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Boy in the Striped Pajamas: Discrimination & Morality

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Bruno realises how different he and Gretel are. Gretel discriminates the Jews while Bruno doesnt.
Discrimination is a learnt behaviour and by choice. Though Bruno and Gretel were from the same
parents, Gretel
Bruno realises that not everyone in the same and discrimination exists. However , Bruno doesn’t
think the same way because even though shumel is a Jew , it doesn’t change how Bruno sees him
as as a person. The friendship that they had was strong enough to not let discrimination get in the
way to destroy their friendship even though they were 2 different people. Since didcrimation is a
mindset , it does not make Bruno hate shumel since it’s a mindset to think that shumel is a bad
person just cause he’s a Jew but Bruno doesn’t think that way.
Bruno realises that both of them are different and that Shmuel is a jew. He doesn’t discriminate
shmuel even if he is a jew, which tells us that discrimination is chosen by choice.
We have never seen the furious and daring side of mother as she is always spoken in a nice tone,
which showed how powerful the moment was.
it is powerful because we have never seen mother react this way towards father, throughout the
story mother has always been supportive of fathers work endeavours, and never gone against
father in front of Bruno. however, when she realises that Auschwitz is not a good environment for
her children to grow up in, because it is so near to the concentration camp where horrors that are
unimaginable are happening, she speaks up to father on what she believes is right. this makes me
feel deep respect towards mother for saying her peace, and being brave enough to go against
Bruno realises that Shmuel isn’t “the same” as him, however that does not change his opinion of
father for the first time in the story. it emphasises what mothers priorities are, and shows how
Shmuel at all, and it shows that discrimination is a mindset, it is a decision that a person has made different she is from father, while his loyalties lie with his job, hers lie with her family and her
to “hate” other races or groups of people.
children, whom she will fight for.
From this, we can learn that discrimination is a personal choice. Discrimination is a learned
behaviour, it is something that one picks up or learns along the way as they grow up. It is not
something that one is naturally born with.
Boyne makes this such a powerful moment by revealing a new and different side of Mother to the
readers. From the beginning of the novel, Mother had always been someone who was submissive
and patient. She had always given her full support to father as a soldier. However, in this argument
between father and mother, mother actively challenges father’s work as a soldier, which leads into
a heated argument. The readers discover a new side to mother they have never seen before.
Bruno realises that Shmuel is a Jew and is different from him. After this realisation, Bruno still
chooses to treat Shmuel like a normal person and accepts him for who he is.
It is the first time seeing Mother shout and challenge Father because Mother usually does not
shout at Father. This shows a new side of mother as she reveals her unhappiness of us killing the
discrimination is someone’s own mindset . friendships which are strongly built can defeat this as
even after Bruno found out shmuel was a jew , his perspective of shmuel did not change and
instead , he was curious of what the jews are like and not judgemental at all . whereas gretel
discriminates jews as she find herself superior over them .
this is because mother and father are seen arguing . mother is more aware that killing the jews
were inhumane and brutal while father insists that it is his duty as a soldier . Mother is suddenly
very horrified after knowing how the jews are killed and she’s seen confronting father about it and
crying even though she usually does not . i learnt that mother is aware and sensitive of when
torture of the jews has its limits and that murder is going too far and she may think that allowing
her children to grow up in a place near terrors and violent ,inhumane acts is not healthy .
Discrimination is not a natural instinct but one formed out of one’s views towards someone who
seems different because of their different race, religion, skin colour and more.
Boyle makes this a powerful moment by showing Mother disagreeing with Father and openly
voicing her disagreement with Father’s work as she had thought Father work was only related to
the war but she felt that burning the dead bodies of Jews was not related to the war and she most
likely felt that Father had been lying to her about the true nature of his work at Out-With.
Discrimination does not apply to everyone, as it can be seen that when Bruno finds out he is
different from Shmuel as he is a Jew, he does not feel any change in his outlook towards Shmuel
and he continues treating him was a friend.
Boyle makes this a powerful moment as he highlights that this is the first time Father and Mother
has fought, as Mother had always supported Father in his decisions, but in this scene, it is
powerful as we see a new side of Mother as she feels the need for the argument to go her way as
she feels it is what’s best for her children. He also highlights how much mother wanted the
decision to go her was as he emphasised mother storming into father’s office and using hand signs
to show how displeased she was with father, therefore making this scene extremely powerful as
we had never seen this side of mother before.
