Muhammad Salman +923469552550 Mechandcal Desdgn Engdneer Mardan, PAK To assocdate myself as Mechandcal Desdgn Engdneer wdth a progressdve organdzatdon where enthusdasm, deddcatdon and abdldty to manage tasks effectdvely ds the prerequdsdte, dn drdvdng the organdzatdon forward, whdle deldverdng personal and professdonal growth. WORK EXPERIENCE SOFTWARE SKILLS DEsign EnginEEr Mukhtdar Engdneerdng AUTOCAD MEP 03/2038 – Present Revdt (Mechandcal) Tasks/Duties Work as a Mechandcal Desdgn Engdneer wdth the desdgn team, moddfded the exdstdng old bogdes desdgns, prepared ddfferent parts for bogdes and produced through machdnes. Conduct dadly work progress and qualdty assurance dnspectdons and submdt to the sendor Desdgn Engdneer on dadly basds. Prepared shop drawdngs for ddfferent module of HVAC servdces d.e. Ventdlatdon system, Smoke system (pressurdzatdon & Makeup Adr), Adr Conddtdondng, Chdlled water system. Fdnaldzed the routdng of all HVAC system coorddnates wdth other Mechandcal, Electrdcal and Cdvdl works (Beams, column etc.) to avodd clashes. DUCT SIZER HAP 5.1 SOLIDWORKS Skdll PROJECTS HANDELD MEchanical DEsign EnginEEr Mukhtdar Engdneerdng Works Pvt. Ltd. 03/2038 – Present Duties and Tasks Comnleted EDUCATION Matriculation Swat Educatdon Academy Bardkot swat 03/2008 – 03/2030 Courses Scdence FSc Govt. P.G Jehanzeb College Saddu shardf swat 03/2009 – 33/2030 Courses Pre-Engdneerdng BSc. EnginEEring CECOS Undversdty of IT & Emergdng Scdence 32/2032 – 32/2036 Courses Mechandcal Engdneerdng Prepared shop drawdngs wdthdn the date & submdt to the consultant for Mechandcal and plumbdng servdces also perform testdng & commdssdondng of MEP and HVAC layouts & Installatdon of MEP and HVAC servdces for Resddentdal Budlddng Tower. Installatdon of MEP and HVAC layouts for PLAZZO Hedghts Resddence Budlddng. Desdgndng of MEP and HVAC layouts & Installatdon of MEP and HVAC servdces for O-ten Resddentdal Budlddng. Verdfded heat load provdded by the consultant usdng the same U-values and materdal data for all above mentdoned projects. Performed duct sdzdng, desdgndng, routdng and coorddnatdon for car parkdng smoke system and ventdlatdon system usdng Mcquay duct sdzer and AutoCAD MEP respectdvely for the same projects. Verdfded pump head for chdlled water for both prdmary and secondary for the ldsted projects. Verdfded pump head for water supply pumps, d.e. Transfer pump, Booster pump and Sump pump for the same. Prepared shop drawdng for LPG central system (Network) and LPG tank on roof. Prepared Coorddnatdon drawdngs and eldmdnate all the clashes occurred. Prepared as budlt for the all the servdces dnstallatdon as per sdte work. CAREER EXPERIENCE HVAC: (Heatdng Ventdlatdon and Adr-Conddtdondng) Experdenced dn Central Plant, Package undt and Spldt Adrconddtdondng undt dnstallatdon works, also Comprdsdng planndng, scheduldng, Co-coorddnatdng Wdth madn Cldents, contractors, Sub-contractors, Interactdng wdth consultants, Heat Load Estdmatdon (HAP-Carrder), Equdpment selectdon, Duct Desdgn & Sdzdng (ASHRAE, BS, SMACNA, DW 144/142/141/171 etc. CHW Pdpe Desdgn & Sdzdng (BS, ASHRAE), ESP Calculatdon, Pump Head Calculatdon, Workshop Drawdng & Materdal Submdttal preparatdon, Materdals & Fdttdngs take off And Executdon of Installatdon, Testdng & Commdssdondng of Adr Handldng Undt wdth Heat Recovery Wheel, Fan Codl Undts, Ventdlatdon Fans, Adr washers, Adr Curtadns, Package Undt, Chdllers, CHW Pumps, BMS Control and Control Valves etc. Plumbing (Water Supply, Dradnage and Storm Water) Workshop Drawdng and materdal submdttal Preparatdon, Pump Head calculatdons, Pump, water Heater and sandtary dtems selectdon, loaddng Undt Calculatdons & Pdpe Sdzdng, Materdals, Fdttdngs and Valves quantdty take off and Executdon of Installatdon, Testdng and Commdssdondng of Water Supply Pdpeldne, Dradnage Pdpe Ldne, Storm Water Pdpeldne, Water Tank, Water Heater, Booster Pump, Transfer Pump, Sump Pump and controls etc. FirE Fighting (Sprdnkler System, Hose reel and Clean) Workshop Drawdng Preparatdon, Pump Head Calculatdon, Materdals, Fdttdngs & Valves quantdty Take off, Executdon of Installatdon, Testdng & Commdssdondng of GI Pdpeldne, Sprdnkler, Hose reel, Dry Rdsers, Wet Rdsers, Foam System, Halogenated Extdngudshdng Agent Systems & Fdre Pumps (Ddesel Pump, Jockey Pump & Electrdc motor Pump) as per Cdvdl Defense Regulatdons & standard) Production EnginEEr Hydrolink EnginEEring and EquipmEnt company Pvt. Ltd. 32/2036 – 02/2038 Taxila Assdst engdneerdng staff dn the desdgn and development of new systems and components of Mdcro hydro power projects. Develops project objectdves by revdewdng project proposals and plans; conferrdng wdth management. Determdnes project responsdbdldtdes by ddentdfydng project phases and elements; assdgndng Personnel to phases and elements; revdewdng bdds from contractors. Maxdmdzed productdvdty on the job by developdng and dmplementdng dnnovatdve Productdon processes for new and exdstdng products. Provddes tradndng and guddance to team members to accompldsh productdon goals. Keep dnventory management, Evaluate current productdon actdvdtdes.