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Workplace Communication Module Content

Participate in Workplace Communications
Participating in Workplace Communications
This unit covers with the knowledge, skills and attitudes in participating in
workplace communications.
1. Obtain and convey workplace information.
2. Participate in workplace meeting and discussion.
3. Complete relevant work related documents
Assessment Criteria:
1. Specific relevant information is accessed from appropriate sources.
2. Effective questioning, active listening and speaking skills are used to gather
and convey information.
3. Appropriate medium is used to transfer information and ideas.
4. Appropriate non-verbal communication is used.
5. Appropriate lines of communication with superiors and colleagues are
identified and followed.
6. Defined work procedures for the location and storage of information are
7. Personnel interaction is carried out clearly and concisely.
1. Written test
2. Performance test
3. Oral questioning
4. Direct observation
Learning Outcome 1
1. The Foundation of Communication 4. Job Getting Communication
2. Language of Communication
and other forms of Correspondence
3. Modes of Communication
1. Specific relevant information is accessed from appropriate sources.
2. Effective questioning, active listening and speaking skills are used to
gather and convey information.
3. Appropriate medium is used to transfer information and ideas.
4. Appropriate non-verbal communication is used.
5. Appropriate lines of communication with superiors and colleagues are
identified and followed.
6. Defined workplace procedures for the location and storage of information
are used.
7. Personal interaction is carried out clearly and concisely.
Trainees must be provided with the following:
1. References (books)
2. Fax machine
3. Telephone
4. Internet
1. Written Test
2. Performance Test
3. Oral Questioning
4. Direct Observation
Learning Experiences
Learning Outcome 1: Obtain and Convey Workplace Information
Learning Activities
1. Read Information Sheet 1.1-1 on
“The Foundation of Communication”
2. Answer Self-Check 1.1-1
3. Read Information Sheet 1.1-2 on “
Language of Communication”
4. Answer Self-Check 1.1-2
on “Language of Communication”
Special Instructions
If you have some problem on the content of the
information sheet don’t hesitate to approach your
If you feel that you are knowledgeable on the
content of the information sheet, you can now
answer self check provided in the module.
Compare your answers to the answer keys on 1.1of 1 “ The Foundation of Communication” You are
required to get all answers correct. If not, read the
information sheets again to answer all the
questions correctly.
If you have some problem on the content of the
information sheet don’t hesitate to approach your
If you feel that you are knowledgeable on the
content of the information sheet, you can now
answer self check provided in the module.
Compare your answers to the answer keys on 1.12 “Language of Communication. ” You are
required to get all answers correct. If not, read the
information sheets again to answer all the
questions correctly.
5.Read Information Sheet 1.1-3 on “ If you have some problem on the content of the
Modes of Communication”
information sheet don’t hesitate to approach your
If you feel that you are knowledgeable on the
content of the information sheet, you can now
answer self check provided in the module.
6. Answer Self-Check 1.1-3
on “Modes of Communication”
Compare your answers to the answer keys on 1.1-3
“Modes of Communication. ” You are required to get
all answers correct. If not, read the information
sheets again to answer all the questions correctly.
Compare your answers to the answer keys on 1.1-4
“Components of Effective Communication. ” You are
required to get all answers correct. If not, read the
information sheets again to answer all the
questions correctly.
7. Read Information Sheet 1.1-4 on “
If you have some problem on the content of the
information sheet don’t hesitate to approach your
If you feel that you are knowledgeable on the content of
the information sheet, you can now answer self check
provided in the module.
Congratulations on a Job well done!!! You have now successfully completed the last competency for
this qualification and is now ready for the National Assessment. Good luck and use what you have
learned here well!!!
Learning Outcome 1 – Obtain and Convey Workplace Communication
Information Sheet 1: The Foundation of Communications
I. Learning Outcomes
You are expected to:
1. define the term “communication
2. identify the principles of communication
3. write an article from a given topic
4. develop appreciation, and confidence
A. Key Concepts: Communications
III. Materials:
Laptop, blackboard, chalk
Chaves, J. D, et.al, Creative Oral Communication for Filipino Students: A
Practical Application
Models of Communication. International Association of Communication
Retrieved on August 15, 2017 from
Values Statement:
Participation, Cooperation, Enthusiasm
From the box below, give your reasons why face to face communication is
important aside from the birth of information and technology?
