School: SILAD MAHOGANY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL GRADE 6 DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher: ANALYN W. CALABROSO Teaching Dates and Time: AUGUST 22-26, 2022 (WEEK 1) Activity Description I. Title II. Recovery Objective III. Learning Objective: Grade Level: VI PSYCHOSOCIAL SUPPORT- Key Learning Area: Stage 2: Grade 6 1ST QUARTER- Self Awareness, Self Expression, Psychosocial Competency- Self Regulation, Problem Solving, Selfconfidence, Self- compasssion Quarter: and Empathy MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY Learners are invited to reflect on how feelings can exist simultaneously and depeen their self-awareness. In this activity, learners will experience stress release and practice selfregulation through an interactive activity that involves movement and imagination In this activity, learners will revisit experiences where they were proud of themselves and identify their strengths from those experiences. Through this activity, learners will reflect on themselves- their traits, abilities and strengths, present lives and hopes for the future. FEELINGS CIRCLE BODY MIRROR This activity will allow learners to practice problem solving and reflect on their own abilities, as well as the resources and support availbale to them as they face challenges. CAMERA CONFIDENCE DRAWINGS TREE OF LIFE Deepen self-awareness, appreciation for the self, and self-confidence Cultivate selfcomapssion and empathy, and enhance selfawareness Practice writing skills, language and storytelling skills. Develop self-awareness, self expression, self-understanding Gain awareness of the self Foster self-awareness and and the body, experience a sense of self-efficay in stress release, and practice problem solving. self-regulation and empathy. Practice basic math and language, Practice following Practice problem solving, fine motor, and visual-spatial skills instructions; encourage creativity, and gross motor development collaboration and creative expression Exercise fine motor and visual thingking skills, explore use of symbols, language, and story telling IV. Materials Needed: V. Duration: 60 minutes VI. Activity Space: Space for everyone to sit in a circle and work with paper on the ground or on a desk Paper Crayons Markers 30 minutes Indoors or outdoors with enough space fpr particpants to spread out in pairs Two sheets of Paper ¼ sheet of paper for each of manila paper Drawing your learner per learner, materials(e.g. alternatively, Boxes of various crayons, oil pastels a sheet of sizes for each or markers) 8”x11”paper group to choose is adequate as from, depending well on how they want to design their Coloring camers, materials alternately, teachers may ask learners to bring the boxes by group Coloring materials, recycled materials, glue and other remaining materials that can be used to decorate the camera. 60 minutes 40 minutes 60 minutes On the floor with enough space for each group to create their cameras as well as draw on sheets of paper. Learners can work on their desk In the classroom with enough space for alllearners to lay their sheets on the ground, preferably in a large circle. VII. Groupings: VIII. Instructions: Individual work within a larger group Review the guidelines for your PSS session: be curious, be respectful, listen, take turns, avoid judgement, everything shared is confedential. Ask learners if they have ever felt more than one feeling at once. Share with them that this is normal, especially after an experience of a disater and/or emergency To deal with hard feelings, tell them that it’s helpful to stop from time to time, and try to understand which are the different feelings they are experiencing. Pairs (groups of 2) Review the guidelines for your PSS session: be curious, be respectful, listen, take turns, avoid judgement, everything shared is confedential. Ask learners if they have ever felt more than one feeling at once. Share with them that this is normal, especially after an experience of a disater and/or emergency To deal with hard feelings, tell them that it’s helpful to stop from time to time, and try to understand which are the different feelings they are experiencing. Groups of 4 to 5 learners Review the guidelines for your PSS session: be curious, be respectful, listen, take turns, avoid judgement, everything shared is confedential. Large group or smaller groups depending on the size of the class and the time available Remind your learners of the guidelines for your PSS session: be curious, be respectful, listen, take turns, avoid judgement, everything shared is confedential. One large group with instructions given step by step Review the guidelines for your PSS session: be curious, be respectful, listen, take turns, avoid judgement, everything shared is confedential. The teacher begins the activity by giving preliminary instructions. “Today, we will draw our own Tree of Life.As you draw each part of your tree, starting with the roots. I will read something to you that might give you ideas abot what you want to include in your drawing. Feel free to add words as well as images to your Tree of Life. IX. Modifications: For learners with visual impairments, instead of drawing their feelings circle, learners can use coins, blocks, or pebbles toquantify how much they feel each feeling. For example, learners may be given 10 coins/ blocks/ pebbles, and they can represent 30% of their feelings by assigning 3 coins/blocks/pebbles to it. Mirroring is helpfulfor learners with special needs.It can build coordination and motor skills. For learners with difficulties maintaining eye contact, use movements that will direct the attention on middle to lower extremities of the body. Focus on hands, arms, legs, and feet instead of looking directly at faces. For learners with visual impairments, this activity can be modified and retitled on “Power Phrase”. Instead of imagining a scene from the past in which they were able to solve a proble they encountered, let the learners recall a phrase or a quote that reminds them