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NetSure 701 A61, NetSure 501 AC1 Power Supply System
User Manual
Revision date
November 23, 2009
Emerson Network Power rovides !"stomers wit# te!#ni!a$ s"ort. %sers ma& !onta!t t#e nearest
Emerson $o!a$ sa$es o''i!e or servi!e !enter.
(o&ri)#t * 2009 b& Emerson Network Power (o., +td.
$$ ri)#ts reserved. -#e !ontents in t#is do!"ment are s"be!t to !#an)e wit#o"t noti!e.
Emerson Network Power (o., +td.
ddress/ No.1 e'a Rd., !ien!e  nd"str& Park, Nans#an 4istri!t 518056, #en7#en (#ina
omea)e/ www.emersonnetworkower.!om.!n
Emai$/ s"ort:emersonnetwork.!om.!n
a'et& Pre!a"tions
-o red"!e t#e !#an!e o' a!!ident, $ease read t#e sa'et& re!a"tions ver& !are'"$$& be'ore oeration. -#e
;(a"tion, Note, <arnin), 4an)er; in t#is book and on t#e rod"!t do not reresent a$$ t#e sa'et& oints to be
observed, and are on$& s"$ement to vario"s sa'et& oints. -#ere'ore, t#e insta$$ation and oeration ersonne$
m"st re!eive stri!t trainin) and master t#e !orre!t oerations and a$$ t#e sa'et& oints be'ore oeration.
<#en oeratin) Emerson rod"!ts, t#e oeration ersonne$ m"st observe t#e sa'et& r"$es in t#e ind"str&, t#e
)enera$ sa'et& oints and se!ia$ sa'et& instr"!tions se!i'ied in t#is book.
E$e!tri!a$ a'et&
. a7ardo"s vo$ta)e
Some components of the power supply system carry hazardous voltage in operation. Direct contact or indirect contact
through moist objects with these components will result in fatal injury.
Observe sa'et& r"$es in t#e ind"str& w#en insta$$in) t#e ower s"$& s&stem. -#e insta$$ation ersonne$ m"st be
$i!ensed to oerate #i)# vo$ta)e and ( ower.
n oeration, t#e insta$$ation ersonne$ are not a$$owed to wear !ond"!tive obe!ts, s"!# as wat!#es, bra!e$ets,
ban)$es and rin)s.
<#en &o" sot t#e !abinet wit# water or moist"re, t"rn o'' t#e ower immediate$&. n moist environment,
re!a"tions m"st be taken to kee moist"re o"t o' t#e ower s"$& s&stem.
;Pro#ibit; warnin) $abe$ m"st be atta!#ed to t#e swit!#es and b"ttons t#at are not ermitted to oerate d"rin)
High voltage operation may cause fire and electric shock. The connection and wiring of A cables must be in compliance
with the local rules and regulations. !nly those who are licensed to operate high voltage and A power can perform high
voltage operations.
. -oo$s
"n high voltage and A operation# specialized tools must be used.
. -#"nderstorm
$ever operate on high voltage# A# iron tower or mast in the thunderstorm.
n t#"nderstorms, a stron) e$e!troma)neti! 'ie$d wi$$ be )enerated in t#e air. -#ere'ore t#e e="iment s#o"$d be
we$$ eart#ed in time to avoid dama)e b& $i)#tnin) strikes.
V. E4
The static electricity generated by the human body will damage the static sensitive elements on %&s# such as large'scale
"s. &efore touching any plug'in board# %& or " chip# (SD wrist strap must be worn to prevent body static from
damaging the sensitive components. The other end of the (SD wrist strap must be well earthed.
V. #ort !ir!"it
During operation# never short the positive and negative poles of the D distribution unit of the power supply system or the
non'grounding pole and the earth. The power supply system is a constant'voltage D power device# short circuit will result
in e)uipment burning and endanger human safety.
