See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: Fragblast 12 1 Conference Paper · June 2018 CITATIONS READS 0 606 4 authors, including: Ranjit Kumar Paswan M.P. Roy CSIR - Central Institute of Mining and Fuel Research, Dhanbad, India Central Institute of Mining and Fuel Research 25 PUBLICATIONS 215 CITATIONS 61 PUBLICATIONS 520 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE P.K. Singh Lal Bahadur Shastri, ,National Academy of Administration, Mussoorie 286 PUBLICATIONS 1,519 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects: Entrepreneuship development through vegetable seed production View project Quantum dots for sensing applications View project All content following this page was uploaded by Ranjit Kumar Paswan on 28 June 2018. The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. SEE PROFILE 12th International Symposium on Rock Fragmentation by Blasting, Luleå Sweden 11-13 June 2018 )ODWWHQLQJRIKLOOE\EODVWLQJLQGHQVHO\SRSXODWHGDUHDIRU FRQVWUXFWLRQRI,QWHUQDWLRQDO$LUSRUWDW1DYL0XPEDL,QGLD 035R\&6DZPOLDQD5.3DVZDQDQG3.6LQJK CSIR-Central Institute of Mining and Fuel Research, Dhanbad $%675$&7 This paper deals with controlled blasting techniques used for flattening of Ulwe hill by blasting for construction of International airport at Navi Mumbai, India which was surrounded by the populated area and subsequently to determine optimum blast design parameters for blasting at the land development site to achieve desired fragmentation level i.e. 300 mm to 700 mm for preparation of stable runway foundation with minimum vibration level. Altogether, eighty-five blasts were conducted at different locations/packages of the Navi Mumbai International Airport (NMIA) construction site in order to flatten the Ulwe hill height from 92 mRL to 8 mRL. In total, 194 blast induced ground vibration data were recorded and analysed, from 85 blasts conducted at different locations/packages within the periphery of NMIA land development site. The blast de-signs were optimized through experimental trials and all the adverse outcomes were controlled within safe limit. The highest magnitude of ground vibration recorded in all the trial blasts was 12.4 mm/s with associated dominant peak frequency of 55.4 Hz. The concentration of dominant frequencies varied between 20 and 80 Hz. The delay interval between holes in a row i.e. 17ms / 25ms whereas between the rows 42 ms to 84 ms de-pending upon the number of rows and effective burden gave optimum results. The charge factor value of 0.55 to 0.70 kg/m3 was found to be optimum to achieve desired fragmentation for the land filling purpose. The land development work is being done smoothly and safely for construction of Navi Mumbai International Airport (NMIA) as per the recommendation of CSIR-CIMFR and will help in enhancing the aviation facilities for Mumbai to meet the demand for the Mumbai Metropolitan Region (MMR). ,1752'8&7,21 field” international airports, currently being developed, offering world-class facilities for passengers, cargo, aircrafts and airlines. The proposed second airport for MMR is located at Navi Mumbai as the area is expected to cater to the future growth in population, business and commercial activities of MMR. The availability of excellent physical and social infrastructure coupled with an environment-friendly site makes the Navi Mumbai Airport project both technically feasible and financially viable (Environmental Compliance Monitoring Report for NMIA, 2017). Enhancement in aviation facilities for Mumbai is critical as the air travel demand forecast for the Mumbai Metropolitan Region (MMR) reveals that traffic will grow over 100 million passengers per annum (MPPA) by 2030-31. The existing Mumbai airport alone will not be able to handle such an increase in the air traffic. The existing airport at Mumbai, is fast reaching saturation. Therefore a second airport in the Mumbai Region has become imperative. To meet the growing