Unique Assignment Number: 629349 Due Date: 16 May 2022 INF4883 Assignment 1 - 2022 Theme 1- EA theoretical concepts and background Assignment 1 1 Introduction and overview Enterprise Architecture is still widely regarded as new academic discipline. As a result, it is quite possible that you may have come across the term in your work environment but may not know exactly what it is about. In this theme of the module, we will spend some time becoming familiar with the meaning of Enterprise Architecture as a term and a concept. Since there are no definitive textbooks on the topic, we will engage with some exemplar references in the academic literature and beyond. Your task is to find, read and annotate these references to prepare for an online MCQ test on the theme of EA theory and background. What follows are more detailed instructions on how to complete the first assignment of the year. 2 Assignment outcomes The module specific outcomes addressed in this assignment are as follows: • • • Specific outcome 1: Discuss the meaning of the term Enterprise Architecture. Specific outcome 2: Identify the main reasons for the existence of EA. Specific outcome 3: Discuss the background and historical development of EA. 3 Assignment information Unique code Submission Date % 629349 16 May 2022 30 4 Assessment preparation tasks To facilitate your preparation of the assignment you are required to engage in the following set of tasks: • • • Attend online discussion sessions Read and prepare annotated bibliography Submit annotated bibliography and MCQ result on myUnisa 1 Unique Assignment Number: 629349 Due Date: 16 May 2022 INF4883 Assignment 1 - 2022 5 Assignment reading list The references for the assignment are drawn from several sources. The intention is to provide as wide as possible description and overview of the theoretical constructs of Enterprise Architecture. 5.1 Internet sources John Zachman is regarded by many researchers as the father of Enterprise Architecture, here is the papers that established his prominence: • • About the Zachman Framework - https://www.zachman.com/about-the-zachmanframework The Framework for Enterprise Architecture: Background, Description and Utility by: John A. Zachman - https://www.zachman.com/resource/ea-articles/327-the-framework-forenterprise-architecture-background-description-and-utility-by-john-a-zachman 5.2 Academic papers The meaning of Enterprise Architecture has been under investigation since the inception of the term. The following papers are of interest: • • • • • Kotusev, S., 1986. The history of enterprise architecture: An evidence-based review. Journal of Enterprise Architecture–Volume, 12(1), p.29. Lapalme, J., 2011. Three schools of thought on enterprise architecture. IT professional, 14(6), pp.37-43. Simon, D., Fischbach, K. and Schoder, D., 2013. An exploration of enterprise architecture research. Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 32(1) Mentz, J.C., Kotzé, P. and van der Merwe, A., 2014, September. Propositions that describe the intended meaning of enterprise architecture. In Proceedings of the Southern African Institute for Computer Scientist and Information Technologists Annual Conference 2014 on SAICSIT 2014 Empowered by Technology (pp. 304-313). Gampfer, F., Jürgens, A., Müller, M. and Buchkremer, R., 2018. Past, current, and future trends in enterprise architecture—A view beyond the horizon. Computers in Industry, 100, pp.70-84. Please download these papers from the Unisa library. 2 Unique Assignment Number: 629349 Due Date: 16 May 2022 INF4883 Assignment 1 - 2022 5.3 Book chapters Several interesting books has been written on the topic of Enterprise Architecture, you will find these on two sources, the Unisa library and the SAFARI portal (also known and O’Reilly) 5.3.1 From UNISA library Source Chapters Bente, S., Bombosch, U. and Langade, S., 2012. Collaborative enterprise 1 - Why Collaborative architecture: enriching EA with lean, agile, and enterprise 2.0 practices. Enterprise Architecture? Newnes. 2 - What Is Enterprise Architecture? Lankhorst, M., 2013. Enterprise Architecture at Work: Modelling, Communication and Analysis (The Enterprise Engineering Series). 1 - Introduction to Enterprise Architecture 2 - State of the Art Proper, E., Waage, M., Cloo, J. and Steghuis, C., 2009. Enterprise Architecture: Creating Value by Informed Governance (The Enterprise Engineering Series). 2 - The Need for a New Instrument 3 - Positioning Enterprise Architecture 5.3.2 From SAFARI books Source Chapters Sessions, R., 2008. Simple architectures for complex enterprises. Microsoft Press. 1 - Enterprise Architecture Today By Ganesan Senthilvel, Ovais Mehboob Ahmed Khan, Habib Ahmed Qureshi. 2017. Enterprise Application Architecture with .NET Core 1 - Enterprise Architecture Concepts Minoli, D., 2008. Enterprise architecture A to Z: frameworks, business process modeling, SOA, and infrastructure technology. CRC press. 