Uploaded by Nicole Pech

MyPlate Food Group Webquest Worksheet

Name ___________________________________
Date ______________
Food Group Webquest
This Webquest will help you experience the United States government’s MyPlate site. You will
learn about the different parts of MyPlate and how they can help you make healthy lifestyle
choices. Follow the directions below and write your answers on this sheet.
Introduction: Your Personalized Nutrient Needs
Click on the following link to access a daily MyPlate Food Plan that is suited to your age, gender,
and activity level: https://www.choosemyplate.gov/MyPlatePlan.You may wish to also add in your
height and weight to get the most accurate recommendations. This will help you know how much
of each group of MyPlate you should be consuming each day.
Food Group
Recommended Amount
Part 1: Food Group Overview
On the www.myplate.gov home page, scroll down to the “Explore the MyPlate Food Groups”
section. Tap on “learn more” below the Fruits icon to begin. For some questions, you will need to
click on the down arrows to view the information in the tables provided, or to scroll through
galleries on each sub topic. When you complete the fruit group, return to the home page to
navigate to each of the other food group sections on the pages that follow.
a) Any fruit or 100% fruit juice counts as part of the fruit group. Fruits can be
___________________, ___________________, ___________________, or dried, and may be
___________________, ___________________, or pureed.
b) What counts as a cup of fruit?
 In general, ________ cup fresh fruit or 100% fruit juice or ________ cup dried fruit
 1 ____________ apple, 1 ___________ banana, _____ large strawberries, or ______ seedless
grapes would usually equal up to one cup.
c) List two foods in the fruits group that you’ve never heard of before,
Insert or Draw
Fruit Photo
then insert a photo of one of them here! _______________, ________________.
a) Any vegetable or 100% vegetable juice counts as a member of the veggie group.
b) Vegetables may be raw or cooked; ___________________, ___________________,
___________________, or ___________________/dehydrated, and may be whole cut-up, or mashed.
c) Vegetables are organized into 5 subgroups based on their colors and therefore nutrient content.
They are:
Hint: Use the first column of the “Cup of Vegetable” Table to help you with this question!
Group Name
2 Food Examples in this Group
d) Identify one vegetable that you’ve never heard of before
and would like to try: _____________________________.
Insert or Draw
New Veggie
Photo Here!
Then, insert a photo of that veggie in the box provided.
Hint: Use the Vegetable “Food Gallery” to help you with this question!
a) What counts as an ounce serving? In general, a ___________________ of bread,
__________________ of ready-to-eat cereal, or ____________ cup of cooked rice, cooked pasta, or
cooked cereal can be considered as a serving from the grains group.
b) Grains are divided into 2 subgroups:
Example of a Food in this Group
c) Most refined grains are ___________________. This means certain B vitamins (thiamin,
riboflavin, niacin, folic acid) and iron are added back after processing.
___________________ is not added back to enriched grains.
d) Identify one grain that you’ve never heard of before
and would like to try: _____________________________.
Insert or Draw
New Grain
Photo Here!
Then, insert a photo of that grain in the box provided.
Protein Foods
a) All foods made from: ___________________, ___________________, ___________________,
beans and ____________, ___________________, processed soy products, nuts and
___________________ are good sources of protein.
b) Vegetarians Choices: Vegetarians can get enough protein from this group as long as:
Examples of vegetarian sources of protein are: _______________ and ________________.
c) What counts as a serving? In general, ___ ounce of meat, poultry or fish, ___ cup cooked
beans, ___ egg, ___ tablespoon of peanut butter, or ___ ounce of nuts or seeds can be
considered as 1 ounce-equivalent from the Protein Foods Group.
a) All __________________ milk products and many foods made from milk are in this group.
b) Calcium-fortified ________ milk is also part of this group, and a good choice for vegans.
c) List 5 examples of dairy or calcium-rich foods: ___________________, ________________,
____________________, __________________, _____________________.
d) List two tips to move to low-fat or fat-free dairy:
a. ______________________________________________________________________
b. ______________________________________________________________________
Other Key Topics
Myplate.gov also helps you to learn about other important factors to watch in your diet. Click the link to
view the “key topics” area: https://www.myplate.gov/eat-healthy/more-key-topics. Select either oils,
added sugars, saturated fats, or sodium. Summarize this section by listing 2 facts you learned:
a. ______________________________________________________________________
b. ______________________________________________________________________
Healthy Eating on a Budget
Explore the sections of the meal planning and budgeting part of choosemyplate.gov at the following link:
https://www.choosemyplate.gov/eathealthy/budget. Identify three tips for saving money when planning
meals or buying food:
1. ________________________________________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________________________________________
3. ________________________________________________________________________________
4. ________________________________________________________________________________
5. ________________________________________________________________________________
Part 2: Health Benefits
Directions: Next you will dig deeper into each MyPlate group to learn about the specific benefits
each food group has for your body and health. The answers to these sections can be found in
the sub-headings of each of the MyPlate sections you explored in part one. Begin by clicking on
the appropriate food group from the MyPlate homepage.
a) How can eating fruits benefit your health?
i. ____________________________________________________________________
ii. ____________________________________________________________________
b) List and explain two nutrients provided by fruits:
i. ____________________________________________________________________
ii. ____________________________________________________________________
a) How can eating vegetables benefit your health?
i. ____________________________________________________________________
ii. ____________________________________________________________________
b) Based on our class discussion and the definition of “variety,” explain how you can get more
“variety” in your vegetable choices? ______________________________________________
c) List and explain two nutrients provided by vegetables:
i. ____________________________________________________________________
ii. ____________________________________________________________________
a) How can eating grains benefit your health?
i. ____________________________________________________________________
ii. ____________________________________________________________________
b) Use a dictionary or scan the QR code on the left and record definition “d” for the
vocabulary word fortify:
c) Based on what you now know about grains, how do you think the definition of fortify can
apply to grains?
d) Identify a synonym for “fortified” used on the Grains page to describe how nutrients are
added back into the products after processing: _____________________________________
e) List and explain two nutrients provided by grains:
i. ____________________________________________________________________
ii. ____________________________________________________________________
a) How can eating protein benefit your health?
i. ____________________________________________________________________
ii. ____________________________________________________________________
b) Why is it beneficial to eat seafood? _______________________________________________
a) What are 2 non-dairy sources of calcium:
Part 3: I’m Through, What do I Do?
If you finish early, explore some additional topics using the questions and links below.
1. Healthy Eating
Explore the MyPlate Teens page: https://www.choosemyplate.gov/browse-by-audience/view-allaudiences/students/teens. List 5 tips or facts you learned about healthy eating for teens below.
1. ________________________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________________________
3. ________________________________________________________________
4. ________________________________________________________________
5. ________________________________________________________________
2. MyPlate Kitchen
Explore the MyPlate Recipes page: https://www.myplate.gov/myplate-kitchen. Find on recipe
that you’d like to try. Write the recipe (ingredients and instructions) below, and list what MyPlate
food groups this recipe provides.
Recipe Steps
MyPlate Food
Groups in this
3. KidsHealth.com
KidsHealth.com has great health and nutrition related articles. Choose one article from the
Staying Healthy for Kids page: https://kidshealth.org/en/kids/stay-healthy/?WT.ac=k-nav-stayhealthy#catbody and summarize it below. Continue on extra pages if needed.
Study collections