlin
David Peña LS
Vicki Sellers LS
Neil Kalinowski
Michael David McManus
Kelly Lynne Perez LS
Nicole L. Senter LS
Tae Kim
Donnis Wayne McWilliams II
Courtney Perhach LS
Christine Marie Seppala
Katie Kindle
Noelle J. Meinen
Hannah Elizabeth Phelan
Mohammed Shahed
Jonathan King
Sarah Meinz
Benjamin Pierce
John B. Shaw Jr.
Noah J Kling
Francisco Mendoza LS
Alex Pijoan
Jack T Sheran
Rob Kmetz
Michael Mestyanek
Wolf Amadeus Plaster
Stacy Slawnikowski
Daniel E.S. Kornegay III LS
Erik Meyer
Kayla Plummer
Lauren Slinkard
Anthony Krauter
Lajaeric Kendall Miller
Sean Plunkett
Lauren M Slotta LS
John Krupa
Michael D Mitchell LS
Lalit Kumar Pokharana
Eric Steven Smith
Wilfred Kusi
Trent Mithoefer
Kevin Christopher Politz
Graham Wolfe Smith
Rajaram Laksmanaperumal
Sabrina Mohassel-Mofrad
Manesh Ponnu
Paige Smith
Amanda Lambert
Ronald David Moore LS
Eric F. Povish Jr.
Quinita Nicole Smith
Tyler J. Latshaw DMD LS
Amanda Morinelli
Mathew Blake Powell
Allison Snowden
Danielle Elise Lavarnway
Anjyla Joi Morrison
Eric Price
Brian W. Squires LS
Jefferson Stewart Bruce Lawrence LS
Jonathan Moyer
Shayla Prince
Dakotah Steele
Erica Lebrun
Richard Alan Murphy Jr.
Curtis Theodore Quam
Caren Jennifer Steeves
Courtney Jane LeFaivre
Jonathan Murray
Peter J Raifstanger
Alexandra Steiner LS
Kevin Legendre
Fritz Ndoko
Leonard Nyuyseni Randze
Chloe Annabelle Stergios
Rodney Noel Lemon Jr.
Fritz Ndoko
David Regan
Andrew B Stewart
Samuel Levin LS
Theresia BeriYnyuy Yongla Ndze
Jason Rhame ASL CS LS
Beth Stewart
Samuel Lewis LS
Shakeen Nettles LS
Thomas Rice Jr. LS
Sean P. Stinehour
Yiyang Li
Brett Neville
Jennifer Riggi
Charles Stoloff LS
Christopher Lindstrom
Joshua L. Newcomb
Rachel Rivera LS
Marc Philip Sutton
Brett Michael Logan
Sharon Nightingale
Robert Robinson
Roman Szewczyk
Jennifer Long LS
Sujan Niraula
Alberto Roldan LS
Jonathan Tacker
Heidi Faith Heramia Lopez
James Norris LS
Curtis Rollins
Kianoush Milad Tahamtan
Mary Anne Luck
Aurthur Meghele Nshom LS
Damian Roman
Mohammad Ali F. Tahamtan
Caleb Lundy
Juan Nunez
Matthew Ross
Genesis Taylor
Elizabeth Malko
Kelly O'Neal LS
John Rudwall
Nathan Tefft
Tesfaye H. Mandefro LS
Lily Valerie Odoi
Robert Ruiz III
Joseph Wayne Timmons LS
Sasha Autumn Marasca
Jalesia Shanell Offer
Russell Saia LS
Blake Tobin
Sascha Marlow
Osaze Osadolor LS
Christian L. Saladin
Nicholas Troehler
Dante Joseph Marroccelli
Gregory Page
Adelis R. Sanchez LS
Effie Tsiopras
Amber Caprice Chanel Marsh
Angela Elena Paine
Michael Gregg Sandridge
Isaac Kwakye Twum LS
Edyta Maselek
Darris M Palmer LS
Elizabeth Santa
Margarita Vasileva
Ashley N. Matienzo
Andrew Bruce Parker
Carole Ann Santer
Luz Adriana Voyce
Joseph Claude Wacenske III
Katlyn Marie Bennett LS
Austin Heil *
Patrick Michael O'Brien
Thomas Wagner LS
Robert V. Bernardez ***
Katie Henderson ***
Sherif Olawale Obe
Wendy Sue Wagner
Tai Bishop
Taylor Hill *
Nicolas Ortiz **
Jennifer Ann Walsh
Courtney Bonsall *
Chance Andrew Hodges
Annemary Wanyana
Jason Boswell
Termelia Hogg *** LS
Blair Boardman Pougiales Palmerlee
Michael David Warenycia
Judd Landry Bourgeois *
Matthew Holliday
Sara Parks ***
Christopher Welch
Cassandra Bowman **
Johnathan Aaron Holmes
Lance W. Parmer
Mandy Jean White
Saith M Bravo Ruiz ***
Douglas Huston ***
Hannah Patterson
River S Wilkinson
John Douglas Brown
Daniel Johnson
Nicholas Paul **
Taylor Williams
Rayleen Brown LS
Kenneth Roy Jones * LS
Jennifer Lynn Matta *
Jacob Willis
Alexandra Gray Bullock
Suni Joseph ***
Nicolas Manuel Perez ***
Jocelyn Wilson
Olivia Burns *
Andre Anthony Kaiser *** ASL LS