Bruno came to realised that Shmuel is different from him. Discrimination is a learnt behaviour and
is a choice. Despite Shmuel being a Jew
After the conversation with gretel,Bruno has understood that the Jews are different from him,as
gretel states that”the fence it’s to stop them from coming over here.”However this had no effect on
the friendship between shmuel and bruno,which further suggests that the friendship between
shmuel and Bruno is not toxic as there is no discrimination from bruno towards shmuel despite
shmuel being a Jew which emphasises the fact that discrimination is a mindset or attitude created
by others that are being unreasonably judge mental thus being bias towards another group of
people as they feel that they should not mix with others who are different from them.
Boone makes this a powerful moment by using juxtaposition by portraying mother in an
contrasting attitude such as being brave and unsupportive towards father,the fact that mother
raises her voice and is actively challenging father when she disagrees with his ways of treating the
Jews suggests that this is a significant moment in the story in which mother displays a contrasting
tone as she has never been seen disagreeing with father,thus it is the first time which is used in
helping to emphasise this moment to the reader by making it seem more shocking and significant.
After the conversation, Bruno realises that Shmuel is a Jew but he did not choose to discriminate
Shmuel even if he was a Jew. This shows that discrimination is a choice, and that their friedns
Boyne makes this scene a powerful moment as Mother could be seen shouting at Father which
shows how much she does not want to be here. Mother challenges and raises her voice at Father,
which is a powerful moment as she has always treated Father with respect. But during this
argument, she seems to be unafraid to fight for her children as she does not want them to grow up
in a place where many innocent lives are killed, even if it meant that they would be against Father.
It shows that discrimination is not something that is inherited or something that people are born
with, rather it is something that people learn and observe from others after time. It is a choice that
they have to make and they are not obliged to follow that path.
It also shows that discrimination does not apply to everyone and that there will always be people
who choose to stay respectful to others despite the majority’s opinion.
I think Boyne makes this a powerful moment by showing a vivid description of the emotional
response of Mother and her raw emotions. In the beginning, Mother had never stood up to Father
and was extremely supportive of his job. However, the fact that she reacted so strongly, even
loudly shouting at Father makes this scene very powerful as it shows her change in demeanour,
the empathy she felt towards the prisoners and her protective side for her children. This makes me
feel very proud of Mother as she had the courage to seek her children’s best interests and stand
up for the Jews. It shows that Mother has a conscience and is sensitive to the suffering and pain
the prisoners have to endure. This is powerful as it shows that not all Germans are fine with
treating the Jews so inhumanely and that not all of them hate the Jews so much that they want the
worst to happen to them. This also shows how much Mother cares for Bruno and Gretel, not
wanting them to be exposed to such torture and pain, which suggests how great a mother’s love is.
Boyne makes this a powerful moment by showing a different side of mother in which she disagrees
for the first time with father in the book. The reason for this is because she notices a concentration
camp nearby which is a place in which terrible things occur. When she disputes with father over
the move, it shows that her priorities are on her children’s upbringing as she does not want them to
Bruno realises that shmuel is a jew. Greater portrays the Jews as livestock or disease. However,
Bruno does not receive the message in this manner and remains unaffected in his attitude towards be exposed to such violence and horror even though she is usually supportive of fathers decisions
and never speaks up about her opinion to father. However father continues to overwhelm mother
shmuel even though it was outrightly told to Bruno that the fence was to keep shmuel away from
with his firm and unchanging attitude towards the situation and shows no signs of care for what his
him. It shows to us that their friendship transcends pobstacles and that discrimination is a choice
children are exposed to and has his priorities set on his work and never considered his spouse of
and that bring a German or a Jew does not mean that they are not meant to hate each other by
childrens needs. We discover a new side of mother which we have never seen before.
What lesson do we learn about discrimination
Discrimination is a learned behaviour, it is not something that one is predisposed to. This is evident
when bruno does not see shmuel any differently despite their difference in status. Bruno still sees
shmuel as his best friend, and does not treat him as inferior or any lesser then he did before. It is
not something that people is borned with. It is a active choice that a person has made to hold
biases against another group of people. The fact that gretal and Bruno are from the same set of
parents, and yet they have contrasting views about discrimination against the jews, emphasises
how discrimination is a choice.
