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What is a culture in microbiology?Method of multiplying organisms by letting them produce in a predetermined culture media under controlled laboratory conditions
What is pure culture?A single type of organism that is grown
What is the difference; between agar and broth?Broth- liquid media; nutrients Agar- jelly like substance derived from seaweed; thickening agent
Selective mediaPromotes growth of some bacteria and/ or limits growth of other bacteria
Differential mediamake it easy to distinguish colonies of different microbes
Supportive mediasupport the growth of many microorganisms
enrichment mediaencourages growth of desired microbe
What type of agar is TSATryptic Soy Agar (TSA)- supportive media
What type of agar is EMB?Eosin Methylene blue (EMB)- selective and differential
What is EMB selective for?EMB selects for gram negative bacteria
How does EMB differentiate between microorganisms?EMB differentiates based on Lactose fermentation
What color is E. Coli on an EMB plate?metallic green because it holds large amounts of acid
How do you label an agar plate?You write the name of the bacteria, date and on the bottom of the plate on the edge. Mainly so you can see the time it takes to grow and which bacteria your looking at
Name 3 ways to obtain a pure culture- spread plate - pour plate - streak plate
Pour plateSerial dilutions then final dilution added to molten agar which is poured over an agar plate
Spread plateSerial dilution then the final dilution spread on a plate
Streak plateOriginal culture directly diluted across a new plate with loop
What is the purpose of these techniques? (Pure culture)- the purpose in a clinical setting is to identify bacteria for antibiotic sensitivity
What is the definition of a colony in microbiology?A group of bacteria, fungi, and other microorganisms grown on a solid agar medium
True or false: you should always blow on your inoculation loop after hearing in the flame in order to cool it so you don't kill your specimenFalse
What is the purpose of a streak plate?Streak plates allow bacteria and fungi to grow on a semi-solid surface to produce discrete colonies
Name another means of steak plate that could achieve the same process?