(#e!k t#e o$arit& o' t#e !ab$e and !onne!tion termina$ w#en er'ormin) 4( $ive oerations.
s t#e oeration sa!e in t#e 4( distrib"tion "nit is ver& ti)#t, $ease !are'"$$& se$e!t t#e oeration sa!e.
Never wear a wat!#, bra!e$et, ban)$e, rin), or ot#er !ond"!tive obe!ts d"rin) oeration.
%se ins"$ated too$s.
n $ive oeration, kee t#e arm, wrist and #and tense, so t#at w#en t#e too$ in oeration s$is, t#e movement o'
t#e #"man bod& and too$ is red"!ed to a minim"m.
&efore any operation on battery# read carefully the safety precautions for battery transportation and the correct battery
connection method.
"f the power supply system does not connect with mains power for a long time# to prevent battery overdischarge# users
should cut batteries off from the power supply system thoroughly# for e*ample# pulling out battery fuses or switching off
battery +&s. &efore putting the power supply system into operation# insert all the battery fuses or switch on all the battery
Nonstandard oeration on t#e batter& wi$$ !a"se dan)er. n oeration, re!a"tions s#o"$d be taken to revent
batter& s#ort !ir!"it and over'$ow o' e$e!tro$&te. -#e over'$ow o' e$e!tro$&te wi$$ erode t#e meta$ obe!ts and
P(Bs, t#"s !a"sin) e="iment dama)e and s#ort !ir!"it o' P(Bs.
Be'ore an& oeration on batter&, a& attention to t#e 'o$$owin) oints/
1. Remove t#e wat!#, bra!e$et, ban)$e, rin), and ot#er meta$ obe!ts on t#e wrist.
2. %se se!ia$i7ed ins"$ated too$s.
3. %se e&e rote!tion devi!e, and take reventive meas"res.
>. <ear r"bber )$oves and aron to )"ard a)ainst e$e!tro$&te over'$ow.
5. n batter& transortation, t#e e$e!trode o' t#e batter& s#o"$d a$wa&s be ket 'a!in) "ward. Never "t t#e
batter& "side down or s$anted.
++V4 nd B+V4
-#e ower s"$& s&stem #as batter& $ow vo$ta)e dis!onne!tion ?B+V4@ '"n!tion and $oad $ow vo$ta)e
dis!onne!tion ?++V4@ '"n!tion. ++V4 means w#en t#e mains 'ai$s and batteries s"$& ower, t#e monitorin)
mod"$e !"ts t#e nonriorit& $oad o'' w#en t#e batter& vo$ta)e dros down to >>V. n t#is wa&, t#e batter&
remainin) !aa!it& !an s"stain t#e riorit& $oad $on)er. -#e ++V4 vo$ta)e is settab$e. Re'er to 4.7.2 Battery
Settings 'or settin) met#od.
B+V4 means w#en t#e mains 'ai$s and batteries s"$& ower, t#e monitorin) mod"$e !"ts t#e $oad o'' w#en t#e
batter& vo$ta)e dros down to >3.2V to revent overdis!#ar)e. -#e B+V4 vo$ta)e is settab$e. Re'er to 4.7.2
Battery Settings 'or settin) met#od.
++V4 and B+V4 are enab$ed be'ore de$iver&, w#i!# means t#at i' ower o"ta)e $asts 'or a $on) time or t#e
ower s"$& s&stem 'ai$s, t#ere mi)#t be ++V4 and B+V4. %sers s#o"$d !$assi'& t#e $oads and !onne!t t#e
nonriorit& $oads to ++V4 ro"tes, and !onne!t t#e riorit& $oads to B+V4 ro"tes. Aor vita$ $oads, "sers !an
disab$e B+V4 to ens"re re$iabi$it& o' t#e ower s"$&.
-#e met#od o' disab$in) B+V4 is/
et B+V4 Enab$eC arameter t#ro")# t#e monitorin) mod"$e to NC. Re'er to LVD parameters o' 4.7.2 Battery
Settings 'or t#e settin) met#od.
