Diego Fu Mr. Margrave Apologetics 14 February 2021 Teleological/Design + Idea of God Argument: Objects crafted by man demonstrate design and purpose Even a tent, a mundane matrix of material serves to harbor a circus Nature follows in line with this intelligent design And it’s Minute mechanisms cross this line In the body we find the bacterial flagellum It resembles the man made motor what a conundrum It is made up of a plethora of pieces all ornate Its design so complex it could not have been the result of mere fate So nature and man’s artifacts display design and purpose But if man made the artifacts who made the world with its intricacies in surplus There must be a creator a god of the universe What else could have made a world so ordered and diverse And what's more All things are caused their existence is triggered by something Clearly Things do not simply spawn from nothing They must be given being by an outside source But that source already possess the gift of being due to some other force So it follows that we are on a track that persists Something must have being which is not a gift This points to an outside creator A being who has existed forever And yet from where would the idea of a perfect being materialize Is it ourselves or from something which outside lies nothing which exists is greater than its trigger And God is the greatest figure So unless something greater than God exists our idea of God must have been one of his Gifts Othing within mere man coil dhave