Romero Perry **
Dennis Wloka
Ryan Calica
April King * LS
Michelle Peters **
Christopher Wood
James W. Carter ***
Michael Eli David King *** LS
Robert Piche
Timothy David Wright
Blayne Center
Ashley Emambo Ebwe Lightburn **
Morgan Kaileah Pottier
Erin Xama
Jamie Renee Check *
Stephen Curtis Loeh ***
Michael John Prokopiuk ** LS
Sean Yeh
Jordan Paige Clark
Jessica Lopez *** ASL LS
Travis Xavier Pruitt
Ming Yin
Charity Cobb
Kevin Lopez **
Jarod Przywara ***
Romeo Namba Yleah
Benjamin Sauerhaft Coplon
Kevin Lance Lotharp ***
Heather Quirk **
Freida Alves Yu
Carson Channing Davis LS
Henry Luo *
Denisa Randazzo LS
Madilyn Deters
Jay Malave *** LS
Jonathan Grant Reigner
Derek Dickman ***
Minwei Mao
Elise Renau
Alexis Doane *** ASL CS LS
Alexa Mapes *
Hayley Alexis Brianne Rigatti ***
Curtis Vincent Durrenberger
Arielle Martin
Shalonda Jean Marie Robinson
Amber Fleek *** LS
Simon Masih **
Charles W. Rockwell III *
Toni Forbis **
Mauzzam Masood ** LS
Deven Keith Rowe *
Brandon Foster
Kaylen Matthews
Noemi Salgado ***
Richard Clayton Foster *
Kimmel A. Matthews-Carey **
Andrew Micah Sherman ***
Joshua Frias * LS
John Thomas McDevitt II ***
Dilon Simpkin ***
Paul Frederick Garing ***
Lauren McKillip ***
Evan Michael Skuderin **
Abel Garza ***
Samantha Mendez
Teresa Smith *
Damien Juneau Ogilvie Geck ***
Jason T. Miklasz ***
Matthew South
Alexander Bruce Gordon LS
David G. Moore ***
Branton Stanley **
Dana Elizabeth Gorsuch **
Luke Moore *
Andria Stephens *
Shaina Graboyes
Noah Morales ***
Caitlin Stout
Kyrie Nicole Griffin
Kyle Morrissey
Mark Anthony Taranto Jr.
Kassandra Nickole Hanson ***
Keith Mounts
Alexander Sebastian Taylor S
Ramon Harricharan
Elsa Marie Mulert
Melissa Taylor *** LS
Douglas Hauger ***
Anthony Muthoni
Kathryn Tomasko ** LS
Heidi Hearter ***
Brandon Myrick ***
Victoria Trudeau ***
Taylor Aberts
Ryan Ahern
Kayla Lynn Alba
Freddy Almonte-Santana *
Danielle Archuleta ***
Anthony Robert Auditore ***
James Auger
Alex Lee Austin * LS
Neluka Kumari Bandara ***
Ryan Matthew Banfield ***
Danielle Bargas **
Kevin Barnhurst * LS
Stephanie Bartlett *
Amber Batan
Sandra Beckford ***
Renee T Bellinger **
David Scott Bennett ***
Katrina Melineh True
Lisa Anderson ***
Chase Hunter Bennett
Dennis Brown
Kirsten L. Van Ry ***
Chukwuemeka Mathew Aniebue
Timothy Bergeron *
Brandon C. Broxterman *** LS
Orlando Vargas ***
Ariane Araujo ***
Douglas Michael Beri Jr. ***
Chris Francis Buamey *** LS
Ellis Vedar **
Shaun Arman LS
Nicole Berube
Barry Buchanan *** LS ASL
Jorge Andres Venegas *
Benjamin Colyn Arndt ** LS
Joel N Betances *** LS
Kelsie Buckley ***
Joseph Wehbe
Justin Arnold
Boris D. Betancourt-Erique *
Eliza Budhathoki LS
Xzandria Wells * LS
Jesus Martin Arriaga-Morales
Diego Bez Zambiazzi *** ASL
Mary Burby **
Alexis West
Andrew Lyn Earl Arrington *
Anastasia Bieneman *** ASL LS
Sean Stuart Burfening **
Lydia Wilson
Jennifer Arsenault ***
Matthew Thomas Bill ***
Nathanael James Burke ***
Kendall Ivan Wix *** LS
Cory Atkinson ***
Sarah Billings ***
Logan Zane Burkham ** LS
Bryce Avery Yancey ***
Michael Awe *
Ryan Bills
Timothy Burns ***
Derek Zamora
Nicholas Ayers **
Jessie Black *
Bailey Busby ***
Brandon Michael Zappanti ***
Reuben Baafi ***
Stephen Blackburn **
Sabrina Buteyn ***
John JunDong Zhang ***
Amy Baker *** LS
Shandalynn Blagg ***
Adrianna Buxrude *** LS
Diego Roman Zuniga *
Rashard Ronnie Baker ***
Michelle Blasky
Sara Buzzard ***
Paul Bakjian ***
Michael Blazek
Bradley Byard ***
Alan Baltazar ***
Neisha Boddie-Smith
Amanda Banks
Andrew Boggs
Amanda-Claire Cajuguiran Cabaluna
