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F02 PS92 VM Setup

PharmaSuite – Functional Training
– VM Setup
MAY • 2019
Training and Consulting Department
Training – VM
Using the
(Remote) Virtual
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This document focuses on the steps required to connect to the PharmaSuite training virtual
machine (from here on referred to as VM) and to get this and PharmaSuite running successfully.
• IP Address and login for remote desktop connection to the PharmaSuite training VM
• Services that need to be started within the VM
• User Login to PharmaSuite
• Other important infos
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Connection via Remote Desktop
• The following steps are necessary to connect to the PharmaSuite training virtual machine:..
Start the Remote Desktop application.
Enter the correct IP adress, which will be provided by the trainer.
Click on Connect and login in with Administrator and Rockwell2019.
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Training Documentation
• On the desktop within the virtual machine there is a link to the
PharmaSuite Training Documents Portal, from which the individual
files can be opened.
• These include:
Agendas/syllabuses for functional
and admin trainings (under General)
All functional training manuals
(including this intro to the VM)
All admin training manuals
Pre-prepared PharmaSuite demos
PharmaSuite release documentation
(user and technical manuals)
Training database backup
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Required Services
• For PharmaSuite to function properly, several background processes need to be running. For
instance, for PEC to function properly, the EBR server needs to be running, and if there is a
connection to the automation layer,
a background process for the communication to this layer needs to be available and running.
During installation, these required processes have each been set up as Windows services. These
are listed on the next slide.
• One other element, the application server JBOSS, must be up and running prior to starting these
PharmaSuite services. To test whether this is the case it is necessary only to start the
PharmaSuite Home Page. If this opens successfully in the browser, showing the PharmaSuite
link, then the other services can be started.
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Required Services
• To start any of the above-mentioned services, use the Services icon
in the task bar at the bottom of the screen. Start them in the order
listed below:
 Assumption the data base is already up and running!
JBOSS: Will take up to 5 min. to start completely
(see comments on previous slide)
PharmaSuite ActiveMQ Broker (Messaging)
PharmaSuite AI Server
PharmaSuite EBR Server
PharmaSuite EIG Server (ERP Integration) – only if EIG needed!
PharmaSuite OE Server
PharmaSuite TOM Server (Triggered Operation Management)–for IPC
PharmaSuite Transition Server (StatusUpdate)
(Automation) – only if automation needed!
(Operation Execution)
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Required Services
• Finally, in order to make any configuration changes using the
FTPC Adminstrator, the following services are required, which have
been set up separately for this Administrator:
 Assumption: JBOSS is already running!
ActiveMQ Broker (without PharmaSuite in the name)
Apache Tomcat
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Scale and Scanner Simulations
• In the VM the following simulation features are also installed:
Simulation Scale:
Double-click on Rockwell Simulation Scale on the desktop.
This is set up for the SIMScale01 scale of work center Dispense1.
AutoHotkey scanner simulation:
AutoHotkey must be started. Select
To simulate the scan of a barcode: Open a label from within the folder MaterialLabels (on the desktop), copy the
barcode text (directly below the barcode) with CNTR + C, and insert into the Execution Client with
CNTR + ALT + m (Material and equipment labels) or
CNTR + ALT + s (Scale label).
There is also a text file within this folder called Codes for simulation scan, containing the barcode texts for all
materials and equipment needed for processing the available training orders.
with a right-mouse click in the Task bar, then select
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Matrikon OPC Server for Simulation
• Also in the training VM, there is an automation layer simulation.
OPC tags have been created on the Matrikon OPC Server.
These tags are currently referenced in the entities of the Blender_Large class.
They can be used for the new blenders created during the training.
• If a re-boot of the training VM is necessary, it is also necessary to:
Start the Matrikon OPC Server
Load the Matrikon Tags configuration:
using the icon in the task bar.
Click on the Open configuration button.
Locate the PharmaSuiteTrainingTagsMultiBlenders configuration under
C:\Rockwell\Matrikon and click on Open.
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Matrikon OPC Server for Simulation
• The tags are available under the
Blender aliases.
• To reference one in a Data Manager
entity, enter Blender01.<tag name>
(or Blender02.<tag name>, etc.).
• The Rockwell Factory Talk Live Data Test Client is
To verify the interaction when the ‘Set’ phases are used: Set
Numeric Properties, Set Boolean Properties and Set String
To set values for the ‘Get’ phases: Get Numeric Property,
Get Boolean Property and Get String Property.