1 - Introduction: Enterprise Architecture and Technology Trends 5.4 Assignment instructions To complete the assignment, you must follow these instructions: • • • Read all the EA papers in the reading list Create an informative annotated bibliography of 5 sources, justify your decision of chosen paper Complete MCQ - questions drawn from reading list 3 Unique Assignment Number: 629349 Due Date: 16 May 2022 INF4883 Assignment 1 - 2022 5.4.1 MCQ questions Kotusev arranges the historical development of EA in three periods: a b 1 The earliest origins of the modern concept of EA can be traced back to which methodology? Business Systems Planning, early Enterprise Architecture, and modern Enterprise Architecture BSP, EAP, and modern Enterprise Architecture c Zachman framework, TOGAF and BPM d Schools of Thought, Early Enterprise Architecture and Modern Enterprise Architecture a b 2 c Business Process Management (BPM) Architecture Development Method (ADM) Business Systems Planning (BSP) Zachman Framework d The PRISM EA framework organizes an architectural description as follows: 1. a four domains (inventory, principles, models, and standards) and four types (organization, data, application, and infrastructure) b Four domains (organization, data, application, and infrastructure) and Four types (inventory, 3 4 Unique Assignment Number: 629349 Due Date: 16 May 2022 INF4883 Assignment 1 - 2022 principles, models, and standards) According to Kotusev the first formal description of EA was as follows: c inventory, principles, models, and standards d organization, data, application, and infrastructure a EA is the fundamental organization of a system, embodied in its components, their relationships to each other and the environment, and the principles governing its design and evolution EA is an architecture that defines and interrelates data, hardware, software, and communications resources, as well as the supporting organization required to maintain the overall physical structure required by the architecture EA is a discipline for proactively and holistically leading enterprise responses to disruptive forces by identifying and analysing the execution of change toward desired business vision and outcomes b 4 c 5 Unique Assignment Number: 629349 Due Date: 16 May 2022 INF4883 Assignment 1 - 2022 d EA is the organizing logic for crucial business processes and its capabilities reflecting the integration and standardization requirements of the firm’s operating mode Lapalme proposed a taxonomy called 3 schools of a thought to create shared meaning for EA researchers and practitioners. These schools are as follows: enterprise architecting, enterprise migration, and enterprise ecological adaptation Business-IT alignment, enterprise integrating, and enterprise ecological adaptation enterprise IT architecting, sociotechnical architecting, and enterprise ecological adaptation enterprise IT architecting, enterprise integrating, and enterprise ecological adaptation Apply a holist (systemic) stance, don’t question business strategies and objectives, Manage the environment, and jointly design all organizational dimensions Apply a reductionist (mechanistic) stance, don’t question business strategies, Design organizational dimensions independently, and don’t worry about non-IT dimensions; they’re not your concerns Apply a holist (systemic) stance, System-inenvironment coevolution, Environment can be changed and jointly design all organizational dimensions b c 5 d The following Principles and assumptions are associated with the Enterprise Integrating School of Thought: a b 6 c 6 Unique Assignment Number: 629349 Due Date: 16 May 2022 INF4883 Assignment 1 - 2022 d The following skills are associated with the Enterprise Ecological adaptation School of Thought: a b 7 c d The following insights are associated with the Enterprise Integrating School of Thought: a b 8 c d 7 Apply a holist (systemic) stance, System-inenvironment coevolution, Design organizational dimensions independently, and don’t worry about non-IT dimensions; they’re not your concerns Facilitate small-group collaboration, and Apply systems thinking Foster dialogue, apply system and system-inenvironment thinking, and facilitate largergroup collaboration Have technical competence and engineering knowledge Facilitate small-group collaboration, engineering knowledge, and Apply systems thinking Permits the design of robust and complex technological solutions, Fosters the creation of high-quality models and planning scenarios Permits the design of comprehensive solutions, Fosters the creation of high-quality models and planning scenarios Permits the design of comprehensive solutions, enables significant organizational efficiency by eliminating unnecessary contradictions and paradoxes Enables significant organizational efficiency by eliminating unnecessary Unique Assignment Number: 629349 9 Due Date: 16 May 2022 Lapalme justifies the exclusion of the Zachman Framework from any school of thought on the following grounds: Simon et al, describes the three major EA research streams as follows: INF4883 Assignment 1 - 2022 a b c d a b 10 c d Simon et all outlines the dimensions of EA research as follows: a b c 11 d Mentz et all, identifies the problem with defining EA as a lack of unified theoretical grounding. The following three points can bring focus and awareness to this problem: 12 8 a contradictions and paradoxes, fosters system-in-environment coevolution and enterprise coherency it’s a taxonomy, not a school of thought It's outdated It's too complicated to work with It's costly to implement EA frameworks, ArchiMate, and EA Management EA frameworks, Design and Operations of EA management, and EA Conception and Modeling EA Layers, EA methodology, and EA Lifecycle Phases EA frameworks, EA methodology, and EA Management EA frameworks, ArchiMate, and EA Management EA frameworks, EA methodology, and EA Management EA layers, EA methodology, EA management tasks, and EA lifecycle phases EA frameworks, Design and Operations of EA management, and EA Conception and Modeling No universal definition of terms, the internal meanings of existing EAFs supports the development of EA silos, and the inherent meaning of EA as a representation of the enterprise essentially allows for the creation of unique EAFs Unique Assignment