demands of air travel, City and Industrial Development Corporation of Maharashtra Ltd. (CIDCO) has proposed the development of a new airport at Navi Mumbai. The growth in resident population in Navi Mumbai, rapid development of its Central Business District, coupled with major economic generators such as Special Economic Zone, Jawaharlal Nehru Port, Thane-Belapur and Taloja industrial areas and the huge catchment area ranging from Navi Mumbai International Airport (NMIA) is going to be one of the world’s largest “Green- 695 12th International Symposium on Rock Fragmentation by Blasting, Luleå Sweden 11-13 June 2018 construction of Navi Mumbai International Airport (NMIA). Pune to South Mumbai would ensure a steady growth rate in traffic at the new airport, thus assuring steady revenues to the investors. In addition the project opens-up the state’s vast hinterland rich in agriculture, floriculture, hi-tech high value industries to the world market. Thus the airport will act as a focal point for the emergence of a transshipment Centre in the South Asian region. One of the outlay of the proposed NMIA is presented in Figure 1. The Rock Excavation Engineering Group of CSIR-CIMFR has been assigned to accomplish the work and in doing so 85 trial blasts were conducted to optimize the blast design. As the project site is being surrounded by villages, controlled blasting has to be implemented at the site. Blast induced ground vibrations were recorded in and around the periphery of the project site to optimize the blast design parameters. The blasts were optimized not just to reduce the ground vibration level but as the blasted muck has to be used for filling the site it was desired to have fragment size of 300 mm to 700 mm for preparation of stable runway foundation. 1.1 Vibration standards and criteria to prevent damage )LJXUH 2XWOD\ RI WKH SURSRVHG 1DYL 0XPEDL,QWHUQDWLRQDO$LUSRUW The land development in the core airport areas will be carried out on 1,161 hectare (ha) spanning nearly 6 km from east to west and 2.5 km from north to south. The Airport Site encompasses a hill (namely Ulwe hill) which needs to be flattened. The project involves pre-development activities which includes land development by blasting of hills in the project area, filling/reclamation of the airport area, re-coursing of the Ulwe river flowing through the airport site and shifting of the Extra High Voltage Transmission (EHVT) lines crossing airport land (NMIA Brochure, 2014). Peak particle velocity (PPV) has been globally used in practice for assessment of blast-induced damage to the structures. Different countries adopt different standards depending on their type of industrial/residential buildings. In India, presently Directorate Journal of Mines Safety (DGMS) technical circular 7 of 1997 is considered as vibration standard for the safety of surface structures in mining areas. The DGMS standard is given in Table 1. 6,7(',6&5,37,21 The proposed Airport is located in the geographical center of Navi Mumbai, at latitude 18° 59ƍ 40Ǝ N and longitude 73° 04ƍ 13Ǝ E on the National Highway No. 4B near Panvel at a distance of approx. 35 km from the existing Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport (CSIA) in Mumbai. The National Highway 4B provides the main road access to the Airport from the east, whereas the Aamra Marg provides road access to the Airport from the west. The Airport site is also accessible from the existing Mankhurd-BelapurPanvel and Thane-Panvel commuter rail corridors from Khandeshwar Railway Station and from the Targhar Railway Station on the Nerul – Uran Railway line presently under development. Figure 2 shows the satellite view of the Ulwe hill highlighting the areas to be flattened by drilling and blasting. In the initial stage of land development, the Ulwe hill will be cut and reduced up to 8.0 m and leveling work will be carried out in the remaining part using rock and earth fill material