*** LS
Sarah J Bare *
Adam Bohlman ***
Andrew Cabebe *
Farrik Barnard *** LS
Collin Bohn ***
Robert Caimi ***
Alexis Barnes *
Eric Boilard ***
Amber Caldwell LS
Cynthia Barreras
Joshua Bolduc **
Shawn Callard **
Timothy Andrew Barrett *** ASL LS
Anastasia Bolinaga *** ASL
Mason Cameron
Julian Martin Barrios *
Micheal Bolinger
Kevin Michael Canty **
Brandon Barrows
Olivia Kathleen Bolling ** LS
Frank John Capobianco ***
Bradley Bartlow **
Evan Boskos
Hunter Capps ** LS
Lisa Bartolomucci *** ASL LS
Jessica Botelho
Abraham Cardenas *
Katrina Bartoszak
Edward E. Bova *** ASL CS LS
Howard Carlseen ***
Mina Basnet ***
John Bowden Jr. ***
Justin Carlson ***
Brett Bauer
Sarah Beth Brackney **
Alycia L Carmi ***
David E. Baugh ***
Stephen Brennan
Cameron Gray Carpenter **
John Edward Beard, II * LS
Emily Michelle Brien ***
Cameron Carr LS
Scott Beaulieu ***
Damian Brito
Jacob Ray Carter
Angela Beckman *
Nicholas Jon Broggi
Steven Carter ***
Elizabeth Bedard *** LS
Jeff Brondell ***
Terrence Evigan Carter *
Timothy Bejster *** ASL
Zachary Bronikowski
Kuerth Cashen
Cassandra Bell ***
Martin Bronke
Edward Brandon Cendejas
Clinton James Richard Bellon **
Stevie Brooks **
Mathew Henry Cerqua ***
Linda Below ***
Ashley Jean Brous LS
Maggie Mae Chalifoux *
Bruce Bennett ***
Daniel Gean Brown
Robert Jeffrey Chandler
Ali Abuzayyad ***
Adrian Adams
Joseph Adams
Kimberly Adams ***
Timothy Adams
Anthony Addai
Ghazwan Adhab
Prashant Jason Adhikari
Michael Adkins **
Barry Scott Akins
Allison Albridge ***
Ryan Alcantara ** LS
Joshua Alessi ***
Jillian Gail Alexander
Adriana Nicole Alfaro LS
Adam Allen ***
Charles Allen
Timothy Michael Almquist ***
Bailey Am Rhein LS
Cory Renée Anders
Charles Hayward Anderson III
Kassidy Chatterton **
Tomasz Czubat ** LS
Justin Dugan
Hailey Fitzgerald *
Amy Cheek ***
Soniekia Daley ***
Sean Dunn
Jerry Lee Flanders ** CS LS
Jacob William Chermok *
Timmy Dang ***
Sean Dupuis **
Anthony Flowers * LS
Kari L. Cheslock *** LS
Cory Daniel
Danielle Jean Duquette *
Jesse Justice Folks **
Michael Chiazza **
Christopher Darco ** LS
William C Durham *** LS
Anthony Foster
Jevon Chisholm *** LS
Mitchel Dauk ***
Samantha Durkin **
Samuel Lawrence Foster
Jarhym Christopher ** LS
Christian Luther Davenport *
Krista Durrance ** LS
Zabina Nisha Foster ***
Scott Cihlar ***
Jerry Davidson **
David Durrant
Kevin Richard Fox LS
Derek Edward Clancy-Nill ***
Natalee Zayas Davila ***
Alexander Dzhaun **
Gail Christine Francis
Aaron J Clark
Alexander K. Davis ***
Victor Early
Alora Nichole Franco ***
Andrew Thomas Garrett Clark ***
Bethany Ann Leino Davis *** LS ASL
Breanna Rae Ekholm **
Austin Franklin ***
Jessica Clark *
Michael Davis
John Thomas Elliott ***
Emily Fredericks
Alexander Clarke ***
Samantha Davis
Joshua Alan Elliott *** LS
Joseph Freitas *
Shawn Clay *** LS
Toni-Ann Antoneil Davis **
Reveann Ellrott *** ASL LS
Joseph Frietsch *
Hannah Lovell Clifford ** LS
Benjamin J. Day *
Armard R. Elmore *** LS
Jon Frodin ***
Matthew Clockel *** ASL LS
Jo De Leon LS
Scott Jonathan Ennover * CS LS
Peter John Hassell Frumoff ***
Vernetta Coaxum ***
Jeline De Vera Gagnon ***
Tyler Esquibel **
Anthony Fusco
Jessica Lynn Peak Cobb **
Ryan Peter DeBraal *** LS
Jared Rey Estrada
Sean Gallagher
Daniel Coffey ** LS
Darin DeGraffinreed LS
Dylan Evans ***
Cindy Garcia LS
Brittany Collett *** LS
Ryan DeJesus *
Victoria Elizabeth Evans *** LS
Keone Fernando Garcia ** LS
Stephen J Conigliaro Jr **
Michael Delfino ** LS
Hunter Ewin LS
Anita Garcia Rodriguez *** ASL
Timothy Conlin *
Dana DeMambro *
