Running head: PERSONAL EXPLORATION Personal Exploration Jason D. Mickelson ITEC 8000 March 07, 2020 Dr. Gary Griffith 1 PERSONAL EXPLORATION 2 Personal Exploration In taking the Personality Strengths Inventory and the Jung Personality Test, some instances did surprise me on the Personal Strengths one, but not on the Jung, I thought I knew myself pretty well, and seeing the results of the tests shows that I did not know my personality. On the Jung, Introvert at 75% is accurate for me as I am more of an introvert than an extrovert. Sensing being on the low end is a little surprising because of how I sense things. My gut feelings are right 90% of the time. Feeling and thinking, at the 50% level, is accurate as I think before I do something as will it hurt someone's feelings or even my own. I am a judgemental person and this can be either a good thing or a bad thing in the situation. And it at 62% leans more of me being judgemental. I am fiercely loyal as the reading of the results state. And I am very much unappreciated at home most of the time. On the Personal Strengths Inventory, some did surprise me as I would not have thought I would be that way. The ones that surprised me the most were: Love of Learning. It is a tough one because of my learning disability of comprehension. I have to re-read things four to six-time for it to sink in and to be able to remember it. Honesty. I was surprised at the high 85%. I am an honest person but did not think I would be in that high end of the percentile. Perseverance. I would have thought this would be a little higher than 60%, as I am a very perseverance person. (The) Capacity of Love. I am a very loving person. Now would I make the ideal CIO? More than likely would be a no with my personality rated as ISFJ. ISFJ’s do not like supervisory roles as we would feel hurried and unappreciated. PERSONAL EXPLORATION 3 Appendix Your Type ISFJ Introvert(75%) Sensing(31%) Feeling(50%) Judging(62%) You have distinct preference of Introversion over Extraversion (75%) You have moderate preference of Sensing over Intuition (31%) You have moderate preference of Feeling over Thinking (50%) You have distinct preference of Judging over Perceiving (62%) Below are your scores for each of the 24 personal strengths. Each strength is scored in terms of a percentage of the total possible points for that strength. Note: You should not expect to have high scores in every one of the strengths! Most people have a few strengths where they score very highly, many strengths where they score in the midrange, and some strengths with low scores. Your range of scores on the different strengths is a reflection of your individuality. Similarly, you should not necessarily assume that the goal is to improve your low -scoring areas. In fact, research suggests that you will be more successful if instead you focus on using your key strengths—that is, your highest-scoring strengths—as often and in as many areas of your life as possible. In other words, if you've got it, flaunt it! Strengths of Intellect Strengths of intellect involve using your mind and intelligence for creativity, learning, and wisdom. Curiosity Curiosity is like a thirst that can never be quenched. This is why curious people are always on the lookout for new and interesting experiences. They love to learn and will never stop asking questions when they encounter experts in the fields that interest them. Curious people are open to just about anything, and as long as it is safe, they like to try everything at least once. They seldom get bored, love talking to other people and take joy in even the simplest activities. Your score for curiosity is 40%. Judgment PERSONAL EXPLORATION 4 People who exercise good judgment are careful, reflective and reluctant to jump to conclusions. They are flexible and adaptable and will change their minds readily if evidence contradicts their previous assumptions. Individuals who rely on their judgment to guide them are sober, serious and thoughtful in every circumstance, and they always try to use logic and reason when making evaluations. They are steady in temperament and pride themselves on their ability to stay calm and focused in stressful situations. Your score for judgment is 65%. Love of Learning Learners see the world as a giant oyster filled to overflowing with pearls. They live to acquire new knowledge and love learning new skills of all types. They are systematic and disciplined in their approach to the educational process, and that is why they make such great students – and great teachers as well. Learners bring dedication and enthusiasm to their ongoing attempts to gain greater understanding. Their need-to-know is a lifelong condition, and that is why their interest in learning doesn’t decrease in the slightest when their school days are finished. Your score for love of learning is 55%. Creativity Creative people see the hidden potential in every situation. They perceive opportunities for achievement and expression that others easily miss. Artistic in temperament and adaptive in their approach to living, creative people frequently use their imaginations to explore alternative perspectives. They reject the traditional and the predictable, preferring innovative and original solutions to old problems. Creators repeatedly surprise their companions with unique and inventive ideas and suggestions. Your score for creativity is 30%. Wisdom Individuals with wisdom have an inherent ability to see the bigger picture. They understand context and do an excellent job of explaining it to other people. As natural humanitarians they love to pass their perspective and insight along to their fellow human beings, and they are experts at showing others how to make lemonade out of lemons. Individuals with wisdom are highly observant and always willing to listen, ready to adjust their outlooks as soon as new information comes along. Your score for wisdom is 60%. Strengths of Self-Management PERSONAL EXPLORATION 5 Strengths of self-management relate to regulating one's emotions, thoughts, and behavior to produce desirable