Importance of Communication
b. Presentation
According to Chavez et. Al (2012, p. 1) “Communication of today demands
that both sender and receiver of the message take an active part in the process. It is
a two-way process. The older the earth has grown, the more complex it has become
for people to communicate”.
Communication involves sending and receiving messages through different
channels. No matter if one speaks intimately to a friend or addresses a huge crowd
in a conference, in formal business meetings, or writing an academic report we all
direct our messages to an audience. It is the responsibility of the sender to deliver
his message effectively.
c. Lesson
Communication is an active process between the sender and receiver. It is
an interaction of channels involved to produce a sound. There are principles to
consider in the process of communication (Chavez et. Al, pp. 2-4)
For students to be equipped with proper knowledge, values and skills, a field
of experience and social interaction is necessary. In the many models of
communication, the Interactive Model is also a representation of this purpose. It
presents that communication is not only a two way process but it has a “field of
experience” which includes our cultural background, ethnicity, geographic location,
extend of travel and -general personal experiences (http://iact.com/?q=models).
Principles of Communication Activity:
1. Know your audience
- You know who you are talking or addressing your speech.
2. Know your purpose
- It important to know your purpose of discussion
3. Know your topic
- A speaker addressing a conference should be prepared as far as the topic
assigned is concerned.
4. Anticipate objections
- You cannot expect everybody to easily agree with you on certain matters.
It is a normal thing to notice some people who would go against you with
what you are saying.
5. Present a rounded picture
- Explain every detail of information with all the possible sources.
6. Achieve credibility with your audience.
How it is achieved? A credible speaker sticks to the truth no matter what.
He cites figures and facts from respected authorities too.
7. Follow through on what you say.
- Be consistent with what you have started. If you are on the positive side of
the issue, move along on the same plane. Avoid presenting the opposite
which only confuses the audience.
8. Communicate a little at a time.
- Present your ideas logically. Release the key point one after the other. It
will allow listeners to digest well what you have discussed.
9. Present information in several ways
- Develop the art of expressing information differently. Helpful devices
maybe in the form of anecdote, a poem, a short story, a comparison and
many others.
10. Develop a practical and useful way to get feedback.
- Immediate feedback is required.
Communication Techniques:
1. The Good Old Boy is referred to the experienced speaker who the audience is
familiar with. He may deliver good information but at times he may poorly delivered
2. The Entertainer is the speaker who uses anecdotes or hilarious stories in
delivering messages.
3. The Academic is the speaker who keeps an eye on the precision of the
presentation. He uses an organized outline and delivers the message as planned.
4. The Reader is the one who reads his script word for word. The speaker is
prepared of the message but at times, it can be technical, boring and difficult to
5. The Snail is the one who drags his speech in a seemingly endless manner. He
tends to discuss each item thoroughly. He can be too detailed of the message but
he would not notice the time consumed for each discussion anymore.
6. The Gadgeteer is the person who uses every gimmick and technique in the
presentation. Too much visual aid, the speaker may lose sight of the message.
V. Activity
Group yourselves by three, pick one type of communication technique and
write down its advantage and disadvantage.
Communication is an interaction between two people . It is a process of interacting
your ideas, expression and thoughts to one another or two a group of people.
VI. Evaluation
I. Identification: Write your answers on the space provided before the number.
________________1. It is an act between the sender and the receiver of the
________________2. It presents that communication is not only a two way process
but it has a “field of experience” which includes our cultural background, ethnicity,
geographic location, extend of travel and -general personal experiences.
_______________3.The speaker who uses every gimmick and technique in the
________________4. The speaker who drags his speech in a seemingly endless
________________5. The speaker who keeps an eye on the precision of his
Write a simple speech about your thoughts as a TESDA Trainee of Passi Trade
Supplemental Reading 1: Communication with the Agents of Socialization
Socialization refers to the way young people learn to become members of the
society by accepting and internalizing norms and behaviours.
