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HBR Workshop Paper Guidelines: Diversity & Inclusion

Guidelines on Writing HBR Workshop Paper OLHS 115 –
Diversity and Inclusion in Organizations
Week 4: September 26th through October 2nd.
Paper Due Date: Saturday, October 2nd by midnight
Guidelines and Strategies: For Week 4
The student is to design an educational workshop that will bring a group of senior level
managers together to explore, discuss, and strategize about how to address and advance
diversity and inclusion in their respective departments, divisions, and entire organization. The
organization you have been invited to present to has 300 employees with multiple leaders and
managers. Here is the situation students must consider as they build their workshop process,
details, and strategies.
1. This organization is taking its first steps to implement and diversity and inclusion (D&I)
strategy for all employees. All efforts previously have been informal and built around
mandatory compliance training (as advised by the legal counsel for the organization). There is
now a strong push to move from D&I training as compliance to D&I training as deeper
understanding leading to commitment and then leading to compliance.
2. These senior leaders and managers are have not openly discussed together their personal
and thoughts and feelings about diversity and inclusion. The tension and stress among the
senior leadership team is palpable.
3. Many employees have felt that D&I has not been a priority for these leaders and thus for the
organization. As a result, this organization is starting to lose talented and diverse employees
who feel as though the communities of diversity they represent are not valued or wanted.
4. These leaders and managers will need support, encouragement, and honest conversation to
implement strategies and approaches that will help address the issue retention “and” beginning
to build a culture where D&I become a part of this organization’s culture.
5. There will need to be personal metrics and organizational metrics that the leaders and
managers can use to know they are making progress as individual professionals and also as an
organization. Students are to design a specific, implementable, and operational workshop
strategy that will address all 5 of the items mentioned above.
This paper is designed to invite the student to think through how they would address these
issues using their knowledge and experience from this course to-date. They are to include at
least 4 to 6 articles from the class reading to-date. Additionally, they are to get feedback on
their strategy from an organizational leader and include this feedback in the form of an
Appendix at the end of their paper.
OLHS 115 Mary K. Lawrence
Fall B 2021
Structure and Style: Papers are to have a cover page, references page, and between 3 – to - 3.5
pages of written narrative (this page total does not include the cover page and references
page). Note: Students papers must only include original written narrative without retyping any
of the items 1-5 above. The student is strongly encouraged to keep the Turnitin “similarity
index” at or below the recommended level. All papers must adhere to the APA writing
guidelines found in the syllabus and clarified through the APA writing style at:
http://www.apastyle.org/ All borrowed ideas or quotes must be supported by in-text citations.
For Clarification: Please contact professor Mary Lawrence at: mlawrence@ggu.edu with any
OLHS 115 Mary K. Lawrence
Fall B 2021