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Intro to Law on Sales: Contracts & Obligations

Intro to Law on Sales
> Sales, agency, loans, mortgage, and other credit transactions.
> Under Civil Law in the Book V of the Civil Code under Special Contracts.
Article 1458 - By the contract of sale one of the contracting parties binds himself to transfer the
ownership and to deliver a determinate thing, and the other to pay therefor a price certain in money or its
Article 1458
It is a contract as provided by law.
3 stages in a contract
Preparation - Stage of negotiation; No duty or right yet
Perfection - Start of an obligation; once consent is given, duty and rights arise. Liability can arise
once terms are breached.
Termination - End of right and duty. The contract has been fulfilled.
Kinds of Contracts
➔ Consensual or Real
◆ Consensual
Perfected upon giving consent
NEED: A certain offer and absolute acceptance.
Contract of Sale
◆ Real
Perfected upon delivery
Consent is necessary and given
But not yet perfected with just consent
Contract of pledge; by way of collateral
➔ Onerous or Gratuitous
◆ Onerous
◆ Gratuitous
➔ Unilateral or Bilateral
◆ Unilateral
Only one party has an obligation.
◆ Bilateral
All parties have an obligation.
➔ Principal and Accessory
◆ Principal
Can stand alone
◆ Accessory
Need a principal contract
➔ Nominate and Innominate
◆ Nominate
With name
◆ Innominate
W/o name
Kinds of Innominate Contract
Do ut des
Give to give
Do ut Facias
Give to do
Facio ut des
Do to give
Facio ut Facias
Give to give
Buying in a supermarket…
1. What contract is it?
- Contract of Sale
2. When is it perfected?
- Upon scanning
3. When is it terminated?
- Upon Payment
“In some circumstances, you can back out during perfection of a contract if it is a justifiable mistake.”
Elements of a contract of sale
1. Essential element
a. Consent
b. Object - A thing or right
2. Natural - always present in a contract of sale, no need to agree
Ex. warranty
3. Accidental - elements agreed upon by parties (terms and conditions)
- manner of delivery, price, and interest rate
Essential elements/ requisites of a contract of sale
a. Consent
b. Object
A thing or right
Ex. (right) franchise
A right to operate
1. Within the commerce of men
2. licit; lawful
Illicit per se: always unlawful
Illicit per accidence: sometimes unlawful
3. Transmissible
Reason of contract
The object of the other party is the cause of the other
In a contract, there are only 2 parties only but many can be involved
Ex. 7 vendors - 1 party only
Similar or related contracts to contract of sale
1. Dacion en pago (payment in kind)
The obligation in sale extinguished when accepted
It is like a sale
There is a transfer of ownership
There is payment, only in kind
In sale, there is only creation of obligation
In dacion, there is only extinguishment of obligation
Not a contract of sale but; but it is like a sale because of transfer of ownership and payment
2. Payment by cession
There is an insolvent debtor w/ several creditors.
All his properties will be sold and the proceeds to be distributed to his creditors.
There is a process of selling.
Not a contract of sale but like a sale because it involves selling properties.
3. Contract for a piece of work
To do or make something for you
To buy a non-existent thing
Employing one’s labor, skill, or to furnish a material.
Ex. Furniture shop.
Choose one from catalogue to be manufactured for you only. Piece
Choose from one of many sets. Sale
Out of stock but will make one again for you. Sale.