Agents of Socialization
Family is the basic unit of society.
Types of Family
Nuclear Family
Extended Family
Blended Family
Same sex parents
Single Parent Family
Mass Media
Thoughts to ponder…
What behavior of yours has been influenced by your peers?
Do your parents worry about the type of friends you choose?
Do you consider school as your second home?
How mass media influence people’s lives?
What are the functions of our government?
How religion has changed your life?
Information Sheet 2: The Functions of Communication
I. Learning Outcomes
You are expected to:
1. describe the functions of communication
2. differentiate the major functions of communion, aesthetic, utilitarian,and
3. create a diagram of the communication process using concepts
4. work as a team
Key Concepts: Communication
III. Materials:
Laptop, soundbox, blackboard, chalk
Chaves, J. D, et.al, Creative Oral Communication for Filipino Students: A
Practical Application
Values Statement:
Participation, Cooperation, Enthusiasm
Thoughts to Ponder:
Why do we need to communicate?
How do we survive without communication?
Cayanan and Chan (as cited in Chavez, et. al, 2012, pp. 37-38) that there are
major functions of communication such as utilitarian, aesthetic, and therapeutic.
a. Utilitarian. Human beings use oral communication to fulfill one’s desires,
needs and goals in life. We communicate to express our thoughts, and feelings to
b. Aesthetic. Art is beauty. Aesthetic communication is manifested through
television, radio, stage presentations and the like.
c. Therapeutic. Communication is important because it maintains good health.
According to Singh , words are used in communication to express opinion and
ideas. Even animals like cats and dogs have their system of communication. Singh
also stressed these three fundamental aspects of spoken communication namely:
stress, intonation and rhythm (as cited in Chavez, et. al, 2012, p. 8)
Adopt (verb)
 legally raise another’s child: to raise a child of other biological parents as if it
were your own, in accordance with formal legal procedures
 to take the child of other person or parents as one’s own child.
Adapt (verb)
 change to meet requirements: to change something to suit different conditions
or a different purpose
 transitive and intransitive verb adjust to something: to become, or different
Cease (verb)
 stop something: to put an end or stop to something
Seize (verb)
 take hold of; appropriate; take control of ; arrest
 to take advantage of
Childish/ Childlike
Childish (adjective)
 somewhat like child: characteristic of or suitable for a child
 immature: regard as showing a lack of adult qualities such as emotional
restraint, seriousness, or good sense
Childlike (adjective)
 having good qualities of child: like a child, especially in having a sweet,
innocent, unspoiled quality.
 Innocent, pure, naïve, candid, uncomplicated, unsophisticated
Collaborate (verb)
 To work together, especially on work of an intellectual nature.
Cooperate (verb)
 To work jointly with others to some end; to contribute to a join effect
Emigrate (verb)
 It refers to the process by which a person leaves his place or country of
residency, to relocate elsewhere.
Immigrate (verb)
 It describes the process by which a person moves into a country for the
purpose of establishing residency.
Sex (noun)
 It refers to biological differences; chromosomes, hormonal profiles, internal
and external sex organs
Gender (noun)
 Masculine and feminine (gay, bisexual or transsexual or trangender)
 Gender role’ refers to the characteristics and behaviors that different cultures
attribute to the sexes.
Compliment (noun)
 It is associated with praise, or flattery; an expression of approval; an admiring
Complement ( noun)
 It is associated with enhancement
 It implies something that completes
Lose (verb)
 It means to fail to keep (either physically or in abstract sense), to misplace, fail
to make money in a business.
Loose (adjective)
 It means ‘not tight’ or ‘free from constraint’.
According to Robert, there are three interactive models of communication that
are widely acknowledged namely the Shannon, Schramm and Berlo. Below is an
illustration of the communication process, reflecting the model concepts ( as cited in
Chavez, et. al, 2012, pp. 38-43).
