Uploaded by Jesus De La Cruz

Soda Can Calorimetry: Lab Worksheet

Soda Can Calorimeter
In this experiment, the specific heat of water and its change in temperature will be used to
determine the caloric content of a food sample. The normal unit for measuring the energy
content in food is called a Calorie (with an uppercase C). A Calorie is really a kilocalorie, or 1000
calories (lowercase c). During calorimetry, food burns and its stored energy is quickly converted
into heat energy and products of combustion (carbon dioxide and water). The heat energy that
is released is then transferred into the water above it in the calorimeter. The temperature
change in the water is then measured and used to calculate the amount of heat energy
released from the burning food. The heat energy is calculated using
Q = mCp∆T.
1 calorie (cal) = 4.18 joules (J) 1000 calories (cal) = 1 Calorie (Cal) = 1 kilocalorie (kcal)
1. Place a food sample on the food holder. Measure and record the combined mass of the food
holder and sample.
2. Using a graduated cylinder, measure and add 50.0 mL of water to an empty, clean soda can.
Record the amount of water you put into the can as grams (1mL = 1 g).
3. Bend the tab on the soda can and slide a stirring stick through the hole. Suspend the can on a
support stand using a metal ring. Adjust the height of the can so you can hold the food under it.
4. Insert a thermometer into the can. Measure and record the initial temperature of the water.
5. Light the food sample and center it under the soda can. Allow the water to be heated until
the food sample stops burning. Record the maximum (final) temperature of the water in the
6. Measure and record the final mass of the food holder and sample.
7. Clean the bottom of the can and remove any food residue from the food holder.
8. Repeat steps 1–7 two more times with two different snack food samples.
Pre – Lab
1. What is the First Law of Thermodynamics?
2. How are the particles in a hot object different from the particles in a colder object?
3. Explain how the heat gets transferred.
4. Why would it be important to make sure the flame is touching the can?
5. How many calories are in 1 Calorie (nutritional calorie)?
6. How many calories are in 1 Joule?
7. Convert the following values.
a. 500 calories = _________________ Calories
b. 435 calories = _________________ Joules
c. 0.23 Calories = _________________ Joules
d. 5671 Joules = _________________ Calories
8. Fill out the following table (you will need this for post lab questions)
Food Item
Calorie Content
(Calories per
Serving Size
Hot Cheetos
Fuel Value
(Calories per
Heat Value
(Joules per
9. The burning of a 0.37 g potato chip cause the temperature of 58.18 g of water in a soda
can calorimeter to increase from 21.5oC to 28.1oC. Calculate the amount of heat
absorbed by the water. The specific heat of water is 4.18 J/goC.
10. Convert the above answer to Calories.
Data Table
Food Item
Initial mass
(food and
holder (g))
Final mass
(food and
holder (g))
T1 (C)
T2 (C)
Mass of
Water (g)
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Post – Lab Calculations and Analysis
1. Calculate the change in temperature of water (T2 -T1) for each sample.
Food Item
Change in Temperature (T2 -T1)
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2. Use the heat equation to calculate the heat (Q) absorbed by the water in the
calorimeter for each food sample. Q = c m (T2-T1)
Food Item
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Heat absorbed
3. Subtract the final mass of food sample and holder from the initial mass to determine the
mass in grams of the food sample that burned in each experiment.
Food Item
Mass burned (g)
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4. Use the results from Questions #2 and #3 to calculate the energy content (fuel value) of
the food sample in units of Joules per gram (J/g). #2 / #3
Food Item
Energy content of food (J/g)
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5. Rank the snack foods in order of their average energy content, from highest to lowest.
Which snack food has the highest energy content? The lowest?
6. Compare your average energy content with the ones from the pre-lab. Do you think
your results are off on the high side or the low side? Consider the major sources of error
in this experiment. Explain how that can affect your results.