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How a Cybersecurity Speaker Can Provide Value in 2022

How a Cybersecurity
Speaker Can Provide
Value in 2022
Cyber-attacks continue to be a huge challenge for organizations,
whether big or small. Statistics reported by IBM show that hacking in
2021 was the highest, with an exponential growth of 50% from 2020.
Cybercrimes are still increasing even though there continues to be an
improvement in security infrastructure. It is because hackers have
devices with smarter ways to exploit secure data and information.
It means that organizations need to increase better security
awareness among their employees. It has created the need for cyber
security speakers to address this global issue while closely interacting
with the employees. Here we look at a few areas where a cybersecurity speaker can provide value for your organization in 2022.
Introduce Real-Life Demonstrations
In 2022, employees can now attend seminars, as opposed to the
previous years, whereby the COVID-19 Pandemic had heavily hit the
world. However, there is a huge difference between explaining
something to someone and allowing the person to experience it first
hand. Here, your team members can watch a hacker in action during
a demonstration to see what happens during a cyber-attack.
Additionally, a speaker who can tell compelling stories will help an
audience understand real-life examples and leave a lasting
impression. Hence, investing in this kind of training for all your
employees is worthwhile.
Emphasize a Q&A session
At the end of the seminar, it is important to have an interactive
question and answer session. Here, no question is undermined or
looked over. Also, employees can seek clarification on what they’ve
learned or need further explanation on areas not well understood.
These interactions encourage the employees to dig deep into any
issues they face at work and, in turn, lead to better choices in their
work areas.
Any invited speaker should integrate this session into their events
before they wrap up the training. It also helps that the
security speaker knows
all current issues about cyber
security to be able to answer all the questions and concerns raised.
Emphasize the required skills
The speaker should be armed with information on skills required by
the security team and identify any gaps. The organization should
ensure that the security department has experts in this field and
regularly update these skills as the market requires.
Having staff with the right skills on the job will ensure that
organization’s data and information will be kept secure. In addition,
this will enhance other business operations as you seek to propel your
business forward without worrying about cyber-attacks.
Updates on recent cyber security threats
Cyber-attacks evolve rapidly as many organizations digitalize their
operations. For example, during the COVID-19 Pandemic, many
employees were working from home, bringing about newfound
vulnerabilities for hackers.
The speaker should outline all these types of cyber-attacks to ensure
that the employees know what they face. In addition, every cyber
security speaker should know the current techniques that hackers use
and offer solutions to curb them.
Qualities of a good cyber security speaker
They should offer real-world strategies that work
They should be passionate and engaging
They should be experienced in cybersecurity
All organizations should seek out the services of a cyber-security
speaker to interact with the employees as they address their concerns
one on one. Additionally, it would be best if you chose a speaker who
impresses the attendants to ensure that there is impact.