Valentine .C. Ezugha
Daniel Garvey *
Christopher Coogler ***
Isabella Ann DeMayo *** LS
Hailey Fabacher
Robert Calpito Gaskins ***
Ethan Cook **
Devin M. DeMelfi ***
Amber Faili * LS
Jonathon Gaspers ***
Jeremiah Lee Cooley ***
Sarah DeMelo ***
Alan Edward Fairfield ***
Tyler Gaugler
Ivonne Janill Coppola *** CS
Joseph Thomas Denk ***
Michael Farag Abdou ***
Richard Gauntt **
Colton Coreschi ***
Jessica Marie DeVries *** LS
Oakley Farnham *
Christopher George ***
Brant Richard Cornish *
Charlie R. Dexter
Abigail Farnsworth ***
Robert Andoh Ghansah
Brad Correa *
Kuber Prasad Dhungana *** LS
Lindsey Elizabeth Farrell
Allan J. Gibbons
Carlos M. Cortes
Ahmadou Diallo ***
Jacob Faught *** ASL LS
Justin Michael Gibson
Joseph Francis Costanzo Jr
Macarena Diaz *** LS ASL
Brianna Fedell * LS
Jacob Gilbert
Seth Couturier
Christine Dickinson *** LS ASL
Victor Feight ***
David Gilfeather *** ASL LS
Jose Covarrubias *** ASL
Jason Edward DiNicola **
Josue Felix *
Jennifer Gilliam ***
Cody Cox CS
Christopher Scott Dixon ***
Ashley Ferenchak ***
Jennifer D Gilroy ***
Danielle Creel
Lauren Dixon ***
Raymond Fern
Samuel Robert Giordano LS
Brianna Crockett *
Cassandra Lee Donnelly *** ASL LS
Justin Fields LS
Lidia Gizaw ***
Taylor Skye Cruz
Ashley Dorr ***
Ricardo Luis Figueroa * LS
Lindsey Glessner ** LS
Vitalie Cucuta ***
Alicia Doughty Moore ***
Justin Robert Findlay ***
Brandon E Goez *
Andrea Cunningham ** LS
David W. Dudley ***
Brooke Anne Firczak **
Danielle Jaclynn Goldstein ***
Brian Czak ** LS
Steven S. Dudley ***
Mariah Fischer **
Grant Gollehon
Christopher Gollnick *** ASL LS
David Hamrick ***
Cameron Holloman **
Annissa Jones ** LS
Chelsea Gonzales ** LS
Jonathan Kay Hang
Christopher Lee Holmes * LS
Corey Vontavius Jones *
Josue Gonzalez ***
Megan Rashelle Hankes *** CS LS
Justin Holmes **
Tevin Jordan
Miguel Gonzalez *** LS
Ashley Hanna *
Colleen Holtan **
Jacoby M. Jowers *
Kyle Goode
Christopher Hannam ***
Justin Dean Hoover ***
Deepa Kamal Jumani *
Patrick Goodwin ** ASL LS
Amos Bayard Hard **
Charles Scott Hopkins Jr. * LS
Michael Jurado
Peter Gouty ***
Katlyn Jo Harms ***
Matthew Hopper ***
Joshua Justice
Amaris Grace *** LS
Craig D Harrigan ***
Matthew Horant ***
Joshua Justus
Lee Anne Graefnitz ***
Jordan Harris ***
Michelle Horowitz ***
George Kalioras
Michael Lance Graham *** ASL
Chanel Harvell *
Ann Marie Howell *** CS LS
Fatmata Katie Kallon-Harrison
Christopher Grant *** LS
Bryan Hauser ***
Steven Humphrey ***
Raymond S Kaminski **
Irene Grasse **
Spencer Hayden ***
William Tanner Humphreys *
Pankaj Karna *** LS
Alan Joseph Graves
Angelica Damaris Hayes
Natalie Hurt *** LS
Ryan Paul Kastenbaum ***
James E. Gray
Andrew C Haynes *
Ashley M. Iacona ***
John Martin Katzenberger ***
Joshua Rashad Grayson *** LS
Ian Hefflefinger **
Michael Ieni **
Kristal Keener **
Marcin Greczek ***
Ryan Helferich ***
Jared Igo
Tiffini M Kehr *** LS
Coltin Green
Jessika Henchek ***
Mbiya Jean-Claude Ilunga ***
Ryan Kellenbenz ** LS
Nathan Lee Green ***
Darcy Lyn Hendershott ***
Shaun Indeglia *** ASL CS LS
Jacklyn Keltz *** LS ASL
David Greene ***
Jacob Henke
Kenneth S. Irons ***
Garrett Kennedy ** LS
Shelby Greenland
Bryan Henne LS
Ryan Ishikawa *** ASL LS
Megan Kerns **
Thomas Greenleaf * CS LS
Tyler Anthony Hennigan *
Damian Jackson *
Christian Kesler ***
Jesse B. Gregg *
Ginette Hensley *
Maya Alyse Jackson *
Craig Kickery *** LS
Christopher Griffin
Patrick Hensley *
Phillip Jackson
Leroy King **
Rebecca Griffin *
Shannon Lyndero Edward Hepburn
Randy Jackson *
Kyle Reid Kingsbury ***