Shannon-Weaver Mathematics Model
Noise Source
Berlos’s Model of Communication
Berlos’s SMCR Model of Communication
Communication Skills
Social System
Schramm’s Model of Communication
Field of Experience
Field of Experience
V. Activity:
Group yourselves by three and create your own concept of the communication
process. Share your ideas in the class.
VI. Task
From the three models of communication process, choose one model and make a
simple presentation on it presentation is good for 3 minutes.
Information Sheet 3: Modes of Communication
I. Learning Outcomes
You are expected to:
Identify the different modes of communication
describe the benefits of facilities and gadgets in communication
write an essay
work as a team
Key Concepts: Communication
III. Materials:
Laptop, soundbox, blackboard, chalk
Developed CBLM , Receive and Respond in Workplace Communication, 2011
Values Statement:
Participation, Cooperation, Enthusiasm
Can you name some of the facilities used in communication?
Can you name some of the search engines we often used in doing research.
There are different modes of communication used to exchange ideas/express
feelings and present information.
c. Lesson
Modes and Medium of Communication
Audio and text-based
Writing Braille
Sign Language (including finger spelling into the palm of the deaf/blind),
Body movements
Facial expression
Face-to-face Communication
- Is the most common. This includes casual conversation between two or
more people and business meetings. It requires no extra materials,
making this the cheapest option for communication.
Video Communication
Is achieved by using web cameras to connect two or more parties. This is
the next-best communication option after face-to face .
Audio Communication
Is a voice-only form of communication, such as a conversation on a
telephone. This is a good instant communication tool if you catch the
person instead of getting and answering machine or voice mail.
Text Communication
Includes Internet communication, such as email, instant messaging and
forums, text messaging and printed papers. Text communication does not
have the benefits of audi and video, but it is much easier to distribute
information to a large group of people and save records of the
It also includes in making memorandum, notices, informant discussion and
Facilities/Gadgets used in communication:
Cell phones
Computer (desktop)
Fax machine
Internet sites commonly used:
Altavista and others
Mozilla Firefox
Application Sites for Social Netwroking Communication
1. Yahoo Messenger
4. Facebook
7. Wechat
2. Skype
5. Tweeter
8. Viber
3. Ovoo
6. Instagram
Philippine System of Writing
Alibata is an ancient system of writing that was used before.
Baybayin Writing
Activity :
Transcribe the following words in Baybayin writing:
Kamust ka na?
Mahal kita
Utak at Puso
Bayan ng Passi
Pilipinas Kung Mahal
V. Evaluation
Write an essay that from the many forms of communication, which one do you think
is useful and why?
VI. Assignment:
In a one whole piece of bondpaper, make a lay out of your profile in Facebook or
Instagram. What do you want your profile to look at? Share your ideas in the class.
Information Sheet 4: Terms, Memos, Notices
I. Learning Outcomes
You are expected to:
Identify common terms in different qualification
learn how to write memos
write a simple memorandum in school
work as a team
Key Concepts: Terms, Memos, Notices
III. Materials:
Laptop, soundbox, blackboard, chalk
Training Regulations , Retrieved April 7, 2016 from www.tesda.gov.ph
Values Statement:
Participation, Cooperation, Enthusiasm
Do you know terms like aperitif, al dente, e-mail, adhesives?
There are common terms used in different qualifications which are very useful in
your training.
Food and Beverage Services NC II
is any drink takes before meals, to improve your appetite
a stage in making beer in which worth is boiled with hops
refers to the dining room helper and runner
Bussed Out taking out soiled plates/dishes from the dining area to dishwashing
is a well-mixed drink made up of base liquor, a modifying
ingredient as a modifies and a special flavoring of coloring agents.
refers to the category to the extent of difficulty and complexity of
skill and knowledge required for the job.
Dish Out
food taken from the kitchen to the dining area.
Fermentation an action of yeast upon a sugar solution which breaks down the sugar
into carbon dioxide and alcohol
Captain Waiter
Chef de Etage
Dining Room Attendant -
Commis de Rang
Chef de rang/Demi deRang
Wine Steward
Chef de Vin/Chef Sommelier
Director of Service -
Chef de Service
Head Waiter -
Chef de Salle
flamed with spirit or liqueur
completes a dish.
an ingredient which decorates, accompanies or
High ball drink
is a tall drink consisting of a shot of specified spirit with
mixers such as sodas, water,etc.
