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Personal Trainer Cranford NJ - 40 fit

8/16/22, 12:37 PM
Personal Trainer Cranford NJ | Fitness Training Beginers 40+ Year Olds | 40 Fit
Personal Training For 40+ Year Olds Personal trainer Cranford NJ
Looking for a personal trainer for women
Cranford NJ ? Our Expert personal trainer
cranford nj Provide: Cranford NJ Private
Fitness Studio, Personal Training For 40+
Year Olds. Customized personal fitness
training. cranford weight loss personal
training Cranford NJ.
Personal Trainer
in Cranford NJ
Let's Build Your Conf idenc e As A Te am And
Dis cover Your Full Pot ent ial
Pus h Your Fit nes s And Physique To The Next
Level And Eliminat e All Regrets​
Do It Now Before You're O ne Day Older And
Res et Your Clock Today
8/16/22, 12:37 PM
Personal Trainer Cranford NJ | Fitness Training Beginers 40+ Year Olds | 40 Fit
Who We Are In 70 Seconds
What Do You Want To Accomplish?
8/16/22, 12:37 PM
Personal Trainer Cranford NJ | Fitness Training Beginers 40+ Year Olds | 40 Fit
Margaret didn't t ouc h a weight until she wa s 40
years old. Look at her now; it's never too late
to star t .
Now, 10 years lat er, Margaret enjoyed the
quality of life improvements. She’s more mobile
and flex ible, and does n’t c onstantly feel “tight”
from the moment s he wakes up.
Margaret dis covered t hat she likes feeling
s trong, and s he likes c hallenging herself. Even
more, s he likes t he c ons t ant compliments she
rec eives f rom people around her : “I can’t
believe you’re in your 50’s !”.
In her 50’s, Karen want ed t o star t exercising in
the gym. She was alway s a r unner, but it wasn’t
c omplet ely s at is f y ing for her.
Karen want ed t o s t ar t get t ing stronger, but had
no idea where t o get s t ar t ed. For Karen,
s uper v is ion and an exerc ise plan that fit her
lifestyle did t he t r ick .
Karen can now lif t 170lbs at her current weight
of 110lbs, but her s t rengt h doesn’t stop there.
She is more phy s ic ally f it than she’s ever been,
and more ment ally empowered than she’s eve r
been in her life.
Paula Dropped 25lbs ​
In 3 Months
Beita Lost 5% Body Fat And 5
Inches From Her Waist In 6 Weeks
Rosele Lost 3 Inches From
Her Waist In 6 Weeks
8/16/22, 12:37 PM
Personal Trainer Cranford NJ | Fitness Training Beginers 40+ Year Olds | 40 Fit
40 FIT | Personal Training For 40+ Year Olds
What Is Your Main Priority?
What do you want to accomplish with my help as your personal fitness
trainer? Let me know all of your goals, and exactly what you want. The
better I know this information, the better I’ll be able to help you.
When it comes to life, your family and work are your main priorities.
Throughout the duration of our training, fitness needs to be a close
second. Friends, alcohol, and social eating need to be limited until your
goals have been achieved.
Let's Make Exercise More Engaging
In my 22 years of experience as a personal fitness trainer, there is one
main factor that keeps people away from gyms; they don’t like exercising.
This is consistently the biggest factor that keeps people from hitting their
After talking, it’s no surprise why they don’t like exercise. They’re doing all
of the wrong stuff; endless cardio exercises that hurt and exercises that
are too advanced.
Combine this with a lack of tangible results, due to a lack of knowledge,
and you’ve got yourself a recipe for failure. Let’s make exercise more
engaging. This way, you won’t lose focus.
Personal Training Space Is Limited
I can only work with a small number of people. This way, my schedule
can stay flexible and I can provide a higher quality service. With that
being said, personal training for beginners sessions is first-come, firstserve. If you're ready to take your fitness to the next level, apply to
start personal training today!
8/16/22, 12:37 PM
Personal Trainer Cranford NJ | Fitness Training Beginers 40+ Year Olds | 40 Fit
onal Training | About | Terms & Conditions |Privacy Policy | Contact
Location : 570 South Ave East, Cranford, NJ 07016
Phone: 908-313-