The advantage of &,-D is protecting the batteries from over'discharge. The disadvantage of &,-D is that when the battery
voltage drops down to a certain value# all the loads including non'priority loads and priority loads/ will be cut off due to
battery disconnection.
The advantage of disabling &,-D is prolonging the power supply of priority loads. The disadvantage is that software
disabling cannot prevent unwanted power failure due to misoperation or power supply system failure.
. #ar obe!t
0hen moving e)uipment by hand# wear protective gloves to avoid injury by sharp object.
. Power !ab$e
%lease verify the cable labels before connection.
. i)na$ !ab$es
The signal cables should be routed at least 123mm away from power cables.
(#ater 1 Overview.............................................................................................................................................................. 1
1.1 Mode$ 4es!rition................................................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 (omosition nd (on'i)"ration..............................................................................................................................1
1.3 Otions nd Otiona$ A"n!tions.............................................................................................................................D
1.3.1 Otiona$ (omonents.................................................................................................................................D
1.3.2 Otiona$ A"n!tions......................................................................................................................................6
1.3.3 Otions........................................................................................................................................................ 8
1.> Aeat"res................................................................................................................................................................. 8
(#ater 2 nsta$$ation nstr"!tion..........................................................................................................................................9
2.1 a'et& Re)"$ations................................................................................................................................................. 9
2.2 Prearation............................................................................................................................................................. 9
2.3 Me!#ani!a$ nsta$$ation.........................................................................................................................................10
2.3.1 Aiin) -#e Power (abinet.........................................................................................................................10
2.3.2 nsta$$in) Re!ti'iers....................................................................................................................................13
2.> E$e!tri!a$ nsta$$ation.............................................................................................................................................1>
2.>.1 (onne!tin) Power (ab$es.........................................................................................................................1>
2.>.2 (onne!tin) i)na$ (ab$es.........................................................................................................................1D
(#ater 3 nsta$$ation -estin).............................................................................................................................................. 19
3.1 nsta$$ation (#e!k nd tart".............................................................................................................................19
3.2 Basi! ettin)s....................................................................................................................................................... 19
3.3 $arm (#e!k nd &stem Oeration tat"s (#e!k.............................................................................................. 20
3.> Aina$ tes............................................................................................................................................................ 21
(#ater > %se O' Monitorin) Mod"$e.................................................................................................................................22
>.1 Aront Pane$........................................................................................................................................................... 22
>.2 Main +(4 Pa)es.................................................................................................................................................. 22
>.2.1 &stem n'ormation Pa)e..........................................................................................................................22
>.2.2 Enter Password Pa)e...............................................................................................................................23
>.2.3 MNMEN% Pa)e.....................................................................................................................................23
>.2.> --% Pa)e........................................................................................................................................... 2>
>.2.5 ettin)s Pa)e............................................................................................................................................2>
>.2.D Maintenan!e Pa)e....................................................................................................................................2>
>.2.6 Ener)& avin) Pa)e.................................................................................................................................25
>.2.8 Aast ettin)s Pa)e....................................................................................................................................25
>.3 F"er&in) &stem Main n'ormation......................................................................................................................25
>.> F"er&in) Re!ti'ier tat"s...................................................................................................................................... 26
