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Philippine National Security Report

1.How does national intelligence affect our national security?
Answer: In the case of Philippines, intelligence is generally regarded an enabler of
military operations. However, given the limited operational capacities of the military,
improving intelligence capabilities should be the main focus of the Philippine
Government. The logic behind this strategy is that intelligence activities undertaken in
foreign countries is the first line of defense because it will allow the government to
adopt a pro-active and decisive posture in addressing national security
threats before adversaries execute hostile actions.
Using intelligence as a first line of defense compliments the current defense strategy
of the government because the well-organized collection of reliable foreign intelligence
can mitigate surprises, thus strengthening the defense posture at home. The
government needs to overcome several strategic challenges if intelligence is to
become a main priority, such as the allocation of resources, improving intelligence
transparency and introducing intelligence education in the country.
2. Differentiate internal and external threats and provide example
An internal threat refers to the risk of somebody from the inside of a company who
could exploit a system in a way to cause damage or steal data. These kinds of
threats are particularly troubling, as employees are expected to be trusted individuals
that are granted extended privileges, which can easily be abused.
An external threat refers to the risk of somebody from the outside of a company
who attempts to exploit system vulnerabilities through the use of malicious
software, hacking, sabotage or social engineering.
Answer: Internal threats The Philippines has been confronted with multiple and
simultaneous insurgencies since the 1970s. While not posing an existential threat to
the state, they are a drain on resources and inhibit faster economic development. The
myriad of rebel groups, communist, Islamist, and ethno-national, do have some
legitimate grievances and their movements have been fuelled by abuses by
government forces.
A. Communist Party of the Philippines/New People’s Army/ National Democratic
B. Private armies
C. The Moro Islamic Liberation Front and Moro National Liberation Front
D. The Abu Sayyaf Group
The Philippines has become more preoccupied by external threats to its maritime
interests in the South China Sea, which is claimed by the People’s Republic of China.
Taiwan and Vietnam also claim the Spratly archipelago, while Malaysia has an
overlapping claim, but none of those countries pose a threat to Philippine interests the
way China does.
3. How VFA between GRP and US forces helps national security?
Answer: The VFA is an agreement between the two countries in support of the Mutual
Defense Treaty (MDT). The MDT was established in 1951 between the United States
and the Philippines to provide mutual support in case of foreign attack.
Third, it is a political signal of the closeness of the U.S.-Philippines alliance. Analysts
and former officials believe that signaling close ties between the United States and
Philippines supports efforts to deter China from further encroaching on Philippines’
The agreement was an affirmation of the two countries’ obligations under the Mutual
Defense Treaty (MDT) signed in 1951. The MDT is a commitment to defend each
other – in accordance with constitutional processes – in the event of an armed attack
by a hostile party.
4.Should the Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC) become mandatory in the
Philippines? Why or why not?
Answer: YES.. By implementing the ROTC program to senior high school students, it
envisions to instill discipline and sense of purpose; respect for the laws and the
authorities; and obedience to rules and regulations to students in a military training
environment while the students are still young. Indeed, along with the sense of
discipline and patriotism that one gets from active involvement in ROTC is the
readiness to fulfill the ultimate responsibility of defending the Philippines from foreign
aggression, considering that defense of the State is the duty of everyone.
A developing country like the Philippines must balance its need for peace and security
with the needs of the population for subsistence, education for their children, safety
from health risks, etc., so that it can maintain a standing army of such size that its
resources can afford. It has therefore devised a system where it can expand its armed
forces as needed in an invasion or attack by a foreign power by mobilizing reservists
that have been trained beforehand in working as a team and who are then further
trained to fight as a team.
5.Does the armed conflict between Ukraine and Russia affects our national
security? Why or Why not?
Answer: The invasion of Ukraine may adversely affect the stock markets all over the
world. Prices of basic commodities and fuel may increase. We need to be prepared
for this, not to mention that we are still suffering from the pandemic and are far from
economic recovery
The Philippines does not face any high-stake fallout on its bilateral relations with
Russia due to the war in Ukraine. While Manila has made a “moral choice” to condemn
the invasion, such a choice is nevertheless consistent with its strategic interests. As
the ongoing Russo-Ukrainian War engenders international systemic changes, it is
imperative to also see continuities in terms of how states like the Philippines behave
in such a way that upholds the Thucydidean tenets of fear, honor, and interest.
6.What has been the role of the PNP amidst the pandemic?
7.What are your perspectives from the recently held SONA of the newly elected
President BBM, in terms of peace and order?
8. What is your stand regarding the decision of PBBM not to rejoin the ICC?
Answer: The International Criminal Court exists only to assert jurisdiction when
a country hasn't investigated its own nationals for the most serious of offenses,
and Russia hasn't done that. In the case of Afghanistan, though, the United States had
investigated most of those offenses.
9. What can you contribute to the Organization as a leader?
Answer: Every great things begin from small thing, and being a law abiding person
who has the passion to work and serve the country is my biggest contribution.
10. How do you define diplomacy?
Answer: The established method of influencing the decisions and behavior of
foreign governments and peoples through dialogue, negotiation, and other measures
short of war or violence.
