SERGEANTS TIME TRAINING WORKSHEET For use of this form refer to state training management sop; the proponent is NGOH-ART DATE OF TRAINING: 17MAY2021 PRIM TRAINER: CPL GILBERT STEPHEN Task Name & Number PLT/SECT/SQD: BLC 21-007 ALT TRAINER: N/A TASKS TO BE TRAINED Time Required Training Location METL Task Supported 113-COM-1022 (Perfom Voice Communication) HOR 30MIN BLC GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS SAFETY / RISK ASSESSMENT: (Also complete CRM Worksheet) List Any Safety Considerations For The Training To Be Conducted COVID-19, DEHYDRATION,SUN BURN,SPILLING DRINKS AND DROPPING RADIOS CONCEPT OF TRAINING: Briefly describe the general concept of how you plan to conduct your assigned training and your desired endstate Learn how to perform voice communication effectively with proper prowords,phoenetic alphabet and numerals. desird endstate is to have 100 percenttrained and pass rate RESOURCES NEEDED: Resource Type (PERS, TRANS,EQUIP, FAC, OTHER) EQUIP, PERS Resource Name RADIOS, SUNSCREEN, CALLSIGN CARD Quantity 1EA SET UP: Provide a brief statement of any setup that is required to prepare for training on this task RADIO NEEDS TO BE WARMED UP AND FILLED WITH SECURE CODE PRIOR TO TRAINING, CARDS PRINTED SUNSCREEN ACCESSIBLE PERFORMANCE TEST: List the method that will be used to evaluate soldiers performance of this task. DA Form 5164-R will be completed for each soldier evaluated. PERFORM RADIO TRANSMISSION WITH GIVEN DATA CARD RETRAINING PLAN: What is your plan to retrain soldiers who do not pass the performance test? SOLDIERS WILL REPORT NEXT DUTY DAY AT 0700 FOR RETRAIN ITEMS TO INCLUDE WITH THIS WORKSHEET: Preparation And Validation Checklist (AGOH Form 350-11-11) Composite Risk Management Worksheet (DA Form 7566) Copies of Each Tasks Training & Evaluation Outline Individual Soldier Evaluations (T&EOs may be used or DA Form 5164-R) NGOH FORM 350-11-7, JAN 2009 PREVIOUS EDITIONS ARE OBSOLETE