>.5 F"er&in) $arms................................................................................................................................................... 26
>.5.1 F"er&in) !tive $arm............................................................................................................................... 26
>.5.2 F"er&in) istor& $arm.............................................................................................................................29
>.D Maintenan!e......................................................................................................................................................... 29
>.6 ettin) &stem Parameters..................................................................................................................................30
>.6.1 $arm ettin)s...........................................................................................................................................30
>.6.2 Batter& ettin)s.........................................................................................................................................33
>.6.3 ( ettin)s............................................................................................................................................... 36
>.6.> 4( ettin)s...............................................................................................................................................38
>.6.5 Re!ti'ier ettin)s.......................................................................................................................................38
>.6.D &stem ettin)s........................................................................................................................................39
>.6.6 (omm"ni!ation ettin)s...........................................................................................................................>0
>.8 ettin) Ener)& avin)..........................................................................................................................................>0
>.9 Aast ettin)s......................................................................................................................................................... >1
(#ater 5 $arm and$in)................................................................................................................................................... >2
5.1 and$in) $arms................................................................................................................................................... >2
5.2 and$in) Re!ti'ier Aa"$t........................................................................................................................................>3
5.3 and$in) Monitorin) Mod"$e Aa"$t........................................................................................................................>5
endi 1 -e!#ni!a$ 4ata.................................................................................................................................................. >6
endi 2 En)ineerin) 4ia)ram....................................................................................................................................... 50
endi 3 Parameter ettin) O' -#e Monitorin) Mod"$e................................................................................................. 53
endi > Men" tr"!t"re O' -#e Monitorin) Mod"$e...................................................................................................... 56
endi 5 !#emati! 4ia)ram..........................................................................................................................................59
endi D <irin) 4ia)ram................................................................................................................................................ D2
endi 6 G$ossar&........................................................................................................................................................... 60
(#ater 1 Overview
B+V4 M(B
P(B board o'
t#e monitorin)
++V4 M(B
( in"t M(B
Batter& M(B
Figure 1.2 Appearance of S4!1!$%2&1!$$%'# po(er supply system
B+V4 M(B
P(B board o'
t#e monitorin)
++V4 M(B
( in"t M(B
Batter& M(B
Figure 1." Appearance of S4!1!$%2&1!$$%)# po(er supply system
-#e !on'i)"ration o' Net"re 501 (1 ower s"$& s&stem is $isted in -ab$e 11.
*a+le 1.2 ,onfiguration of -etSure $1 A,1 po(er supply system
P>81802H1800ID o r P>8180
Mode$/ R>81800, R>81800 or
Mode$/ R>81800, R>81800 or
Otiona$ !on'i)"ration/ 2 ie!es J
12 ie!es
tandard !on'i)"ration/ 12 ie!es
Mode$/ R>81800
Otiona$ !on'i)"ration/ 2 ie!es J
D ie!es
tandard !on'i)"ration/ D ie!es
Otiona$ !on'i)"ration/ 2 ie!es J
12 ie!es
tandard !on'i)"ration/ 12 ie!es
?two re!ti'ier s"bra!ks@ or D
ie!es?one re!ti'ier s"bra!k@
Net"re 601 D1, Net"re 501 (1 Power "$& &stem %ser Man"a$
(#ater 1 Overview
Mode$/ M520
P>81802H1800ID or P>8180
Mode$/ M520
Mode$/ M520
tandard !on'i)"ration/ 1 ie!e
tandard !on'i)"ration/ 1 ie!e
tandard !on'i)"ration/ 1 ie!e
( in"t mode/
( in"t mode/
3P L N L PEH 380V L P4
( in"t mode/
3P L N L PEH 380V L P4
3P L N L PEH 380V ?L P4@
or + L N L PEH 220V L P4
Monitorin) mod"$e
( in"t
or +1 L +2 L PEH 220V L P4
10 B+V4 ro"tes/
2  1DH1P, 8  10H1P M(B
4( ower distrib"tion
D ++V4 ro"tes/
2  125H1P, 2  80H1P, 2 
D3H1P M(B
Batter& M(B/
>  100H1P
Batter& ro"tes
Otiona$ arts
> B+V4 ro"tes/
2  1DH1P, 2  32H1P M(B
3 ++V4 ro"tes/
3  100H1P M(B
A$eib$e !on'i)"ration
Batter& M(B/
>  100H1P
Maim"m batter& M(B/
5  100H1P
Maim"m batter& !on'i)"ration/
Maim"m batter& !on'i)"ration/
Maim"m batter& !on'i)"ration/
>  >  ?12VH1D5#@ or >  > 
>  >  ?12VH1D5#@ or >  > 
-wo temerat"re sensors
-wo temerat"re sensors
>  >  ?12VH1D5#@ or 5  > 
-wo temerat"re sensors, #i)#
o#mi! distrib"tion "nit ?O4@, $ow
o#mi! distrib"tion "nit ?+O4@
Net"re 601 D1 ower s"$& s&stem in!$"des t#ree mode$s/ P>8300>H2900ID, P>8300>H2900<D and
P>8300>H2900<A. mon) t#em, P>8300>H2900<A ower s"$& s&stem is a '$eib$e!on'i)"ration !abinet,
!on'i)"red a!!ordin) to !"stomer re="irementsK P>8300>H2900ID ower s"$& s&stem is an inte)rated, 'ied
!on'i)"ration !abinet wit# batter& !omartmentsK P>8300>H2900<D ower s"$& s&stem is a 'ied!on'i)"ration
!abinet wit#o"t batter& !omartments. -#e aearan!es o' t#e s&stems are s#own in Ai)"re 15 J Ai)"re 1D.