Cale Griggs
Alexander Herman *** LS
Gabrielle Jager **
Seth Kinnaird
Kevin Griggs ***
Alexis Hernandez * LS
Alam Jamal ***
Matthew Kinney **
Brandon Gromala
Dakota Jason Hernandez *
Sharmarke Osman Jamal ***
Brittny Kirsch LS
Brian Groomes
Jose Herrera
Nickolas James
Ashley Klavitter ***
Kyle A. Groves
Danica R. Hesemann ***
Juliette Jamieson
Elise K Kline *** LS
Corey James Grubbe **
Darce Hess *** ASL CS LS
Joseph Patrick Jansen-Hedrick **
Patrick Knight ***
Jonathan Grube
Joshua Hickman ***
Jason Michael Jaroszewicz **
Steven W Knudsen ***
Rachel Anne Letourneau Guida **
Michael J Higgins Jr *** LS
Paul Jeanbart **
Robert Kowalewski
Jeremy Hackett DMD ASL LS
David Hill
Dylan Jeffery ***
Benjamin Wayne Kozireski
Seydi H Haidara *
Garry Hill *** LS
Joshua Jurron Jenkins *** LS
Robert Kruger
Jason R Haines
James Aaron Hill Sr. ** LS
Matthew Jenks
Priya Kurup *
Brooks Hall
Tiffany M Hill *
Charles A Johnson **
Audrey L'antigua
Jennifer Hall
William E. Hill
Janet Johnson ***
Kristina Marie Labrie ** LS
Jennifer Halstead LS
Christopher Hoffman ***
Karen Johnson **
Byron J Laferriere *** CS LS
Tracey Jean Hammerschmidt LS
Daniel Jacob Holcomb
Reon Johnson LS
John Lain ***
Yeva Garland Hammond ** LS
Michael Everett Holder *
Ryan Colby Johnson *** LS
Kenneth Lampel **
Stefan Land
Tamesha Monay Lucas LS
Emily McCann ***
Morgan Moore *
Jared J Landry
Cassandra Luchauer ***
Kristen McClain ***
Michael Paul Morais ** LS
Michael Lanno *** LS ASL
Margomi Carrasco Lucia ***
Dane Everett McCollum ***
Christopher Morgan ***
Hawk Lao *** LS
Meagan Luscombe **
John Frederick McCormick *** LS
Jermey Morgan
Rebecca Larsen ***
Avery Elizabeth Lutz *** ASL
Mason McCormick
Christopher R Morin *
Gunnar Larson
Randy Lynn *
Chelsea McCoy
Devin Paul Morris *
Tanner Lauerman
Chancelvie M Mabiala * LS
Larry McCoy **
Sarah Morton *** ASL LS
James Lawson **
Kasey Macdonald
Ryan McCready
Michael Mosca LS
Patrick Le
Corey MacFadden
Jessica McCue *** ASL
Denin S. Moul **
Ryan Leach
Jessica Mack ***
Zachary Mcdanel **
Jacob Mousseau *
Nathaniel Leavitt *
Mark Maddon ***
Joseph Peter McDonald LS
Fabrice B. Mpadja Damtse
John Ledbetter *** LS
Ananda Kumar Magar ***
Justin Thomas McGourty *
Desiree M. Mundt *** ASL LS
Jacob Ozias Lee ***
Ryan Mahon ***
Justin B. McGuire
William S. Murak ***
Teddy Leeks
Hannah Grace Mahoney *
Shaylee McGuire ***
Krista Murdock ***
Tatum Matthew Lefebvre Sr **
Christopher Main ***
Katelyn McIntyre
Brendan Musselman ***
William Lehrter ***
Bailey Majerus **
Thomas McKenna ***
Jarrad Nagel
Devin Richard Lemasters ***
Joshua J Major **
Ryan McMurray *
Christopher David Nantz
Timothy Lemke ***
Tiana D Maldonado *** LS
Richard W McQueen Jr ***
Dustin Napier *
Jesus Leon
Michael Manville
Connie Renee Meadows
Vitaliy Napriyenko **
Kyle B. Leonard ***
Keith Marcus * ASL
Milady Jene Meadows ***
Frank Nata III ***
Jeremy Leslie ***
Bonnie Margolies *
Matthew J Medeiros
Dante' Neal
Robert Lew ***
Andre K. Markham *
Christy R. Mejia ***
Jessica Neal
Joshua Aaron Lewis **
Stuardo Marroquin ***
Ashley Nicole Melvin ** LS
Matthew P. Neale ***
Megan Lewis
Ethan Martin ***
Michael John Mento *** LS
Jeremiah Neely ** LS
Patrick Lewis **
Jamya Martin ***
Alexa J Merle ***
John C Nelson **
Joe Michael Limberios III LS
Joseph Martindale ***
Alexsandra Cat Mesko
Alex Nerio **
Samantha Littleton *
Juan Martinez ***
Brady Illas Meyers *
Nicholas Newlin ***
Christopher Lloyd
Dave Martins ***
Tyler Scott Michalewicz
Deidra Newton LS
Vincent LoConte
Joshua Thomas Massey
Robert Matthew Miles ** LS
