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NUR 2222 Course Guidelines: Health Alterations

Fall 2022 Session II
Theory Course Guidelines & Expectations
NUR 2222 Health Alterations III Ref # 703671
STUDENT HOURS: Mondays 0800-0900, 1200-1300. Tuesdays & Wednesdays 30 minutes prior to the start of clinical
(pre-clinical). Thursdays 1000-1200, Fridays 0800-0900, 1200-1300.
OFFICE LOCATION: South Campus, Bld. 72, Room 160
CLASS DAYS/TIMES: Monday & Friday 0900-1150
CONTACT NUMBERS: Office Phone / Voice Mail: (954) 201-8855
Email: email in D2L (preferred communication method).
Cell Phone: 954-544-6116 (clinical days & times only)
Fax #: (954) 201-8040
Nursing Office: 954-201-8850
NUR 2222 Course Specific:
1. NUR 2222 Handout Packet (supplied on line)
2. Nursing Module Objectives NUR 2222
3. ECG's Made Easy (current edition)
4. NUR 2222 Course Guidelines & Expectations
5. Deglin, Davis Drug Guide for Nurses, current edition
6. Davis’ Diagnostic and Laboratory Test Reference
7. Cox, Nursing Diagnosis and Intervention
8. Lewis, Hietkemper, Bucher & Dirksen, Medical Surgical Nursing & Student Study Guide, 11th edition
9. Davis’ Taber’s Dictionary
10. Perry & Potter Nursing Skills Text (current edition)
Credit Hours: 3
Lecture/Discussion: 48 Hours
Contact Hours/Week: 6 Hours
A theoretical course designed to provide the student with the knowledge base necessary to integrate and implement
appropriate collaborative treatment modalities utilizing the nursing process for patients with cardiovascular, peripheral
vascular, pulmonary, hematological, thyroid and parathyroid dysfunctions while incorporating considerations of lifespan
and cultural factors.
1. Academic Honesty: BC Nursing Students are considered to have reached an age of responsible citizenship and are
expected to conduct themselves in a responsible, ethical and professional manner. It is the expectation that the student
in this course will reflect professionalism and academic honesty in all course work and activities. All course work is
expected to be done by the individual student unless the assignment is specifically designated as a group project in the
course syllabus.
2. Academic Dishonesty: A student found in breach of academic honesty in NUR2222 will be held responsible and
accountable based on the current requirements of the course, nursing program and the college. Refer to the College
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Catalog and the Nursing Student Handbook for additional information. Breaches of academic honesty include but are
not limited to:
a. Cheating: looking at text, notes, another student’s answers during the exam; informing or receiving from another
student test questions/answers; placing test answers onto Scantron® (when used) for another student; changing
answers on graded materials.
b. Plagiarism: claiming work of another as the product of a student’s own thoughts, whether the work is from a
published work or the work of another student.
c. Misrepresentation: an act of omission or commission with intent to deceive an instructor. This includes, but is not
limited to, misrepresenting family circumstances, employment conflicts, or other personal problems to gain academic
advantage for self or others.
d. Bribery: offering, giving, receiving, or soliciting anything of value to achieve an academic advantage.
e. Unauthorized possession of class materials: materials not formally released by the instructor including but not limited
to: exams, Scantron®, papers, etc.
3. Consequences for Academic Dishonesty will consist of all the following:
a. The student will receive a failing grade for the work the dishonest activity occurred.
b. The student will receive a failing grade for the course.
c. Other consequences for academic dishonesty may include suspension/expulsion from the nursing program and or
d. The student will be required to meet with the Department Chairperson about the disciplinary action of the nursing
program and the college.
4. Grievances – A formal process for resolving grievances specifies that a student is to first discuss the issues with the
involved person(s). A copy of the Grievance Procedure may be obtained from the Student Handbook
E. Attendance Requirements:
1. The first day of class covers 33 % of the content for exam 1. To promote student success, attendance is highly
recommended for the student to be successful in the course. Students not attending the first day of class will be
reported as not attending in the college data base and will be subsequently dropped from the class by the college.
2. Attendance at exams is mandatory.
3. The student is responsible to obtain all material/information presented in class including lecture, announcements,
handouts and audiovisuals, if absent.
4. At the start of class, students are to be in their seats and ready for class to begin at the specified starting time.
5. Tardy students are requested to enter the classroom when the class resumes after break. To maintain the safety of
the course participants, the door is locked according to college safety guidelines.
F. Class Participation:
1. Prepare for class by completing the reading specific to the scheduled lecture and outline content using the module
objectives, and lecture outline. Complete the Student Study Guide sections specific to lecture content.
2. (a) Transfer and apply information from prerequisite and co-requisite courses taken up to the present time.
(b) Students are responsible to review anatomy, physiology, and pharmacology principles as they apply to this course.
3. Participate in the classroom setting via verbal input is encouraged.
G. Classroom Etiquette/Behaviors:
1. Attentive listening is encouraged.
2. The college may change this course to remote instruction delivery.
3. Ready at start of class initiation and re-initiation of class after break.
4. Class room dress code: Nursing department prescribed uniform and dress code for on campus exams/sessions.
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H. Grading Criteria:
1. Grading in this course is the point system.
Course Grade Scale
Departmental Grading Scale
Exam Grading Scale
Grade = Points
Grade = Percent
Individual exams
A = 276-300
A = 100-92
A = 69-75
B = 249-275
B = 91-83
B = 63-68
C = 219-248
C = 82-73
C = 55-62
D = 189-218
D = 72-63
D = 47-54
F = 000-188
F = 62-00
F = 00-46
3. Course letter grades will be assigned on the following point scale per the nursing departmental grading scale:
4. The minimum passing score for NUR 2222 is 219 points; (73% = C). A final score below 219 is considered a failing
grade by the Department of Nursing and the student should meet with the department chairperson to explore available
5. A total of 4 exams will be administered for NUR 2222. Exams have a minimum of 75 questions for each exam and will
include multiple choice questions, medication math, EKG rhythm strips and alternative format questions. Points for the
course will only be obtained from administered exams.