Mise en place
French term for having all ingredients in readu to
it denotes all forms of spoons and forks
refers to knives and other cutting implements
sugar, basins, ovalflats
consists of any item made from silver, teapots, milk jugs,
tableware made of solid silver, silver gilt ir silver metal.
Table Napkin
protect the clothing.
an individual piece of linen which is used to
Baking and Pastry Production/ Cookery
Al dente (Italian) To cook an item, such as pasta or vegetable, until it is tender but
still firm, not soft.
Baste – To moisten the surface of meat or other foods while roasting to add flavor
and to prevent drying of the surface.
Blanch – to cook a food item partially and briefly.
Brunoise – Vegetables that are cut into very small dice used to garnish soups and
Crepe- a thin pancake made with egg batter, used in sweet and savory preparations.
Coddle – to cook below boiling point
Deglaze – to remove meat drippings from cooking utensils to use in gravy or sauce.
Dredge – to sprinkle or coat with flour and fine substances.
Escallop – a small, thin slice of meat, fish or poultry.
Fillet – a boneless cut of meat, fish or poultry.
Fricassee – A stew of poultry or other white meat with a white sauce.
Julienne – vegetables cut into thin strips; 1/8 inch x 1/8 inch x 1 to 2 inches is
Legume – Seeds of certain plants including beans and peas
Marinate – to let food stand in marinade
Mirepoix – A mixture of carrots, celery and onions, used for flavoring culinary
Parch – to brown by means of dry heat; applied to grains as corn
Poach – to cook in a hot liquid, with precautions
Puree – Food that is processed in a blender or food processor or put through a food
mill to make a smooth paste.
Quenelle – a small, oveal-shaped dumpling of forcemeat, used to garnish
Roux - a thickening agent made form flour and butter.
Scallop – to bake food usually cut in pieces, with liquid or sauce. Top may be
covered with crumbs.
Strain – to pass a liquid through a sieve or screen to remove particles
Veloute sauce – a sauce of white stock thickened with white roux; one of the grand
Information and Communications Technology Terms
System unit -
core of the computer system
central processing unit
as a separate unit
electronic mail
system unit is built into the body of the computer and not
like a television, has a screen to display information
Computer keyboard – is designed like the keyboard or a typewriter
is usually located on the side of the computer.
Compact Disk-read only memory
window’s desktop.
is a small handheld device that controls the pointer of the
small pictures on the desktop
is the blue rectangular board located at the bottom or the
Shielded Metal Arc Welding NC I and II
Transformer Type or Alternating Current (AC) Welding Machine
- It is the most popular welding machine. The machine usually uses a
single-phase 220 or 240 supply voltage.
Rectifier Type or Direct Current Welding Machine
- A type of welding machine consists of a transformer and silicon or
selenium rectifier to convert the alternating current to direct current.
Alternating Current and Direct Current (AC/DC) Welding Machine
- Combination of transformer type and rectifier type welding machine.
Generator Type Welding Machine (Diesel Driven Type Welding Machine)
- Use diesel or gasoline to generate the welding machine.
Lamp Indicator – indicates that the machine is in “on or off” terminal.
Power on/off switch – controls the entire operation of the machine.
base metal –
the metal that is to be worked or welded
weld bead –
a deposit of filler metal from a single welding pass
weld defect–
an irregularity that spoils the weld appearance or impairs the
effectiveness of the weld or weldment by causing weakness or
weld line –
the junction of weld metal and the base metal, or the junction of
base metal parts when filler metal is not used
weldment –
an assembly or structure whose component parts are joined by
welding –
joining two metals by applying heat to melt and fuse them, with
or without filler metal
welding electrode – the current-carrying rod used to strike an arc between rod and
welding rod –
filler metal in the form of a rod or heavy wire
welding torch –a gas mixing and burning tool for the welding of metal
Driving NC II
Absolute Speed Limit – the maximum or minimum legal speed at which one may
Accident, motor vehicle – any mishap involving a moving vehicle and resulting in
Collision – any crash between motor vehicles or between a motor vehicle and
another object.