11. What is best practice?
Answer: Refers to a project, initiative, activity, technique or method either out of the
box or merely adopted but enhanced or improved that is innovative, adoptable,
sustainable and cost effective that deliver better performance to the implementing unit
garnering a final rating of 90% - 100%. The enhance performance of inherent police
function in accordance with the prescribed guidelines may constitute best practice.
12. What are the security issues in the Philippines, explain?
Answer: Despite the coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) pandemic, the greatest
threat to Philippine security and development is still the Communist Party of the
Philippines-New People's Army (CPP-NPA) because they seek to overthrow the
democratic form of government and change it with what they call democratic
centralism or dictatorship
13. In PBBM's first SONA, he stated that he will not preside over any process
that will abandon even one square inch of territory of the Republic of the
Philippines to any foreign power. This refers to recover GRP's sovereignty over
the Scarborough Shoal which has an area of 58 square miles. As a law enforcer,
in terms of peace and order, how do you look forward in resolving this matter
with China?
This report is one in a three-part series treating important aspects of the maritime
disputes in the South China Sea: Competing Visions of International Order in the
South China Sea; The Philippines’ Dilemma: How to Manage Tensions in the South
China Sea; and Vietnam Tacks Between Cooperation and Struggle in the South China
Sea. The recommendations below are common to all three.
To better manage tensions arising from conflicting claims to sovereignty and
jurisdiction in the South China Sea:
To the governments of all claimant states:
Bring claims to jurisdiction in the South China Sea into conformity with
international law by declaring baselines and maritime zones that accord with
conventional readings of the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS).
To the governments of ASEAN member states and China:
2. Accelerate negotiations on a substantive and legally binding Code of Conduct in
the South China Sea.
To the government of the Philippines:
3. Encourage the establishment of risk management mechanisms among claimant
states in order to reduce the risk of escalation during incidents at sea. These could
include clear rules of engagement for non-navy vessels such as coast guard ships in
the region.
4. Promote mini-lateral structures for negotiations focusing on issues of common
interest among claimant states, such as scientific research or law enforcement.
Increased cooperation on fisheries management is another vital tool to both build
confidence and tackle the dwindling stocks in the South China Sea.
5. Maintain dialogue with China through the Bilateral Consultative Mechanism; and
use this communication channel to negotiate rules of access to Scarborough Shoal
and develop ground rules of interaction between both countries’ vessels therein.
Manila should also use the mechanism to clearly communicate its red lines in the
maritime domain to China.
To the government of Vietnam:
Accelerate negotiations with China on delimitation of the waters outside the
mouth of the Gulf of Tonkin.
7. Expedite talks with Indonesia to delimit the two countries’ overlapping maritime
8. Replicate and expand existing mechanisms of bilateral coast guard and fisheries
cooperation at the regional level, including through minilateral structures.
Promote marine scientific collaboration with other littoral states to build
confidence and nurture cooperation.
10. Push for the establishment of technical working groups on fisheries and
environmental protection to support negotiations on a Code of Conduct in the South
China Sea.
To the government of China:
11. Bring maritime claims into line with UNCLOS by:
a) Stepping away from its claim to “historic rights”;
b) Ending its practice of deploying survey vessels and large fishing fleets of vessels
in the exclusive economic zones of the other littoral states.
12. Relinquish the legal argument that the Spratly Islands is a single unit that can be
enclosed by straight baselines and generate an exclusive economic zone.
13. Reassure South East Asian neighbours by expressing willingness for a legally
binding Code of Conduct in the South China Sea.
14. Explore with other littoral states mechanisms to prevent incidents at sea involving
maritime law enforcement and fishing vessels, and develop operational principles to
guide law enforcement behaviour at sea, including in their treatment of fishermen.
To the government of the United States:
15. Accede to UNCLOS to bolster U.S. credibility, strengthen the treaty regime and
raise the reputational costs to China of flouting the law.
16. Calibrate efforts, alone and with partners, to pressure China through Freedom of
Navigation operations, military exercises in the South China Sea and other means that
increase the risk of unplanned incidents, which could escalate and reinforce Beijing’s
fears of encirclement.
17. Encourage cooperation among South East Asian claimant states on marine
scientific research, fisheries conservation and environmental protection.
To the governments of China and the United States:
18. Intensify high-level dialogue to resolve possible misunderstandings and to
communicate clear red lines.
1.How does national intelligence affect our national security?
Answer: National Security is the protection of state and citizens from all
kinds of threat/crisis, it is almost synonymous to peace, order and
development. Strengthening our national security is as essential as life
itself and to guard it, we must be constantly aware and informed of any
internal or external threat so we could create our plans, and establish our
courses of action to thwart it. Fundamental to national security is a timely
and sturdy national intelligence which we generally define as integrated
product of intelligence developed by all government department relative
to the broad aspect of national policy and security. It basically provides
information gathered within or outside our country that involves risks and
dangers to our people and nation, it is crucial to security as it provides
advance warning of any threat. National intelligence is the foundation
upon which our national security stands and rely on, it can also be
regarded as a shield that defends and protects our nation from any form
of destruction, and without it our national security will collapse and would
mean the fall of our nation and its people.
