ASSIGNMENT TO LESSON 5 – MANAGEMENT MODELS, TECHNOLOGY AND CHALLENGES TO ETHICAL PROFESSIONALISM 1. Prepare a qualitative Action Research on “Filipino Values and Values Systems: 10 Years Ago, Today, and 10 Years into the Future.” 2. You can request your students and their parents to provide inputs to come up with an empirically updated list of Filipino Values. 3. Prepare an Action Plan discussing this updated list of Filipino Values. NOTE: READ AND STUDY LESSON 5 - MANAGEMENT MODELS, TECHNOLOGY AND CHALLENGES TO ETHICAL PROFESSIONALISM. BE READY FOR ACADEMIC EXCHANGE. FOR ADDITIONAL READINGS: Kindly read from the given links to enhance our lesson. Arthur, J., Davison, J., & Lewis, M. (2005) Professional Values and Practice: Achieving the Standards for QTS for+educators&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjckLWKvofpAhWIuJQKHQq1B9cQ6AEIMjAB#v=one page&q=PROFESSIONAL%20ETHICS%20%26%20VALUES%20EDUCATION%20for%20educ ators&f=false Carr, D. (2000) Professionalism and Ethics in Teaching +ETHICS+%26+VALUES+EDUCATION&hl=en&sa=X#v=onepage&q=PROFESSIONAL%20ETH ICS%20%26%20VALUES%20EDUCATION&f=false Lovat & Toomey (2009). Values Education and Quality Teaching: The Double Helix Effect eories+on++Ethics+and++Values+Education&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiJjtWp64fpAhUOG6Y KHfdVDLk4FBDoAQhTMAY#v=onepage&q=Educational%20Theories%20on%20%20Ethics%20 and%20%20Values%20Education&f=false Webster, R. S., & Whelen, John D.(2019). Rethinking Reflection and Ethics for Teachers Theories+on++Ethics+and++Values+Education&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi8s72Q64fpAhXpy4 sBHfd1Bn04ChC7BQgrMAA#v=onepage&q=Educational%20Theories%20on%20%20Ethics%20 and%20%20Values%20Education&f=false