Driving License – A legal document in the form of plastic identification card and
official receipt issued by LTO authorizing a person to drive and operate a specified of
motor vehicle after satisfactorily completing and passing the standard requirements
as categorized either non-professional or professional proficiency level.
Defensive driving – being prepared to handle through any hazardous situation
caused by other users of the road.
Directional Signals – lights on motor vehicle or hand signals used to indicate left
and right turns and stops.
Driver – a person who drives motor vehicle and transport passengers and loads
over specified routes or destination for a fee.
Fare – refers to the price charged to transport a passenger.
Motorcycle – refers to a single passenger vehicle for operation on ordinary and
typically having two wheels and a gasoline internal combustion engine.
Public Utility Jeepney – refers to a locally manufactured and modified jeepney-type
vehicle intended to carry as much as prescribed and authorized by Land
Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board (LTFRB) as approved by the
Department of Transportation and Communication.
Regulatory Signs – traffic signs that tell what a driver must or must not do under
penalty of the law.
Automotive Servicing NC II
Light Duty Vehicles
These are motor vehicles whose gross vehicle weight is
equal or less than 3,500 kgs. Powered by a gas or diesel
Automotive Service
Refers to an all around auto serviceman that can perform
both mechanical and electrical as well as auto electronics
maintenance checking and inspection of motor vehicle.
Assesses vehicle problems, perform all necessary
diagnostic test or installation of accessories and competently
repairs or replaces faulty parts.
Substance used to hold gasket in place during assembly. It
also maintains a tight seal by filling in small irregularities on
a surface and prevents gasket from shifting due to vibration.
Braking System that automatically controls wheel slip or prevents
sustained wheel locking on braking
A transmission in which gear or ratio changes are selfactivated, eliminating the necessity of hand shifting gears
The amount of clearance or play between two meshed gears
Catalytic Converter
Emission The control device fitted in the exhaust system of
an internal combustion engine. The converter reduces the
toxicity of products of combustion by catalytic recombination
Charcoal Canister
Trap containing charcoal granules to store fuel evaporating
from a fuel system and prevent its loss to atmosphere,
particularly from a carburetor and fuel tank.
Electrical assemblies, circuit and system that use electronic
devices such as transistors and diodes.
Any air contaminant, pollutant, gas stream from a known
source which is introduced into the atmosphere.
Final Drive
The end of the drive train before power is transmitted
to the wheels.
Fuel Injection
An electronic system that increases the performance ad fuel
economy because it monitors engine conditions and
provides the correct air/fuel mixture based on the engine’s
demand. It injects fuel directly into the cylinder head
enabling more precise control over the quantity used.
A speed sensing device that employs centrifugal force and
spring tension to govern engine speed.
Hotchkiss Drive
The type of rear suspension in which leaf springs absorbs
the rear axle housing torque.
Intake Manifold
Tubing attached to the engine through which the air/fuel
mixture reaches the cylinder.
Ignition System
Electrical system devised to produce timed sparks from
engine spark plug. Consisting of a battery, induction coil,
capacitor, distributor, spark plugs and relevant switches and
Master Cylinder
The liquid-filled cylinder in the hydraulic brake system or
clutch, where hydraulic pressure is developed when
depresses a foot pedal.
Periodic Maintenance The regular servicing prescribed by manufacturer to
maintain the vehicle’s top performance.
Positive Crank
Emission control system that prevents crank case gases
from entering the atmosphere, usually by drawing the gases
from the crank case and feeding them into the engine’s
induction system.
Power Steering
Steering that has been designed to make the wheel move
more easily than in a manual steering system. Hydraulic
assists the process utilizing hydraulic fluid. The fluid
increases pressure in the power steering pump and aids in
the movement of the steering mechanism. This fluid, called
power steering fluid, is what is replaced at regular intervals
to keep steering soft and comfortable.