results. Self-Control No one has to tell a self-regulator to be more careful or thoughtful. People w ith high scores in self-control are highly disciplined, believe in a structured approach to living and won’t sacrifice their long-term interests for the sake of short-term pleasure. Fully selfaware, they pay close attention to their own emotional and psyc hological reactions to make sure they never lose their composure. Self-regulators set goals and stick to the strategies they adopt to achieve them, no matter how tempted they might be to stray from the righteous path. Your score for self-control is 55%. Prudence Prudent people think about consequences. They never make rash decisions and always project their actions into the future, to gauge how their long -term life chances might be impacted by the things they do today. Prudent people are cautious and restra ined and won’t take unnecessary risks. When they do commit to a course of action, however, they will follow it through to the end to see that it is done right, knowing that by doing so they are increasing their chances of success. Prudent people can and wi ll act boldly, but before they do they always have a good idea of what they are getting into. Your score for prudence is 55%. Courage Courageous men and women don’t let their fear run their lives. They feel that fear just like everyone else, but their need to conquer it is stronger than its capacity to hold them back. If they think a monster is hiding in the closet, brave people will jump out of bed and rush over to pull the door wide open, ready to confront whatever jumps out. They are not intimidated by difficulty or the possibility of failure, and will always stand up for what they believe is right regardless of any opposition or hostility they might face. Your score for courage is 55%. Humility Humble people don’t like to toot their own horns because th ey see no need for it. They are inner-directed, and consequently they don’t need the praise or affirmation of others to feel good about their accomplishments. For these individuals humility should never be confused with a lack of self-esteem. They do see themselves as competent, capable and decent, but they also see those qualities in other human beings and don’t consider themselves unique or special. Their humble personas are never fake, phony or used to hide passive-aggressiveness; they truly have no desire to fool or impress anyone. PERSONAL EXPLORATION 6 Your score for humility is 70%. Perseverance If at first they don’t succeed, perseverant people will try, try again, and again. Perseverant people are determined to finish what they start, and conversely they won’t start a new project unless they truly believe they can complete it. In these individuals perseverance is synonymous with stubbornness, resiliency and a never -say-die attitude. Perseverant people are clever and have a strong practical orientatio n, knowing that good intentions are useless without good strategies to ensure their ultimate success. Your score for perseverance is 60%. Honesty It is said that honesty is the best policy, and honest people never doubt that notion for a single second. Looking beyond the convenience of the moment, honest individuals embrace truthfulness as a philosophy of life. They take responsibility for their actions, aren’t afraid to admit their mistakes and won’t play games or put on an act just to make themselves look good. Honest people prize authenticity and believe taking shortcuts with the truth will always backfire in the end. Your score for honesty is 85%. Social Strengths Social strengths have to do with relating to others and creating caring, rewarding connections. Social Intelligence For people who demonstrate advanced social intelligence, other human beings are like open books. The socially intelligent are experts at reading vocal tones, facial expressions and body language, and they know how to interpret w hat is not being said, as well as what actually is. They care a lot about how others are feeling, and they try to make everyone feel better if it is in their power to do so. The questions they ask are smart and pointed; they are good listeners and make goo d suggestions when others are seeking guidance and advice. Your score for social intelligence is 55%. PERSONAL EXPLORATION 7 Capacity for Love For a person motivated by love, the quality of a life is measured by the quality of its relationships. As parents, mates, friends and family members, they are loyal, dedicated, tender and affectionate. Loving people always celebrate the successes of their friends and family members, and they thrive when showered with kindness and attention. They lead with their hearts and prefer to spend time with others who do the same. Loving people are incurable romantics, in full agreement with the old adage that “love makes the world go ‘round.” Your score for capacity for love is 90%. Kindness Gentle, caring, compassionate and unselfish by nature , kind people gain immense pleasure from helping others. They are active and involved in the world around them and can’t turn away when others are suffering or in need. Men and women motivated by kindness are generous to a fault, wear their hearts on their sleeves and almost never say no when asked to do someone a favor. They believe we have a responsibility to care for one another, embracing the Golden Rule as the only sensible way to guide our thoughts and actions. Your score for kindness is 65%. Forgiveness Forgiving others who have harmed us is never easy. But for some people failing to do so in most circumstances is unthinkable. People with an advanced capacity for forgiveness believe in second chances and know that everyone makes mistakes. They also know that people who hold onto grudges harm themselves greatly in the end, and they aren’t willing to pay the psychological price that a person must pay when he or she holds onto their anger forever. Forgiving people are motivated far more by kindnes s and empathy than by any negative emotion, and they are firm believers that time really does heal all wounds. Your score for