Dang Khoi Nguyen ***
Vincent R. LoGiudice ***
Raymond Massung **
Christopher Robert Miller ***
Erin D. Nichols **
Ian Loney ***
Christopher Matney *** LS
Craig Miller ***
Kimberly Ann Nix
Daniel Long **
Abigail F Mattingly
Daryl Jacob Miller ***
Samantha Nizer **
Kaylee Long *** CS LS
Colton Maurer
Summer Suzanne Miller ***
Jeffrey Maurice Noel **
Skylar Loomis ***
Sara Rose Mazurek **
Tyler Miller ***
Philip Michael Noel **
Oscar Eliud Lopez
Baldwin Mbangwana *
Quincy Calvin Milloy ***
Scott M Noggle ***
Kevin Dwight Lorance * LS
Stanislas Baba Mbengue *
Mark Millwood Jr. **
Phillip Allan Noyes Jr ** LS
Joshua Love ***
Joan Wanjiru Mbuthia Mwaniki *
Anthony Joseph Minunni **
Christopher Nugent ***
Patricia Lovejoy *
Sean Stephen McCain LS
Michael M Mitchell * LS
Tobias John O'Brien ***
Brandon Lovett ***
Kyle Matthew McCaleb *** LS
Hasan Jaber Mohsin **
Alexandra O'Donnell **
Heather N. Low *** ASL LS
Tennyson McCalla *
Matthew Thomas Moon ***
Grace O'Hara-Shea CS LS
Darren O'Leary ***
Juergen Pfau Melih
George Raynor ***
Kyle Satterlee
Karen Jeanne Obando ***
Dallas Phelps *** LS
Jill Reich ***
Glenn D. Savarese *** ASL
Derek A. Oliver
Vilaysith Phongsavath
Connor Remy ***
George H Schade IV ***
Peter Olsavsky ***
Tracy Pierce ***
Veronica Renna ***
Anna Schardt *** LS
Phaedra Poliquin Orme * ASL LS
Kelsey Pigman ** LS
Austin J Repack ***
Jerry Schatz **
Austin I. Orr
Teddy Ray Platero Jr. LS
Brittany E. Rheaume *** ASL
Devin Schmidt ***
Timothy J Orr
Ryan Platt *
Patrick Connor Richardson *
Nicholas Schmidt
Michael Ortu *** LS
Skyler Nicole Pliska ***
Christopher James Riney ***
Stefan Schmietenknop ***
Timothy Adam Osborne **
Jared Pohl **
Jeffrey Rivera **
Carrie Ann Schoener
Daniel Ostrin *
Noah A Pohl *** LS
Marc Anthony Rivera ***
Ryan Schroeckenthaler
Mitchell Oswald *
Darlene Polwort
Michael Anthony Rivera ***
Kevin Michael Schroeder ***
Rhiannon Oswald
Logan R Posey ***
Karina Mae Roach **
Heather Schultz *
Corey Outten *** LS
Kenneth Posley
Gregory Roberge *** LS
Matthew Scott
Bruce Owens **
Jesica Poulsen **
Neal Roberts *
Christopher L. Secosky
Sherri Lynn Palmer
Anthony Powell *** LS
Victor Dale Rodgers Jr. LS
Amanda Seenarine *
Eugene Panchenko ***
Garrett Powell
Melissa Rodriguez Murguia **
Angelica Senel ***
Daniel J. Panicucci ***
Cassandra Lee Prescott LS
Megan Roppolo
Chad Shafer **
Linda M. Paquette **
Steven Preston *
Angel Rosado **
Karac Wyatt Shamberger *
Danielle Isabeau Parham ***
Clarence Llewellyn Prevost IV
Cesare Rososko
Luca Emily Keaton Shatney ***
Craig Parker *
Michael Vincent Price ***
Randall D Rowland, Jr. * LS
Ryan Matthew Shea **
Jordan Parsons **
Natalie Kay Price ** LS
Jacob Roy ***
Jake Sheehan
Sergio Herlander Passos **
Joseph Arthur Primo ** LS
Kyle Roy
Bailey Shelhorse ***
Ishita Patel
Sarah Anne Prince *** LS
Hunter Ruel
Percy Shepard ***
Kishan Patel
James Proctor ***
Naomi Marie Ruffalo Roman *
Vicki L. Shepard ***
Trent D Patterson
Austinn Pruneda *** LS
Anthony Russo
Adrien Shepherd ***
Courtney Noelle Paul *
Dylan Thomas Pues
Kyle Russo *
Aaron C Shinn ***
Kyle Pavlack *
Daniel Alberto Pujada *** ASL LS
Hannah Fox **
Annmarie Short **
Monika Pawlowska ** LS
Felipe Pulido Jr. *
Amber Joy Ryals LS
Jonathan Shreckengost ***
Brianna Payne LS
Shubham Puri *** CS
Bryan A. Rykowski **
Joseph Siemering
Walter O. Paz Orozco * LS
Mohammed Zunab Qasmi
Joshua Ryther ***
Joseph Noel Silva Jr. *** ASL
Tammie Sue Pease ***
Nora Rebecca Qattawona ** LS
Tiana Lee Sablan CS
Synda Simmers
Kaynen Pellegrino
Samir Ragih ***
Arooj Saeed *