extracted from Ulwe hill. The remaining part will be levelled up to 5.5 meter. The management of CIDCO entrusted CSIR- Central Institute of Mining and Fuel Research (CSIR-CIMFR), Dhanbad for providing consultancy services for flattening of Ulwe Hill using drilling and blasting as part of the land development works for 696 12th International Symposium on Rock Fragmentation by Blasting, Luleå Sweden 11-13 June 2018 7DEOH '*06 WHFKQLFDO FLUFXODU RI FRQFHUQLQJ WR EODVW YLEUD WLRQVWDQGDUGLQPPV Type of structure Dominant excitation frequency, Hz 8-25 < 8 Hz !25 Hz Hz Similarly, 30 blasts were carried out at Package III. The number of holes in the blasts varied from 10 to 60. The depth of holes varied from 3.5 to 12 m and the explosive charge per hole varied between 8 and 64 kg. The maximum explosive charge per delay also varied between 9 and 100 kg. The total explosive charge detonated in a blasting round varied between 156 and 3,000 kg. (A) Buildings/structures not belong to the owner 1.Domestic houses /structures 5 10 15 (Kuchcha, brick and cement) 2. Industrial buildings 10 20 25 3. Objects of historical importance and sensi2 5 10 tive structures (B) Buildings belonging to owner with limited span of life 1. Domestic houses/ 10 15 25 structures 2. Industrial buildings 15 25 50 )LJXUH the explosive charge per hole varied between 23 and 63 kg. The maximum explosive charge per delay also varied between 23 and 63 kg. Total explosive charge detonated in a blasting round varied between 617 and 2331 kg. 6DWHOOLWH YLHZ RI WKH 8OZH KLOO KLJKOLJKWLQJ WKH DUHD WKDW KDV WR EHEODVWHG The similar blasts were conducted at Package IV also. In total, 32 blasts were conducted with varying blast design parameters. The total number of holes in a blasting round varied between 12 and 66 whereas the depth of the holes varied from 3 to 11 m. The average explosive charge in a hole varied between 7 and 58 kg. Total explosive charge detonated in a blasting round varied between 250 and 3,283 kg whereas maximum charge per delay ranged between 14 and 88 kg. Nonel initiation system was used in all the blasts for in-hole initiation of explosive charge as well as surface hole-to-hole initiation. The down-thehole delay timing used in the blasts was 450 ms whereas for Trunk line delays, 17, 25 and 42 ms were used. Primer cartridges (booster charge) were used in all the blasts conducted at different package areas. Some of the blast design patterns performed at NMIA project is presented in Figure 3 and Figure 4. (;3(5,0(17$/'(7$,/6 The entire Navi Mumbai International Airport land development project is divided into four packages namely Package I and II, Package III and Package IV for smooth, speedy and efficient operation. The first blast was conducted at Package I and II area. In the 1st blast, 12 holes with 717 kg of explosives having maximum explosive weight per delay of 63 kg were detonated. The diameter of blasthole used in all the trial blasts was of 115 mm. In total, 23 blasts were conducted at Package I and II with varying blast design and charging patterns. The total number of holes in a blasting round varied from 12 to 37. The depth of holes varied from 5.5 to 12 m and )LJXUH 697 %ODVWGHVLJQFKDUJLQJSDWWHUQRI KROHVDQGGHWRQDWLRQVHTXHQFHRI H[SHULPHQWDO EODVW FRQGXFWHG DW SDFNDJH,DQG,, 12th International Symposium on Rock Fragmentation by Blasting, Luleå Sweden 11-13 June 2018 )LJXUH %ODVWGHVLJQFKDUJLQJSDWWHUQRI KROHVDQGGHWRQDWLRQVHTXHQFHRI H[SHULPHQWDO EODVW FRQGXFWHG DW SDFNDJH,9 (a) 021,725,1*2)*5281' 9,%5$7,21$1'$1$/<6,6 4.1 Blast induced ground vibration Blast induced ground vibrations were monitored in terms of peak particle velocity (PPV) for all the blasts at each package. The ground vibrations recorded from the blast trials conducted at Package I and II varied from 0.82 mm/s to 12.4 mm/s depending upon the distance of vibration monitoring point from the blasting face as well as the maximum charge per