forgiveness is 65%. Fairness People committed to fairness believe in equal treatment and consideration for all. While not unemotional, when issues of fairness are involved they are able to put their personal feelings aside to do what is right. Men and women dedicated to fairness are incredibly sensitive and aware of what is going on in the world around them, and they almost always notice the petty injustices that others miss. They are uncompromising in their refusal to sacrifice their principles for the sake of convenience. When in positions of PERSONAL EXPLORATION 8 authority they will never take credit for the accomplishments of co -workers or subordinates. However, they do expect to be acknowledged and rewarded fairly for their actual achievements. Your score for fairness is 75%. Teamwork ‘All for one and one for all’ - that is the motto of team players, who are always ready to share and cooperate when big challenges are on the horizon. Team players understand team dynamics implicitly, and they know how to make teammates feel noticed, acknowledged and appreciated. As individuals, team players don’t want to stand out from the crowd. But they are competitive in the sense that they want to see their group perform at the highest level, and they will celebrate team successes with happiness and enthusiasm. As family members and citizens, loyalty and social responsibility mean everything to team players. They are often quite active in charities and will frequently volunteer for community projects. Your score for teamwork is 55%. Leadership Good leaders aren’t afraid to take the initiative. In fact they prefer doing so, relishing the fact that others depend on them to step forward and take responsibility. Natural leaders are highly-organized, resourceful, flexible and charismatic without being overbearing. They like to help other people reach their full potential and have full confidence in their ability to do so. They don’t procrastinate and never take anything for granted, frequently checking in to see if their associates need assistance or guidance. Your score for leadership is 75%. Strengths of Joy Strengths of joy are related to the capacity to feel strong positi ve emotions and a sense of higher meaning and purpose in life. Gratitude Grateful people notice the kind gestures of others and always take time to say thank you – and to return the favor, if they can. In general, they are grateful to the world and the universe for providing us with so many miracles and wonders. Their attitude is humble, good humored and appreciative, and others tend to feel very comfortable in their presence. When they become parents they do their best to pass on their sense of gratitude to their children, seeing that quality as essential to healthy human development. Your score for gratitude is 67.5%. PERSONAL EXPLORATION 9 Optimism Hopeful people are optimistic about the future, believing that solutions exist for every problem. They aren’t passive in their approach to life because they know constructive action is necessary to make good things happen. They always look ahead and never behind, refusing to play the blame game or hold onto regrets. Hopeful men and women see opportunities for success and self-improvement everywhere, and when they suffer setbacks their inherent optimism helps them recover quickly. Your score for optimism is 50%. Humor People who like to laugh - and know how to make others laugh - are popular with almost everyone. Jokes, puns and playful banter come naturally to these creative, fun -loving men and women. They have few sacred cows and seldom encounter a situation where they feel uncomfortable using humor to lighten the mood. They will tease friends and family members as a way to show affection, and when they do make others laugh it gives them a feeling of meaningful accomplishment. They also use humor to cope when facing difficult circumstances, instinctively knowing that laughter is the best medicine. Your score for humor is 70%. Awe People who experience frequent states of awe have a keen appreciation of beauty and excellence in the world. They are convinced that everything we need to find happiness, satisfaction and meaning is already right in front of us, just waiting to be discover ed. They believe our problems arise because we don’t follow our instincts, develop our natural talents or listen to our creative inner voices. These lovers of beauty and excellence are excited by the great performances, insights and creative accomplishments of their fellow human beings. But they are equally impressed by the wonders of nature, and see themselves as part of a friendly and endlessly imaginative cosmos. Your score for awe is 60%. Spirituality Spiritual people live in a universe filled with mean ing and purpose. They may or may not be involved with organized religion. However, spiritual considerations motivate their actions and help to define their moral beliefs regardless of the form their spirituality takes. They see no contradiction between science and spirituality and are tolerant of people with different belief systems or divergent philosophical outlooks. Spiritual people PERSONAL EXPLORATION 10 value community and enjoy working with others for the greater good. They believe all of us have a role to play in bringing about a kinder, gentler and more loving world. Your score for spirituality is 55%. Enthusiasm Eager and energetic, people with a zest for life bring vitality and enthusiasm to everything they do. Variety is often called ‘the spice of life’, but when enthus iasm is present the equation is reversed - first comes the spark and then comes the variety, as those who possess this characteristic see life as an adventure and will naturally seek out as much diverse experience as they can find. Boredom is a foreign con cept to those who live with enthusiasm, since they bring the fun with them wherever they go. Your score for enthusiasm is 65%. PERSONAL EXPLORATION 11 References ISFJ: Leverage Your Personality Type. (2020, March 4). Retrieved from Personal Strengths Inventory. (2020, March 4). Retrieved from