Number: 629349 Due Date: 16 May 2022 INF4883 Assignment 1 - 2022 b c d Which of the following definition is the closest to the EA definition of Architecture as put forth by the ISO/IEC/IEEE 42010:2011? a b 13 c d 9 TOGAF provides a defacto EA definition, ZACHMAN framework has been in use for a long time, and a universal definition is not needed to do EA More than 1 EAF bring diversity to the EA domain, TOGAF's adaptability is good for EA work, and ZACHMAN framework provides sufficient definition for theoretical purposes EA does not need any supportive theories, EA deals with modeling not theoretical matters, and TOGAF is the de-facto EA standard EA is an architecture that defines and interrelates data, hardware, software, and communications resources, as well as the supporting organization required to maintain the overall physical structure required by the architecture EA is a discipline for proactively and holistically leading enterprise responses to disruptive forces by identifying and analysing the execution of change toward desired business vision and outcomes EA is the organizing logic for crucial business processes and its capabilities reflecting the integration and standardization requirements of the firm’s operating model The fundamental organization of a system, Unique Assignment Number: 629349 Due Date: 16 May 2022 Gampfer et all, describes an extended scope for EA work that focuses on the integration of architectural disciplines and domains. Which disciplines and/or domains are included in this scope? INF4883 Assignment 1 - 2022 a b 14 c d Gampfer et al, outlines the following main categories for EA research: a b 15 c d Bente et al, provides the following key characteristics of architectural thinking: a b 16 c d Bente et al, claims that EA can be applied to various scopes in addition to the enterprise IT landscape. These are: 17 a b c 10 embodied in its components, their relationships to each other and the environment, and the principles governing its design and evolution Business Process Modelling and Business Architecture Information Systems (IS) Architecture and Information Technology (IT) Architecture Information Technology (IT) architecture and Data models Business Architecture and Systems Thinking EA frameworks, Design and Operations of EA management, and EA Conception and Modeling EA frameworks, ArchiMate, and EA Management EA Understanding, EA Modelling, and EA Management EA frameworks, Design and Operations of EA management, and EA Conception and Modeling Critical thinking, abstractions and problem-solving skills Modelling, Visualization and Communication Soft skills, Design, and Strategic thinking Modelling, Abstraction and Design Managing the business architecture to maximise profit Managing acquisitions and mergers Managing People, Process and Technology Unique Assignment Number: 629349 Due Date: 16 May 2022 INF4883 Assignment 1 - 2022 d Which of the following definitions most closely describes Lankhorst et all's view on EA? a b 18 c d 19 Lankhorst et al, claims that there is no universally accepted language that covers all the modeling domain in EA. Which of the following aspects are named as problematic to any single modeling language being accepted as a universal EA modeling language? 11 a Managing the business operation and the IT landscape of large and midsize enterprises EA is an architecture that defines and interrelates data, hardware, software, and communications resources, as well as the supporting organization required to maintain the overall physical structure required by the architecture EA is the organizing logic for crucial business processes and its capabilities reflecting the integration and standardization requirements of the firm’s operating model coherent whole of principles, methods, and models that are used in the design and realisation of an enterprise’s organisational structure, business processes, information systems, and infrastructure EA is a discipline for proactively and holistically leading enterprise responses to disruptive forces by identifying and analysing the execution of change toward desired business vision and outcomes Most modelling languages miss the overall architectural vision and are confined to either the business or the application and technology subdomains Unique Assignment Number: 629349 Due Date: 16 May 2022 INF4883 Assignment 1 - 2022 b c d Mentz et all, claims that EA is similar, in intent, to the enterprise as a worldview is to the world. This claim is supported by which of the following propositions? a b 20 c d Modelling languages are hard to understand by business Modelling languages are too visual for practical long-term use Modeling languages inhabits architectural analysis EA models are made using the ArchiMate language EA is a description of the structure of the systems of an enterprise in terms of components and their relationships Time is an essential component of EA models An As-is model captures the future view of the enterprise 5.5 Support materials To facilitate your learning in this assignment the following reference guides will be of interest. • • • • • https://guides.library.cornell.edu/annotatedbibliography https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/general_writing/common_writing_assignments/annotated_bib liographies/index.html https://guides.libraries.uc.edu/c.php?g=598564&p=4143747 https://www.bibliography.com/examples/annotated-bibliography-writing-guide-withexamples/ https://libguides.consortiumlibrary.org/c.php?g=488706&p=3342726 Also keep in mind that recordings of our weekly discussions on MS Teams are stored on the MS Teams Module team. 12