of their ablity to get through their problems. Learners may share the meanings of these quotes to their classmates. If they do not have a quote For learners with visual impirments, the activity can be modified and turned into a song. Their answers to theprompts or statements can be weaved together into a song. Learners are encouraged to create their own tune and share it with their classmates. X. Wrap – Up Discussions Guide: or phrase, invite the learners to make their own. Synthesis Questions and Points: Synthesis Questions and Synthesis Questions and Synthesis Questions and Synthesis Questions What did you discover Points: Points: Points: and Points: about yourself as you were How did you feel What was this How often do you What would making it or as you look at while doing the activity like for think about your you like to the chart now? activity? you? positive qualities share about Did the wheel make it What did you like What helped you (things you are your work? easier for you to talk about about the activity? find a solution to good at, people You can share yourfeelings? What What did you learn the problem you who love you, etc) one or some helped?-colors, having about yourself remembered? How did you feel parts of your space for different feelings during this activity? Was there anyone drawing about tree. to be in the same wheel, How did it feel like who helped you? yourself and your What was this thinking about how big the to take turns during Who were they? positive qualities? activity like feeling is? the activity? What did you Ask the learners to for you? While listening to your What did you learn learn about share about What did you classmates share, what about your body yourself in something new discover was going on in your and ability to be recalling the they have learned about mind? How did it feellike the mirror of your challenges you about htemselves yourself in the to give your listeningears partner? managed to solve? through the process? to your classmates? Who or what activity. What do you What did you learn from could help you How do yoour like about your classmates? find a solution to positive your tree? What resources do you your current qualities/sternghts Looking at have to deal with your proble? help you your Forest of feelings? overcome Life, do you challenges in life notice any or in school? similarities or How did you feel differences hearing your among the XI. Key Message: It is important to identify your feelings in order to deal with them. You may feel a lot of different feelings at the same time, and that is okay; they are valid. When we feel difficult feelings, there are many different ways to helpyourself fell better about difficult feelings. Some of the things that can help us deal with them include: sharing your stories with a trusted friend or adult, singing a song, taking a walk, taking a nap, or exercising. It is important to share uplifting feelings as well; its’ one way tosupport others and build friendships. Our energy and how we regulate our bodies affects others. Our stress can become their stress. It’s important for us to pay attention to how our bodies feel. When we pay attention to ourselves and our bodies, we are able to be present to others in an honest and supportive way. Everyone has a capacity to find creative solutions to challenging situations. Sometimes, it is helpful to look back at who and what helped us solve problems in the past. These do not only remind us of our own abilities and strengths, but also the resources and support available to us. classmates share about themselves and their positive qualities? Thank the learners for their hard work and for sharing their works. You are enough just the way you are. While we make space for hard feelongs in our lives, it’s good to also remember that there are many things to be proud of in our lives as well. It is good to otice all the good things about yourself, including the things you love and the people who love you. Bringing these into qawreness helps build self-confidence. trees? What are they? The Forest of Life shows that no two trees are exactly the same. Each tree, like each one of you, has its own story, capabilities, gifts and potential. Beeing more aware about the good things about yourselfs helps build selfcompassion, especially when we fell down or challenged. Knowing and using our abilities, as well as the support we have in our lives also helps us shape our future. XII. Follow-Up Activity and For Follow Up at Home Let yoour learners’ parents or guardians know that you’re exploring feelings this week.remind them, as they do the following activity, to set guidelines that they will listen to each one afetr they share, for opening up about their feelings. If others don’t want to share, it’s okay. XIII. Notes Share with your learners that they can use this at different points in their week, or month as a check-in and that it will most likely change and look a little different each time. Share this activity with parents and ask them to replicate the “game” at home. They can do this also via exercise. If the parent exercises, they can ask their learners/ sons to join them and do the same. All of this helps with regulation and body awareness. Let the parents know about the activity and encourage them to brainstorm with their childre some simple steps towards proble solving. These can include taking deep breaths in a challenging situation, asking for help, or considering helpful solutions from past experiences. Observe the learners closely as they bing to mind a cjhallenges they’re currenctly facing. After they draw their pictures, consider doing one of the relaxation and selfregulation activities listed in the Annex. Let parents know you did this activity and invite learners to take their work home and share it with their parents. Prepared by: ANALYN W. CALABROSO Teacher In-charge Checked by: LUZMINDA L. BONGLAY Principal II It would be helpful to prepare extra sheets of paper in case any of the learners would need more space to draw during the activity.