fuss and feathers 大吹大擂; 夸耀 give credit to 注明 Nor is it to say that match 和bai race 和 game和competition的区别: (1) competition 意为“比赛du”,“竞争”,可指各种形式上的竞赛。zhi (2) game意为“游dao戏”,“比赛”,通常指有一定规则,凡参加者均需遵守,可指连续的游戏或比赛活动中的一局。说球赛时,一般用game,美国人用game,英国人则用match。另外game用作复数时可指大型体育运动会。 (3) race 通常指一种跑的竞赛,可以是人也可以是动物,一般不指短距离赛跑 (短距离赛跑用dash),如:赛跑,赛马,赛车,赛船等。 (4) match 常指体育代表团之间的较重大的公开赛,在有些情况下与game相同,一般指竞技比赛。如:拳击,网球,高尔夫球等。 THE ˈLION'S SHARE (OF STH) ( BrE ) the largest or best part of sth when it is divided 最大(或最好)的一份 busied itself making a spate of Inasmuch as the relevant literature is extremely large, I do not aim at analyzing the whole range of scholarly research on the history of religion in modern China, and some aspects, notably Islam and Christianity as well as religious traditions of non-Han ethnic groups, could not be included in my discussion, which does obviously not mean that they are not important. IDIOMS 习语 1. be ˈsteeped in sth ( formal ) to have a lot of a particular quality 深深浸淫;饱含(某品质) • a city steeped in history 历史古城 PHRASAL VERBS 短语动词 1.ˈsteep sth in sth to put food in a liquid and leave it for some time so that it becomes soft and flavoured by the liquid 在(液体)中浸泡(食物)