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Brief History of Genetics
• 8000 to 1000 BC horses, camels, and wolves domesticated for human use
• Bred for strength, speed, agility, intelligence
• Early selective breeding: domesticated wolves
• Humans and wolves were aggressive
• Friendly wolves caught food from humans, when humans gave them food friendship
• Now over 400 dog breads from selective breedings
• Used traits for hunting/tracking, heading, guarding etc
• William Harvey- 1600z
• Epigenesis: fertilized human egg undergoes speci c developmental events that lead
to formation of human
• Cell divides and divides
• Contradicted preformation
• Preformation: fertilized egg contains tiny version of completely developed adult (or
• Homunculus: the name for the completely developed adult in the egg
• Cell Theory (correct theory)
• Introduced by Matthias Schleiden and Theodor Schwan
• All living organisms are composed of organized structures called cells and the cells
came from identical precursor cells
• Fundamental biological fact
• Debunked spontaneous generation or when living things could spontaneously
generate from nonliving components
• Thought ees come from dust, or from mud of rivers
• Charles Darwin 1859
• Published Origin of Species
• Postulated theory of natural selection: more o springs produced than the
environment can support
• Survival in the crowded environments leads to struggle in the population so
o spring with most desirable traits survives
• Overtime variations in o springs evolve making them more adaptive and
eventually new species could evolve
• Gregor Mendel
• Experiment with pea plants to see how traits are inherited from generation to
• Did not de ne heredity rule but explain development of hybrids
• Results explain trait transmission
• Example in modern: gene from digesting lactose
• Humans stop making lactase (enzyme for milk digestion) when stoping
• Mutation arose from people drinking animal milk
Genes in the Transmission of Traits and Genetic Variation
• Genetics: study of heredity
• Modern genetics: study of heredity