Chin-Up Specialization Program Macrocycle Duration: 12-16 Weeks Frequency: 4 sessions per week Goal: From 0 Chin-Ups to 6+ Reps at bodyweight Weekly Split For the entire 12-16 weeks of the macrocycle, follow the weekly split presented in the table below. Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Upper 1 Lower 1 Off Upper 2 Lower 2 Off Off In this program, only upper body training days are presented since this is a Chin-Up specialization program. Lower Body Training Guidelines: ● You can continue to do your usual lower body sessions ● Keep the lower body sessions at RPE 6 to avoid the buildup of systemic fatigue that can prolong the recovery process and might negatively affect upper body sessions ● Decrease lower body volume about 20-30% to accommodate for more energy reserve for upper body training sessions ● Decrease the stress on shoulders in lower body sessions by replacing the straight bar in exercises such as back squats, good morning etc. to the safety bar if possible. Alternatively, you can choose other variations such as belt squat etc. to allow shoulders to recover from the higher volume of training from upper body sessions. Grip Training On Lower Body Days You can pick from the exercises on the list below to do on lower body days. Just make sure that every training session during the week using a different variation. For holding/pinching exercises, we recommend sets of 20-30s done in 1-6 reps. For dynamic exercises, we recommend sets of 12-15 reps. Pinch Block - Small - One Arm Pinch Block - Medium - One Arm Pinch Block - Large - One Arm Farmer’s Walk Captains of Crush Pinch - DB - One Arm Pinch - Plates - One Arm Pinch Hub - One-Arm Active Hang - Bar - Medium Grip - Pronated Active Hang - Bar - Wide Grip - Pronated Active Hang - Rope Hold - BB By Side - Thick Grip - One Arm How to read the program: Exercise Order Exercises for each block of a training session are categorized by letters such as A,B,C,D. A series are the primary exercises of the session, B series are the assistance exercises, and C and D series are the remedial exercises. Example: A1) Overhead Press - Standing - BB - Medium Grip - Pronated 4 x 6-8 / 40X0 / 120s A2) Chin Up - Medium Grip - Neutral 4 x 6-8 / 4010 / 120s The exercises here belong to the A series and are done in a circuit fashion. You do 1 set of A1, rest 120 seconds, then do a set of A2, rest 120 seconds, go back to A1. You go back and forth until all 4 sets are done then move to the next block of the session. If you only see a letter without any numbers such as the following: A) Active Hang 2 x As Long As Possible / 60s In this case, you do one set of A, rest 60 seconds, and you do another set. You do all the sets of the exercise before moving on to the next block. Sets x Reps For every exercises, sets and reps are written in this manner: Sets x Reps Based on the example above 4 x 6-8, that means 4 sets of 6-8 repetitions. Tempo Tempo is written in a 4-digit format such as 4010. The first digit is the eccentric phase. The second digit is the pause after the eccentric phase. The third digit is the concentric phase. The fourth digit is the pause of the concentric phase. For example, Chin Ups done with 4010 means: Go up 1 second, no pause at the top, lower in 4 seconds, no pause at the bottom. Rest Period This is the last section of the loading parameters. For example: Chin Up - Medium Grip Neutral 4 x 6-8 / 4010 / 120s The rest period is shown in S (seconds). How to load the exercises A Series Primary Exercises: In this program, A1 is always a pressing variation. You should select a weight that allows for excellent form for all the reps without too much grinding. For a beginner, I recommend to leave at least 1-2 reps in the tank for A1 exercises. If the set calls for 10-12 reps, you want to choose a load that you could do 12 reps with good form while leaving 1-2 reps in the tank. Since there are multiple sets during the workout, due to residual fatigue, the subsequent sets will be slightly more challenging. For every set, make sure the load allows you to stay within the rep range prescribed. This takes a few sets during the specific warm-up to figure out the right load. B Series Secondary Exercises: The B series are generally less complex and done at lower intensity (higher reps) in comparison to the A series. As a result, you can push slightly harder on these exercises and take them to failure or close to failure. Make sure you select the appropriate load to stay within the rep range for every set. C and D Series Remedial Exercises: The C & D series are isolation exercises that improve structural balance and emphasize smaller body parts. When working areas such as rotator cuffs, lower traps and neck, there is no need for them to go to failure. Sub-maximal loading is what I recommend here. In practical terms, you can leave 3-4 reps in the tank. On the other hand, when working on body parts such as arms, forearms, deltoid and pecs, you can take them close to failure or failure. These are low-load exercises and much less complex as opposed to A and B series. Therefore, you can push them more. When to Increase load Whenever you can do the highest rep of the rep range with the same load for all sets of the training session,you increase the load by 2-3%. Example: 4 x 6-8 Set 1: 60 kg x 8 Set 2: 60 kg x 7 Set 3: 60 kg x 6 Set 4: 60 kg x 6 In this case, you do not increase the load until you can do 4 sets of 8 reps @ 60 kg. Once you reach there, the next session you add 2-3% and repeat the process. Warm Up Guidelines: Warm up consists of two blocks: General & Specific General Warm Up: In this section, you can include movement preparation drills such as the mobility drills you learned in this course as well as general strength exercises that engage the same muscles that will be trained in the session. For example, If the session calls for: A1) Overhead Press - Standing - BB - Medium Grip - Pronated 4 x 8-10 / 4010 / 120s A2) Chin Up - Medium Grip - Supinated 4 x 8-10 / 4010 / 120s Part 1: Movement Prep - Wall Seated Thoracic Extension x 10 reps - Dynamic Lat Stretch In Power Rack 5 reps / 3s hold - Loaded Shoulder Dislocates 5 reps / 5s hold Part 2: General Strength Warm Up Circuit: - Pulldown - Straight Arm - Wide Grip - Pronated Pressdown - Standing - Band Lateral Raise - Prone 15 - DB - Neutral Overhead Press - Standing - DB - Neutral 2 x 10-12 / 2011 / 30s 2 x 12-15 / 1010 / 30s 2 x 12-15 / 2010 / 30s 2 x 10-12 / 2010 / 30s The goal is to induce blood flow.Therefore, stay away from failure and use a much lighter load that you normally would for the given rep range. Specific Warm Up: In this block, you will warm up on the exercises for the A series. You can follow the guidelines for warm up given below. Warm Up Set 1: Empty Bar (For BB Based Exercises) x 6-10 Reps Cable/Machine Based/DB 40% x 6-10 Warm Up Set 2: 50-60% x 6 Warm Up Set 3: 60-70% x 4 Then go to your working set. ***The percentage above is not % of 1RM. It is the % of load for the first working set. For example, if your first working set calls for 60 kg for 10 reps, here is how it might look like. Empty Bar x 6-10 30-36 kg x 6 42 kg x 4 1st Working Set Example: A1) Overhead Press - Standing - BB - Medium Grip - Pronated 4 x 8-10 / 4010 / 120s A2) Chin Up - Medium Grip - Neutral 4 x AMAP / 5000 / 10s A3) Pulldown - Medium Grip - Neutral 4 x 8-10 / 4010 / 120s Warm up for Overhead Press + Pulldown to find the right load foe your first working set. ***Click on the name of each exercise to see the attached video*** Option A: If Active Hang Is Less Than 60 seconds Upper 1 A) Active Hang 2 x ALAP / 60-90s B1) Overhead Press - Standing - DB - One Arm - Neutral 3 x 10-12 / 4010 / 75s B2) Pulldown - Medium Grip - Neutral 3 x 10-12 / 3011 / 75s C1) Bench Press - Flat - DB - Semi Pronated 2 x 10-12 / 3010 / 75s C2) Row - Seated - Medium Grip - Supinated 2 x 10-12 / 3011 / 75s D1) Pressdown - Standing - High Pulley - Rope 2 x 10-12 / 3010 / 60s D2) Curl - Standing - Low Pulley - Supinated 2 x 10-12 / 3010 / 60s E) Active Hang 2 x ALAP / 60-90s Upper 2 A) Active Hang 2 x ALAP / 60-90s B1) Bench Press - Incline 45 - DB - Semi Pronated 3 x 10-12 / 4010 / 75s B2) Pulldown - Medium Grip - Pronated 3 x 10-12 / 3011 / 75s C1) Bench Press - Decline 30 - DB - Neutral 2 x 10-12 / 3010 / 75s C2) Row - Seated - Wide Grip - Neutral 2 x 10-12 / 3011 / 75s D1) Row - Seated - Rope To Neck 2 x 10-12 / 2012 / 