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2D Platformer Game Project Report: Introduction & Scope

Video games took an entire industry and made it highly profitable and completely
changed the scope of entertainment. The main objective form this project is to create a
2D video game using programming and design skills and reach the majority of gamers a
community that is growing and starving for entertainment. Our product will be a 2D
video game that will gather both programming skills and also character creating or
design skills.
Scope of Project
(1) The software product we will be making is a 2D platformer video game. We
do not yet have a title for it.
(2) This software product is for entertainment purposes only. With this
disclaimer, we’d like to emphasize that the events and gameplay depicted in
this video game are fictitious. Any similarity to any person living or dead or
place is merely coincidental.
(3) The only objectives and goals this game will strive for are to be fun and to be
(1) 2D: 2 dimensional.
(2) GM L: Game Maker Language
(3) Platform er: a game in which a player leads their character or avatar to
jump on various platforms (suspended and not suspended). Many
platformers have collectables, enemies that can be defeated, and puzzles
that must be solved to progress. One of the most famous examples of
platformers is the video game Super Mario Bros.
(4) Player: refers to the person playing the game.
(5) Avatar: usually a character that is represented graphically and can be
controlled by the player.
(6) Collectables: items that can be obtained by the player in the game. An
example of a collectable is a gem or a gold coin that can be picked up by
the player.
2D Video Game Character Animation for Beginners (Udemy)
Programming 2d games by: Charles Kelly
The Yoyo Games Website
Software Engineering (9th Edition) 9th Edition by Ian Sommerville
Overview of Docum ent
Our project will follow the organizational structure of software development. The
second part of the project report will be the software specification part, which
will cover the functional and non-functional area of the project containing
product requirement, organizational requirement, and external requirement.
Software design will be the next step in which we will use the UML diagrams to
specify different parts of the project and divide the software into chunks making
it easy to implement and debug. Finally, we will finish up with the
implementation step using GML in Game Maker to create our game.