2. Differentiate internal and external threats and provide example?
Answer: Internal threats are harmful actions or security risk originating
from within the state or its people, like insurgency, domestic rebel groups,
and private armies, while External threats are security risk or danger from
foreign state or overseas example of which is the maritime dispute with
3. How VFA between GRP and US forces helps national security?
Answer: The gains acquired from the conduct of US-Philippines joint
military trainings and Balikatan exercises which are included in the VFA,
have greatly contributed to the capacity build-up objectives of our Armed
Forces, VFA is a way to develop our interoperability with foreign military
counterparts, shared knowledge and skills enhances the capability of our
Armed Forces who are in the frontlines in ensuring our nation’s security,
it strengthens defense cooperation from foreign states forging strong
partnership and alliance that would somehow lessens potential external
4.Should the Officers’ Training Course (ROTC) become mandatory
in the Philippines? Why or why not?
Answer: I am in favor of RTOC becoming mandatory, since at present,
the course of international relations is evolving, and situations are
challenging, and its high time that we look into our own, maximize and
consider all means and options in strengthening our national security and
defense enjoining all citizen to take part in protecting our sovereignty.
5.Does the armed conflict between Ukraine and Russia affects our
national security? Why or Why not?
Answer: Yes it does have an impact, since national security is not solely
about the military aspect of security, but also other national concerns like
economy, food, finance and a whole lot more, and much of the impact of
the Ukraine and Russia conflict in the Indo-pacific region is more tangible
in trade and economy in the form of increase in energy and food prices,
Russia being the largest exporter of natural gas and wheat, while Ukraine
is the fourth largest exporter of corn. Increase in the prime commodities
results into high inflation rate which diminishes the purchasing power of
the general public thus secured living standard becomes impossible.
6.What has been the role of the PNP amidst the pandemic?
Answer: The PNP has played an indispensable role amidst this
pandemic, although we are not in the frontline, we served as the
enforcement arm of the national government in the implementation of
health protocols and quarantine rules.
7.What are your perspectives from the recently held SONA of the
newly elected President BBM, in terms of peace and order?
Answer: The President’s SONA primarily centered on economic policies
and post-covid response and recovery programs, there were no specific
remark coming from the president relative to peace and order or
instruction for the PNP which implies that all current programs pertaining
to law enforcement are to be continued and on status quo.
8. What is your stand regarding the decision of PBBM not to rejoin
the ICC?
Answer: I agree with the President’s decision not to rejoin the ICC. Our
judicial system is capable and functional, and our legal institutions
remain impartial and independent, we cannot allow foreign institutions
to meddle with our state affairs as this is a serious threat to our sovereignty
as a nation.
9. What can you contribute to the Organization as a leader?
Answer: The success of an organization lies on the effective
management and supervision of its leaders in driving its human resources
to function effectively towards organizational goals and objective. My
contribution would be to mentor, guide, develop, motivate, and inspire my
personnel to become better servant-leaders in their own way, by showing
them good work ethics and standard, allow acceptable leniency as a way
to acknowledge individual differences and circumstances but without
compromising the mandates of the organization.
10. How do you define diplomacy?
Answer: The established method of influencing the decisions and
foreign governments and
through dialogue, negotiation, and other measures short of war or
11. What is Best Practice?
Answer: Best practice refers to a project, initiative, activity, technique or
method either out-of-the-box or merely adopted but enhanced or improved
that is innovative, adoptable, sustainable, and cost-effective that delivers
better performance to the implementing unit garnering a final rating
ranging from 90% to 100%. The enhanced performance of inherent police
functions, in accordance with the prescribed guidelines may constitute a
best practice.
12. What are the security issues in the Philippines, explain?
Answer: Despite the coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) pandemic, the
greatest threat to Philippine security and development is still the
Communist Party of the Philippines-New People's Army (CPP-NPA)
because they seek to overthrow the democratic form of government and
change it with what they call democratic centralism or dictatorship
13. In PBBM's first SONA, he stated that he will not preside over any
process that will abandon even one square inch of territory of the
Republic of the Philippines to any foreign power. This refers to
recover GRP's sovereignty over the Scarborough Shoal which has
an area of 58 square miles. As a law enforcer, in terms of peace and
order, how do you look forward in resolving this matter with China?
14. How does strengthened police community relations impact
peace and order?
Answer: The key to improving police effectiveness and public safety is to
return to the fundamental principles of modern policing, which means both
increasing police-community trust and preventing crime instead of
reacting to crime.
Good police-community relations are imperative for developing trust
between police and citizens. Without this trust, police work becomes much
less effective. Even if the police officers are preventing crime, the people
may not feel safe because there is no trust.
PCR is indispensable in the PNP organization as it is geared
towards forging a partnership with the community to promote a shared
responsibility in addressing peace and order. A strong relationship
between the police and the community establishes a harmonious and
peaceful environment achieved through proper coordination and
communication. PCR showcases its significance as being the first among
equals in the quad concept of police operations because it fosters an
environment conducive for effective crime prevention and solution efforts
including other police activities.