COLLEGE OF EDUCATION BTLED PROGRAM COURSE OUTLINE in HOUSEHOLD RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Second semester 2019-2020 COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course covers management principles at home. COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES: 1. Demonstrate a basic understanding of relevant research and theory in family resource management. 2. Comprehend the relationships between family/household characteristics and dynamics and the management of resources. 3. Demonstrate in -depth understanding of the fundamental concepts of home management 4. Relate family life in the changing world 5. Make their own family philosophy and share insights in their application of family philosophy, values, goals and standards 6. Apply a sound decision making in a given simple family problems 7. Demonstrate understanding of the role of management process in decision making using time, energy and money management into a sound family living 8. Apply work simplification in home management COURSE REQUIREMENTS: a. Quizzes / Term Exam d. Sharing of Insights b. Individual / Group Project e. Attendance c. Portfolio ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE EVALUATION SYSTEM: 1. Term Exam 30% 2. Quizzes 40% 3. Project/ Output 20% 4. Participation 10% Total 100% REFERENCES: 1. HOME ECONOMICS Past, Present, and Future , MARJORIE EAST. Pennselvania State University, Allyn and bacon, Inc., Boston, London, Sydney, 1980. 2. EFFECTIVE TEACHING OF HOME ECONOMICS, MARIA FE G. ATIENZA, R.P. Garcia Publishing Co.,Inc. 903, Quezon Ave.,Q.C. 1983 3. EFFECTIVE MANAGEMENT FOR THE MODERN FILIPINO FAMILY, MARIA FE G. ATIENZA, R.P. Garcia Publishing Co.,Inc. 903, Quezon Ave.,Q.C. 1983 4. CREATING HOME ECONOMICS FUTURES: The next 100 years, Edited by Donna Pedergast, Sue LT McGregor and Kaija Turkki. Australian Academic Press, 2012 5. EVIDENCED-BASED STRATEGIES for LEADING 21ST Century Schools, LYNNE SCHRUM, BARBARA B. LEVIN, Corwin Sage Company, 2012 COURSE CONTENTS: TIME FRAME/TOPICS ACTIVITIES LEARNING OUTCOMES Week 1 A. ORIENTATION -get acquainted with students 80% familiarization with students 1. Getting to Know students -be oriented with the course 90% awareness of the college MVGO. 2.Subject orientation, policies and -reflect about roles in life requirements -familiarize the MVGO of 3. Goal Setting CHMSC and COED 4. MVGO Review Week 2 UNIT 1 FUNDAMENTAL COONCEPTS OF HOUSEHOLD RESOURCES MANAGEMENT 1. Definition of important terms for household resource management 2. What is household resource management 3. What is management applied at home UNIT 2 - The Importance of a Happy Home 1. Definition of a house/Home 2. Functions and goals of a Home 3. Importance of adequate housing and ideal house 4. Characteristics of a suitable housing Define important terms that are important in the study of household resource management Discuss the fundamental features of household resource management Define a home/house. Discuss the goals and importance of an adequate home. Discuss briefly the characteristics of a suitable housing Week 3 Unit 3- The Filipino Family This study source was downloaded on 08-22-2022 01:52:26 1. What is a family by 100000811998417 from Discuss the importance of aGMT -05:00 Learned important terms and relate to real life situation in the study of household resource management Relate home activities with the household resource management principles Make a diagram of the house/home and make a personal reflection based on the experiences or observations in the real life situation. A. Functions of family B. Types C. Structures 2. Characteristics of a contemporary Filipino Family A. Traditional Socio- Cultural Mechanism for stabilizing the family B. Interest of the Individual in Philippine Society 1. Nuptiality 2. Support 3. Spanish Code 4. New Civil Code for Women 5. Ritual of co-parenthood C. Filipino Family in the Modern World family in household resource management as it relates to the study of household resources management Discuss the foundations of a Filipino family with its relevance to the study of HRM Activity: Reflective paper on the dominant role of women as a builder of productive society. Discuss the foundations of establishing a contemporary Filipino Family Compare the life or role of women before and the rise of industrialization. Discuss the role of women as a homemaker, a parent, a co manager of family resources in the economy subsystem, a wage earner and as a wife . Week 4 Fundamental Concepts of Home Management Unit 1,Home Management, meaning, concepts and needs and its philosophy A. The philosophy of home management B. The need for Home management C. principles of Home Management D. Principles of home management E. Process of home management - Week 5 Philosophy of Home management in the Philippines Philosophy of home management Share ideas on the impact of good home management to the lives of every family; 2. Gather information on the family life in a changing world such as (1 )the human needs and desires in a changing time; (2) the recent shelter and protection provided by the government; (3) the types of family in a changing world; (4) the morally accepted types of family by the Filipino religion, (5) the present- time definition of society based on different result of researches; (6) the role of every family members in home management. Discussion Brainstorming Round-table discussion Sharing ideas *Video Presentation Discussions Brainstorming Round-table discussion Sharing ideas Video presentation Discuss the philosophy of home management in the Philippine setting Family life Cycle What is a family life cycle? Discuss the importance of a family life cycle Activity: Reflective paper on the importance of Filipino life cycle Stages of family life cycle a. the beginning stage; b. the expanding stage; c. the contracting stage. Week 6 Values, Goals and Standards The Concept of Values, Standards and Goals A. What is the concept of values, goals and Standards in home management B. Values of the Filipino Family Explain the changes in the family life cycle; Discuss the importance of understanding the family life cycle. 