Super Charged
An engine that is similar to a turbo-charged engine which
uses a series of belts or chains from the crankshaft to turn
the turbines that forces the air/fuel mixture into the cylinder
heads under pressure creating a bigger explosion which
generates more power. A turbocharger uses the exhaust
gases to turn the turbines to create the same effect.
Type of construction in which the transmission and
differential are combined in one unit.
A device for automatic regulation of temperature
Turbo Charged
A performance-increasing turbine positioned in the exhaust
system. Expanding exhaust gases spin an impeller (very
small fan-type blades) at speeds up to 25 thousand rpm,
driving a similar compressing impeller. Compressed air from
the driven impeller is forced into the induction system, which
squeezes more air/fuel mixture into the combustion
chambers. With the greater charge of air and fuel, a more
powerful combustion burn results, thus more power. The big
advantage of the turbo over directly driven superchargers is
the increased efficiency, although there is a slight lag before
the turbine spins up and increases the power output.
Originally turbo were developed to enable aircraft to fly at
high altitudes, then they found use in diesel trucks and train
engines to increase their torque.
A four-joint cross-connected to two U-shaped yokes that
serve as a flexible coupling between shafts.
Sample Memos and Notices
Memos – solve problems, it is designed to be read quickly and passed along rapidly,
oftn within a company or work group.
Is a short of communication used within a company.
The memo heading includes the date, sender’s name and title, receipient’s
name(s) and the subject line consisting of ten words or less.
Part of Memo
Standard Memo –are divided into segments to organize the information and to help
achieve the writer’s purpose.
A. Heading Segment
The heading segment follows this general format:
TO: (reader’s names and job titles)
FROM: (your name and job title)
DATE: (complete and current date)
SUBJECT: (what the memo is about , highlighted in some way)
The purpose of a memo is usually found in the opening paragraphs and is
presented in three parts: the context and problem, the specific assignment or
task, and the purpose of the memo.
1. The context is the event, circumstance or background to the problem
you are solving.
2. In the task statement, you should describe what you are doing to help
solve the problem.
3. Finally, the purpose statement of a memo gives your reason for writing
is and forecasts what is in the rest memo.
C. Summary Segment
If your memo is longer than a page, you may want to include a separate
summary segment
All representatives
Papelmeroti, Sales Representative
18 November, 2003
ordering recycled paper from Brown’s
All representatives should be using recycled paper now. It is available through
the usual ordering system,but must be filled out on special order forms (sample
attached). Be careful when filling in the form to complete the following information.
1. Indicate the number of pages, rather than the number of packets.
2. Discounts apply if you order one month in advance.
3. Postage and freight must be added to every order.
All representatives can choose the colors of the paper they want to use. Once you
choose your colors, please stick with your choice.
Sample of Circular in workplace
Positions other than VSS/VSA
and VIS
Positions other than RTC
Chief/PTC Head
Recommending Approval
Senior Staff for R/PTC
Regional Director
4.2.5 An official or employee who is continuously absent for more than one (1) year or
intermittently absent for at least two hundred sixty (260) working days during a 24-month period
by reason of illness may be declared physically unfit to perform his/her duties and the head of
office in the exercise of his own judgment may consequently drop him/her from the rolls.
Approval of sick leave, whether with or without pay, is mandatory provided proof of sickness
or disability is attached to the application.
I. Identify the following:
_________________1. It refers to the dining room, helper and runner.
_________________2. It is also known as Chef de Etage.
_________________3. “To cook a food item partially and briefly.”
_________________4. A thin pancake made with egg, batter, used in sweet and
savory preparations.
_________________5. “To cook in a hot liquid with preparation.”
_________________6. A shorthand for electronic mail.
_________________7. The metal that is to be welded.
_________________8. A person who drives motor vehicle and transport passengers
and loads over a specified route and destination for a fee.
_________________9. A device for automatic regulation of temperature.
________________10. It is a short of communication used within a company.
I. Identification
1. Busboy
2. Captain Waiter
3. Blanch
4. Crepe
5. Poach
6. E-mail
7. Base Metal
8. Driver
9. Thermostat
10. Memo