Unit 1 Topic TEK Catastrophic Events 7.8A Ecoregions of Texas 7.8B Weather, Erosion, Deposition 7.8B Ecological Succession 7.10C Groundwater and Human Impact 7.8C Analyzing Graphs 7.2E Mid Unit Percent correct Unit Percent Correct How can I improve on this TEK? Overall Test Grade Unit 2 Topic TEK Dichotomous Keys 7.11A Biomes, Biodiversity & Microhabitats 7.10AB Adaptations in Plants & Animals 7.11B Natural Selection & Selective Breeding 7.11C Analyzing Graphs 7.2E Overall Test Grade Mid Unit Percent correct Unit Percent Correct How can I improve on this TEK? Unit 3 Topic TEK Plant Responses 7.7B Structure & Function of Plants 7.12A Photosynthesis 7.5A Food Chains, Food Webs and Energy Pyramids What Allows Life on Earth 7.5B 7.9A Analyzing Graphs 7.2E Mid Unit Percent correct Unit Percent Correct How can I improve on this TEK? Overall Test Grade Unit 4 Topic TEK Levels of Organization 7.12C Cell Theory 7.12F Plant & Animal Cells 7.12DE Reproduction in Organisms 7.14B Inherited Traits 7.14AC Analyzing Graphs 7.2E Overall Test Grade Mid Unit Percent correct Unit Percent Correct How can I improve on this TEK? Unit 5 Topic TEK Structure & Function of Organisms 7.12B Physical & Chemical Changes 7.6A Human Body Systems 7.12B Response to Stimuli 7.13AB Manned Space Exploration 7.9B Analyzing Graphs 7.2E Overall Test Grade Mid Unit Percent correct Unit Percent Correct How can I improve on this TEK?