• Click on the icon located in the task bar.
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Live Data Connection Test
• Verify that Connect OPC Server and
Matrikon.OPC.Simulation.1 are selected
and click on OK.
• Click on OK to create a group.
• To add the tags:
Select Blender under Configured Aliases.
Click on Add Branch.
Click on OK.
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Live Data Connection Test
• Under Current Quality verify that the connection is good, under
Current Value, verify any value changes due to the ‘Set’ phases.
• To set a value (to have available for the ‘Get’ phases):
Right-mouse click on a tag, then select Write Item(s) and
Async Write....
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Logging on to PharmaSuite
• Start PharmaSuite by using the Internet Explorer icon on
the desktop or the task bar.
• From the PharmaSuite home page select PHARMA SUITE.
The logon dialog appears.
• To perform one of the demos as operator use:
User Name: olli
Password: olli
• To view the orders as reviewer use:
User Name: ron
Password: ron
• For more info on demos, see files Dispensing Demo and Functional Demo.
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Login Scenarios: Role-Specific User
• Here is an overview of all the roles, with user names, logins and passwords, that will be used for
the different functional areas covered in the PharmaSuite trainings. How to create users and
configure user rights is a topic covered in the PharmaSuite Admin & Config training.
Shop floor operator:
Olli Operator,
olli, olli
Master data administrator:
Dan Data,
dan, dan
Equipment administrator:
Ed Equipment,
ed, ed
Recipe Author:
Anne Author,
anne, anne
QA Batch Reviewer:
Ron Review,
ron, ron
Sam Supervise, sam, sam
System administrator:
admin, admin
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Execution Client Workflows
• The following additional workflows are available in the training VM:
Under Production
Dispensing Request: To demonstrate the Shop Floor Defined Dispensing (SFDD) capability.
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Execution Client Workflows
• Additional workflows (continued):
Under Maintenance
Scale Calibration (force): To set the calibration graph status of the scale to Calibrated.
Scale Test: To execute a scale test and set the graph status of the scale to Tested.
Under Quality
Equipment Cleaning: To set the cleaning graph
status of the equipment entities to Clean.
Room Cleaning: To set the cleaning graph
status of the room entities to Clean.
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• On the following slides, for use in the VM, labels are available for:
The scale:
SIMScale01 for work center / station Dispense1, tested and calibrated.
Set up to be used with Rockwell Simulation Scale on the desktop.
Running Scale Test and Scale Calibration workflows may be necessary, depending on the amount of time passed
since VM setup.
Other equipment (in order of use in functional demo):
equipment class Container_100L,
status Cleaned.
equipment class Blender_Large,
status Uncleaned
equipment class Blender_Large,
status Cleaned.
equipment class TabletCompressor,
status Cleaned.
equipment class Container_100L,
status Cleaned.
equipment class Container_100L,
status Cleaned.
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More Labels
• Labels are also available for:
The printer:
Scanning printer confirms that a sublot print will be performed on the Windows default printer. This is an option
during an under-weighing scenario.
Note: Verify the printer, even if PDFCreator, prior to using VM.
The material sublots:
Barcodes for active ingredient sublots that are in quarantined.
Barcodes for active ingredient sublots that are in released but have an issue with the expiry date.
Barcodes for active ingredient sublots that are in released with no issues.
Barcodes for sublots of all other substances that are in released with no issues, including container bags and
coating solution.
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SIMScale01: Ready to go for use with simulation scale.
printer is to confirm sublot printing during weighing when an
under-weigh scenario has been reached.
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Raw material labels:
Are available in the VM Ware folder \Desktop\Labels&Reports
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For identification of the blender
CNT00001: Wrong class
BlendMax01: Correct class, wrong status
BlendMax02 : Correct class and status
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Same equipment as previous slide,
alternatively the PharmaSuite generated
2-D barcode labels.
CNT00001: Wrong class
BlendMax01: Correct class, wrong status
BlendMax02 : Correct class and status
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For identification of the compressor
Compress01 : Correct class and status
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For identification of the compressor,
alternatively the PharmaSuite generated
2-D barcode label.
Compress01 : Correct class and status
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For identification of the containers for the
CNT00005: Correct class and status
CNT00006: Correct class and status
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For identification of the containers for the
tablets, alternatively the PharmaSuite
generated 2-D barcode labels:
CNT00005: Correct class and status
CNT00006: Correct class and status
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Training – VM Setup
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Thank you