I. Exam/Test Criteria
1. Examinations are based on module objectives and the exam questions are derived from sources of class discussions,
handouts, required readings, textbooks and audiovisual material.
2. a. Most test questions are multiple-choice. The test questions for medication math, rhythm strip analysis and
alternative questions may require written answers. There will be multiple multiple-select questions.
b. Questions may also be based on the Next Generation NCLEX (NGN) test question format.
3. The test questions used for examination will focus on the student’s ability to assimilate, prioritize, organize, delegate,
individualize and determine appropriate nursing actions in accordance with scientific principles and knowledge base for
patients with specific cardiovascular, pulmonary, thyroid/parathyroid and hematological disorders.
J. Testing Process:
1. Schedule dates for Exams are listed on the class schedule and are subject to change.
2. Exams are time tested and the amount of time allotted for each exam is approximately 110 minutes.
3. Exams will be administered in classrooms computer labs.
a. Students are to be seated and ready at least fifteen (15) minutes before the start of the exam, with pencils, pens,
eraser, etc. Elimination needs resolved prior to initiation of the exam and technology devices turned off or in silent
4. Exam Scores will be determined by the responses entered for the computerized exam or on the Scantron® card only,
when used.
5. Facial covering (masks) are strongly recommended for on campus activities (subject to change)
6. To abide by BC & CDC COVID-19 guidelines, the class MAY be divided into small groups to sit the exam. This means
that exams will last longer than the normal duration of class time.
4b. Examinations will be computer-based. Paper-based exams will be used only if D2L is down. Exams will take place
on South Campus.
5. If an instructor or proctor has any reason to believe that a student may be engaged in cheating behaviors, the
instructor or proctor has the right to change a student’s seat or have the student terminate the exam and leave the
classroom. There will be no discussion at that time during the testing situation.
6. Once the testing process has been initiated, students are to remain in the room until their exam is completed and
submitted. If a student submits the exam before time expires or before all questions are answered, that submission
will be considered as final.
7. During the testing process the student will remain in his/her seat and raise hand for questions.
8. Ensure notes and text content not visible.
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9. Seating may be assigned for examinations and photo identification will be required to sit the examination.
K. Exam Attendance:
1. Attendance for exams is mandatory.
a. If a student is unable to write an exam at the scheduled time due to an absence or tardy, the student must notify the
instructor of the absence or tardiness preferably prior to scheduled class time by office voice mail and course email.
b. Students are to be in their seats at the initiation of an exam or they are considered tardy and will not be allowed to
take that exam. Tardiness for an exam is handled as an absence.
c. Make-up exams due to an absence or tardiness will be limited to verifiable emergency situations only with written
verification of the specific emergency: This includes but not limited to a medical treatment report or police report.
L. Make-up-Exams:
1. Make-up exam may be given for verifiable extenuating circumstances only and may be scheduled in the first week of
the next term. An incomplete grade will be recorded until the exam is completed. A grade of F will be earned if the final
exam is not taken within the first week of the new term.
2. Make-up Exams are a combination of essay, fill-in-the-blank, multiple choice and ordering/ matching covering
objectives in the missed exam.
3. It is the student’s responsibility to schedule the make-up exam date with the instructor
M. Exam Results:
1. Students will receive examination results within five duty days of the exam via D2L.
2. Student’s with poor comprehension of math problems or rhythm strips may use the lab resources for assistance.
3. Results of the final exam and the final course grade will not be released until all groups have completed their clinical
N. Exam Reviews:
Exam reviews are limited to review of content that was not understood based on examination analysis. During review
students are not to copy test content. No specific exam question will be reviewed.
O. Syllabus Change Notice: Changes/corrections to these guidelines and syllabus, if needed to ensure academic
integrity of this course, will be made upon written notice to the student.
P. Academic Accommodations for Students with Disabilities
If you are requesting academic accommodations for this class, you must first register with Accessibility Resources, who
will evaluate your request and determine eligibility. To contact Accessibility Resources either call 954-201-6527, or visit
their website: www.broward.edu/accessibility. If approved, you will be provided with an Accommodation Plan that you
must deliver to me electronically. Once received, we will discuss which accommodations you are requesting for this
class, and in accordance with Broward College policy 6Hx2-5.09 you will be provided with the appropriate
accommodations. Students who wait until after completing the course, or an activity, to request accommodations
should not expect any grade to be changed, or to be able to retake the course or activity.
Q. Instruction delivery will be face-to-face on campus.
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Fall 2022 Session II
Course Guidelines & Expectations Acceptance Page
Health Alterations III Ref # 703671
NUR2222- Theory Course guidelines & Expectations
Fall 2022: Session II
I, ________________________________________________________,
have read, and I understand and agree to comply with the course guidelines and expectations for NUR2222.
Signature: _______________________________________________ Date: _______________
Please sign and upload this page only into the assignment drop box in your theory course by 0800 AM on Monday
August 29, 2022
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