delay and total charge used the blast. The distances of vibration monitoring points from the trial blast sites varied from 100 to 750 m. Ground vibration data recorded from the trial blasts conducted at Package III were in the range of 0.78 to 18.9 mm/s. The distance of the blasting site from the vibration monitoring point varied between 130 m and 400 m. The ground vibration data recorded from the trial blasts conducted at Package IV varied between 0.78 mm/s and 18.9 mm/s. The vibration monitoring instruments were set on ground surfaces at the distance of 100 m to 350 m from the blasting site. One of the blast wave signature and its Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) recorded from the blast conducted at Package III is depicted in Figure 5a and Figure 5b. (b) )LJXUH D 7KHEODVWZDYHVLJQDWXUHUHF RUGHG DW P IURP WKH EODVW FRQGXFWHGDW8OZH+LOO3DFNDJH, DQG ,, E ))7 DQDO\VHV RI IUH TXHQFLHV RI YLEUDWLRQ GDWD SUH VHQWHGLQ D Near field blast vibration data were also recorded to evaluate the blast wave characteristics. The Seismograph were placed at a distance of 50 m and 75 m to diagnose the blast vibration signatures in near field. The recorded values of ground vibration were 44.4 mm/s and 35.4 mm/s at 50 m and 75 m respectively. Fast attenuation in ground vibration data was observed. The blast wave signature recorded at 50 m from the blast site is presented in Figure 6. 698 12th International Symposium on Rock Fragmentation by Blasting, Luleå Sweden 11-13 June 2018 )LJXUH )LJXUH 5HJUHVVLRQSORWRIUHFRUGHG339 ZLWK WKHLU UHVSHFWLYH VFDOHG GLV WDQFHV IRU 3DFNDJH , DQG ,, DW 10,$SURMHFW )LJXUH 5HJUHVVLRQSORWRIUHFRUGHG339 ZLWK WKHLU UHVSHFWLYH VFDOHG GLV WDQFHV IRU 3DFNDJH ,,, DW 10,$ SURMHFW )LJXUH 5HJUHVVLRQSORWRIUHFRUGHG339 ZLWK WKHLU UHVSHFWLYH VFDOHG GLV WDQFHV IRU 3DFNDJH , DQG ,, DW 10,$SURMHFW %ODVWZDYHVLJQDWXUHUHFRUGHGDW PIURPWKHEODVWVLWHWRHYDOX DWHWKHEODVWZDYHFKDUDFWHULVWLFV Ground vibrations data recorded were grouped together for statistical analysis. Analysis was performed individually for all different Packages and the empirical relationship has been established correlating the maximum explosives weight per delay (Qmax in kg), distance of vibration measuring transducers from the blasting face (R in m) and recorded peak particle velocity (v in mm/s) using USBM predictor equation (Duvall et al. 1959, 1962). Regression of the ground vibration data recorded from the blasts conducted at different Packages were plotted independently and the generalised established equation combining all the vibration data for the respective packages are given in equation 1, equation 2 and equation 3 respectively. The regression plot of Package I and II, Package III and Package IV is presented in Figure 7, Figure 8 and Figure 9 respectively. The established empirical equations for the Packages are as follows: ܴ ିଵǤ଼଼ ݒൌ ʹͺ͵ǤͶ ቆ ቇ ඥܳ௫ (1) ܴ ቇ ݒൌ ͻͲͲǤͲͻ ቆ ඥܳ௫ ିଵǤହଷ ܴ ݒൌ ʹǤͷʹ ቆ ቇ ඥܳ௫ ିଵǤସଽ (2) 4.2 Noise/Air overpressure (3) Air overpressure in the mining or quarrying context is the superposition of a number of impulsive air pressures as a result of the detonation of explosive in the ground. The recorded levels of air overpressure ranged from 94 to 134.9 dB(L) for the blasts conducted at Package I and II. The levels of air overpressure from the blasts conducted at Package III were in the range of 108.4 699 12th International Symposium on Rock Fragmentation by Blasting, Luleå Sweden 11-13 June 2018 to 135.8 dB(L). The recorded levels of air overpressure varied between 94 dB(L) and 131.8 dB(L) for Package IV. The plot of recorded blast induced air overpressure data with varying distance is depicted in Figure 10. recorded velocity of detonation (VOD) of slurry cartridges were varied in between 3803.5 m/s and 4124 m/s. Figure 12 depicts the in-the-hole VOD recorded at Package III of NMIA project. )LJXUH 3ORW RI DLU RYHUSUHVVXUH ZLWK UH VSHFWWRPHDVXULQJGLVWDQFH 4.2 Frequency of blast induced ground