Net"re 601 D1, Net"re 501 (1 Power "$& &stem %ser Man"a$
(#ater 1 Overview
B+V4 M(B
++V4 M(B
4( ositive b"sbar
P(B board o'
t#e monitorin)
( in"t M(B
Batter& M(B
4"mm& $ate
Figure 2.1 Appearance of S4!"$$%4&2/$$%'# po(er supply system
B+V4 M(B
++V4 M(B
P(B board o'
t#e monitorin)
4( ositive b"sbar
( in"t M(B
Batter& M(B
4"mm& $ate
Figure 2.2 Appearance of S4!"$$%4&2/$$%)# po(er supply system
-#e !on'i)"ration o' Net"re 601 D1 ower s"$& s&stem is $isted in -ab$e 12.
*a+le 1." ,onfiguration of -etSure 7$1 A#1 po(er supply system
Monitorin) mod"$e
P>8300>H2900ID or P>8300>H2900<D
Mode$/ R>82900%
Mode$/ R>82900% or R>83200
Otiona$ !on'i)"ration/ 2 ie!es J D ie!es
tandard !on'i)"ration/ 5 ie!es
Mode$/ M520
tandard !on'i)"ration/ 1 ie!e
Otiona$ !on'i)"ration/ 2 ie!es J D ie!es
tandard !on'i)"ration/ D ie!es
Mode$/ M520
tandard !on'i)"ration/ 1 ie!e
Net"re 601 D1, Net"re 501 (1 Power "$& &stem %ser Man"a$
(#ater 2 nsta$$ation nstr"!tion
Figure 1.2 9nstalling t5e system to t5e (all +
2.3.2 nsta$$in) Re!ti'iers
1. "n the non'full'configuration# install the dummy plates at the empty slots.
6. 0hen installing the rectifier# hold the handle and push the rectifier to the slot gently# otherwise the slot may be damaged.
-#e ro!ed"res o' insta$$in) R>81800, R>81800 or R>82000 re!ti'iers are as 'o$$ows/
1. +oosen t#e 'iin) s!rew o' t#e #and$e wit# a P#i$$is s!rewdriver, and t#e ositionin) in wi$$ retra!t into t#e
re!ti'ier. -#e #and$e o' t#e re!ti'ier is s#own in Ai)"re 26.
Aiin) bo$t
Figure 1.1 0andle of t5e rectifier
2. P"t t#e re!ti'ier onto t#e )"ide rai$. P"s# t#e re!ti'ier !om$ete$& into t#e !abinet.
3. P"s# t#e #and$e into t#e 'ront ane$ to o o"t t#e ositionin) in and $o!k t#e re!ti'ier to t#e !abinet. Ai t#e 'iin)
s!rew o' t#e #and$e wit# a P#i$$is s!rewdriver. -#e mo"nted re!ti'iers are s#own in Ai)"re 28.