Aaron Sink *** LS
Arys Pena ***
Brian John Rall ***
Erik Salcedo ***
Tesla Nichole Skeels ***
Guilherme Ribeiro de Castro Pereira
Ashleigh Ramjohn **
Jennifer Salituri-Cortez * ASL
Joshua Sloter ***
Edward Samuel Ramlal ***
Kanwal Samana
Alec Matthew Smith **
Ruben D Perez *** CS
Naomi Ramsaroop ** LS
Kyle Sanborn ***
Chason Smith
Brandon M Perry * LS
Jaime L Randall
Francisco Sanchez LS
David Martin Smith *** ASL LS
Bryan Peters ***
Anthony Vincent Rapoza *
Homar Sanchez
Justin Smith ***
Sean Petrovits ** LS
Dakota Rasmussen **
Luc Sanchez **
Scott Adam Smith ***
Allen Pettey *** CS
Shawn Rayman
Sloane Sarmanian **
Scott Snuffer *** LS
Mackenzie Snyder ***
Christopher Drew Townsend ***
Erica White ***
Timothy S. Zimmerman **
Daoud Sogoba
Cody Traudt ***
John Whiting *** LS
Taylor Zumbrun ***
Daniel Sorensen
Amanda Nicole Travers ***
Alyssa Whitis
Sarah M. Spence *** LS
Rebecca Tripet *
Devin Widmer * LS
Sean Spolarich *
Cheyenne Trynor ASL LS
Ayu Kurniati Lo
Griffin Stambaugh ***
Kayla Tucker
Carrie Williams *** CS
Katelyn Stapleton *** ASL
Joseph Tufano **
Kira Williams *
Niki Starr *
Samantha Nolette **
Luc Williams *** LS
Mark Stephens ** CS LS
Colton Turner *
Scott E. Williams LS
Stephanie Steuer **
Joseph A. Urso ***
Sarah Willis * LS
Kelsey Grae Stokes * LS
Kyle R Vachon ***
Burleigh Wilson *
William Stokes
Jacob Valdiviez *** LS
Drew D Wilson **
Ryan Stork ***
Anthony Valenti ***
Kevin Patrick Winkler *** ASL CS LS
Benjamin Strickland ***
Joshua David Valenti *
Colby Winn
Delaney Montana Sullivan ***
Jonathan Valentin *
Cameron Winningham ***
Kaitlin Ann Swift
Justin Allen Vallia * LS
James Howard Witherbee
Mary Elizabeth Sword
Jason Van
Ashley M. Witkowski ***
Qadir Syed *
Tori Van LS
Angela Wojtkiewicz ***
Justin Matthew Szeker **
Alexander Varley ***
Perry Wolfe
Joseph Tartaglia *** LS
Sandra Marie Vazquez **
Peter Franklin Wolff *
Jessica Tarver
Michael John Veale *** LS
Thomas Joseph Wolfinger III ***
Brittany Taylor
Alberto Vergara ***
Alexander Wright
Robert Taylor *
Lorenzo Villarreal *** LS
Corey Wright *
Fermin Teron
Mason Voorhees
Jason Michael Wright
Rushit Thakker
Alvin Jamaal Walker
Lonnie Wright
Logan Thibodeaux
Sherri Walker **
Ryan Wright **
Charles Thilking *
Charles Wallace **
Eric Wyant
Kyle Thomas ***
Shayna Wallace ** CS LS
Gavriel Kal Wygant
Justin Edward Thompson
Aaron Walls ***
Melissa Thompson ***
Shanicka Ward
Sarah Elizabeth Zomolan Yadegar **
Ryan Thurgood **
Braden Wardle
Aurora Yancey LS
Daniel Tipton **
Jagger Warren
Cassidy Yohn ***
Winston To *** ASL
Dustyn Weaver **
Patrick Young **
Salvador Tobaldo Guzman
Ryan Weekley
William Young ***
Brendan Tobin
Michael Weeks ***
Hannah Cecilia Youngquist *** LS
Erik Tomchek ***
Jacob Weidner **
Desiree M Zalot * CS LS
Alisha N. Torgerson
Morgan S. Weister ***
Robert M. Zelnock III
Kevin Tormey **
Eric A. West ***
Alexis Q. Zepeda **
Xhefri Toro
April Wheeler **
Bowen Zheng **
Christopher Torralba ***
Mark Phillip Whitcraft *** LS
Matthew Zielinski **
Sergio Aguayo *
Joshua Aubry ***
Ryan A Baker ***
Christopher Barrett **
Brittany Nicole Barros ***
Devon Michael Bart
John Wesley Bartlett Jr. **
Kehinde Bayewu
William L Beach ***
Scott Beadle ***
Ethen Beckworth
Ryan Bender *
Jacob Berg ** LS
Michael S. Bloom ***
Samantha Bogert * LS
Justin Borthick LS
Jessica Renea Brashear
Justin Brazier ***
Kristen Elizabeth Brazier ***
Andrew Breedlove
Calix John Brindza ***
Eric Britton LS
Rachel Elizabeth Broussard *
Brittany Brown
Nichole Bruce-Balasch ***
Caleb Bryson *** LS
Matthew Buczkowski ***