vibration The dominant peak frequencies of ground vibrations were in the range of 10.1 to 121.8 Hz. FFT analyses of blast vibration frequencies confirmed that concentration of dominant frequencies were between 20 and 80 Hz. The plot of recorded dominant frequencies at various distances is presented in Figure 11. )LJXUH 7KHWUDFHVRIUHFRUGHGLQWKHKROH 92'RI6OXUU\FDUWULGJHV )LJXUH 3ORW RI GRPLQDQW IUHTXHQFLHV RI EODVW ZDYHV UHFRUGHG DW YDULRXV ORFDWLRQV LQ WKH SHULSKHU\ RI WKH GLIIHUHQWSDFNDJHVRI10,$SUR MHFW1DYL0XPEDL 021,725,1*2)9(/2&,7<2) '(721$7,,21$1'$1$/<6,6 Uniform in-the-hole VOD of explosive is essentially required throughout the blastholes in order to produce sufficient detonation pressure to the blasthole walls. Booster is provided in the explosive column at bottom to sustain and maintain the VOD for the uniform breakage of rock. The 700 52&.)5$*0(17$7,21 $1$/<6,6 The NMIA land development project requirements were to use the fragmented rocks i.e. generated due to blasting for the development of the site. The required fragment size for the land development work of the project site was 300 mm to 700 mm. Muck pile characteristic mainly depends on bench specification, geometry, desired swell distribution and excavator characteristics etc. To obtain the required fragment size, rock fragmentation analysis was performed for each blast and accordingly design parameters were modified depending upon the requirements and rock conditions. The Kuz-Ram model is generally used for prediction of the fragmentation size after blasting. The Kuz-Ram model is an empirical fragmentation model based on the Kuznetsov (1973) and Rosin and Rammler equations modified by Cunningham (1983, 1987), which derives the coefficient of uniformity in the Rosin and Rammler equation from blasting parameters. Rock properties, explosive properties, and design variables are combined in this modern version of the KuzRam fragmentation model. The Rosin-Rammler 12th International Symposium on Rock Fragmentation by Blasting, Luleå Sweden 11-13 June 2018 equation used by Cunningham (1983) for blasting analysis is: R e § x · ¨¨ ¸¸ © xc ¹ the blasts conducted on all the Packages. The Photographs of muck piles were taken just after blast to the last date of mucking to get the overall fragment size of a particular blast. Fragmented view of some of the blasts conducted at Ulwe Hill Package I and II is shown in Figure 13. Figure 14 depicts the process involved in fragmentation analysis i.e. netting and contouring of rock fragments whereas the fragmentation results in the form of cumulative and histogram curve is depicted in Figure 15. The summary of the fragment size distribution is given in Table 2. n (4) Where R is the fraction of material retained on screen x is the screen size xc is a constant called characteristic size and n is a constant called uniformity index. The uniformity index typically has values between 0.6 and 2.2 (Cunningham 1983). A value of 0.6 means that the muckpile is non-uniform (dust and boulders) while a value of 2.2 means a uniform muckpile with majority of fragments close to the mean size. The importance of the uniformity index is size distribution curves having the same characteristic size but different values of uniformity index. Noy (2012) suggested that fitting of the fragmentation measurement tool to digging equipment by means of positioning the camera system on digger, will optimise the viewing parameters that improve the exposure of the fragmentation for segmentation algorithms. Onderra et al. (2015) also suggested the mounting of fragmentation imaging system on digging equipment. In this study rock fragmentation analyses were carried out for each blast using photoanalysis system. Photoanalysis system was adopted. )LJXUH 9LHZ RI WKH )UDJPHQWHG URFNV IURPWKHEODVWVFRQGXFWHGDWGLI IHUHQWEHQFKHVRI8OZH+LOOXQGHU 3DFNDJH,DQG,, Rock fragmentation analysis output is a good indicator for evaluation, efficiency