This is a powerful moment
Mother was actively challenging father, we have never seen mother behaving in this way before.
Mother was shouting at father with outrage and challenging the way father was controlling the
concentration camp. Mother is challenging father’s management of the camp, this was unlike
mother’s usually behaviour as she was often reserved and only took care of her children. When
mother started arguing with father, it made this scene more tense. It shows that mother , was
vocal, and she was willing to fight for change, she was not afraid to fight for the safety and
wellbeing of her children, it shows that she cares for her children very much, even if it means
fighting and arguing with her husband.
Boyne makes this a powerful moment by showing us how mother displays a strong emotion when
seeing the smoke coming from the concentration camp thus this makes me feel empathy for
mother as she is trying her best to protect her children by keeping them away from these things
from the concentration camp i also feel empathy for her when i she went up to father to confront to
him about this situation making her feel a sense of grief thus displaying a side of mother which we
have not saw as she is always agreeing to him and she always keeps quiet about her views i can
also see that father is very stressed as he was not dressed neatly, his shirt was unbuttoned and he
1)We learn that although they are different, it does not stop them to have a friendship and they still was smoking a cigarette which shows that he is very worked up and this makes this a powerful
can have s close relationship with each other and discrimination is a choice thus this does not stop moment as father is always dressed neatly and smart but seeing him this way makes me feel that
Bruno from making friends with Shmuel who is a jew.
he is going through a lot of things
Discrimination is often taught from others or learnt from others and that we ourselves can choose
whether to discriminate or not. Here, Bruno at first did not understand anything about the
difference between him and Shmuel. He did not know about how he is a German and is higher in
rank and how Shmuel is a Jew which is lower in rank. He only knew about ‘Jews’ when Gretel told
him about it. However, he did not show any disgust or any anger when he heard the word Jews
unlike the many other discriminative Germans. Which thus shows that we can choose to
discriminate or not.
Bruno realises that Shmuel is different than him. Jews are not the same as Bruno as gretel said,
but the fact that Bruno remained unaffected from Gretel’s words showed that Bruno is innocent
and does not feel indifferent from shmuel
Mother is horrified by the smoke gas coming from behind the house can be implied that bodies
were burning which is not what mother wants. This could show that being near the area would be
dangerous for Mother and her children. Mother crying and breaking down for she is stressed and
does not want any danger. This make it a powerful moment.
Bruno realizes that Shemuel and him is different but isn’t bothered by it
Discrimination is an influence and a learned behaviour.
Boyne uses the rare occasion of mother going against Father since we have never seen mother
rebel against Father. This scene reveals to us a new side to Mother where she tries to actually
reason with Father instead of obeying him, even talking back when Father was hollering at her
Discrimination does not apply to everyone and not everyone is discriminating
Bruno realised that Shmuel and him are like 2 different kinds of people, and that the fence is there
for the purpose to separate the Jews and the Germans from each other, so that they are not able
to communicate with each other. This is due to the fact that the Germans are meant to be of a
higher rank than the Jews.
Boyne makes it a powerful moment by making mother and father shout at each other, this is
because mother and father are usually calm and collected and would never shout at each other.
However in this scene, when mother realises that Out-with was a horrible place for Bruno and
Gretel to grow up in due to all the horrors that were happening in the concentration camp at that
This kind of image portrays that the Jews are of a lower rank in their hierarchy and that they do not time. When Bruno walks into the room where shouting could be heard, he witnessed mother
have much right in the their decision in whatever they do, which is why they were forced into the
shouting at father to get away from her which is very unusual for her due to them usually being
concentration camp and that they are treated badly by the Germans.Ko;nteji
caring for each other.
Some people are not for discrimination but some people are, Discrimination is not something that
people are born with but a choice that one has made to put down others.Other than that, after
Bruno knew that Shmuel was a jew, Bruno did not bother about it, showing that Bruno and Shmuel
shares a strong relationship. But Gretel is different from Bruno as the tone which she speaks in
suggests that she has something against jews.