5. Explain the reason behind the mobility in the family; Reflect on the research results of UNESCO on the median age of first marriage of husband and wife in the Philippines; Discuss the concepts of family philosophy values, standards and goals. Share ideas or observation on how philosophy, values, standards and goals of every person or family reflects to his actions or true application to his life or family life. Laboratory: Write a Reflective paper on the observable philosophy, values, standards and goals of Filipino family Week 7-8 Decision-Making in Family Living A. Decision-making and its This study source was downloaded by 100000811998417 from on 08-22-2022 01:52:26 GMT -05:00 importance B. Communication conflict and power processes in the family decision-making C. Leadership and group dynamics in family decisionmaking D. Implementation and evaluation of Resources management by families E. Implementing decisions F. Evaluation effectiveness and well-being Discuss the importance of sound decision- making; Explain the steps in decision – making; Explain the different aspects of management; Discuss the relationship of decisionmaking and management; . Share ideas on the concepts of Week 9 MIDTERM EXAMINATION Importance of decision-making household resource management Role play on the sound decision-making. Reflective paper on the concepts of teenagers and parents’ decision- making. in 100% take the midterm exams Week 10 Management of family Income A. Family income, types and functions B. Income management 1. Steps in income management C. The family budget D. Savings and investments 1. Personal budgeting 2. Savings through home repairs and recycling E. Family account as a tool in money management Week 11-12 Time management and Energy Management A. Time management 1. The need for time management 2. The nature of time 3. Time pattern and cost a. factors to consider in making a time plan b. Steps in making a time plan 4. Tools in time management 5. Process of managing time Week 13-14 B. Energy management 1. The need for energy management 2. Energy management in relations to home management 3. Fatigue , definition and concepts a. types and categories of fatigue b. Work simplification Define family income and concepts Discuss the types of family income Discussion Suggestion Discuss on how to manage your money based on the family budget and steps in income management Brainstorming Round-table discussion Sharing ideas Discuss the importance of savings and investments Define time/management Discuss the nature of time, tools and processes in managing time Making of a time activity plan Reflective paper in the actual observation of time management Define energy,management Make an activity plan at home reflecting the use of time and energy as per real observations at home. Discuss the importance of energy management in relation to home management Discuss fatigue, types and categories Discuss the relevance of work simplification in the use of time and energy management Discuss the classification of effort used in home making activities; Explain the research studies of energy costs on household tasks; Determine the activities in the home which are considered as most tiring; Discuss the different forms and effects of fatigue ; Analyze the degree of fatigues experienced by young and old homemakers; Discuss the following: a. the role of motivation in relation to fatigues; b. the experimental investigation in industry in relation to rests period to relieve physiological fatigue; c. the importance of rest periods in home making; Week 15- 16 The Relationship of Time and Energy Management Video presentation Reflective paper on the knowledge of fatigue. Laboratory 1.Make Time and Energy Management Plan and Work Simplification Plan through reparing a daily routine and harmonize daily activities to avoid physical fatigue. 2. Evaluate the activities using the suggested checklist. This study source was downloaded by 100000811998417 from on 08-22-2022 01:52:26 GMT -05:00 Discuss the relationship of time and Laboratory A. Effects of the stages of family life cycle in the use of time and energy management B. Observable research studies on time costs for a Filipino homemakers C. The importance of the provision of leisure time/hour in the family in making a time activity plan Week 17 The Housekeeping Activities energy management. Share ideas on the time demands during the different stages of the family life cycle. Explain the different research studies on time costs of the different Filipino home makers specifically on the home makers working week; Share ideas on leisure time and recreation and how every family spent their leisure time and recreation; A. Share understanding using the TESDA training regulations: a. the practice of occupational health and safety procedures; b. the provision of present day housekeeping procedures and services; c. the cleaning and sanitation applied to different rooms in the house; d. the laundering of clothes and linen; e. the procedure used in cleaning the toilet. Video viewing on the procedure of modern housekeeping . Week 18 How do we connect these objectives with making time management plan? 1. Make a personal daily routine. 2. Create a daily and weekly menu like breakfast, lunch , merienda ciena , and supper in low-cost but nutritious food. 3. Evaluate the personal and family time plan using the suggested Laboratory: 1. Perform the following operations: a. Vacuum cleaning the different rooms like bedroom, living room, guest room and study area; b. floor sanitizing and polishing; c. cobwebs extraction; d. Dish washing and sanitizing; e. laundering and ironing clothes and linen; f. the cleaning and sanitizing of the toilet. 2. Evaluate activities using the required checklist. FINAL EXAMINATION NOTE: LABORATORY ACTIVITIES ARE CONDUCTED THREE(3) HOURS PER WEEK. Prepared by: ERNELINDA ROJO EBALDE, MAED-H.E. Second Semester 2019-2019 This study source was downloaded by 100000811998417 from on 08-22-2022 01:52:26 GMT -05:00 Powered by TCPDF ( 100% has taken the final exams