epro@el) em ~ro@el) <9~entlrn<9®es)~e:> @19-611 1J 6lj, @[9.l1JIDW6lJI!> ~6ID60lllffiiD61TtD DEPARTMENT OF IMMIGRATION AND EMIGRATION (fl. ~@f!<5il(5f:i)/! ® @Jo@clc:l I. E. G6ll6ri1!J>ITLL9-tro ®)6Uri>161l>IOUJrfl61ir ,9161l>LUJIT61Tlb SR I LAN I(A SRI LANKAN IDENTITY OVERSEAS ® @o~i)) 5. (!!;. (!!;. efel>el>2SO">:£l IMM IGAATION A ND EMIGRATION ro®es) Ql@0\5JG'l('j). es.JeB I es.J~ei))G);:;S'\<9® e'.les.Jt»~G'l('j) e'.l~es.J) <gJ@(g®0\5JG'l @6D~6IDID IDL6ljBo8'L(B , ~61l8'1J I ~6IDLl1JIT61TBo 8'1T6liraJlS!Jli? 6lli61ffi61l15TUULD APPLICATION FOR A SRI LANKAN PASSPORT, EMERGENCY/ IDENTITY CERTIFICATE o b CiH!>:li:llC50 ~oitil OeiJ @1lll6rtl6o <'fortl~oi i:ll~ e~Jo<:il@<:il ®o®B eiJJ®l@eloi o@h!>:l<:D (i)~;~esl ~~ ~ o®il!lcl 8&lcl ~ · eJ~:el ~e:ltD6 Oll;;eiJl L,O@~e:l o~i:lllel i2l©esl<~> "'""'~ IU""'ibl ~a:w Gw"y)l""w JDL(j)~w 6J!iJ!))Jii>Ga>"6ii6lJso"6i:i 6lli6111it6ll01uu UJ96llsbllll$0 ~~61lsj;!fjl6i:J IDL(j)ll!w IJ~sj;!fjiQqliJ~Gil ill6lJ6111iJ(j)tb ~wwlb1"' so<~>61JWID@!>Ii>@> .91~6ll!!Jii!Jso6il UJ96llsb61!lsou u" ~ li>a>6lJib. The data and information are fed into the computer in English. Hence the application must be filled in English. Please read the instruction sheet for further information. ~)t:JG'l)@f3G'l (d®G'l:kles:>G'l e'.l~es.J)/ .§1~6l.l6DID ii1__ U<8l1Jrr&l!>~rD@i wrri!>~IJLb/ For Official use only APPLICATION NO. I N I I ALLOCATED PASSPORT NO. AC CODE I I I } } ,1. Type of Service 2. Type of Travel Document 3. Present Travel Document No. (If any) Normal All Countries D D OneDay Middle East Countries D D 4. Emergency Certificate I D Identity Certificate D NMRP No. (If any) I I I I I } 5. National Identity Card No. 6. Surname } [ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 7. Other Names }I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 8. Permanent Address H I I 111111111111111111 I 8.1 District 9. Date of Birth 10. Birth Certificate 11. Place of Birth 12. Sex 13. Profession/ Occupation/ Job } } } } } Date No. Month I District I I Female I D I Male I 14. Have you obtained Dual Citizenship in Sri Lanka? If Yes, Dual Citizenship No. Year } I D I Yes D I No I D I (Please fill up fields 17 and 18 in the next page) 15. Mobile/ Phone No. (to be notified via SMS when passport is ready for collection) } 16. E-maiiAddress } JL~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Compulsory for Dual Citizenship Holders 17. 18. 19. . Fo reign Nationality I I I I Foreign Passport No. If this application is for a child below the age of 16 years, following information must also be provided. Father I Guardian Nati o nal Id entity Card No. I Present Travel Document No. I 20. 21 . I I I I I I I I I I I Mother I Guardian National Identity Card No. I Present Travel Document No. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I efCl~®lS>6;:; e'JBes) e5t"ilrn ~c;e:si@e:l?D @l'S>)Q @~l'S> ~© l'S>it:l <g>t3e:J@ @?il)(5)~@fl?D at3e_ qe:Del?D @fl?D @e:l?D® rnc;liJCJ (;l~Cl. ffi<&l!J i!L6iT61T @1J6lfliT(B 1Tn(Bffi(@>&@i6li(@>Lb $!'Jll.l6lj GilfW(pl i!Lrlilffi6li 61nffiGill.JITUU£>61n$!'J @L6ljLD, 61nffi Gill.JITUULD 1Tn(Bffi6Tii6U (.lp L Ui; ITnLIT(pl. Applicant, Please place your signature insid e both cag es below. Signature should not touch the border. qCJc;~®lS>6c;@Gi 1dl'S>)GDCJI6Ui6lfliTGmuu$!'Jrr1J!fl6riT i!LIDJ$[,lll..J61n1J I Declaration of the Applicant ®® @ @)o~l'S> g6e:Jc;E\@Cl?.:il we:Je:D @) e'JBes) <g>es:lrn ela:;_e5)es) lS>© @OJ)6~6c; es:l) @@ efCl~®arnO q@®:n qc;§ ef@?D?.:ile:D @@we:v eJrnzs es:l) &e:J;:;6e_ we:JO 1dl'S>)GD l'S>6®. rne:J~, qeJrnzs @OJ)6~6;:; elt"il (9Cl~Cle'l(9 <g>e_t3ae:D ~1')@ ~©e:J® @01iJCJ t"il0~ e:J6~e:si we:J ~&®. rJ)IT 6!iT 'iY® @6Urlil61nffi U Ul 1J 61n~Gill.l6lll 6lJLD , <&LDdJU19 6!6!iT6lllrr6U 6ll l!Jrlilffi uul..(B6li 6ll $!'Jffi6lJWffi(@>LD @61n6U11!&1D uu l..(B 6li6TT &,j,6lJGmrlilffi(@> LD lf!fi ll.J IT6lll61n6lJGill.J6lll6ljtb, :!L6lfliT61n LDll.J IT6lll61n6lJGi ll.J6lll6lJ LD @lf,$!'JITW i!LIDJ$[,lll..J 61niJ &ffi16ril<&JD6ril. $!'J 6llJDIT6lll I <&urr 615lll.JIT 6lll &,j,6lJ6U11lrliJffi61n6Tlif lfLD(rUUlUU(pl $!'J6lfliTL61n6lll&@i!fl ll.J @irDJDLDIT @iGi LD6!iT U61n$!'J ll..jLD rJ)IT6!iT ,g)l)!51<&6lJ6ri!. I declare that I am a citizen of Sri Lanka and the above information provided by me and the documents attached hereto are true and correct. Also, I am aware of the fact that producing forg ed / falsified documents and information is a puni shable offence. efCl0~®lS>60@Gi Controll er's Order Minute Sheet Attached (If any) efrDel?D I 6lli6lfliTGmUU$!'JiT!fiWI6ri! 61nffiGill.JITUU LD Signature of the Applicant PPT No: PPT Lost: Yes/ No DC I AC Signature Police Report /TTD I NMRP Dual Citizen : Yes I No BC No. & District: NIC I DL I Posta liD MC No. & District F's PPT I NIC Copy & Concent Letter Pending at Computer Division M's PPT I NIC Copy & Concent Letter DC I AC's Order: