Uploaded by Dawn Trahan

Virus Research Worksheet

Virus Research
Virus Assigned:
Websites to visit
Cdc.gov Center for Disease Control
Who.int World Health Organization
Nih.gov National Institute of Health
https://www.nfid.org National Foundation for Infectious Diseases
Information to research:
1. Scientific name of virus:
2. When was the virus first discovered or heard about?
3. Specific age range(s) virus affects (if given):
4. Common symptoms and the incubation period of the virus (be detailed):
5. Does the virus cause permanent damage and/or death? Explain in detail:
6. How does the virus spread through the human population?
7. What are some ways to reduce the spread of the virus?
8. Are there vaccines for the virus? Explain when they are given if there are.
9. Does the virus perform the lytic or lysogenic cycle for reproduction (or
something else). Please explain.
10. Discuss any other interesting or little known details about this virus that
might be important for people to know.