Boyne uses the exaggeration of speech between Mother and Father to make this a powerful
moment. This is because this is the first time that Mother had challenged Father. Mother has never
challenged Father, but this time she raised her voice towards Father. Mother is demanding Father
to stop and challenges Father. This might be because Mother had been holding in for a long time
and tried asking father to change his management of the concentration camp politely but Father
did not seem to care.
Bruno realised that him and Shmuel are different. We understand that it does not matter if you are
German or a Jew. A German without prior biases does not discriminate against Jews. Only under
father’s influence, Gretel became a racist.
This moment lets us learn that Mother is does not approve of the Nazi ideals. She openly fights
father about this , wanting the best for her children. This suggests that she is not the most loyal
nazi and shows a different side of her.
Bruno realise that the people on the other side of the fence are Jew and that shumel is not the
same as him.This image portrays the Jews as people who if you mix with bad things would happen
to you.
From this, we can learn that discrimination against others is a personal choice. Not everyone
discriminates others, it is a choice that only one can make for themselves. After learning that
Shmuel was a Jew, Bruno did not see Shmuel any different, he did not see him as inferior like the
other Germans. Instead, he understands and accepts the difference between them.
Boyne makes this such a powerful moment from the heated argument between father and Mother,
which reveals a new and different side of Mother to the readers. Mother voiced out her opinion in
frustration towards Father and Father shouted back just as harshly. This is the first time we see
Mother arguing back at father. As we have previously seen, Mother has been very supportive of
Father’s job, especially in front of the children. However, in this scene we can see a different side
of Mother, how she actually does not support Father’s job and is against it, eventually lashing out
all her frustration at him.
Boyne at first uses the juxtaposition of mothers concerned and angered mannerisms compared to
fathers calm and collected mannerisms. This is the first time we have seen mother act in this way
Bruno realises the difference between him and shmuel after the conversation with Gretel but still
and it is out of concern for her children. However, father seems rather calm in fact he thinks that
treats shmuel the same way, this tells us that discrimination is a choice and is a result of hatred
what they are doing is a vital part of war, this gives us a better understanding of his ideology as he
towards a certain group of people. Bruno does not treat shmuel different because he is a Jew and says, “I am a soldier and soldiers fight wars” this suggests that father thinks what he is doing is a
it is ironic that although Bruno is always portrayed as innocent and ignorant, at times like this he is crucial part of war and to abandon this duty is to go against his role as a soldier. Mothers reaction
the one that has the least prejudice and is in that sense the most level headed as he does not
to this is one of anger, she for the first time actively challenges father and shows us that she is
choose to discriminate against others and accepts people for who they are and not being influenc unafraid to oppose father for her children and shows us how much she cares for them.
Bruno realises that he is different from Shmuel as Shmuel is a Jew. This highlights the message
that discrimination is not practiced by everyone and is simply a stereotype for the general
community. Bruno’s opinion of Shmuel does not change, emphasising his strong relationship with
Shmuel and his innocence.
It is powerful because Mother has never argued with Father and was extremely supportive of him.
However, in this scene, she is screaming hysterically at Father. This implies that Mother has a lot
pent up in her, but chooses not to show it to Father and just accept it. This tells us that Mother
does not enjoy being in Out With but bears with it.
Boyne makes this a powerful moment as mother who is usually seen as calm in other scenes of
this book, in the scene shows her expressing her strong emotion as she bursts in rage at father
and cries. This also shows father yelling at her and bruno witnessing such a chaos happen, which
was impactful as normally when father and mother argues, they managed to hide it from bruno and
1) After this conversation with Gretel, Bruno realised how the jews were being discriminated by the the worst was when he overheard their conversation. However in this scene bruno sees father and
mother expressing extreme emotions.
It dont matter if your black or white
From the perspective of mother, she was totally oblivious when she came to move because of
Father’s job as a soldier. Therefore, when she realised what father was doing too the Jews, she
was furious because she did not agree with their actions towards the Jews and confronted father
which was what she normally does not do as she is usually very passive towards father’s
Bruno realised those people over the side of fence aren’t playing. They were kept their together as instructions and just go along with it. Therefore it makes a powerful moment as mother had shown
they were all Jews. He realised how innocent he was to think that they were all children. However, a side tat she usually does not show her children and everyone just listens to father as the sole
he also realised that Samuel too is a Jew