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Sahel Nomadic Herding: Geography Class Handout

HKCCCU Logos Academy
MS2 Geography
Module 5.3 Class handout 1
Name: _____________________ Class (no.): _________ Block: _______ Date: ___________
Unit 5.3 – What are the characteristics of nomadic herding in the Sahel?
A. Where is the Sahel?
Textbook p. 23
1. Figure 1 shows a map of northern Africa. Figure 2 shows some information about the Sahel.
Complete Figure 2 about the information of the Sahel by referring to Figure 1.
Figure 1
Information about the Sahel
It is the strip of land at the ( northern / southern ) edge of the Sahara Desert in Africa.
It extends over 6,000 km from east to west across Africa and is 400–600 km wide.
It lies approximately between
It is the transitional zone between the ______________ Desert in the north (drier) and the
Savanna to the south (wetter).
°N and
Figure 2
HKCCCU Logos Academy
MS2 Geography
Module 5.3 Class handout 1
B. What is the physical environment of the Sahel and its physical farming
Textbook pp. 24–5
1. Based on Figures 3, 4 and 5 in Table 1, complete the blanks in Table 1 about the climate of the
Table 1
Figure 3 Climatic graph of
Mopti in the Sahel
Figure 4
Annual rainfall and prevailing winds in the Sahel
Figure 5
Rainfall variability in the Sahel
Air temperature
Air temperature is
throughout the year à High
Annual rainfall is ( high / low ), between 200 mm and
600 mm
Rainfall concentrates in ( winter / summer ) months
Rainfall is ( stable / unstable ). It may be wet in one year
and then very dry in other years
HKCCCU Logos Academy
MS2 Geography
Module 5.3 Class handout 1
Textbook pp. 24–5
Complete the flow chart below to show how prevailing winds bring about such climatic characteristics
in the Sahel.
The Sahel has hot and dry ( onshore /
offshore ) winds in both summer and
In summer,
winds from the south
cannot penetrate inland and lose most of the
when they reach the Sahel
It is ( hot / cold ) and ( wet / dry ) throughout the year in the
Sahel. It has a
2. Based on the information in Table 1 about the climate of the Sahel, are there any physical
farming constraints you can think of?
(*Hint: Think about the temperature and amount of rainfall. Is it favorable for farming? Why or
why not?)
HKCCCU Logos Academy
MS2 Geography
Module 5.3 Class handout 1
Textbook pp. 24–5
3. Based on Figures 6 and 7 in Table 2, complete the blanks in Table 2 about the relief, drainage,
soil and vegetation of the Sahel.
Table 2
Figure 6
Relief and drainage
Relief and drainage of the Sahel
 Much of the Sahel has a
‚ Two major rivers — the ___________ River and the ___________
( high / low ) relief. Highlands
River cover a ( large / small ) area in the Sahel.
are only found in the area west of
the River Nile
Lake Chad is the largest lake in the region, but its size has shrunk
in recent decades.
Soils and vegetation
ƒ Mainly thin and
„ Vegetation are ( densely / sparsely )
( infertile / fertile )
sandy soils. The
The major type of vegetation is
moisture content is
grassland, with some areas covered by
( high / low ).
thorny shrubs.
Figure 7 Landscape in the Sahel
HKCCCU Logos Academy
MS2 Geography
Module 5.3 Class handout 1
4. Based on the information in Table 2 about the relief, drainage, soil and vegetation of the Sahel,
are there any physical farming constraints you can think of?
HKCCCU Logos Academy
MS2 Geography
Module 5.3 Class handout 1
C. What is the socio-economic environment of the Sahel?
Textbook pp. 26–7
1. Complete the Table 3 below about the socio-economic environment of the Sahel.
Table 3 Socio-economic environment of the Sahel
( Small / Large ) demand for food
( Fast / Slow ) population
growth rate
Employment structure
Education level and
literacy rate
Mostly engaged in
Income per capita is ( high / low )
( Have / Lack ) the knowledge, skills
( High / Low )
and capital to improve agriculture
( Able / Not able ) to use farming
technologies to increase production
Political situation
The economic development of the
region is ( high / low ).
Social unrest and conflict hinder the
agricultural and economic development of
the region
( Stable / Unstable )
As a result of the physical and socio-environment of the Sahel, the
region has a low
Figure 8