Donald David Bumford III ***
Tyler Burge * LS
Liam Burke
Chase Allen Carney ***
Bradley Carter **
Tavone Carter *
Ousman Ceesay *** LS
Victorialyn Chauvin
Clint Clunis **
Jacob Jamison ***
Esteban Miranda Vazquez **
Raymond Lewis Roy III *
Constance Copeland **
James M Jasionowski Jr *** LS
Martin Moore *
Magda Dominique Sadowski ***
Brittany Coronado LS
Jerin Jefferson
Jesse James Moretz ***
Kathleen V Saldivar
Timothy Correia-Fonseca
Patrick Todd Johnsonbaugh Jr. *
Nicholas Mosley
Shawn Samuelson
Matthew Davis ***
Andrew Philip Jones ***
Jordan Muse *
Christian Saretto ***
Jason Derosier **
Emille D Joseph **
Avinash Narain
Sarah Kay Sarris **
Mark Garrett Duffy
Sean Joyce *** LS
Stephanie L. Nettles
Jacob Anthony Schepp ***
Brianna Ebersole **
Sav Keane ***
Danny Newkirk
Christopher D. Schlecht ***
Cameron Shawn Edens
William Joseph Kelly III ***
Emmanuel Nieves **
Diwakar Shah ***
Ryan Edwards
Anthony Kelsor
Yuri Elvys Lima Nobre *
Justin Sherrard
Jesse Aaron Elliott ***
Brenda Kettelkamp **
David Obi *
Patrick Shetzline *
Joe Elliott
Aamir Khan ***
Peter Janez Okorn *** LS
Jonathan Sidway
Melissa Lind Elliott * LS
Jerry Edward Kilian *** LS
Kelly Osborne
Trevor Skillman ***
Christopher Farias **
Julius Christian Kissinger
Ioannis Paragios
LaTangela Smith
Eric Florence *
Amy Krause * LS
Alestair Patterson *** LS
Aaron Michael Snell
Jacob Tyler Forsyth *** LS ASL
Marc Adam Krysinski
Cedric Peckham ***
Nicholas Kenneth Snider ***
Daltyn Fowler
Crystal Renee Lambert
Richard Anthony Pelley
Oladotun Soyinka **
Francisco Javier Garcia Vargas
Russell Otto Larson
Landon Pierre Peltier ***
Skyler Blue Spillers *** LS
Andrew E. Genest **
Eric Law ***
Corey Penkala **
Samuel Stanley *
Hakeem Emmanuel George
Jose Gabriel Lemus Galdamez ***
Antonio Pepero
Bowen A Steele ***
Garrett Gibson *** LS
Matthew Long
Adrianne Perrodin **
Matthew James Steele
Giovanni D Goins
Richard Lowary **
William Stephen Perry Jr *
Malachi Stephens
Michael A Gordon ** LS
Kyle Lucas
Shaquelli Philmore
Josiah Stewart ***
Colby Grange
Marques Lucas
Casim Phipps
David Strott **
Daniel Grigsby **
Scott Lundy *
Nicholas Piccolo *
Wesley Suggs
Kimberly Grove LS
Arnoldo Maldonado **
Arlene Pighetti *** LS
William John Swinson IV
Jacqueline Guijarro ***
Blake Marable *
Zachary Pitt *** LS
Thomas Taglienti **
Sherline Gustave
Derek Martin
Thomas E Polite Jr.
Janneice Kichea Thompkins
Stephen D Gyurik **
Nicholas Martin *
Lyndsey M Quintana Hernandez ***
Nehemiah Trostle **
Idowu Hamed
Brandy Mason ***
Philip Dodzi Koku Quist LS
Steffy Turvi
Reginald James Hardy Jr
Zachary Mason ***
Joel Rambo
Cameron Vance ***
Ricardo Haro III LS
Craig Ryan Mathis *** LS ASL
Brian D. Ramey ***
Orlando Vargas ***
Rachel Harrington ***
Thomas W. Maxfield Jr.
Raul Ramirez ***
Justin Vid
Mark Hatala *
Michael Mcgill ***
Tyler Rape ***
Ashley Isabel Villars
Christopher Jerome Holmes Jr. **
Morgan Dale McLemore ** LS
Destiny Richie
Barry Waters **
Grant J. Hopkins * LS
Timothy McQueen
Michael Stephen Thomas Roark *
Daniel Weiss
Zemas T Howard
Dara Medina
James Edward Roberts III
Somerlin Weldon
Russell Dennis Hubbard *** LS
Carlos Melo
Daniel Rodriguez LS
Karma Wilkinson *** LS
Collin Humphries
Davian Messado
German Rodriguez
Cavin D Williams *
Dominique L James
Michael James Miller ***
Jeremy Rojas ***
Jonathan Williams
Montel D. Williams *** LS
Trevor Scott Williams *
Aaliyah Wilson
Matthew Wilson
Samuel Wiseman
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Summa optimaque,
John "JR" Ristaino '82
President of SNHUAlumni Association