Lesson Plan History Subject History Date 15th to 26th Aug 22 Topic Orientation Initial Years of Pakistan Grade 7-A Objectives Methodology Resources Topic Time Assessment Criteria Students should be able to: ● ● Tuesday Identify various historical Warm Up: The teacher will introduce herself. figures Learners will take turns to talk about Get to know their peers. themselves by answering get-to-know-you questions. Development: Students will do a collective brainstorming activity to list down names of historical figures around the world. Then each learner will pick one historical figure from the list and tell a few fun facts about him/her. Orientation 80 minutes The students learning will be assessed through how well they 5 minutes remember historical figures they learned about in previous classes 25 minutes 40 minutes Production: Learners will be tasked to draw or write about any historical figure of their choice on a piece of chart paper provided by the teacher. Wrap-up: Students will take a gallery walk around the classroom. This activity allows students to get double the benefit as they assemble their own posters and then participate in a gallery walk to view their peers’ work. 10 minutes Students should be able to: ● Get to know their teacher and peers. ● Be in the know about course split up. Thursday Warm up: Teacher will start the lesson with an ice breaker activity. Development: The facilitator will give an overview of the course split up to the learners and help them with notebook preparation. Orientation 40 minutes The students' learning will be assessed through how well they 10 minutes were able to familiarise themselves with the course and notebook preparation. 10 minutes Practice: Notebook essentials (Syllabus and Term pointers) will be given to the learners to prepare their notebooks. 15 minutes Wrap up: The whole lesson will be wrapped up by the teacher through taking feedback from learners about the course split up. 5 minutes Students should be able to: ● ● ● Understand and explain the problems faced by Pakistan after establishment. Understand and explain the milestones achieved by Pakistan after establishment. Memorise the timeline of establishment. Tuesday Warm up: The teacher will start her lesson with an ice-breaker activity Development: The facilitator will write all 10 topics from the unit on pieces of folded paper and ask students in pairs to choose one each. Production: Once the students have been assigned the topics, they will be tasked to make PowerPoint presentations, using various sources (Wikipedia, Google search, Textbooks etc.) Wrap up: The learners will exercise a thinkpair-share activity to discuss the topics with their partners for better clarity. PowerPoint The Initial Years of Pakistan 80 minutes Students' ability to understand and explain the topic 5 minutes assigned to them will be assessed 10 minutes 55 minutes 10 minutes Students should be able to: ● ● ● Understand and explain the problems faced by Pakistan after establishment. Understand and explain the milestones achieved by Pakistan after establishment. Memorise the timeline of establishment. Thursday Projector Development: Students will present their PowerPoint projects. PowerPoint Practice: Taking 5 minutes each, Students will be present their topic to the class and engage in a short Q&A activity. Learners will be graded on a Rubrik for their presentation. Wrap up: Exit slips will be used to identify what the student did not learn from the lesson https://studylib.net/doc/ 7046206/gradingrubric-for-powerpointpresentation Initial Years of Pakistan 40 minutes Students' ability to explain their assigned topic to their peers will be assessed. Their own understanding will also be tested through a Q&A 35 minutes activity. 5 minutes