Figure 1.2 Mounted rectifiers
-#e ro!ed"res o' insta$$in) R>82900% or R>83200 re!ti'iers are as 'o$$ows/
1. Press t#e #and$e o' t#e re!ti'ier, and t#e ositionin) in wi$$ retra!t into t#e re!ti'ier. -#e #and$e o' t#e re!ti'ier is
s#own in Ai)"re 29.
Net"re 601 D1, Net"re 501 (1 Power "$& &stem %ser Man"a$
(#ater 2 nsta$$ation nstr"!tion
Figure 1." 0andle of t5e rectifier
2. P"t t#e re!ti'ier onto t#e )"ide rai$. ee Ai)"re 2> 'or insta$$ation ositions.
3. P"s# t#e re!ti'ier !om$ete$& into t#e !abinet. P"s# t#e #and$e into t#e 'ront ane$ to o o"t t#e ositionin) in
and $o!k t#e re!ti'ier to t#e !abinet.
2.> E$e!tri!a$ nsta$$ation
2.>.1 (onne!tin) Power (ab$es
1. Switch off all +&s and fuses before the electrical connection.
6. !nly the )ualified personnel shall do the power cable connection.
Conne'ting eart 'a&le
(onne!t one end o' t#e eart# !ab$e to t#e eart# b"sbar o' t#e ma!#ine room, and t#e ot#er end to t#e eart# termina$
o' t#e s&stem. Aeed t#e !ab$es into t#e !abinet 'rom t#e to. -#e osition o' t#e eart# termina$ is s#own in Ai)"re 2
 am$i'ied
Figure 1.1 art5 terminal position
Net"re 601 D1, Net"re 501 (1 Power "$& &stem %ser Man"a$
(#ater 2 nsta$$ation nstr"!tion
Conne'ting AC input 'a&les
(onne!t t#e ( in"t !ab$es to t#e ( in"t M(B or termina$s in t#e ( in"t area, as s#own in Ai)"re 211.
( in"t area
Figure 1.1 A, connection terminals
Conne'ting loa) 'a&les
(onne!t t#e ne)ative $oad !ab$e to t#e "er termina$ o' $oad M(Bs ?B+V4 M(Bs and ++V4 M(Bs@ or $oad '"ses.
(onne!t t#e ositive $oad !ab$e to t#e 4( ositive b"sbar, as s#own in Ai)"re 212.
4( ositive b"sbar
B+V4 M(B
++V4 M(B
Batter& M(B
Figure 1.1 D, connection terminals
Conne'ting &attery 'a&les
1. The batteries may have dangerous current. &efore connecting battery cables# make sure that the battery +&s at the system
side and at the battery side are switched off. "f there are no battery +&s at the battery side# users should disconnect any one of
the connectors between battery cells to avoid live state of the system after installation.
6. &e careful not to reversely connect the battery. !therwise# both the battery and the system will be damaged>
7. 0hen users install batteries# batteries in the lowest layer should be installed firstly# and batteries in the most upper layer should
be installed lastly. 0hen users remove batteries# the batteries should be removed in a reverse order# to prevent turnover of the
1. (ab$e !onne!tion o' ML !abinet
-#e batter& !ab$es are !onne!ted at t#e 'a!tor&. <#en !onne!tin) batteries, "$$ o"t t#e #eat s#rinkab$e t"be
wraed aro"nd t#e !ab$e termina$s and !onne!t t#e batter& !ab$es to t#e ositive and ne)ative termina$s o' t#e
2. (ab$e !onne!tion o'  !abinet
-#e batter& !ab$es o'  !abinet are a!!essories. -#e !ab$e !onne!tion ro!ed"res are as 'o$$ows/
1@ (onne!t one end o' t#e ne)ative batter& !ab$e to t#e "er termina$ o' t#e batter& M(B. !!ordin) to Appendi6 #
)iring Diagram, !onne!t one end o' t#e ositive batter& !ab$e to t#e bo$t on t#e 'ront side o' t#e ositive b"sbar. -#e
ositions are s#own in Ai)"re 212.
