INTRODUCTION A differential equation is an equation that involves one or more derivatives e.g. d 2 y dy (1) xy 2 cos 5 x 2 dx dx d3y dy 6 x 2 ln x 3 dx dx (2) v v 0 s t (3) 2u 2u 2u x y x 2 y 2 z 2 (4) There are two types of differential equations namely 1. Ordinary Differential equations (ODE) Equation (1) and (2) are ordinary differential equations 2. Partial differential equation (PDE) Equation (3) and (4) are partial differential equations. v – Dependent variable and s,t – independent variables, in (3) u – Dependent variable and x, y, z – independent variables, in (4) DEFINITIONS a) Order of a differential equation The order of a differential equation is the order of the highest ordered derivative which occurs in the equation e.g. d 2 y dy y 5x Order 2 dx 2 dx d3y d2y 2 y x4 Order 3 3 dx dx b) degree of a differential equation The degree of the differential equation is the degree of the highest ordered derivative which occurs in the equation e.g. 4 d 2 y dy y 2cos x dx 2 dx Degree 2 Equation d4y d2y 6y 0 dx 4 dx 2 4 d 2 y dy x 2 3y e dx dx d3y 5ln x dx3 4 5 5 d7y d3y d2y 5 7 8y 0 dx3 dx 2 dx Order 4 Degree 1 2 4 3 1 7 4 CLASSIFICATION OF ORDINARY DIFFERNTIAL EQUATIONS Ordinary equation are classified into two groups a) Linear differential equations A linear differential equation of order n in the dependent variable x is one which can be expressed in the form dny d n1 y dy an x n an1 x n1 ................a1 x a0 x y r x dx dx dx Where an x 0 and which is such that i. Dependent variable y and its derivatives a are in their first degree ii. No product of y or its derivatives are present iii. No transcendental functions of y and its derivatives occur. e.g. 2 d y dy 7 3y 0 (1) 2 dx dx d4y d3y d2y x 4 x 2 3 x3 2 x (2) dx dx dx NB Equation (1) is a linear equation with constant coefficient while equation (2) is a linear equation with variable coefficient b) Non-linear differential equations O.D.Es that do not satisfy all the three conditions are said to be non- linear. Identify if the equation is linear or non – linear. i. ii. iii. d3y dy 5 6 y2 9 3 dx dx 2 2 d y dy 7 4y 0 dx 2 dx d2y dy 8y 3y 0 2 dx dx ORIGIN OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS Differential equations occur in connection to numerous problems that one encounters in various branches of science and engineering. i. e. differential equations may arise from a) Geometric problems b) Physical problems c) Primitive. Examples i. A falling stone from the top of a building if x is time and y is displacement then acc y Hence we can write a model y g By integrating we get y gx v0 By integrating once more we get the displacement as y gx v0 dx 1 2 gx v0 x y0 2 Where v0 is the initial velocity and y0 is the displacement when t = 0 ii. Determination of motion of a projectile. e.g. rocket iii. Determination of the charge or current in an electric circuit If charge q t and charge i t at time t are related by i dq dt di 0 dt Where E is voltage, L inductance and R resistor The general solution is E iR L i t iv. v. vi. Rt E Ke L R Determining of the vibration of a wire or a membrane Heat condition in a rod or in a slab Population growth in human, animal and bacteria e.t.c The mathematical formulation of such problems gives rise to different equations Primitive A primitive is a relation between variables which involve n – essential arbitrary constant e.g. y x3 ax y Ax 4 Bx NB: Arbitrary constant are said to be essential if they cannot be replaced by smaller numbers of constants for example given y Ax 4 Bx Cx A, B and C are not all essential constants because they can be reduced to 2 constants y Ax 4 Bx Cx Ax 4 B C x Ax 4 Kx Where k = B+C and therefore there are only 2 essential constants A primitive involving n-essential arbitrary constant gives rise to differential equations of order n free of arbitrary constant. We obtain equation by eliminating the n contest by differentiating n times Example 1 Obtain the differential equation associated with y ae2x be x ce x Solution ........................................................ (i) y ae2x be x ce x y 2ae2 x be x ce x ........................................................ (ii) y 4ae2 x be x ce x ........................................................ (iii) y 8ae2 x be x ce x ........................................................ (iv) Subtracting (i) from (iii) we get y y 3ae2 x Adding (ii) from (iv) we get y y 6ae2 x y y 2 y y y 2 y y 2 y 0 Example 2 Obtain the differential equation associated with y a1e3 x a2e2 x a3e x Solution y 3a1e3 x 2a2e2 x a3e x y 9a1e 4a2e a3e 3x 2x ........................................................ (i) x y 27a1e3 x 8a2e2 x a3e x ........................................................ (ii) ........................................................ (iii) Adding (i) from (ii) we get y y 12 Ae2 x Adding (ii) from (iii) we get y y 36 Ae2 x y y 3 y y y 2 y 3 y 0 Example 3 Obtain the differential equation associated with y Ae3x Be x C Solution y 3 Ae3 x Be x ........................................................ (i) y 9 Ae3 x Be x ........................................................ (ii) y 27 Ae3 x Be x ........................................................ (iii) Adding (i) from (ii) we get y y 12 Ae2 x Adding (ii) from (iii) we get y y 36 Ae2 x y y 3 y y y 2 y 3 y 0 Example 4 Obtain the differential equation associated with y Ax3 Bx 2 C Solution y 3 Ax 2 2 Bx y 6 Ax 2 B y 6 A A 1 y 6 1 2 B 6 Ax y 6 yx y 6 xy y 1 y 3 Ax 2 2 Bx 3 yx 2 xy y x 6 1 2 x y x 2 y xy 2 1 xy x 2 y 2 1 2 x y xy y 0 2 Example 5 Obtain the differential equation associated with x2 y3 x3 y5 0 [implicit function] dy dy 3x 2 y 5 5 x3 y 4 0 dx dx dy 2 xy 3 3x 2 y 5 3x 2 y 2 5 x 3 y 4 0 dx 2 xy 3 3x 2 y 2 NB: The equation is a first order since there is only one essential arbitrary constant we can also write the equation as 2xy3 3x2 y5 dx 3x2 y 2 5x3 y 4 dy 0 Example 6 Show that a function defined by f x a1e2 x a2e x where a1 and a2 arbitrary constants is associated with a differential equation of the form y y 2 y 0 Exercise: 1. Obtain a differential equation associated with the primitive a) y a1e3 x a2e x a3e x b) y Ax 2 c) x 2 9 y 2 B 2. Show that a function defined by f x b1e3 x b2e x where b1 and b2 are arbitrary constants associated with the differential equation of the form d2y dy 2 3y 0 2 dx dx 3. Show that a function defined by g x c1e3 x c2 xe3 x c3e3 x where c1 , c2 and c3 are arbitrary constants associated with the differential equation of the form d3y d2y dy 3 9 27 y 0 3 2 dx dx dx 4. Show that a function defined by f ( x) c1e 2 x c 2 e 2 x c3 e 4 x where c1 , c2 and c3 are arbitrary constants associated with the differential equation of the form d3y d2y dy 4 4 16 y 0 3 2 dx dx dx SOLUTION OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS A solution of a differential equation is any function satisfying the equation .In other words the solution of a differential equation is the primitive associated with it. Types of Solutions General solution This is the primitive associated with the differential equation. The number of arbitrary constant in the solution is equal to the order of the differential equation. It is the primitive Particular solution This is obtained from the general solution by giving numerical values of the arbitrary constant e.g. d2y y0 y A sin x B cos x is a general solution of dx 2 2 2 then we would get the particular If one is given initial condition, say y 0 3 and y solution as y 2sin x 3cos x Singular Solution Addition solution which cannot be obtained from the general solution (e g primitive) Exercise Verify that the given function is a solution of the corresponding differential equations and determine value of c using given initial conditions a) y y 1 y Ce x 1 y 0 2.5 b) xy 2 y y Cx 2 y 2 12 c) yy x y 2 x2 C y 0 1