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README.TXT file for Crash Course Electronics by Andre' LaMothe
Welcome to Crash Course Electronics! In this ZIP file you will find all of the files referenced and required by the lectures during the course. Initially, I was going to copy files relevant to each lecture into that
lectures file set, but with over 130 lectures, that seemed like a bad idea. Rather, this single ZIP file contains
everything in a single container which is a much more organized approach. As the course grows over the months and years, any changes to the files will be reflected here, and a simple
dated file version appended to the master file name will indicate the latest version of the file. The current file as of 6.14.18 is:
The directory structure is as follows:
.ZIP File
----\CircuitMaker - Contains all CircuitMaker manufacturing files. The CircuitMaker designs for projects are in the CircuitMaker cloud.
----\CrashCourseElectronicsBook - A free PDF copy of my book "Design Your Own Video Game Console" which we are using for an electronics text.
----\Excel - Various Microsoft Excel files used to compute values for some of the lectures.
----\LabCenterProteus - The project files for all our circuits and simulations developed with Labcenter's Proteus tool.
----\MiscImagesChartsEtc - Various graphics, charts, etc. that I think you might like from the lectures of the course.
----\Octave - The Octave/MatLab source files for various simulations and programs written in the lectures.
----\PartsList - A PDF file containing a very extensive parts list for the course, and future work.
----\Misc - Any miscellaneous files that don't belong anywhere else.