2@ Ro"te t#e batter& !ab$es t#ro")# to !over o' t#e s&stem and batter& !ab$e entr& #o$es o' t#e batter& !abinet. Bind
t#e !ab$es beside t#e batter&. <ra a$$ t#e bare arts o' t#e !ab$e termina$s wit# ins"$atin) tae. 4o not !onne!t t#e
!ab$es to t#e batter& "nti$ t#e 4( distrib"tion "nit is to be tested. -#e ositions o' t#e batter& !ab$e entr& #o$es are
s#own in Ai)"re 213.
Net"re 601 D1, Net"re 501 (1 Power "$& &stem %ser Man"a$
(#ater > %se O' Monitorin) Mod"$e
Figure 1.1 First system information page
1. 'ter initia$i7ation, t#e 'irst s&stem in'ormation a)e aears.
2. t t#e Main Men" a)e, ress E( to ret"rn to t#e 'irst s&stem in'ormation a)e.
3. ' no oeration is !ond"!ted on t#e monitorin) mod"$e ke&ad 'or 8 min"tes, t#e +(4 wi$$ ret"rn to t#e 'irst s&stem
in'ormation a)e. -#e time o' t#at ret"rn wi$$ be re!orded a"tomati!a$$&, and !an be ="eried t#ro")# t#e #ost.
>. t an& s&stem in'ormation a)e, ress E( to dis$a& t#e seria$ No. o' t#e monitorin) mod"$e, t#e so'tware version
and r"ntime.
5. t t#e s&stem in'ormation a)e, ress and #o$d t#e E( and EN- at t#e same time 'or severa$ se!onds, t#e
monitorin) mod"$e wi$$ be reset and restart.
>.2.2 Enter Password Pa)e
4"rin) t#e oeration, t#e s&stem wi$$ romt &o" to enter assword, as s#own in Ai)"re 1.1. On$& t#e !orre!t
assword wi$$ a$$ow &o" to enter t#e a)e &o" need.
Figure 1.1 ,onfirming pass(ord page
1. -o in"t t#e assword, "se X or Y to modi'& n"mbers, and "se Z or [ to move t#e !"rsor. 'ter t#e in"t, ress
EN- to !on'irm.
2. ' t#e assword is in!orre!t, t#e s&stem wi$$ romt Password in!orre!tC.
3. Press E( to ret"rn to MNMEN% a)e.
>. -#e s&stem #as t#ree di''erent assword $eve$s/ "ser $eve$ ?de'a"$t/ 1@, en)ineer $eve$ ?de'a"$t/ 2@ and administrator
$eve$ ?de'a"$t/ D>0265@.
On!e &o" enter t#e !orre!t assword, &o" never need to enter t#e assword a)ain d"rin) t#e oeration. <#i$e t#e
interva$ time 'or ada!ent oeration is more t#an 'o"r min"tes, t#e s&stem wi$$ romt &o" to in"t t#e assword
a)ain. ' &o" want to enter senior settin) a)es, &o" need to wait 'o"r min"tes and !annot do an& oeration d"rin)
waitin), and t#en t#e s&stem wi$$ enter t#e senior settin) a)es a'ter &o" in"t t#e #i)#er $eve$ assword. ' t#e two
$eve$ asswords are t#e same, t#e s&stem wi$$ dis$a& t#e senior men"s a'ter &o" enter t#e assword.
>.2.3 MNMEN% Pa)e
MNMEN% a)e is t#e #i)#est$eve$ men". t t#e s"bmen"s o' t#is a)e, &o" !an ="er& t#e settin)s, !ontro$s,
re!ti'ier in'ormation and a$arm in'ormation o' t#e s&stem, as s#own in Ai)"re 1.1.
