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Adolescent Abuse & Addiction: Causes, Prevention & Treatment

Abuse and Addiction
LaTonya Woodruff
Liberty University
Abuse and Addiction
Addiction and abuse use has increased in the adolescent population throughout recent
years. There is an article that states that addiction abuse has risen amongst the adolescent
populations because of their ability to access alcohol and drugs. “Peers and family represent
proximal influences on development, while neighborhood, community, and larger cultural
contexts constitute more distal spheres of influence”, Nargiso, J. E., Friend, K., & Florin, P.
(2013). This is primarily due to the availability of alcohol and drugs within the family structure
or within their community.
The effects of addiction are very rapid in many areas across this country. We hear about
news stories on a daily basis where adolescents and young adults have taken different types of
drugs and or having lucid thoughts and are performing different types of acts including nudity
out in the public. There are also many stories across America where fatal drunk driving amongst
the younger population is increasing more and more each day. One story I'm familiar with is
from a couple of years back when a 20-year-old who was drunk driving hit a young mother and a
newborn infant. They were both killed upon immediate impact from the crash (FOX 26. 2018,
April 5). It was a story that shook that community to the core, emotionally affecting many.
One way to help identify and assist adolescents within the community with their
addiction and abuse issues is to have a method in place that allows an agency or an organization
to identify where the problem is arising. Addiction and abuse will vary from state to state, from
community and community, and within the different demographics. There is information that is
required so that assessments and programs can be initiated. Concept mapping is a method to
gather identifiable information, including health and related issues within different populations to
help construct a research approach (Montgomery, L., Vaughn, L. M., & Jacquez, F. 2022).
Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous have traditional been an effective approach to
abuse in adults. They are both now considered effective approaches to addiction abuse in
adolescents. Within the Alcoholics Anonymous, and Narcotics Anonymous treatment 12 step
plan, the prevalence of abstinence from substance abuse was at least 29% at 3 months, 30% at 6–
9 months, and 51%, at 1 year,(Sussman, S. 2010). These are positive results that can help inspire
the further implementation of additional programs and resources similar to the AA/NA 12 step
“Prior research indicates that personal religiosity inhibits activities such as smoking,
drinking, and drug use”,( Li, S. D.2011). Religion and spirituality have both been a positive
reinforcement for abuse and addiction prevention. Having a religious concept that ordains certain
behaviors have helped to shape a person's belief system and desire for certain things, like alcohol
and drugs. Religion places a barrier around the person holding them subject to adherence to the
religion’s preference. Spirituality creates an environment that helps to depress the oppressed.
Being spiritual can add the necessary complex needed mentally to sustain and abstain from abuse
and addiction. The presence of a family structure that encourages spiritual and religious practices
that denounce substance abuse should also be a part of the positive regimen to deter abuse and
addiction. It has been researched that the majority of an adolescent understanding and experience
with drugs and alcohol forms at a time when they are most vulnerable. Interpersonal family-level
risk variables, including poor parental support and parental trust, greater family conflict, and low
levels of bonding to family(Nargiso, J. E., Friend, K., & Florin, P. 2013). Having a family
structure that protects young children from the effects and the trauma of abuse and addiction is
one of the best ways to ensure their resilience against addiction and abuse.
FOX 26. (2018, April 5). Woman and baby killed in crash with suspected drunk driver on gulf
freeway. FOX 26 Houston. Retrieved February 13, 2022, from
Li, S. D. (2011). The religious context of parenting, family processes, and alcohol use in early
adolescence. Journal of Drug Issues, 41(4), 619–648. Retrieved February 13, 2022, from
Montgomery, L., Vaughn, L. M., & Jacquez, F. (2022). Engaging adolescents in the fight against
drug abuse and addiction: A concept mapping approach. Health Education & Behavior,
109019812110684. Retrieved February 13, 2022, from
Nargiso, J. E., Friend, K., & Florin, P. (2013). An examination of peer, family, and community
context risk factors for alcohol use and alcohol use intentions in early adolescents. The
Journal of Early Adolescence, 33(7), 973–993.
Sussman, S. (2010). A review of alcoholics anonymous/ narcotics anonymous programs for
teens. Evaluation & the Health Professions, 33(1), 26–55.
Wong, D. W., Hall, K. R., & Lucy, W. H. (2021). Counseling individuals through the lifespan
(counseling and professional identity) (2nd ed.). SAGE Publications, Inc.