“D” HEART CLIENT INTAKE FORM - THERAPEUTIC MASSAGE Personal Information: Name: ___________________________________ Contact Number: ______________________ Address: ______________________________________________________________________ City/State/Zip: _________________________________________________________________ Email: ___________________________________ Date of Birth: ________________________ Occupation: ______________________________ Emergency Contact: ___________________ The following information will be used to help plan safe and effective massage sessions. Please answer the questions to the best of your knowledge. Date of Initial Visit: _________________________________ 1. Have you had a professional massage before? Yes No If yes, how often do you receive massage therapy? ______________________________ 2. Do you have any difficulty lying on your front, back, or side? Yes No If yes, please explain ______________________________________________________ 3. Do you have any allergies to oils, lotions, or ointments? Yes No If yes, please specify if you have any allergies to the content of oils, lotions, and ointment ________________________________________________________________________ 4. Do you have sensitive skin? Yes No 5. Are you wearing contact lenses ( ) dentures ( ) a hearing aid ( )? 6. Do you sit for long hour at a workstation, computer, or driving? Yes No If yes, please describe _____________________________________________________ 7. Do you perform any repetitive moment in your work, sports, or hobby? Yes No If yes, please describe _____________________________________________________ 8. Do you experience stress in your work, family, or other aspect of your life? Yes No If yes, how do you think it has affected your health? Muscle tension ( ) Anxiety ( ) Insomnia ( ) Irritability ( ) other _____________________ 9. Is there a particular area of the body where you are experiencing tension, stiffness, pain, or other discomfort? Yes No If yes, please identify ______________________________________________________ 10. Do you have any particular goals in mind for this massage session? Yes No If yes, please explain ______________________________________________________ Medical Information 1. Are you taking any medication? Yes No If yes, please list name and use: _____________________________________________ 2. Are you currently pregnant? Yes No If yes, how far along? _____________________________________________________ Any high risk factors? _____________________________________________________ 3. Do you suffer from chronic pain? Yes No If yes, please explain ______________________________________________________ What makes it better? _____________________________________________________ What makes it worse? _____________________________________________________ 4. Have you had any orthopedic injuries? Yes No If yes, please list _________________________________________________________ 5. Please indicate any of the following that apply to you Cancer Fibromyalgia Headaches / Migraines Stroke Arthritis Heart Attack Diabetes Kidney Dysfuntions Joint Replacement (s) Blood Clots High / Low Blood Pressure Numbness Neuropathy Sprains or Strains Explain any conditions you have marked above: Massage Information 1. Have you had a professional massage before? Yes No 2. What type of massage are you seeking? Relaxation Therapeutic/Deep Tissue Other: __________________________________________________________________ 3. What pressure do you prefer? Light Medium Deep