75s D2) Liatsos Raise - Incline 45 - DB 2 x 10-12 / 2012 / 75s E) Active Hang 2 x ALAP / 60-90s *** On lower body days, do 2 sets of active hang at the beginning and 2 sets at the end of the workout. ***Once the trainee can demonstrate a 60-second active hang, move on to Option B, Phase 1. Option B: If Active Hang Is More Than 60 seconds Phase 1: Extended Eccentric Upper 1 A1) Overhead Press - Standing - DB - One Arm - Neutral 4 x 10-12 / 4010 / 90s A2) Chin Up - Medium Grip - Neutral 4 x AMAP / 5-10s ccentric only / 10s A3) Pulldown - Medium Grip - Neutral 4 x 4-10 / 4010 / 90s *For pulldown, refer to the table in the course to choose the right rep range. B1) Bench Press - Flat - DB - Neutral 3 x 10-12 / 3110 / 90s B2) Row - Seated - Wide Grip - Pronated 3 x 10-12 / 2012 / 90s C1) Pressdown - Standing - High Pulley - Rope 3 x 10-12 / 3010 / 45s C2) Neck Extension - Standing - Swiss Ball 3 x 6 / 6s isometric / 45s C3) Zottman Curl - Seated - DB 3 x 10-12 / 3010 / 45s Upper 2 A1) Bench Press - Flat - DB - Semi Pronated 4 x 10-12 / 4010 / 90s A2) Chin Up - Medium Grip - Neutral 4 x AMAP / 5-10s eccentric only / 10s A3) Pulldown - Medium Grip - Neutral 4 x 4-10 / 4010 / 90s *For pulldown, refer to the table in the course to choose the right rep range. B1) Overhead Press - Seated - Supported - DB - Neutral 3 x 10-12 / 3010 / 90s B2) Row - Seated - Medium Grip - Supinated 3 x 10-12 / 2012 / 90s C1) External Rotation - Side Lying - Elbow By The Side - DB 3 x 10-12 / 3010 / 45s C2) Trap 3 Raise - Head Supported - DB - One Arm 3 x 8-10 / 3010 / 45s C3) Wrist Supination + Wrist Pronation 3 x 12-15 each / 2010 / 45s Phase 1 Target: 4 sets of 3 reps at 10s eccentric = 12 reps in total Phase 2: 3-Pause Yielding Isometric Upper 1 A1) Bench Press - Incline 45 - BB - Medium Grip - Pronated 4 x 6-8 / 4010 / 120s A2) Chin Up - Medium Grip - Neutral - 3 x Pause Isometric 4 x AMAP / 5-10s / 10s A3) Pulldown - Medium Grip - Neutral 4 x 4-10 / 4010 / 120s *For pulldown, refer to the table in the course to choose the right rep range. B1) Bench Press - Decline 30 - DB - Neutral 3 x 8-10 / 3110 / 90s B2) Row - Bench Supported - DB - One Arm 3 x 8-10 / 3010 / 90s C1) Triceps Extension - Decline 15 - DB - Neutral 3 x 8-10 / 3010 / 45s C2) Neck Extension - Supine - Swiss Ball 3 x 8-10 / 3s isometric / 45s C3) Scott Curl - EZ Bar - Semi Supinated 3 x 8-10 / 3010 / 45s Upper 2 A1) Bench Press - Decline 30 - BB - Close Grip - Pronated 4 x 6-8 / 4010 / 120s A2) Chin Up - Medium Grip - Neutral - 3 x Pause Isometric 4 x AMAP / 5-10s / 10s A3) Pulldown - Medium Grip - Neutral 4 x 4-10 / 4010 / 120s *For pulldown, refer to the table in the course to choose the right rep range. B1) Bench Press - Incline 45 - DB - Neutral 3 x 8-10 / 3110 / 90s B2) Row - Bench Supported - Elbow Out - DB - One Arm 3 x 8-10 / 3011 / 90s C1) Row - Seated - Rope To Forehead 3 x 8-10 / 3011 / 30s C2) Ulnar Deviation + Radial Deviation 3 x 10-12 each / 2010 / 30s Phase 2 Target: 4 sets of 4 reps at 10s per pause = 12 reps in total Phase 3: Ankle-Assisted Concentric Upper 1 A1) Overhead Press - Standing - BB - Medium Grip - Pronated 4 x 8-10 / 4010 / 100s A2) Chin Up - Medium Grip - Neutral - Ankle-Assisted *6 reps in total = unassisted + assisted 4 x 6 / 2010 / 100s B1) Bench Press - Flat - DB - Neutral 3 x 10-12 / 3010 / 75s B2) Row - Seated - Close Grip - Pronated 3 x 10-12 / 3011 / 75s C1) French Press - Seated - Low Pulley - Rope 3 x 10-12 / 3110 / 45s C2) Neck Extension - Prone - Plate 3 x 12-15 / 2011 / 45s C2) Curl - Incline 60 - DB - Supinated 3 x 10-12 / 3011 / 45s D) Block Pinch 3 x 6 / 6s / 30s Upper 2 A1) Bench Press - Flat - BB - Medium Grip - Pronated 4 x 8-10 / 4010 / 100s A2) Chin Up - Medium Grip - Neutral - Ankle-Assisted *6 reps in total = unassisted + assisted 4 x 6 / 2010 / 100s B1) Overhead Press - Seated - Unsupported - DB - Neutral 3 x 10-12 / 3010 / 75s B2) Row - Seated - Medium Grip - Supinated 3 x 10-12 / 3011 / 75s C1) External Rotation - Elbow on Knee - DB - One Arm 3 x 10-12 / 2011 / 45s C2) Trap 3 Raise - Standing - Low Pulley - Facing 3 x 8-10 / 3011 / 45s C3) Wrist Extension + Wrist Flexion / Decline 30 -DB - One Arm 3 x 10-12 / 2011 / 45s Phase 3 Target: 6 reps unassisted