and productivity of surface mining. The rock fragment sizes were analyzed using Wipfrag software of M/s Wipware Inc., Canada. The output of the analyses are in the form of number of exposed fragmented blocks, maximum, minimum and mean sizes of the fragmented blocks, detail sieve analysis as per the requirement i.e. at different percentile size viz. D10, D20, D30, D40 and D50. The meaning of D10 is the ten-percentile, for which 10% by weight of the sample is finer and 90% coarser. In terms of sieving, D10 is the size of sieve opening through which 10% by weight of the sample would pass. )LJXUH 1HWWLQJ DQG FRQWRXULQJ RI EORFN VL]HV RI IUDJPHQWV DW 8OZH +LOO 3DFNDJH,DQG,, )LJXUH +LVWRJUDP DQG FXPXODWLYH VL]H FXUYH YLHZLQJ RI IUDJPHQWHG EORFNVL]HVRI)LJXUH The effect of blast design parameters on fragmentation size of the rock has been studied for 701 12th International Symposium on Rock Fragmentation by Blasting, Luleå Sweden 11-13 June 2018 7DEOH 6XPPDU\RIIUDJPHQWVL]HGLVWUL EXWLRQ DW GLIIHUHQW SDFNDJHV RI 10,$SURMHFW Package Package Package I and II III IV 150-500 150-1000 523.22040.4 612.81128.3 771.93461.3 X50 (mm) 180.2991.8 52.4524.3 176.9940.9 Index of uni- 1.687formity (n) 2.876 1.3192.935 1.3482.933 7DEOH 237,0,=$7,212)%/$67'(6,*1 3$5$0(7(56 Fragment size [mm] )LJXUH 6LPXODWLRQ FXUYH IRU SHUFHQWDJH SDVVLQJVL]H In the trial blasts, depth of holes varied widely from 4 to 12 m depending on the availably of blasting benches. Burden and spacing varied from 2.0 to 2.75 m and 2.5 to 3.5 m respectively. Decked charges were used for blasthole depth more than 8 m. The charge factors used varied from 0.55 to 0.67 kg/m3 depending on the rock formation encountered in the blasting area. Good fragmentations were obtained in most of the blasts. However, in a few blasts oversize boulders were obtained due to the presence of inherent joint planes in the blasted rock mass. Therefore, the charge factor value of 0.55 to 0.70 kg/m3 was found to be optimum to achieve good fragmentation. Table 3 represents the optimized blast design parameters for different benches of Package I and II, Package III and Package IV of NMIA. 300 400 400 500 500 600 600 700 2SWLPL]HG EODVW GHVLJQ SDUDPH WHUVIRUUHTXLUHGIUDJPHQWVL]HDW 10,$SURMHFW 100 6 115 115 150 2 × 2.5 2.2 2.4 × 2.8 2.5 × 8 – 10 3.0 10 – 2.8 × 12 3.2 6–8 2.5 2.7 3.0 Charge factor [kg/m3] Xmax (mm) Top stemming 1501000 100.5422.4 B × S [m] Mode Size (mm) 73.9265.0 Bench height [m] 85.3514.6 Hole diameter [mm] Mean Size (mm) 0.550.65 0.550.65 0.550.65 0.6-0.7 &21&/86,216 The major challenge at the site is to control the blast induced ground vibration, air overpressure and flyrock as the project area is surrounded by dwellers of small villages. The blast designs were optimized through experimental trials and all the adverse outcomes were controlled within safe limit. The highest magnitude of ground vibration recorded in all the trial blasts was 12.4 mm/s with associated dominant peak frequency of 55.4 Hz. The dominant peak frequencies of ground vibration waves were in the range of 10.10 to 121.80 Hz. The FFT analyses of blast vibration data confirmed that the concentration of dominant frequencies vary between 20 and 80 The prediction of blasted rock size were done with different combination of burden, spacing, bench height, hole diameter, top stemming and charge factor with the help of blast design simulation software. The simulation curve for fragmentation size using Kuz-Ram model is presented in Figure 16. The analysed blast design as per the requirement of fragment size of the blast is given in Table 3. 