Ener)& avin)
Aast settin)s
Figure 1.1 MA9-M-> page
1. t an& s&stem in'ormation a)e, ress EN- to enter t#e MNMEN% a)e.
2. t an& s"bmen" o' t#e MNMEN% a)e, ress E( reeated$& to ret"rn to t#e #i)#er$eve$ men", and "$timate$&
to t#e MNMEN% a)e.
Net"re 601 D1, Net"re 501 (1 Power "$& &stem %ser Man"a$
(#ater > %se O' Monitorin) Mod"$e
>.2.> --% Pa)e
-#e --% a)e is a s"bmen" o' t#e Main Men". t !ontains t#ree s"bmen"s, in!$"din) Re!ti'iers, !tive $arm
and istor& $arm, as s#own in Ai)"re 1.1.
!tive $arm
istor& $arm
Figure 1.1 S*A*>S page
1. t t#e MNMEN% a)e, ress X or Y to se$e!t t#e --% men", and ress EN- to !on'irm.
2. t an& s"bmen" o' t#e --% a)e, ress E( reeated$& to ret"rn to t#e #i)#er$eve$ men", and "$timate$& to
--% a)e.
>.2.5 ettin)s Pa)e
4is$a&ed in two a)es, t#e ettin)s a)e is a s"bmen" o' t#e MNMEN%. t is "sed to set s&stem arameters.
n"t t#e !orre!t assword to enter t#e ettin)s a)e, as s#own in Ai)"re 1.1.
$arm ettin)
Bat. ettin)s
( ettin)s
4( ettin)s
Re!t ettin)s
&s ettin)s
(omm ettin)s
Figure 1.1 Settings page
1. t t#e MNMEN% a)e, ress X or Y to se$e!t t#e ettin)s men", and ress EN- to !on'irm. &stem wi$$ t#en
romt &o" to in"t t#e assword.
2. n"t t#e !orre!t assword and ress EN- to enter t#e ettin)s a)e. Press X or Y to s!ro$$ to t#e oeration a)e
&o" need.
%sers wit# di''erent assword $eve$ #ave di''erent a"t#orities. ee -ab$e 1.2.
*a+le 1.2 Different pass(ord le3els and rele3ant different aut5orities
(on'i)"ration o' )enera$ arameters
%serCs a"t#orit&, $"s resettin) s&stem, resettin) assword and modi'&in) s&stem t&e
En)ineerCs a"t#orit&, $"s modi'&in) assword o' a$$ $eve$s, !ontro$in) a$arm vo$"me,
browsin) s&stem arameters !on'i)"red b& #ost
4e'a"$t assword
On!e &o" enter t#e !orre!t assword, &o" never need to enter t#e assword a)ain d"rin) t#e oeration. <#i$e t#e
interva$ time 'or ada!ent oeration is more t#an 'o"r min"tes, t#e s&stem wi$$ romt &o" to in"t t#e assword
a)ain. ' &o" want to enter senior settin) a)es, &o" need to wait 'o"r min"tes and !annot do an& oeration d"rin)
waitin), and t#en t#e s&stem wi$$ enter t#e senior settin) a)es a'ter &o" in"t t#e #i)#er $eve$ assword. ' t#e two
$eve$ asswords are t#e same, t#e s&stem wi$$ dis$a& t#e senior men"s a'ter &o" enter t#e assword.
>.2.D Maintenan!e Pa)e
4is$a&ed in two a)es, t#e Maintenan!e a)e is a s"bmen" o' t#e MNMEN%. t is "sed to !ontro$ t#e s&stem in
rea$ time. Io" !an enter t#e Maintenan!e a)e a'ter &o" in"t t#e !orre!t assword. Aor t#is men", t#e "ser,
en)ineer and administrator assword, a$$ "sers #ave t#e same a"t#orities. -#e Maintenan!e a)e is s#own in Ai)"re
Figure 1.1 Maintenance page
Net"re 601 D1, Net"re 501 (1 Power "$& &stem %ser Man"a$