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EAPP Q1 Summative-Test-2-v.2

English for Academic and Professional Purposes
Quarter 1
Summative Test No. 2 - Summarizing, Paraphrasing and Outlining
Name ____________________________________
Section - ___________________
Score ______/32
Write your answers on this answer sheet. Write the letter of your answer on the blank provided.
_____1. Which is used to determine the essential ideas in a book, article, book chapter, and an article?
A. Main idea
B. Paraphrasing
C. Summarizing
D. Thesis statement
_____2. Which of the following is an important step in summarizing?
A. Put together short sentences.
C. React with evidence.
B. Read and understand the whole text.
D. Supply what is lacking in the text.
_____3. Which phrase best defines a summary?
A. A shortened passage B. Bulleted list of ideas C. Useful information D. Writer’s reactions
_____4. Which of the following is NOT summarizing?
A. Capturing the key ideas and putting them together concisely.
B. Including the main idea and essential details in shortening the text.
C. Integrating one’s reactions to the points being summarized.
D. Shortening the whole text using only the essential ideas.
_____5. Which technique in summarizing intends to turn complex sentences to simple ones?
A. Combining
B. Rejection
C. Selection
D. Substitution
_____6. Which of the following MUST be considered when summarizing?
A. Writing down everything.
C. Refraining from adding comments about the text.
B. Writing down ideas word for word.
D. Supporting one’s claim with evidence.
_____7. Which of the following is not necessary for summarizing?
A. Clear structure
B. Credible sources
C. Personal opinions
D. Thesis statement
_____8. Which may NOT be a purpose for writing a summary?
A. To determine the essential ideas
C. To deepen the understanding of a text
B. To scan for information
D. To identify the relevant information
_____9. Which technique in summarizing is to express other people’s ideas clearly using one’s own words?
B. Paraphrasing
C. Revising
D. Summarizing
_____10. Which of the following is NOT a way of condensation?
A. Use synonyms and synonymous phrases
C. Support one’s claim with factual evidence
B. Turn complex sentences into simple ones
D. Combine sentences
_____11. Which may be eliminated when summarizing?
A. Key words
B. Main ideas
C. Redundancy
D. Special terms
_____12. Which is the inability to give credit to the original writer or source and claiming it as one’s own?
A. Editing
B. Jargon
C. Narrative
D. Plagiarism
_____13. Which format provides the summarized idea before the citation?
A. Author Heading Format
C. Idea Heading Format
B. Date Heading Format
D. Title Heading Format
_____14. Which is a declarative sentence that carries the main idea or assertion of the entire paper?
A. Opening Statement
B. Hedging
C. Satire
D. Thesis Statement
_____15. Which is repeating something from a source exactly word for word?
A. Paraphrasing
B. Summarizing
C. Revising
D. Quoting
_____16. Which is not among the 5 C’s in paraphrasing?
B. Criticize
C. Combine
D. Comprehend
_____17. Which rule in paraphrasing is important for a writer to acknowledge the information source?
A. Change
B. Cite
C. Combine
D. Comprehend
_____18. Which is using the exact words of another person / author?
A. Essay
B. Dissertation
C. Quotation
D. Technical Report
_____19. Which type of quotation is termed as Reported Speech?
A. Indirect Quotation
B. Complexity
C. Direct Quotation
D. Credible proof
_____20. Which organizes materials hierarchically and sequentially by classifying the main topics,
subtopics and the supporting details?
A. Summary
B. Details
C. Outline
D. Sequence
_____21. Which outline helps a writer see a larger structure through a series of short ideas?
A. Topic Outline
B. Sentence Outline
C. Ideas
D. Related topics
_____22. What order do outlines go in?
A. Title, Basic Pattern, Main Point, Sub-point, Subheadings
B. Subheadings, Main Point, Basic Pattern, Title, Sub-point
C. Title, Main Point, Basic Pattern, Sub-point, Subheadings
D. Main Point, Title, Basic Pattern, Subheadings, Subpoint
_____23. Which of the following indicates the main point within the structure of the paragraph?
A. Arabic numerals
B. Roman numerals
C. Capital letters
D. Symbols
_____24. Which of the following situations demonstrates an ineffective technique in summary writing?
A. Ana presents an obscure and verbose summary.
B. Ana uses her own words in expressing the author’s thoughts.
C. Ana rereads the whole text until she finally gets its main idea.
D. Ana condenses the words and ideas presented in the text, locate the topic sentence, and make
an outline of her summary.
_____25. Which of the following scenarios exhibits an ineffective way of summary writing?
A. Aaron writes down the author’s thoughts nearly verbatim.
B. Aaron carefully chooses the ideas/ examples relevant to the topic.
C. Aaron excludes the ideas that are not presented in the text.
D. Aaron makes sure that his summary is written briefly and concisely.
_____26. Which is an indicator of a bad summary?
It shows that the writer clearly understands the whole text.
It does not provide proper citations for ideas that are taken from another writer.
It shows rephrased ideas or information presented in the text.
It only provides relevant details or information.
_____27. Which of the following in-text citations is an example of author heading format?
A. Ducha and Rocha (2021) argued the significance of mental and spiritual health to minimize
psychological damage and create a culture that values human dignity through religious support
programs, like the USAF military chaplaincy.
B. The mental and spiritual health are significant to minimize psychological damage and create a
culture that values human dignity through religious support programs, like the USAF military
chaplaincy (Ducha and Rocha, 2021).
C. In their 2021 study entitled Religious Support as a Contribution to Face the Effects of Social
Isolation in Mental Health During the Pandemic of COVID-19, Ducha and Rocha argued the
significance of mental and spiritual health to minimize psychological damage and create a culture
that values human dignity through religious support programs, like the USAF military chaplaincy.
D. Ducha and Rocha argued the significance of mental and spiritual health to minimize
psychological damage and create a culture that values human dignity through religious support
programs, like the USAF military chaplaincy.
28-30. Analyze the statements whether it is Paraphrasing or Quoting.
A. Paraphrasing
B. Quoting
_____28. When American journalists cover events, they often display Western bias
_____29. Warsy and co workers reported that the prevalence of cousin marriages is more than 50% in
Saudi Arabia.
_____30. “ People with a high misalignment of social and biological time may be less able to act in a
proactive manner, probably because of sleep delay” ( Randler, 2009, p.2793).
31-32. Write at least two-three sentences on your own understanding about summarizing, paraphrasing
and outlining. (2 points)