702 12th International Symposium on Rock Fragmentation by Blasting, Luleå Sweden 11-13 June 2018 $&.12:/('*(0(176 Hz. Hence, the safe level of vibration has been taken as 10 mm/s as per regulatory authority of India. CSIR-CIMFR is thankful to the management of M/s CIDCO Maharashtra Limited for sponsoring the study. The sincere co-operation and help extended to the team by the management Package I and II, Package III and Package IV are also thankfully acknowledged. The recorded air overpressure in all the trial blasts was in the range of 94 – 134.9 dB(L). All the blasts were conducted using Nonel initiation system. It was recommended that blasts within the range of 100 m from the nearby structures in the village must be initiated using electronic initiation system to check the noise/air overpressure and currently the work is being done beyond 240 m from the dwellings. 5()(5(1&(6 Cunningham, C.V.B. (1987) Fragmentation estimations and the Kuz-Ram model—four years on, In Proceedings 2nd International Symposium on Rock Fragmentation by Blasting, Keystone, Colorado, USA, 23–26 August 1987; pp 475–487. Cunningham, C.V.B. (1983) The Kuz-Ram model for prediction of fragmentation from blasting, Proceedings of 1st International Symposium on Rock Fragmentation by Blasting, (ed: R Holmberg and A Rustan), Luleå, Sweden, 22–26 August 1983; pp 439–453. Directorate General of Mines Safety (DGMS) technical circular 7 (1997). Duvall, W.I. and Fogleson, D.E. (1962) Review of Criteria for Estimating Damage to Residences from Blasting vibration, USBM – I 5968. Duvall, W.I. and Petkof, B. (1959) Spherical propagation of Explosion of Generated strain Pulses in Rocks, USBM RI 5483, 1959, pp 21-22. Environmental Compliance Monitoring Report for NMIA (2017). Gheibie, S., Aghababaei, H., Hoseinie, S.H. and Pourrahimian, Y. (2009) Modified Kuz-Ram fragmentation model and its use at the Sungun Copper Mine, International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 46(6): 967-973. Kuznetsov, V.M. (1973) The mean diameter of the fragments formed by blasting rock, Soviet Mining Science, 9(2): 144–148. Navi Mumbai International Airport Brochure, February 2014. Noy, M.J. (2012) Automated rock fragmentation measurement with close range digital photography, Measurement and Analysis of Blast Fragmentation Workshop, held at Fragblast10 – 10th international Symposium on Flyrocks did not occur in most of the trial blasts. This was achieved by implementation of proper blast design patterns with complete supervision of the total blasting operations. The pyrotechnic Initiation systems (NONEL) and electronic initiation system was found to be effective in controlling flyrocks. The conveyor belt with sand bags were used in sensitive blasting sites. The charge factors used in the trial blasts varied from 0.55 to 0.67 kg/m3 depending on the rock formation encountered in the blasting area. Rock fragmentation analyses were carried out for all the blasts and desired fragmentations were obtained in most of the blasts. However, in a few blasts oversize boulders were obtained due to the presence of inherent joint planes in the blasted rock mass. The charge factor value of 0.55 to 0.70 kg/m3 was found to be optimum to achieve good fragmentation. The delay interval between holes in a row should be 17ms / 25ms whereas between the rows, it should be between 42 ms and 84 ms depending upon the number of rows and effective burden. If the number of rows are more than two, the delay interval between rows should be increased by giving the delay interval of 42 ms, 59 ms, 65 ms and 84 ms in successive rows. The land development work is being done smoothly and safely for construction Navi Mumbai International Airport (NMIA) as per the recommendation of CSIR-CIMFR and will help in enhancing the aviation facilities for Mumbai to meet the demand for the Mumbai Metropolitan Region (MMR). 703 12th International Symposium on Rock Fragmentation by Blasting, Luleå Sweden 11-13 June 2018 Rock Fragmentation by Blasting, pp 13-21 (CRC Press: Balkema). Onedera, M, Thurley, M. and Catalan, A. (2015) Measuring blast fragmentation at Esperanza mine using high resolution 3D laser scanning, Transactions of the Institutions of Mining and metallurgy, mining Technology, 124(1):A34A36. 704 View publication stats